Nelson TEXTBOOK OF PEDIATRICS Downloaded for Ahmed Manfy ([email protected]) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from by Elsevier on November 15, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. EDITION 21 Nelson TEXTBOOK OF PEDIATRICS ROBERT M. KLIEGMAN, MD JOSEPH W. ST GEME III, MD Professor and Chair Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics and Microbiology and Chair of Department of Pediatrics the Department of Pediatrics Medical College of Wisconsin University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Milwaukee, Wisconsin Chair of the Department of Pediatrics and Physician-in-Chief Leonard and Madlyn Abramson Endowed Chair in Pediatrics Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania NATHAN J. BLUM, MD ROBERT C. TASKER, MBBS, MD William H. Bennett Professor of Pediatrics Professor of Neurology University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Professor of Anesthesia Chief, Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Harvard Medical School Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Senior Associate, Critical Care Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Director, Pediatric NeuroCritical Care Program Boston Children’s Hospital SAMIR S. SHAH, MD, MSCE Boston, Massachusetts Professor of Pediatrics KAREN M. WILSON, MD, MPH University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Director, Division of Hospital Medicine Professor of Pediatrics Chief Metrics Officer Debra and Leon Black Division Chief of General Pediatrics James M. Ewell Endowed Chair Vice-Chair for Clinical and Translational Research Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Kravis Children’s Hospital at the Icahn School of Medicine at Cincinnati, Ohio Mount Sinai New York, New York Editor Emeritus RICHARD E. BEHRMAN, MD Nonprofit Healthcare and Educational Consultants to Medical Institutions Santa Barbara, California Downloaded for Ahmed Manfy ([email protected]) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from by Elsevier on November 15, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. NELSON TEXTBOOK OF PEDIATRICS, TWENTY-FIRST EDITION ISBN: 978-0-323-52950-1 IE ISBN: 978-0-323-56890-6 Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. 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In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. The Publisher Library of Congress Control Number: 2018952009 Senior Content Strategist: Sarah Barth Senior Content Development Specialist: Jennifer Shreiner Publishing Services Manager: Catherine Jackson Senior Project Manager: John Casey Senior Book Designer: Renee Duenow Printed in Canada 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Ste. 1600 Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899 Downloaded for Ahmed Manfy ([email protected]) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from by Elsevier on November 15, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. To the Child’s Physician who through their expressed confidence in past editions of this book have provided the stimulus for this revision. May we continue to be a resource of helpful information for clinicians who care for all of our children. R.M. Kliegman Downloaded for Ahmed Manfy ([email protected]) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from by Elsevier on November 15, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Contributors Nadia Y. Abidi, MD John J. Aiken, MD, FACS, FAAP Kelly K. Anthony, PhD, PLLC Resident Physician Professor of Surgery Assistant Professor Department of Dermatology Division of Pediatric General and Thoracic Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral University of Missouri School of Medicine Surgery Sciences Columbia, Missouri Medical College of Wisconsin Duke University Medical Center Cutaneous Defects The Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Durham, North Carolina Ectodermal Dysplasias Milwaukee, Wisconsin Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes Acute Appendicitis Mark J. Abzug, MD Inguinal Hernias Alia Y. Antoon, MD, DCH Professor of Pediatrics Epigastric Hernia Senior Fellow Vice Chair for Academic Affairs Incisional Hernia American Academy of Pediatrics University of Colorado School of Medicine Honorary Pediatrician Section of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Cezmi A. Akdis, MD MassGeneral Hospital for Children Children’s Hospital Colorado Professor of Immunology Boston, Massachusetts Aurora, Colorado Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research Burn Injuries Nonpolio Enteroviruses Christine Kühne Center for Allergy Research and Cold Injuries Education David R. Adams, MD, PhD Davos, Switzerland; Susan D. Apkon, MD Associate Investigator, Undiagnosed Diseases Medical Faculty, University of Zurich Professor Program Zurich, Switzerland Department of Physical Medicine and Senior Staff Clinician Allergy and the Immunologic Basis of Atopic Rehabilitation National Human Genome Research Institute Disease University of Colorado National Institutes of Health Denver, Colorado; Bethesda, Maryland Evaline A. Alessandrini, MD, MSCE Chief, Pediatric Rehabilitation Genetic Approaches to Rare and Undiagnosed Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Children’s Hospital Colorado Diseases