NAZI CONSPIRACY AND AGG ESSION SUPPLEMENT A Oflce of Unit'ed States 5( ,GI Chief of Counsel For Prosecution of Axis CrirninalityJ For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. A Collection of Documentary Evidence and Guide Materials Prepared by the American and British Prosecuting Staffs for Presentation before the International Military Tribunal at Nurn- berg, Germany, in the case of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE FRENCH RE- PUBLIC, THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, and THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS -against - HERMANN WILHELM GOERING, RUDOLF HESS, JOACHIM von RIBBENTROP, ROBERT LEY, WILHELM KEITEL, ERNST KALTENBRUNNER, ALFRED ROS- ENBERG, HANS FRANK, WILHELM FRICK, JULIUS STREICHER, WALTER FUNK, HJALMAR SCHACHT, GUSTAV KRUPP von BOHLEN und HALBACH, KARL DOENITZ, ERICH RAEDER, BALDUR von SCHIRACH, FRITZ SAUCKEL, ALFRED JODL, MARTIN BORMANN, FRANZ von PAPEN, ARTUR SEYSS-INQUART, AL- BERT SPEER, CONSTANTIN von NEURATH, and HANS FRITZSCHE, Individually and as Members of Any of the Following Groups or Organizations to which They Respec- tively Belonged, Namely: DIE REICHSREGIERUNG (REICH CABINET) ; DAS KORPS DER POLITISCHEN LEITER DER NATIONALSOZIALISTISCHEN .DEUT- SCHEN ARBEITERPARTEI (LEADERSHIP CORPS OF THE NAZI PARTY); DIE SCHUTZSTAFFELN DER NATIONALSOZIALISTISCHEN DEUTSCHEN ARBEIT- ERPARTEI (commonly known as the "SS") and including DIE SICHERHEITSDIENST (commonly known as the "SD") ; DIE GEHEIME STAATSPOLIZEI (SECRET STATE POLICE, commonly known as the "GESTAPO") ; DIE STURMABTEILUNGEN DER N.S.D.A.P. (commonly known as the "SAW) and the GENERAL STAFF and HIGH COMMAND of the GERMAN ARMED FORCES all as de- fined in Appendix B of the Indictment, Defendants. iii PREFACE The present volume is the first of two supplements designed to complete the publication of documents gathered by the American and British prose- cuting staffs at the International Military Tribunal in Nurnberg. While most of the documents in this collection were used in cross-examining those of the major German war criminals who took the witness stand in their own defense, -this volume, like its predecessors, also incorporates documents not offered in evidence during the trial but which nevertheless are of general historic interest. It includes, in addition, the Closing Addresses of the Amer- ican and British Chief Prosecutors and the Closing Addresses for the United States on the Indicated Organizations, all of which set forth in bold relief the main features of the prosecution case. Because of unavoidable limitations, it has not been possible to realize the hopes expressed in the Preface to the original series, that these supplemen- tary volumes might include the documents introduced in evidence by the prosecuting staffs of France and the Soviet Union. However, in order to pro- vide at least some indications of the important contributions of these nations to the total body of prosecution evidence, this volume contains the Closing Addresses of the French and Soviet Chief Prosecutors, which summarize the high points of their evidence and show the emphasis and flavor of their cases. Moreover, the official transcript of the trial, which the United States Military Goxernment of Germany is now publishing in English as well as in French, Russian and German, will contain English translations of ex- cerpts and in some cases the full text of the French and Soviet documents as read into the record, as well as the full text of all the prosecution exhibits in their original language-in most cases German. For practical reasons the documents in this Supplement are arranged, as in previous volumes, in numerical order within the various document series. Although, this system has obvious disadvantages, arrangement in chrono- logical order would be even less satisfactory, and arrangement by subject matter would either be misleading or involve endless duplication, inasmuch as many documents deal with several different and unrelated topics. But in order to assist the reader interested in documents bearing on a given subject, a careful cross-index at the end of the volume classifies all the documents under topic headings corresponding to the subjects of the various topical and individual defendant briefs in Volumes I and 11. By grouping the documents listed at the end of these briefs with the parallel list of references at the end of the present volume, one may quickly find his way to all the documents pertinent to his particular interest. For example, all the mate- rials relative to the Austrian Anschluss may speedily be located by consult- ing the index following the brief on "Aggression Against Austria" Vol. I (p. 505), and by reference to the same topic in the cross-index at the end of the present volume (p. 1333). Finally, acknowledgement must be made once again to the Department of State and the War Department for their generous allocation of the funds to make possible the present volume and its companion, Supplement B, which is now in the course of preparation. 