Negative magnetic susceptibility and nonequivalent ensembles for the mean-field Φ6 spin model 1 1 0 S.A.Alavi†,S.Sarvari 2 n Department of Physics, Sabzevar Tarbiat Moallem university , P. O. Box a 397, Sabzevar, Iran. J 3 †Email:[email protected],[email protected] ] h c Keywords: Statistical mechanics, Mean-field φ6 spin models, Ensemble e inequivalence, Nonconcave entropies. m - Abstract t a t We derive the thermodynamic entropy of the maen-field φ6 spin model in s . theframeworkofmicrocanonicalensembleasafunctionoftheenergyandmag- t a netization. Using the theory of large deviations and Rugh’s microcanonical m formalism we obtain the entropy and its derivatives and study the thermody- - namic properties of φ6 spin model. The interesting point we found is that like d φ4 model the entropy is a concave function of the energy for all values of the n magnetization, but is nonconcave as a function of the magnetization for some o c values of the energy. This means that the magnetic susceptibility of the model [ can be negative for fixed values of the energy and magnetization in the mi- crocanonical formalism. This leads to the inequivalence of the microcanonical 2 v and canonical ensembles. It is also shown that this mean-field model,displays 8 a first-order phase transition driven by the magnetic field. Finally we compare 8 the results of the mean-field φ6 and φ4 spin models. 8 5 . 1 Introduction 2 1 0 The microcanonical and canonical ensembles are the two main probability dis- 1 tributions with respect to which the equilibrium properties of statistical me- : v chanical models are calculated. Despite the two ensembles model two different i physical situations, it is generally believed that the ensembles give equivalent X results in the thermodynamic limit; i.e., in the limit in which the volume of the r a system tends to infinity. The equivalence of the microcanonical and canonical ensembles is most usually explained by saying that although the canonical en- sembleisnotafixed-mean-energyensemblelikethemicrocanonicalensemble,it must ’converge’ to a fixed-mean-energy ensemble in the thermodynamic limit, and so must become or must realize a microcanonical ensemble in that limit. This convergence can be proved to hold for noninteracting systems such as the 1 perfectgasandforavarietyofweaklyinteractingsystems. Forgeneralsystems, however, neither is this convergence valid nor is the conclusion true concerning ensemble equivalence which this convergence is intended to motivate. In fact, inthepastthreeandahalfdecades,numerousstatisticalmodelshavebeendis- coveredhavingmicrocanonicalequilibriumpropertiesthatcannotbeaccounted for within the framework of the canonical ensemble. For systems with short- range interactions, the choice of the statistical ensemble is typically of minor importance and could be considered a finitesize effect: differences between, say, microcanonical and canonical expectation values are known to vanish in the thermodynamic limit of large system size, and the various statistical ensembles become equivalent . In the presence of long-range interactions this is in general notthecase,andmicrocanonicalandcanonicalapproachescanleadtodifferent thermodynamic properties even in the infinite-system limit . In the astrophysi- cal context, nonequivalence of ensembles and the importance of microcanonical calculations have long been known for gravitational systems. Although equiv- alence of ensembles had been proven only for short-range interactions, it was tacitly assumed by most physicists to hold in general. Therefore it came as a surprise to many that equivalence does not necessarily hold for long-range sys- tems, in particular in the presence of a discontinuous phase transition. Until now, the phenomenon of nonequivalent ensembles has been identified and ana- lyzed almost exclusively by determining regions of the mean energy where the microcanonical entropy function is anomalously nonconcave or by determining regions of the mean energy where the heat capacity, calculated microcanoni- cally, is negative. The existence of such nonconcave anomalies invalidates yet another tacit principle of statistical mechanics which states that the one should alwaysbeabletoexpressthemicrocanonicalentropy, thebasicthermodynamic functionforthemicrocanonicalensemble, astheLegendre-Fencheltransformof the free energy, the basic thermodynamic