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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed5February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Near-infrared spectra of Seyfert galaxies and line production mechanisms N. Jackson and R. J. Beswick The University of Manchester, Jodrell Bank Observatory, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 9DL U.K. 7 0 0 2 5February2008 n a J ABSTRACT 2 NewobservationsarereportedofJ-bandspectra(1.04µm–1.4µm)ofthreeSeyfert2 1 galaxies,Mkn34,Mkn78andNGC5929.Ineachcasethe spectralrangeincludesthe near-infraredlinesof[Feii],[Pii],HeiandPaβ.EachSeyfertgalaxyhasaknownradio 1 jet, and we investigate the infrared line ratios of the nuclear and extended regions of v each galaxy compared to the radio structure. In Mkn 34 there is a clear indication of 4 an extranuclear region, probably coincident with a shock induced by the radio jet, in 8 3 which[Feii]isconsiderablyenhanced,althoughthenuclearemissionisalmostcertainly 1 the resultofphotoionizationbythe continuumofthe activenucleus.Similareffects in 0 extranuclear regions are seen in the other objects, in the case of Mkn 78 confirming 7 recent studies by Ramos Almeida et al. A possible detection of extranuclear [Pii] 0 emission suggests, if real, that photoionization by the active nucleus is the dominant / lineexcitationmechanismoverthewholesource,includingtheregionscoincidentwith h p the radio jet. - o Key words: galaxies:active–galaxies:individual:Mkn34–galaxies:individual:Mkn78 r – galaxies:individual:NGC5929– line formation – infrared:galaxies t s a : v i X 1 INTRODUCTION generate UV and X-ray photons which can then ionize the gas–indeed,thedifferencebetweentheobservedproperties r a Optical and near-infrared studies of nearby active galaxies of such “autoionizing” shocks and regions photoionized by cangiveusalotofinformationaboutthephysicalprocesses a central active nucleus can be quite subtle and depend on taking place in these objects. Seyfert galaxies, as relatively thedetails of thespectra of theincident photons. nearbylow-luminosityactivegalaxies,canbestudiedinpar- ticular detail. These objects contain emission lines within More recently, Simpson et al. (1996) showed that the their spectrum, including in general broad lines produced observed [Feii] line is also consistent with predominantly within the inner parsec, close to the central black hole and being produced by photoionization, and Mouri, Kawara & accretion disk, and narrow lines whose region of produc- Taniguchi(2000)conductedmoresophisticatedcalculations tionmayextendoverakiloparsec.Inaddition,manySeyfert suggestingthatelectroncollisionsinapartially-ionizedzone galaxieshaveweakradioemission,ofteninalinearstructure associated with a shock may be the production mecha- correspondingtoanoutflowfromthecentralactivenucleus. nism rather than grain dissociation. Based on such studies, The physics of emission lines is of particular interest. Alonso-Herrero et al. (1997) propose the use of the ratio of These are thought mostly to arise through photoionization, infrared [Feii] lines to the hydrogen recombination lines to and many studies have been done which use sophisticated separate active galaxies from starbursts. Oliva et al. (2001) photoionization models toreproduceemission linesin great studiedtheproblem of shock ionization versusphotoioniza- detail.However,additionalphysicsmaybeneededtorepro- tion. They suggested that the[Pii]line is potentially useful duce some lines. In particular, the near-infrared [Feii] line indisentangling thisproblem,becausesimilar physicalcon- at 1.257µm has been suggested as a diagnostic of shock ex- ditions are needed to produce it to those which produce citation, which may arise as dust grains are dissociated in [Feii], but unlike iron, phosphorus is not produced in de- fastshocks(e.g.Forbes&Ward1993).Theideathatshocks struction of dust grains. A high Fe/P ratio is thus a pre- may have general applicability to AGN spectra was argued diction of models in which dust grains are dissociated by bySutherlandetal.