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RHODORA, Vol. No. 928. 384-389, 2004 106, pp. NEBC NEWS MEETING September Crow 2004. Garrett began with show preview a slide to Saturday morning marsh the salt field trip, followed by photos meant to crowd 2005 Amazon interest the in his July trip to the connection in New with York He the Botanical Garden. then introduced evening the New speaker. Dr. Christopher Neefus from the University of Hampshire, who spoke about "Living on the edge: Acclimation and adaptation of an seaweed." inlertidal Chris began his talk with a photo of Louis H. Sullivan, who designed th ,h office buildings during the late 19 and early 20 centuries. Louis, who added often beautiful botanical ornamentation the facades of to his was buildings, considered modern the father of the skyscraper, and was mentor famous to the architect Frank Lloyd Wright. More importantly, as Chris pointed out. he is credited with coming up with the concept of "form follows function," which Chris noted was an apt description of the evolution seaweeds. inlertidal ol' In the 980s, Littler and Littler proposed a model of functional form for 1 seaweeds, hypothesizing that physiological functions could be predicted seaweeds' via the morphological forms. Based on model, this there are six groups of seaweeds: Sheet, Filamentous, Coarsely Branched, Thick Leathery, Jointed Calcareous, and Crustose. shallow In the subtidal zone, — the Thick Leathery group is well represented the species found there tend to be tough, rubbery, and thick. These seaweeds have adapted to deal with the mechanical stress caused by wave action, and can tolerate changes temperature, reducing enzymatic when in reactions too hot is it or cold. In the inlertidal zone, seaweeds are submerged ocean waters only in for part of each tidal cycle, and as a result have had to evolve to tolerate an extreme range of temperatures, from -20°C When 40°C. exposed to to may the they have air, also to deal with high light levels and strong ultraviolet radiation. Mechanical stress can be as high here as the in subtidal zone, but decreases with increasing elevation. Competition from seaweeds other and herbivory also decrease as elevation increases. Common species found in the intertidal zone include Ascophyllum nodosum and hnens vesiculosus, both from the Thick Leathery group. In the highest part of the intertidal zone, the environment often too is extreme One for the adaptations described above. species found there is Porphyra linearis, a winter annual. This seaweed an alga from the is Sheet group grows on that in thin layers the tops o[ rocks. Having a life cycle that is restricted to winter and spring allows P. linearis to avoid the 384 NEBC News 385 Meeting 20041 When low exposed highest temperatures of the season. to air at temperatures, this speeies freezes to the rocks, but is able to recover. Perhaps even more amazing, P. umbilicalis and P. rediviva respond when resume growth and can extreme heat by drying out completely, to some amazing have been they are rehydrated. Chris noted that there Porphyra growth following rehydration of dried observations of the herbarium specimens! may be Since these species live so high up in the intertidal zone, they meaning only have submerged than one hour each day, they for less some Porphyra a short amount of time to acquire nutrients. In response, species have adapted to have the greatest rate of nutrient uptake within the These can be stored hour of exposure to a nutrient source. nutrients first seaweeds phycobilin-protein pigments that also serve as within the as pigments. accessory photosynthetic To competition, some Porphyra species have deal with interspecies even on grow on organisms such barnacles, or adapted epiphytically as to The Fucus seaweeds including Fucus species. moist tissue of the other can pho- Porphyra, extending the time the plant helps hydrate the seaweed Chris went on describe other adaptations of tosynthesize. to morphology the harsh environment of the intertidal zone. Species with to and lanceolate forms have low drag, allowing them to handle high linear may "wave-pruned," of mechanical These species be but are levels stress. — growing and recover quickly by virtue of their form they tend to be fast meaning impact composed mainly of undifferentiated tissue, there is little the plant part of torn away. Chris ended the talk by noting what to if is it — made may most important function of Porphyra form ideal be the its it wrapper use as a for sushi. to Forman Orth, Recording Secretary. Jennifer September Field Trips. On Friday afternoon, September 10, Drs. M UNH members (UNH) led a party of approximately ten Club and several students explore the seaweed flora of the rocky intertidal zone of Wall is to New Hampshire, and marsh of Brave Boat Harbor Sands Rye, the salt in Maine. The rocky zone of Wallis Sands a very Kittery, intertidal is in wave and sand exposed and disturbed environment, with high action down The group scrambled to the shoreline to observe the thick scour. were washed of wrack had ashore. Several species identified, layer that Laminaria saccharina some noteworthy with field characteristics. (sugar