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Neonatology at a Glance This title is also available as an e-book. For more details, please see www.wiley.com/buy/9781118767436 or scan this QR code: Neonatology at a Glance Editors Tom Lissauer, mb, bc hir, frcpch Honorary Consultant Neonatologist imperial College Healthcare Trust London, uK avroy a. FaN aroFF, md, frcpe, frcpch eliza Henry Barnes Professor of Neonatology rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital emeritus Professor of Pediatrics Case Western reserve university school of medicine Cleveland, ohio, usa LaWreNCe miaLL, mbbs, bs c, mmedsc, frcpch Consultant Neonatologist Leeds Children’s Hospital Leeds, uK Honorary senior Lecturer, university of Leeds Leeds, uK JoNaTHaN FaN aroFF, md, jd Co-medical Director, Neonatal intensive Care unit Director, rainbow Center for Pediatric ethics rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Cleveland, ohio, usa Associate Editors NiCHoLas Hoque, mbbs, bs c, phd, mrcpch Consultant Neonatologist (Locum) Chelsea and Westminster NHs Trust London, uK moira a. Cro WLey, md Co-director, Neonatal eCmo Program rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital assistant Professor of Pediatrics Case Western reserve university school of medicine Cleveland, ohio, usa Third Edition This edition first published 2016 © John Wiley & sons, Ltd second edition © 2011 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd First edition © 2006 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd Registered Office John Wiley & sons, Ltd, The atrium, southern Gate, Chichester, West sussex, Po19 8sq, uK Editorial Offices 350 main street, malden, ma 02148-5020, usa 9600 Garsington road, oxford, oX4 2Dq, uK The atrium, southern Gate, Chichester, West sussex, Po19 8sq, uK For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at www.wiley.com/wiley-blackwell. The right of Tom Lissauer, avroy a. Fanaroff, Lawrence miall and Jonathan Fanaroff to be identified as the authors of the editorial material in this work has been asserted in accordance with the uK Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988. all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the uK Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. all brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author(s) have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. it is sold on the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services and neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for damages arising herefrom. if professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Neonatology at a glance / edited by Tom Lissauer, avroy a. Fanaroff, Lawrence miall, Jonathan Fanaroff ; associate editors, Nicholas Hoque, moira a. Crowley. – Third edition. p. ; cm. – (at a glance series) includes index. isBN 978-1-118-76743-6 (pbk.) i. Lissauer, Tom, editor. ii. Fanaroff, avroy a., editor. iii. miall, Lawrence, editor. iv. Fanaroff, Jonathan m., editor. v. series: at a glance series (oxford, england). [DNLm: 1. infant, Newborn. 2. infant Care. 3. infant, Newborn, Diseases–therapy. 4. Neonatology–methods. Ws 420] rJ251 618.92′01–dc23 2015008082 a catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. set in 9.5/11.5pt Times by sPi Global, Pondicherry, india 1 2016 Contents Preface vii Part 6 The preterm infant Contributors viii How to use this textbook xi 27 Preterm infants and their complications 66 About the companion website xiv 28 Lung development and surfactant 68 29 Respiratory distress syndrome 70 Part 1 Introduction 30 Temperature control 72 31 Growth and nutrition 74 1 Milestones in neonatology 2 32 Intraventricular hemorrhage and periventricular 2 Epidemiology 4 leukomalacia 76 33 Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) 78 Part 2 Perinatal medicine 34 Infection, jaundice, anemia, osteopenia of prematurity 80 3 Perinatal medicine 6 35 Apnea, bradycardia and desaturations, retinopathy of 4 Prepregnancy care, prenatal screening and prematurity 82 fetal medicine 8 36 Necrotizing enterocolitis 84 5 Maternal medical conditions 10 37 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 86 6 Intrauterine growth restriction 12 38 Outcome of preterm infants 88 7 Multiple births 14 8 Preterm delivery 16 Part 7 Neonatal problems 9 Birth defects and genetic disorders 18 10 Maternal drugs affecting the fetus and newborn infant 20 39 Respiratory distress in term infants 90 11 Congenital infection 22 40 Upper airway disorders 94 41 Jaundice 96 Part 3 Delivery 42 Neonatal infection 100 43 Specific bacterial infections 102 12 Adaptation to extrauterine life 26 44 Viral infections 104 13 Neonatal resuscitation and post-resuscitation care 28 45 Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia 106 14 Hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy 