Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,6805–6821,2016 doi:10.5194/acp-16-6805-2016 ©Author(s)2016.CCAttribution3.0License. Near-surface and columnar measurements with a micro pulse lidar of atmospheric pollen in Barcelona, Spain MichaëlSicard1,2,RebecaIzquierdo3,MartaAlarcón3,JordinaBelmonte4,5,AdolfoComerón1,and JoséMariaBaldasano6,7 1RemoteSensingLaboratory,UniversitatPolitècnicadeCatalunya,Barcelona,Spain 2CiènciesiTecnologiesdel’Espai–CentredeRecercadel’Aeronàuticaidel’Espai/Institutd’EstudisEspacialsdeCatalunya (CTE-CRAE/IEEC),UniversitatPolitècnicadeCatalunya,Barcelona,Spain 3DepartamentdeFísica,UniversitatPolitècnicadeCatalunya(UPC),c/Urgell187,08036Barcelona,Spain 4DepartamentdeBiologiaAnimal,BiologiaVegetaliEcologia,UniversitatAutònomadeBarcelona(UAB).EdificiC, 08193Bellaterra,Spain 5InstitutdeCienciaiTecnologíaAmbientals(ICTA),UniversitatAutònomadeBarcelona(UAB),EdificiZ, 08193Bellaterra,Spain 6EarthSciencesDepartment,BarcelonaSupercomputingCenter–CentroNacionaldeSupercomputación,Barcelona,Spain 7EnvironmentalModelingLaboratory,TechnicalUniversityofCatalonia,Barcelona,Spain Correspondenceto:MichaëlSicard([email protected]) Received:11March2016–PublishedinAtmos.Chem.Phys.Discuss.:16March2016 Revised:18May2016–Accepted:21May2016–Published:6June2016 Abstract. We present for the first time continuous hourly withmaximavaryingintherangeof1.47–1.78km.Acorre- measurementsofpollennear-surfaceconcentrationandlidar- lationstudyisperformed(1)betweenthedepolarizationra- derived profiles of particle backscatter coefficients and of tiosandthepollennear-surfaceconcentrationtoevaluatethe volumeandparticledepolarizationratiosduringa5-daypol- abilityoftheformerparametertomonitorpollenreleaseand linationeventobservedinBarcelona,Spain,between27and (2)betweenthedepolarizationratiosaswellaspollenAOD 31 March 2015. Daily average concentrations ranged from and surface downward solar fluxes, which cause the atmo- 1082 to 2830pollenm−3. Platanus and Pinus pollen types spheric turbulences responsible for the particle vertical mo- representedtogethermorethan80%ofthetotalpollen.Max- tion,toexaminethedependencyofthedepolarizationratios imum hourly pollen concentrations of 4700 and 1200m−3 andthepollenAODuponsolarfluxes.Forthevolumedepo- were found for Platanus and Pinus, respectively. Every day larizationratiothefirstcorrelationstudyyieldstocorrelation a clear diurnal cycle caused by the vertical transport of coefficientsranging0.00–0.81andthesecondtocorrelation the airborne pollen was visible on the lidar-derived profiles coefficientsranging0.49–0.86. with maxima usually reached between 12:00 and 15:00UT. A method based on the lidar polarization capabilities was used to retrieve the contribution of the pollen to the total aerosolopticaldepth(AOD).Onaveragethediurnal(09:00– 1 Introduction 17:00UT)pollenAODwas0.05,whichrepresented29%of the total AOD. Maximum values of the pollen AOD and its Pollen is the male gametophyte of seed plants. Both gym- contributiontothetotalAODreached0.12and78%,respec- nosperms (cone-bearing plants) and angiosperms (flower- tively.Thediurnalmeansofthevolumeandparticledepolar- ing plants) produce pollen as part of sexual reproduction. ization ratios in the pollen plume were 0.08 and 0.14, with Pollen grains have characteristic walls with distinctive or- hourly maxima of 0.18 and 0.33, respectively. The diurnal namentation that permit their identification. The production meanoftheheightofthepollenplumewasfoundat1.24km andemissionofpollenaregovernedbyinteractingenviron- mental factors, such as photoperiod, temperature, and wa- PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. 6806 M.Sicardetal.:Near-surfaceandcolumnarmeasurementsofatmosphericpolleninBarcelona,Spain ter stress (Dahl et al., 2013). Pollen is primarily dispersed andPopulus(1%)accordingtotheAerobiologicalNetwork intheatmospherebyinsectsorwind.Wind-pollinatedplants of Catalonia ( and based on are called anemophilous and they produce huge amounts of pollen concentrations measured in the period 1994–2015. pollen grains which, once airborne, are responsible of al- Barcelona is the Spanish city which presents the longest lergenic reactions when inhaled by humans (Cecchi, 2013). mean pollen season of Platanus pollen. Maximum daily Fungalsporesareabiologicalcomponentthatcanbefound countsoccurgenerallyduringthesecondhalfofMarch(Díaz anytimeoftheyearintheatmosphere(Lacey,1981;Burch delaGuardiaetal.,1999).Platanushispanicaisresponsible andLevetin,2002).Environmentalvariables,suchastemper- ofthemostfrequentpollensensitizations(37%)detectedin atureandmoisture,caninfluencegrowthandreproductionin Barcelona (Puiggròs et al., 2015). Pinus is one of the most fungi which makes airborne spore concentrations to fluctu- abundant pollen taxa in Spain (Belmonte and Roure, 1991; ateseasonally(Grinn-GofrónandStrzelczak,2008;Pakpour DeLinaresetal.,2014).InBarcelona,Pinuspollinationoc- et al., 2015). However, it has also been observed that local curs in two phases: the most important one happens from climate, vegetation patterns, and management of landscape MarchtoMayandtheotherinJune–July.Regardingairborne aregoverningparametersfortheoverallsporeconcentration, fungal spores, Cladosporium is the most abundant taxon in whiletheannualvariationscausedbyweather,althoughnot Barcelona,representingupto44%ofthetotalfungalspore negligible,areofsecondaryimportance(Skjøthetal.,2016). spectrum. It is present all year round and shows the high- Fungiare,afterpollen,thesecondmostimportantproducers est concentrations in April–May and November (Infante et ofoutdoorairborneallergens(Weikletal.,2015).Theirpres- al., 1999; see also This pa- encecancausehumanhealthproblems(mainlyallergies)and per aims at investigating the possible correlation between crop infections (phytopathology) (e.g., Burge and Rogers, pollen near-surface concentration and columnar properties 2000; Simon-Nobbe et al., 2008). Up to 80% of asthmat- measuredduringa5-daypollinationeventinBarcelona.The ics are