function for the canonical ensemble. Indeed,ifthemicrocanonicalentropyistobeexpressedastheLegendre-Fenchel transform of the canonical free energy, then the former function must necessar- ily be concave on its domain of definition. Hence, if the microcanonical entropy has nonconcave regions, then expressing it as a Legendre-Fenchel transform is impossible. When this occurs, we say that there is thermodynamic nonequiva- lence of ensembles. More recently, nonconcave anomalies in the microcanonical entropyaswellasnegativeheatcapacitieshavebeenobservedinmodelsoffluid turbulenceandmodelsofplasmas,inadditiontolong-rangeandmean-fieldspin models, including the mean-field XY model and the mean-field Blume-Emery- Griffiths (BEG) model. One of the motivations for the study of Φ6 models is the search for soliton. Another reason for interest is that Φ6 models are the simplest systems with continuous variables that exhibit a rich phase diagram, with first- and second- order phase transitions and a tricritical point. This structure was observed in the study of the quantum mechanics of a single site, three-well potential when classical,perturbativeandmean-fieldargumentswereusedandbubblesolutions, their relation to the phase transitions and the question of their stability, both relativistically and non-relativistically. In recent years the Φ6 model and its 2 application in different physical systems including the following problems have been studied extensively: the crossover from a quantum φ6 theory to a renor- malized two-dimensional classical nonlinear sigma model, alpha matter on a lattice, first-orderelectroweakphasetransition(EWPT)duetoadimension-six operator in the effective Higgs potential, first-order phase transitions in con- fined systems, effective Potential and spontaneous symmetry breaking in the noncommutativeΦ6 model, bubbledynamicsinquantumphasetransitions, the canonical transformation and duality in the Φ6 theory, hermitian matrix model Φ6 for 2D quantum gravity, phase structure of the generalized two dimensional Yang-Mills theories on sphere, tricritical Ising model near criticality, sponta- neous symmetry breaking at two Loop in 3D massless scalar electrodynamics, Isingmodelintheferromagneticphase,statisticalmechanicsofnonlinearcoher- ent structures, kinks in the Φ6 model, growth kinetics in the Φ6 N-Component model, stability of Q-balls, the liquid states of pion condensate and hot pion matter, instantons and conformal holography, first-order phase transitions in superconducting films, field-theoretic description of ionic crystallization in the restricted primitive mode. This increasing interest in Φ6 model and its many application in physics, moti- vated us to study the statistical mechanics of Φ6 spin models. 2 The mean-field Φ6 model and its thermody- namic TheHamiltonianofthemean-fieldΦ6 modelisgivenbythefollowingexpression (cid:88)N P2 q2 q4 q6 1 (cid:88)N H = i − i + i + i − q q (1) 2 4 4 6 4N i j i=1 i,j=1 where q and p are the canonical coordinates of unit mass,moving on a line i i (q ,p ). The entropy of the system in terms of its mean energy and magnetiza- i i tion is defined as1 1 (cid:90) S((cid:15),m)= lim ln δ((cid:15)(x)−(cid:15))δ(m(x)−m)dx (2) N→∞N As is sated in [1], if S((cid:15),m) were concave,then one would calculate this function from the point of view of the canonical ensemble using the following steps • Calculate the partition function : (cid:73) Z(β,η)= exp[−βH(x)−ηM(x)]dx (3) where M =Nm(x) 1InthispaperwechoosekB =1 3 • Calculate the thermodynamic potential defined by 1 ϕ(β,η)=− lim lnZ(β,η) (4) N→∞N where ϕ(β,η)=βF(β,η), where F is the free energy of the system. • Obtain S((cid:15),m) by taking the legendre transform of free energy function ϕ(β,η); S((cid:15),m)=β(cid:15)+ηm−ϕ(β,η) (5) with β and η determined by the equations ∂ ∂ ϕ(β,η)=(cid:15) , ϕ(β,η)=m (6) ∂β ∂η Asmentionedearlierthesestepsarevalidonlywhentheentropyisconcave. For nonconcave entropies we use two methods i.e., a) method of large deviation. b) Rugh’s method, and compare the results. 