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Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism by Kwame Nkrumah PDF

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Preview Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism by Kwame Nkrumah

Be the seth Towanos cOLUSEAL sMuEbers, 1946 WHAT E atEAS Hy PUNTER Aer, 1840 RANA {4uToMoLRaruy), 1957 1 sprax of eREEvOD4, 1481 sexta wnat tu7s, 1983, consermncrans, 1964 NEO-COLONIALISM The Last Stage of Imperialism KWAME NKRUMAH a INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS NEW YORK = ‘This book is dedeated te the Brecdone Fiehters of Africa living and dead “The evens simencinme of finance-cagital cone seastatel nx for Bands wood cheating ap extremely {ntorsie reagork of clot ies a relationship which Involves ast nly th eal and medions capitals, but ils egen the vary sual hie, op the nue had 2nd on {Ee naie che iter are gate again other vaLioal Sesce [rues of flazncers forthe pari of te world and fhe right to rule ewer other countries these 80 factum Laken togeTher cxute che complete rmovetiow fl the pasceatng cane tw ee aie of imperial. ‘The signe nf the cies are a "ener enthusizs resinting is prospects, « pasionate deftrce of Denllinn, and creny pose camouflage of is eva ature? anes, Enporiaien, Contents Intzodnetion Altica’s Resources Obstacles to Bew: je Hrogeess Inperiatist Finnce 4, Monupoly Capitalism and the American Dollar 5. Phe ‘Tru behind tae Headlines Primary Rescuross anc Foreign Tateveste "Whe Oppenheimer Empire Foreign Investment in South African Mining [Angle Ametican Corporation Limited 1 The Diamond Groups ‘fining Inveseats in Central Africa 2. Companies and Combines 1 The Tir, Aluminior and Nickel Ciants Laon Miniére du Tiaut Kurang ootomie Prenuurer in the Congo Republi Monetan, Zones and Foreign Banke bay Brogineing C 18, The Mechaninns of Nec-Culoozalista Conetasion Bibliography Index « Inaustrie ‘The Eects ou Prinoary introduction °fuan neo-colonialise of today represents imperialism in it inal and pethaps its mos dangerous sg. In the past it was possble to convert a country upon which a neo-colonial rogime had been imposed—Typt in the ninctcenth century fs an cxaraple into # coloviat territory. Today this procets it no longer feasble, Old-fashioned colonialism is by no means entirely abolished, It still constitutes an Afeican problem, bat it is everywhere on tho rctcat. Onos a tonitory has become noraially independent itis no longer possible, a8 it wat in the fast eoncurg, to revetse the process. visting. colonies may linger on, But no new colonies will be created. In place of colonialism 23 the main instrument of impecalism we have neo-colonialism. ‘sscnee of neo-aolanalism is chat the State which is subject o itis, in theory, independent cad las alf the attward ltsppings of internacional sovereigary. In reality ite economic sytem and thus its political poli is directed fzom outside. "The methods aad form of this dizection can take vaeious stapes, Tor example, ia an extzeme case Ube troupe of the iinperial yovser may gurriten the territory of the aed-colonial State and enmrol the government of it. More often, however, rocolonislst control is exercised through econsanie of Monetary means, The neo-colonial Stace many be obliged to fake the manufactured products ofthe imperialist pve to the ‘clusion af competing prodtcts fiom elsewhere, Control over governement policy in the neo-colonial State may be secured hy parents towards the cost of cunning the State, by the pro~ vision of civil servants in positions where they can dictate policy, and by manetary control aver foreign exchange: thinigh the imporition of a banking system conttelled by the ionperial posse. “Where neo-colanialism exists the power exercising sonra is often the State which formerly culed the territory in qy-estion, but thicis not necensurily so. for evarmple, in the ease of South Vietnam the farmer ianperial power was France, Prt nen colonial control ofthe State hus nowr gone ta the United States Tris possible that neo-coldmial coatrol may be exercised by 2 ‘consortium of financial incerests which are not. specifically identifiable with sny particular Stute, The conceal of he Congo ‘by great international financial enacerns is a case in point. ‘The resuh of nco-eolonialism is that foreign capital is used for the exploitation rather than for the development of the lese developed parts of the world. fuvestment under neo-colonialism fnercases rather than decreases the gap botwreca the rich, and the ponr commtrien nf the world, The struggle uguinat aen-coloaiatis is not aimed at exchud- ing the capital of the develuped world from operating in less developed countries, It is vimed at preventing the financial [power of she developed countries being used in such a way a3 to impoverisk the lesx developed. Non-alignment, as pructied by Ghana and meny other countrics, is based om eo-aperution with all States whether they be capitalist, socialist or have a mixed ecomomy. Such a