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Preview Nature of the 5f states in actinide metals

REVIEWSOFMODERNPHYSICS,VOLUME81,JANUARY–MARCH2009 Nature of the 5f states in actinide metals Kevin T. Moore* ChemistryandMaterialsScienceDirectorate,LawrenceLivermoreNationalLaboratory, Livermore,California94550,USA Gerrit van der Laan† DiamondLightSource,Chilton,Didcot,OxfordshireOX110DE,UnitedKingdom andSTFCDaresburyLaboratory,WarringtonWA44AD,UnitedKingdom (cid:1)Published6February2009(cid:2) Actinide elements produce a plethora of interesting physical behaviors due to the 5f states. This reviewcompilesandanalyzesprogressintheunderstandingoftheelectronicandmagneticstructure ofthe5fstatesinactinidemetals.Particularinterestisgiventoelectronenergy-lossspectroscopyand many-electron atomic spectral calculations, since there is now an appreciable library of core d →valenceftransitionsforTh,U,Np,Pu,Am,andCm.Theseresultsareinterwovenanddiscussed against published experimental data, such as x-ray photoemission and absorption spectroscopy, transport measurements, and electron, x-ray, and neutron diffraction, as well as theoretical results, suchasdensity-functionaltheoryanddynamicalmean-fieldtheory. DOI:10.1103/RevModPhys.81.235 PACSnumber(cid:1)s(cid:2): 71.10.(cid:1)w,71.70.Ej,71.70.Gm,79.20.Uv CONTENTS 1. Inversephotoemission 266 2. Valence-bandphotoemission 266 3. 4fcorephotoemission 267 I. Introduction 235 D. Photoemissionasaprobefor5flocalizationinPu 268 A. Theactinideproblem:Notenoughdata 235 V. ElectronicStructureofActinideMetals 268 B. Actinideseriesoverview 236 A. Thorium 268 II. ElectronEnergy-LossSpectroscopy 242 B. Protactinium 270 A. TheO (cid:1)5d→5f(cid:2)edge 245 4,5 C. Uranium 270 B. TheN (cid:1)4d→5f(cid:2)edge 246 4,5 1. WhydoesUmetalexhibitLScoupling? 270 III. Many-ElectronAtomicSpectralCalculations 247 2. SuperconductivityinTh,Pa,andU 272 A. Ground-stateHamiltonian 248 3. Charge-densitywavesin(cid:2)-U;in(cid:2)-Npand 1. Spin-orbitinteraction 248 (cid:2)-Pualso? 272 2. Electrostaticinteractions 249 4. Intrinsiclocalizedmodes 273 3. LS-couplingscheme 251 D. Neptunium 273 4. jj-couplingscheme 252 E. Plutonium 276 5. Intermediate-couplingscheme 253 1. Whatweknow 276 B. Spin-orbitsumrule 254 2. Density-functionaltheory 278 1. wtensors 254 3. Dynamicalmean-fieldtheory 279 2. Derivationofthesumrule 255 4. Crystallatticedynamics 281 3. Limitationsofthesumrule 257 5. Effectsofaging 282 4. jjmixing 258 6. Superconductivityat18.5K 282 C. Many-electronspectralcalculations 258 F. Americium 283 1. TheO (cid:1)5d→5f(cid:2)edge 260 4,5 1. Pressure-dependentsuperconductivity 285 2. TheN (cid:1)4d→5f(cid:2)edge 261 4,5 G. Curium 286 IV. PhotoemissionSpectroscopy 263 H. Berkelium 288 A. Basics 263 VI. CommentsandFutureOutlook 288 B. Theoryinanutshell 264 Acknowledgments 291 1. Screeningofthephotoinducedhole 264 References 291 2. Kondoresonance 265 C. Experimentalresults 266 I.INTRODUCTION A.Theactinideproblem:Notenoughdata *Authortowhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed.Fax: The electronic and magnetic structure of most el- [email protected]. †Also at School of Earth, Atmospheric, and Environmental ementalmetalsinthePeriodicTableiswellunderstood. Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, Some exceptions to this are manganese, which has a UnitedKingdom. complicated magnetic structure that is still being inves- 0034-6861/2009/81(cid:1)1(cid:2)/235(cid:1)64(cid:2) 235 ©2009TheAmericanPhysicalSociety 236 KevinT.MooreandGerritvanderLaan: Natureofthe5f statesinactinidemetals tigated (cid:1)Hafner and Hobbs, 2003; Hobbs et al., 2003(cid:2), physics involved and the lack of a healthy body of ex- cerium, which has an apparent isostructural fcc→fcc perimental data from which to validate the theory. phase transformation with a volume change of (cid:3)17% In order to counter the lack of experimental data, that is due to a fundamental change in the behavior we are progressively recording the various core d of the 4f states (cid:1)Johansson, 1974; Koskenmaki and →valence f transitions of the actinides using electron- Gschneidner, 1978; Allen and Martin, 1982(cid:2), and pluto- energy-loss spectroscopy (cid:1)EELS(cid:2) in a transmission elec- nium, which not only exhibits a wide variety of exotic tron microscope (cid:1)TEM(cid:2) (cid:1)Moore et al., 2003; Moore, behaviorsduetothecomplexnatureofthe5fstates,but Chung, Morton, et al., 2004; Moore, Wall, Schwartz, et also sits at the nexus of an anomalous (cid:3)40% volume al.,2004;vanderLaanetal.,2004;Moore,vanderLaan, change that occurs in the actinide series (cid:1)Zachariasen, Haire, et al., 2006; Moore, van der Laan, Tobin, et al., 1973; Hecker, 2000, 2004; Albers, 2001(cid:2). 2006; Moore and van der Laan, 2007; Moore, van der Focusing on the actinides, it is apparent that only Laan, Haire, et al., 2007; Moore, van der Laan, Wall, et modest attention has been given to the light to middle al., 2007; Butterfield et al., 2008(cid:2). Once acquired, the metals in the series, excluding uranium (cid:1)Lander et al., spectra are analyzed using multielectron atomic spectral 1994(cid:2). There have been experimental investigations on calculations (cid:1)Thole and van der Laan, 1987, 1988a, the phase transformations (cid:1)Ledbetter and Moment, 1988b; van der Laan and Thole, 1988a, 1996(cid:2) to discern 1976; Zocco et al., 1990; Hecker, 2004; Blobaum et al., fundamentalaspectsoftheelectronicstructureofthe5f 2006(cid:2), electronic structure (cid:1)Baer and Lang, 1980; Nae- statesintheactinidemetals,suchasangularmomentum geleetal.,1984;Havelaetal.,2002;Gouderetal.,2005(cid:2), coupling mechanisms, electron filling, and limits on the charge-density waves (cid:1)Smith et al., 1980; Smith and number of valence electrons. We purposefully focus on Lander, 1984; Marmeggi et al., 1990; Moore et al., 2008(cid:2), the 5f states, since they are the main culprit for most of phonon-dispersion curves (cid:1)Manley, Lander, Sinn, et al., the odd behaviors observed in actinide metals, alloys, 2003; Wong et al., 2003(cid:2), effects of self-induced irradia- and compounds. tion (cid:1)Schwartz et al., 2005(cid:2), and pressure-induced phase Inthisreview,wecoverprogressinunderstandingthe transformations (cid:1)Roof et al., 1980; Haire et al., 2003; electronic structure of the 5f states in the actinide metal Heathman et al., 2005(cid:2). Yet even with these and other series. First, we cover EELS for the O (cid:1)5d→5f(cid:2) and 4,5 studies, there are still many unanswered questions, and the N (cid:1)4d→5f(cid:2) edges of thorium (cid:1)Th(cid:2), uranium (cid:1)U(cid:2), 4,5 arguments persist on topics such as the number of elec- neptunium (cid:1)Np(cid:2), plutonium (cid:1)Pu(cid:2), americium (cid:1)Am(cid:2), and trons in valence states, magnetism, angular momentum curium (cid:1)Cm(cid:2) metal.2 Next, we derive and examine the coupling,andthecharacterofbonding.Theheaviestac- many-electron atomic spectral calculations for the d→f tinides have almost no experimental investigations, gen- transitions, paying close attention to the LS-, jj-, and eratingonlyarudimentarylevelofunderstanding.Thus, intermediate-coupling mechanisms. Returning our at- the actinide series as a whole is modestly understood, tention to experiment, we cover inverse, valence-band, with the level of comprehension decreasing with atomic and 4f core x-ray photoemission of the actinide metals number. The lack of experiments