on Donato Tyson Necronomicon (tne f WaNneRines or ARI[AARED ‘able of Contents iat Sey on Win ae Conant iad Micon hy Thaker Fila Hevwligsmthy Rese Kaytee Fmpty Soace Lal Demons and Ary Berri o he Eaters ol the Dion IP Meny-Toseeed rem, os Wonder 2 Pll 21 ‘The Dwale inte Cavers The Losey Benet’ es oon 2 “The Stari Charaber uf Seven ates oon 38 “Toe Fits Portal Leasing othe Pte of Leow on 37 Tie cond Fora. Leading to she Cine a Hegbos oct ‘The Thied Por, Loading eo Sunken Rlyoh ‘The Teurh Portal, Leading 09 Yeggeth on. 49 he Titl Path. Landy sv ulate $5 The Sach Portal, Leading te Kadath 0-81 Toe Seventh Port, Leading 70 che Temple ot Albion ‘What May le Sefely Witten atthe Old Ores Yig, Goripondirg wit tee Sphere af Satur. a ag Sethot3. Co respancing with the Sphors of uprer CCohuthu, Careespendiag withthe Sphere af Mars Azathoth. Covresjoncing wich she Sphere of Sa Shab-Nigaur’. Cavtesponcang with the Sphe-e 0? Venus Nyarataouep, Comamonding with the Sphere al hle-cary Diager, Coresperslugg wath the Solae of Lane 168 Tha Covat Seal the Ol ves, Kncaen Ae tr Here Sel he Uaderapucasl ive Min 119 Means Gaby uf amis 198 Comming ie Tels of Niza. OF he Unaniny Ways 5a ‘hei Cal he Kile ot uhe Sphre Inerprted UE 1 lesimmatoniae i he Sorchave of Kir he Eset bay nd Fete bbe on 183 he Villeyol the Deed ue. AZ ‘Walking Copes Above the Second Caterut “The Buok Markets a Alexandia os. 199 eae nm by 55 65 8 Use Zia adhe Wetchurs ol ine Ue Tes ol Patel andthe Fao the Watches The Rene oF Babylon oa. 175 Una Roar and Ite Manns ob Harvest nce Ud The Vly a Een oon 185 The Wisdom Seat ou 189 “The Monastery of the Magi... 188 siouncs othe Son af Sis. 187 To The 1 Para 6 MB enn 21 Why the Stars Ave Nl Rog a IES The “hong Recah te Liheany oe 28 Why thy OCs aN Die a8 Covucring Shops 207 the Foran bol Yue 22U The ike 29 The Rete he Hebrews 229 Wanderers te nud ta Wowie 282 The Resor she Companion 389 ‘ams of he Coven wit ShbsNierth Soul Bottles 281 The Lane ot Sela BBE us 2s “The Seerez# Damascu ted 282 “The Bil Gcaad 3t Darnsses “The Cone us on tthe faue3ey os 267 ilustrations Alia. the bani af ety sec sn Seat tae amoen of Vat ” eve ame wl Albion. ae seal el Vig. FF Trae seal of You-Sothorh $3 The weal of Gahadh oc Trecea af aathath on 98 “The seal 9? Shu Niggerath 9 The seal of Nyztathote 9. 108 Theserl or Degoa 10 [ hstog'yp%s an the bleck pil ret Degew B “The gtaer seal ofthe Old Oe a 16 The scab ol the agguis 16 Spnealhewser lark lhe Ck es dae Frefatory Note by as Wormius ANKO 1228 Teeyoribag dhe wns sian as Meeperes 16a rae Crooks reais ie the Lan itr Nira , javing scone eaceetinghy 1 ane il val then only we bad at ever sessed me mwort os te Iain i ney Iie Lei tongue mo: that ie mater ofters anvshing 78 edity she miné or provide rmcalfesteacion, har it concen exceed in wiekaieas all acher Books in Christen ort act tor she rearaa thae it holds ease wiedam shar woeld surely paw avy were tis book va Fall prey to warm or fe tres 9 che cansorious, a6 seem Hel wrll occur ro those few rex tors tha carve, ane char, witha the er of thas prcsctly dwelling hs la: che cle-gy’ alae al 1g again tis accused hock 3 ver ten by Satan erst THe te ath lsh sot, Lol lea Ce seahs Thaskas Ph tae, kaon a6 he Woe ta Insti. wake nv he zouine ra bvencrang eri af eG ee Hat wae were for ry nen, Hens ny mnee te exon on the pao fy kad da the ane aie ean waning the dea te sweoting Teclere use nana, iy Gh gel slit sary the lle atin fv this wo i able uly fr the deselect sete us Che on the Fee Set al Fasanea Ldn suvk otras one bases sonnel paige wide mice tha te ne hal Joa te ea se wih july px rpg cl le tee may cradle Hk skin sore en revi is wemonn. (ly Ie whe a love Fi a a The cerita seme eile of Unis 6 scar yucatan spokes by thse imorann ol Greek nsots IL fom esa, gti mee ae From 1ojoc that hae the sense ot hw or customs Renee, Nasoxoen: hap “wearin “she exposing of the ways af she Gead.” end osha intend iy sae vmod ane seoeking esa aug emery uf cempses tet heats he eon aan af recatmaney Thea ole diel yd secrete my Un the se an oye sith hon tne ave deine ny se