policy, therefore, involves forcige investment fruxo cupitalist countries, ‘but it must be invested jn accordance with national plan drawn up by the government of the noo-aligned Stale with its ‘own interests in mind, The inaae isnot what return the foreign innvestor receives on his investments, Ife may, in fuc, do better Tor himself if he invests in 4 nop-ligned emuntey than if he invests in 2 neo-colonial one. The question is one of power. ‘A State iu Lhe grip af aeo-colonialism is net master of its own Uestiny. It is this factor which mekes neo-cwlooialiam auch a rerious threat to World pesce, ‘The gravnl. of nuclear weapons wr sas made out of date the old-fashioned balance of power which revted vpon the ulliarate sanction of a major wae, Certainty of ‘ruil tose destruction effectively prevents either of the great Tver blues ftom threatening the other with tae possibilty of Piverld-wide war, and millicary ronfict hax Ginx become con- fined to ‘lnuited wars’, For these nco-culuaialiom ig the breeding ground. ‘Such sure can, of course, take place ia cuunaries which are pot nco-unlouidtist controlled. Indeed their object may be to fstablish in a amall but independent canntry 1 nev-colonialist regime. The evil of nea-colonialism iv that it prevents the Formation of those large units which would make inpossi ‘mited war’. To give one cxarople: if Africa wa united, no major power bloe Would atterapt to subdue it by limited war freeatse frum the very nature of Umited war, what can be achieved by it is itself Hrnited, fe is ancy where «anal Beates cenit that it is possible, by landing a few thousand marines or Dy financing a merconsry force, to seware 4 decisive result "he restriction of military action of ‘limited wars’ is, how- ‘ever, au guarantee of world peace and is likely to be the factor ‘which will uieaarcly involve the yreat power blocs in a world ‘war, however much both are detennined to avoid it, Limixed war, ance embarked upon, schieves a momentam of its own, Of chis, the war in South Vieunm is only ane aample, Ic cscalates despite the desire of the great power blocr to keep it liuiced. While this particular war may be prevented. fom leading to 4 world oonfict, the multiplication of similar Simited wars can nly have-one end—world war and the terrible eonsequences of nuclear confit. ‘Nev-coloniclism ig alsa the worst farm of iroperiatism, For thase who practise it, it means power without responsibility and for those who suffer from it, t meuns exploitation wichout edrose, In the days of old-fashioned culonialicn, the imperial power had at least th explain and justify ut home the actions fc ‘was taking abroad. Tn the colony those who served the culing imperial power evuld at least look to ite protection against any $lblent ntve by ter epponcnts, With neu-coloiaiam neither Above all, nev-colonialisn, like colonialian befate i, prst= ppones the facing of the sects: ismues wich will have to be faced by the fully developedl sector of the weld before the anger of word ‘ear ean be elininited or the problem if world poverty rosalred. Xeo-volonial?ir, like colenialinn, is an attemp: m export the sucial conflicts of che capiselist countries. The temaparury success of this policy ean be seen in the ever widening wep hoetween the richer and che poorer nations of he workd, But the inerual contradictions and conficts of nec-co-patalisar rmulke it wertain that it cannoe onduee ss @ permanent world policy, Ltow it shoold be brought to an end ts a prublear that shuuld he studied, shove all, by the developed nations uf the world, becmen it is they whe ‘ell feel the full impact af the tltinaite failure, ‘The Temger it contirmves the eruice certain i ix that its inevitahte collapse will destray the sutial system uf ‘whick they have made itz foundation, "Whe reason for ite devclopmort in the post-war perivi oa be briedly sumnmoerised. "The problem which taued the wealthy rations of the world at the en of ehe second world wt was ‘he impossiility of returning to the pre-war situation in which theve vas a grest gulf hutweer the Few rich und tle muy poor, Irrespective of what puricalur political party war in power, the Internal preseures in the rich countries of the warld were uch that av post-war capitalist coumery could survive unless ft Became a Welfare State. There might = dillereucee io degree in the extent uF the sccint enefis given to the ine duvtial und ogrivultural workers, but what was every here Jmpossibfe sua « return to the mais inersployenent und to the low level uf living of the pro-war yeurs, From the end of the nineteenth century omvards, eulonies had been regurlad usw sinirce of wexlth which could be use to mitigate the clus camBicty in the copitalie States and, as will he explained later, this policy hud some success, But it fled in its ulinate abject’ hecaume the pre-war capitaint States were so organized internally that the bulk of the profit rude from enlonial possessions found its way into the puckets tf the capitalist chins andl not into