is due to the toxic and up to Am. Finally, with all the EELS, many-electron radioactive nature of the materials, which makes han- atomic calculations, and photoemission (cid:1)PE(cid:2) spectra dling difficult and expensive. In addition, the cost of the compiled, the electronic structure of each elemental materials themselves is exceedingly high, meaning ex- metal is discussed in turn. Further experimental results periments that need a large amount of materials further are considered, such as x-ray absorption spectroscopy, increase the expense of research. transport measurements, and electron, x-ray, and neu- Theoreticalworkonactinidemetalsisextensive,since tron diffraction, as well as theoretical models, such as theory allows one to circumvent the need to physically DFT and DMFT. The combination of experimental and handle the materials.1 The theoretical studies range theoretical results forms a cogent picture of the physics from density-functional theory (cid:1)DFT(cid:2) with either the of the 5f states in the elemental actinide metals. generalizedgradientapproximation(cid:1)GGA(cid:2)orthelocal- density approximation (cid:1)LDA(cid:2) to multielectron atomic B.Actinideseriesoverview spectral calculations to dynamical mean-field theory (cid:1)DMFT(cid:2). Regardless of this considerable body of work, In the Hamiltonian used for electronic-structure cal- progress in understanding from these calculations has culations, there are two standard ways to couple the an- been hampered due to the extreme difficulty of the gular momenta of multielectronic systems: Russell- Saunders(cid:1)LS(cid:2) andjj coupling.Inatomswherethespin- 1Examples: Gupta and Loucks, 1969; Skriver et al., 1978; orbit coupling is weak compared to the Coulomb and exchange interactions, the orbital angular momenta(cid:1) of Skriver, 1985; Solovyev et al., 1991; Söderlind, Johansson, and individual electrons are coupled to a total orbital angu- Eriksson,1995;vanderLaanandThole,1996;Penicaud,1997; Fastetal.,1998;Söderlind,1998;Erikssonetal.,1999;Savrasov lar momentum L, and likewise the spin angular mo- and Kotliar, 2000; Savrasov et al., 2001; Dai et al., 2003; Kute- pov and Kutepova, 2003; Söderlind and Sadigh, 2004; Wills et al., 2004; Pourovskii et al., 2005; Shick et al., 2005; Moore, 2Wediscussprotactinium(cid:1)Pa(cid:2)andberkelium(cid:1)Bk(cid:2)inthelater Söderlind,Schwartz,etal.,2006;Shicketal.,2006;Shimetal., sectionseventhoughwepresentnoEELS,valence-band,or4f 2007;Svaneetal.,2007;Marianettietal.,2008. photoemissionspectroscopy. Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.81,No.1,January–March2009 KevinT.MooreandGerritvanderLaan: Natureofthe5f statesinactinidemetals 237 menta s are coupled to a total S. Then L and S are coupled to form the total angular momentum J. This approach simplifies the calculation of the Coulomb and exchange interactions, which commutate with L, S, and J, and hence are diagonal in these quantum numbers. Forheavierelementswithlargernuclearcharge,relativ- istic effects give rise to a large spin-orbit interaction, which is diagonal in j and J, but not in L and S. There- fore, in the jj-coupling scheme the spin and orbital an- gular momenta s and (cid:1) of each electron are coupled to form individual electron angular momenta j and then the different j are coupled to give the total angular mo- mentumJ.ItisknownthatLS couplingholdsquitewell for transition metals (cid:1)in the absence of crystal field(cid:2) and for rare-earth metals. Their atoms exhibit a Hund’s rule groundstatewithmaximumS andL,whicharecoupled by spin-orbit interaction antiparallel (cid:1)parallel(cid:2) to each other for less (cid:1)more(cid:2) than half-filled shell, resulting in FIG. 