Negotiation BUS 489 Professor Taryn Stanko Fall 2018 cognella® CUSTOM BUS 489 Negotiation Professor Taryn Stanko California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Fall 2018 Thank you for purchasing this book! Cognella Custom is an imprint of Cognella, Inc., a student-founded company with a mission to support instructors in creating engaging learning materials at the lowest possible cost to students. While many textbooks include chapters you’ll never read, every piece of content in this book has been hand-picked by your instructor to help you get the most out of their course. The cost of this book includes the copyright fees required by the original rightsholders. By purchasing this text, you are protecting yourself and your school from copyright infringement, as well as supporting the scholars and authors who spent time developing this content. If you have any questions regarding this text, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. 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NEGOTIATION Stanko/Fall 2018 BUS 489: Negotiation Table of Contents 1) Selecting a Strategy (Lewicki, Hiam, and Olander)………………………………………… p. 1 2) Three Approaches to Resolving Disputes (Ury, Brett, and Goldberg) …………. p. 13 3) Secrets of Power Negotiating (Dawson)………………………………………………………. p. 24 4) Negotiating Rationally (Neale and Bazerman)…………………………………………….. p. 25 5) Women Don’t Ask (Babcock and Laschever) ………………………………………………… p. 35 6) The Negotiation Checklist (Simons and Tripp) ………………………………………………. p. 45 7) Implementing a Collaborative Strategy (Lewicki, Hiam, and Olander)……………. p. 56 8) Defusing the Exploding Offer: The Farpoint Gambit (Robinson)……………………… p. 68 9) When and How to Use Third-Party Help (Lewicki, Hiam, and Olander) ……… p. 75 10) Negotiating with Problem People (Levitz) ………………………………………………. p. 87 11) Negotiation and Culture: A Framework (Brett) ………………………………………… p. 90 12) Intercultural Negotiation in International Business (Salacuse) …………………. p. 99 13) Ethics in Negotiation: Oil in Water (Reitz, Wall Jr. and Love)……………………… p. 119 14) Three Schools of Bargaining Ethics (Shell) ………………………………………………… p. 129 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America ISBN 0-471-01321-8 of a competent professional person should be sought. or other expert assistance is required, the services legal advice rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritativ 10158-0012. NY John Wiley Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, & information should be addressed to the Permissions Departmentowner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United Reproduction translation of any part of this work beyond or reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada. All rights Published by John Wiley Sons, Inc. & Copyright 1996 by Alexander Hiam and Roy]. Lewicki © This text is printed on acid-free paper. e , N e w Y t o o r T k • Sh K C te Y h a A r ichester • JOHN WIL ren W lexan J.Roy ategicCom ou BeTh Brisb & EY ise der Le Nple Spfoin ane • Toron SONS, INC. Olande Hiam wicki egotiate Gui eakre k to r td i • oe S n i n g a p o r e 2 54 54 54 importance of each of these two concerns, and its relative priority, should importance of each of these two concerns, and its relative priority, should importance of each of these two concerns, and its relative priority, should other negotiator other negotiator outcome of the negotiation itself. outcome of the negotiation itself. and the The strength or and the The strength or other negotiator outcome of the negotiation itself and the The strength or relationship with the relationship with the nation of preferences for two basic concerns: the nation of preferences for two basic concerns: the relationship with the nation of preferences for two basic concerns: the The five basic types of negotiating strategies depend on your combi-The five basic types of negotiating strategies depend on your combi-The five basic types of negotiating strategies depend on your combi- TYPES OF STRATEGIES TYPES OF STRATEGIES TYPES OF STRATEGIES KEY FACTORS THAT DETERMINE THE KEY FACTORS THAT DETERMINE THE KEY FACTORS THAT DETERMINE THE by by the other side (see Figure 5.1). the other side (see Figure 5.1). by the other side (see Figure 5.1). side will make adjustments that may call for shifts or changes of strategy side will make adjustments that may call for shifts or changes of strategy side will make adjustments that may call for shifts or changes of strategy each negotiation differently. And as negotiations continue over time, each each negotiation differently. And as negotiations continue over time, each each negotiation differently. And as negotiations continue over time, each the positions of the parties and the context of the negotiation will affect the positions of the parties and the context of the negotiation will affect the positions of the parties and the context of the negotiation will affect different strategy. There is usually no single "best" strategy. Variations in There is usually no single "best" strategy. Variations in There is usually no single "best" strategy. Variations in different strategy. different strategy. tions involve a tions involve a tions involve a mixture of issues, and each may be best handled with a mixture of issues, and each may be best handled with a mixture of issues, and each may be best handled with a combination combination combination tiation situation. Note that we say of strategies. Most negotia-that we say of strategies. Most negotia-that we say of strategies. Most negotia-tiation situation. Note tiation situation. Note the appropriate strategy or combination of strategies for a particular nego-the appropriate strategy or combination of strategies for a particular nego-the appropriate strategy or combination of strategies for a particular nego-homework in Chapters 2 through 4, you will be well prepared for selecting homework in Chapters 2 through 4, you will be well prepared for selecting homework in Chapters 2 through 4, you will be well prepared for selecting and has its own advantages and disadvantages. you have done your and has its own advantages and disadvantages. you have done your and has its own advantages and disadvantages. you have done your If If If for negotiation. Each strategy applies to a particular set of circumstances for negotiation. Each strategy applies to a particular set of circumstances for negotiation. Each strategy applies to a particular set of circumstances In this chapter, we will look at five basic strategies that can be used In this chapter, we will look at five basic strategies that can be used In this chapter, we will look at five basic strategies that can be used outcome. outcome. outcome. gotiate blind. The right strategy greatly improves your odds of a successful The right strategy greatly improves your odds of a successful The right strategy greatly improves your odds of a successful gotiate blind. gotiate blind. have noted before, most people skip this preparation; as a result, they ne-have noted before, most people skip this preparation; as a result, they ne-have noted before, most people skip this preparation; as a result, they ne-cally, cally, cally, adopting a style and plan that is best suited to the situation. As we adopting a style and plan that is best suited to the situation. As we adopting a style and plan that is best suited to the situation. As we the other party. This lengthy preparation allows you to negotiate strategi-the other party. This lengthy preparation allows you to negotiate strategi-the other party. This lengthy preparation allows you to negotiate strategi-(Chapter 4), you are ready to select a strategy to use in negotiating with (Chapter 4), you are ready to select a strategy to use in negotiating with (Chapter 4), you are ready to select a strategy to use in negotiating with party (Chapter 3), and looked at the contextual issues of the negotiation party (Chapter 3), and