(2003)andDopita&Sutherland(1995) shocks. Oliva et al. find that pure photoionization better whosucceededinreproducingmanycharacteristicphotoion- fits their spectrum of the very bright Seyfert galaxy NGC izedspectrausingshockmodels. Thisarisesbecauseshocks 1068. In fainter galaxies where [Pii] is not detected, even 2 N. Jackson and R. J. Beswick lower limits on the Fe/P ratio may be useful in ruling out blackbody spectrum of 7200K for the Hipparcos F0V star shock models if thespectra are sensitive enough. HIP36366(Perryman1997)andtemperaturesof7200Kand AlthoughSeyfertgalaxieshavebeenstudiedextensively 7000K for the stars HIP56601 and HIP75411 respectively. intheoptical, highsignal-to-noise observationsinthenear- The Pa5→3, 6→3 and higher order absorption bands were infrared are rarer. A compilation has recently been pub- interactively edited out of the stellar spectrum before this lished by Riffel, Rodr´ıguez-Ardila & Pastoriza (2006) in- process in order to avoid them appearing as emission lines cludingmanyoftheirownJHK spectra(Rodr´ıguez-Ardila, in the divided spectrum. Riffel&Pastoriza2005).Manyofthesespectrasuggestthat For deriving velocity profiles, successive rows of the the line ratio of active galaxies have a [Feii]/Hβ ratio sug- sky-subtracted image have been extracted, continuum- gestive of X-ray heating or regions of star formation. Re- subtracted using line-free regions immediately around each cently,RamosAlmeidaetal.(2006)havepublishedinfrared line, and fitted with Gaussian profiles. Profile fitting has spectra of one of the objects discussed here, Mkn 78, and been done by software written by us, using the Levenberg- deducefrom observationsandsimulationsthatthepredom- MarquardtalgorithmasimplementedbyPressetal.(1992). inantline-excitationmechanisminthenuclearregionispho- In addition to the infra-red data, some data from the toionization bythehardUVcontinuumfrom theactivenu- Isaac Newton Group (ING) archive was extracted for the cleus,althoughradio-inducedshocksmaycontributewithin Seyfert galaxy Markarian 34. These data were taken using one of the radio lobes. theWilliam Herschel 4.2-m telescope on La Palma on 1998 In this work we choose objects in which linear radio December 17 using the ISIS two-arm spectrograph. On the structureisclearlyseeninordertoinvestigatetheemission- red arm of this spectrograph the TEK-2 chip was used to- line structure along the jet axis and look for evidence for gether with an R600R grating, using a 1′.′23 slit and a re- shock excitation. If shocks are indeed an important part of sultingspectralresolutionofjustover0.2nm.Thedatawere thephysics,theareawheretheradiojetisdepositingenergy co-added and fluxes of [Oi] and Hα derived assuming a flat into the interstellar medium is an obvious place to look. spectral response over this wavelength range, because both The spectra presented here are from deep exposures (1–2 theTEK-2 chip and theR600R grating havea flat spectral hourswithan8-mclasstelescope)andthereforeallowusto response over thisrange towithin a few percent. investigate both nuclearand off-nuclearemission. 