Nelkin scaling for the Burgers equation and the role of high-precision calculations Sagar Chakraborty,1,∗ Uriel Frisch,2,† Walter Pauls,3,‡ and Samriddhi Sankar Ray2,§ 1NBIA, Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark 2UNS, CNRS, Lab. Cassiop´ee, OCA, B.P. 4229, 06304 Nice Cedex 4, France 3Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, G¨ottingen, Germany (Dated: January 27, 2012) Nelkinscaling,thescalingofmomentsofvelocitygradientsintermsoftheReynoldsnumber,isan alternativewayofobtaininginertial-rangeinformation. Itisshownnumericallyandtheoreticallyfor theBurgersequationthatthisprocedureworksalreadyforReynoldsnumbersoftheorderof100(or evenlowerwhencombinedwithasuitableextendedself-similaritytechnique). AtmoderateReynolds numbers,fortheaccuratedeterminationofscalingexponents,itiscrucialtousehigherthandouble 2 precision. Similar issues are likely to arise for three-dimensional Navier–Stokessimulations. 1 0 PACSnumbers: 47.27.-i,47.11.Kb,47.27.Jv 2 n Nelkin [1], showed that the multifractal model of turbu- broadened by viscosity over a distance O(ν)=O R−1 . a J lence [2,3], implies certainscaling relationsfor moments Within a shock,the pth powerof the velocity grad(cid:0)ient(cid:1)is 5 ofvelocitygradients(henceforthgradmoments). Accord- O(Rp). SinceshockscoverafractionO R−1 oftheone- 2 ingtoNelkin,athighReynoldsnumbers,whenplottedas dimensionalspatialdomain,thestateds(cid:0)caling(cid:1)results. Of afunctionoftheReynoldsnumberR,thepthmomentof coursesuchanargumenttells us nothing aboutsubdom- ] any component ∇u of the velocity gradientshould scale, inant corrections and thus cannot be used to predict at D to leading order, as what kind of Reynolds numbers this scaling emerges. C Weshallnowaddresstheseissuesmoresystematically, n. h(∇u)pi∼Rχp. (1) using simulations and theory. We shall also address a i new question: scaling exponents are notoriously known l The exponents χ are expressible in terms of the multi- n p with poor accuracy (cf., e.g., [4]); how accurately can [ fractalstructurefunctionexponentsζp (cf. [1]or[4],Sec. we determine such exponents by working with Reynolds 8.5.6). 2 number at which there are significant subdominant By usingveryhighly resolveddirectnumericalsimula- v corrections to scaling? Using recent results of van 9 tion,ithasbeencheckedbySchumacher,Sreenivasanand der Hoeven [8, 9], we shall show that this requires 9 Yakhotthatnotonlyissuchscalingpresent(itsfirstveri- a subtle tradeoff between Reynolds numbers and pre- 9 fication),butthatitisalreadyseenatReynoldsnumbers 2 cision(numberofdecimaldigits)usedinthecalculations. around 200, well below those where structure functions . 1 show any inertial-range scaling [5]. This is perhaps not We begin with simulation-based results for the 1 so suprising, given that inertial-range scaling is for in- 1 Reynolds number dependence of gradmoments when termediate asymptotics with two large parameters, the 1 standarddouble-precisioncalculations suffice. We follow Reynolds number and the ratio of the scale under con- : here the same strategy as in Ref. [6]: we solve the Burg- v siderationtothetypicaldissipationscale,whereasNelkin Xi scaling just requires a large Reynolds number. ers equation (2) with the initial condition u0(x) =sinx, using a pseudo-spectral method combined with fixed- r The one-dimensional Burgers equation time-step fourth-order Runge–Kutta time marching and a a slaved scheme, known by the acronym ETDRK4 [10], ∂ u+u∂ u=ν∂2u; u(x,0)=u (x), (2) t x x 0 for handling the viscous dissipation. The gradmoments of integer order p, as a function of the Reynolds number where u is the velocity and ν the kinematic viscosity, R≡1/ν, are defined as spatial averages over the period can can throw light on why gradmoments display good 2π: scaling at such moderate Reynolds numbers. Further- more, it allows analytical determination of all the domi- 1 2π ∂u(x,t) p nant and subdominant terms in the high-Reynolds num- Mp(R)≡ dx . (3) 2π Z (cid:20) ∂x (cid:21) ber expansionofgradmoments. We notethat inarecent 0 paper [6], the Burgers equation was used to illustrate Gradmomentsarecalculatedfororderspfromtwototen whytheextendedself-similarity(ESS)technique[7]gives and Reynolds numbers R from twenty to one thousand. improved scaling through the depletion