6 August 1947 Charles A. Horsky William E. Jackson Alma F. Soller Editors Approved : Robert H. Jackson Chief of Counsel CONTENTS Page Preface ...................................................... iv Rules of the International Military Tribunal. ..................... 1 Closing Address for United States of America by Robert H. Jackson, Chief of Counsel .............................. Closing Address for United Kingdom, Great Britain and Ireland, by Sir Hartley Shawcross ...................... Closing Argument for the Provisional Government of the French Republic by M. Champetier de Ribes and M. Du- bost ........................................... Closing Argument for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic by Lt. Gen. R. A. Rudenko ........................ Closing Statement for United States of America on the Indicted Or- ganizations by Thomas J. Dodd ................ Closing Statement for United States of America on General Staff and High Command by Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor Documents (A single asterisk (*:) before a document indicates that the document was received in evidence at the Nurn- berg trial. The USA and GB series number, given in parentheses following the description of the document, 'is the official exhibit number assigned by the court.) *032-PS Letter from Rosenberg to Himmler, 2 April 1943, with enclosures concerning activities of Reichs- kommissar Koch and the Zuman forest. (GB 321) *045-PS Memorandum of 16 March 1942 from Rosenberg to the Fuehrer, re: The aim of German politics, not- ably in the Ukraine. (USA 822) .............. *345-PS Telegram, Rosenberg to Lammers, 20 July 1944, concerning recruiting of youthful Russians, Ukrainians, White Russians, Lithuanians, and Tar- tars. (USA 869) ............................. 389-PS Order of Keitel, 16 September 1941, concerning Communist insurrections in the occupied areas. ... *459-PS Supplement to Directive No. 33, 23 July 1941. (USA 926) .................................. *488-PS Declaration of Himmler, 1April 1940, announcing The Institute for Research and Study of Heredity as part of SS and listing of its By-Laws. (GB ' 590) *535-PS Letter from Kaltenbrunner to OKW, 23 January 1945, regarding Commando operations. (USA 807) "580-PS Letter from Reich Ministry for Occupied Eastern Territories, 6 March 1942, re Recruiting of civilian workers from occupied Eastern Territories. (USA 821) ......................................... 790-PS Memorandum, 4 May 1940, regarding conference between Under Secretary of State Gaus and the Page chief for Foreign Affairs concerning the White book Belgium/Holland ........................ 351 Memorandum by Warlimont, 12 May 1941, re- garding Treatment of political and military Rus- sian officials .................................. Extract froin top secret notes of meeting with Funk regarding establishment of currency for countries to be occupied. (USA 844) ................... Memorandum by Braeutigam, 10 June 1941, re- garding the position of Chief Commissars in the occupied Eastern territories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report on the activity of the Office of Hauptbann- fuehrer Nickel in the Reich Ministry for Occupied Eastern Territories, 19 October 1944. (USA 870) Memorandum 20 February 1942 on Lecture of Ministerial Director Dr. Mansfeld, Deputy General for Mobilization of Labor on general questions re- garding the mobilization of labor commitment . . Memorandum by Warlimont 15 October 1942, with appendices, regarding Treatment of enemy sabo- tagetroops ................................... Directives, 13 and 15 October 1942, regarding treatment of prisoners of war with particular ref- erence to reprisals, shackling and sabotage units. (GB 487) .................................. Directive by Canaris, 13 October 1942, and memo- randum by Lehman 15 