2.2 Radio data Complementary, mainly previously-published (Falcke, Wil- 2 OBSERVATIONS AND ANALYSIS son&Simpson1998;Whittle&Wilson2004)publicdomain 2.1 Infrared and optical data radiodataforeachofthesethreesourceswereobtainedand re-mappedforcomparison purposesfrom theNRAO’sVery All infrared observations were conducted using the 8-m Large Array (VLA) archive. In each case these data were Gemini-NorthTelescope,MaunaKea,onthenightsof2005 observed at a wavelength 3.6cm and in the VLA’s highest February17,February18andMay22usingtheNIRIimag- resolution configuration, providing an angular resolution of ingspectrographinf/6spectroscopymode.TheJgrismwas ∼0.2-0.3 arcsec which is directly comparable to the spec- used with aJ-band order-sorting filter,giving awavelength troscopic observations presented. A brief summary of the range of approximately 1.05µm – 1.42µm, together with a observingparametersis givenin Table1.Each data-set was 4-pixel slit which corresponds to 0′.′46 on the sky and a re- calibrated using standard data reduction techniques within solvingpowerofabout600(Hodappetal.2003).Mkn78was NRAO’s aips package where these data were edited before observedfor2hourson2005February17,Mkn34for2hours phasesolutionsfromanearbyreferencesourcewereapplied. on2005February18andNGC5929for70minuteson2005 In each case the flux density scale was calibrated with re- May22.Eachobservationwasdividedinto3×30secondex- spect to3C286 using theBaars et al. (1977) scale. posures, and each successive exposure was chopped up and down the slit to make sky subtraction easier and minimize effectsofbadpixels.Lampflatfieldexposuresandargonarc exposureswerealsoobtainedforMkn34andMkn78.Inthe 3 RESULTS AND LINE DIAGNOSTICS case ofNGC5929, noargon lamp spectrum isavailable and 3.1 Mkn 34 (z=0.0505) in this case the atmospheric OH lines have been used for wavelength calibration. Markarian 34 is a Seyfert 2 galaxy with a 2′.′4 extended ra- Data reduction was performed using the Starlink fi- diostructurewhoseextendedopticallineemission hasbeen garo package and began with combination of the flatfields studied in detail by Whittle et al. (1988) and Falcke, Wil- and division of the data frames by a flatfield normalised in son & Simpson (1998). Its off-nuclear line emission shows the spectral direction. A second-order polynomial fit to at a velocity profile with relatively broad [Oiii] emission ex- least six arc lines was obtained which gave a maximum er- tending slightly beyond the radio lobes. There is a distinct rorof0.1nmacrossthewavelengthrange.Thespectrawere difference between the velocity of the line emission near to correctedforS-distortionusingthreespectraoftheHippar- thenucleusandthatbeyondtheradiolobes.Thenewinfra- cos stars taken at different positions on the chip. The sky red spectrum was taken with the slit at a position angle wasthensubtractedusingtheFigarotaskpolyskyandthe 158◦ East of North, coincident with the radio axis. Figure spectraextracted usingtheoptimalextraction algorithm of 1 shows the image of the spectrum along the slit, showing Horne(1986) using the Figaro task optextract. aclearrotation-typevelocity profileinallsecurely detected Relative flux calibration was performed assuming a lines (Hei,[Feii], Paβ and Paγ). Infra-red spectra of Seyferts 3 Table 1.SummaryofarchivalVLAobservations. Source Date Phaseref. Timeonsource Originalpublication Mkn34 1996Nov4 1030+611 166min Falcke,Wilson&Simpson1998 NGC5929 2003Jun20 1506+426 8min Mkn78 1990Apr16 0716+714 340min Whittle&Wilson2004 HeI [FeII] -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5Relative di0s.t0ance (arcse0c.5) 1.0 1.5 2.0 NW SE -0.6 Paγ Paβ Relative distance (arcsec)--00000.....42024 0.6 Figure 1. J-band spectrum of Mkn 34, showing the brightest emissionlines. [Pii]isdetectedatamarginal levelinthenuclearspec- trum. In the nuclear region, the ratio [Feii]λ1.257/[Pii] is 3.2±1.0,whichisconsistentwiththerangeofvaluestypical of nuclear photoionization (Oliva et al. 2001). The radio map of Falcke et al. (1998) shows structure similartothatseenearlierbyUlvestad&Wilson(1984)at6 