looked at the contextual issues of the negotiation party (Chapter 3)' and looked at the contextual issues of the negotiation After you have analyzed your own position (Chapter 2), that of the other After you have analyzed your own position (Chapter 2), that of the other After you have analyzed your own position (Chapter 2), that of the other Selecting a Strategy Selecting a Strategy Selecting a Strategy 5 5 5 Chapter Chapter Chapter 55 55 continuing relationship. Therefore, your relationship concerns are low. continuing relationship. Therefore, your relationship concerns are low. may never have met the salesperson before and may not expect to have a may never have met the salesperson before and may not expect to have a For example, if you are negotiating the purchase of a new car, you For example, if you are negotiating the purchase of a new car, you and extent of free, open communication between the parties. and extent of free, open communication between the parties. (6) the degree of interdependence in the relationship; and the amount (6) the degree of interdependence in the relationship; and the amount (7) (7) if one exists; (5) the level of and commitment to the relationship; tory, tory, if one exists; (5) the level of and commitment to the relationship; ture relationship is desirable; (4) the length of the relationship and its his-ture relationship is desirable; (4) the length of the relationship and its his-two of you have gotten along well or poorly in the past); (3) whether a fu-two of you have gotten along well or poorly in the past); (3) whether a fu-whether that relationship is generally positive or negative (whether the (2) (2) whether that relationship is generally positive or negative (whether the fected by a number of factors: whether there is a relationship at all; fected by a number of factors: whether there is a relationship at all; (1) (1) The importance of the relationship between the two parties will be af-The importance of the relationship between the two parties will be af-that you can repair the relationship. that you can repair the relationship. tiate differently than if the relationship is unimportant, or if it is unlikely tiate differently than if the relationship is unimportant, or if it is unlikely with the other party is important to you, then you should nego-lationship lationship with the other party is important you, then you should nego-to Perhaps it is somewhere between these extremes. If maintaining a good re-If Perhaps it is somewhere between these extremes. maintaining a good re-in the future? Perhaps it is very important. Perhaps it does not matter at all. in the future? Perhaps it is very important. Perhaps it does not matter at all. tant is it for the two of you to get along, work together, and like each other tant is it for the two of you to get along, work together, and like each other party? How have the two of you gotten along in the past, and how impor-party? How have the two of you gotten along in the past, and how impor-relationship First, how important is your past and future with the other relationship First, how important is your past and future with the other Relationship Concerns Relationship Concerns now describe each of these concerns. now describe each of these concerns. tually occurs, and this will have dramatic impact on the outcomes. We will occurs, and this will have dramatic impact on the outcomes. We will tually two parties' choices will further influence the negotiation process that ac-two parties' choices will further influence the negotiation process that ac-ter if both parties agree to play by the same rules. The interaction of the ter if both parties agree play by the same rules. The interaction of the to gotiating model with them. Your chances of a good outcome are often bet-gotiating model with them. Your chances of a good outcome are often bet-give serious consideration as to whether you should share this strategic ne-give serious consideration as to whether you should share this strategic ne-may select a strategy in a similar manner. If they do not, you will want to may select a strategy in a similar manner. they do not, you will want to If direct the selection of the optimal negotiation strategy. The other party direct the selection of the optimal negotiation strategy. The other party Figure 5.1 The Eighth Rule of Strategic Negotiation Figure 5.1 The Eighth Rule of Strategic Negotiation FAILURE! FAILURE! guarantees guarantees strategy strategy The WRONG The WRONG Selecting a Strategy Selecting a Strategy 3 56 56 56 ion ion to effect a result. If the relationship concerns have a strong influence to effect a result. If the relationship concerns have a strong influence If ion to effect a result. the relationship concerns have a strong influence tant. This will require working together with the other party in some fash-tant. This will require working together with the other party in some fash-tant. This will require working together with the other party in some fash-both both both example of buying a car. Or, relationship and outcome may be impor-example of buying a car. Or, relationship and outcome may be impor-example of buying a car. Or, relationship and outcome may be impor-many many other negotiations, the outcome is the most important factor, as in the other negotiations, the outcome is the most important factor, as in the many other negotiations, the outcome is the most important factor, as in the lationship history lationship history and you want to maintain the relationship. In contrast, in and you want to maintain the relationship. In contrast, in lationship history and you want maintain the relationship. In contrast, in to ation. The relationship may be your top priority, especially if there is a re-ation. The relationship may be your top priority, especially if there is a re-ation. The relationship may be your top priority, especially if there is a re-outcome, will direct the strategy you choose to use for a particular negoti-outcome, will direct the strategy you choose to use for a particular negoti-outcome, will direct the strategy you choose to use for a particular negoti-that the priority of each of the two negotiating concerns, relationship and that the priority of each of the two negotiating concerns, relationship and that the priority of each of the two negotiating concerns, relationship and come concerns here. The important message in this chapter, however, is come concerns here. The important message in this chapter, however, is come concerns here. The important message in this chapter, however, is on the outcome. Hence, we will not say much more about out-on the outcome. Hence, we will not say much more about out-has focused has focused has focused on the outcome. Hence, we will not say much more about out-Most of the planning and preparation described in the earlier chapters Most of the planning and preparation described in the earlier chapters Most of the planning and preparation described in the earlier chapters very little about the outcome. very little about the outcome. very little about the outcome. more, you probably are most concerned about the relationship and care more, you probably are most concerned about the relationship and care more, you probably are most concerned about the relationship and care from your mother simply so that she doesn't have to worry about any from your mother simply so that she doesn't have to worry about any from your mother simply so that she doesn't have to worry about it any it it not press as hard to get a good price. Finally, if you are buying the car not press as hard to get a good price. Finally, if you are buying the car not press as hard to get a good price. Finally, if you are buying the car you want to keep a good relationship with your neighbor, then you might you want to keep a good relationship with your neighbor, then you might you want to keep a good relationship with your neighbor, then