those of the warkers, Fur fom achicring the abject intended, the working-class pares at tes end t eo thee fees th thee of the onal peoples and the ienperialist powers foun chemselves SSgpeed upon a cooflet on vo fronts, at home with tel own Soners end abroad against the growing forves of colonial Bhesation "Phe post-war period inaugurated a vecy different colonial policy. “A deliberate arcempt vas made divert colonial Errangs from the weatthy cass and use therm instead generally fo finance the "Welfare State, As wil he seen ftom the tramples given lar, thin was the method consciously adopted fen hy those working-clas leaders who had before the war ‘egarded tae cclonial peoples ux theie natura allies against theiz fapinisc encmics at haroe Tar fst it as premmaed tat tis obj could be achicwed by maintaining the pre-wae colonial system. Experience soon proved iiutatterupts 20 do ao would be disastrous and youl aly provehe colonial wars, thus dissipating the andcipated gains feoas the continuance of che colonial regime. Britain, in paricular, realised thie at an eatly sage and the corteciness OF the Bitch judgement at the time has subsequently been emunsinted by the defeat of French colonialism in the Par Bast und Algeria and the flare of the Dutch to retain any af thee furmer colonial empire “The system of nco-colonialisas as chercfore instituted and in the dioct rau it has served the developed powers adaurably. Te is iy the fong ran that its consequences are likely 10 be cntastrophio for them. ‘Net-colonttism ie based upon the principe of bresking up formes lente uniced colonial tersioris ito a robe of small froneviable States which are incapable of independent develop ment and must rely spon the former imperial power for defence and even intemal security. ‘Their economic and Bancial systeme ate linked, an in colonial days, with those of the former colonial wler ‘At fist sight the scheme would sppear to have, many sdvancages for the developed conntries of the word. All the ross of nco-enloniahiem ean he wecuzed if, in any given ure 4 reasonable propanion of the States have a neo-colonialist system. Tc is not nsceseary that they aff should have anc. Unless small Stutev can coinbiue they must be compelled to sell their priory produces at prices dictated by Une developed nations and buy their manufactused goads at the prlocs faxed by them. So long 2» neo-colonialism can prevert polidal and economic conditions fr aptirmuma develaprnerst, che developing ccmuntries, whether tkey are under nap-colouilist conto: ot not, will he unable to create » large enmigh anutket t9 support indostratiztion, Tn the sums way they will lick che financial strength ¢9 force te develaped countries 10 acexpr their primacy products ata fie prive In the noo-colonialist ceretories, since the former coloniat power has in theory relinguished political cortsal, ifthe social ronditions accasioned by ase-colonivtisma cause'a sevele the lncal nep-colonislist government can be wietilived and ancther equally subservient one substituted in its place. On the other hand, io say continent where nev-colus iin exists on a ide seale the eame social pressures which ean produce revelts in reo-anlanial territories will aso affec: Uaose Saces which have refused 19 acoept the system and therelore neo-colonialist rations have 2 rcadyscade weapon with which tiey can sbroaten their wpponeuts if Ciey apyeur suecenetully to Le challenging the syscem, 78 These advantages, whick scum al Urs sight so obvious, are, however, on exnziaslims, ilusory Weave they Lil w the into cousiderstion the fucls uf the world today. ‘The intrnfuction 12 vee-cntoniatism inerewes the rivalry between the great posers which was provoked hy che nld-style calanislins. However isle res! paver the gaverneneet, oF a ev-colunialist § ay possess it must have, fram the very fact of its nominal independance, a certain arca af manceuvre. Te may not be sble 9 cxitt without a nen-celanial’st master Int it may sill have the ability to change raaseers ‘The ideal nco-coloniatist State would Fae ome which was shally snbserviont to neo-colanialst interests et the existent of the sncialist nations makes it impossible to enfurce the full gout af the neo-calonislise system. ‘Phe existence of an rT alkerntive system i feel a challeuge co the neo-sooniaist, eginc, Warnings abour “the dangers of Communist sub- Jurdon’ are fikely wo be ewo-edged since they bring to the Totier of those living under a nea-coloniais: sysizas dhe porsbiiy af a change of regime. Tn fuel neoeeo'onia sm isthe erin of its own contradictions. In urder co make i attractive to those upon who its practiced it must be shown as capable of raising their Hving standards, but the cconomie abject of feo-ovlonatin: ie to keep thust stuulards depresed in the Interest of the developed emmaries. Ic is only when this con- tradiction is understood that the failure of jncemershle ‘si programe inany of them well itenvioned, em he exalained Te the fest place, the ralers uf neo-colonial