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JVCJVcA JY£W3 VOL 62 February 2008 (Winter) NO. 1 © NEN/V'NC- The President's Comments by Bob Hewey It Doesn't Hove to be fill Greek to You! Book review by Jan M. Dyroff NENfi Medal Design Contest $1,000 ffNfl Scholarship Kittredge Foundation by Matthew F. Erskine, Trustee NENA News 1 NORTHEAST NUMISMATICS, INC. ACTIVE BUYER AND SELLER OF ALL BETTER UNITED STATES COINS Collectors, Dealers and Investors have been dealing with Northeast Numismatics, Inc. for the past 40 years we have been in business. If you are buying, we have an inventory of over 2,000 NGC, PCGS and ANACS coins that change daily. For a free list and to receive a periodic listing of our current inventory, we request your address or fax number. We also service want lists on an aggressive basis. Visit us at www.northeastcoin.com. We update daily! If you are selling, we would like to be given the opportunity to purchase your material. It does not need to be certified. Single coins or complete collections, we will buy it all! With a high percentage of our business being with other dealers, doesn’t it make sense to deal with Northeast Numismatics, Inc. directly? We invite you to see us at major shows, call, fax or write us today. Authorized dealer in all major grading services. 10 Concord Crossing, Suite 220 Concord, MA 01742 1-800-449-2646 978-369-9155 978-369-9619 (Fax) info @ northeastcoin.com Thomas Caldwell www.northeastcoin.com ANALM #1318 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NEW ENGLAND NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION www.nenacoin.org PRESIDENT Robert Hewey (term expires 2008) VICE PRESIDENT Bill Harkins (term expires 2008) TREASURER Robert S. Anderson (term expires 2009) DIRECTORS Prue Fitts (term expires 2008) Ernie Botte (term expires 2008) John Kiley (term expires 2008) George Bilodeau (term expires 2008) Steve Pearsall (term expires 2009) STATE DIRECTORS Connecticut Joseph S. Duval (term expires 2009) Maine Currently Vacant Massachusetts Jack Haroian (term expires 2008) New Hampshire Robert F. Fritsch (term expires 2009) Rhode Island Richard Lavimodiere (term expires 2009) Vermont Peter Irion (term expires 2009) NENA NEWS EDITOR Joseph S. Duval P. O. Box 28 Willimantic, CT 06226-0028 email: [email protected] MEMBERSHIP Robert S. Anderson P. O. Box 920586 Needham, MA 02492-0007 YN ACTIVITIES Jack Haroian MEDALS COORDINATOR Robert S. Anderson HISTORIAN Jan Dyroff WEBMASTER Steve Pearsall NENA NEWS is the official publication of the New England Numismatic Association (NENA). It is published quarterly and mailed to all members of the association in good standing. For information about NENA or this publication, write to: NENA NEWS, P. O. BOX 920586, Needham, MA 02192-0007 NENA News 3 President's Comments by Bob Hewey T hese are exciting times looks rather shaky at the for numismatist. Last moment and the stock market issue I mentioned has taken quite a tumble. And skyrocketing precious metals, now we hear that NGC has and that was before gold topped reported counterfeit slabs $925. Two exceedingly rare containing counterfeit coins. 1969-S double die cents were At NENA, the board has found in the space of a few gotten word that the late John months and more Presidential Kittredge, long time member of Dollar errors have appeared, NENA, is making a major showing that there are still finds contribution via his estate to to be made from circulation. fund a permanent home for The coin market is certainly NENA and other clubs in the robust, with new records Worcester, Massachusetts area. recorded with each major In addition, he is looking for a auction and good attendance at permanent place to house his coin shows. extensive collection of On the other side of the European Crowns and Thalers coin (so to speak), the economy for access by the public. And, 4 Nena News additional funds may provide will be Saturday, October 11. scholarships for NENA Once again, we will have a members to attend ANA competition for a design for the presentations. annual medal. Send in your Speaking of suggestion with a New England scholarships, look elsewhere in theme by April 1, 2008. Your this issue for the announcement design may win you a set of and rules for a scholarship to medals. the ANA Summer Seminars Finally, check out our donated by Prue and Arthur web site www.NENAcoin.org. Fitts. Deadline for applications Our new webmaster, Steve is April 1, 2008 Pearsall, will be making major NENA’s 2008 improvements. If you’d like to Convention and Annual see something added, send him Meeting will again be held in a note. conjunction with the New It may not be the best of Hampshire Coin and Currency times or the worst of times, but Expo. While the location is still they sure are interesting times! up in the air, the date chosen - Bob Hewey NENA News 5 It Doesn't hove to be fill Greek to You Book Review by Jan M. Dyroff Wayne G. Sayles, Ancient Coin