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Nero Malitz_A01 1 13/5/05, 5:13 PM Blackwell Ancient Lives At a time when much scholarly writing on the ancient world is abstract and analytical, this series presents engaging, accessible accounts of the most influential figures of antiquity. It re-peoples the ancient landscape; and while never losing sight of the vast gulf that separates antiquity from our own world, it seeks to communicate the delight of reading historical narratives to discover “what happened next.” Published Nero Jürgen Malitz Tiberius Robin Seager King Hammurabi of Babylon Marc Van De Mieroop Pompey the Great Robin Seager Age of Augustus Werner Eck Hannibal Serge Lancel In Preparation Cleopatra Sally Ann-Ashton Constantine the Great Timothy Barnes Pericles Charles Hamilton Julius Caesar W. Jeffrey Tatum Alexander the Great in His World Carol Thomas Malitz_A01 2 13/5/05, 5:13 PM Nero Jürgen Malitz Malitz_A01 3 13/5/05, 5:13 PM © 1999 by Verlag C.H. Beck oHG, Müchen English translation © 2005 by Allison Brown BLACKWELL PUBLISHING 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5020, USA 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK 550 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia The right of Jürgen Malitz to be identified as the Author of this Work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published by Verlag C.H. Beck in 1999 under the title Nero English translation published 2005 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1 2005 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Malitz, Jürgen. [Nero. English] Nero / Jürgen Malitz (trans. by Allison Brown). p. cm. — (Blackwell ancient lives) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-2177-4 (hard cover : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 1-4051-2177-7 (hard cover : alk. paper) ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-2178-1 (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 1-4051-2178-5 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Nero, Emperor of Rome, 37–68. 2. Emperors—Rome— Biography. 3. Rome—History—Nero, 54–68. I. Title. II. Series. DG285.M3513 2005 937′.07′092—dc22 2004027395 A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library. Picture research by Kitty Bocking Set in 10.5/13pt Trump Mediaeval by Graphicraft Limited, Hong Kong Printed and bound in the United Kingdom by TJ International Ltd, Padstow, Cornwall The publisher’s policy is to use permanent paper from mills that operate a sustainable forestry policy, and which has been manufactured from pulp processed using acid-free and elementary chlorine-free practices. Furthermore, the publisher ensures that the text paper and cover board used have met acceptable environmental accreditation standards. For further information on Blackwell Publishing, visit our website: www.blackwellpublishing.com Malitz_A01 4 13/5/05, 5:13 PM Contents List of Illustrations vi Nero’s Family Tree vii The Roman Empire viii Timeline ix I Augustus’ Great-great-grandson 1 II Heir to the Throne 5 III Quinquennium Neronis 15 IV Matricide 24 V “What a loss for the theater” 36 VI The Princeps and the Populace of Rome 46 VII The Provinces of the Empire 53 VIII The Great Fire of Rome 66 IX Opposition 77 X Trip to Greece 88 XI The End of the Dynasty 99 XII Quo Vadis? Nero’s “Afterlife” 109 Appendix Suetonius: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars: An English Translation, Augmented with the Biographies of Contemporary Statesmen, Orators, Poets, and Other Associates. Nero (extracts) 114 Bibliography 163 Index 165 Malitz_A01 5 13/5/05, 5:13 PM Illustrations 1 Nero as a child 7 2 Agrippina 10 3 Nero and Agrippina: Aureus, circa 54–55 ce 17 4 Portrait herm of Seneca 22 5 Nero as Apollo with a lyre 43 6 The port of Ostia 51 7 Vaulted hall of the “Domus Aurea” 75 8 Late portrait of Nero 96 9 Peter Ustinov as Nero (Quo Vadis, 1951) 112 Malitz_A01 6 13/5/05, 5:13 PM s erius nnicu b a Ti rit B s u via udi Li Cla ∞2 gustus) Drusus Octavia u A us Caesar vius (Caesar Germanicus Caligula C. Juli ∞C. Octa ulia ∞Elder Younger ∞usJulia ∞Atia Scribonia ∞anius AgrippaJ Agrippina the ∞Agrippina the nobarbus (Nero) Balb us Vips 2 Ahe M. Atius C. Octavi