States derive thelr murily to govern, pot from the wil of the people, but from the support which they ol. [rom thelr neo-coonialise asters, ‘They have therefore litle interest in developing uration, strengthening the bargaining power af their workers fmplosed by expatriate fines, ut indeed of taking any step ‘which owuuld challenge the enlaxial pact of commerce and Industy, which it fs the object uf nebscolonialism tu preserve, “Rid, therefore, to a neo-ovloaial State is merely a revolving creiit, paid by the nco-colanal easter, posting tough the deo-cclunil State and reruroing tothe aeosclanial master in the form of increased profits Beownly i isin the field of aid’ atthe sivary of individual developed States fist manifess ill, So long a# neo-coloniah dum persia so long ill spheres of interest persist, und this saakes mullateralaed—wbich isin fac the only effective fama af sid isnpossible nee muller aid begins the neoscolonialist masters are faced by the houtlty of the vested intercats in their own eounuy, Their manufaerers astuallyobjoct to any attempt to mise the pric of the rine oatesils Which they obtain fruin the nevolonili territory ia question, or tothe establishment there of manofacnuing industries ‘which might compete Aliretly oe indirectly with their own exports to the territory. ven eduostion is suspeut as Likely co produce a student ‘ovement unl itis, of cours, true that in many less developed counuries the students have been ia ube vanguard of the Fight agains! neu-colemialism, ‘Tn che end she situation arices that use only repr of sid which the neo-culonialist masters consider 26 safe is “alitary aid ‘Once s n2o-colonialst teevttory is brought ta sueh a stare of evonoinic chuoe and misery that tev}! actually breaks out then, and only then, is thece no Fimit ta the generosity of tae loais] overlord, provided, of coors, thaw the: irmds supplied are udlised Cxctusively for military pargows. Miliary aid in fact murks the kuse stage uf 2u-colonistiee, and ite effect is vell-destruutive. Sonner wr leter the weapwins uppiied pass into the funds of the opponents af the neo colonialist rogime end the war izelf inerexses the social misery which originally provoked i Neaeco‘cnialism is a gill-tone wraund the necks of te developed countries which practise i. Luless they cat rid themselves of it, iC wil drow them. Peevively uke develuped powors could escape from the contradieuuns of nou-colonishiam hny substituting for it dicect colunfalis, Sucl we solusion is longer possibic and the reasons for it have heen wel. explained by Mr Owen Tattimare, the United Staves Fer Eyster expert an adviser to Chiang Kai-shek ia the inumediute pust-war pesied. [le wrote: sin, which war so oasily and. swiftly subjugated eonquerors in che cightcerth and wineteeth centuries, di played an acoazing abilicy stubboenty to resist moders armies equipped with acraplenes, tanks, motor Velicles tnd mobile anillery Formerly big tersitoties were cunguered i Asia with small forces. Ihoame, frst of all froat plunder, then frac direct taxes and lastly fro trade, eapital javestinents an ong-term exploitation, covered with incredible speed the eqpendinrre for milisary operations. ‘his exilhnaeie repre- sented a great temptation 0 strang countries. Now they uve Fun up agkinst another avithmeti, mal it diccourayes thera’ The sane aricametic is Tikely to apply theouglout dhe less developed werd, ee ‘This book is thereforean attesept tv examine neo-cuboeiaBisn sot only in its Aeian content and fs relatin to Afcives way ‘but in World perspective, Neo-coloaialie is hy ao oreans ‘exclusively an Africin questca, Long before it was prictised on any Forge talon Aftic it wns sm eelablishel system ia olker pais of the world, Nowhere has it proved succesful, citer ia Tsing living standards or in ukinwtely benefiting te Countries which have inlged ini IMucx prodictad that the grovsing gap beoween the wealth af the possessing elasses and the Workers it employs would tldnacely produce a conflict fatal co captain. each individual capitalist State "This confer betweca the sich znd use poor has now been transferred on tothe intoraational soene, but for pou! of what jn acknowledged to be happening it iso lorges necessary to onal the classical Marist writers, The situation is set aut ‘with the vemos arity in che leading organs of capitalist opinion. Take for example the Jollowing extencts from The Well Street Fourna, cas rispaper which petiaps bes reflects rined States enpitalise thinking Tn ite none of 12 May "983, under the headline of Poor ‘Nations’ Plight, the paper firx axalyses ‘wich countries are ‘considered ‘industrial and sehich backward. There is, if explains, ‘no tigid mnethod of classifica’, Nevertheless, it points nu: ‘A generally used breakdown, however, lns recently been muiistuined by che Intemational Monetary Fund becvase, in the words af an IMF olfical, “the econwimie deanuteution in the world is getting increasingly apparent.” ‘Phe breck- down, the offal says, “is bused