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Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Volume 50: Motivational Factors in the Etiology of Drug Abuse (v. 50) PDF

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Preview Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Volume 50: Motivational Factors in the Etiology of Drug Abuse (v. 50)

Motivational Factors in the Etiology of Drug Abuse - Volume 50 of the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation Richard A. Dienstbier Series Editor Rick A. Bevins and Michael T. Bardo Editors University of Nebraska Press [First Page] [-1], (1) Motivational Factors in the Etiology Lines: 0 to 24 of DrugAbuse ——— * 160.0pt PgVar ——— Normal Page * PgEnds: Eject [-1], (1) Volume50of theNebraskaSymposium onMotivation UniversityofNebraskaPress LincolnandLondon BOB—UniversityofNebraskaPress/Pagei/ MotivationalFactorsintheEtiologyofDrugAbuse/RickA.Bevins [-2], (2) Lines: 24 to 26 ——— 0.0pt PgVar ——— Normal Page PgEnds: TEX [-2], (2) BOB—UniversityofNebraskaPress/Pageii/ MotivationalFactorsintheEtiologyofDrugAbuse/RickA.Bevins Volume 50 of the Nebraska Motivational Symposium on Factors Motivation in the Etiology of Drug Abuse [-3], (3) RichardA.Dienstbier SeriesEditor RickA.Bevinsand Lines: 26 to 70 MichaelT.Bardo Editors ——— * 66.49374pt PgVar ——— Presenters Normal Page * PgEnds: PageBreak GeorgeF.Koob TheScrippsResearchInstitute HarrietdeWit TheUniversityofChicago [-3], (3) R.D.Spealman NewEnglandPrimateResearch Center,HarvardMedicalSchool JaakPanksepp BowlingGreenStateUniversity MichaelT.Bardo UniversityofKentucky RoyA.Wise NationalInstituteonDrugAbuse, NIH JaneStewart ConcordiaUniversity,Montreal, Quebec,Canada M.Vogel-Sprott UniversityofWaterloo BOB—UniversityofNebraskaPress/Pageiii/ MotivationalFactorsintheEtiologyofDrugAbuse/RickA.Bevins MotivationalFactorsintheEtiologyofDrugAbuseisVolume50intheseries CURRENTTHEORYANDRESEARCH INMOTIVATION ©2004bytheUniversityofNebraskaPress Allrightsreserved ManufacturedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica InternationalStandardBookNumber 0-8032-1340-9(Clothbound) (cid:1)(cid:1) [Last Page] [-4], (4) Lines: 70 to 100 ——— 351.504pt PgVar ——— Normal Page PgEnds: TEX [-4], (4) BOB—UniversityofNebraskaPress/Pageiv/ MotivationalFactorsintheEtiologyofDrugAbuse/RickA.Bevins Preface [First Page] [-5], (1) Lines: 0 to 12 ——— 4.0pt PgVar Thevolumeeditorsforthis50theditionoftheNebraskaSymposium ——— Normal Page are RickA. Bevins and Michael T. Bardo. Rick is anAssociate Pro- fessorofPsychologyattheUniversityofNebraska.However,forthe PgEnds: TEX firsttimethevolumeincludesaneditorfromoutsidetheUniversity ofNebraskasystem.MikeisaProfessorofPsychologyattheUniver- [-5], (1) sityofKentucky.RickandMikecoordinatedthesymposiumthatled to this volume with enthusiasm and dedication, and they worked with the SymposiumAdvisory Committee in developing plans for celebrating this half-century of our Symposium. Coordinating the volume means that Rick and Mike did most of the “heavy lifting,” fromplanningthevolume,toselectingandinvitingthecontributors, and to coordinating all aspects of the editing. My thanks to them and the contributors for the very timely production of their chap- ters. As with Symposium sessions of the last several years, to allow other scholars to travel to the Symposium as participants, we in- vited posters relevant to the main theme of addiction. This poster session included 35 submissions from researchers in places such as BostonUniversity,unc–ChapelHill,DenisonUniversity,University ofGiessen,UniversityofSouthDakota,andUniversityofMinnesota. Sincethisisatraditionwewillcontinue,weurgeyou,ourreaders, BOB—UniversityofNebraskaPress/Pagev/ MotivationalFactorsintheEtiologyofDrugAbuse/RickA.Bevins vi motivational factors in the etiology of drug abuse to consider such poster submissions when you receive future Sym- posiumannouncements. This Symposium series is supported largely by funds donated inthememoryofProfessorHarryK.WolfetotheUniversityofNe- braskaFoundationbythelateProfessorCoraL.Friedline.ThisSym- posium volume, like those of the recent past, is dedicated to the memory of Professor Wolfe, who brought psychology to the Uni- versityofNebraska.AfterstudyingwithProfessorWilhelmWundt, ProfessorWolfereturnedtothis,hisnativestate,toestablishthefirst