34 46 Inborn errors of metabolism 108 15 Birth injuries 38 47 Gastrointestinal disorders 110 48 Gastrointestinal obstruction 114 Part 4 The normal newborn infant 49 Cardiac disorders 116 16 Routine care of the newborn infant 40 50 Renal and urinary tract anomalies 17 Routine examination of the newborn infant 42 diagnosed prenatally 120 18 Neurologic examination 44 51 Renal and urinary tract disorders 122 19 Care and support for parents 46 52 Genital disorders 126 20 Feeding 48 53 Disorders of sex development 128 21 Minor abnormalities in the first few days 50 54 Anemia and polycythemia 130 22 Common problems of term infants 52 55 Neutrophil and thrombotic disorders 132 56 Coagulation disorders 134 Part 5 The sick newborn infant 57 Dermatological disorders 136 58 Seizures and perinatal strokes 138 23 Admission to the neonatal unit 54 59 Neural tube defects and hydrocephalus 140 24 Developmental care 56 60 The hypotonic infant 142 25 Stabilizing the sick newborn infant 58 61 Bone and joint disorders 144 26 Respiratory support 60 62 Hearing and vision 146 Contents v Part 8 Aspects of neonatal intensive care Part 10 Transport 63 Pain 148 74 Transport of the sick newborn infant 174 64 Pharmacology 150 65 Quality improvement 152 Part 11 Practical procedures 66 Critical incidents 154 75 Intubation and chest tubes 176 67 Evidence‐based medicine 158 76 Common practical procedures 178 68 Ethics 160 77 Umbilical catheters and intraosseous cannulation 180 69 Research and consent 162 78 Central venous catheters and exchange transfusions 182 70 Palliative and end‐of‐life care 164 79 Cranial ultrasound 184 71 Discharge from hospital 166 80 Amplitude‐integrated electroencephalography (aEEG) 188 72 Follow‐up of high‐risk infants 168 81 Perinatal neuroimaging 190 82 Echocardiography for the neonatologist 192 83 Gestational age assessment, BP, severity of illness scores, Part 9 Global jaundice treatment chart 194 73 Global neonatology 170 Index 196 vi Contents Preface This book provides a concise, illustrated overview of neonatal respiratory support, it is not a manual of neonatal intensive care, of medicine. We have divided all of neonatology into only 83 topics, which there are many. with each covered in one or occasionally two or three double pages. The book has been a collaborative project between editors and This has been a challenging exercise; it would have been easier to contributors from both North America and the UK. Where prac- write a longer book, but this format has forced us to identify the tices differ between the two sides of the Atlantic this has been most important points and omit unnecessary details. The book has acknowledged and described. This collaboration has been highly been designed to facilitate learning and to make it more enjoyable. educational and hugely enjoyable for the editors and contributors Modern education emphasizes visual impact and this is reflected as well as improving the book by forcing us to concentrate on the in this book. The layout, photographs and illustrations have been principles of practice instead of the details. chosen to assist learning and make the book attractive, stimulating This new edition has allowed us to update and revise the book. and interesting. In addition, there are specific aids to learning, with New topics have been added, such as amplified EEG and perinatal boxes to highlight key points and questions and answers. neuroimaging. The book covers the wide range of common or important Another new and innovative development is video clips to neonatal clinical conditions and their management. It also puts enhance the teaching capacity of the book, which have been pro- neonatology into context, with sections on its history, epidemi- duced by Dr Lawrence Miall. To help ensure that the book has ology, perinatal medicine and a global overview, together with the been thoroughly revised and updated, the editorial team has been care of the normal newborn and how to recognize the sick infant. enlarged and now includes Drs Lawrence Miall and Jonathan The challenging topics of ethical issues, research, quality assurance, Fanaroff as Editors and Drs Nicholas Hoque and Moira Crowley evidence‐based medicine, palliative and end‐of‐life care, autopsy as Associate Editors. and neonatal outcome are also considered. Practical procedures are We would like to thank our many colleagues who have given their described, including neonatal resuscitation and neonatal transport; time to revise or review chapters and offer advice on improvements. descriptions of cranial ultrasound, amplified EEG, neuroimaging Others have willingly contributed photographs and other images and echocardiography have been included to inform the practicing that enhance the book immensely. We are grateful to the many doc- clinician about them even if they do not