Collecting II: Numismatic Art of the Greek World. Iola: Krause Publications, 2007. $29.99 T his book is the second has to be taken into account. edition of the Greek There is a curious connection portion of Mr. Sayles’ six between numismatics and volume series on ancient coin history, because the coins can collecting. He has written over pin down rulers and dynasties, two hundred articles on ancient clarify trade routes and coin collecting, in addition to his economic ties, and, indeed, book Classical Deception. In uncover “new” cities and addition to founding nations. The Celator (the monthly Additionally, the subject magazine for collectors of matter is vast. It is impossible classical coins), he co-authored for one person to be with the late William F. Spengler knowledgeable about all issues the series on Turkoman figural that fall into the Greek category bronze coins. (as a case in point, the British One of the points made Museum collection is published early on in this book is that in about thirty huge volumes, while ancient history has not and that’s just the tip of the changed much in the past few iceberg,). While many studies years, there have been additions have been done in the last to our knowledge of certain quarter century, it is a tribute to series of ancient coins, and that the quality of research and Continued on Next Page 6 Nena News downright tenacity that many of the studies done fifty or a hundred years ago have not been superseded. As an example of the question of timeliness, there is the matter of the coins of Bactria, which was Hellenized after Alexander the Great conquered the area (Bactria is still in the news, comprising parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan - indeed one of the most important archeological sites there is under a runway of a is, where it came from, and U.S. air base). After Alexander what we know about it. left, the region, unsurprisingly, Recognizing that many broke down into a number of people like to collect by region kingdoms and satrapies. Mr. (or city or state), he has Sayles uses the most very recent included a list of mint cities for work of Robert Senior and Brian each, as well as maps which Kritt to bring his reader up to identify the major coining speed. centers of the region. This is a In this volume we have a very helpful feature inasmuch very good introduction to as the geography of Greece can collecting Greek coins. Mr. be confusing (particularly in Sayles focuses on textual and antiquity when due to conflict bibliographical references. or treaty boundaries changed Think of each one of his sections with regularity). as an information pyramid, with Mr. Sayles most an illustration and identification importantly focuses on the of the coin at the top, then a concept of numismatics as art. descriptive paragraph or two, While coins may aid the and finally a bibliography to archeologist or historian, they finish it off. Simply put, he are also in the bailiwick of art answers the questions of what it history. All of these coins were Continued on Next Page NENA News 7 struck from hand-carved dies to get anyone started. I suppose by an artist known as a celator. that Mr. Sayles’ work begins to The designs and fabric of many answer the question of what it Greek coins are unparalleled. is all about. His summaries of Celators also engraved gems myths (with illustrations from and seals, so numismatics ancient red ware vases are begins to merge with artistic delightful), and his biographies disciplines. are cogent and not at all Allied to this concept is overwhelming. the notion that you ought to Clearly, one of the know what the coins are all difficulties in dealing with about, and this you learn from Greek coins is intrinsic in their the designs. One of the trade nature - the inscriptions (if any) coins of antiquity was the are in Greek (often Athenian tetradrachm (Athena abbreviated). Mr. Sayles has on the obverse, and an owl with addressed this stumbling block the letters alpha, theta and by including Latinized names epsilon on the reverse). To or texts along with the Greek. appreciate this silver piece you This is a wonderful and ought to be aware Athena was practical notion, except that his the patron of the city and that Latinizations are, at times, the owl was her symbol. I quirky and not in line with what mention this because the “owl” you would see in sale catalogs is one of the most recognized or many of the standard ancient coins. But every place reference works. had its own patron with his or His bibliographies are her symbol. Mr. Sayles takes extensive and clear, except us through the major points of when it comes to abbreviation mythology and symbols as they of periodical titles such as apply. “BAR”, “SNR”, “SAN” or This book is not “NNM.” Some you can guess intended to be a reference at, while others remain a source for any one topic or mystery. There should be a list coin; however, there are enough of