you might all in the relationship. If you are buying the car from your neighbor, and all in the relationship. If you are buying the car from your neighbor, and If all in the relationship. you are buying the car from your neighbor, and be the most important factor, and you may have absolutely no interest at be the most important factor, and you may have absolutely no interest at be the most important factor, and you may have absolutely no interest at the car-buying example. If you are buying a car from a dealer, price may the car-buying example. If you are buying a car from a dealer, price may the car-buying example. If you are buying a car from a dealer, price may outcome not really matter in this negotiation? For example, let us return to outcome not really matter in this negotiation? For example, let us return to outcome not really matter in this negotiation? For example, let us return to advantage? Or is the outcome of only moderate importance? Or does the advantage? Or is the outcome of only moderate importance? Or does the advantage? Or is the outcome of only moderate importance? Or does the outcome in this negotiation? Do you need to win on all points to gain the outcome in this negotiation? Do you need to win on all points to gain the outcome in this negotiation? Do you need to win on all points gain the to outcome outcome of the negotiation. How important is it for you to achieve a good of the negotiation. How important is it for you to achieve a good outcome of the negotiation. How important is it for you to achieve a good The second factor affecting negotiating strategy is the importance of the The second factor affecting negotiating strategy is the importance of the The second factor affecting negotiating strategy is the importance of the Outcome Concerns Outcome Concerns Outcome Concerns based on your assessment in Chapter 3. based on your assessment in Chapter 3. based on your assessment in Chapter 3. You You should have a good sense of what to expect from the other party, should have a good sense of what to expect from the other party, You should have a good sense of what to expect from the other party, lationship lationship to continue in the future. to continue in the future. lationship to continue in the future. emotional level in the negotiations. This is important if you expect the re-emotional level in the negotiations. This is important if you expect the re-emotional level in the negotiations. This is important if you expect the re-hostility, you may prefer not to negotiate, or you may want to lower the hostility, you may prefer not to negotiate, or you may want to lower the hostility, you may prefer not to negotiate, or you may want to lower the way, and avoid escalating emotions. the relationship has a history of way, and avoid escalating emotions. the relationship has a history of If If way, and avoid escalating emotions. If the relationship has a history of been hostile. it is a congenial relationship, you may wish to keep it that been hostile. it is a congenial relationship, you may wish to keep it that If If been hostile. If it is a congenial relationship, you may wish to keep it that may may be congenial, or it may be antagonistic if earlier negotiations have be congenial, or it may be antagonistic if earlier negotiations have may be congenial, or it may be antagonistic if earlier negotiations have In the case of a party with whom you have an ongoing relationship, it In the case of a party with whom you have an ongoing relationship, it In the case of a party with whom you have an ongoing relationship, it you may negotiate differently than if you are buying it from a stranger. you may negotiate differently than if you are buying it from a stranger. you may negotiate differently than if you are buying it from a stranger. bor, and want to continue to have a good relationship with that person, bor, and want to continue to have a good relationship with that person, bor, and want to continue to have a good relationship with that person, this will affect negotiations. Or if you are buying the car from your neigh-this will affect negotiations. Or if you are buying the car from your neigh-this will affect negotiations. Or if you are buying the car from your neigh-this person on deals in the future, your relationship concerns are high, and this person on deals in the future, your relationship concerns are high, and this person on deals in the future, your relationship concerns are high, and However, if your business uses a fleet of cars and you expect to work with However, if your business uses a fleet of cars and you expect to work with However, if your business uses a fleet of cars and you expect to work with Chapter Five Chapter Five Chapter Five 57 57 Figure 5.2 Negotiation Strategies Figure 5.2 Negotiation Strategies OUTCOME OUTCOME Low---High Low Importance of Importance of __ _ Low Low Win-lose Win-lose Lose-lose Lose-lose Win at al/ cost Win at all cost Avoiding Avoiding Competitive Competitive i Split the difference Split the difference RELATIONSHIP RELATIONSHIP I Importance of Importance of Compromise Compromise Lose to win Lose to win Win-win Win-win Accommodating Accommodating Collaborative Collaborative High High high concern for the outcome and low concern for the relationship. You high concern for the outcome and low concern for the relationship. You Competitive (win-lose). 3. The lower right of the diagram represents 3. Competitive (win-lose). The lower right of the diagram represents dimension. dimension. on the outcome dimension in order to "win" on the relationship ally "lose" ally "lose" on the outcome dimension in order to "win" on the relationship your concern for the outcome to preserve the relationship; you intention-your concern for the outcome to preserve the relationship; you intention-and the importance of the outcome is low. In this situation, you "back off" and the importance of the outcome is low. In this situation, you "back off" upper left of the diagram, where the importance of the relationship is high upper left of the diagram, where the importance of the relationship is high 2. Accommodating (lose to win). This strategy is represented in the 2. Accommodating (lose to win). This strategy is represented in the drawing from active negotiation, or by avoiding negotiation entirely. drawing from active negotiation, or by avoiding negotiation entirely. you to pursue the conflict further. You implement this strategy by with-you to pursue the conflict further. You implement this strategy by with-outcome are low. Neither aspect of the negotiation is important enough for outcome are low. Neither aspect of the negotiation is important enough for diagram. In this strategy, the priorities for both the relationship and the diagram. In this strategy, the priorities for both the relationship and the Avoiding (lose-lose). This strategy is shown in the lower left of the 1. Avoiding (lose-lose). This strategy is shown in the lower left of the 1. relationship and outcome, five distinctly different strategies emerge: relationship and outcome, five distinctly different strategies emerge: we look at the various quadrants created by different levels of concern for we look at the various quadrants created by different levels of concern for horizontal axis represents your degree of concern for the outcome. When horizontal axis represents your degree of concern for the outcome. When vertical axis represents your degree of concern for the relationship, and the vertical axis represents your degree of concern for the relationship, and the high and low priorities for each represented, it looks like Figure 5.2. The high and low priorities for each represented, it looks like Figure 5.2. The If we show the relationship and outcome concerns on a graph, with we show the relationship and outcome concerns on a graph, with If the outcome is more important. the outcome is more important. the outcome is more