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AND OF ENSLENIA ALBIDA NEOTYPIFICATION CYNANCHUM NEW AMPELAMUS FOR A COMBINATION IN ASCLEPIADOIDEAE) LAEVE (APOCYNACEAE: Alexander Krings em Herbarium, Depart it > < . ' , genera of the trib rid i en Yiianclut. lie ( \m clamusalhidus{NunMV s r INTRODUCTION Gonolobus Cynanchum was originally described as laevis (Michx.) laeve Pers. namely due mixed elements on the type sheet, flow- Michx. in 1803. However, to gonocarpus (Walter) (Gonolobus (L) and angled uberosus R.Br. ers follicl. o\ - confusion has surrounded the cor- and Michx., Perry) leaves of G< olob u s a v s 1 1 1 I i i Woodson Drapalik 1969 1941, nomenclature of this entity (see Vail 1899, rect with Michaux's descrip- material more LB con< ling the detailed discu: ion for on elements corresponding accepted the Gonolobus Vail (1899) tion of laevis, known Ensknia belonging the taxon in her time primarily as the sheet as to Ampciawus and designated the appro- Britton albidus (Nutt.) albida Nutt. or priate elements on the sheer as he type lor ,onolobus lacvis Michx. An image ( i specimen of the is available in the IDC microfiche (#6211) set of the Michaux herbarium on 29 volume fiche of I. A type specimen wasnot designated by NurtalU 1818) in hisoriginal descrip- tion of Enskniaalbnlc! on ihc other hand, hough he alt clearly described 165) (p. the 5-parted corolla of linear-oblong and petals the entirely deeply free, bifid coronal segments of the species Based on Misdescription the "Genera North in of American Plants'XNuttall saw 1818), it is likely that he at least three specimens in the course of the work-presumably from collected the following localities: banks of the and river ScioU)"(c)hi(i,l.i.S.A), "m>ai Cincinnati (Ohio)"(U.5.A). Unfortunately, no specimens bearing these localities, or the distinctive asterisk notation used by Nuiiall on herbarium when new sheets describing genera or species, could be found PH-the at repository for the majority of types from his "Genera" (Penned 19%; Stuckey nosuch I960). In addition, specimens could be I BM found at (the eventual repository lor NuifalPs private herbarium and most post-"Genera" FGH, MANC1 collections), MO. and NY-all E, K, IV, potential 1 1, collections to host Nuttall material (Penned UU6:Stuckev Cowan U)60;Stafleu& The DWC, 1981). herbaria of and were Fl, P also contacted, but no were Sped mens received. Enslcn a\~ in collected by Nuttall in Arkansa "Genera") were found BM, G-DC, NY, and at however. two PI In addition, speci- I, mens from Ohio were found G-DC OXP respectively and Of two at the speci- mens G-DC, residing the one from Arkansas was at received by DeCandolle in and 1825 the one from Ohio in 1824. Unfortunately on labels both specimens are in DeCandolles hand and not in Nuttalls. Thus, from aside DeCandolle's word, no there is other evidence that Nuttall actually saw On the specimens. the other hand, no there reason is to believe that DeCandolle would forge the specimens' history. Nuttall apparently passed through Ohio only three times H Nov in his Jun-Jul Oct and Mar life: 1816, 1818, 18 (Pennell 1936). Interest- Ohio G-DC ingly, the specimen at bears inflorescences bloom. in lull In the northern United known he States, species to flower primarily through Au- is 1 gust (Gleason 1952). It is unlikely that flowering would ex-cur in mid-Oct through November or in early March. Thus, can be deduced that the material it is likely part o( Nuttalls original collection of the species the summer in of 1816, prior to his later description the novelty oi in his "Genera." In the absence any of other material with own labels in Nuttalls hand, the Ohio specimen at G-DC is here chosen as the neotype of Imslenui alhidci Nutt. should be noted It OXF however, that the Ohio may collection at also belong to Nuttall's original OXF 1816 collection. Aside from the species name, the specimen label bears the locality ("Ohio"), "com. Nuttall," and a year which could not completely make I The out specimen CT8?0"). also bears an inflorescence and lowers, leading to I Ohio the same deduction concerning potential year of collection as the speci- its G-DC men at homonym due an bnslcrua I.udovic. Unfortunately, to earlier u.o. Ral., : l. I name Emlcnia wa climbing milkweed the generic unavail the 1817), bl< toi m Ampdamus mud taxon Nuftall Ualnu ,qm ILL)) n .red that n In u! u< v< I Psammos (Ampelos [apnEkoQ = = sand) be used. Britton (1894) vine, [\)/aa|Lijio^] combination name. Unfor- validly published the requisite for the species first "Ampdanus: was genus This spelling tunately, Britton (1894) spelled the fol- lowed by Vail (1899) and appears again in the key to the Asclepiadaceae in How- genus and Gleason although not in the description of the species. (1952), made combination main- as Britton (1894) explicitly noted that he the "to ever, m- nam cm u Wxxl mi LHI Rafinesquesvci hin,t u auilioi- tain nam. t \ - < Ampdanus" an ortho- Shinners 1964; Liede 1997a, 1997b) hav< recoj lized as Ampdamus. graphic error to be corrected to names Numerous Gonolobus, authors have treated the respective in Ampdamus synonymy combination and within Persoon's 1805 of Enslenia, in Cynanchum (Michx.) based on Michaux's Gonolobus laevis (see laeve Pers., & Woodson Johnston 1941; Shinners 1964; Radford et 1968; Correll 1970). al. However, recent taxonomic advances are supportive of recognition of various m milkweed woimh ubim (lux climbing oiiioliiiiii n< •< (I ( 1 i i & Meve Although Liede (1997a) suggested caution 1997a, 1997b; Liede 1997). Ampdamu implied cceptance through regarding resurrection he list- of il I ubmU genus nopa and genera he tribe Asclepiadeae ing of the in a oi tin oi -a t \mpdumu albulu currently the "standardized lied. )0 |,i in us< s is \ 1 Weed America name (Patterson 1989) accepted by the Science Society of et al. Weakley, note and has additionally appeared in recent drafts in prep.), a (e.g.. name establishing the correct of the entity warranted. Resurrection of this is unispeci genus requires a new combination based on Gonolobus laevis Michx. fie TREATMENT SYSTEMATIC Ampelamus (Michx.) Knngs, comb. no\ laevis hum ISOUOyikim Licvc i.Mich.\J Syn. Pers., pl.l: 1:110. MPC UH-niTM'f #6211 120') ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Loan thank Paul Fantz, the lnterlibrary upport, or insight, I Carolina State University Libraries. Sigrid Liede, i kind searching assistance for in fe , arranging loans or digi al mages ol specimens ml heir col lections, thank David I i i Chamberlain John Fdmondson Edwards (MANCH), (K), (E1V), Sean David Goyder (MANCI (K), Stephen larns (GXP), IVta Haves Helen Hoy Rob (E), 1), 1 Huxley Fernand Jacquemoud (BM), G-DG). (G, Walter Kittredge (GH), James Lendemer Eoughtman (MANCH), (PH), Pindsey James Macklin (PH), Serena -Mm M Gad k one Simon Owens nei )\| in U Nie Dou- llei liri (K), >.< i ) ( e, ) Wood glas Stevens (MO), Roy Vickery (BM), and Emily (GH). Fred Barne and Eric Sundell provided thoughtful reviews of the manuscript. REFERENCES atophyta giov without ultivation in in - i .Mem.TorreyBot. Club 5:263-266. Boimm Note on genus /m/enw N.l I8 ( >4. the Nutt.Rulf louev Rot.C lub 21:3M. . rv CoRRiiL,DJ.andMC u p> Mll if,, ,,i JMt iRlmas Texas Research I r i i | ,, | , , | Foundation, Renner. 196Q a ml Dhai'aiik,DJ IM] ni hi ,[ ttli utheastern United ' i i States. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. EwAN,J.1974.Classicabotanicaamericana,Vol.3:AnelreMichanx,llotaBoreali-Americana. New Reprint, fascimile of the 803 edition, lafner Press, York. 1 ! m d GitAsoN,H.A 19S2 m, I i ; ' nit .f 1 1 i - ! lu ti a HI in >l 'hmioitheastern United mi ilne'n in N< t it I i 1| i - i I I I il I 'i in t a! A Harriman, N.A.I 981. generic index to the IDC microfiche (#6211) of the Michaux Her- barium arranged mh a lin it. ilfihib n n i'li ham's Flora Boreali- >i I i i i Americana,facsimil( fth editioi the fled (eneric name Published I I i by the Oshkosh. author, W m American Limr, S.I 997a. yn im h iad e limn uy infrageneric n in) gi. classi- \ i < l< t 1997b. Subtnbes and genera Lifdi, of the Asclepiadeae (Apocynaceae, S. tribe im In 4hJs3-247. ml. n ^ a \ I i i I -| I and Some new Liidi, S. U. Mivt. 1997. clarifications, species, and new combinations in Cynanchinae (Asclepiadai iGiHclehdw). apud tiorum [France]: C.F.Cramerurr Everest, E.R Flint, Forcella, D.W. Hal F. Composite 1989. weeds, of list revi and adi ord, A.E., H.E. Ahi C.R.Bei 1.196 s, f University of Chapel Chapel Press, Hill C Amer. Monthly Mag. North 81 Nuttall's /Mtierican plants. 9. 1 :, _.H.1964.Texas Asclepiad; lerthar Asclepias. ;ida 1:358 5 i eguidet Taxonomic -e:Aselectiv \.and Cowan. 981. literatui R.S. 1 and Vo is and collections with dates, ex taries :ypes, 1 Thomas 1816 Ohio ValU 1966. Nuttall's jckey, R.L. 1818,Castanea 31:187-198. "Genera" of A.M. 899. Studies in the Asclepiadaceae, IV. Bi. il, 1 prep. Manual of the flora of the Carolin ZAKLEY,A.ln Chapel progress, courtesy of the author, Hill. The North American Asclepia 30DSON, 1941. R.E. 193-244.

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