undergraduatelaboratoryofpsychologyinthenation.Asastudent atNebraska,ProfessorFriedlinestudiedpsychologyunderProfessor Wolfe. [-6], (2) We are grateful to the late Professor Friedline for this bequest, andtotheUniversityofNebraskaFoundationforcontinuedfinancial supportfortheseries.Forthis50thanniversaryyear,andforsubse- Lines: 12 to 23 quentyears,theamountoffundinggrantedbytheFoundationhas ——— beenincreased.WeareparticularlygratefultoSeniorViceChancellor * 143.0pt PgVar forAcademicAffairsRichardEdwardsforassistanceinsecuringthat ——— increase. Normal Page It is time to give a special thanks to Claudia Price-Decker, who * PgEnds: PageBreak regularly helps with the coordination of the sessions themselves, overseeing the many details that must be considered for the Sym- posiumtorunsmoothly.Claudiaisgreat,sheisappreciated,andwe [-6], (2) havecometotakesmoothrunningforgranted.Otherswhohelpand deservethanksincludeBeckiBarnes,whohasbeenhelpingforyears, andJoyMenkewhohasjoinedthiseffortmorerecently. RichardA.Dienstbier SeriesEditor BOB—UniversityofNebraskaPress/Pagevi/ MotivationalFactorsintheEtiologyofDrugAbuse/RickA.Bevins Contents ix RickA.Bevinsand Introduction:Motivation,Drug MichaelT.Bardo Abuse,and50YearsofTheoretical andEmpiricalInquiry 1 GeorgeF.Koob Allostatic View of Motivation: ImplicationsforPsychopathology 19 HarrietdeWitand DualDeterminantsofDrugUsein JerryB.Richards Humans:RewardandImpulsivity [-7], (3) 57 R.D.Spealman,B.Lee, TriggersofRelapse:Nonhuman S.Tiefenbacher,D.M.Platt, Primate Models of Reinstated J.K.Rowlett,and CocaineSeeking Lines: 23 to 56 T.V.Khroyan ——— 85 JaakPanksepp,Christine The Role of Emotional Systems * 24.3896pt PgVar Nocjar,JeffBurgdorf,Jules inAddiction:ANeuroethological ——— Normal Page B.Panksepp,andRobert Perspective Huber * PgEnds: PageBreak 127 Michael T. Bardo and Biological Connection between LindaP.Dwoskin Novelty- and Drug-seeking [-7], (3) MotivationalSystems 159 RoyA.Wise Drive, Incentive, and Reinforcement:TheAntecedents andConsequencesofMotivation 197 JaneStewart Pathways to Relapse: Factors Controlling the Reinitiation of DrugSeekingafterAbstinence 235 M.Vogel-Sprott Drugs, Behavior, and Environmental Sources of Motivation:BridgingaGap 261 SubjectIndex 271 AuthorIndex BOB—UniversityofNebraskaPress/Pagevii/ MotivationalFactorsintheEtiologyofDrugAbuse/RickA.Bevins [-8], (4) Lines: 56 to 57 ——— 0.0pt PgVar ——— Normal Page PgEnds: TEX [-8], (4) BOB—UniversityofNebraskaPress/Pageviii/ MotivationalFactorsintheEtiologyofDrugAbuse/RickA.Bevins Introduction: Motivation, DrugAbuse, and 50 Years of Theoretical and [First Page] Empirical Inquiry [-9], (1) RickA. Bevins Lines: 0 to 21 UniversityofNebraska–Lincoln ——— 4.0pt PgVar Michael T. Bardo ——— UniversityofKentucky Normal Page PgEnds: TEX Inreviewingthe25-yearhistoryoftheNebraskaSymposiumonMo- tivation,BenjaminandJones(1979)notedthattheSymposiumwas [-9], (1) “thelongest-livedtopicalseriesinAmericanpsychology,withana- tional and international reputation” (p. ix). On March 28 and 29 of 2002,withapackedauditoriumonthecampusoftheUniversityof Nebraska–Lincoln,thisrecordwasdoubledinlife.Asthereaderwill quicklyseefromthelistofcontributors,thereputationoftheSympo- siumwasalsomaintainedonits50thAnniversary.Beforecontinuing, wewouldliketoreiteratethethanksinthePrefaceforallthosewho supported the Symposium with their hard work, thoughtful effort, andgeneroussupport.Wearealsogratefultotheselectioncommit- teeforchoosingourproposalforthe50thNebraskaSymposiumon Motivation.Webelieveitisfittingthatdrugabusebethetopicforthis Symposium.Drugabuseanditsassociatedpersonalandfiscalcosts reflectthelargesthealthproblemintheUnitedStates(RobertWood JohnsonFoundation,2001).Psychology,asabroadintegratedfieldof inquiry,hasmuchtocontributetounderstandingandsolvingthisse- riousproblem.Thecontentsofthisvolumeclearlysupportthisclaim. BOB—UniversityofNebraskaPress/Pageix/ MotivationalFactorsintheEtiologyofDrugAbuse/RickA.Bevins

This volume marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, the longest continuously running symposium in the field of psychology. The motivational processes involved in drug abuse, the largest health problem in the United States, are the subject of eight thought-provoking es
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