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Negritude and Literary Criticism: The History and Theory of "Negro-African" Literature in French PDF

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NEGRITUDE AND LITERARY CRITICISM Recent Titles in Contributions in Afro-American and African Studies Alice Walker and Zora Neale Hurston: The Common Bond Lillie P. Howard, editor A Journey into the Philosophy of Alain Locke Johnny Washington Time in the Black Experience Joseph K. Adjayé Folk Poetics: A Sociosemiotic Study of Yoruba Trickster Tales Ropo Sekoni Public Policy and the Black Hospital: From Slavery to Segregation to Integration Mitchell F. Rice and Woodrow Jones, Jr. Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, and Rastus: Blacks in Advertising, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Marilyn Kern-Foxworth A World of Difference: An Inter-Cultural Study of Toni Morrison’s Novels Wendy Harding and Jacky Martin African Market Women and Economic Power: The Role of Women in African Economic Development Bessie House-Midamba and Felix K. Ekechi, editors African Labor Relations and Workers’ Rights: Assessing the Role of the International Labor Organization Kwamina Panford The Gong and the Flute: African Literary Development and Celebration Kalu Ogbaa, editor Masters of the Drum: Black Lit/oratures Across the Continuum Robert Elliot Fox Africa’s Agenda: The Legacy of Liberalism and Colonialism in the Crisis of African Values Harvey J. Sindima NEGRITUDE AND LITERARY CRITICISM The History and Theory of “Negro-African” Literature in French Belinda Elizabeth Jack Contributions in Afro-American and African Studies #178 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Jack, Belinda Elizabeth. Negritude and literary criticism : the history and theory of “Negro-African” literature in French / Belinda Elizabeth Jack. p. cm. — (Contributions in Afro-American and African studies. ISSN 0069–9624 ; no. 178) Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0–313–29511–5 1. African literature (French)—20th century—History and criticism. 2. African literature—Africa, Sub-Saharan—History and criticism. 3. Negritude (Literary movement). 4. Blacks in literature. I. Title. II. Serles. PQ3980.J33 1996 840.9´896—dc20 95–35714 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available. Copyright © 1996 by Belinda Elizabeth Jack All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the express written consent of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: ISBN: 0-313-29511-5 ISSN: 0069–9624 First published in 1996 Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881 An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. Printed in the United States of America The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984). 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 For my mother and my father ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My primitive interest in Francophone African and Caribbean writing was first encouraged by Clive Wake; I remain immensely grateful to him. The doctoral thesis on which this book is based was supervised by Toby Garfitt. His careful attention to detail and scholarly rigour are examples to which I continue to aspire. I would also like to acknowledge his enormous kindness. The British Academy, and St John’s College, Christ Church, and the faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, Oxford, all provided generous support. My editor at Greenwood, Nina Pearlstein, has been ex- emplary. I would like to thank colleagues, friends, and family, who have helped me in all kinds of ways; and especially to thank Allan, for always believing that what I was doing mattered. vii CONTENTS Acknowledgments vii Introduction 1 1 Discourses Surrounding French Texts “about” Africa and Africans: The Ubiquity of “Les Sciences Coloniales” 13 2 Critics of the African Diaspora and Their Contribution to Debates in Paris 31 3 Negritude and Literary Criticism 57 4 Nationalisms and Literary Criticism: The Nature of Literary “Engagement” 81 5 Seminal Studies: Historiography and Criticism 109 6 The Wider Debate 131 Conclusion 165 Bibliography 169 Index 185 ix NEGRITUDE AND LITERARY CRITICISM Introduction The aim of this study is threefold. First, to follow the development of secondary discourses concerned with the body of literary works known (in one instance) as “Negro-African literature in French.” Secondary dis- courses include works of theory and criticism, literary histories, essays and articles, and, to a lesser extent, prefaces and introductions to anthologies. In tracing the emergence of a now substantial body of secondary works, emphasis is placed on the dominant phases discernible, and on the range of approaches exemplified. Second, the book explores the relationship between the area defined by secondary discourses and the criteria of evaluation proposed by them. Frequently this relationship is an “incestuous” one (one that should be proscribed on grounds of too close relation) which gives rise to what is described as a major “critical tautology.” For example, where the “area” is defined as “Negro-African literature in French,” literary works falling within it are then explored, and in some cases evaluated (either implicitly or explicitly), in terms of the degree of “Negro-Africanness” which they display; “neo-Africanness” is required of significant “neo-African litera- ture,” and so on. Whereas most “autonomous” literatures are marked by national, geographic, linguistic, and racial homogeneity, the literature ex- plored by the secondary texts under scrutiny emanates from a less stable context and is governed by more problematic characteristics. It is this instability of the literature as an obviously autonomous body of texts which invites the “critical tautology” mentioned above. For it is a literature constantly in search of its own coherence, of its own identity. It is a litera- 1 2 • NegritudeandLiteraryC riticism . ture permanently under threat of “annexation” by other literatures, French literature in particular. Checking the shifting boundaries of this literature, and considering the ways in which the criteria of evaluation proposed by secondary discourses are affected by those changing boundaries, provides a focus for the account constructed here. It is for this reason that the empha- sis is on works of a general and theoretical kind rather than on studies of individual authors. For it is the former that, in establishing the criteria of the literature’s autonomy, coherence, specificity, and so on, provide the framework within which studies of individual authors take place. Third, and intimately associated with the dialectic between definition and evaluation, the role of Negritude is monitored in the multifarious guises in which it appears in secondary texts. Few studies of Negro-African literature avoid the term “Negritude,” but each time it is exploited in critical discourse it acquires a further layer of critical significance which subse- quent studies have to take into account. The seminal study of Negro-African literature in French, Lilyan Kesteloot’s Les Ecrivains noirs de langue française: naissance d’une lit- térature, published in 1963 and translated as, significantly, Black Writers in French: A Literary History of Negritude, argued that a new literature had come into being: With the awakening of the African continent, demanding its freedom, it is time to recognize that black writers of the French language form a com- prehensive literary movement. As early as 1948, “Black Orpheus,” Jean- Paul Sartre’s brilliant preface to L. S. Senghor’s Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie nègre et malgache de langue française [“Anthology of the New Negro and Malagasy Poetry in French”] saluted the accession of the poets of “Negritude.” Today, everything about this poetry, its abundance and quality, its diversity of style and form, its incontestable originality, prompts us to consider these neo-African authors as creators of an authen- tic literary school. [p. 7] The particular field of study outlined by Lilyan Kesteloot, “Negro-African literature of French expression,” continues to be proposed as a coherent area, made up of a homogeneous corpus of texts. Since Kesteloot’s study, however, numerous other secondary discourses have defined or described different “areas,” which, they have argued, offer equally coherent fields of study: “neo-African literature,” “Negro literature,” “African literature,” and so on. As in a complex Venn diagram, some texts belong within the area delineated by numerous intersecting circles, while others fall only within one. Léopold Sédar Senghor’s poetry, for example, falls within the area of “Senegalese literature,” “African literature,” “African literature in French,” “Neo-African literature,” and, more problematically, the “litera- ture of Negritude,” itself proposed as a distinct and coherent “literature.”1

Negro-African literature in French is one of a number of appellations most commonly used to describe a body of literary texts written in French by Africans and those of African descent from roughly 1920 onward. Discussing the numerous other terms that have been used to designate the same body of tex
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