kelp) large and ribbon-like, with a very thick and strong is 3S6 Rhodora (Vol. 106 Somewhat holdfast. smaller, Laminaria digitata (kelp) has "digits" along margin. Although Agarum the not a true kelp, sp. (shotgun kelp) could be by numerous identified the holes Phycodrys the rubens in thallus. (sea oak) one is cell thick except along the midrib. Green, threadlike, tangled of Chaetomorpha were balls sp. scattered about; Desmarestia exudes sp. sulfuric acid, and has minute spikclets on margin. Viva the sp. (sea lettuce) could be discerned by bright green its flat, thallus. A few low intertidal species were observed, including Fucus spiralis, Chondrus crispus (Irish moss), Corallina, and Ascophyllum nodosum (rockweed), which covered much of the rock surfaces of the intertidal zone. high Porphyra In the intertidal umbilicalis (nori) grew attached to rocks. This economically important seaweed used making is in sushi wraps. Porphyra was observed with variable pigmentation, from purple The to green. light-harvesting pigment phycoerythrin gives the thallus its The purple coloration. level of pigment depends on the light level. Plants growing shaded in areas are dark purple, while those exposed to full sunlight appear greenish. Pigmentation is also controlled by the amount of may nutrient availability; a decrease in pigmentation be associated with low nutrients. For second the part of the field Art Mathieson described trip, the first habitat, morphology, and phenotypic variation of two seaweed species, Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus The vcsiculosus. group then journeyed down through deciduous forests Brave Boat Harbor among to to search Spartina patens for the seaweed. The Brave Boat Harbor marsh has salt well-drained, sandy and a substrate highly is susceptible to erosion. Art how group taught the to distinguish between ecads and germlings. The former phenotypic a variant of a species and caused by is extensive is and proliferation degeneration of detached fragments. Germlings could be discerned by the presence of a distinct, discoid holdfast. Several phenotypic were variants found, including Ascophyllum nodosum ecad Fucus scorpioides, vcsiculosus ecad and Fucus volubilis, cottonii. On Saturday morning, September Crow UNH, Dr. Garrett of 1 1 , accompanied by phytogcography his class, led several Club members to explore the vascular flora of the salt marshes and sand dunes along the New Hampshire The was coastline. first stop to a salt marsh in Rye, just south of Odiorne State Park. Here, the group trekked through pure stands of Spartina patens, Distichlis spicata, and ./uncus Other gerardii. species encountered marsh in the salt included Atriplex subspicata, dense red patches of ift « sempervirens, Potentilla anserina, Triglochin maritima, Limonium carolinianum, Suaeda maritima, Plantago maritima, and Scirpus NEBC News 387 Meeting 2004) was some Ruppia maritima found. Garrett robustus. In of the pools, of discussed the geographic distribution of several species, the role community, and environmental shaping type of plant factors in this adaptations of species to such conditions. The group then met the Seabrook sand dunes. This area represents the at New Hampshire. largest coastal sand dune remnant in the state of Prior to amount community, sand dunes suffered a substantial protection of the this ATV of disturbance from (all-terrain vehicle) usage. Plants that colonize the dunes adapted strong prevailing winds, storm activity, shifting sands, are to Ammophila and Lathyrus spray, and high solar radiation. breviligulata salt were japonicus are early colonizers of the foredune. Several species Lechea observed among the dunes, including Polygonella articulata, Hypericum Artemisia A. caudata, maritima, Cakile edentula, stelleriana, grew Primus maritima intermixed and Myrica pensylvanica. gentianoides, making of sweet and with Toxicodendron radicans, the collection its dunes endeavor. Because the sand are a rare succulent a risky fruit New community Hampshire, area the location of several state- in this is Hudsonia Cyperus and including Aristida tuberculosa, grayi, listed taxa, among Sunken hollows tomentosa, of which the group observed. forests, all by dunes where establishment of shrubs followed tree species, the the is A among few members of group followed were scattered the dunes. the one of them. The sunken forest was cooler, being densely Garrett into and Pinus shaded by canopy of Acer rubrum, Populus tremuloides, a Amelanchier Shrub included stolonifera, species Ilex verticillata, rigida. Vaccinium and Viburnum The forest floor was colonized by species sp. sp., $ Maianthemum Mare Nazaire, Recording Secretary pro tempore. th New October 2004. The England Botanical Club celebrated 1000 its Massachusett: meetin iinal organization at the Members Sanctuary Natick. Wildlife in members enjoyed hors cToeuvres and displays of botanical art by club show images and Erika Sonder and Anita Sebastian, while a slide of NEBC documents from archives was displayed on a large screen. the Gilman welcomed everyone and President Art After a catered buffet, "Away" many meetings club has had spoke briefly about