el -n e ra petn rig ether boas ison these lever ew be toured axcous olivia ereates bes the bier spheres, of lose cites and ether places forgotten by che siemony vl mankind: vet more zericzoue al, the manrer of summunig sos af the dead back 0 thee rmortal slay, and sicting Hom then: by means cl eet secrets chat lie hiden at ‘Se roots ofthe wari .n de ecverms and Sexeath the depths ofthe seas Here ao are instrections or. the mekizy of chings ouicened wah « semblance ut le, that were hettr Inte enmade, hee canrut be unsade havizy been cceated, ll oF wich would ae ceasontn consign thas book te che depth ot hell, weve not thas beings ob conttoaance af tell potency dwelling hetwzen the sa, ottering these toa ‘ur ace, ae ta ein seme wae co-rclled hy che cezckings a this evil war. Sa Bie Tiews machinatios 1 che pracial toals wf our calvatisn an thar dead dae whoch by te grace of aur Lard sll never come, oon the stars ae ight and the gates en To retest the mae deigont avd les ed Theda be completa the Cork sng of tis ea ar she ety nf Carsted uel, foe kness ye thal the se eeies ‘oer of tbe omg af Manel anl het oa na Nesom a ALA sonnet gaming oat Kase ths sound of cba a the it sels expend oy tae lneting ef dears. nesta Ua the ge vane te assent ware vtstahen for dem sedges bee die hagePe aad’ hove Lins bu goku vue wring str ls Ata, whi vil ae Bor yan eps harasses was alll dhe Who: his scvouon ta wea ang, i he reas aaron of Ua sg an ey Be sri aa sve Ah wannng tine sree rns raw Fam fH hove bal she gee fee ding my "ie base yes Cage Sch ce ssn oe Greek testo <tr ie pu Ta ae egy ale, wich Lcomyned in every ata “hi uri, Em Uy Cccee capy the preven Loi searing way derived wich all use e376 and it is my promive to vau whe read shese words chat nothing of che orignal tex wos cai nor erything adled toi by way vt gloss: toracs okten she ae coe hase aha cone ae el carton Bue cus curiment aa the work and for his ress inno” she manuaezgiee this buck re cerupied bythe verde ol other rem rows Ww the compere Repocts hang spre shroughoct Consteatmpie ot she notre of the book, ‘whic ws never seen in Chnserndom arity its rendering ine Cree’ raised seh a Inue and ery agains: the worchy Theodorus by the clergy and the pasutation af tie xy char he was lerced za stané on the stops ob ehe grees church and devwince te work of his own Lands a5 dels ane to pablily heg orgenes: at Chest fe 'us an and Een c hern the yare3mens ering hi wane acon. Tac his ace aco r= sion. the senple of Constantiapie wese mitted, and ceased call fr his cat's et us hook dhe nat ete, for cher copies hac been nade. and these speead abroad. snd mile phd wider wumetous pons, fev Uke WS 8 poses 60 te 2d snge a ser wae great, seat eves so damany 19 Use se, ane So annie ws 6 day Tos fats of Thunciras fe well sean ose bet fs wat nad Landes fe fete: his noe she arse’ gt se Hi wiic gel chor sans tasen by Eb vate spe as single gece ands aeccamel te thal emt apne ol ae es, the cman aflige Hyatt Oy ps sonbes of che Church Uc pmbhinens tor rendering le Nhutwonicon int she Grae sane re cas fucker bye Gal and she ane ou eve eu day tha he nu! Bying mislortune, 9 greacis che >uwer ol tis book aver the sou su she snl Zar onl tbe godly may end cand rem we in body and spi A perier century uf yeats aber the work ut Theeseris ein wae brought foc Inco the world, Michael Cevelvis,zatviarch of Coxstentinople comranéed chal ‘anon copies of she book shoul be gotheced tagesho- in one place an brned ter the gneater glory of Chri: leu This ween the stor ol our Lard 50, Ne Arab tet could be tuind. but Cres copies to the number ck one zundreé ard chree score ar lever weee pled and Sursed on the sams steps sltere Theodorus had mac his act of gable cancion In displace fake no argument ats ze wadam of causing to be mae politic honk that a: honoved Sahar of the holy Chuck sought te expere trom the car My conscience sin hamnany wh the lave at eur Lord. Only e's wach Till thas hnaeledge coe loa lat frees and wha sta gsdge Eat ene tac shall Fhe wal tn af ase anda ethers all beste value 36 men ferevecmres May