and20cm,butwithhigherangularresolutionandsensitivity shows the definition of the radio jet structure more clearly. In particular the jet is resolved into several discrete knots and a significant change in the projected position angle of thetip of thesoutheastern jet is seen. The most striking feature of thespectrum is thediffer- Figure 2. Central panel: Velocity profile of Mkn34. Four lines ent distribution between [Feii] and the other lines. Figure are shown, Hei (circles), Paγ (crosses), [Feii] (squares) and Paβ 2 illustrates the rotation curve and strength of the lines, (triangles). Linequantities have beenmeasuredby Gaussianfits and it is clear that [Feii] has a bright knot about 1′.′2 to tosuccessiverowsofthespectralimage,andtheamplitudewithin the SE. This is just behind the bright radio knot in the eachsequenceoflinefitsisproportionaltothesizeofthesymbol. southeastern jet imaged here and by Whittle et al. (1988). Each successive line has been offset by 200 kms−1 for clarity. Although the Paschen recombination lines are slightly en- Note the clearlydifferent pattern of the [Feii] emission fromthe hanced in the off-nuclear regions compared to the nucleus, other lines; it is highly concentrated in region of the SE radio theratioof[Feii]/Paβbecomesafactorof2–3strongeraway knot. The radio map (top panel) from data presented by Falcke et al. (1998) isshown to the same scale, and rotated to the axis from thenucleus,suggesting thatdifferentionization mech- of the spectrograph slit. Thebottom panel shows the lineratios anismsmaybeoperatinghere.TheHeilinedisplaysadiffer- comparedtoHeiof[Feii](solidline),Paγ (dashedline)andPaβ entbehaviourtothehydrogenrecombinationlines,showing (dotted line). a smooth decrease in each direction away from the nucleus withlittlesignofanyincreaseinstrengthintheradiolobes. 4 N. Jackson and R. J. Beswick HeI [FeII] 0 2 4 6 mJy/bm 41 40 15.0 NGC 5929 Paβ 14.8 14.6 0) 0 0 2 N (J 14.4 O TI A 14.2 N LI C DE 14.0 13.8 13.6 13.4 15 26 06.24 06.22 06.20 06.18 06.16 06.14 06.12 06.10 06.08 06.06 RIGHT ASCENSION (J2000) Figure4.VLA3.6cmimageofNGC5929,showingfeaturessim- ilartothemapofSuetal.(1996).Themapiscontouredatmulti- plesof√2 0.146mJybm−1(3σ).Theimagehasbeenconvolved withGauss×ianbeamof0′.′234 0′.′211withaofPA=74◦. × Figure3.J-bandspectrumofNGC5929,showingthebrightest emissionlines. ernradiolobe.Aroundthenortheasternradiolobe, thereis some evidence of disturbed kinematics in the[Feii]line. 3.2 NGC5929 (z=0.00831) 3.3 Mkn78 (z=0.03715) NGC5929 is a Seyfert galaxy with a radio jet extending about0′.′7inPA∼60◦ eithersideofacompactnucleus(Su Mkn 78 has recently been the subject of an extensive op- et al. 1996; Cole et al. 1998) and extended optical emission tical study with the Hubble Space Telescope by Whittle partly coincident with the western radio lobe (Bower et al. & Wilson (2004), Whittle et al. (2004) and Whittle et al. 1994), strongly suggesting an interaction. Nuclear infrared (2005)specificallydirectedatdisentanglingshockionization spectroscopy was performed by Simpson et al. (1996) who and photoionization. This Seyfert galaxy has extended ra- clearlydetectedthe[Feii]lineandfoundittobemarginally dioemission, in a linear structureabout 2′′ long in an E-W resolved.Thecurrentobservationshaveasmallerpixelscale, direction,andWhittle&Wilson(2004)haveimagedalarge and we clearly see the resolution in this object, using a slit andcomplexextendedstructurein[Oiii]extending3′′ from atthepositionangleoftheextendedopticalemissionprevi- the nucleus in each direction. In these observations the slit ously seen (65◦). The nuclear spectrum is shown in Figure was aligned in PA 90◦ in the hope of detecting significant 3. extended structure in the infrared emission lines. The nu- In the nuclear emission the [Pii] line is detected at clear spectrum of this object is shown in Figure 6, and the just over the 3σ level; a previous spectrum reported by measurements of theextendedemission and velocity profile Rodr´ıgues-Ardila, Riffel & Pastoriza (2005) and Riffel et are displayed in Figure 7. al. (2006) did not detect this line. A Gaussian fit to the IntheopticalobservationsofWhittleetal.