October 1942, on treatment of prisoners of war with particular reference to reprisals, shackling an'd sabota~eu nits. (GB 486) Report by Sauckel to Hitler regarding Slave Labor program for year ending 31 March 1943 ...... Report by Sauckel, 27 July 1942, concerning em- ployment of foreign labor in Germany from 21 March 1942 to 27 July 1942. (GB 325) ......... Directive from the High Command concerning con- fiscation of raw materials, half finished and fin- ished manufactured goods not in possession or property of the enemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memorandum by Henning, 13 January 1943, con- cerning the second Ssuclrel project and a directive by Weigand, 16 January 1943 regarding establish- ment of screening coinmissions for Sauckel project for January-March 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memorandum of conference of Milch, Witzell, Leeb, 23 March 1942, in Speer's office. (USA 903) . . . . Memorandum on Political Police of Bavaria, 27 March 1935 enclosing file regarding occurrences in Freising. (GB 535) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annual Report of Germanic Scientific Mission, 17 November 1944. (GB 589) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rfemorandum concerning Sauclcel labor projects in France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page "1776-PS Memorandum of 30 June 1940, concerning contin* , uation of the War against England. (GB 494) 404 "1849-PS Memorandum on Reich Defense, 23 February 1934, regarding training of SA. (GB 610) ............ 406 *1965-A-PS Extract from "Der Sturmer", 4 November 1943. (GB 372; GB 373) . ......,... ............... 407 *197S-PS Order concerning the introduction of compulsory work in the Occupied Eastern Territories, 19 De- cember 1941. (USA 820) ...................... 408 *2233-DD-PS Extract from Frank Diary, 16 October 1944. (GB 562) ......................................... 412 Letter from Landfried, 6 June 1942, to Biehler, OKW, concerning use of Occupation Cost Fund (France) for purchase of materials. (USA 849) . . 413 Testimony of Anton Pacholegg, 13 May 1945, re- garding Dr. Rascher's experiments. (GB 582) 414 .. Teletype from Governor General at Cracow to District Gover~ors,3 May 1944, concerning trans- fer of personal property of Jews to the government by the SS .................................... 422 Findings and sentence, 18 October 1945, of a Third U. S. Army Military commission in case of Albert Bury, German National, tried for ordering a POW to be shpt .................................... 424 Treatise by von Papen, written while in custody in 1945, giving his relationship to Austria from 1930 to time of the Anschluss ........................ 426 Affidavit of Otto Meissner, 28 November 1945. (GB 495) ......................................... 506 ' Extracts from 1944 Diary "Das Ahnenerbe", re- garding medical experiments in concentration camps. (GB 551) ............................ 513 Decree of 25 April 1938 sent all diplomatic repre- sentatives. (GB 478) ......................... 515 Affidavit of Hildegard Kunze, typist in RSHA, 8 January 1946, concerning measures employed by Seyss-Inquart in Holland ...................... 517 Letter from Gewecke to Reich Commissar for Ost- land, 8 September 1941, regarding SS Col. Jaeger. (GB 601) .................................... 517 ~estimonof~ W ilhelm ~iklakin an Austrian court in a proceeding against Dr. Rudolf Neumayer. (USA 884) .................................. 518 Extracts from Jahrbuch der Hitler Jugend 1938, regarding Blomberg. (US4 856) .............. 541 Estimate by von Schirach of cost of youth pro- gram for years 1936 to 1941 inclusive. (GB 516) 543 Extracts from "Blut and Ehre" Hitler Youth Songs. (USA 855) ........................... 544 Extracts from "Uns geht die Sonne nicht unter", Hitler Youth Songs. (USA 854) .............. 