sensitized to fungal allergens (Lopez and Salvaggio, data set is composed of continuous measurements at a tem- 1985)andadiseasepatternofsevereasthmawithfungalsen- poral resolution of 1h. The influence of the meteorological sitizationhasbeenrecentlyproposed(Denningetal.,2006). conditionsandthesolarradiationonthepollendispersionis Worldwide many people living in large cities suffer from also investigated. This contribution relates for the first time allergies linked to the presence of atmospheric pollen and near-surfaceandlidarmeasurementsofpolleninalargeEu- fungal spores. In the industrialized countries of central and ropeancity. northern Europe, up to 15% of the population is sensi- The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents the tive to pollen allergens (WHO, 2003; Cecchi, 2013). In Eu- methodsusedtocountthepollenandsporetaxaandalsode- rope the most common types of pollen are Ambrosia, Al- scribesthelidarinstrumentusedandthemethodemployedto nus, Artemisia, Betula, Corylus, Chenopodiaceae, Cupres- estimatethepollenopticalproperties.Pollenandsporesmea- saceae/Taxaceae,Olea,Platanus,Poaceae,Quercus,andUr- suredinBarcelonaarefirstanalyzedwithdailymeanconcen- tica/Parietaria (Skjøth et al., 2013). Although their con- tration values and lidar quick looks (time–altitude contour centration is monitored daily at ground level by aerobio- plots) in Sect. 3. The analysis of the temporal evolution of logical networks (Scheifinger et al., 2013; Karatzas et al., hourly concentrations and meteorological parameters com- 2013), very little is known on their vertical distribution pletesthissection.Section4isdedicatedtotheinvestigation and their long/short-range transport (Sofiev et al., 2013) al- ofpossiblecorrelationsbetweennear-surfacepollenconcen- thoughanincreaseininteresthasarisenveryrecentlyinthe tration and the vertical distribution of a series of structural aerosollidarcommunity(Sassen,2008;Nohetal.,2013a,b). and optical properties. Finally Sect. 5 enlightens us on the Sassen (2008) reported on lidar measurements in the lower relationshipbetweentheverticaltransportofairbornepollen atmosphereofbirchpollenplumesfromtheborealforestof andthesolarradiation. Alaska.Nohetal.(2013a)retrievedopticalpropertieswitha polarization-sensitive lidar for Pinus and Quercus pollen in SouthKorea.Nohetal.(2013b)reportedontheverticaldis- 2 Instrumentationandmethod tributionofthesamepolleneventobservedwithlidarandon the dependency of its diurnal variations upon the meteoro- 2.1 Pollenandsporessamplinginstrumentation,PM , 10 logicalconditions(temperature,relativehumidity,andwind andmeteorologicaldata speed).Sugimotoetal.(2012)developedalidarspectrometer system with high spectral resolution which showed promis- AirbornepollenandsporedatawerecollectedbytheAero- ingresultsforinvestigatingtheverticalstructureofbiologi- biologicalNetworkofCataloniaatthesamplingstationsitu- calparticles. atedontheroofofabuildinginthecitycenterofBarcelona In the Mediterranean city of Barcelona, Spain, the most (2.164◦E, 41.394◦N). Samples were obtained using volu- abundantpollentaxaareQuercus(27.4%ofthetotalpollen), metricsuctionpollen–sporetrapbasedontheimpactprinci- Pinus, Platanus, Cupressaceae, Olea, Urticaceae, Poaceae, ple(Hirst,1952),thestandardizedmethodinEuropeanaer- Chenopodiaceae,Plantago,Moraceae,Fraxinus, Castanea, obiologicalnetworks.TheHirstsampleriscalibratedtohan- Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,6805–6821,2016 M.Sicardetal.:Near-surfaceandcolumnarmeasurementsofatmosphericpolleninBarcelona,Spain 6807 dleaflowof10Lofairperminute,thusmatchingthehuman In nominal operation the raw temporal and vertical resolu- breathing rate. Pollen and spores are impacted on a cylin- tionsare30sand15m,respectively. drical drum covered by a Melinex film coated with a 2% Thelinearvolumedepolarizationratio,δV,isdefinedas silicon solution as trapping surface. The drum was changed weeklyandtheexposedtapewascutintosevenpieces,each δV(z)= β⊥(z) = P⊥(z), (1) onecorrespondingto1day,whichweremountedonseparate β||(z) P||(z) glass slides. Pollen and spores were counted under a light where β− and β|| denote the total (particles+molecules) microscopeat600Xmagnification.Dailyaveragepollenand perpendicular and parallel backscatter coefficient, respec- sporecountswereobtainedfollowingthestandardizedSpan- tively,andP− andP|| representtheperpendicularandparal- ishmethod(GalánSoldevillaetal.,2007),consistinginrun- lel backscatter powers, respectively. According to Gimmes- ning four longitudinal sweeps along the 24h slide for daily tad(2008)δV canalsobeexpressedasafunctionofafactor data, identifying and counting each pollen and spore type d,whichhasarangeof0–1andisrelatedtothepropensityof found. To obtain the hourly concentrations, 24 continuous thescatteringmediumtopreservetheincidentpolarization: transversal sweeps separated every 2mm along the daily- sampleslidewereanalyzed,sincethedrumrotatesataspeed d of 2mmh−1. Daily and intra-diurnal (hourly) pollen and δV(z)= 2−d. (2) spore concentrations are obtained converting the pollen and Inthecaseofalinearpolarizationlidar,d=0indicatesthat sporecountsintoparticlespercubicmeterofair,takinginto no depolarization occurs, while d=1 indicates that the re- account the proportion of the sample surface analyzed and theairintakeoftheHirstpollentrap(10Lmin−1). turnedbeamiscompletelydepolarized.Byadaptingtheno- tations of Flynn et al. (2007), especially in Eqs. (1.4) and PM measurementswereacquiredatthe“Eixample”sta- 10 (1.6),onecanformulatethelinearvolumedepolarizationra- tion of the Xarxa de Vigilància i Previsió de la Qualitat de tiofortheMPLsystemas l’Aire(XVPCA,theCataloniannetworkformonitoringand forecasting the air quality). It is located at 1.2km to the P (z) southwestofthepollensamplinginstrumentation. δV(z)= cr , (3) P (z)+P (z) Meteorological data were recorded in the “Zona Univer- co cr sitaria” area of Barcelona, at approximately 0.6km south- where P and P represent the MPL cross- and co-polar cr co