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Preview NC452 Ga-Segonyana AFS 2019-20 unaudited

GA-SEGONYANA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2020 Ga Segonyana Local Mur ‘a Fieri Satonerts or he year ene 30 sue 2020 General Information Mayoral committee Nayor Chie Financial Ofer (CFO) <. Nake ‘Accounting officer .Tsatsimpe Registered ace ‘cane Yoon ce ane urs Business address comer Voor and Schoo! Srost uma Postal autos Priva Bag X1822 urn 460 Neasegela NC. Nevers |. (Speaker) Assegaa 0.2, ‘crweu KA, (2X0) Dsang MF aren 3.8, Matin Soke KA. EXCO) Makots LA. Moka KR. Mattibe 0.0. Nirayedva 6. MoagiL (MPAC Char) Node £5, (&XC0) ose Lc. pe 0. Neon LR. geal. estsrg MC “Tpeamang HC. Tat shemesarag Gaelvene BE Ga Segonyana Local Municipality Annual Financial Sata forthe oar ercec 20 Lune 2020, General Information Bonkers Fist National Bank Auditors Audtor General (Sout Aten) trizdetion “The Go-sogonyana scl Munisipalyincludos the folowing ere: ‘urumen, Belthar, Methbisad Magosreng, Obama Hl Dishaswaneng,ipateng, Seong, Mokaletesane, ae rsteng, Gaile, Pils, St, ist, Golinom, ScD, Bathorae, Garehubane,Gavvele, Cassbola,Weruping, Vern, Kegung, Lovatha, Seven les, Themonyancne, Wesel, Pan Rolavant Leglslation Corton of he Republe of Seuth Aca (Act No “8 of 1996) intial ga Banaperert ft (At 8 of 20) “Taoincoma Tax Ar (ht No 58 of 1952) Val Add Tex Ac (Act. 117 of 1988) ‘Wiaor Serica Ac (Set No.108 ef “807) Heung A(t, 10? of 1257) unica! Property ates At (AC Yo. 8 2008) Flatt i (s Nn 1 oF 187) ‘hls Dvelopment Lavies Act (Act No. Gat 1660) Employes 29 uy Act fac No 8 of 998), ‘nina tnstene Be rt Mo 2 1088) [Base Condtors of Enplevman ticle. 75 of 1007] ankle! System Amandrent Rat Act No.7 of 2011) init Pg a Peformance nage Regulations unico Spey chain MasagomntRerlations Municeal Collecive Agreements Hunlcbal Sudget snd Reparing Regulations Moma Goss nd Regulars Atorneys ogaawa Ateys PayperAtomaye ‘fumba Aone Leeple Aamney= Mos baa attamey2 Kotex"yang torneys Ga Segonyana Local Municipality ‘nual Fnac Steers fort yes eed ne 2020 Index ‘The repre end teres set autbelw compsze the annua nancial talents assole to he provincia: Inder Page Accounting Ofer’ Reezonsibiia ard Appa 4 Nat Cae pont 5 Statemont of Francie Pesitr 6 Satement of Fendi tons Sblement of Crergssin Not Assets 8 ‘cae Fl Ssatemant a Sbtement of Corpaisor ef Budget and Actual Amur: 10-14 scouring Poles 15-56 Notas te the Annual Financia! Statemars 35-81 Abbreviations coo ‘Compocsatin fr Gearzatinel hese Nsw RR Capt eplscoment Rasen ons Develspnet ako" Seth Aten Shane ‘Sox Afican Stataments of Generally Accope Accounting Practice rap Goren Reeas Aecounsing Prsctea canar (Geratally AccaptotMriipal Avounteg Pracice HOF Heung Brsespment Fund as Invernatins:Accouring Standards mo Inatue of Muipal nares tiers sas Ircemnatnal Hue Seer Acrcurting Standards Nes uricial Enis wee emer ot ne exzcutve Counc PMA rica France Management Ac ws ‘nung! nastucure Grert Previews CHP) Ga Segonyana Local Municipality sna Franca Slemerts ert oar anal 80.26 2620 Accounting Officer's Responsibilitios and Approval he Asoning ofcet sequel by he Wunepal Hace Miewzemant Act ‘Ae: 6 of 2008, to asin acequate seccuning res 3nd i esponab ‘x Ie eortont are ler af he arms Faro bernard fnshend ‘oration inlet ini poms therespnsiaty ove Ascoueine ofa fo ones ts i ool eal stats {ivy present testa oats athe Moray te ond one nar! eo andre teSeo ois stars ae cath ‘pe For the year Yen ended The enema euler engagcd 2 caress ant rdenender= apon Oe aru Mane slomonis and Were gia" Laneuised gproe foal nana cogs Sn ates de, The anna! nancial alorents have been aopcsed iv acoreanes wih Standards of Gevetely Recogod Aeceurteg Pracios (GAC) neuang ay herratat=ne, quel a Gees iced Hr Accson Sans Sard ne annus. Shandal estaens a bes upo- appro scsurtirg pois conaeany anpks ard supports by ‘ase prudent usaerens sealers ‘Tw Accounting ote ck’ te ha ultras ‘eps fos este of rral