important. come, then you will select a different strategy than you would select where come, then you will select a different strategy than you would select where come, then you will select a different strategy than you would select where on the matter at hand, and you decide to emphasize them over the out-on the matter at hand, and you decide to emphasize them over the out-on the matter at hand, and you decide to emphasize them over the out- Selecting a Strategy Selecting a Strategy Selecting a Strategy 4 58 58 58 situations. Our nickname of this strategy is actually a misnomer, since an situations. Our nickname of this strategy is actually a misnomer, since an situations. Our nickname of this strategy is actually a misnomer, since an The Avoiding Strategy is used infrequently, but has merit in certain The Avoiding Strategy is used infrequently, but has merit in certain The Avoiding Strategy is used infrequently, but has merit in certain AVOIDING STRATEGY (LOSE-LOSE) AVOIDING STRATEGY (LOSE-LOSE) AVOIDING STRATEGY (LOSE-LOSE) you anticipated. you anticipated. you anticipated. prepared for the other party's moves, if they use a different strategy than prepared for the other party's moves, if they use a different strategy than prepared for the other party's moves, if they use a different strategy than study the components of each strategy carefully. In this way, you can be study the components of each strategy carefully. In this way, you can be study the components of each strategy carefully. In this way, you can be you may be inclined to use one particular strategy, is a good idea to you may be inclined to use one particular strategy, is a good idea to you may be inclined to use one particular strategy, is a good idea to it it it We now look at the five basic negotiating strategies in detail. Although We now look at the five basic negotiating strategies in detail. Although now look at the five basic negotiating strategies in detail. Although We How to handle this situation is discussed further in Chapters 9 and 10. How to handle this situation is discussed further in Chapters 9 and 10. How to handle this situation is discussed further in Chapters 9 and 10. real-life situations, however, each party may start with a different strategy. real-life situations, however, each party may start with a different strategy. real-life situations, however, each party may start with a different strategy. parties are able agree on one strategy, negotiations will be easier. In parties are able to agree on one strategy, negotiations will be easier. In parties are able to agree on one strategy, negotiations will be easier. In to just just your strategy choice based on what you expect the other to do. If the your strategy choice based on what you expect the other to do. If the your strategy choice based on what you expect the other to do. If the just propriate strategy for a particular situation, because you may want to ad-propriate strategy for a particular situation, because you may want to ad-propriate strategy for a particular situation, because you may want to ad-the other party (from Chapter 3) helpful when you are selecting the ap-the other party (from Chapter 3) helpful when you are selecting the ap-the other party (from Chapter 3) helpful when you are selecting the ap-will be formulating a negotiating strategy. You will find your analysis of will be formulating a negotiating strategy. You will find your analysis of will be formulating a negotiating strategy. You will find your analysis of dressed by using a mix of strategies. Remember, too, that the other party dressed by using a mix of strategies. Remember, too, that the other party dressed by using a mix of strategies. Remember, too, that the other party gotiation situations gotiation situations are frequently complex, and thus are often best ad-are frequently complex, and thus are often best ad-gotiation situations are frequently complex, and thus are often best ad-where there may be only one issue at stake. In contrast, most real-life ne-where there may be only one issue at stake. In contrast, most real-life ne-where there may be only one issue at stake. In contrast, most real-life ne-These brief descriptions are ideal or "pure" negotiating situations These brief descriptions are ideal or "pure" negotiating situations These brief descriptions are ideal or "pure" negotiating situations tion quickly. Each tion quickly. Each party will give in somewhat to find a common ground. party will give in somewhat to find a common ground. tion quickly. Each party will give in somewhat to find a common ground. when the parties are under time pressure, and need to come to a resolu-when the parties are under time pressure, and need to come to a resolu-when the parties are under time pressure, and need to come to a resolu-versa), versa), then a Compromising Strategy can be effective. is also often used then a Compromising Strategy can be effective. is also often used then a Compromising Strategy can be effective. is also often used versa), It It It pursue the outcome and abandon the concern for the relationship (or vice pursue the outcome and abandon the concern for the relationship (or vice pursue the outcome and abandon the concern for the relationship (or vice if the parties cannot achieve good collaboration, but do not want to if the parties cannot achieve good collaboration, but do not want to ple, ple, ple, if the parties cannot achieve good collaboration, but do not want to achieve some outcomes and/or preserve the relationship. Thus, for exam-achieve some outcomes and/or preserve the relationship. Thus, for exam-achieve some outcomes and/or preserve the relationship. Thus, for exam-used when the parties cannot achieve good collaboration, but still want to used when the parties cannot achieve good collaboration, but still want to used when the parties cannot achieve good collaboration, but still want to approach that is used in a variety of situations. For example, it is often approach that is used in a variety of situations. For example, it is often approach that is used in a variety of situations. For example, is often it call a Compromising, call a Compromising, or "satisficing," strategy. represents a combination or "satisficing," strategy. represents a combination It It Compromising, or "satisficing," strategy. It represents a combination call a 5. Compromising (split the difference). 5. Compromising (split the difference). In the middle is an area we will In the middle is an area we will 5. Compromising (split the difference). In the middle is an area we will each. each. each. likely likely when both parties can find a resolution that meets the needs of when both parties can find a resolution that meets the needs of likely when both parties can find a resolution that meets the needs of comes comes while preserving or enhancing the relationship. This result is most while preserving or enhancing the relationship. This result is most comes while preserving or enhancing the relationship. This result is most the outcome. In this strategy, the parties attempt to maximize their out-the outcome. In this strategy, the parties attempt to maximize their out-the outcome. In this strategy, the parties attempt maximize their out-to fines a strategy where there is a high priority for both the relationship and fines a strategy where there is a high priority for both the relationship and fines a strategy where there is a high priority for both the relationship and 4. Collaborative (win-winJ.! 4. Collaborative (win-winJ.! The upper right part of the diagram de-The upper right part of the diagram de-4. Collaborative (win-win).! The upper right part of the diagram de- the future state of the relationship. the future state of the relationship. the future state of the relationship. use this use this strategy if you want to win at all cost, and have no concern about strategy if you want to win at all cost, and have no