the great the in New He and around England over the past few years. noted that the club more 400 members; they and 350 institutions subscribe has than currently Rhodora. to 388 Rhodora [Vol. i()6 Past President Lisa Standley introduced the evening's speaker, Dr. David Barrington from the University o( Vermont. The club has had the honor Dave of hearing speak on several occasions over For the years. the thousandth meeting of a club that spends most of time asking why its grow plants where they do, his talk was appropriately w The Big titled New Thaw: England Flora Holocene." the in Dave began New his talk by noting that the mountaintops of England NEBC had captured many the fascination of of the members. Ausable first Chasm New York serves one in as striking lesson in the effects of time A and change on flora and fauna. deep and narrow divide almost mile a was long, originally thought have been formed to Oligocene the it in era, but actually developed during the 10,000 last years. In 1846, a beluga whale was unearthed during the construction of Vermont. The a railroad in presence of such a creature, referred to as the Whale" "Charlotte after the town near where was discovered, supports it was the idea that there once an arm of the ocean the Champlain Valley. in While studying from flora the Pleistocene glaciation, E. C. Pielou maximum concluded that at glaciation (18,000 years ago), ice covered much of the terrain. However, during this ice age a series of large sandy was exposed islands along the northeast Lake Champlain was coast. indeed at one time an arm of a giant sea whose land was compressed by huge the weight of ice. Dave described the work of Norton who Miller, has studied the New recovering England o( 12,000 13,000 flora to years ago, specifically when looking and where at species were found. This work uses both pollen cores and macrofossils. The portions of a species' range where the highest genetic diversity found are thought be those where is to populations have been around the longest, especially those survived that through the ice age in what are termed ku refugia." For example, when looking Fagus at sylvatica in Europe, scientists found that genetic diversity in this species is highest in the southernmost part of range. its This is hypothesized to be because subsets of the southern populations uw were able to hide out" in refugia through the ice age. Another example of this pattern Asclcpias exaltata, an eastern North American milkweed is common species very that is in the South. In the North, rare and has is it low genetic variation as well. Saxifraga oppositifolia found Smugglers Notch Vermont on wet is at in New cliffs; the southern limit o[ distribution currently England. its is in A group headed by Abbott Dr. did a genetic study of which this species, was found have to spent the height of the Pleistocene era on exposed land where now in Siberia, the highest genetic diversity found. The species is NEBC News Meeting 389 2004] then repopulated the Arctic through North America and through Eurasia. Dryas which integrifolia another Arctic species for a set of refugia can is many be hypothesized from genetic data. There are records of the pollen two of this species as well as fossils in refugia, with centers of diversity being the high Arctic and Beringia. Dave then described the thesis research of Pete Walker, a University of Vermont graduate who worked with Cathy Pete studied Ammophila Paris. breviligulata (beach grass), which widely distributed along the Atlantic is coast and Great Lakes regions. However, plants found along Lake Champlain have been labeled as A. champlainensis There has been some \ question as to whether this was a "true" species, though the Lake Champlain plants flower in a different month. Pete determined that the Great Lakes populations were actually morphologically intermediate between the North Atlantic and Lake Champlain populations. likely It is that the Lake Champlain plants arrived with the ancient Champlain Sea and diverged from other populations since the waters receded 10,000 salt years ago. The North Atlantic populations have the highest genetic diversity, likely because there was plenty of exposed sand on the coast during the Pleistocene, providing a refugium. Lathyrus japonicus often , a companion of beach grass, grows on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts An of North America. isozyme study showed that Pacific alleles were common most the north and dwindled the south, while Atlantic in in alleles were found only in the Atlantic populations, suggesting that there two endemic are actually centers for this species. Dave spent the part of his talk discussing several other interesting last case studies of plant species that survived the Pleistocene era in refugia, He including Adiantum pedatum. mentioned Hudsonia as a candidate He for future study of glacial refugia and Holocene migration. then took several enthusiastic questions from the audience. The Club finished the 1000* meeting celebration with an excellent dessert table and a sparkling cider toast. Forman Orth, Recording •Jennifer Secretary.

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