of subdominant ThenumberofcollocationpointsN istakenbetween8K corrections. and256KwhereKstandsfor210 =1024;thetimestepδt Heuristically, it is quite simple to show that for the isbetween10−5 and10−6. Wecheckedthattheerrorson Burgers equation we expect χ = p−1. Indeed, at high gradmomentsstemming fromspatialandtemporaltrun- p Reynolds numbers, the solutions of (2) display shocks cation stay below the level needed for a double-precision 2 heat equation. For the initial condition u(x,0) = sin(x) −1 10 p=2 this solution reads | p M p=3 u(x,t)=−2ν∂ lnθ(x,t) (4) x 1|10−2 p=4 2π −p p=5 θ(x,t)= ecos(x−x′)/(2ν)G(x′,t)dx′. (5) ˜R Z 0 or 10−3 pp==67 Here, G(x′,t) = k=∞ eikx′−νk2t is the Green’s func- | k=−∞ Mp p=8 tion for the heatPequation in the 2π- periodic case. We 1|10−4 p=9 wanttousethissolutiontodeterminetheasymptoticsof − gradmomentsforsmallν,i.e.,largeR. Usingthemethod p p=10 R of steepest descent, in a way somewhat similar to what −5 is found in Ref. [13], one can show that, for large R and 10 101 R orR˜ 102 103 any integer p≥2 M (R)=A Rp−1+B Rp−2+C Rp−3+... (6) p p p p FIG. 1. (Colour online) Compensated pth-order moments (p from 2 to 10) of velocity gradient (Mp) versus both R (con- The coefficients are given by rather complicated and nu- tinuous line with points in blue) and the ESS-typesurrogate merically ill-conditionned integrals. R˜ (dashed red line). The expansion (6) and the numerical values of the co- efficientscanactuallybeobtainedbyanalternativesemi- numericalprocedure,calledasymptoticextrapolation,de- calculation. The output is calculated at t = 2 when velopedbyvanderHoeven[8](seealso[9]foranelemen- thesolutionoftheBurgersequationhasawell-developed tary presentation). Let us now say a few words about shock. Since, as explained above, gradmoments are ex- this technique, which will also be used below in connec- pected to behave asymptotically as Rp−1 at large R, we tion with high-precision spectral calculations. Suppose displaythemincompensated manner,thatisdividethem we have determined numerically with high precision the by Rp−1. Figure1 showsthe compensatedgradmoments values of a function f(n) for integers n up to some high as a function of Reynolds number. Visual inspection value N. We wish to obtain from this as many terms as shows that the expected flat behavior of the compen- possible in the high-n asymptotic expansion of f. Try- sated gradmoments sets in aroundR=40 for the lowest ing to fit the function by a guessed leading asymptotic order p=2 and aroundR=300 for p=10. In contrast, form with some free parameters, will generally lead to inertial-range scaling for structure functions, calculated very poor accuracy in such parameters. With some in- from the same solution of the Burgers equation, appears formation about the structure of the various terms in cleanonlyaroundReynoldsnumbersofseveralthousands the expansion, a better method is to fit an expression [6]. This discrepancy,of nearlytwo ordersofmagnitude, containing one or several subdominant corrections (all can be made even larger by resorting to a procedure in- with some unknownparameters). Lacking suchinforma- spired from ESS in which one resorts to a surrogate of tion, asymptotic extrapolation handles the problem by the spatial separation, such as the third-order structure applyingtothedataasequenceofsuitablychosentrans- function and plots structure functions versus the surro- formations that successively strip off the dominant and gate. In the case of gradmoments, we observe that the subdominant terms in the expansion for large n. At cer- mean energy dissipation is given in terms of the mean tain stages of such transformations, the processed data square velocity gradient by ε = νM2 = (1/R)M2. This allow simple extrapolations, most often by a constant. has a finite positive limit ε∞ as the Reynolds number Thetransformationsaremeaningfulaslongasthesucces- tends to infinity. Hence, we can use R˜ ≡ M2/ε∞ as a sivelytransformeddataisfreefromconspicuousrounding (suitablynormalized)surrogateoftheReynoldsnumber. noise and n has reached a simple asymptotic behavior This we call ESS-type plotting. The same Fig. 1 also (e.g. flat). From the extrapolation stages, it then be- shows this type of plotting. Now, the data look almost comespossible(byundoingthetransformationsmade)to