concern about use this strategy if you want to win at all cost, and have no concern about Chapter Five Chapter Five Chapter Five 59 59 egy may prefer to primarily concentrate on building or strengthening a egy may prefer to primarily concentrate on building or strengthening a portant than the outcome of the negotiation. The person using this strat-portant than the outcome of the negotiation. The person using this strat-An Accommodating Strategy is used when the relationship is more im-An Accommodating Strategy is used when the relationship is more im- ACCOMMODATING STRATEGY (LOSE TO WIN) ACCOMMODATING STRATEGY (LOSE TO WIN) depth later in this chapter. depth later in this chapter. may also choose not to negotiate. We will discuss Alternatives in more may also choose not to negotiate. We will discuss Alternatives in more tions, as we will see. If you have no Alternatives, or only weak ones, you tions, as we will see. If you have no Alternatives, or only weak ones, you Alternatives can provide you with bargaining power in other situa-Alternatives can provide you with bargaining power in other situa-Avoiding Strategy in the first negotiation. Avoiding Strategy in the first negotiation. person is inflexible. So you simply select your Alternative and pursue an person is inflexible. So you simply select your Alternative and pursue an negotiate with one seller because you feel the price is too high and the negotiate with one seller because you feel the price is too high and the different houses to buy, and both meet your needs, you may choose not to different houses to buy, and both meet your needs, you may choose not to person may choose not to negotiate. For example, if you are looking at two person may choose not negotiate. For example, if you are looking at two to very strong Alternative outcome. a strong Alternative is available, the If very strong Alternative outcome. If a strong Alternative is availahle, the when a party can pursue a The Avoiding Strategy also is a possibility The Avoiding Strategy also is a possibility when a party can pursue a you might switch to an Accommodating Strategy. you might switch to an Accommodating Strategy. on negotiations, and it is important to preserve the relationship, then sists on negotiations, and it is important to preserve the relationship, then sists jections to the proceedings, or simply to not show up. If the other party in-jections to the proceedings, or simply to not show up. If the other party in-party. A more moderate method of avoidance may be to not raise any ob-party. A more moderate method of avoidance may be to not raise any ob-come is unimportant, many people will prefer to avoid angering the other come is unimportant, many people will prefer to avoid angering the other this may have a negative effect on the relationship. Even when the out-this may have a negative effect on the relationship. Even when the out-the "avoider" refuses to negotiate when the other party wants to, If the "avoider" refuses to negotiate when the other party wants to, If fuses to negotiate. fuses to negotiate. tant (at least compared with the costs) and so takes no action or simply re-tant (at least compared with the costs) and so takes no action or simply re-reasons that neither the relationship nor the outcome is sufficiently impor-reasons that neither the relationship nor the outcome is sufficiently impor-portant enough to develop through the negotiation. As a result, the party portant enough to develop through the negotiation. As a result, the party that the outcome has very low value and that the relationship is not im-that the outcome has very low value and that the relationship is not im-needs can be met without negotiating. In addition, this person may decide needs can be met without negotiating. In addition, this person may decide waste of time-or not worth pursuing. This person may feel that his or her waste of time-or not worth pursuing. This person may feel that his or her person employing an Avoiding Strategy basically sees negotiation as a The The person employing an Avoiding Strategy basically sees negotiation as a where negotiators would have been better off to drop the matter entirely! where negotiators would have been better off to drop the matter entirely! be costly (in time, money, and relationships) and there are many cases be costly On time, money, and relationships) and there are many cases Why would one choose an Avoiding Strategy? Because negotiations can Why would one choose an Avoiding Strategy? Because negotiations can relationship. relationship. will ,call the Avoiding Strategy a "loss" in terms of the outcome and the will call the Avoiding Strategy a "loss" in terms of the outcome and the the more active pursuits of relationship and outcomes as "winning," we the more active pursuits of relationship and outcomes as "winning," we the relationship or the outcome. However, since we tend to refer to the relationship or the outcome. However, since we tend refer to to active choice of an Avoiding Strategy is not necessarily a "loss" on either active choice of an Avoiding Strategy is not necessarily a "loss" on either Selecting a Strategy Selecting a Strategy 5 60 60 60 ing) and spend less time on specific strategies to improve or strengthen ing) and spend less time on specific strategies to improve or strengthen ing) and spend less time on specific strategies to improve or strengthen based on "high outcome concern" strategies (Competing or Collaborat-based on "high outcome concern" strategies (Competing or Collaborat-based on "high outcome concern" strategies (Competing or Collaborat-modation as a viable strategy; however, most of these books also are modation as a viable strategy; however, most of these books also are modation as a viable strategy; however, most of these books also are egy in negotiation. Many negotiation books do not even mention Accom-egy in negotiation. Many negotiation books do not even mention Accom-egy in negotiation. Many negotiation books do not even mention Accom-The Accommodating Strategy is not usually considered a formal strat-The Accommodating Strategy is not usually considered a formal strat-The Accommodating Strategy is not usually considered a formal strat-to overcome these problems. to overcome these problems. to overcome these problems. how to use the damage control and reconnection strategies in Chapter 10 how to use the damage control and reconnection strategies in Chapter 10 how to use the damage control and reconnection strategies in Chapter 10 pete and take advantage of your guard being down. You will need to learn pete and take advantage of your guard being down. You will need to learn pete and take advantage of your guard being down. You will need to learn sometimes it is. If this happens to you, the other party will begin to com-sometimes it is. If this happens to you, the other party will begin to com-sometimes it is. If this happens to you, the other party will begin to com-be construed as an invitation to the other party to be competitive. But be construed as an invitation to the other party to be competitive. But be construed as an invitation to the other party to be competitive. But other side and seen as accommodating behavior (which it is). It should not other side and seen as accommodating behavior (which it is). should not other side and seen as accommodating behavior (which it is). should not It It pen that one side constantly gives in. This precedent may be noted by the pen that one side constantly gives in. This precedent may be noted by the pen that one side constantly gives in. This precedent may be noted by the In a long-term negotiation or over a series of negotiations, it may hap-In a long-term negotiation or over a series of negotiations, it may hap-In a long-term negotiation or over a series of negotiations, it may hap-put in overtime. put in overtime. put in overtime. that a big project is coming next week, and everyone