NEGATIVE DIALECTICS NEGATIVE DIALECTICS byT heodoWr. A dorno TranslabtyEe .dB .A shton 2007 TheC ontinuIunmt ernatiPounballi shGionugpI ,n c. 80M aideLna neN,e wY orkN,Y 10038 Origiendiatli oNne:g atDiiavlee ktik @ 1966b yS uhrkamp Verlaga,m M Fariann kfurt Englitsrha nslcaotpiyorn®i g1h9t7b3y T heC ontinuum PuCbolmipsahniyn g Alrli ghrtesse rvNeod p.a rotft hibosok mayb er eproducsed,t orienad r etrieval systemo,rt ransmiitnat neyfd o,r omr b ya nym eanesl,e ctrmoencihca,n ical, photocopyriecnogr,d ionrog t herwise,t hwweir tihtopeturetmn i ssioofn The ContinuPuumb lisChoimnpga ny. Printeidnt hUen itSetda toefAs m erica LibraorfCy o ngesrsC ataloigniP nugb licaDtaitoan AdornoT,h eodorW .1,9 03-1969 Negatidviea lectics. TranslaotfNi:eo gna tDiivael ektik. RepriOnrti.g inpaulbllyi sNheedw:Y orkS:e abury Press1,9 73. Inclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecraeln ces. I.P hilosophy-Addresses, e2ss.Da iyas, lectures. lectic-Aesddserse,s salyesc,t urIes.T. i tle. B3199.A33N1491833 193 83-20908 ISBN0 -8264-0132-5 CONTENTS ix TRANSLATOR'SN OTE xix PREFACE 3 INTRODUCTION TheP ossiobfiP lhiitlyo s3o pDhiya leNcottai cSst andp4 oint RealaintdDy i ale6c tiTchseC onceorfPn h ilos8o pThhye AntoangisEtnitci 1r0e tyD isenchaonftt hmCeeo nntc 1e1p t "Infin1i3t yT"h eS pceulatMiovmee 1n5t Presen1t8a tion AttiTtouwdaeSr yds t2e0m s IdealaisRs amge2 2 The Two folCdh araocftt ehSrey st2e4m The AntiCnhoaamrcitcoeafrl Syste2m6s Argunmtae nEdx peri28e nce Vertisgnien3so1su FragiolfiT tryu t33h AgainRsetl ativ- is3m5 DialeacntSdio clsi3 d7i ty TheP riviolfEe xgpee ri4e0 ncQeu alitMaotmievnoetfR ation- ali4t3y QualaintdyI ndilv4 i4d uSaubstanatnida lity Meth4o7d Existen4t9i aTlhiisnmLg a,n guaHgies,t 5o2r y TradiatniKdon no wle5d3g eR heto55r ic PART ONE: RELATIONT O ONTOLOGY I.T HE ONTOLOGICAL NEED 61 QuestainodAn n sw6e1r Affirmative 6C5h aIrnaccatpearc i tatoifot nh Seu bj6e6c tB einSgu,b jOebcjte,6c9 t Ontologi- caOlbj ecti7v0 ism ThDei sappNoeien7dt2 e d" Defici= ePnrcoyfi7 t6" NoM an's Lan7d7 UnsucceRsesaflui7l8s m On CategoVriiscial8o 0n Being (Jlcm8 3 "SenosfBe e in8g5" OntolPorgeys c8r7i bPedre ostAtg ainst Reific8a9t ioTnhWe r onNge e9d2 WeaknaensSdsu pp9o4rt v CONTENTS IIB.E INGA ND EXISTENCE ImmaneCnrti tioqfOu en tol9o7g yC opuIlOaO No Tran- scendoefBn ecieIn0 g5 ExpretshsIein negx prIe0 s8s ible TheC hild's 1Q1u0 eTshteiQ oune stoifBo eni 1n1g2 Loop- intgh Leo o1p1 5 MythoolfoB geyi1 n1g7 Ontologoifzt ahtei oOnnI tI9i cFauln ctoifto hnCe o nceopft ExistIe2n2c e" DaseiinIn t sOenltfo logI2i4c aTlh"e NominalAisspte1ic2ct6 ExistAeuntcheo riIt2a7 r"iHains - toric1a2l8i