1. (cid:1)Color online(cid:2) Wigner-Seitz radius of each metal as a J=(cid:4)L−S(cid:4) (cid:1)J=L+S(cid:2). However, for the 5f states of the functionofatomicnumberZforthe5d,4f,and5fmetalseries. actinidesthespin-orbitinteractionismuchstronger,giv- FromBoringandSmith,2000.Theupper-leftinsetsschemati- ing a significant mixing of the Hund’s rule ground state cally illustrate localized and delocalized 5f states between ad- byotherLS stateswiththesameJ value.Hence,theLS jacentactinideatoms.FromAlbers,2001. states are less pure and there is a tendency toward the jj-coupling limit. The choice of the coupling limit has both behaviors. First, a parabolic-like decrease in vol- profound implications for the expectation value of the spin-orbit interaction, as well as for any other orbital- umeisobservedwithincreasingf-electroncount,similar related interactions, such as the orbital magnetic mo- to the 5d series. Then, a large jump in volume occurs in ment. The safest way to address the 5f states is to use the vicinity of Pu, which is followed by little change for intermediate coupling, where the actual size of the spin- Am and beyond, similar to the rare-earth series. orbit and electrostatic interaction is accounted for. In In the 5f states, there is a spin-orbit splitting of thisreview,weshowthatthiscouplingcanleadtoafew 1–2 eV between the j=5/2 and 7/2 levels due to rela- surprises, such as the magnetism-driven state of a high- tivistic effects. This causes the 5f electrons to tend to- pressure phase of Cm metal. ward a jj-coupling mechanism where the early actinide In order to understand the bonding of the 5f metals metals preferentially fill the j=5/2 level (cid:1)Söderlind, acrosstheactinideseries,itisinstructivetoconsiderthe 1994; Moore, van der Laan, Haire, et al., 2007; Moore, 4f and 5d metal series. Actinide metal bonding can be van der Laan, Wall, et al., 2007(cid:2). Thus, the first part of separatedintotwodifferentbehaviors,onewherethe5f the actinide series in Fig. 1 shows a parabolic shape due electrons strongly participate in bonding and one where to the filling of the bonding and then antibonding states they offer little or no cohesion. This is schematically il- in the j=5/2 level. Here the 5f states are delocalized, lustratedinFig.1,wheretheWignerSeitzatomicradius forming bands and they are metallic. However, near the (cid:1)volume(cid:2) is given for each element in the 5d, 4f, and 5f point where the j=5/2 level is filled with the six elec- metal series. The 5d transition metals show a parabolic- trons, the 5f electrons retract and localize, leaving the like change in volume due to an increase in the number (cid:1)spd(cid:2)3 electrons to perform the bulk of the bonding in of d electrons. In traversing the series, the size of the the metal. The loss of 5f bonding causes the large vol- atomsfirstdecreasesduetothefillingofthe5d bonding ume increase in the actinide series shown in Fig. 1. In- states, then begins to increase as the antibonding states terestingly, the crystallographic volume change occurs are filled. This parabolic-like behavior is indicative of a over a span of six solid allotropic phases of Pu system with itinerant electrons that participate in the (cid:1)(cid:2),(cid:3),(cid:4),(cid:5),(cid:5)(cid:1),(cid:6);seeFig.2(cid:2),where(cid:2)hasthehighestden- bonding. In the 4f rare-earth series the opposite case is sity and (cid:5)the lowest. After Pu, the actinide series ap- observed, one in which the volume changes little be- pears similar to the rare-earth series due to the absence cause the 4f electrons are localized and do not strongly of appreciable f-electron bonding; accordingly, the 5f participate in bonding. Rather, the (cid:1)spd(cid:2)3 