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Report of the auditor-general to the Northern Cape provincial legislature and the coun Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality Report on the financlal statements Introduction | was engaged to aust the financial statements of the Ga-Sezonyana Local Municipality set out on pages ... to... which comprise the ataiement of fnancial position as at 30 Junie 2016, the statement of financial performenies, statement of changes in net 2ecats, and cash low statement and statement of comparison of bucgat and actual ‘amounts for the year than ended, ag well as the roles, comprising a summary af significant accounting policies and athar axplanatary infeemation. Accounting officer’s responsibility for the financial statements 2, The accounting offiseris responsible forthe preparation and fat presantation of these Financial stalerents in accordance with the South Afican Standards of Ganeraly Recognised Accounting Practice (SA standards of GRAP) and the requirements of the Municigal Finance Managernent Act, 2002 (Act No. 58 af 2003) (MFMA), andthe Divison of Revenue Act, 20%4 {Act No. 10 of 2014) (Dora), and for such infernal control as the accounting officer datarmines ls necessary ta anabla the preparstion of financial statements that ae free from material misstatement, whethor due (a fraud or exer. Auditor-generaf’s responsibillty 3. My responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements based on ‘conducting the audit In aecordance with the Infernational Standards on Auditing Because of the matfers deserlhed In the basis fer disclainar of epinion pareGRAPhs, hovwever, | was unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence ta provide a basis, for an eualt opinion. Basls for disclaimer of opinion Property, plant and equipment 4. |vas unable to obigin sufficient appropriate ault evidence for dferences noted with the recalculation of depreciation and accumulated depreciation due to an inadequate ‘mgnagement accounting and inforation system fo aecount for dapraciation. | was ‘unable to confirm this by altemative means. Consequently, | was unable fa determine whether any adjustment relating to property, plantand equipment olated at Rt 046 404 969 (2015; R981 183 198), in note $0 the financial saiements, and depreciation and ‘amortisation stated at R48 780 891 (2015: R45 603 573) in note 29 to the nancial Statements ware neoeessy. 5. The municipality didnot record all property plant and equipment in accardancs with GRAP 17, Property, slant and equipment, The financial statements did net agree with the asest register. Consequently, property, plant and equipment was overstaied by RS 200 408. Additionally, thera was a resultant Impeet on the eurplus forthe period and the aecumulated surplus, 6. The municipality did not record addllons in aocordance with GRAP 17, Praperty, plant and equipment. Certain infrastructure addtions ware recorded inthe incorrect period. Consequently, addlons was overstated by at least R17 227 70a (2018: Ra 008 770}, | \Was unable to determine the full extent cus fo inedequate records and suppexting <ocumentatien beina provided. Additionally, Ihere was a zesukant impact on depreciation, the surplus forthe currant and previous periods and the accumulated surplus. 7. [as unable fo obtain sufficient appropriate aualt evidence regarding infrastructure assets . as | was unabla (o physically very assets on the asset segister. [was unable to ‘confirm this by alternative means. Consequently, Iwae unable to determine whether any adjustment relaling to infrastructure assets stated at RBSD 485 198, In nole 9 lo the Financial statements, was necessary. 2 The municipality did not record assets in accordance with GRAP 17, Property, lant and ‘aqufpment. Capltal work in progress and infrastructure assats idemtied were net recorded in the accounllng racords. Consequently, property, plant and equipment were Understated. [was unable to determina the ull extent of the understatement as it was impracticable to do so. Akitionally, ere was a resultant Impact on depracietion, accumulated depreciaiion the surplus forthe peried the accumulated surplus. 