(2005),very [Feii] and [Pii] lines was carried out, constraining the [Pii] complex extended optical line emission was detected in all linewidthtobeequaltothatof[Feii].The[Feii]/[Pii]ratio major recombination and forbidden lines. In these infrared is 4.3±1.1 in the nuclear region, which again is typical of observations, the structure is not well resolved either spa- photoionizedregionsandconsiderablylessthanthevalueof tially or spectrally. However, the overall rotation curve is ∼20 expected for shock ionization (Oliva et al. 2001). The detectedinextendedemissioninthreemajoremissionlines, [Feii]/Paβ ratio is approximately 1, in agreement with the Hei, [Feii] and Paβ, covering about 2′′ to the East of the previous spectra. nucleus. Relatively little line emission is seen to the West, Figure 4 shows theradio map; similar structureis seen which is also the direction of lower surface brightness in to the earlier radio map of Su et al. (1996) and Cole et al. [Oiii]from the mapsof Whittle & Wilson (2004). (1998)withacompactcoreandtwolobestructuresdetected. A recent detailed infrared study has been carried out The most remarkable feature of the spectrum is the with theLIRISspectrograph on theWilliam HerschelTele- wholesale displacement of the line emission from the cen- scope by Ramos Almeida et al. (2006). They find a nuclear treofthegalaxy andofthevelocity profile(Figure5).This ratio of [Feii]/Paα which is consistent with photoionization effectisextremearoundthesouthwesternradiolobe,where from the active nucleus. Moreover, they detect [Pii] in the the [Feii] line strength peaks. The Hei line peak is also off- nucleus at a strength that is a factor of 1.82 lower than set, although by less than the [Feii]. Optical studies with the [Feii]λ1.644 line. This ratio is also consistent with pho- the Hubble Space Telescope (Bower et al. 1994) have also toionization, being similar to the ratio found in NGC1068 revealed [Oiii]emission which peaks around the southwest- by Oliva et al. (2001), and is inconsistent with shock mod- Infra-red spectra of Seyferts 5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5Relative di0s.t0ance (arcse0c.5) 1.0 1.5 2.0 HeI [FeII] SW NE -0.6 Relative distance (arcsec)--00000.....42024 Paβ 0.6 Figure 6. J-band spectrum of Mkn 78, showing the brightest emissionlines. aregion inwhichthe[Feii](andPaγ)emission becomesex- tremely faint and difficult to measure accurately. The Hei line displays different behaviour; as in Mkn34, its strength decreases smoothly away from the nucleus. The Paγ line, although it can be followed for about 2′′ either side of the nucleus, is not detected at high enough signal-to-noise to describe its structurein detail. 4 IONIZATION MECHANISMS AND DIAGNOSTICS 4.1 Nuclear emission: the [Feii]/[Pii]ratio Figure5.Centralpanel:VelocityprofileofNGC5929.Twolines This paper adds to the total number of detections of areshown,Hei(circles)and[Feii](squares).Linequantitieshave [Pii]λ1.188µm in the literature. Since its original detection been measured by Gaussian fits to successive rows of the spec- in NGC 1068 by Oliva et al. (2001) the line has been de- tralimage,andtheamplitudewithineachsequenceoflinefitsis tectedintheSeyfert1galaxyAkn564byRodr´ıguez-Ardila, proportional to the size of the symbol. Each successive line has beenoffsetby200kms−1 forclarity.Theradiomap(toppanel) Riffel & Pastoriza (2005), in Mkn 78 by Ramos Almeida et isthesameasFig.4,butisshowntothesamescale,androtated al. (2006), and in a total of 11 galaxies in the compilation totheaxisofthespectrographslit.Thebottom panelshowsthe of Riffel et al. (2006). Although very marginal, the detec- variationofthelineratio[Feii]/Heiover thesamescale. tions of [Pii] in Mkn 34 and NGC 5929 suggest [Feii]/[Pii] ratios of 3–4, in agreement with ratios determined in other objects. Comparison with themodels presentedby Olivaet els. However, in the extended emission associated with the al.(2001)suggeststhatthedominantionization mechanism western radio lobe, they find that the [Feii] line strength is photoionization by the active nucleus rather than shock increases by a factor ∼2 relative to the hydrogen recombi- excitation; fast shocks would be expected to disrupt dust nationlines,suggestingacontributionfrominteractionwith grains and produceline ratios a factor of 10 higher. the radio bow shock. We find a similar effect in our data, withanenhancementin[Feii]whichpeaksat∼0′.′6fromthe nucleus.However,theassociationofincreased[Feii]emission 4.2 Extended emission with the radio structure is less obvious in this object than 4.2.1 Line diagnostic diagrams in theother twoin thisstudy.In thewestern lobe thepeak ofthe[Feii]doescoincidewiththeW-knotofradioemission There have been a number of investigations which have at- seenathigherresolutionbyWhittleetal.(2004)andshown tempted to compare near-infrared line ratios with ioniza- inthesuperposeduniformlyweightedimageinthetoppanel tioncodes.Manyhaveusedthecloudycode(Ferlandetal. offigure7.Thestronger,easternradiojetisco-spatialwith 1998)forarangeofphysicalparameters,namely:densityof 6 N. Jackson and R. J. Beswick -1.0-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5Relative dis0t.a0nce (arcse0c.)5 1.0 1.5 2.0 infraredspectrum,inparticularthehydrogenrecombination W E lines. Also interesting is the optical [Oi]λ6300 line, as this -0.8 -0.6 has a similar ionization potential to [Feii] and is produced Relative distance (arcsec)--00000.....42024 amtitnholtuaeatctrhhnpteahsattrerrietvo[giOeaniolgidln]ye/ir-a[piFgotrnehnoioaidizs]nuetrdic[acPitnzoiigooif]n,si[esFh[Oeoswiucii]ik]bt.shjeuIextffcsctiecmirtatsaoinltfairstoruohnmbpesrthteotyafhson[eiPrtceidiaaili]sls.eaprArdervdovletpdahnaeeornstutaiianggenhges 0.6 and is difficult to measure with thesame instrument. 0.8 1.0 The effect of different physical parameters on the rela- tivestrengthsofthe[Feii]andhydrogenrecombinationlines (inparticularPaβ )canbesummarizedasfollows(Simpson et al. 1996, Mouri et al. 2000; Ramos Almeida et al. 2006): • Metal abundance changes the [Feii]/Paβ ratio by ap- proximately thescaling of theabundance,forexample bya factor of ∼6 from solar to Orion abundance. • Neutralhydrogendensityhasrelativelylittleeffect,ex- cept at very high densities when the forbidden lines are in any case close to collisional de-excitation. For most values of ionization parameter, increasing densities decreases the relative strength of [Feii]very slightly. • Increasing ionization parameter causes a slow decrease in the [Feii]/Paβ ratio below U = 10−1.5, and a rapid in- crease above this. • The slope of the power-law has a drastic effect on the [Feii]/Paβ ratio; a steepening by 0.4 (from −1.0 to −1.4) typicallyhalvestheratio,andtheratiobecomesevensmaller if a 40000-K blackbody model is adopted instead. This was considered in detail by Simpson et al. (1996), although RamosAlmeidaet al. (2006) usean indexof−2.0 through- out their simulations. In order to compare results with physical models and extract physical information from the line ratios, we have used the cloudy program (Ferland et al. 1998), version