commonly used illustrations, lists of mints, abbreviations. explanations of alphabets, and Actually, the only real correlations of denominations blooper I found in this book 8 Nena News Continued on Next Page was on page 89, where there on the top of page 88 and was a section on Magnesia in depicts a “sensitive portrait of Ionia. In the text there was Apollo Grynios.” described a very nice coin to be This ambitious book is shown as illustration. It should highly recommendable. It does have been Artemis with a a great deal in a very limited stephane in her hair and space. It serves as an excellent carrying a bow and quiver, with introduction to ancient Greek Apollo standing on the meander coinage and as a jumping off pattern on the reverse. Instead point for helping to identify any there is a tetradrachm of Myrina ancient Greek coins that might in Aiolis, which coin is found come your way. 2008 NENfi Medal W Design Contest e need your input. Planning for the 2008 Annual Conference and Convention is well underway and we need submissions for this year’s NENA Medal design. It’s easy to win! Send us a drawing of what you feel the NENA Medal should look like and if your design is chosen it will be used for the striking of the medal for 2008. The winner of the chosen entry will receive a 2 piece set of the medals, one is silver and one in bronze as a prize. It’s easy, it’s fun. You can do it. Send us your sketch today! Be sure to enclose your name, address, phone number and email. Entries are limited to paid up members and their immediate families. The design should have a theme related to New England. Entry deadline is April 1, 2008. Good Luck!! Send your entries to: NENA MEDAL ENTRIES P. O. Box 920586 Needham, MA 02492-0007 NENA News 9 Club Meeting Times and Locations Blackstone Valley Coin Club, Blackstone Mansfield Center, CT. Meeting fourth Monday Municipal Center Senior Center Meeting Room, Sept, through April (except December) 7:30 St. Pauley St ..Blackstone, MA. Meetings third P.M. Tuesday, 7 P.M. Annual coin Show in April 2, 2006. See our ad on page 8. Dinner/Donation Auction in Boston Numismatic Society. Newton December. For information call (860) 429- Highlands Woman’s Club, 72 Columbus Street, 6970 (6 - 9 P.M.). Newton Highlands, MA. Meetings second Tuesday, Sept. - June. For information call 617 Nashua Coin Club, Nashua Public Libraiy, 2 244-1972 (Colony Coin) or e-mail to Court Street, Nashua, NH. Meetings second bosnumsoc @yahoo.com Wednesday 7 P.M., except October. www.nashuacoinciub.org Central Connecticut Coin Club, South Windsor Public Library, Sullivan Ave., South Newport Country Coin Club, Meeting room Windsor, CT. Meetings first Tuesday Sept. - at REAR, 333 Valley Road, Middletown, RI. June, 7 P.M. For information: (860) 568-6601 Meetings the second Tuesday of the month, 8 P.M. For information contact Carlton Johnson, Collectors Club of Boston, Woman’s Club, 72 P. O. Box 3, Newport, Rl 02840 Columbus Street, Newton Highlands, MA. Meetings fourth Tuesday, Sept. - June, 8 P.M. Pawcatuck Valley Coin Club, Neighborhood For information (978) 687-2888 Center, intersection of Routes 1 and 2, Pawcatuck, CT. Meetings third Wednesday Currency Club of New England, Woman’s year round, 7:30 P.M. For information contact Club, 72 Columbus Street, Newton Highlands, David Barbone at (860) 599-1571. MA. Meetings all at 8 P.M. the first Monday, Oct. - June, except September: the second Southbridge Coin Club, Knights of Monday of the month. For information (978) Columbus Hall, 169 Worcester Street, 687-2888 Southbridge, MA. Meetings first Friday, September - June, 7:30 P.M. (Doors open at Gateway Coin Club, Ballard Hill Community 6:30 P.M.) Center, Comer Pleasant and Main Streets, Lincoln, ME. Meetings first Tuesday, 7 P.M. For West Springfield Coin Club, Church of the information (207) 794-6833 Good Sheperd, Elm Street, West Springfield, MA. Meetings second Sunday, Gorham Coin Club. Meets at the Maine September - June, 7 P.M. Veterans Home. 290 U.S. Route 1, Scarborough, ME, on the 1st and 3rd Sunday, Worcester County Numismatic Society, 203 September to June at 7 P.M. For information: Pakachoag St., Auburn, MA. Meetings second Stephen A. Crain, 89 Varney Mill Rd., Friday, September - June, 7:30 P.M. For Windham, ME 04062 (207) 892-7113. information: (This needs updating. Anyone with information please let us know.) Greater New Bedford Coin Club. Andrew Dahill V.F.W., Park Street, New Bedford. MA. To list club meetings and activities in Meetings second and fourth Sundays. 7 P.M. upcoming issues of NENA NEWS, send For information: John Izidoro, P. O. Box 2991, information along with your name, title and New Bedford. MA 02741 telephone number to: Joe Duval, P. O. Box 28, Mansfield Numismatic Society. Mansfield Willimantic, CT 06226 or Center Library, Route 89, WarrenviUe Road, email the information to: 10 Nena News [email protected]

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