9. During 2018, {es unable to obtain suffclart appropriate audit evidence regarding other assets, as | was unable to physically verify assele on the asst reglelar. woe unable to ‘confirm this by altemative means. Consaquently, [was unabla to determine whether any adjustment relating o other assets stated at R16 642 113, In nete 9 to the financial statomonts, was neceassry, 10. During 2015, the municipality eid nol review the residual values and useful Ives of infrastructure assets al each reporting data, in accordance nith GRAP 17. Property, plant and squjpment and assess impairment in accordance with GRAP 26 impatment of cast-gencrating assets Inrasinuclura assole with a carrying amount of 1 911 757 ‘were included in the financial statements will not ih usa. | was not able fo deterrine the canect nel camying amount of infrastructure assots, as it was impracticable (9 do so. ‘My opinion on the current period's financial statements is also modified because af the poselble effect ofthis matter on the comparability ofthe current pertod's figures, Investment property 11, The monicipaiy did not correctly account for al tems of Investment property in ‘accordance with GRAP 16, favesiment property. Municipal land which were in the ‘municipality's name as par the tila deed was nol racegnised as investment propery. Consequently, investment property was understated and il was impractical to determine: its full extent Adcitonally, there was a resultantimpact on the accumuialad surplus. Receivables from non-exchange transactions 12. twas unable fo obinin sufficient appropriate auslt evidence for the sundry dablors and other reveivables from non-axchange traneaotone, a6 underying records were not ‘evalable to substantiate the balances. | was unatle to confit the aundry debtors and thar receWvablas from non-axchange transacfions by alternative means, Coneequertly, [wes unable to determine whather any adjustment tothe sundry debtors and other receivables from norrexchange transactions, stated at R10 769-060 in note 5 tothe financial statements, wae neceseary. VAT teceivable 12. Iwas unable to obtein sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding VAT racaivabla dts © an Inadequate management accounting and information system to account for \VAT. | was unable to confirm the balanoa dlediosad by alternative means. Conssquenily. | was unable to determine whether any adjustment relating to VAT receivable, stated at R29 489 373 (2016, RA 113 731) innate 6 fo the Marcial slatoments, was necessary. Payables from exchange transactions 74. | was unable to obtain sufficient appropriate auclt evidence that management had properly charged and accounted for retention money. Due to the state of the accounting records, | was unable io contirm tha retanlion maney by allemative means, Consequently, | was unable ta determine whether any adjustment le retention money, slated at R18 582 050 (216: RQ 977 653} in note 14 to the financial statements, wae eceasary, 15. Iwas unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit avidenoe that manegamant had properly accounted for trade payables related tp sale of stands, due t the stata of he ‘socounting records. | was unable to confirm the trade payables by alternative means, Consequently, | vee unable to determine whether any adjustment fo trade payables, slated at R4 227 807 In note 14 lo the financial statements, was necessary. Revenue from exchange transactions 16. During 2015, Iwas unable to obtain suffice appropriate aust evidence that management had properly accounted for earviea charges, dus to tha state of the ‘accounting racords. | wes unable to confinm the service charges by alternativa means. Consequently, Iwas unable to delermine whether ary adjustment to eervioe charges, stated st R100 311 968 in nate 21 to the financial statements, was necoscary. My ‘pinion on the currant pettec's financial statements is also madtfied because ofthe possible effect of this mattar on tha comparabilty ofthe current period's figures. Revenue from non-exchange transactions 17, During 2015, 1 was unable ta obtain suficlont appropriate aust evidence that ‘management had property accounted for propery ratee, due to the state of the accounting records. twas unable to confirm the property rates by allermatve maans. Consequently. was unable fo determine whether any adjustment to property rates, stated at R31 078 474 in note 24 tothe financial staternents, was necacsary. My opinion (on the current pariad’a fhancis] statements is also modified because of the nose bke effect ofthis mattar on tha comparability ofthe current period's figures Expenditure 18. During 2018, the muniipalty did not clasely all items of ropairs and maintenance in socordancs with GRAP 1, Presentation of financial statements. General expenses of Ra 861 061 and bulk purchases of R1 883 357 were incarreclly recognised as repairs and maintenanae. Consequently, repairs and mslntenance wae overstated by 6 784 408. In adition, tre municipality did not have adequate systoms fo maintain expenditure and | wae unable to determine is full extent, There was a resultant impact on general expenditure and bulk purchases. My opinion on the current period's financial statements ia also modified because af the possible effael of this matler on the ‘comparabllty of the current perio figures. 