southeastofthelidarsite. channels,respectively. Thelinearparticledepolarizationratio,δp,canthenbede- terminedby(Freudenthaleretal.,2009) 2.2 TheBarcelonaMicroPulseLidar(MPL) p β (z) δp(z)= ⊥ The profiles of the particle backscatter coefficient and βp(z) || the particle depolarization ratio were measured with the (cid:2)1+δm(cid:3)δV(z)R(z)−(cid:2)1+δV(z)(cid:3)δm Barcelona MPL system, model MPL-4B. The system is lo- = , (4) cated in the “Zona Universitaria” area of the city, on the [1+δm]R(z)−(cid:2)1+δV(z)(cid:3) roof of the Remote Sensing Lab (RSLab) building in the p p where β and β are the particle perpendicular and paral- North Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ⊥ || (2.112◦E,41.389◦N;115ma.s.l.),approximately1kmfrom lelbackscattercoefficients,respectively,δm isthemolecular depolarization ratio and R is the backscatter ratio, which is Sierra de Collserola and 7km from the sea. It is located at definedas 4.4km to the west of the pollen sampling instrumentation. ThesystemshouldbecomeveryshortlypartoftheMPLNET βm(z)+βp(z) (Micro Pulse Lidar Network, R(z)= , (5) βm(z) network. The MPL system is a compact, eye-safe lidar de- signed for full-time unattended operation (Spinhirne, 1993; where βm and βp denote the molecular and particle Campbelletal.,2002;Flynnetal.,2007;Huangetal.,2010). backscatter coefficient, respectively, of the total (perpendic- Itusesapulsedsolid-statelaseremittinglowlaserpulseen- ular+parallel)returnedsignal.AccordingtotheMPLopti- ergy (∼6µJ) at a high pulse rate (2500Hz) and a co-axial cal requirements in the receiving system the spectral filter- “transceiver”designwithatelescopesharedbybothtransmit ing is performed by filters with a spectral band ≤0.2nm. and receive optics. The Barcelona MPL optical layout uses Thisnumberproducesatemperature-independentmolecular anactivelycontrolledliquidcrystalretarderwhichmakesthe depolarizationratioofδm=0.00363accordingtoBehrendt system capable to conduct polarization-sensitive measure- andNakamura(2002). ments by alternating between two retardation states (Flynn Theparticlebackscattercoefficient,βp,wasretrievedwith etal.,2007).Thesignalsacquiredineachofthesestatesare the two-component elastic algorithm (also known as the recordedseparatelyandcalled“co-polar”and“cross-polar”. Klett-Fernald-Sasano method; Fernald, 1984; Sasano and Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,6805–6821,2016 6808 M.Sicardetal.:Near-surfaceandcolumnarmeasurementsofatmosphericpolleninBarcelona,Spain Nakane,1984;Klett,1985)withaconstantlidarratioof50sr from references. To fix the value of δ we searched for no-pol andappliedtothetotallidarsignal,P,reconstructedfromthe a clear-sky day prior to the pollination event without long- MPLlidarsignalsas(Flynnetal.,2007) range transport aerosols. Such conditions were fulfilled on 15Marcharound12:00UT.Onthatdayawell-mixedatmo- P(z)=Pco(z)+2Pcr(z). (6) spheric boundary layer (ABL) developed. At 12:00UT the ABL height was ∼1.2km and the AOD 0.18. The particle The value of 50sr is motivated by two previous studies. depolarizationratiowasconstantly∼0.03inthewholeABL. First, it falls in the range of the mean columnar lidar ra- Wehavetakenδ =0.03.Intheliteratureveryfewinfor- no-pol tios, 46–69sr, found in Barcelona during the period from mation on measurements of pollen depolarization ratios is February to April and calculated over a period of 3 years available. The choice of δ is deferred to Sect. 4, after the pol (Sicard et al., 2011). In that work the columnar lidar ratio analysis of the individual profiles of δp, in order to have as wasretrievedwiththetwo-componentelasticlidarinversion muchinformationaspossible.Ashortdiscussionontheun- algorithmconstrainedwiththeaerosolopticaldepth(AOD) certaintyofCR andβ linkedtothechoiceofδ isalso pol pol pol from a sun photometer (Landulfo et al., 2003; Reba et al., discussedinSect.4. 2010).Second,Nohetal.(2013b)usedthesamemethodand Finally we also calculated the vertical height, h , up to pol foundameancolumnarlidarratioof50±6srduringa6-day which the pollen plume extends. As it is shown in Sect. 4, pollination event (mostly dominated by Pinus and Quercus the pollen plume is characterized during the whole polli- pollen) in South Korea. At the peak of the event the pollen nation event by a near-constant or slightly decreasing pro- AODrepresentedupto35%ofthetotalAOD. file of β . From this aspect the structure of the pollen pol plumeismuchsimplerthantheABLstructureusuallyfound 2.3 Determinationofpollenopticalandstructural in Barcelona (Sicard et al., 2006). This allows us to use properties a simple threshold method such as the one used to esti- mate the ABL height by Melfi et al. (1985) and Boers et Pollen has formerly been distinguished from other particle al.(1988).Afterseveraltestsweempiricallysetathreshold typesthankstoitsdepolarizationcapabilities(Sassen,2008; of0.055Mm−1sr−1 anddefinedh astheheightatwhich Noh et al., 2013a, b). Although many types of pollen have pol β (z)<0.055Mm−1sr−1. This empirical threshold guar- regular shapes (circular, spherical, elliptical, ovoid, etc.), pol anteesthattheintegralofβ (z)uptoh representsatleast they cannot be considered spherical from the point of view pol pol 99%ofitsintegraloverthewholeatmosphericcolumn. oflightscatteringbecausetheydonotgenerateMiepatterns expectedfromasphereofequivalentsize.Thereasonliesin surface imperfections of pollen grains and inhomogeneous 3 Temporalvariationofpollenandsporetaxa refractiveindicesinsidethegrains near-surfaceandcolumnarproperties Whentheatmosphericparticleloadcanbeassumedasthe external mixing of one type of depolarizing particles (here, InthesecondhalfofMarch2015astronganticycloneposi- thepollen)withanothertypeofmuchlessdepolarizingpar- tioned in the Atlantic Ocean west of the Portuguese coast ticles,themethodsuggestedbyShimizuetal.(2004)allows generated northwesterly winds in the northeastern part of us to separate the contribution ratio of both types of parti- the Iberian Peninsula. In Barcelona, the synoptic condi- cles.ThesamerationaleleadingtoEq.