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Near-Field-Mediated Photon–Electron Interactions PDF

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Springer Series in Optical Sciences 228 Nahid Talebi Near-Field- Mediated Photon–Electron Interactions Springer Series in Optical Sciences Volume 228 Founded by H. K. V. Lotsch Editor-in-Chief William T. Rhodes, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA Series Editors Ali Adibi, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA ToshimitsuAsakura,Toyohira-ku,Hokkai-GakuenUniversity,Sapporo,Hokkaido, Japan Theodor W. Hänsch, Max Planck Institute of Quantum, Garching, Bayern, Germany Ferenc Krausz, Max Planck Institute of Quantum, Garching, Bayern, Germany Barry R. Masters, Cambridge, MA, USA Herbert Venghaus, Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Berlin, Germany Horst Weber, Berlin, Germany Harald Weinfurter, München, Germany Katsumi Midorikawa, Laser Tech Lab, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Saitama, Japan Springer Series in Optical Sciences is led by Editor-in-Chief William T. Rhodes, FloridaAtlanticUniversity, USA,and providesanexpanding selection ofresearch monographs in all major areas of optics: (cid:129) lasers and quantum optics (cid:129) ultrafast phenomena (cid:129) optical spectroscopy techniques (cid:129) optoelectronics (cid:129) information optics (cid:129) applied laser technology (cid:129) industrial applications and (cid:129) other topics of contemporary interest. With this broad coverage of topics the series is useful to research scientists and engineers who need up-to-date reference books. More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/624 Nahid Talebi Near-Field-Mediated – Photon Electron Interactions 123 NahidTalebi Stuttgart Centerfor Electron Microscopy (StEM) MaxPlanckInstitute for Solid State Research Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Institute of Experimental andAppliedPhysics Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel Kiel, Germany ISSN 0342-4111 ISSN 1556-1534 (electronic) SpringerSeries inOptical Sciences ISBN978-3-030-33815-2 ISBN978-3-030-33816-9 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-33816-9 ©SpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG2019 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained hereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregard tojurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Preface Nanooptics is the physics of light–matter interactions at the nanoscale. It concerns the control of the dynamics of the oscillating charges and vibrational motions of ions and molecules. The applications of such control mechanisms are magnificent, transcending various fields such as energy conversion, the control of chemical reactions, optically induced phase transitions, quantum cryptography, and data processing. Many approaches might be utilized to enhance the light–matter interaction, in otherwords,increasingthecouplingefficiencyoftheopticalsourcestotheconfined volume around and within the nanostructure. The region around nanostructures within which all the momentum and energy conversion might take place is called thenear-fieldzoneandextendsonlyafewnanometresaroundthenanoobjects.This isthezonewherequantumemitterssuchasquantumdotsshouldbeplacedaswell to provide the possibility of exciting the optical modes of nanostructures. Ubiquitously, the diffraction of light by nanoscale objects can be an additional driver of the energy–momentum conversion. However, the background-free high-resolution characterization of the nanoscale excitations to allow mapping of the spatio-spectral and spatio-temporal evolutions of optical excitations at the nanoscale demands more exotic techniques. Among them, methods utilizing elec- tronprobeshaveattractedincreasingattention.ThankstothedeBrogliewavelength ofmatterwaves,electronbeamstheoreticallypossesssufficientlyhighresolutionto be able to probe the dynamics of electronic orbitals and motions when an appro- priate time-resolved spectroscopy technique is incorporated, e.g. pumping by laser beams and probingby electron waves. However, thisdemands tremendous control over themotionof theelectronprobe itself andthe ability to magicallyphase-lock the laser and electron pulses. With this motivation, this book provides the first attempts of the author and his co-workers to (i) understand the physics behind electron–light interactions by using electron microscopes, vii viii Preface (ii) provide methodologies to advance electron microscopy towards controlling the electron dynamics with better time resolution, and (iii) realizeanalyticalandnumericaltechniquestoexplorethetheoreticalbasisof both classically and quantum mechanically. Many different aspects of electron–light interactions are covered, spanning elastic and inelastic interactions, electron energy loss spectroscopy, and mecha- nisms of the radiation from moving electrons interacting with thin films and nanostructures. We also elucidate the