c06.02b.Modelshavebeencalculatedforionizationparame- tersrangingfrom10−3.5 to10−1.5 instepsof100.5 andelec- tron densities between 103.5 and 106, also in steps of 100.5. For each combination of ionization parameter and density, Figure 7. Velocity profile of Mkn 78. Three lines are shown, Hei(circles),Paβ (crosses),[Feii](squares). Linequantities have two different metallicities (0.4Z⊙ and Z⊙) and two values been measured by Gaussian fits to successive rows of the spec- ofthespectralindexofthepower-lawphotoionizingcontin- tralimage,andtheamplitudewithineachsequenceoflinefitsis uum(−1and−2)havebeenused.Grainswereaddedtothe proportional to the size of the symbol. Each successive line has simulation and were adjusted tobe similar toOrion grains. been offset by200kms−1 forclarity. Theradiomap(top panel) Thediagnosticdiagramof[Feii]λ1.257/Paβ vs.[Oi]/Hα ismadeusingthedataofWhittle&Wilson(2004); itshowsthe is shown for Mkn 34 in Figure 8. This is the same diagram centralpartoftheradioemission,rotatedtotheaxisofthespec- as presented in Figure 3 of Mouri et al. (2000). The trends trographslit.Superposedonthisradiomapisahigherresolution in line ratio with ionization parameter, hydrogen density (0′.′075)uniformlyweightedradioimageofthecoreandinnerjet. and slope of the ionizing continuum agree with previous This inner image uses the same contouring scheme as the outer image with a lowest contour value contour of 0.1mJybeam−1. determinations. In particular, an increase in ionization pa- Theapparenthighamplitudeofthe[Feii]lineat0′.′7istheresult rameter causes decreases in both the [Feii]λ1.257/Paβ and of a noisy fit which is unlikely to be representative of the true the [Oi]/Hα ratio of about the same magnitude, provided flux;thesameistrueofthePaβ lineat0′.′45.Thebottom panel that the slope of the ionizing continuum, is relatively steep shows the line ratios compared to Hei of [Feii] (solid line), and (< −1.5); in practice, relatively steep continua are needed Paβ (dashedline). to fit thesedata. We have already noted that the ratio between [Feii]λ1.257andthehydrogenrecombination linesincreases hydrogen, ionization parameter, ionizing power-law slope, intheobjectsstudiedasonemovesfromthenuclearregions metal abundance and presence or absence of dust grains totheareasassociatedwithradiolobeemission.Inprinciple, (Simpson et al. 1996; Ramos Almeida et al. 2006). Others if the sole mechanism operating is ionization by hard-UV haveusedthemappingscodeormodificationstoit(Suther- radiation from an active nucleus, this change in line ratio land et al. 1993; Mouri et al. 2000). Of particular interest could be caused by a decrease in ionization parameter re- is the ratio of [Feii] to the other lines available in the near- sulting from a geometrical dilution in the ionizing photon Infra-red spectra of Seyferts 7 Figure 9. (Bottom panel) Area around the [Pii] line in the six pixels(0′.′7)nearthesoutheastern radiolobeofMkn34withthe strongest [Feii] emission. The predicted [Pii] emission, deduced Figure 8. Diagnostic diagram of [Feii]λ1.257/Paβ vs. [Oi]/Hα from scaling the [Feii] emission by the known wavelength ratio and by scaling in intensity by factors of 4 and 20, is shown by compared to the observations of Mkn 34. Observational values (circles)within2′′eithersideofthenucleusareshown,andpixels dottedlines.Thewavelengthscaleisthatoftheobservedframein <0′.′4 from the nucleus are shown as solid blobs surrounded by Mkn34. (Top panel) Combined extranuclear emission from near acircle.Modeltracks fromthecloudyprogramarealsoshown, tothesoutheasternradiolobeofMkn34,asabove,andtheregion of0′.′6aroundthesouthwesternradiolobeofNGC5929.Bothof forvariousvaluesoftheionizingcontinuum power-lawslope(p), hydrogendensity(n,inlog10cm−3).Alltracksarecalculatedfor these regions have enhanced [Feii] emission. The spectra have beencoaddedandcorrectedtothesamewavelengthscalebyuse fZro=m0.41Z.