University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Aurora, Colorado Division of Emergency Medicine Ambulation Assistance Nicholas S. Adams, MD Director, Quality Scholars Program in Health Plastic Surgery Resident Care Transformation Stacy P. Ardoin, MD, MHS Spectrum Health Hospitals Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine Michigan State University Cincinnati, Ohio Division of Adult and Pediatric Rheumatology Grand Rapids, Michigan Outcomes and Risk Adjustment of Emergency The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Deformational Plagiocephaly Medical Services Center Nationwide Children’s Hospital Stewart L. Adelson, MD Michael A. Alexander, MD Columbus, Ohio Assistant Clinical Professor Professor of Pediatrics and Rehabilitation Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Department of Psychiatry Medicine Vasculitis Syndromes Columbia University College of Physicians and Thomas Jefferson Medical College Surgeons Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Alexandre Arkader, MD Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor Emeritus Medical Staff Attending Orthopaedic Surgeon Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell Nemours Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia University Wilmington, Delaware Philadelphia, Pennsylvania New York, New York Evaluation of the Child for Rehabilitative Services Common Fractures Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Adolescents Omar Ali, MD Thaís Armangué, MD, PhD Shawn K. Ahlfeld, MD Pediatric Endocrinology Pediatric Neurologist Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Valley Children’s Hospital Neuroimmunology Program University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Madera, California IDIBAPS—Hospital Clinic–Hospital Sant Joan de Attending Neonatologist, Perinatal Institute Hyperpituitarism, Tall Stature, and Overgrowth Déu (Barcelona) Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Syndromes University of Barcelona Cincinnati, Ohio Hypofunction of the Testes Barcelona, Spain Respiratory Tract Disorders Pseudoprecocity Resulting from Tumors of Autoimmune Encephalitis the Testes Osman Z. Ahmad, MD Carola A.S. Arndt, MD Gynecomastia Fellow in Pediatric Gastroenterology Professor of Pediatrics University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Karl E. Anderson, MD, FACP Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Medicine Birmingham, Alabama Health and Internal Medicine Division of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Clostridium difficile Infection Director, Porphyria Laboratory and Center Mayo Clinic University of Texas Medical Branch Rochester, Minnesota Galveston, Texas Soft Tissue Sarcomas The Porphyrias Paul L. Aronson, MD Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine Yale School of Medicine New Haven, Connecticut Fever in the Older Child vii Downloaded for Ahmed Manfy ([email protected]) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from by Elsevier on November 15, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. viii Contributors David M. Asher, MD Marilyn C. Augustyn, MD Keith D. Baldwin, MD, MSPT, Supervisory Medical Officer and Chief Professor of Pediatrics MPH Laboratory of Bacterial and Transmissible Boston University School of Medicine Assistant Professor Spongiform Encephalopathy Agents Boston Medical Center Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Division of Emerging and Transfusion- Boston, Massachusetts University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Transmitted Diseases Impact of Violence on Children Medicine US Food and Drug Administration Attending Physician Silver Spring, Maryland Yaron Avitzur, MD Neuromuscular Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Associate Professor Trauma Department of Pediatrics Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Ann Ashworth, PhD, Hon FRCPCH University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Professor Emeritus Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Growth and Development Department of Population Health and Nutrition Evaluation of the Child Nutrition Group The Hospital for Sick Children Torsional and Angular Deformities London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Toronto, Canada Common Fractures London, United Kingdom Short Bowel Syndrome Nutrition, Food Security, and Health Christina Bales, MD Carlos A. Bacino, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Amit Assa, MD Professor and Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Associate Professor of Pediatrics Department of Molecular and Human Genetics Medicine Sackler Faculty of Medicine Baylor College of Medicine Medical Director, Intestinal Rehabilitation Tel Aviv University Director, Pediatrics Genetics Clinic Program Tel Aviv, Israel; Texas Children’s Hospital Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Head, IBD Unit Houston, Texas and Nutrition Institute of Gastroenterology, Nutrition, and Liver Cytogenetics Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Diseases Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Schneider Children’s Medical Center Zinzi D. Bailey, ScD, MSPH Intestinal Atresia, Stenosis, and Malrotation Petah Tikva, Israel Assistant Scientist Immunodeficiency Disorders University of Miami