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EMTHANJENI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2016 EMTHANJENI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2016 INDEX Description Page no. General Information 3 Approval of the Annual Financial Statements 4 Report of the Chief Financial Officer 5 Statement of Financial Position 12 Statement of Financial Performance 13 Statement of Changes in Net Assets 14 Cash Flow Statement 15 Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts 16 Accounting Policies 27 Notes to the Financial Statements 44 The following appendices do not form part of the Annual Financial Statements and are unaudited: Appendix A 95 Appendix B 96 Appendix C 99 Appendix D 100 Appendix E 101 Appendix F 106 Appendix G 107 EMTHANJENI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2016 GENERAL INFORMATION Members of the Council: ST Sthonga Mayor MM Freddie Speaker B Swanepoel Chairperson of Section 79 Committee AF Jaftha Member of Executive Committee GL Nyl Member of Executive Committee WJ du Plessis Member VG Jonas Member J Jood Member MC Kivedo Member M Malherbe Member GL Nkumbi Member HJ Rust Member F Swanepoel Member NS Thomas Member Municipal Manager: I Visser Chief Financial Officer: MF Manuel Grading of Local Authority: Grade 2 Auditors: Auditor-General Bankers: ABSA Bank Limited Registered Office: 45 Dr. Pixley-ka-Seme Drive De Aar 7000 Physical address: 45 Dr. Pixley-ka-Seme Drive De Aar 7000 Postal address: P.O. Box 42 De Aar 7000 Telephone number: (053) 632 9100 Fax number: (053) 631 0105 3 EMTHANJENI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30 June 2016 APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Iam responsible for the preparation of these annual financial statements,which are setouton pages 5 to111, in terms of Section 126(1) of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003) and which I have signed on behalf of the Municipality. I certify that the salaries, allowances and benefits of Councillors, loans made to Councillors, if any, and payments made to Councillors for loss of office, if any, as disclosed in Note 33 of these Annual Financial Statementsare withinthe upperlimits ofthe framework envisaged inSection 219of theConstitution,readwith the Remuneration of Public Officer Bearers Act and the Minister of Provincial and Local Government’s Municipal Manager: I Visser 31 August 2016 4 EMTHANJENI LOCAL MUNIC ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEM for the year ended 30 June REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIA 1. INTRODUCTION It gives me great pleasure to present the Annual Financial Statements of Emthanje These Annual Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with Gen bytheAccountingStandardsBoard(ASB)inaccordancewithSection122(3)ofth of 2003). The standards and pronouncements that form the GRAP Reporting Fra Directive 5 issued by the ASB on 11 March 2009. The Statement of Financial Position at 30 June 2016 indicates an increase in N increase in Current Liabilities. The increase in Net Assets is ascribed primarily to the increase in Accumulate operating account. The increase in Non-current Liabilities is primarily as a result of service Benefits. The increase in Current Liabilities is primarily as a result of the in 2. KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS The following indicators are self-explanatory. The percentages of expenditure ca good governance of the funds of the Municipality. 2.1 Financial Statement Ratios: Indicator Surplus / (Deficit) before Appropriations Surplus / (Deficit) at the end of the Year Expenditure Categories as a percentage of Total Expenses: Employee Related Costs Remuneration of Councillors Collection Costs Depreciation and Amortisation Impairment Losses Repairs and Maintenance Interest Paid Bulk Purchases Contracted Services Grants and Subsidies Paid General Expenses Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment Inventory Wrtten-off Loss on Sale of Land 5 EMTHANJENI LOCAL MUNIC ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEM for the year ended 30 June REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIA Current Ratio: Trade Creditors Days Debtors from Exchange Transactions Days TheratioforDebtorsDays,calculatedonnetDebtors,remainedconsistentwithth impairment made for the year under review. 2.2 Performance Indicators: Indicator Financial Position Debtors Management: Outstanding Debtors to Revenue Outstanding Service Debtors to Revenue Liquidity Management: Liquidity Ratio Liability Management: Capital Cost as percentage of Own Revenue Borrowed Funding as percentage of Own Capital Expenditure Borrowing as percentage of Total Capital Assets Safety of Capital: Gearing Financial Viability: Debt Coverage Cost Coverage 6 EMTHANJENI LOCAL MUNIC ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEM for the year ended 30 June REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIA 2. KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS (continued) Indicator Financial Performance Expenditure Management: Creditors to Cash and Investments Capital Expenditure on Infrastructure to Total Capital Expenditure A detailed ratio analysis, together with explanantions, is included in Appendix "H". 