(4)allowsustodefine tions resulted in marked, off-shore winds in altitude yield- a pollen (highly depolarizing particles) contribution ratio to ingtorelativelyclearskiesandpreventinglong-rangetrans- thetotalparticledepolarizationratio,CR ,expressedas pol port of highly depolarizing aerosols like mineral dust over (cid:2)δp(z)−δ (cid:3)(cid:2)1+δ (cid:3) Barcelona.Toconfirmthatmineraldustwasnottransported CRpol(z)= (cid:2)δ −δ no-po(cid:3)l[1+δp(pzo)l], (7) overBarcelonaduringthepollinationevent,weusedthedust pol no-pol transportmodelsBSC-DREAM8bv2(BarcelonaSupercom- puting Center – Dust Regional Atmospheric Model 8 bins) where δ and δ are the particle depolarization ratios no-pol pol and NMMB/BSC-DUST (Nonhydrostatic Multiscale Mete- of all particle types except pollen (weakly depolarizing) orological Model on the B grid/Barcelona Supercomputing and of only the pollen (depolarizing), respectively. One can check easily whether no pollen is present (δp=δ and Center – Dust), as well as HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Parti- no-pol Eq.(7)leadstoCR =0)andwhetheronlypollenispresent cle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) back trajectories (not pol (δp=δ and Eq. (7) leads then to CR =1). The pollen shown). pol pol Onadailybasis93pollentypesand40fungalsporetypes backscattercoefficient,β ,issimplycalculatedas pol arecountedroutinelyattheAerobiologicalNetworkofCat- β (z)=CR (z)βp(z). (8) alonia. The daily variation of the concentration of the four pol pol most abundant pollen (Platanus, Pinus, and Cupressaceae) The contribution ratio is sensitive to the selection of δ andspore(Cladosporium)taxaandthetotal(pollen+spore) no-pol and δ , which are determined either empirically or taken isrepresentedinFig.1aforaperiodsurroundingthepeakof pol Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,6805–6821,2016 M.Sicardetal.:Near-surfaceandcolumnarmeasurementsofatmosphericpolleninBarcelona,Spain 6809 thepollinationeventunderstudy.Figure1bshowsthefrac- 3000 Total 2826 2830 tion of each one of the four most abundant taxa to the total Platanus (pollen+spore).Duringthepollinationevent,26–31March, -3m) 2500 PCilnaudsosporium 2218 thetotalconcentrationvariesbetween1082and2830pollen on (2000 Cupressaceae and fungal spore per cubic meter a day. Three days be- ntrati1500 1366 fore(23March)andafter(3April)theevent,valuesof275 nce 1084 1082 and368m−3areregistered,respectively.Themostabundant n co1000 734 taxon is Platanus, which represents between 48 and 71% Taxo 500 275 349 494 386 368 of the total concentration during the pollination event. This 0 rangeofvaluesishigherthantheannualfractionofPlatanus 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 March April to total pollen, 46.3%, estimated by Gabarra et al. (2002) Days of the month overtheperiod1994–2000inthecityofBarcelona.ThePla- (a) tanus daily concentration reaches a maximum of 1703m−3 100 % Platanus Pinus 90 % on 31 March. This value is in the lower part of the range Cladosporium othfedpaeilryiodma1x9i9m4a–2(0105043b–y2G56a7bamrr−a3e) on (%) 678000 %%% 77CO uthpere7rs8s ace6a6e 71 48 62 56 57 60 53 55 58 s3athen0ecd%ownredhoaofcmlhtehoeeessvttaeoantbmatulaPncxdloiaamntnacutnemntuatsxroaoaftnni8od,0nrP3edpimunrreu−issn3egpnoottnihlnlee3gn0pbotMeyltlpwianereascethinro.enpD1r8euevrsaieennnngdtt Taxon fracti 1234500000 %%%%% 17 18 19 18 1310 24 26 28 26 111564 211310 111154 0 % 80% or more of the total concentration. Pinus is the taxon 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 that presents the highest relative increase since its fraction March April passesfromvalueslowerthan10%beforetheeventtoupto Days of the month (b) values ranging from 18 to 30% during the event. The third Figure 1. (Fa)i gDauilry eco1nc.en(tara)tiDon aofi ltyhe cfoounr mceosnt tarbautnidoannt pooflletnh (ePlaftoanuurs, mPinouss tanadb Cuunprdeassnacteapeo) alnled nfungal most abundant taxon is Cladosporium spore, which repre- 5 spore (Cla(dPoslpaotriaumn)u tsa,xaP ainnd utostaal n(pdolleCn u+ psproerses), aacned a(be)) fraanctidon fouf nthgeasel fosupr otarxea (dCurilnagd tohes ppeori-od 23 sents between 6 and 11% of the total concentration during March – r3i uAmpri)l, t2a0x15a. a Tnhde troedt arlec(tapnogllel einndi+catessp toher ein)t;en(sbe )poflrliancattiioon nevoenft. th Tehsee vafloueusr otf atxhea total thepollinationeventandreachesamaximumof224m−3 onconcentrations are reported in Figure 1a. The fractions higher than 10 % are reported in Figure 1b. duringtheperiod23March–3April2015.Theredrectangleindi- 31March.Thisvalueisoftheorderofmagnitudeofthedaily catestheintensep ollinationevent.Thevaluesofthetotalconcen- means observed during the month of March (∼200m−3) trationsarereportedinFig.1a.Thefractionshigherthan10%are by Infante et al. (1999) over a 6-year period in the city of reportedinFig.1b. Barcelona. Finally the fourth most abundant taxon is Cu- pressaceae which does not count for more than 5.4% (on 27March)ofthetotalconcentration.Withamaximumpeak colorcodevolumedepolarizationratioshowninFig.2bin- of74.9m−3 (on28March),thiseventisofratherlowinten- dicatesvaluesofδVnear0.02–0.03.ItistheusualvalueofδV sityforCupressaceaeasitfallsattheendofthepollenseason forbackgroundlocalaerosolsnearthesurfaceinBarcelona. forthattaxonaccordingtoBelmonteetal.(1999). Everydayaround08:00UTaplumewithδV>0.08(yellow- 1 The temporal evolution of the profiles of the particle ish)appears,risesupto1.0–1.7kminafewhours,andstarts backscatter coefficient and the volume linear depolarization decreasingbefore16:00UTatalesserratethanitrose.This ratioduringthepollinationeventisshowninFig.2.Aerosols diurnal pattern of δV is observed on each single day of the are present every day up to 2.5–3km. However, most of pollinationevent.Onthefirst4daysvaluesofδVlargerthan theaerosolloadisfoundbelowapproximately1.5km.Near 0.08 are no longer detected after 18:00–20:00UT. Toward the ground (<0.5km) high values of βp (4Mm−1sr−1) the end of the event on 30 and 31 March when the pollen are found on almost all days. Between 0.5 and 1.5km concentrationswerethehighest,valuesofδV>0.08arestill the green color code indicates values of βp not higher detecteduntil21:00–24:00UT.ThehighestvaluesofδV are than 2–2.5Mm−1sr−1 (except on 26 March, when clouds detectedon30Marchandareoftheorderof0.22.Thismax- are present below 2km before 08:00UT). In general, two imum value is higher than the peak value of 0.15 observed regimesareobservedeveryday:anincreaseinamplitudeand byNohetal.