Miller School of Medicine William F. Balistreri, MD Miami, Florida Medical Director Emeritus, Pediatric Liver Care Barbara L. Asselin, MD Racism and Child Health Center Professor of Pediatrics and Oncology Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Department of Pediatrics Binod Balakrishnan, MBBS Hepatology, and Nutrition University of Rochester School of Medicine and Assistant Professor Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Dentistry Department of Pediatrics Cincinnati, Ohio Golisano Children’s Hospital and Wilmot Cancer Medical College of Wisconsin Morphogenesis of the Liver and Biliary System Institute Division of Pediatric Critical Care Manifestations of Liver Disease Rochester, New York Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Cholestasis Epidemiology of Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Milwaukee, Wisconsin Metabolic Diseases of the Liver Brain Death Viral Hepatitis Christina M. Astley, MD, ScD Liver Disease Associated with Systemic Disorders Instructor in Pediatrics Frances B. Balamuth, MD, PhD, Mitochondrial Hepatopathies Harvard Medical School MSCE Attending Physician Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Allison Ballantine, MD, MEd Division of Endocrinology University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Boston Children’s Hospital Medicine University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Boston, Massachusetts Associate Director of Research Medicine Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndromes Division of Emergency Medicine Co-Director Med Ed Program, Graduate School Co-Director, Pediatric Sepsis Program of Education Joann L. Ater, MD Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Section Chief, Inpatient Services Professor Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Division of General Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics Patient Care Triage of the Acutely Ill Child Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Houston, Texas Robert N. Baldassano, MD Malnutrition Brain Tumors in Childhood Colman Family Chair in Pediatric Inflammatory Neuroblastoma Bowel Disease and Professor of Pediatrics Robert S. Baltimore, MD University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology Norrell Atkinson, MD, FAAP Medicine Clinical Professor of Nursing Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Director, Center for Pediatric Inflammatory Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology Drexel University College of Medicine Bowel Disease Clinical Professor of Nursing Child Protection Program Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Yale School of Medicine St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Associate Director of Hospital Epidemiology Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Inflammatory Bowel Disease (for Pediatrics) Adolescent Sexual Assault Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis Yale–New Haven Hospital New Haven, Connecticut Erika U. Augustine, MD Listeria monocytogenes Associate Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, and Associate Director, Center for Health + Stenotrophomonas Technology Infective Endocarditis University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, New York Manisha Balwani, MBBS, MS Dystonia Associate Professor of Medicine and Genetics and Genomic Sciences Kravis Children’s Hospital at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York, New York The Porphyrias Downloaded for Ahmed Manfy ([email protected]) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from by Elsevier on November 15, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Contributors ix Vaneeta Bamba, MD Christian P. Bauerfeld, MD Daniel Bernstein, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Alfred Woodley Salter and Mabel G. Salter University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Wayne State University School of Medicine Endowed Professor in Pediatrics Medicine Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Associate Dean for Curriculum and Scholarship Medical Director, Diagnostic and Research Children’s Hospital of Michigan Stanford University School of Medicine Growth Center Detroit, Michigan Palo Alto, California Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Mechanical Ventilation Cardiac Development Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The Fetal to Neonatal Circulatory Transition Assessment of Growth Rebecca A. Baum, MD History and Physical Examination in Cardiac Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics Evaluation Brenda L. Banwell, MD The Ohio State University College of Medicine Laboratory Cardiac Evaluation Professor of Neurology Chief, Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Epidemiology and Genetic Basis of Congenital Grace R. Loeb Endowed Chair in Neurosciences Nationwide Children’s Hospital Heart Disease University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Columbus, Ohio Evaluation and Screening of the Infant or Child Medicine Positive Parenting and Support with Congenital Heart Disease Chief, Division of Neurology Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease: Left-to-Right Director, Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Clinic Michael J. Bell, MD Shunt