ty" PART TWO: NEGATIVED IALECTICSC.O NCEPT AND CATEGORIES ThIen diss"oSloumbelteIh 3i4n gC"o mpulSsuosrtya ntIi3v6e ness "PeephMoeltea phy1s37i cNso"n contradNiocttt oorb ien ess HyposttiazIe3d9 RelattioLo enf t-Hweiegnlgi an1i43s m "LogoifDc i sinteIg4r4a tOinot nh"De i aleocftI idcesnI t4i6t y CogitaSteilflvfee-c rte1i4o8n ObjectoifvC iotnyt radIi5cI tion StarOtuiftnr go tmh Ceo ncIe5 p3t SynthI5e 6s iCsr itoifq ue PosiNteigvaetI 5i 8o n IndividNuoattl hietU yl timEaittehI e61r ConsteIl6l2a tion ConsteilnSl caiteiIno6cn4e EssenacnedA ppearIa6n6c eI ndirsesbc ytO nbeject17i0v ity Particaunltdah rPeia tryt i1c7u3l aSru bjectD-iOabljee1cc7t4ti cs Reverosfta hlSe u bjective1 7R6 eIdnutcetrpirotenht Teir nagn - scendIe7n8t a"lT rcaennsdeDnetlaulsI i8o0n " TheO bjePcrte'pso ndIe8r3a nTcheeO bjeNcotta D atuIm8 6 Objecatnidv iRteyi Ifi8c9a tion Pasgseat oM ateriIa9l2i sMma teriaanldiI smmm ediIa94c y DilaectNioctas S ocoigoyol fK nwoledIg9e7 TheC onceopft MinId9 8 PurAec tivaintdGy e ne2s0i0s SufferPihnygs i- ca2l0 2 MateriIamlaigse2ml0 e4s s PART THREE:M ODELS I.F REEDOM OnT heM etacriotfPi rqaucet ical Reaso2n11 "Pseudopr2oJbl lAe mSsp"li intt h Ceo ncweirnt Fhr eed2oIm4 FreedDoemt,e rmiIndiesnm2t,Ii 6t yF reedaonmdO rganized Soci2e1t7y TheI mpuBlesef otrheEe g o2 2I Experimenta cru2c2i3s ThAed dend2u26m vi CONTENTS TheF ictoifPo ons itive2 3F1r eUendforme eodfTo hmo ug2h33t "Forma2l3i5s mT"h Wei lalsa Th2i3n7g Objectiintv hiAetn yt in2o3m9y DialecDteificnailot fit ohne Wil2l4 1 Contemp2l4a4t ion Strucotftu hrTeeh iArndt in2o4m6y KantC'osn coefpC ta usal- it2y4 7 TheP lefao rO rd2e4r9 TheA ntithAertgiuc-al men2t5 2 OntiacnaIdld eMaolm en2t5s5 RepreCshsairvaec - teorft hDeo ctroifFn ree ed2o6m0 Selpfe-reixeonfFc ree edom andU nfree2d6o1m T heC risoifCs a usa2l6i5t yC ausality asaS pe2l6l9 ReasoEng,o S,u per2-7e0g oP otenotfiF arle ed2o7m4 Against Pe27r6s oDneapleirssmo naanlEdix ziasttieonnt ial Ontol- ogy27 9 UnivearnsdIa nld iviindt uhaPelh ilosoofMp ohry- al2s8 1 Ont hSet aotfFe r eed2o8m5 Kant's "Intell2i8g7i bIlnet elClhiaagnridatb chiUtelne iirtt"y)' of Consc2i9o2u sTnreuCstoshn toeftn htDe o ctorfi nIen telligibil it2y9 7 IIW.O RLD SPIRIATN D NATURAL HISTORY. An ExcursitooHn e gel 300 Trenadn dF ac3t0s0 Construocftt hiWeoo nr ld 3S0p3i rit "Harmonwiiztithnh gWe o rlSdp ir3i0t5 "T heU nleashing of ProduFcotricv3ee0s 6 GrouSpp iarniDdto min3i0o7n. The LegaSlp he3r0e9 Law aEnqdu i3t1y0 Individualistic Vei3l1 2 DynamoifUc nsi vearnsPdaa lr ti3c1u3l ar Spiraisat SociTaolt a3l1i4t yH istoRreiacsaAolnn t agonis- ti3c1 7 UniveHrissat3lo1 r9y Antagonism 3C2o1n tingent? TheS