(2013b)forPinusandQuercuspolleninSouth heightstartingaround10:00UTwhichpersistsuntilthenight KoreaandlowerthanδV=0.30measuredbySassen(2008) and a less pronounced nighttime regime starting usually af- forbirchpollenplumesfromtheborealforestofAlaska. ter midnight. On 31 March one sees a layer appearing after Because of the presence of clouds near the ABL top in 11:00UTwithverylargevaluesofβp (>5Mm−1sr−1)and the first part of 26 March (Fig. 2b), this day is discarded in confinedinthefirst0.5kmoftheABL.Thisincreaseofβp the rest of the paper and from now on we will focus only inthebottompartoftheABLhasnoimpactonthevolume ontheperiod27–31March.Togainaninsightintothetem- depolarizationratioverticaldistribution(Fig.2b),whichsug- poral variations of the pollen and spore taxa concentration, gests that it is due to non-depolarizing particles. The green weperformedcountingonanhourlybasisfortheperiod27– Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,6805–6821,2016 6810 M.Sicardetal.:Near-surfaceandcolumnarmeasurementsofatmosphericpolleninBarcelona,Spain 4 5 In Fig. 3 we present the hourly temporal variations of 32 26 27 28 29 30 31 432 -1-1Mm sr) (t(h13e)) pPteelmraitopadenru2as7tu,–r3Pe1,inMaunsadrac(nh4d,)totwogtieantldheprsopwlleeietndh.c(2oIn)ncrFeelinagtt.riav3teibohnuwmdeuidraiilntsygo, 1 1 pβ ( indicatedthetimeofthemaximumpollenconcentrationand 0 0 pollen AOD on each day. The pollen AOD, AODpol, was (a) 0 8 16 24/0 8 16 24/0 8 16 24/0 8 16 24/0 8 16 24/0 8 16 24 obtained by integrating the profile of β from the ground 4 pol 26 27 28 29 30 31 up to h and multiplying the result by the same lidar ratio pol 3 0.1 used in the lidar inversion, 50sr (see Sect. 2.2). With the 2 Vδ exception of 31 March, the pollen number concentration 0.01 1 at ground level follows a clear diurnal cycle (Fig. 3a). On 31 March, no clear difference is observed between day and 0 0.001 0 8 16 24/0 8 16 24/0 8 16 24/0 8 16 24/0 8 16 24/0 8 16 24 night. Platanus and Pinus concentration reaches maximum Time of the day (UT) (b) peaks of ∼4700m−3 on 31 March and 1200m−3 on Figure 2. 5-min. resolution time-range plots of the (a) particle backscatter coefficient (βp) and (b) volume 30 March, respectively. Maximum peaks of the total pollen 5 Fdiegpoularrizeati2on. raFtioi v(δeV)- dmuriinng 2u6t –e 31r Measrochl, u20t1i5o. ntime-rangeplotsofthe(a)parti- concentration higher than 5000 and 6000m−3 are reached c lebackscattercoeffici ent(βp)and(b)volumedepolarizationratio on 30 and 31 March, respectively. They are associated with (δV)during26–31March2015. absolute peaks of Platanus and relative peaks of Pinus. Interestingly a release cycle is visible each day: the diurnal variation is marked with several relative peaks along the 31 March. The method used is described in Sect. 2.1. Al- day that are usually distant in time by 2 to 4h. Platanus thoughallpollenandsporetaxawerecounted,inthefollow- and Pinus peaks are not necessarily correlated. The fact ingwewillonlyshowtheresultsofthetotalpollen(sporeis that Platanus variations are shaper than Pinus ones may be nolongertakenintoaccount)andofthetwomostabundant explained by the size difference between both pollen types: pollentypes:PlatanusandPinus.Thetwomainreasonsfor while Platanus longest diameter (on the polar axis) varies thatchoicearethat(1),asfoundearlier,PlatanusandPinus pollenrepresentmorethan80%ofthetotal(pollen+spore) between 21 and 28µm, it varies between 60 and 74µm for Pinus ( taxaand(2)theratiooftotalsporetototalpollenislessthan aerobiologics/pollen-atlas.html?letter=P). Pollen size is 13%duringtheperiod27–31March. known to be a factor affecting not only pollen release but Many works have investigated the influence of the mete- alsopollensettlementtotheground(McCartney,1994). orological conditions, such as relative humidity (RH), tem- 2 The relative humidity and temperature hourly evolution p erature(T),windspeed,thenumberofsunshinehours,and shows a clear diurnal cycle (Fig. 3b): a relative humidity rainfall, on the release and transport of pollen in the atmo- decreaseassociatedwithatemperatureincreaseisobserved sphere(Raynoretal.,1973,Mandriolietal.,1984;Hartetal., during daytime while the opposite occurs during nighttime. 1994;Albaetal.,2000;Jatoetal.,2000;Bartková-Šcevková, Daytime RH (T) values are found in the range of 40–60% 2003; Vázquez et al., 2003; Latorre and Caccavari, 2009, (17–25◦C) while nighttime values are found in the range amongothers).Ontheonehand,relativehumidityandtem- of 65–90% (12–18◦C). While no marked trend is observed peraturegreatlyaffectthereleaseofpollenintheatmosphere on the relative humidity along the pollination event, a tem- by influencing the extent to which individual pollen grains perature day-to-day increase is observed, the daily mean dehydrate. For example, a low relative humidity associated temperature passing from 15.2 to 17.5 to 16.6 to 18.5 to withahightemperaturewilltendtoincreasethenumberof 17.9◦C between 27 and 31 March. The correlation coeffi- airborne pollen grains by decreasing their specific gravity. cientbetweenthedailymeantemperatureandthedailytotal Therelationofpollenwithwatercomesfromitshydrophilic pollenconcentrationis0.95,indicatingastrongdependence propertiesandfromthefactthatitispronetoharmomegathic of pollen release upon temperature. The correlation coeffi- movement (accommodation of volume change when it ab- cientbetweenthedailymeanrelativehumidityandthedaily sorbswater;Wodehouse,1935).Thedurationofthesunshine