⊙5.tWo ith3i.n5,ewacihthtrtahcek,htihgeheiornvizaalutieosnopfa[rFaemiie]λte1r.2U57v/aPraieβs ofthe[Feii]line.Thepredictedpositionofthe[Pii]lineisshown − − ineachcase;thedottedlinesshowthe[Pii]lineasitwouldappear occurringatlowerU. ifitwerefactors of 4and20 weaker than [Feii]. Thewavelength scaleisthatoftheobservedframeofNGC5929. flux or an increase in the electron density associated with compressionbytheradiojet.Thisisindeedtheconclusionof The[Feii]lineinthisregionhasbeenfittedwithaGaussian, Falckeetal.(1998)whostudythevariationofthe[Oiii]/Hα and is shown shifted to the [Pii] wavelength and divided in ratio and find that it decreases away from the nucleus. In intensity by factors of 4 and 20. There is a spike at exactly thiscase, however, onewould also expectthe[Oi]/Hαratio the expected wavelength, although it is extremely close to to increase, and this does not seem to be the case (Figure the noise level. If this is real, it clearly indicates that the 8). In fact, this ratio is actually smaller in the southeast- mechanism operating in this extended region is photoion- ernlobe ofMkn34, wherethestrongest interaction may be ization, with little or no shock contribution. Unfortunately taking place, than in the nucleus of Mkn 34. Since the [Oi] the signal-to-noise in this spectrum is just too low to make and [Feii] lines are produced in the same type of partially a definitestatement. ionized zone and in similar physical conditions, the lack of However,repeatingthisexerciseintheextendedregion correlation between their ratios to hydrogen recombination of NGC5929 associated with the southwestern radio lobe lines is puzzling. (Figure 5) and in which the [Feii] is also enhanced over its The same, however, does not appear to be the case in value in the nuclear region, reveals a similar very marginal Mkn 78. Whittle et al. (2005)’s extensive study of the ex- [Pii]detectionintheextendedemission.Addingthetwoto- tended optical emission lines in this object suggest that all gether,withtheappropriatescalinginwavelength(Figure9) lines, including [Oi], follow standard tracks from photoion- givesamoresecuredetectionoftheextended[Pii]atalevel ization diagnostics, with a variation of about a factor of 10 of about 0.2 times the strength of the extended [Feii] line. in U; this is sufficient to produce a difference of about a This suggests, somewhat surprisingly, and despite theasso- factor of 2 in [Feii]λ1.257/Paβ. ciation with the radio jet, that the dominant mechanism of Images of some optical emission lines in the extended lineexcitationintheseregionsisstillphotoionizationrather regions of NGC 5929 are presented by Bower et al. (1994) than shock excitation. anddiscussedfurtherbySuetal.(1996);however,wedonot have enough information on this object to present detailed diagnostic diagrams comparable with previouswork. 5 CONCLUSIONS 4.2.2 Tentative detections of extended [Pii] A number of near-IR studies of Seyfert galaxies with ex- tended optical emission have now been carried out, in par- A definitive test would be the detection of the [Pii] line in ticular Mkn78 (Ramos Almeida et al. 2006 and this work), theextendedemission lineregion.InFigure9anextraction Mkn34andNGC1068(Olivaetal.2001).Thepicturewhich isshownof0′.′7oftheslitintheregionwherethe[Feii]lineis emerges with reasonable consistency is that the nuclear re- strongest,justbehindthesoutheasternradiolobeofMkn34. gionsarealmost certainly dominatedbyphotoionization by 8 N. Jackson and R. J. Beswick UVphotons,consistent with amechanism involvingtheac- HorneK., 1986. PASP98, 609 tive nucleus. 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