545 Page Extract from "Military Training of the German Youth", a book by Helmut Stellrecht; introduction by von Schirach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 Extract from 1939 Yearbook of the Hitler Youth regarding marksmanship and shooting ranges. (USA 857) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 Interrogation of Dr. Heribert von Strempel, 14, 15 and 16 February 1946 regarding German propa- ganda activities in the USA. (USA 880) ...... Affidavit of Gerhard Schmidt, 28 March 1946 .... Testimony of witness Karl Karwinsliy, 15 October 1945, before an Austrian Court. (USA 794) .... ~ x c e r ~oft 'interrogation of Albert Tiefenba~he~. (USA 795) ................................. Circular from Kaltenbrunner, 5 April 1944, giving instructions on treatment of bailed-out enemy fly- ers. (USA 806) ............................. Memorandum of Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia, 25 November 1939, concerning employ- ment for students from closed Czech universities and use of Czech workers who entered Reich volun- tarily. (GB 524) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Report from Dr. Dennler, senior governmental counsellor in Prague, 21 November 1939, to Under Secretary of State concerning employnlent of stu- dents from closed Czech universities. (GB 523) . . Letter from von Neurath to Lammers, 31 August 1940, with memoranda prepared by himself and Karl H. Frank on future organization of Bohemi- an-Moravian territory. (GB 520) .............. Order issued by von Neurath, 27 June 1941, to various governmental officials and agencies giving instructions on handling German Czech problem. (GB 522) .................................... Various reports from Heydrich in 1942 giving summary of activity of "Einsatzgruppen" of Secur- ity Police and SD in USSR. (USA 808) ....... Teleprint letter from von Schirach to Bormann, 28 May 1942, concerning assassination of Heydrich and recommended action for retaliation against England. (USA 865) ........................ Extracts from Transcript of Proceedings before People's Court of Greater German Reich, 7 and 8 August 1944. (GB 527) ...................... Excerpts of minutes of Vienna City Council rneet- ing, 6 June 1932, concerning the removal of Jews and Czechs from the city. (USA 866) .......... Excerpt from Voelkischer Beobachter, 17 Septem- ber 1933, concerning the Jewish question. (GB 514) ......................................... Interrogation of Hans Posse, 12 April 1946. (USA 843) ....................................... viii Page Excerpts from notes on Reich Defense Committee meetings of 17 September 1940, 26 November 1940, 5 April 1943: and 14 October 1941, concerning man- power situation and employment of prisoners of war and Jews. (USA 863) .................... Letter of 27 October 1941 enclosing decree for evacuation of Jews from the Old Reich and Pro- tectorate. (USA 872) ........................ Letter from National Socialist German Labor Party to Dellbruege in Vienna, 22 January 1941, subject: Monasteries. (USA 862) .............. Telegram to the Reich Governor in Vienna, 10 Sep- tember 1942, giving article for editorial staff of the "Schwarzes Korps". (USA 853) ............... Teletype No. 85 from Schirach'to Bormann, 15 August 1941, on premilitary training. (USA 867) ~eletypem essage No. 1516 from Axmann to Schirach, 30 March 1942, concerning decree of Fuehrer on war commitment of German youth. (USA 868) .................................. Excerpts from notes prepared by Schacht for an army interrogator concerning his views on Hit- ler and Goering. (USA 836) .................. Excerpts from "Reports from Occupied Eastern territories", May 1942, June 1942, January, Feb- ruary, March and April 1943, concerning operation of Security Police and SD against Jews and guerillas. (USA 864) ........................ Affidavit by Emil Puhl, 3 May 1946, concerning deposit of gold, jewels, banknotes etc with Reichs- bank by the SS and knowledge of Funk, Himmler and Pohl of same. (USA 846; USA 851) ...... File of letters, certificates and memoranda, 1939 to 1943, in regard to special funds allocated by Lam- mers to von Neurath for obtaining diplomatic in- formation. (GB 518) ......................... Memorandum signed by ICropp, 31 March 1944, subject: Utilization of jewels, etc. acquired by offi- cial agencies in favor of Reich. (USA 850) .... Itemized list of jewelry and silverware submitted to Municipal Pawn Brokerage Office, 15 September 1942, by Deutsche Reichsbank for conversion into Reichsmarks. (USA 847) ............_ Memorandum by head cashier of Deutsche Reichs- bank, 19 September 1942, conterning conversion of notes, gold, silver and jewelry into Reichsmarks in favor of Reich Minister of Finance. (USA 848) Statement of Albert Thoms, 8 May 1946. (USA 852) ......................................... Extract from testimony of Walter Funk, 19 Octo- ber 1945, regarding war with Russia. (USA 875) Excerpt of interrogation of Walter Funk, 22 Octo- ber 1945. (USA 876) ........................