is going to have to that a big project is coming next week, and everyone is going to have to that a big project is coming next week, and everyone is going to have to find another person complete the task, especially if the manager knows find another person to complete the task, especially if the manager knows find another person to complete the task, especially if the manager knows to right now if the employee is overloaded with projects and the manager can now if the employee is overloaded with projects and the manager can now if the employee is overloaded with projects and the manager can right right example, a manager might not urge an employee to take on an extra task example, a manager might not urge an employee to take on an extra task example, a manager might not urge an employee to take on an extra task will create a better opportunity to achieve outcome goals in the future. For will create a better opportunity to achieve outcome goals in the future. For will create a better opportunity to achieve outcome goals in the future. For short term-it short term-it short term-it cases, this strategy is is expected that accommodation now cases, this strategy is is expected that accommodation now cases, this strategy is is expected that accommodation now opponent to give in on something that they do not want to discuss. In most opponent to give in on something that they do not want to discuss. In most opponent to give in on something that they do not want to discuss. In most "back down" now, to keep communication lines open and not pressure the "back down" now, to keep communication lines open and not pressure the "back down" now, keep communication lines open and not pressure the to the relationship is ongoing, then it may be particularly appropriate to the relationship is ongoing, then it may be particularly appropriate to the relationship is ongoing, then it may be particularly appropriate to or even to cool off hostile feelings if there is tension in the relationship. If or even to cool off hostile feelings if there is tension in the relationship. If or even to cool off hostile feelings if there is tension in the relationship. If dependent relationship, to increase support and assistance from the other, dependent relationship, to increase support and assistance from the other, dependent relationship, to increase support and assistance from the other, The Accommodating Strategy may be used to encourage a more inter-The Accommodating Strategy The Accommodating Strategy may be used to encourage a more inter-may be used to encourage a more inter-ter position for a raise at the 6-month review. ter position for a raise at the 6-month review. ter position for a raise at the 6-month review. now, at her 3-month review, if it is expected that this will put her in a bet-now, at her 3-month review, if it is expected that this will put her in a bet-now, at her 3-month review, if it is expected that this will put her in a bet-choose an Accommodating Strategy and not push for a salary increase choose an Accommodating Strategy and not push for a salary increase choose an Accommodating Strategy and not push for a salary increase evaluation, a raise, or a better position in the future. The employee may evaluation, a raise, or a better position in the future. The employee may evaluation, a raise, or a better position in the future. The employee may want to establish a good relationship with the boss now to have a good want to establish a good relationship with the boss now to have a good want to establish a good relationship with the boss now to have a good For example, For example, in a manager-employee relationship, the employee may in a manager-employee relationship, the employee may example, in a manager-employee relationship, the employee may For term gain. term gain. term gain. tain a better future outcome. A short-term loss is exchanged for a long-tain a better future outcome. A short-term loss is exchanged for a long-tain a better future outcome. A short-term loss is exchanged for a long-us what we want later on. So we give them their preferences now, to ob-us what we want later on. So we give them their preferences now, to ob-us what we want later on. So we give them their preferences now, to ob-ing something away now may create the expectation that they need to give ing something away now may create the expectation that they need to give ing something away now may create the expectation that they need to give ships are ships are built on rather informal expectations and rules of exchange,2 giv-built on rather informal expectations and rules of exchange,2 giv-ships are built on rather informal expectations and rules of exchange giv-,2 that we may want something else in the future. Since many social relation-that we may want something else in the future. Since many social relation-that we may want something else in the future. Since many social relation-and give to the other side, thus making them happy. A second reason is and give to the other side, thus making them happy. A second reason is and give it to the other side, thus making them happy. A second reason is it it what they want, we may simply choose to avoid focusing on the outcome what they want, we may simply choose to avoid focusing on the outcome what they want, we may simply choose to avoid focusing on the outcome relationship. Since other people are usually happy when we give them relationship. Since other people are usually happy when we give them relationship. Since other people are usually happy when we give them Chapter Five Chapter Five Chapter Five 61 61 win, you lose" concept. The competitor will do anything to accomplish win, you lose" concept. The competitor will do anything to accomplish in, and thus to satisfy the competitor's needs now. is based on the "I in, and thus to satisfy the competitor's needs now. is based on the "I It It in the Competitive Strategy is to get the other party to give The goal The goal in the Competitive Strategy is to get the other party to give which differences are minimized and similarities emphaSized. which differences are minimized and similarities emphasized. and even by conflict. This contrasts with the Collaborative Strategy in and even by conflict. This contrasts with the Collaborative Strategy in situation will be characterized by lack of trust negotiation in a competitive negotiation in a competitive situation will be characterized by lack of trust the parties, promoting a "we/they" attitude. Thus, the relationship during the parties, promoting a "we/they" attitude. Thus, the relationship during The Competitive Strategy tends to emphasize the differences between The Competitive Strategy tends to emphasize the differences between with the other party is unimportant, but the specific outcome important. with the other party is unimportant, but the specific outcome is important. is this strategy is undertaken with the assumption that the future relationship this strategy is undertaken with the assumption that the future relationship dishonesty, and this strategy is adopted for defensive reasons. At any rate, dishonesty, and this strategy is adopted for defensive reasons. At any rate, with, or (4) the other party may have a reputation for hard bargaining or with, or (4) the other party may have a reputation for hard bargaining or may not be important, (3) the relationship exists, but was poor to begin may not be important, (3) the relationship exists, but was poor to begin time negotiation with no future relationship, (2) the future relationship time negotiation with no future relationship, (2) the future relationship party does not matter, for one of several reasons: this may be a one-party does not matter, for one of several reasons: this may be a one-(1) (1) quences of this strategy or the relationship. The relationship with the other quences of this strategy or the relationship. The relationship with the other outcome right