upramunCdhaanrcaeoc ftt ehrHe e gelWioarnlS dp i3r2i3t Hegel wSiitdthihU neng i ve3r2s6a lR elaipnstPeol ato3n2i9s m DetemporaolfiT ziamt3ei3 o1 nD ialecCtuitSc hso rbty Heg3e3l4 TheR oloeft hPeo puSlpair3r 3i8t PopaurSl piOrbisto l3e40t e IndividaunadlH iitsyt3 o4r2y TheS pe3l4l4 Regression UndtehrSe p e3l4l7 SubjaencIdtn div3i4d9u aDli aleacntPdis cysc ho3l5o1g y "NatHuirsatlo 3r54y "H istaonrMdye taph3y5s8i cs vii CONTENTS IIIM.E DITATIONSO N METAPHYSICS 361 AfteAru sch3w6i1t zM etaphyasnidCc usl t3u6r5e Dying Toda3y68 HappinesIsd lWeaa intd3i 7n3g "Nihi3l7i6s m" KantR'ess ign3a8t1i Roens cuUirngagen dB loc3k8 4 Mun- dus inte39l0l iNgeiubtirlails3i9 z3a t"iOonnalP ya arbl3e9"9 TheS embloafnO cteh er4n0e2s sS elffl-eRcetoifDo ina le4c0t5i cs NOTES 409 viii TRANSLATOR'NSO TE Thibso ok-tboe giwni tha na dmission-mmea vdieo lwahtaet I consitdheerN umbeOrn er ulfeo rt ransloatfpo hrisl osophy: nevetro s tatrrta nslautnitniyglo uth inky ouk noww hatth e authmoera nbsy e versye ntenicned,e beyde verwyo rdI.t w as donuen wittiIn hgaldry e.a thde booki nG erman,n ott oot hor oughbluytn eveurn suorfei ttsh esIec sl.e arrelcya ltlheethdr ust ofw hati tc onveiynsa polisphreods teh ahta ds eemeedm i nenttlrya nslaAtnadbs loei .tt urnoeudtt ob e,no to nlbye cause mosot fTh eodoArd orno'psh ilosopvhoiccaablu liasor fyL atin orG reeskt ocakn di dentiincE anlg liasnhdG ermaHni.s s yntax rarenleye ddsi sentanlgilktiehn aogtf m osGte rmapnh ilosophers sincKea nth;e i sn ota sa ddicttoem da kinugp w ordass t hey area;n dth e fewn eologihsemd so esu sea reb orrowferdo m English. Int hee arlys tagoefst ranslaIt wioonnd erneodw a ndth en whaot nes entemnicgeh hta vteo d ow itthh ep recedoinneag n d thawti tthh eo neb therre adetroslo df t hes amee x perienacnedA, d orno'osw nP refapcreo mistehdaw th ats eemed baffiinagtfir stw oulbde c larilfiaetdeB re.s idIe fse,l tth,e rwea s nom istranshliastt eixnHtgi. s s entenwceersce l eaTrh.e w ords (hiosw nt,h aits h;i dsi scussoifoo thnesrm en'wso rdasr ea dif feremnatt tewre)r uen equivTohceailEr.n gliesqhu ivalewnetrse beyonddo ubIt p.l oddoend,o blivioofmu ys N umbeOrn er ule. Butt hee nigmpaisl eudp .I founmdy seltfr anslaetnitnigr e pagewsi thosuete ihnogw th eyl efdr otmh es taorfta na rgument tot hec onclusIi woans.a boutto r etutrnh eb ooka su ntrans late-a-bflorm e,a tl east-whmeyn f avorite trsatnosrlya tors' crossmeyd m indA. c olleacgoumem,i ssitoont erda nsal acteer taibno okw,a sa skewdh ethehre h adh ada chantcoer eaidty et. "Id on otr eadI; tr anslawtaes,h "i sr eply. I putm y nascetnrta nslaatsiiodanen dd idw hatI oughtt o ix