3. OPERATING RESULTS Details of the operating results per segmental classification of expenditure are included in Appendices E (1), E (2) and E (3). The services offered byEmthanjeni Local Municipality can generally be classified and are discussed in more detail below. The overall operating results for the year ended 30 June 2016 are as follows: Actual Actual Details 2016 2015 R R Income: Opening surplus / (deficit) 920 242 753 958 633 391 Operating income for the year 208 402 845 210 432 770 1 128 645 598 1 169 066 161 Expenditure: Operating expenditure for the year 265 839 510 258 544 359 Sundry transfers - (9 720 952) Closing surplus / (deficit) 862 806 088 920 242 753 1 128 645 598 1 169 066 161 - - 3.1 Rates and General Services: RatesandGeneralServicesarealltypesofservicesrenderedbytheMunicipality, are Assessment Rates and Sundry Fees levied. Actual Actual 7 EMTHANJENI LOCAL MUNIC ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEM for the year ended 30 June REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIA Details 2016 2015 R R Income 76 088 890 79 097 832 Expenditure (122 695 940) (151 045 395) Surplus / (Deficit) (46 607 051) (71 947 563) Surplus / (Deficit) as % of total income (61.25)% (90.96)% Variance from 2016 budget: The significant fluctuation in respect to the Income reported is the result of Other I Variance from 2015 actual: ThedecreaseinIncomeisattributabletothedecreaseintheGovernmentGrants in the previous year from the Hospital Electricity Line, which did not re-occur in controloverexpenditureitems,resultinginasignificantdecreaseintheExpenditu that reported in the previous financial year. 3.2 Housing Services: Housing Services are services rendered bythe Municipalityto supplyhousing to t the municipality to public and staff. The main income source is the levying of Hous Actual Actual Details 2016 2015 R R Income 57 314 677 719 Expenditure (10 853 597) (4 452 101) Surplus / (Deficit) (10 796 284) (3 774 382) Surplus / (Deficit) as % of total income (18837.24)% (556.92)% 8 EMTHANJENI LOCAL MUNIC ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEM for the year ended 30 June REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIA 3. OPERATING RESULTS (continued) Variance from 2016 budget: The material fluctuation in respect to Expenditure is the result of the Depreci significantportionthereofisduetobacklogdepreciationrecognisedintermsofGR %, the Rand-value attached is not. Variance from 2015 actual: In the previous year the Municipality received a Housing Accreditation Grant, whic 3.3 Waste Management Services: Waste Management Services are services rendered by the Municipality for the col Actual Actual Details 2016 2015 R R Income 39 575 020 43 653 254 Expenditure (46 798 278) (30 080 081) Surplus / (Deficit) (7 223 258) 13 573 173 Surplus / (Deficit) as % of total income (18.25)% 31.09% Variance from 2016 budget: The material fluctuation in respect to Expenditure is the result of the Depreci significant portion thereof is due to backlog depreciation recognised in terms of GR Variance from 2015 actual: The fluctuation is due to completed projects in the previous financial year, which h 3.4 Electricity Services: Electricity is bought in bulk from Eskom and distributed to the consumers by Municipality was R52 295 143 (2015: R45 222 232). Tariffs levied for electricity ar Actual Actual Details 2016 2015 R R Income 72 861 560 67 029 700 Expenditure (67 874 439) (80 275 166) Surplus / (Deficit) 4 987 122 (13 245 466) Surplus / (Deficit) as % of total income 6.84% (19.76)% 9 EMTHANJENI LOCAL MUNIC ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEM for the year ended 30 June REPORT OF THE CHIEF FINANCIA Variance from 2016 budget: No material fluctuations have been reported. Variance from 2015 actual: The Municipality was able to generate more Electricity Revenue during the cu implemented more strict control over expenditure items, resulting in a significa overall deficit in comparison to that reported in the previous financial year. 3.5 Water Services: Water is bought in bulk from various sources and distributed to the consumers Municipality was R2 125 081 (2015: R1 826 423). Tariffs levied for water are subje Actual Actual Details 2016 2015 R R Income 29 827 017 27 325 462 Expenditure (27 624 210) (30 122 894) Surplus / (Deficit) 2 202 807 (2 797 432) Surplus / (Deficit) as % of total income 7.39% (10.24)% Variance from 2016 budget: The material fluctuation in respect to Expenditure is the result of the Depreci significant portion thereof is due to backlog depreciation recognised in terms of GR Variance from 2015 actual: No material fluctuations have been reported. 10

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