1B. During 2015, the municipality did not record expancliura In aocardanoa with GRAP 1, Presentation of fhancial sistemerts. | was unable to obtain sufficient approprlala audit ‘evidence for general expenditure as supporting documentation was not provided. Consequently, | wes unable to determine whether ary adjustments relating to general expenditure, stated at R79 803 619 inthe eiaiement of financial performance, were ‘necessary. My opinion on the 2015-16 financial statemants Is aloe modified because of the possible effec ofthis matter on the comparsbily ofthe current parlod's fguree, Cash flow statement 20. | was unable to oblain sutican! appropriate aucit evidence related to cash Raw fram ‘pereting activities and cash flows from investing activifes in the cash flow statement. This was dus to underlying records nat supporting calculations. I was unable to confirm these casi flow items by allemalive means, Consequently, I was unable to determing ‘whathor any adjustment to thase items, stated In the financial etstements for the eurrent nd previous year, was necessary Prior period errors 21. Iwas unable fo ablaln sufficient appropriate autit evidence for tha rastatament of the ‘corresponding figures of financial sialament ine tems included in revenue, expenditure, ‘depreciation, Impaliment loss and employee cost. As described in note 41 to the financial statements. the restatement was to rectify the previous year's mlsslalarnants. | ‘was unable to confirm the restatamant by allamnatNe meane. Consequently. | was “unable te datermine whether any adjustment to the corresponding figures was necessary. My opinion an the 2015-16 financial statemients is alsa modfiad because of the posslble effect af this matter on the comparabilty ofthe current period's figures. iy ‘addition, the nature of the changes in accounting policies, descriplane of the transitional provisions, the amounts of the adjustments for each financial ine item affected end the ‘mounts of the adjustments relating tn parlods before those presented were nat adequately disclosed in the financial statements, Inegular expenditure 2. The municipality did not disclose all the regular expenditure inthe notas to the financial statements, 28 required by saction 12&{2\dyi} of the MFMA. The municpally Incurred ‘expenditure in contravention of the supply chain manegement (SCM) requirements and ccaunal dd not hava the authority tc condene inegular expendi es disclosed in the note 46 fo the financial statemants, raculing in regular expenditure being understated in the current and previous yaar. In addition, Iwas unable fo obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regerding irregular expenditure due tothe lack of evidence that management had properly identfied, Investigated and recorded all iegular expenditure ‘raneactions during the current and prior years, the Intations placed an the scape of tha work periomed relsting to expenditure and the lack of a proper eystom af internal control to support and account for, and identify, regular expendiure, Twas unabla to confirm the tralance disclosed by allematlve maans. Consequently, | was unable determina whether any further adjustment to iregufar emendilura, disclosed as RSS 0B4 885 (2015: L183 &40 607) In nota 46 to the Financial statements, was necaseary. Unauthorised expenditure 23. During 2016, unauthorised expenditure stated at R192 043 4883 in note 44 fp the financial staternanis was not calculated according to tha defintion of unauthorised expenditure stipulated in tha MIFMA. The amount disclosed was consaquartly understated by R34 625 481. Consequantly, this has a impact on the clasing balance of the currant yaer. My opinion on the 2015-16 financial statements ls also modtfiod because of the possibie effect ofthis matter on the comparably of the current period’ figures. Commitments 24. During 2016, the municipality cid not accurately calculate and disclose commitments a6 required by GRAP 17, Property, plant and equipment. This resutled In commalmments boing understated by Ra 553 323. In addition, Twos unable to obtain auficent ‘gpproprfala sucit evidence for the amounis disclosed as commibonts, | was unible to substantiate commitments by allornativg mesns, Consequently, Iwas unable fo dalemmine whether any further adjustments to commitments, disclosed as R111 100 704 inrnots 88 ta the finsneial statements, were necessary. Aggregation of immaterial uncorected misstatements 25. The financial statements were materially misstated due to the cumulative effect of ‘numerous individually immaterial uncorrected misstatements in the folkaving items Included In tha