gnc cv els by te Noniapalty ana plces cavaidsabi inperaice un raising aterg eae sure, 1s erate Me Accor, sffesr meat tose teeporss ites, be Accouwn elo seb orders ort av ck sired al oabeng te ae ot nut of dof int coe! afstve miner Tho sancardsinauk Wm bepar deeyaton of rapnektivos wim 8 coy atnad fame, cece aosouving proves and adequsce esgeuun odes oersure an aecpiate ele ‘hase contals at mertoroc tvoughut ths Murscraity and al employsce ave vegued vo ishins fe sos ea stancards m ensure une salts bates le cenducted -2 tans: ot al teasonabe nceinens sone trorose™ The focus trek manegortan: I ne mursiety fe on dentirg asec maneana ene eB ng al son fess aces eine. Whi orang St cw be faly sisted ts Fmepaty ondoetut te ninse Ipetorng that assoplle itesburns, cant, ystens ae! hee behaves se elit ane ranagee Gine ‘redeem one ‘Ths Acoouning oar esha 2-ton based 6 Le ifrmaon and explains gion by manacsrent at espe ot Inemol coil proses reasonable ssewanco tt: thy frei rovoge nay be ted ei he procaraon ons cra fone talents. Hdeve. any rom ef nome. Ahenais aa can Side ony esenibi ard et ace eet cist matoil mast eet “The Acrounirg eras sw Fo Munpsity e's cosh Rr “recet eth ya 0 20 ure 2004 an, ne fl fis ‘any anit arent nancial soso" Hef sabe he mune Fat sequela seston camnos noe tence oe oeaesae ut, Athouth te Accoursing fer is prmany rescore or the franca efi of ts runs, bee snwal Barca alps ac supped ty Ihe rm napa etal ato Tame eon propsted en the ging concen Seale mn Wiraaimfe GA-SEGONYANA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY AUDIT, RISK AND PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30 JUNE 2020 ‘The Commit is honaured la prevents report fr the financial sari ending 2D June 2020 Au, Risk ard Pertormance Camnmilles oorsised of Members listod bsiow end should met sess 4 {ime during the nancial year fore: to execute ls lardace as por its approved Tenn of Reference land Sacton 186 of tha MEM. Dutng the finaroal yee" 4 meatngs were hel wd atonded by Members Se alow: Tame of Wembor Nesting attended. R.Tehimomle: Chairperson 2 F Buys: Mornbor fe 5. Sinelane: Member rh RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUDIT, RISK AND PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE, ‘Aut, Ask ane Performance Comite is plezvcd lo report that had complied vith ts response Bsing fom Sacton 165 of the MFMA, Rola Treaeury Keguistions, Treasury Creuse ans other ‘relevant insane Asli, Rick and Performance Commitee hed formally adopted ie Tors of Reference anc dislagod ts ‘lis during lhe fran yearn compliance vrs chartr as flows: + Reviowod an adopted Aust, Riek and Performance Commitee Charter as approved by coun {1 Ravnwed and adloptad ioral Audit Caste ond Methodolegy {Reviewed ene approved bw three year rlng Intra Aut tan ane Annval Operational Audit Plan end mentored tho impiementaone + Reviewed Rsk Management docu ents presontec by manngemant anc msde approprias revormnondatars for management to implant + volun the Sings raed by interna and extemal auctore ard nade rocomnmucatns on aderessing he tool cause of fides. + Reviewed monthly ane quarry fare’n Inormation reports prasanted Ly mrragemen: and ‘made recommendtione on fiancial manayement inprovemarcs an "oportn. + Ravine quareriy anc annval perfomance information reports praconlad by manogement anc mmarlerecommendatione on perfrmance aanement Impravemenis anc opr. + Ravine quareriy anc annual inca elalementsudieg eoningont calles anc gave coun the erecibla wew of tha fivanclaipaster, fhanciel peformarce nd cash fh oration ofthe muneipaliy. + Reviewed reveniss, expenditure, weve oi alts management rears presi by tmanagemunt and teoaramendedlaporopriat action for masagemen to implant. + Revered condtionel grants, uncondtona! grants. devine, irfermatin corinuntations lwctiolagy, nanan fesouroes menagoment reports presened by management and Fecommarded appropiate acne for management pion + Reviviod audit action plas emanating