now, and to not care about either the long-term conse-outcome right now, and to not care about either the long-term conse-goals in this strategy are short term: to maximize the magnitude of the goals in this strategy are short term: to maximize the magnitude of the strain and endanger the relationship between the parties. The thinking and strain and endanger the relationship between the parties. The thinking and because it is likely that while competitors may gain on the outcome, they because it is likely that while competitors may gain on the outcome, they son using the Competitive Strategy.) We call this strategy "win to lose" son using the Competitive Strategy.) We call this strategy "win to lose" comes as possible. (We will use the term "competitor" to denote the per-comes as possible. (We will use the term "competitor" to denote the per-engaging in a Competitive Strategy wants to get as much of those out-engaging in a Competitive Strategy wants to get as much of those out-seen as finite and limited in amount or size, the person profits, etc.) are profits, etc.) are seen as finite and limited in amount or size, the person portant than the relationship. Because the outcomes (resources, gains, portant than the relationship. Because the outcomes (resources, gains, In a Competitive Strategy, the outcome of the negotiation is more im-In a Competitive Strategy, the outcome of the negotiation is more im-yourself. yourself. important to understand how it works, even if you do not plan to use it important to understand how it works, even if you do not plan to use it strategy they think of. The Competitive Strategy is used frequently, so it is strategy they think of. The Competitive Strategy is used frequently, so it is When many people think of negotiation and bargaining, this is the When many people think of negotiation and bargaining, this is the COMPETITIVE STRATEGY (WIN TO LOSE) COMPETITIVE STRATEGY (WIN TO LOSE) to press for a resolution. to press for a resolution. gotiations, particularly when they reach a point where you no longer wish gotiations, particularly when they reach a point where you no longer wish tion, you might decide to switch to an Accommodating Strategy during ne-tion, you might decide to switch to an Accommodating Strategy during ne-sec0nd, your primary objective is to improve the relationship. In addi-if second, if your primary objective is to improve the relationship. In addi-suing the outcome is likely to create too much tension and animosity, and suing the outcome is likely to create too much tension and animosity, and dating Strategy: first, if the outcome is not very important to you, or pur-dating Strategy: first, if the outcome is not very important to you, or pur-the relationship. There are two important times to consider an Accommo-the relationship. There are two important times to consider an Accommo- Selecting a Strategy Selecting a Strategy 6 62 62 62 a Negotiated Agreement) is an option that can be pursued if the current a Negotiated Agreement) is an option that can be pursued if the current a Negotiated Agreement) is an option that can be pursued if the current A Good Alternative. An Alternative or BATNA3 (Best Alternative to A A Good Alternative. An Alternative or BATNA3 (Best Alternative to Good Alternative. An Alternative or BATNA3 (Best Alternative to their their bargaining ranges, or to end negotiations. bargaining ranges, or to end negotiations. their bargaining ranges, or to end negotiations. successful negotiation. The parties will need to decide whether to adjust successful negotiation. The parties will need to decide whether to adjust successful negotiation. The parties will need to decide whether to adjust not be known at the beginning of the negotiations), then there may be no not be known at the beginning of the negotiations), then there may be no not be known at the beginning of the negotiations), then there may be no the seller is willing to accept.) If the ranges do not overlap (and this may the seller is willing to accept.) If the ranges do not overlap (and this may the seller is willing to accept.) If the ranges do not overlap (and this may lap," we mean that the most the buyer is willing to offer is above the least lap," we mean that the most the buyer is willing to offer is above the least lap," we mean that the most the buyer is willing to offer is above the least with that of the other party, then there is room for bargaining. (By "over-with that of the other party, then there is room for bargaining. (By "over-with that of the other party, then there is room for bargaining. (By "over-As long As long as the bargaining range for one party in some way overlaps as the bargaining range for one party in some way overlaps As long as the bargaining range for one party in some way overlaps and learn how to turn this knowledge into better outcomes. and learn how to turn this knowledge into better outcomes. and learn how to turn this knowledge into better outcomes. ters, we will explore ways of discovering competitors' walkaway points ters, we will explore ways of discovering competitors' walkaway points ters, we will explore ways of discovering competitors' walkaway points ties agree ties agree to a resolution, this point may never be known. In future chap-to a resolution, this point may never be known. In future chap-ties agree to a resolution, this point may never be known. In future chap-last offer that the other side made. If this point is not reached, and the par-last offer last offer that the other side made. this point is not reached, and the par-that the other side made. this point is not reached, and the par-If If that the walkaway point of the other party was probably close to, or at, the that the walkaway point of the other party was probably close to, or at, the that the walkaway point of the other party was probably close to, or at, the talks break off because this point has been reached, then you may surmise talks talks break off because this point has been reached, then you may surmise break off because this point has been reached, then you may surmise offer them something slightly above it and expect that they would agree! If offer them something slightly above it and expect that they would agree! If offer them something slightly above it and expect that they would agree! If from learning their walkaway point, because if you knew it, you would from from learning their walkaway point, because if you knew it, you would learning their walkaway point, because if you knew it, you would not known, and is not stated. In fact, they will actively try to keep you not known, and is not stated. In fact, they will actively try to keep you ally ally ally not known, and is not stated. In fact, they will actively try keep you to yond which they will not go. The walkaway point of the other party is usu-yond which they will not go. The walkaway point of the other party is usu-yond which they will not go. The walkaway point of the other party is usu-Both parties will have a walkaway point, which is the cutoff point, be-Both parties will have a walkaway point, which is the cutoff point, be-Both parties will have a walkaway point, which is the cutoff point, be-in finding a meeting ground. in finding a meeting ground. in finding a meeting ground. "low," again "low," again with the expectation that concessions on each side will result with the expectation that concessions on each side will result "low," again with the expectation that concessions on each side will result labor is usually expected to ask "high" and management to offer labor is usually expected to ask "high" and management to offer tiations, tiations, tiations, labor is usually expected to ask "high" and management to offer that the two will be able to meet somewhere in the middle. In labor nego-that the two will be able to meet somewhere in the middle. In labor nego-that the two will be able to meet somewhere in the