Lesions Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Professor, Pediatrics and Critical Care Medicine Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease: The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Chief, Critical Care Medicine Obstructive Lesions Central Nervous System Vasculitis Children’s National Medical Center Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease: Regurgitant The George Washington University School of Lesions Sarah F. Barclay, PhD Medicine Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease: Evaluation of Department of Medical Genetics Washington, DC the Critically Ill Neonate with Cyanosis and Cumming School of Medicine at University of Neurologic Emergencies and Stabilization Respiratory Distress Calgary Cyanotic Congenital Heart Lesions: Lesions Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute Nicole R. Bender, MD Associated with Decreased Pulmonary Blood Calgary, Alberta, Canada Resident Physician Flow Rapid-Onset Obesity with Hypothalamic Department of Dermatology Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease: Lesions Dysfunction, Hypoventilation, and Autonomic Medical College of Wisconsin Associated with Increased Pulmonary Blood Dysregulation (ROHHAD) Milwaukee, Wisconsin Flow Morphology of the Skin Other Congenital Heart and Vascular Maria E. Barnes-Davis, MD, PhD Dermatologic Evaluation of the Patient Malformations Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Eczematous Disorders Pulmonary Hypertension University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Photosensitivity General Principles of Treatment of Congenital Attending Neonatologist Diseases of the Epidermis Heart Disease Division of Neonatology and Pulmonary Biology Diseases of the Blood Vessels (Aneurysms and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Daniel K. Benjamin Jr, MD, PhD, Fistulas) Cincinnati, Ohio MPH The High-Risk Infant Kiser-Arena Professor of Pediatrics Henry H. Bernstein, DO, MHCM, Duke Clinical Research Institute FAAP Karyl S. Barron, MD Duke University Medical Center Professor of Pediatrics Deputy Director Durham, North Carolina Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Division of Intramural Research Principles of Antifungal Therapy Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Candida New Hyde Park, New York Diseases Immunization Practices National Institutes of Health Michael J. Bennett, PhD, FRCPath, Bethesda, Maryland FACB Diana X. Bharucha-Goebel, MD Amyloidosis Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Assistant Professor, Neurology and Pediatrics University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Children’s National Medical Center Donald Basel, MBBCh Medicine Washington, DC; Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Genetics Director, Michael J. Palmieri Metabolic Disease Clinical Research Collaborator Chief, Medical Genetics Division Laboratory National Institutes of Health/NINDS Medical College of Wisconsin Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Neurogenetics Branch/NNDCS Milwaukee, Wisconsin Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Bethesda, Maryland Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Disorders of Mitochondrial Fatty Acid β-Oxidation Muscular Dystrophies Myasthenia Gravis Dorsey M. Bass, MD Giant Axonal Neuropathy Associate Professor of Pediatrics Stanford University School of Medicine Holly M. Biggs, MD, MPH Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology Medical Epidemiologist Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital Respiratory Viruses Branch, Division of Viral Palo Alto, California Diseases Rotaviruses, Caliciviruses, and Astroviruses National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Mary T. Bassett, MD, MPH Centers for Disease Control and Prevention FXB Professor of the Practice of Public Health Atlanta, Georgia and Human Rights Parainfluenza Viruses Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Boston, Massachusetts Samra S. Blanchard, MD Racism and Child Health Associate Professor Department of Pediatrics University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland Peptic Ulcer Disease in Children Downloaded for Ahmed Manfy ([email protected]) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from by Elsevier on November 15, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. x Contributors Joshua A. Blatter, MD, MPH Daniel J. Bonthius, MD, PhD Amanda M. Brandow, DO, MS Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Allergy, Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology Associate Professor Immunology, and Pulmonary Medicine University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics Researcher, Patient Oriented Research Unit Iowa City, Iowa Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Washington University School of Medicine in Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Medical College of Wisconsin St. Louis Milwaukee, Wisconsin St. Louis, Missouri Brett J. Bordini, MD, FAAP Enzymatic Defects Congenital Disorders of the Lung Associate Professor of Pediatrics Hemolytic Anemias Resulting from Extracellular Division of Hospital Medicine Factors—Immune Hemolytic Anemias Archie Bleyer, MD, FRCP (Glasg) Nelson Service for Undiagnosed and Rare Hemolytic Anemias Secondary to Other Clinical