fom inal anc external aus findings and ‘recommended appropiate acine for rsnagement lo implement. + ists wih to Avcttor-General South ica to discuss and resole external aull wales + Prepared and presented quartarty reports to Une counel te fil aversight ros, INTERNAL AUDIT Aunt, Risk and Partemance Camm ee '¢ salsfed tet iemal aut wt perirmec is cles in ‘aesnncance withthe approved interral auci istebased par fr the fmancal yeer and Section {6E of the MEMA. Quatterly intemal au progress repars wore reviewed sné adopled in Uw commits meetings held during the fancial yoar. Informal Aucit raporod to Aud, Me and Performance Commies ‘enctinnlly to ensira ts Edopendon and cbjectvly oF performance of dies. GA-SEGONYANA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY AUDIT, RISK AND PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30 JUNE 2020 EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL CONTROL Aut, Risk snd Pactormanes Corson is of th vow thst ntrnal sono yst e at entity eectve lisse on the indepencerteratasane corded by heal ut ding We yest rors ikstod bythe commits curing engagements meatings with manager. ‘uu, Rk and Performance Commitee concurs with and sccept the Audtor-eneral South tea’ ‘ult Report on tho Annual Frncl Salome and ic of ie open that he Audited Annus! Fanci Statements should be acesped and ead ogster wih the epot of Pe Actor General South ie, (Chairperson ofthe Aut, Risk and Performance Committee SI Av facto Dave Ga Segonyana Local Municipality ‘Annual Franc Stennis Me yor eel 2 Jone 2070 ‘Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2020 Notele) R costs Current Aosste Inverters 2 aoe sa760 707 FRecehabes ter nonexchange tsactons 4 meus 70a 7e8 FRocalvablos fom oxchange rancacons © sesveo <Zon0-2c8 (Cash and cos wqulalents @ __sazmony s51ce7 Non-Curent Aseets Irvestrent prover 8 zpstaset 25 00000 Property, plant equipment a 4s ras moa 4325 std 5 Intangible assets 1 aeeaia 245025 Henge arse DB _vnssae vss. "(66775 905 1955 348752 LUabities Curent Liabilities ier Bsc 8 samnar> soso ney Fiance bene ligation “1 Bengase 5608275 Payable rom sichenge vanzacions 1S ebeusasT 12222806 vat oevable 5 821 534 CConearer depos te ezmararess67 Employee benettcilgion te tego 1st 24s ‘spe eonditonal rants arc receipts 18 s50azs78 Foo 05 818 19E 02 5 ore CurrentLinifies (thar nantes 12 qossveis a s06401 Finan leaes obgsion 4 tapis? 1935660 Emetoyce Benet obtnation 17 massa) si 2a2446 Tatas aaa Net Assets “Tene ongoas Ganraiaert Aes plas 1 sns 008635 1307 AIS Ga Segonyana Local Municipality “Annual Finan! Slee forthe yer ee & re 2070 Statement of Financial Performance me mie Notas) R REVENUE: Revenus from exchange wansactions Sali tae zetasis 2272078 Servos ergee 18406 7158860 180 end of fos re pas1079 ter ss3 Intarastoneuttaning recirattes reve 6180421 ances a parts a2ee6es 2740700 Gere 2s Sarai datas Inara on rveeen wt snorrsa__ 2025695 Total revenue from exchange trmsactions Tear aa Wear74608 Revenue tom nor-exshange transactions Property tea 25 asoneT77 aaacaaca ‘Tranafer revenue ‘Grave and ube di ealsec 2 ainca96s9 Fh, penstes and ros trssa8 Total revenue tom nenexchange transactions war aar Tia s6s785 406 Total evenue wy eipass2as si40m0024 Enplayce rate cists 27 rag gne 795) (124806 e125 Romirsraton of sounellne 7" (aasvezt) (0818875) Defers ane amotisaton 20 (ansrssen) (@zeraces} Finanoe cote 31 “fasre4s0) (18253424) Delos inpairant Be craaseset} (at Tra en) Bee debs nite ss \"pateo8) eetr ot} Buko.rohacas ot ¢ri9z08ea2} (lozesa es) Sereral peraos 88132221 050) (11oomas7) Total expenaiture (a3e Sra ser) (sos er ear} Operating surplus wazoieTIs —_a0szusr Lase(Gam) en esposs! ot assets 702739) 5504585 Feirvalve svsrrems st 195000 1624-00 Aca gainsidaasas) 17 asaeam eeuuary) Gein les) an clove sseta 2c agricul produce ia 1er 756407, 254945 (9305 005} [SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR i T1655

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