perform these procedures tors, nurses and therapists whose positive comments about the book themselves. encouraged us to produce this third edition. We would also like to The book is written for pediatric interns and residents, medical thank our families for allowing us to spend so much time over many students, neonatal nurse practitioners, neonatal nurses, therapists years on this project. and midwives who care for newborn babies either on a neonatal unit or with their mothers in the normal newborn nursery (postnatal Tom Lissauer wards). For neonatologists, pediatricians and nurse tutors it will be Avroy A. Fanaroff a useful aid to teaching. Whilst the book describes the salient Lawrence Miall features of intensive care, such as stabilizing the sick infant and Jonathan Fanaroff Preface vii Contributors The Editors are indebted to the following for writing or reviewing Mark Kilby chapters for this edition, many of whom also contributed to previous Professor of Fetal Medicine, School of Clinical & Experimental editions of the book: Medicine, The College of Medical & Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK Mark Anderson Department of Fetal Medicine, Birmingham Women’s Foundation Consultant Paediatrician, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust, Trust, Birmingham, UK Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Perinatal Medicine – Part 2 Pharmacology Joy Lawn Tomoki Arichi Professor and Director of MARCH Centre, London School of Centre for the Developing Brain, King’s College London, St Thomas’ Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK Hospital, London, UK Global neonatology Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London, UK David Lissauer Perinatal neuroimaging Lecturer, Department of Fetal Medicine, Birmingham Women’s Denis Azzopardi Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK Professor of Neonatal Medicine, Centre for the Developing Brain, Perinatal medicine – Part 2 King’s College London, UK Hermione Lyall Amplitude‐integrated electroencephalography (aEEG) Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, London, UK Hannah Blencowe Congenital infection, Neonatal infection, Specific bacterial Research Fellow, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, infections, Viral infections London, UK Global neonatology Neil Marlow Professor of Neonatal Medicine, UCL Institute for Women’s Health, A David Edwards London, UK Chair in Paediatrics and Neonatal Medicine, Centre for the Developing Epidemiology, Outcome of preterm infants, Follow‐up of high‐risk Brain, King’s College London, UK infants St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London, UK Richard J. Martin Perinatal neuroimaging Director, Division of Neonatology, Drusinsky–Fanaroff Chair in Neonatology, Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, Afif EL‐Khuffash Ohio, USA Consultant Neonatologist, The Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Apnea, bradycardia and desaturations Ireland Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street, Dublin, Ireland Patrick McNamara Patent ductus arteriosus and Echocardiography Associate Professor of Paediatrics and Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Sharon English Staff Neonatologist & Associate Scientist, Hospital for Sick Consultant Neonatologist, Leeds Children’s Hospital, Leeds, UK Children, Toronto, Canada Palliative and end‐of‐life care Patent ductus arteriosus and Echocardiography Cath Harrison Liz McKechnie Consultant Neonatologist, Embrace Paediatric and Neonatal Consultant Neonatologist, Leeds Children’s Hospital, Leeds, UK Transport Service, Sheffield Children’s Hospital and Leeds Pain Children’s Hospital, Leeds, UK Transport of the sick newborn infant Naaz Merchant Consultant Neonatologist, West Hertfordshire NHS Trust, Watford Kathryn Johnson Hospital, Watford, UK Consultant Neonatologist, Leeds Children’s Hospital, Leeds, UK Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Centre for the Developing Maternal drugs affecting the fetus and newborn infant Brain, King’s College London Amplitude‐integrated electroencephalography (aEEG) Larissa Kerecuk Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Sam Oddie Birmingham, UK Consultant Neonatologist, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bradford, Renal and urinary tract anomalies diagnosed prenatally, Renal UK and urinary tract disorders, Genital disorders Stabilizing the sick newborn infant viii Contributors

Neonatology at a Glance provides a concise, illustrated overview of neonatal medicine. Written by leading international experts, it provides essential information on perinatal medicine, delivery, the normal newborn infant and neonatal problems encountered in neonatal intensive care units and their m
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