statement of fnancial position, the statement of financial porformanos- and the notes fa the financial staternent: ‘+ Propertias earmarked to be eald was nol recognised as Inventory. It was impractical {o determing the full extent thereof. ‘+ Recelvables from axchange transactions were overstated by R3.024 077. Disclaimer of opinion 28. Because of the significance of the matters described in he basis for disclaimer of ‘opinion paragraps, | have not baen able to obtain aufisient appropriate auclt evidence lo provide a basis far an auxit opinian. Accordingly, | do net exprase an opinion on the, financlal statements Emphasis of matters 27. draw attertion to the mattora below. My epinion fa nat mediffed in respect of these matters, Restatement of comesponding figures 28, As disclosed in note 41 tothe financial statements, the corresponding figures for {30 Juns 2015 have been restated 2s a result of errors dlecovered during 30 June 2018 in the financial statamants of the Ga-Segonyana Local Municipal at, and for tha yaar ‘ended 30 June 2018. Material losses and impaiments 20. As disclosed in notes 4 and 5 tothe financial statements, a significant provision for the Irnpelrment of recewvables from exchange transactions and nan-exchange trensactions ‘was mada, which consttutes 50% and 874 ofthe total receivables fram exchange ‘transactions and non-exchange fransactons balanes reapectvely 30, As disclosed in note 48 to the financial statements, matevlal lasses of Ra 565 189 and R10 390 376 ware Incurred ae a regu ofthe citribuon of electicity and watar respectively Additional matters 1. I draw attention to the matters below. My opinion is not modified in respect of these ators. Unaudited supplementary schedules ‘32, The supplementary Infomation set out on pages xx to xx daes nat form part of the financial statements and is presented a6 additonal information. | have not audited these schedules and, accordingly. I da nat express an opirien on them. Unaudited disclosure notes 33. Intarms of eectian 125(2)(e} of the MFMA the municipalty Ie required ta disclose particulars of non-compliance wih the MFMA, This disclosure requiramant dd nat farm part ofthe audit ofthe financial statements ard, aenerdingly, Ido nat express an opinion ont Withdrawal from the audit engagement 34. The numerous misstatements identified in the financial statements ara indicative of significant fraud, whieh calls Info question the ralbiliy of avidance abtained and the ganunaness of Ure accounting records and dacumentation, But for the legisiated requirement to perferm the audit of the municipality, Twould have withdrawn fram the engagement in tems of the ISAs, Report on other logal and regulatory requirements 95. Im accondance with the Pubic Auelit Act, 2004 (Aet No, 25 of 2004) (PAA}and the general noliea issued in terms thereof, | have a responslblly to report ndings on the Teported performance Information against predetermined objectives far salactad ‘objectives presented inthe annual nerfarmanca report, compliance with legislation and Infemel control. The objactive of my tests was fo identity reporlable findings 25 described under each subheading, bul nol te gather evidence to express assurance on these matters, Accordingly, do not exprass an opinion or conclusion on these matters, Pre objectives 36. | perlormed procedures to obtain evidence about the usefulnese and reliability of the reported performance inforration for the following seleciad objectvet presented in the ‘arinual performance report of tha municipality for the year endled 30 June 2016: ‘+ Key periormance area 1 : Basic service delivery on pages 1x to ax 37. |avaluated the raparted performance information against the averallerteria of Usefulness and reliably, 38, | evaluated the usefiiness of the reported performanes information te determine \whather it was consletent with the planned objectives. | further netformad tests to determine whethsr indicators and largats ware wall defined, veritable, specie, ‘measurable, ime bound aod relevant, as required by the National Treasury's Framework for Managing Programme Performance Information (FMPPN, 3, | assessed the relisilty ofthe reported performancs Information to determine whather It ‘was valid, accurate and complete, 40. Tha malarial findings in respact of the selected ebjactives are as follaus: Key performance area 1: Basle service delivery Usefulness of reported performance information 41. The FMPP! requires that performanca targets should specify the period or deadiine for delivery. A total f 64% of the indicatars ware not time bound. Reliability of reported performance information 42, The FMPP| requires ausitaes to have appropriate systems to callact, collate, veity and