completely flat, except for the largest value of p around obtain the asymptotic expansion of the data (including R˜ =20wherethedatabendslightlyupwards,asrevealed the values of the various parameters) up to some order by looking at the figure from the side [? ]. which depends on the precision of the data and on the Of course, all this has to do with subdominant correc- value of N. Here, we will denote the transformations by tionstoscalingandthewaytheyareaffectedbytheESS- using the notation of Ref. [9]. Thus, I stands for “in- type procedure. We now turn to theoretical interpreta- verse”, R for “ratio”, SR for “second ratio” and D for tions. For this we use the exact solution of the Burgers “difference”. The sequence of transformations is chosen equation, obtained by employing the Hopf–Cole method throughvarioustests which providesome clue about the [11, 12] that transforms the Burgers equation into the asymptotic class in which the data falls. 3 order(p) χp Ap χ(p1) Bp χ(p2) Cp 2 0.9999987 +0.09032605 – 0.002 – 0.2290236 – 1.002 +0.2011 3 1.999998 – 0.03245271 1.00001 +0.1736854 0.005 – 0.1325 4 2.999996 +0.01249279 2.00001 – 0.090466 1.0001 +0.08417 5 3.999995 – 0.00498725 3.00001 +0.045622 1.99988 – 0.08209 6 4.999994 +0.00203621 4.00001 – 0.022523 2.99993 +0.06103 7 5.999993 – 0.00084414 5.000008 +0.010955 4.0002 – 0.0398 8 6.999992 +0.0003539 5.999993 – 0.00526 5.002 +0.024 9 7.999994 – 0.0001495 6.99991 +0.0025 6.009 – 0.01 10 9.00001 +0.000063 7.9995 – 0.0012 7.03 +0.03 TABLE I. Dominant scaling exponents χp and the first two subdominant exponents χ(p1) and χ(p2) together with the corre- spondingcoefficientsAp,Bp,andCp forthelarge-Rbehaviorofgradmomentsoforderp,obtainedbyasymptoticextrapolation processing of a 400-digit precision determination of gradmoments from the Hopf-Cole solution. The theoretical values are χp =p−1, χ(p1) =p−2, and χ(p2) =p−3. To apply asymptotic extrapolation to the determina- From (6) with p = 2 and noticing that A = ε , we 2 ∞ tion of the coefficients in the high-Reynolds number ex- obtain pansion (6), we calculate the Hopf–Cole solution (4)-(5) B and the gradmoments (3) using extreme precision float- R˜ =R1+ 2R0+O R−1 . (8) A ing point calculations [14] with 400 decimal digits. This 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) precisionguaranteesthatthe onlysourceoferrorsislack Eliminating R between (6) and (8), we obtain of simple asymptoticity. The convolution structure of (p−1)A (5)allowsthe use of fastFouriertransforms,alsoin very M =A R˜p−1+B˜ R˜p−2+...; B˜ =B − pB . p p p p p 2 A highprecision[15], forcalculatingθ, u andvariousspace 2 (9) derivatives. The Reynolds number R is given all inte- Note that the expansion in terms of the surrogate R˜ ger values from 18 to R = 400. The processing of max has the same structure as (6) and precisely the same the gradmoments for p from 2 to 10 involves typically dominant-termcoefficientA . HoweverthecoefficientB˜ 15 stages of transformations, the first eight of which are p p ofthefirstsubdominantcorrectionissignificantlysmaller always R - 1, I, D, D, I, D, D, D [? ]. From the thanB (inabsolutevalue)andmayhaveadifferentsign. undoing of the transformations, using the “most asymp- p Thisexplainsforexamplewhythegraphforthecompen- totic data points” for determining constants, we obtain satedthird-ordergradmomentintermsofRbends down the following expansion: at the low end while it bends very slightly up in terms Mp(R)=ApRχp +BpRχ(P1) +CpRχ(P2) +... (7) orefcRt˜i.onAss,tahceoanssyemqupetnocteicobfethhaevrioedruocfegdrasdumbdoommeinntasnitnctohre- ESS-typerepresentationemergesatReynoldsnumbers 5 TheresultsareshowninTableI.Onlythosedigitsofthe to 20 times smaller than in the ordinary representation coefficients that agree when processing the data succes- (see Table II). sively with R = 200 and R = 400 are shown. It max max We should not be carried away and state that good is seen thatthe scaling exponents forthe dominantterm χ andthefirstandsecondsubdominantterms,χ(1) and χp(2) are very close to their theoretical values obPtained order(p) Rp⋆ =|Bp/Ap| R˜p⋆ =|B˜p/Ap| P 2 2.5344 0.0 from (6). The relative discrepancies are in the range 3 5.3520 0.2827 10−5 – 10−6 for the dominant exponent and the accu- 4 7.2414 0.3622 racy degrades for subdominant corrections, as expected. 