Octavia niaM. or s consul 3 Domitius ∞ntony ∞Antomaj enobarbu L. Mark A omitius Ahenobarbusconsul, 16 BCE Cn. Domitius Ah o’s Family Tree D er L. N Malitz_A01 7 13/5/05, 5:13 PM IBERIAC a u c a s u s Albani MENRIAA Tigris Carrhae P a r t h i aEuphrates A RI SY Jordan A J UDAEA eSakcalB NTOUPSAPINAPOHGLAByzantiumAITALAGAncyra A S I ATaurusCymeICILICSamusPMHYALPMiletusIACIYLA LimyraRHODESCYPRUSea aeS Alexandria SAUETGPY Nile E S North Sea MARNEYGBaCheruscitaviRhinEelSbuegaUbiimbriTaunusMogontiacumianMMosNeilleneSeecMiakBnrcnoamaEebrunLaDGNCamuntumEINCSNORICUMAIazSsiRAETIATAINOLNLEIETAIAVNGANAPPSISHNATADTDRrEIARauNTAPAoSaveIURGILIALLAYMassiliaREdIDanubeTrCiRUUMBRIAMaUtRM O E S I AIiAcCORSICAROMATHRACSAMNIUMSePhilippiCAMECDAOMNIaPANIAA ApolloniaSARDINIA CorcyraA eNicopolisActiumgAIAeHCAthenaaAnSICILIA AMFeCRETERdiIteCrraAneanPROCONSULARIS500kmG a r a m a n t e s U BRITAIN GALLIA LoireLUGD AQUITANIA Tarraco 0 e Ebro ir p A t l a n t i c HISPANIDueroA TAUSITANIAR R AmeritaTCajoONENBAETICASISGades Gaetulre he Roman Em L E T Malitz_A01 8 13/5/05, 5:13 PM Timeline 37 Nero (until the year 50 his name is officially Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus) is born as the son of Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus and Julia Agrippina (twenty-three years old at the time) in Antium (December 15). 37–41 Reign of Caligula. 41–54 Reign of Claudius. 49 Claudius marries his niece Agrippina. Seneca be- comes Nero’s tutor. Nero performs in public for the first time. Nero is engaged to Octavia (about ten years old), daughter of Claudius. 50 Claudius adopts Nero (February 25). 51 Nero comes of age, a year earlier than is usual. He speaks before the Senate. 53 Nero marries Octavia. The Parthians invade Armenia. 54 Claudius dies (October 13). Nero is named princeps. His advisors are Burrus and Seneca. His “policy statement” is well received. Agrippina has Junius Silanus murdered since he is a rival. The Parthians occupy Armenia. Corbulo is appointed commander- in-chief in the eastern provinces. 55 Britannicus dies. Seneca publishes De clementia. Agrippina is stripped of her power. Nero falls in love with the freedwoman Acte. Malitz_A01 9 13/5/05, 5:13 PM x timeline 56 Nero’s nightly escapades in Rome. Senatorial de- bate on secondary issues is viewed as a sign of a new liberality. 57 A new amphitheater is built. Generous gift of money (congiarium) to the people of Rome. 58 Nero supports impoverished senators. Corbulo dis- ciplines the troops before starting his campaign and then conquers Artaxata, the capital ofArmenia. Nero receives decrees of honor. Nero declines oppor- tunity to be a consul for life. Seneca is attacked. Poppaea Sabina becomes Nero’s lover. Thrasea Paetus enters the Senate. 59 Agrippina is murdered. Nero’s first semi-public performances as a singing kithara player and char- ioteer at the Juvenalia games. Corbulo conquers Tigranocerta in Armenia. 60 Corbulo installs Tigranes as king of Armenia. The “Neronia” games are held. Rubellius Plautus is exiled as an alleged rival. 61 Revolt of Boudicca in Britain. 62 The maiestas law (high treason law) is reinstituted. Burrus dies. Faenius Rufus and Ofonius Tigellinus command the praetorian guard. Seneca withdraws from public life. Cornelius Sulla is executed as a rival in Massilia, as is Rubellius Plautus in Asia Minor. Nero gets divorced from Octavia and she is executed shortly thereafter (June 9). Nero marries Poppaea Sabina. Praetorian prefect Ofonius Tigellinus has a growing influence on Nero. New fighting ensues against the Parthians after Tigranes is driven out. 63 Birth of Nero’s daughter Claudia Augusta, who dies a few months later. 64 Nero performs publicly as a kitharode in Naples for the first time. Sudden postponement of his planned trip to Greece. The Great Fire of Rome (July 18–19). Christians are executed as alleged Malitz_A01 10 13/5/05, 5:13 PM

The fifth Roman emperor, Nero has gone down in history as the archetypal narcissistic tyrant. In this fascinating new biography, Jürgen Malitz invites readers to reconsider Nero’s reputation. Malitz focuses on the growing tension between Nero’s artistic tendencies and the political ro
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