stors performance information to ansure valid, accurate and complate reporting of aetval achievements against planned objectives, indicalons and targets. {waa unable to oblalnt the information and explenalions | considered necessary to satisfy myself ae to the reliability ofthe reported performance Information. This was due fo the fact that the audltee could not provide sufficient appropriate evidence In support ofthe reported performance information Additional matter 43, I cra altetion to the folowing malar Achievement of planned targets 144, Refer to the annual performance report on pages 1 to 88 for information on the achievement of planned targets for the year. This Information should be considerad in the context ofthe qualfied and cisclaimer of opinions expressed on the usefulness ard ‘ality of the reported perfomance Information in paraGRAPhs 19 and 21 af this repo Unaudited supplementary schedules 45. The supplamaniary information set out on pages 1 to x does not form part ofthe annual performance rapor! and is presented as ackitional information, We have not fudited these schedules and, accordingly, we da not express @ conclusion therBan, Compliance with legislation 4. {performed procedures to obtain evidentes that the municipality had eompliad with applicable laglslaion regarding financial matters, fnancial management and other relaled matters. My malarial findings on compliance with specttc matars in key loglslatlon, 28 set out in the general nofiea issued in terms of the PAA, are as follows: Strategic planning and performance management 47, The performance management system did not relate to the employee's performance. managemant processes, as required by section $8(a) af tha Municipal Systems Act. 200 (Act No. 44 of 2003) endl municipa planning and perfonnanca management regulation 72x Budgets 48, The folal unforssoon and unevoidable emenditure excosded 4% of own revenue fn ‘contravention of tha munlelpal budget and reporting regulation 72. Financial stetements, performance and annual reports 449, The annual performance report fo the yeer under review did not include the parfarmanes of the municipalty and each extemal services provider, as required by section 46 (1}(a) of the Municipal Systems Act. ‘50. The financial statements submited for auditing wore not prepared in all ratetal respects in accordance with the requirements of section 122 of the MFMA, Material misstatements of non-current aasete, curort aasets ibilies, revenue, expenditure ‘and disclosure items identfied by the auditors in the submitted financial statements were subsequent corrected and the supporting racords were provided, but the lncorrected material misstatements and supporting records that could nat be provided resulted inthe financial statements racelving @ disclaimer of aut opinion. Procurement and contract management 51. Goods and services with a transaction value of below R200 000 were procured without obialning the req.ired price quotations, in contraventton af SCM ragulation 17(8) and fc) 52. Goods and servicas with a transaction value ahovs R200 000 were procured without inulin competitive bids, as required by SCM regulation 19a), 5. Deviations were approved by the acoounting offer even thaugh it was net impracical talavte competiive bis, in contravention of SCM regulation 38(1). ‘54. Suffcfent appropriate audit evidence could nat be abtalned thai bide wore evaluated by bid evaluation committees composad of officials from the departments requlring tha goods of services and at least one SCM practtloner of the municipality, a8 required by ‘SCM regulation 2842) 55. Contracts were awarded lo bidders based on points given for citarla that dilfeed from these stipuiated in the orginal inition for bidding, in contravention of SCM regulations 21(b) and 28(1)(a) and the Proferential Procurement Regulations. 56. Bid adjudication comrnitiens ware not always composed in accordance wth SCM regulation 292) ST. Contracts were awarded to suppliers whose tax matters hee! not been declared by the South African Ravenua Service to bs in order, in contravention of SCM ragulalen 43. 58, Thresholds for local content on designated sector’ procurement were nat property sppllad In secardance withthe requirements of preferential procurement regulation 8 59. I could not abiain sulicianl appropriate aucit evidence that the preference point system ‘waa applied in all procurement of goods and services above R30 000, as required by section 2(@) of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA] and SCM regulation 28(1Xa). (60. Contracts and quotatlone were awarded to bidders based on preference paints that ‘were not allocated in accordance wih the requiremenie of the PPPFA and its regulations. 