totalpollenconcentration,−0.18,isnegativebutmuchlower has also proved to have an influence on the pollen release (in absolute value) than the one for temperature. Except on (Alba et al., 2000). On the other hand, wind speed plays a 28 and 31 March (when wind speeds higher than 6ms−1 majorroleinthetransportanddispersionofairbornepollen: are detected in the first half of the day), the daytime wind highdaytimewindspeedmayfacilitatethedispersionofair- speedusuallyoscillatedbetween2and3ms−1(withgustsat bornepollenintheatmosphere(LatorreandCaccavari,2009, ∼4.5ms−1), which corresponds to a light breeze. From 27 andreferencestherein).Theeffectofrainfallistoreducethe to 31 March, the daily wind speed varies from 1.6 to 2.5 to number of airborne pollen grains by washing out the atmo- 1.5 to 3.7 to 2.4ms−1, similarly to the daily mean temper- sphere. During the pollination event presented in this work, ature. The correlation coefficient between daily wind speed norainwasdetected. Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,6805–6821,2016 M.Sicardetal.:Near-surfaceandcolumnarmeasurementsofatmosphericpolleninBarcelona,Spain 6811 ciatedwithminimaofRH,maximaofT,and/orofthewind speed, while, on the other hand, the pollen AOD peaks are systematicallyassociatedwithminimaofRHandmaximaof T. The pollen AOD peaks do not present a systematic de- pendence upon wind speed, a result in agreement with the findingsofNohetal.(2013a),whoshowedabroadvariation ofthepollenAODforwindspeedslowerthan3ms−1. 4 Pollennear-surfacevs.columnarproperties: day-by-dayanalysis The daily temporal variation of some lidar-derived range- resolved and columnar parameters are investigated and fur- ther compared to pollen concentrations in order to find possible correlations. Figure 4 shows the diurnal (09:00– 18:00UT)profilesofthepollenbackscattercoefficientsand ofthevolumeandparticlelineardepolarizationratiosforthe 5daysoftheevent.Thetopheightofthepollenplume,h , pol is also indicated in the plots by horizontal grey lines. The profilesofδVarecharacterizedbyanear-constantorslightly decreasing slope with increasing height which reaches zero generally sharply at h . The profiles of δp, which unlike pol δV show only the particle depolarization effect, have a gen- eral tendency to decrease with increasing height, reflecting thegradualdiminutionofthenumberofpollenasheightin- creases.Itisalsofrequenttofindδp>0.2,especiallyatthe beginningoftheday,inthelowermostpartoftheABL(be- low0.3km)wheremostofthepollengrainsconcentrate. Maxima of δV of the order of 0.22 are reached on 30Marchat12:00UTbelow0.75km.Onthatparticularpro- file,somevaluesofδVareassociatedwithcomparativelylow valuesofβp(<2Mm−1sr−1,notshown)andthereforewith Figure3.Hourlytemporalevolution(a)oftheconcentrationofthe lowvaluesofthebackscattercoefficientR,whichaltogether two most abundant pollen taxa (Platanus and Pinus) and (b) of contribute to increase δp according to Eq. (4). This pro- the meteorological data: relative humidity (RH), temperature (T), ducedvaluesofδp intherangeof0.40–0.43attheheightof and wind speed from 00:00UT on 27 March until 24:00UT on 0.5km.Otherδp maximaof0.35areobservedon30March 31 March 2015. The red and grey vertical lines indicate the time ofthemaximumpollenconcentrationandpollenopticaldepth,re- at 11:00UT and of 0.31 on 29 and 30 March at 12:00 and spectively,oneachday. 13:00UT, respectively, all at the same height of ∼0.5km. With this in mind we now come back to the choice of δ pol needed for applying Shimizu’s method and left in stand-by in Sect. 2.3. Very little information is available on that sub- andtotalpollenconcentrationis0.82,indicatingastrongde- ject(detailedhereinchronologicalorder). pendenceofpollenreleasealsouponwindspeed. Sassen (2008) found δV maxima of 0.30 for birch pollen Each day the time of the maximum peak of the total plumesfromtheborealforestofAlaskathathedescribedas pollen concentration (red vertical lines, Fig. 3b) occurs be- “unusuallyhighforaerosolsand[...]comparabletoirregu- tween02:00and11:00UT,whilethatofAOD (greyverti- pol larlyshapeddesertdustparticlesraisedbyduststorms”.This callines,Fig.3b)occursmoreregularlybetween12:00and findingimpliesthatδp>0.30intheobservedpollencloud. 15:00UT. As expected, every day the AOD peak follows pol In two consecutive papers Cao et al. (2010) and Roy et thetotalpollenconcentrationpeak.Logically,inthecaseof al.(2011)measuredthelinearparticledepolarizationatfour pollen of local origin, not long-range transport, a peak of wavelengthsofseveraltypesofpolleninanaerosolchamber the amount of pollen in the atmosphere (parameterized by with a polarization-sensitive lidar. For Pinus (Platanus was AOD )canonlyhappenwhenastrongreleaseofpollenat pol nottested)theyfoundameanδ of0.41and0.42,respec- thegroundlevel(parameterizedbythepollenconcentration) pol tively. has previously occurred. On the one hand, surprisingly, the totalpollenconcentrationpeaksarenotsystematicallyasso- Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,6805–6821,2016 6812 M.Sicardetal.:Near-surfaceandcolumnarmeasurementsofatmosphericpolleninBarcelona,Spain aerosols (urban haze) in South Korea. Although they used adefinitionoftheparticledepolarizationratiodifferentfrom ours, we corrected the maximum value found in their paper withtheirEq.