3 Calculation of the entropy using large devia- tion method We are looking for a set of macro variables or mean-fields such that the energy per particle (cid:15)(x) and the mean magnetization m(x) can be considered as a function of these variables: (cid:15)(x)=(cid:15)(µ(x)) , m(x)=m(µ(x)) (7) (cid:101) (cid:101) Here we have used µ(x) to denote the macro variables collectively. Corre- spondingly the entropy can be expressed as a function of these macro variables or mean fields: 1 (cid:90) S(cid:101)(µ)=lim ln δ(µ(x)−µ)dx (8) N In this method the entropy S((cid:15),m) can be obtained by solving the following constrained maximization problem: S((cid:15),m)= sup S(cid:101)(µ) (9) µ:(cid:101)(cid:15)(µ)=(cid:15),m(cid:101)(µ)=m If S(cid:101)(µ) is a concave function of the given macrostate M, then S(cid:101)(µ) is the legendre transform of free energy function defined by : (cid:90) Z(cid:101)(λ)= exp[−Nλ·µ(x)]dx (10) Γ If S(cid:101)(µ) is concave, one can find it using the so called macrostate generalization of the legendre transform presented in Eqs. (5) and (6) S(cid:101)(µ)=inf{λµ−ϕ(cid:101)(λ)} (11) λ 4 Now, let us return to the mean-field φ6 model. An appropriate choice of macrostate is the vector M(m,k,ν), where m, k and ν are the mean magneti- zation, the mean kinetic energy and the mean potential energy, respectively: 1 (cid:88) k = (P2) (12) 2N i 1 (cid:88) q6 q4−q2 ν = ( i + i i ) (13) N 6 4 So we can write (cid:15)(µ) as follows: (cid:101) m2 (cid:15)(µ)=k+ν− (14) (cid:101) 4 To calculate the entropy S(cid:101)(µ), we use the legendre transformation. It is shown in [2] that the S((cid:15),m) is given by the following expression: (cid:26)1 m2 1 (cid:27) S((cid:15),m)=sup ln[(cid:15)−ν+ ]+ ln4πe+S(cid:101)(m,ν) (15) 2 4 2 ν 4 Rugh’s formalism for the mean-field φ6 model Rugh’s microcanonical formalism has been discussed in[1,2]. We assume the HamiltonianH(x;M)inwhichMisthetotalmagnetization. Themicrocanonical entropy of the system is given by: (cid:90) S(E,M)=ln δ(H(x;M)−E)dx (16) Γ whereEisthetotalenergyofthesystem. InRugh’smethodthethermodynamic quantities are defined through derivatives of the entropy [1,2], and calculated by introducing a vector Y in Γ in such a way that, Y ·∇H =1, so we have: ∂ 1 S(E,M)=(cid:104)∇.Y(cid:105) = (17) ∂E E,M T(E,M) and (cid:28) (cid:29) ∂ ∂H S(E,M)=− ∇.( Y) (18) ∂M ∂M E,M In general for an arbitrary observable A(x), we have [1]: ∂ 1 (cid:104)A(cid:105) =(cid:104)∇.(AY)(cid:105) − (cid:104)A(cid:105) (19) ∂E E,M E,M T(E,M) E,M and (cid:28) (cid:29) (cid:28) (cid:29) (cid:28) (cid:29) ∂ ∂H ∂H ∂A (cid:104)A(cid:105) =− ∇.( AY) + ∇.( Y) (cid:104)A(cid:105) + ∂M E,M ∂M ∂M E,M ∂M E,M E,M E,M (20) 5 where (cid:104)A(cid:105) denotes the average of the abserable A. By incorporating the mag- netization constraint into the Hamiltonian H(x) one can obtain the Hamil- tonian H(x;M). This can be done by eliminating one of the q , for example i q =M −(cid:80)N−1q . For the mean-field φ6 model we have : N i=1 i N(cid:88)−1p2 1 1,(cid:88)N−1 N(cid:88)−1 q2−q4 1 H(x;M) = i − p p − ( i i − q6) 2 2N i j 4 6 i i=1 i,j i=1 N−1 N−1 N−1 1 (cid:88) 1 (cid:88) 1 (cid:88) − (M − q )2+ (M − q )4− (M − q )6 4 i 4 i 6 i i=1 i=1 i=1 M2 − (21) 4N (22) Following Rugh[1], we choose the vector Y as: Y = 1 (p ,...,p ,0,...,0) 2kc 1 N−1 where K is the kinetic part of H(x;M). From Eq.(17) we have: c (cid:28) (cid:29) 1 N −3 = (23) T(E,M) 2k c E,M and from Eq.(18) we have: (cid:28) (cid:29) ∂ m N −3 S(E,M)= 1 − (m −m ) (24) ∂M T(E,M) 3 5 2k c E,M Here m = 1 (cid:80)N q3 and m = 1 (cid:80)N q5. We define the effective mean-field 3 N i=1 i 5 N i=1 i h(E,M) as follows: ∂S(E,M) h(E,M)=−T(E,M) (25) ∂M using Eq.(24), we have: (cid:28) (cid:29) N −3 h(E,M)=−m+T(E,M) (m −m ) (26) 3 5 2k c E,M magneticsusceptibilityandtheheatcapacitycanbecalculatedbydifferentiating of h(E,M) and T(E,M), see Eqs.(19) and (20). 6 Figure1: Entropyasafunctionofthemeanmagnetizationmfordifferentvalues of the mean energy (cid:15)=0.16, 0.08, 0.04, 0.00 and -0.04 (from top to bottom). 5 Results of the large deviation method for mean- field φ6 model The entropy density S((cid:15),m) of the mean-field φ6 model has been shown as a function of mean energy (cid:15) and mean magnetization m for five different values of (cid:15) in fig.1. One of them is above the critical value (cid:15) ∼=0.102 and the rest are c below. The effective magnetic field h(E,M) has been plotted as a function of m for different values of (cid:15), in fig.2. It is worth mentioning that the data in fig.1 and fig.2 are obtained using the large deviation method i.e., Eq.(15). In fig.3 the magnetic susceptibility has been plotted as a function of magnetization m for different values of (cid:15). 