Research Professor Diseases Extracellular Factors Knight Cancer Center Director, Medical Spanish Curriculum Polycythemia Oregon Health & Science University Medical College of Wisconsin Nonclonal Polycythemia Chair, Institutional Review Board for St. Charles Milwaukee, Wisconsin Health System Plastic Bronchitis David T. Breault, MD, PhD Portland, Oregon; Associate Professor of Pediatrics Professor of Pediatrics Kristopher R. Bosse, MD Harvard Medical School University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Instructor in Pediatrics Division of Endocrinology Houston, Texas University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Boston Children’s Hospital Principles of Cancer Treatment Medicine Boston, Massachusetts The Leukemias Attending Physician Diabetes Insipidus Division of Oncology Other Abnormalities of Arginine Vasopressin Nathan J. Blum, MD Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Metabolism and Action William H. Bennett Professor of Pediatrics Philadelphia, Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer Cora Collette Breuner, MD, MPH Medicine Professor of Pediatrics Chief, Division of Developmental and Behavioral Bret L. Bostwick, MD Adjunct Professor of Orthopedics and Sports Pediatrics Assistant Professor Medicine Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Department of Molecular and Human Genetics University of Washington School of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Baylor College of Medicine Division of Adolescent Medicine Houston, Texas Department of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Steven R. Boas, MD, FAAP, Genetics of Common Disorders Seattle Children’s Hospital FACSM Seattle, Washington Director, The Cystic Fibrosis Center of Chicago Kenneth M. Boyer, MD Substance Abuse President and CEO, The Cystic Fibrosis Institute Professor and Woman’s Board Chair, Emeritus Adolescent Pregnancy Glenview, Illinois; Department of Pediatrics Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Rush University Medical Center Carolyn Bridgemohan, MD Northwestern University Feinberg School of Chicago, Illinois Associate Professor of Pediatrics Medicine Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii) Harvard Medical School Chicago, Illinois Co-Director Autism Spectrum Center Jennifer M. Brady, MD Emphysema and Overinflation Division of Developmental Medicine α1-Antitrypsin Deficiency and Emphysema Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Boston Children’s Hospital Other Distal Airway Diseases University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Boston, Massachusetts Skeletal Diseases Influencing Pulmonary Function Perinatal Institute Autism Spectrum Disorder Division of Neonatology Walter O. Bockting, PhD Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center William J. Britt, MD Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry Cincinnati, Ohio Charles A. Alford Professor of Pediatrics and Nursing) The High-Risk Infant Professor of Microbiology and Neurobiology Research Scientist, New York State Psychiatric Transport of the Critically Ill Newborn University of Alabama Birmingham School of Institute Neonatal Resuscitation and Delivery Room Medicine Division of Gender, Sexuality, and Health Emergencies Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Department of Psychiatry Children’s of Alabama Patrick W. Brady, MD, MSc Columbia University Vagelos College of Birmingham, Alabama Physicians and Surgeons Associate Professor of Pediatrics Cytomegalovirus New York, New York University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Gender and Sexual Identity Attending Physician, Division of Hospital Laura Brower, MD Transgender Care Medicine Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Mark Boguniewicz, MD Cincinnati, Ohio Division of Hospital Medicine Professor of Pediatrics Safety in Healthcare for Children Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Division of Allergy-Immunology Cincinnati, Ohio Rebecca C. Brady, MD Department of Pediatrics Fever Without a Focus in the Neonate and Young University of Colorado School of Medicine Professor of Pediatrics Infant National Jewish Health University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Denver, Colorado Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Rebeccah L. Brown, MD Ocular Allergies Cincinnati, Ohio Professor of Clinical Surgery and Pediatrics Congenital and Perinatal Infections University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Michael J. Boivin, PhD, MPH Coccidioidomycosis (Coccidioides Species) Co-Director of Pectus Program Professor of Psychiatry and of Neurology and Associate Director of Trauma Services Samuel L. Brady, MS, PhD Ophthalmology Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Clinical Medical Physicist Cincinnati, Ohio Medicine Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Meconium Ileus, Peritonitis, and Intestinal East Lansing, Michigan Associate Professor of Radiology Obstruction Nodding Syndrome University of Cincinnati Necrotizing Enterocolitis Cincinnati, Ohio Biologic Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Children Downloaded for Ahmed Manfy ([email protected]) at Egyptian Knowledge Bank from by Elsevier on November 15, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.