61. Contracts ware awarded to bledars that dll nat acore the highest points in the ‘valuation process, in contravention af section 2(1KO of the PPPFA. 62. Contracts were awarded to bidders who did not eubmit a dectaration on whather thay were employed by the siste or connected to any parson employed by the siate, as aquired by SCM reguiation 13(c) 68. Awards were mada te providers who wore in the service of other state institutions or \whose principal shareholders were inthe service of ether state inaulions, in ‘contravention of MEMA 112) and SCM regulation 44. Similar awards wore identified in the previous year and no fective steps were taken to prevent ar combat the abuse of the SCM process, as requirad by SCM regulation 3841). Human resource management and compensation 64. The muricialty didnot develop and adopt apprapiete systems (policies) and pmcaduree to monitor mesure and evaluate the performance of staf, in contravention af sation 67(4) of the Municipal Syetems Ack. Expenditure management 85, Reasonable steps were not taken to prevent Iregular, unauthoriced ge wel as frtlesa and wasteful expenditureless and wasteful expendiiro, as required by eootion 62{1 Ka) othe NEMA. Revenue management 88, An effective system of intemal control for debtors and revenue was notin place, 2 rexwired by Section 64(2)() of tho MMA. Asset management 87, An adequate management, accounting and information syetern that acoounte for aesats waa not In place, ee required by section 82(2)(a) af the FMA. 88, An effective systom of intemal control for assets. which includes an asset ragister, was notin place, as required by section 63(2\c} of tha MFMA, 68, Capital assets were permanently disposed af that were naaded to provide the minimum level ef basic munizipel service, in contravention of section 14(1) of the MMA, 70. | could not obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that captst assete sold were pproved by the counci, as required by section 14(2)(a) of the MFMA, abi ity management 71. Long-term debt was incurred without a resalullon of tha municipal council approving the ‘det agreamant, In contravention of section 46(2¥) of the MFMA, Consequence management 72, Unauthorised expenditure incurred by the municipality wes nat investigated to datarmine whether any pereon was lable forthe expenditure, as required by section 32(2Va) ofthe MMA, 7, Ireguler 63 wel 2s frulies and wasteful expenditure incurred by the municipality was ‘ol invsstigated to determine it any person Is lable for Ihe expenditure, as required by section 32(2}b) of the MFMA, 74, The condonation of irsgular expandliurs was not approved by the appropriate relevant autharily, 2s cequired by sections 1 snd 170 of tha MFMA. 75. Authorisation of unauthorieed expenditure was not done through an adjustment budget, 15 required by section 22(2}(aXI} of the MEMA. Internal control 76, Veonsidered internat contra relevant 10 my audit of the financial statements, annual performance report and compliance with legislation. Tha matters repartad below are limited tothe significant Intemal caetral deficiencies that resulted in the basle forthe <iscleimer of opinion, the findings on the annual performance report and the findings an ‘compliance with logitetion included in this report. Leadership 77. The leadership dit nol oversee the financial and performanca roparting, compliance and related internal controls. The laadarship di not ensure that there were processes to Tavlaw Information before is subnission. Matrial ears were detected in the financial statements, and nen-complianes with legislation and intemal contol deficiencies wore noted throughout the auclt process, 78, Tho loadership cid not set the corect tone atthe lop. Senior menagemert did not ‘adhere to Internal control, sthich resulted in unauthorised and inaguler expenditure not being detected by managamert, 2¢ well ae non-complianca with relevant legisialian. 79, The lack of decisive action to mitigate emerging rske, implement timely correctiva ‘measures and address nor-porformance was evident by the fallure of the Feadership to adequately address tha external eu findings in a timely manner. The muniaipaliy faliod to property analyse the control wasknegses and Implement appropriate folaw-up actions that adequately acressed the root causes. 80. The leadership did not ensure that ths rmunicipaity complied with appleable legisiation, ‘Material findings on compliance with lecislation were raleed Inthe year under review. ‘Tha muricipaliy’s Internal processes and systems did not prevent matertal now complianes or iragular, unauthorised 9s wel ae fruitless and wasteful expenditure,

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