7 Figure 2: Effective magnetic field as a function of magnetization m for different values of (cid:15)=0.16, 0.08, 0.04, 0.00 and -0.04 (from top to bottom). 6 Ensemble inequivalence for mean-field φ6 model Now, we study the inequivalence of microcanonical and canonical ensemble, for the case of φ6 model. This is in close relation with nonconcavity of the entropy S((cid:15),m). The effective magnetic field h(E,M) is shown in fig.2. We observe that h(E,M) can be negative for positive values of m when (cid:15) < (cid:15) . In the c canonical ensemble, the magnetization m(β,h) and the magnetic field h have thesamesign. Thismeansthat,inthecanonicalensemble,themagnetizationof the mean-field φ6 model is always in the direction of the magnetic field. But in the microcanonical ensemble the situation is different. h(E,M) and m can have opposite signs, so the canonical and microcanonical ensembles are inequivalent. Formoreunderstandingofthethisprobleminmicrocanonicalensemble andits relationwithnonconcavityoftheentropyS((cid:15),m),wehaveplottedthemagnetic susceptibility and m derivative of the entropy in figs.(3) and (4) respectively. SinceT(E,M)isdirectlyproportionaltothekineticenergy,itisalwayspositive andthismeansthatthesignofh(E,M)isalwaysoppositetothesignof ∂S((cid:15),m). ∂m Thenh(E,M)isnegativeform>0. Bycomparingfigs.(3)and(4),wefindthat this happens when the entropy S((cid:15),m) is a concave function of the magnetiza- tion e.g., the case for which (cid:15)=0.16, then ∂S((cid:15),m) is necessarily negative when ∂m m > 0(fig.4), which implies that h(E,M) is necessarily positive (for m > 0). This is in agreement with the results of canonical ensemble. Let us now study the magnetic susceptibility in the microcanonical and canonical ensemble. In thecanonicalensemble,themagneticsusceptibilityattheconstanttemperature 8 Figure 3: Magnetic susceptibility as a function of magnetization m calculated using the large deviation methode for differennt values of (cid:15)=0.16, 0.08, 0.04, 0.00 and -0.04 (from top to bottom). Figure 4: ∂S((cid:15),m) for diffrent values of (cid:15)=0.16, 0.08, 0.04, 0.00 and -0.04 (from ∂m top to bottom), culculated using the large divation method. 9 is defined by the following expression: ∂m(β,h) χT(β,h)= (27) ∂h It is easy to show that χT(β,h) is always positive. In the microcanonical en- semble χT is a function of (cid:15) and m, and given by: (cid:20)∂h((cid:15),m) (cid:21)−1 χT(E,M)= | (28) ∂m T((cid:15),m) where h((cid:15),m) is given by Eq.(25). Using Eq.(25) and (28) one can show that: ∂2S (cid:20)∂2S ∂2S ∂2S (cid:21)−1 χT((cid:15),m)=−T−1((cid:15),m) −( )2 (29) ∂(cid:15)2 ∂m2 ∂(cid:15)2 ∂m∂(cid:15) For the mean-field φ6 model, ∂2S is always negative, so if for some values ∂(cid:15)2 of m (when (cid:15) < (cid:15) , see fig.3), ∂2S is positive, then χT will be negative as can c ∂m2 be checked by Eq.(29). But we already shown that in the canonical ensmble χT is always positive, this again means that microcanonical and canonical en- sembles are nonequivalent. It is worth to mention that this is a consequence of nonconcavity of the entropy S((cid:15),m) . 7 conclusion The entropy of the mean-field φ6 model is concave as a function of the energy, but is nonconcave as a function of the energy and magnetization. This leads to a very important difference between the thermodynamic properties of this model in the microcanonical and canonical ensembles. We shown that the ef- fective magnetic field in the microcanonical ensemble can have a sign opposite to that of the magnetization m, which is in contrast to the case of canonical ensembleforwhichthemagnetizationmisalwaysinthedirectionoftheapplied magnetic field. The magnetic susceptibility which in microcanonical ensemble is a function of the energy and magnetization can be negative but it is always positiveinthecanonicalensemble. Thesearetwoimportantdifferencesbetween microcanonical and canonical ensemble which make them nonequivalent. The mean-field φ6 model like φ4 model displays a first-order phase transition driven by the magnetic field in the canonical ensemble which is a consequence of the nonconcavity of the entropy, as a function of magnetization (for certain values oftheenergy). Inadditiontodisplayafirst-orderphasetrasitiondrivenbythe magnetic field the mean-field φ6 model displays a second order phase transition driven by the temperature or the energy. 10