Description:"The Necessity Of Prayer" by E.M. Bounds focuses on helping Christians to discover the mystery and majesty of prayer.
Among the points covered include:
1. Only God can move mountains, but prayer and faith move God.
2. Genuine and authentic faith must be free of doubt.
3. Faith is believing God, resting in Him, and trusting in His word.
4. Trust sees God doing things here and now.
5. Prayer must be red hot because God wants warmhearted servants.
6. A person's character and answered prayer are connected.
7. Obedience is more important to God than sacrifice.
8. The Christian soldier must always be have his/her spiritual guard up.
9. Without prayer, the Christian experience and influence will be dry and arid.
10. Many great Bible characters were people of fervent prayer.
A great and encouraging challenge for the Christian to realize the importance of prayer.
Highly recommended.