(2)inordertomakeδp=0.23compatiblewith ourdefinition.Giventheirestimationofurbanhazedepolar- izationratio,0.03,thevalueofδp=0.23impliesδ ≥0.23. pol Inthepresentstudywefoundmaximaofδp of0.31,0.35, and0.43inacloudofPlatanusandPinuspollenmixedwith localurbanaerosols.Givenourestimationofthelocalurban aerosoldepolarizationratio,0.03(seeSect.2.3),theformer rationale implies that δ might be greater than 0.43, error pol barsaside. It is worth noting that the maximum value of δp of 0.43 observed on 30 March at 12:00UT coincides in time with the lowest relative humidity and the highest temperature observed during the whole pollination event (see Fig. 3b). We have checked that the relative humidity and tempera- ture profiles (not shown) measured daily by radiosoundings launched close to the lidar site were, respectively, the low- est (RH<40% up to 1km) and the highest (T >15◦C up to 1km) on 30 March at 12:00UT. It also follows a strong peak of pollen release at ground level at 09:00UT (Fig. 3a) that occurred at the end of an 8h period of strong winds of 6 to 10ms−1 that might have partially cleaned the atmo- sphere. All in all it is reasonable to think that the aerosol loadon30Marchat12:00UTinthefirstkilometermaybe composed of quasi-pure pollen. Another point to take into account is the error bar associated to the calculation of the MPLparticlelineardepolarizationratio.Tohaveanestima- tionofthiserrorwecalculatedthestandarddeviationofthe 120profilesthatcomposedthe1haveragedprofileshownin Fig.4.Forthemeasurementof30Marchat12:00UTwefind astandarddeviationof0.02at0.5kmandof0.08at1.0km. Givenalltheabove,wefixedapollendepolarizationratioof δ =0.40. pol To assess the impact of the uncertainty of the assumed pollen depolarization ratio, δ , on the uncertainty of the pol contribution ratio of the pollen to the total particle depolar- ization, CR , we consider an error (cid:49)δ in the pollen de- pol pol polarizationratioandwrite CR (z)+(cid:49)CR (z) pol pol δP(z)−δ 1+δ +(cid:49)δ Figure 4. Diurnal time series of the hourly vertical distribution = no-pol pol pol , (9) 1+δp(z) δ +(cid:49)δ −δ ofthepollenbackscattercoefficient(βpol),thevolumedepolariza- pol pol no-pol tionratio(δV),andtheparticledepolarizationratio(δp)on(a)27, fromwhichtherelativeerrorinCR ,ε = (cid:49)CRpol,can (b)28,(c)29,(d)30,and(e)31March2015.Thegreyhorizontal pol rCRpol CRpol linesindicatethepollenlayerheight,hpol. befoundas (cid:0)1+δ (cid:1)(cid:49)δ ε =− no-pol pol . (10) rCRpol (cid:0)1+δ (cid:1)(cid:0)δ −δ +(cid:49)δ (cid:1) pol pol no-pol pol Noh et al. (2013a) used Shimizu’s method with a pollen depolarizationratioequaltothatofpuremineraldust,δ = We have calculated ε for various values of the “true” pol rCRpol 0.34,withoutfurtherjustification. pollen depolarization ratio ranging from 0.2 to 0.5, when Nohetal.(2013b) foundamaximumvalueof δp of0.23 δ =0.03andδ =0.4isassumed.Intherange−0.1< no-pol pol in a cloud of Pinus and Quercus pollen mixed with local (cid:49)δ <+0.1 (i.e., 0.3<“true” pollen depolarization ra- pol Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,6805–6821,2016 M.Sicardetal.:Near-surfaceandcolumnarmeasurementsofatmosphericpolleninBarcelona,Spain 6813 tio<0.5)thecontributionratioerrorislimitedto±20%ap- proximately. The profile of the pollen backscatter coefficient re- trieved with Shimizu’s method (see Sect. 2.3) and (cid:0)δ =0.40, δ =0.03(cid:1) has, like the profiles of δp, a pol no-pol generaltendencytodecreasewithincreasingheight,reflect- ingthegradualdiminutionofthenumberofpollenasheight increases. In many profiles the backscatter coefficient is higher in the first 0.5km due to the presence of a number ofpollengrainslargernearthegroundthaninaltitude. Figure5showsthedailycycleofthedaysofthepollina- tion event in terms of pollen concentration (total, Platanus, and Pinus), PM , and a series of column-integrated lidar- 10 derived parameters (AOD , AOD /AOD, δV, and δp). pol pol The AOD (not shown) was obtained by integrating the pro- fileofβp inthewholecolumnandmultiplyingtheresultby thelidarratioof50srusedinthelidarinversion.Inorderto be representative of the pollen plume δV (δp) was obtained by averaging the profile of δV (δp) from the ground up to h ,therebylimitingtheaveragingtothepollenplume.Ta- pol ble 1 gives the daily (00:00–24:00UT) and diurnal (09:00– 17:00UT)meansofalltheaforementionedparameters.Itis worth commenting several aspects of the daily pollen vari- ationfirst.Thedailyanddiurnalcorrelationcoefficients,the rvaluesofPM ,AOD,AOD ,AOD /AOD,δV,δp,and 10 pol pol h withthetotalpollen,Platanus,andPinusconcentration pol isgiveninTables2,3,and4,respectively. Qualitatively,twoclassesofdayscanbedistinguished:the days with no (or low) nocturnal pollen near-surface activity (27and29March)andthedayswithnocturnalpollenactiv- ity (28, 30, and 31 March). One sees that, when nocturnal pollen activity is observed, high pollen concentrations are reached during the night (>4000m−3) and that on 2 days (28 and 31 March) the nocturnal peaks are higher than the diurnal ones. There seems to be clear indications that the nocturnalpollenactivityislinkedtothesurfacewindspeed (Fig. 3b): (1) the three nights with nocturnal pollen activ- itycorrespondtothedayswiththehighestwindspeeddaily means(seeSect.3)and(2)ontwonights(28and30March) Figure 5. Daily cycle for all 5 days of the pollination event of the nocturnal pollen activity coincides with the two periods the total pollen, the Platanus and the Pinus concentration, PM10, of highest wind speeds (>6ms−1). While the total pollen AODpol, AODpol/AOD, δV, δp, and hpol (see legend in the top concentration diurnal mean is always higher than the daily plot). mean (Table 1), the nocturnal pollen activity is able to re- versepunctuallythisrelationshipforthePlatanusand Pinus concentrations.Afeaturecommontoalldaysisthedecrease of the pollen activity between 17:00UT and midnight. The centration is rather negative (positive) on a daily (diurnal) hourlytemporalevolutionofthePM isquiteconstantfrom basis,butthisrelationshipisnotsystematiconaday-by-day 10 onedaytoanotherduringall5daysofthepollinationevent. analysis. It is important to note that the overall positive di- WenotethatthePM valuesarewellbelowthehourlymean urnalr valuesaretheresultofacircumstantialdependence: 10 values averaged for the month of March by Querol et al. the pollen number morning increase and the everyday traf- (2001)inBarcelonawhichoscillateroughlybetween30and fic PM10 peak occur at the same period of the day but are 70µgm−3.Thevariouscorrelationcoefficientscalculatedfor not linked one to another. Finally we also want to point out PM10 do not yield to conclusive results: over the whole pe- that PM10 samplers have a cut-off aerodynamic diameter at riod(27–31March)thedependenceofPM andpollencon- 10µm,whichissignificantlysmallerthanthediameterofthe 10 mostabundantpollengrainsobserved(PlatanusandPinus), Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,6805–6821,2016 6814 M.Sicardetal.:Near-surfaceandcolumnarmeasurementsofatmosphericpolleninBarcelona,Spain Table 1. Mean parameters during the pollination event calculated visible every day with maxima of 0.18 (0.33) for δV (δp) overtheperiodsof00:00–24:00and09:00–17:00UT. reached on 30 March at 12:00UT. The diurnal mean of δV (δp)averagedoverthewholepollinationeventis0.08(0.14). 