middle. In labor nego-the seller will make gradual concessions downward, with the expectation the seller will make gradual concessions downward, with the expectation the seller will make gradual concessions downward, with the expectation higher one. Usually, the buyer makes gradual concessions upward, while higher one. Usually, the buyer makes gradual concessions upward, while higher one. Usually, the buyer makes gradual concessions upward, while tions, for example, tions, for example, the buyer will have a lower starting point, the seller, a the buyer will have a lower starting point, the seller, a tions, for example, the buyer will have a lower starting point, the seller, a points will be different for the two parties. In new-car negotia-points will be different for the two parties. In new-car negotia-Starting Starting Starting points will be different for the two parties. In new-car negotia-starting point starting point The is announced or inferred as the negotiations begin. The is announced or inferred as the negotiations begin. starting point The is announced or inferred as the negotiations begin. bring the two ranges into overlap so that each party is satisfied. bring the two ranges into overlap so that each party is satisfied. bring the two ranges into overlap so that each party is satisfied. each party is different. During bargaining,. you attempt to each party is different. During bargaining,. you attempt to ing range for ing range for ing range for each party is different. During bargaining, you attempt to ending point ending point and an or walkaway. Bargaining occurs because the bargain-and an or walkaway. Bargaining occurs because the bargain-ending point and an or walkaway. Bargaining occurs because the bargain-starting pOint, target, starting pOint, target, side has a bargaining range, which consists of a a side has a bargaining range, which consists of a a starting point, target, side has a bargaining range, which consists of a a A Well-Defined Bargaining Range. In a Competitive Strategy, each A Well-Defined Bargaining Range. In a Competitive Strategy, each A Wen-Defined Bargaining Range. In a Competitive Strategy, each Critical Factors in a Competitive Strategy Critical Factors in a Competitive Strategy Critical factors in a Competitive Strategy ter 6. ter 6. ter 6. of behaviors, including hardball tactics, which we discuss in Chap-of behaviors, including hardball tactics, which we discuss in Chap-variety variety variety of behaviors, including hardball tactics, which we discuss in Chap-the objectives and obtain as much of the pie as possible. This can include a the objectives and obtain as much of the pie as possible. This can include a the objectives and obtain as much of the pie as possible. This can include a Chapter Five Chapter Five Chapter Five 63 63 party. Further time is consumed making moves and countermoves, trying party. Further time is consumed making moves and countermoves, trying Much time is spent researching, pressuring, and "psyching out" the other Much time is spent researching, pressuring, and "psyching out" the other time-consuming, especially if each party holds out for all its demands. time-consuming, especially if each party holds out for all its demands. Negotiations that rely on a Competitive Strategy can be costly and Negotiations that rely on a Competitive Strategy can be costly and belief that they obtained the best that they could. belief that they obtained the best that they could. People using this strategy usually come away from a negotiation with the People using this strategy usually come away from a negotiation with the The Competitive Strategy can be successful, in spite of being one-sided. The Competitive Strategy can be successful, in spite of being one-sided. Competitive Strategy a a Competitive Strategy Results and Drawbacks of Using Results and Drawbacks of Using must be employed carefully. must be employed carefully. lem that they can potentially backfire on the person using them, so they lem that they can potentially backfire on the person using them, so they in Chapter 6. While these tactics work sometimes, they also have the prob-in Chapter 6. While these tactics work sometimes, they also have the prob-power over the other party. We take up the subject of competitive tactics power over the other party. We take up the subject of competitive tactics bluffing, being aggressive, and threatening, which can give the competitor bluffing, being aggressive, and threatening, which can give the competitor other party at a disadvantage. These include behavioral tactics such as other party at a disadvantage. These include behavioral tactics such as of tactics calculated to enhance the competitor's position and place the of tactics calculated to enhance the competitor's position and place the by a number Tactics. The Competitive Strategy is also characterized Tactics. The Competitive Strategy is also characterized by a number Alternatives and, wherever possible, to use them to your advantage. Alternatives and, wherever possible, to use them to your advantage. likely to do so. In any negotiation, it is wise to be well-informed of your likely to do so. In any negotiation, is wise be well-informed of your it to Will you take it? Perhaps under these circumstances, you will be more you take it? Perhaps under these circumstances, you will be more Will and you are offered $24,000 for another similar job. lose your $25,000 job lose your $25,000 job and you are offered $24,000 for another similar job. then you may hold out for a higher salary. On the other hand, suppose you then you may hold out for a higher salary. On the other hand, suppose you $28,000 job. However, if many Alternative jobs are available for the taking, $28,000 job. However, if many Alternative jobs are available for the taking, Alternatives) because the economy is sluggish, then you might take the Alternatives) because the economy is sluggish, then you might take the $28,000? Do you. take it or not? If there are no other such jobs available (no $28,000? Do you take it or not? If there are no other such jobs available (no What do you do if you find a job you like, but it only pays $30,000. $30,000. What do you do if you find a job you like, but it only pays you are job hunting. You decide that you want to find a job making at least you are job hunting. You decide that you want to find a job making at least you make. For example, say you currently make $25,000 in your job and you make. For example, say you currently make $25,000 in your job and Alternatives interact with walkaway points to influence the choices Alternatives interact with walkaway points to influence the choices my Alternative?" my Alternative?" equally good and costs less. Can you improve on what I will get if I pursue equally good and costs less. Can you improve on what I will get if I pursue duced into negotiations in the manner of "I have this Alternative that is duced into negotiations in the manner of "I have this Alternative that is Alternative an evaluative tool, it is also a power tool that can be intro-Alternative an evaluative tool, it is also a power tool that can be intro-from this negotiation, to decide which is most advantageous. Not only is an from this negotiation, to decide which is most advantageous. Not only is an cause they can be weighed against the value of any particular outcome cause they can be weighed against the value of any particular outcome potential outcome from this negotiation. Alternatives are good to have be-potential outcome from this negotiation. Alternatives are good to have be-this other party, and can be pursued if it appears more attractive than any this other party, and can be pursued if it appears more attractive than any negotiation fails. is an outcome outside the scope of the negotiation with It negotiation fails. is an outcome outside the scope of the negotiation with It Selecting a Strategy Selecting a Strategy