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ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2012 MIER LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2012 General information Members of the Council: MA Eiman Mayor NB Joseph Councillor KW Dodds Councillor PJJ Smith Councillor PP Farao Councillor AM Titus Councillor S Masikani Councillor Acting Municipal Manager: M Makibi Chief Financial Officer: E Mouton Grading of Local Authority: Grade 2 Auditors: Auditor-General Bankers: Standard Bank of South Africa Limited Registered Office: 63 Loubos Road Rietfontein MIER 8811 Physical address: 63 Loubos Road Rietfontein MIER 8811 Postal address: PO Box 178 Rietfontein MIER 8811 Telephone number: (054) 531 0019 Fax number: (054) 531 0019 MIER LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2012 Approval of annual financial statements Iamresponsibleforthepreparationof theseannualfinancialstatements,whicharesetoutonpagesXtoXX, intermsofSection126(1)oftheMunicipalFinanceManagementActandwhichIhavesignedonbehalf ofthe Municipality. I certify that the salaries, allowances and benefits of Councillors, loans made to Councillors, if any, and payments made to Councillors for loss of office, if any, as disclosed in note 25 of these annual financial statements are within the upper limits of the framework envisaged in Section 219 of the Constitution, read with the Remuneration of Public Officer Bearers Act and the Minister of Provincial and Local Government’s determination in accordance with this Act. Acting Municipal Manager: M Makibi 30 December 2012 MIER LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2012 INDEX Description Page no. Statement of Financial Position 9 - 9 Statement of Financial Performance 10 - 10 Statement of Changes in Net Assets 11 - 11 Cash Flow Statement 12 - 12 Notes to the Financial Statements 13 - 95 The following appendices do not form part of the Annual Financial Statments and are unaudited: Appendix A 96 - 96 Appendix B 97 - 99 Appendix C 100 - 100 Appendix D 101 - 101 Appendix E (1) 102 - 103 Appendix F 104 - 104 MIER LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2012 REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 1. INTRODUCTION ItgivesmegreatpleasuretopresentthefinancialpositionofMierLocalMunicipalityat30June2012andtheresultsofitsoperationsand cash flows for the year then ended. TheseAnnualFinancialStatementshavebeenpreparedinaccordancewithGenerallyRecognisedAccountingPractice(GRAP),issued bytheAccounting StandardsBoard (ASB)in accordancewith Section122(3)ofthe MunicipalFinance ManagementAct,(ActNo 56of 2003). The standards and pronouncements that form the GRAP Reporting Framework for the 2010/11 financial period is set out in Directive 5 issued by the ASB on 11 March 2009. TheStatementofFinancialPositionat30June2012indicatesanincreaseinNetAssets,andanincreaseinbothNon-currentLiabilities and Current Liabilities. The increase in Net Assets is ascribed primarily to the increase in Accumulated Surplus as a result of the surplus generated on the operatingaccount. TheincreaseinNon-currentLiabilitiesisprimarilyasaresultoftheincreaseinNon-currentProvisions. Theincrease in Current Liabilities is primarily as a result of the increase in Payables. 2. KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS Thefollowingindicatorsareself-explanatory. Thepercentagesofexpenditurecategoriesarewellwithinacceptablenormsandindicate good governance of the funds of the municipality. Financial Statement Ratios: INDICATOR 2012 2011 Surplus / (Deficit) before Appropriations 1,603,342 (3,972,674) Surplus / (Deficit) at the end of the Year 316,775,605 315,034,982 Expenditure Categories as a percentage of Total Expenses: Employee Related Costs 23.89% 27.53% Remuneration of Councillors 5.48% 5.88% Depreciation and Amortisation 10.04% 12.11% Impairment Losses 11.62% 3.26% Repairs and Maintenance 13.16% 16.93% Interest Paid 1.05% 0.39% Bulk Purchases 0.00% 0.00% Contracted Services 0.93% 2.16% Grants and Subsidies Paid 0.00% 0.00% General Expenses 33.84% 31.74% Current Ratio: Creditors Days 110 81 Debtors Days 36 243 TheextremelygoodratioforDebtorsDays,calculatedonnetDebtors, isbecauseofbaddebtsintheamountofR14907188(2010/11: R11 122 677) written-off during the year under review and a substantial increase in the Provision for Impairment, which renders a favourable ratio for the year. 3. OPERATING RESULTS Details of the operating results per segmental classification of expenditure are included in Appendix "D". Details of the operating results per segmental classification of expenditure are included in Appendix"D", whilst operational results per categoryofexpenditure,togetherwithanexplanationofsignificantvariancesofmorethan10%frombudget,areincludedinAppendix"E (1)". TheservicesofferedbyMierLocal Municipalitycan generallybe classifiedasRatesand General,EconomicandTrading Servicesand are discussed in more detail below. MIER LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2012 REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 3. OPERATING RESULTS (Continued) The overall operating results for the year ended 30 June 2012 are as follows: Actual Actual Percentage Budgeted Variance actual/ DETAILS 2011/12 2010/11 Variance 2011/12 budgeted R R % R % Income: Opening surplus / (deficit) 315,034,982 144,025,132 119% - 100% Operating income for the year 30,173,238 17,409,404 73% 37,460,964 -19% Appropriations for the year 137,281 - 100% - 100% 345,345,500 161,434,535 37,460,964 Expenditure: Operating expenditure for the year 28,569,896 21,382,077 34% 37,491,801 -24% Sundry transfers - (174,982,523) -100% - 0% Closing surplus / (deficit) 316,775,605 315,034,982 1% (30,837) -1027356% 345,345,500 161,434,536 37,460,964 - 3.1 Rates and General Services: Rates and General Services are all types of services rendered by the municipality, excluding those listed below. The main income sources are Assessment Rates and Sundry Fees levied. Actual Actual Percentage Budgeted Variance actual/ DETAILS 2011/12 2010/11 Variance 2011/12 budgeted R R % R % Income 22,670,832 12,281,974 85% 30,076,039 -25% Expenditure (16,041,938) (10,665,434) 50% (12,968,485) 24% Surplus / (Deficit) 6,628,893 1,616,539 17,107,555 Surplus / (Deficit) as % of total income 29.24% 13.16% 56.88% 3.2 Public Works: PublicWorksareservicesrenderedbythemunicipalitytosupplyhousingtothecommunityandincludestherentalofunitsownedbythe municipality to public and staff. Actual Actual Percentage Budgeted Variance actual/ DETAILS 2011/12 2010/11 Variance 2011/12 budgeted R R % R % Income 4,274,365 1,683,843 154% 3,262,816 31% Expenditure (8,274,360) (6,336,333) 31% (15,523,056) -47% Surplus / (Deficit) (3,999,995) (4,652,490) 18,785,872 Surplus / (Deficit) as % of total income (93.58)% (276.30)% 575.76% MIER LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2012 REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 3. OPERATING RESULTS (Continued) 3.3 Sewerage Services: Sewerage Servicesare servicesrendered bythe municipalityforthe collection,disposal and purifying of waste (refuse and sewerage). Income is mainly generated from the levying of fees and tariffs determined by the council. Actual Actual Percentage Budgeted Variance actual/ DETAILS 2011/12 2010/11 Variance 2011/12 budgeted R R % R % Income 2,047,302 2,227,701 -8% 2,362,702 -13% Expenditure (2,561,751) (2,441,035) 5% (6,416,584) -60% Surplus / (Deficit) (514,449) (213,334) (4,053,882) Surplus / (Deficit) as % of total income (25.13)% (9.58)% (171.58)% 3.4 Water Services: Waterispumpedfromboreholesanddistributedtotheconsumersbythemunicipality.Tariffsleviedforwateraresubjecttoadministered adjustments. Actual Actual Percentage Budgeted Variance actual/ DETAILS 2011/12 2010/11 Variance 2011/12 budgeted R R % R % Income 1,180,740 1,215,886 -3% 1,759,406 -33% Expenditure (1,691,847) (1,939,275) -13% (2,583,676) -35% Surplus / (Deficit) (511,107) (723,389) 4,343,082 Surplus / (Deficit) as % of total income (43.29)% (59.49)% 246.85% 4. ACCUMULATED SURPLUS The balance of the Accumulated Surplus as at 30 June 2012 amounted to R316,775,605 (30 June 2011: R315,034,982) and is made up Accumulated Surplus 316,775,605 3 16,775,605 The municipality, in conjunction with its own capital requirements and external funds (external loans and grants) is able to finance its annual infrastructure capital programme. Refer to Note 17 and the Statement of Change in Net Assets for more detail. 5. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES The outstanding amount of Long-term Liabilities as at 30 June 2012 was R953,611 (30 June 2011: R1,059,046). Refer to Note 15 and Appendix "A" for more detail. MIER LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2012 REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 6. NON-CURRENT PROVISIONS Non-current Provisions amounted R36,153,326 as at 30 June 2012 (30 June 2011: R32,941,142) and is made up as follows: Provision for Long-term Service 110,465 Provision for Rehabilitation of Land-fill Sites 3 6,042,861 3 6,153,326 Theseprovisionsaremadeinordertoenablethemunicipalitytobeinapositiontofulfillitsknownlegalobligationswhentheybecome due and payable. Refer to Note 16 for more detail. 7. CURRENT LIABILITIES Current Liabilities amounted R13,029,292 as at 30 June 2012 (30 June 2011: R12,456,548) and is made up as follows: Payables Note 13 8,576,720 Unspent Conditional Grants and Receipts Note 14 4,396,845 Current Portion of Long-term Liabilities Note 15 55,727 1 3,029,292 Current Liabilities are those liabilities of the municipalitydue and payable in the short-term (less than 12 months). There is no known reason as to why the municipality will not be able to meet its obligations. Refer to the indicated Notes for more detail. 8. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT The net value of Property, Plant and Equipment was R303,754,454 as at 30 June 2012 (30 June 2011: R296,438,847). Refer to Note 9 and Appendices "B, C and E (2)" for more detail. 9. INTANGIBLE ASSETS The net value of Intangible Assets were R817,278 as at 30 June 2012 (30 June 2011: R1,260,000). Theseareassetswhichcannotphysicallybeidentifiedandverifiedandareinrespectofcomputersoftwareobtainedbythemunicipality in order to be able to fulfil its duties as far as service delivery is concerned. Refer to Note 10 and Appendix "B" for more detail. 10. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES The net value of Investment Properties were R53,815,393 as at 30 June 2012 (30 June 2011: R53,815,393). Refer to Note 11 and Appendix "B" for more detail. 11. BIOLOGICAL ASSETS The net value of Intangible Assets were R3,216,382 as at 30 June 2012 (30 June 2011: R2,843,833). The biological assets consists of game (springbuck, gemsbuck, eland and ostriches). The assets are counted annually and income is derived through the sale thereof. These assets are carried in the accounting records of the municiplaity at their fair value less cost to sale, as prescribed by the applicable GRAP standards. MIER LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2012 REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 14. CURRENT ASSETS Current Assets amounted R5,308,327 as at 30 June 2012 (30 June 2011: R7,133,645) and is made up as follows: Inventories Note 3 686,455 Receivables from Exchange Transactions Note 4 357,670 Receivables from Non-exchange Transactions Note 5 1,592,994 VAT Receivable Note 6 2,608,677 Cash and Cash Equivalents Note 7 12,208 Operating Lease Assets Note 8 50,323 5,308,327 The increase in the amount for Current Assets is mainly due to the increased amount held in Bank and Cash Equivalents. Refer to the indicated Notes for more detail. 15. INTER-GOVERNMENTAL GRANTS Themunicipalityisdependentonfinancialaidfromothergovernmentspherestofinanceitsannualcapitalprogramme. Operatinggrants are utilised to finance indigent assistance and provision of free basic services. Refer to Notes 14 and 19, and Appendix "F" for more detail. 16. EVENTS AFTER THE REPORTING DATE Full details of all known events, if any, after the reporting date are disclosed in Note 48. 17. EXPRESSION OF APPRECIATION WearegratefultotheMayor,membersoftheExecutiveCommittee,Councillors,theMunicipalManagerandHeadsofDepartmentsfor the support extended during the financial year. A special word of thanks to all staff in the Finance Department, for without their assistance these Annual Financial Statements would not have been possible. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 30 December 2012

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