00:00–24:00UT Here again the nighttime values of δV (δp) are found non- Units 27 28 29 30 31 27–31 negligible on the last 4 days of the event. Non-negligible m−3 865 1770 1141 2201 2237 1643 nighttime values of δV were already observed in the time- Conc.Platanus m−3 474 1181 690 1301 1384 1006 range plots of Fig. 2. Interestingly those 4 days correspond Conc.Pinus m−3 286 433 387 700 668 495 PM10 µgm−3 25.7 21.4 18.2 27.5 22.8 23.2 to the 3 days previously classified as days with nocturnal AOD 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.24 0.17 pollennear-surfaceactivityplus29March,whichwasclassi- AODpol 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.03 fiedasadaywithoutnocturnalpollenactivity.On29March AODpol/AOD % 12 11 17 23 14 15 the non-negligible nighttime values of AOD , δV, and δp δV 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.06 pol δp 0.08 0.10 0.11 0.15 0.09 0.10 coincideintimewithadevelopedpollenplume(lastplotof hpol km 0.98 0.87 0.81 0.85 1.18 0.94 Fig.5).Indeedhpol reachesitsmaximumnighttimepeak,at 09:00–17:00UT 0.81km,on29Marchat04:00UT.Thisobservationsuggests thatnear-surfacepollenreleaseandpollenplumedispersion Units 27 28 29 30 31 27–31 in the atmosphere are not necessarily time correlated. The Conc.Total m−3 1251 1909 1779 2338 2364 1928 Conc.Platanus m−3 640 1169 1133 1489 1321 1150 daily evolutions of hpol are quite similar from one day to Conc.Pinus m−3 458 547 580 635 832 610 another. Heights below 0.81km are found before 08:00UT PM10 µgm−3 23.9 17.6 18.6 34.8 31.7 25.3 and maxima ranging 1.47–1.78km are usually reached be- AOD 0.19 0.17 0.14 0.16 0.23 0.18 tween 14:00 and 16:00UT. Over the whole event the diur- AODpol 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.05 AODpol/AOD % 23 20 34 40 27 29 nal mean pollen height is 1.24km. The diurnal increase of δV 0.07 0.06 0.09 0.10 0.08 0.08 h issmootherthanthatofAOD ,δV,andδp.Asanex- pol pol δp 0.11 0.11 0.15 0.18 0.12 0.14 hpol km 1.31 1.22 1.18 1.11 1.37 1.24 ample, let us take δV for the rationale. δV reaches a max- imum almost systematically every day at 12:00UT. While the pollen plume keeps rising vertically between 12:00 and thusimplyingthatnomarkedcorrelationshouldbeexpected 14:00–16:00UT, δV decreases, evidencing a dilution effect betweenPM andpollenconcentration. oftheatmosphericpollen:therateofthepollenverticaldis- 10 We now move on to the analysis of the lidar-derived tribution increase is higher than that of the release of new columnar parameters and their possible correlations with pollen grains, if any, in the atmosphere. Finally an unusual thenear-surfacepollenconcentration.ThedailymeanAOD, increaseofhpolstartson31Marchafter18:00UT.Itisasso- whichvariesintherange0.14–0.24(Table1),isintherange ciated with (1) a strong increase of AOD (not shown) due of average values for this period of the year as reported by to high values of βp (>5Mm−1sr−1) in the first 0.5km Sicardetal.(2011).AODpolshowsacleardiurnalcyclewith (see Fig. 2), (2) a decrease of δV and δp, (3) values of δV maxima between 12:00 and 15:00UT. The highest value of and δp below 0.5km close to the local, background values, AODpol,0.12,isreachedon30Marchat13:00UT.Thedaily (4) an increase of RH (see Fig. 3b), but (5) with no signifi- cycle and the values found here for AODpol are similar to cantvariationofthenear-surfacePM10level.Allinallthese those of Noh et al. (2013a) in a cloud of Pinus and Quer- resultssuggestaslowdilutionofthepollenwithintheABL cus pollenobservedin SouthKorea.Thecomparison ofthe (>0.5km) accompanied by a possible hygroscopic growth plots of AOD (not shown) and AODpol in Fig. 5 clearly in- ofloftedparticles,probablyfromlocalorigin,below0.5km. dicates that the everyday AOD increase usually starting af- We have calculated the correlation coefficients between ter 09:00UT is due to the airborne pollen. The contribution the near-surface pollen concentration (total, Platanus, and of AODpol to the AOD passes every day from values below Pinus) and the columnar properties discussed previously in 20% before 09:00UT to maxima ranging from 28 to 78% thissection(Tables2,3,and4).Foreachparameterthehigh- reached between 11:00 and 15:00UT. On 29 and 30 March est positive r values have been colored in red. The highest the maxima reach 61 and 78%, respectively, while on the daily (00:00–24:00UT) r values of the total pollen are on 3 other days AODpol/AOD stays below 40%. The former 27 March. Excepting the PM10 parameter the same occurs maximaarequitehighandsuggestastrongdispersionofthe forPinus,whereasforPlatanusmostofthehighestr values pollengrainsintheatmosphere.Obviouslythedailyanddi- are found on 29 March. Although Pinus is found in lesser urnal means ranging, respectively, 11–23 and 20–40% (Ta- amountsthanPlatanus,itseemstoinfluencestronglytheto- ble 1) are much lower than the hourly peaks. It is also in- tal pollen columnar properties. The highest diurnal (09:00– teresting to note that during the last 4 days of the event the 17:00UT)valuesarefoundinmajorityon29Marchforthe nighttime values of AODpol, although low (<0.03), are not total pollen and Platanus and on 31 March for Pinus. This negligible. The daily evolutions of δV and δp are quantita- time,duringthestrongdiurnalpollenrelease,thetotalpollen tively very similar. Like for AOD a clear diurnal cycle is columnar properties seem to be driven by the ones of Pla- pol Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,6805–6821,2016