on shnple voanoc In the TMP’s view, the industril uoontriew are the United Stars, the United Kingdura, anust West Turopesn ‘ations, Canade apd Japan. A special cetugory called "other developed areas” iclutles such uther European lands as Finland, Greoee and Ticland, plus Sustralis, New Zealand and Socth Africa, The IMF's “less developed” exapory ee cemufyaces all of Latin America and newly all of the Middle ast, non-Comsounise Aeia and frica In other words the ‘backward’ omuntries are those simated fn the nev-colunial areas, Aller quoting figuies to support its argument, The Watt Sercet Journal comnments 00 this stuulio “The industrial nations tave added pearly $2 ‘illion to their reserves, which now approxitaats 852 billion. At the seme time, the reserves of the less-developed group not. my Ihave stopped rising, but hive declined some S20? milliun. ‘Te analysts such ss Britain's Miss Wand, the signifcanve of such statistics iv leur: the evonemic gap is rapidly widen. lng "benween a white, cumplacenr, highly bourgeois, ve ‘wealthy, very small North Atlantic lite and everybody else, and this is not a very comfortable heritage to leave to one’s chikien.” “Everybody else™ includes approximately two-thirds of the popmlatiom uf the eesth, spread through about 100 This is no new problesa, Ja the opening paragraph of his books, The War on World Poverty, written in 1953, the present Britith Labour leader, Mr Harold Wilk, sumauarised the rmgjor problem of the warld as he then save it “Bor the vast majority of mankind the most urgent problem ix noe war, ar Communism, or the cost of living, br taxation. It is hunger, Over 1,500,00,XN) people, som thing like two-thirds of the world's population, are living in conditions of weute Luager, defined ir terms of identifiable nutritional disease, This hunger is at the sowe Gane che effet and the cause of the poverty, squalor and misery im which, they live. Tis consequences ure fikewise underseued.’The correspondent of The Wal! Street Journal, previously quoted, underlines the many diplomats and cconomists view the implications as overwheltingly—and daungerously—political. Unless the present decline can be reversed, these analysts fear, che United Srares and. other wealthy industeial powers of he ‘West face the distinct possibitity, in the words of British economist Barbara Ward, “of a vant of international class What is lacking are sny positive proposals for dealing with the situation, AL thet The Wall Street Fournal's correspondent ean do is to point out that the traditional methods tooam— mended for curing the evils are only likely to trake the situation worse. Te has heen argued that the developed oations shonld ffoctively atsiat die poorer purts of the world, und that the Whale World shoul be tumed into a Welfare State. However, there seems litle pruspeve that anything af this sort could be achieved. The so-called ‘aid? programmes to help hackward ceonomies tepresent, aevordiny to a rough UN. sstivoate, only fone half of exe per cent af the total income ni industrial countries, Buc when it epmes to the prospect of increasing much fd the mtood is one uf pessimism: "A large school of thought holds that expanded share.the- vweulth schemes are idealistic and impractical, This school eontends climate, undeveloped kumar, skills, lack of natural resources and other faclors-aot just lack of money-~ retard economic progress in mary of these lands, and that the ementrics lack personel with the training or will to use vastly expanded sid effectively, Share-the-wealth schemes, sccurding to this view, would be like pouring maoney down u Tottomless well, weeakening the douer mations without effectively curing the ills uf the recipients.” ‘The absurdity of thin argument ia dernonstrated by the fact that every one of the reasons qaated 1 prove why the Ics developed parts of the world cannot he devcleped applied equally strongly 10 the present developed countries in che Pesiod prior to their development. The argument is only true i this sense. The less developed warld will not become Aeveloped through the goodwill er generosity of the developed powers, Il cin only Wecome develaped Suough a struggle pavinst the external forcep shel ties © vessel ineeres. in keeping it undeveloped, Gf dhese favors, nest-colonialion ig, «7 is staye of Ftury. the principa L propose re analyse nen-culonic.ism. tr el the Afrienn enuiuent read showy he at the moment keeps at artiécally pone. Next, 1 propos shoo how in pectic Alsiean Unirp, wksck in sei can ony stublished by the deceit of ren-ealeriuliom, cancd immer Taine African living statabucls, Pram his xceirning, T propose fo exarcine new-colonialism generally, frst Pistorically esd thea by @ cansigerulion of the gris iotercatiwned :nonopolies shove coprimued stzunglehald an tke 2en-nchinial sectors a the world enaures the eaatirnatice ob Ux system sy examining the eacccolenialsera, De NEO-COLONIALISM. ‘The Last Stage of Imperialism

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