physics of polaritons from the point of view of classical electromagnetism, though by considering more generalized matter, including2Delectrongases(surfaceconductivity)andmagnetoelectriceffects.We will show that, in some particular cases, anisotropic materials, particularly hyper- bolicmaterials,mightbeusedtoenhancetheelectron-inducedradiation.Thiseffect will also be used to realize an electron-driven photon source with an enhanced mechanism of radiation in comparison with surface-plasmon-based metamaterial sources. In the final chapter, the attempts of the author to develop a numerical toolboxbycombiningtheSchrödingerandMaxwellequationswillbeoutlined.We apply this toolbox to understand various concepts, such as the quantum walk of a single-electron wave packet in an optical lattice that is generated by two propa- gating optical paths at a certain angle with respect to the direction of the propa- gation of the electron. When writing this book in 2019, I was fortunate to write it at a time when the studyofthecoherentelectron–lightinteractionsinelectronmicroscopyhasalready started flourishing with the execution of wonderful experiments and reports of interesting results worldwide. These experiments in particular will provide an impetus to the development of a theoretical basis to further understand the theo- retical models involved, to benchmark the approximations, and to develop even more characterization tools based on coherent electron–light interactions. These theoretical developments are a keen interest of the author—some of the results focused on this aspect will be highlighted in more detail. Stuttgart/Kiel, Germany Nahid Talebi Acknowledgements Many people have directly and indirectly influenced my path in general, culmi- nating in the exposition of my knowledge in the form of the present habilitation. The most influential person, with whom I recently had the opportunity of collab- orating, is my habilitation mentor Prof. Harald Giessen. His sustained faith in promotingyoungscientists,support,andadviceguidedmetocontinuemypathinto science in general and to complete my habilitation as a result. I am honoured to recognize his hard-working and spiritual habits, which have been a source of inspiration for me during the last two years. My research career as a postdoc started with the generous support of the Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation that lasted for a duration of three years. AvH has been quite successful in supporting individual keen scientists in developing their career paths. I am also particularly thankful to my host institutes during this period, the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and later the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, for providing me with both the platform and infrastructure to pursue the realization of my ideas and the develop- ment of my knowledge in a quite independent way as a principal investigator. In thissense,mydirectgroup,theStuttgartCenterforElectronMicroscopy,hashada greatimpactbytheircontinuoussupport.Headofthegroup,Prof.PetervanAken, has been supportive of my ideas and critical tomy scientific output. I also warmly acknowledgemystudentDr.SurongGuoforherpersistenthard-workingattitudein turning each provided idea into its best possible realized performance and my colleagues Kersten Hahn, Caroline Heer, Julia Deuschle, and Marion Kelsch for their generous assistance and consultations in daily life. I also particularly and gratefully acknowledge the European Research Council for granting me an ERC startinggrantthathasenabledmewithgreateasetofurtherrealizemyideas.Some of the results reported here were made possible only by the ERC starting grant NanoBeam. I am specifically grateful to my mentor and long-term collaborator, Prof.ChristophLienau.Hispassionatewayofperformingresearch,hiscontinuous guidance, his excellent patience and flexibility in addressing my scientific ix x Acknowledgements questions, and, in particular cases, his help in confronting frustrations in my sci- entificpathletmedevelopmyindependentidentityasascientistandasaphysicist. Some of the results presented in this thesis are the outcomes of collaborative effortswiththegroupsofAlbertPolman(AMOLF,Amsterdam),ChristophLienau (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg), Harald Giessen (University of Stuttgart), and Mathieu Kociak (Université Paris-Sud, Orsay). I am particularly thankful to Mario Hentschel for his excellent help in these collaborative attempts and to Sophie Meuret for her cathodoluminescence studies. Lastandmostimportant,myfamilyhasneverletmefeelaloneonthispathand hasalwaysprovidedmewiththeircontinuousencouragementandwarmsupport.In the current era, when mobility within the scientific community has become imperative to achieving success, having such a wonderful impetus for my career andlong-lastingandlimitlesssourceofconfidenceandsupportisnotathingtobe appreciated by just a few words here. Thank you all!

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