5 9.1477 0.9906 Fromtheexpansion(7)wecanreadilyunderstandwhy 6 11.0613 1.6116 7 12.9785 2.2290 NelkinscalingappearsatrathermoderateReynoldsnum- 8 14.8980 2.8440 ber: the absolute value of relative correction stemming 9 16.8222 3.4544 from the first subdominant term is R−1|B /A |. For ex- p p 10 19.0604 3.7507 ample, it reaches the ten percent level which is easily picked up visually at R = 10|B /A |. Table II shows p p TABLEII.EstimatesofReynoldsnumbersbeyondwhichsub- the values of |Bp/Ap| and we now understand why flat dominant corrections become small in the Reynolds number compensated gradmoments are seen in Fig. 1 beyond representation (middle column) and in the ESS-type repre- Reynolds numbers, varying with p, from a few tens to sentation (last column). a few hundreds. To understand the ESS-type even bet- ter scaling, we expand the surrogate R˜ in terms of R. scaling can emerge already at very moderate Reynolds 4 number provided we take the right quantity (here, grad- −1 moments)andthe rightdataprocessingtechnique (here, 10 ESS). It all depends on what we call “good scaling”. If wewanttoobtainscalingexponentswithanerrornotex- Double ceeding10−2or10−3,aflatlooking compensatedgraphis −2 10 definitelynotenoughsincethisisachievedassoonasthe r o relative erroris somewhere below 10−1. We now address r r the issue how asymptotic (how large in Reynolds num- E ber) and how precise should a spectral calculation be in e −3 10 ordertotrulygiveaccuratescalingexponents. Ofcourse, v the higher the Reynolds number, the lower the relative ati Quadruple subdominant corrections will be. But, without enough el precision, the simultaneous determination of dominant R −4 10 terms and subdominant corrections, say by asymptotic extrapolation, will be unable to handle more than very few such corrections and thus gives us substantial errors in the final results. In order to be closer to more realis- 10−5 tic models such as the multi-dimensional Navier–Stokes 102 R 103 max equations, in investigating the trade-off between asymp- toticity and precision, we refrain from using the exact solution of the Burgers equation and resort to time in- FIG. 2. (Color online) Relative error of Nelkin exponents χ4 tegrationby(pseudo-)spectraltechnique. We usedouble and χ6 obtained by asymptotic extrapolation from pseudo- spectral calculations up to a maximum Reynolds number andquadrupleprecision,bothcombinedwithasymptotic R . Uppersetofcurves: doubleprecisioncalculations(χ : extrapolation, so as to obtain the most accurate possi- max 4 redfilledcircles, χ : bluefilledtriangles);lowersetofcurves: 6 ble parameters. We calculate the scaling exponents χ 4 quadrupleprecision(χ4: redinvertedtriangles,χ6: bluefilled and χ6 of the fourth and the sixth gradmoments, whose squares). theoretical exact values are three and five, respectively. We determine how accurately we can predict these ex- ponents when applying asymptotic extrapolation(which financial support rendered by NBIA (Copenhagen); and forthispurposeissubstantiallybetterthantheaforemen- Danish Research Council for a FNU Grant No. 505100- tionedESStechnique),usingvariousmaximumReynolds 50 - 30,168. The work was partially supported by ANR numbers R . In double precision we were able to “OTARIE” BLAN07-2 183172. Some of the computa- max use three stages and in quadruple precision eight stages tions used the M´esocentre de calcul of the Observatoire of the aforementioned transformations. The maximum de la Cˆote d’Azur. wavenumber and the size of the time step are the same asreportedatthebeginningofthepaper. Wechecked,by further halving of spatial and temporal resolutions, that they contribute negligible errors to the result. Figure 2 ∗ [email protected] showsthe relativeerrorsforthe twotypesofprecisionas † [email protected] function of R . It is striking that, when doubling the max ‡ [email protected] precisionwecandecreasetheReynoldsnumberbyabout § [email protected] afactorofeleven(from1000to90)andstillobtainasub- [1] M. Nelkin,Phys. Rev.A 42, 7226 (1990). stantial decrease (by a factor of 3 to 10) in the relative [2] B. Mandelbrot, J. Fluid Mech. 62, 331 (1974). error. For accurate determination of scaling exponents, [3] G. 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