electrons act states behave in a more atomic fashion. tobindthemetals,andbecausethespdelectronsdonot The changes that occur in the actinide series can be vary in count from trivalent along the rare-earth series, visualized in a different manner using the “pseudo- almostnochangeinpackingdensityisobserved.Excep- binary” phase diagram shown in Fig. 3 (cid:1)Smith and tionsintherare-earthseries,whichareomittedinFig.1, Kmetko, 1983(cid:2). In this diagram, the binary phase dia- are Eu and Yb. Both these metals are divalent with grams for each neighboring elemental metals are mar- (cid:1)spd(cid:2)2andthushavealargervolumethantherestofthe ried together. The phase boundaries that are not exact trivalent rare-earth metals. Finally, the 5f series shows matches between diagrams are extrapolated using logi- Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.81,No.1,January–March2009 238 KevinT.MooreandGerritvanderLaan: Natureofthe5f statesinactinidemetals FIG.4. (cid:1)Coloronline(cid:2)A“pseudobinary”phasediagramofthe light to middle 5f actinide metals as a function of pressure (cid:1)fromLindbaumetal.,2003,withthephaseboundariesforCm updated using Heathman et al., 2005, and Cm-Bk alloys from Heathman et al., 2007(cid:2). The pressure behaviors of Np and Pu are not shown, but the ground-state crystal structure of each metalisindicated. cal guesses based on thermodynamic principles. Thus, whilethepseudobinaryphasediagramisnotstrictlycor- rect, it does afford great insight into the general behav- FIG. 2. (cid:1)Color online(cid:2) Atomic volume of Pu as a function of ior of the actinide metal series. Examining Fig. 3 shows temperature, including the liquid phase. The crystal structure that as the early actinide metals are traversed, several ofallsixsolidallotropiccrystalstructuresofthemetalisgiven changesoccurnearPu:themeltingtemperaturereaches in the lower right-hand side. Note the structure changes from a minimum (cid:1)Matthias et al., 1967; Kmetko and Hill, low-symmetry monoclinic to high-symmetry fcc, which occurs 1976(cid:2), the number of phases increases to a maximum, with exceedingly large volume changes over a short tempera- and the crystal structures become exceedingly complex turespan.FromHecker,2000. (cid:1)Zachariasen and Ellinger, 1963(cid:2). Whereas most metals are usually cubic or hexagonal, U, Np, and Pu exhibit tetragonal, orthorhombic, and even monoclinic crystal structures, the last being an atomic geometry usually found in minerals (cid:1)Klein and Hurlbut, 1993(cid:2). Pressure also causes rapid and numerous changes in the actinides metals, particularly the elements beyond Pu. This is illustrated in the phase diagram in Fig. 4 (cid:1)Lindbaum et al., 2003; Heathman et al., 2005, 2007(cid:2), where the phase fields for Am, Cm, Bk, and Cf are nu- merousandcomplicatedcomparedtothelightactinides. This is due to the fact that as pressure is increased in these metals, the 5f states begin to actively bond, pro- ducing low-symmetry crystal structures. Thus, high- pressure research for Am, Cm, Bk, and Cf is of great interest and is discussed in detail in the later sections. Atearlystagesofactinideresearch,thelow-symmetry crystal structures of the light actinide metals were as- cribed to directional covalent bonds (cid:1)Matthias et al., FIG.3. (cid:1)Coloronline(cid:2)A“pseudobinary”phasediagramofthe 1967(cid:2). However, over time it became evident that the 5f lighttomiddle5factinidemetalsasafunctionoftemperature. states in Th-Pu are delocalized and, to varying degrees, Near Pu, the melting temperature reaches a minimum, the bandlike.Arkoetal.(cid:1)1972(cid:2)andSkriveretal.(cid:1)1978(cid:2)first number of phases increases to a maximum, and the crystal showed that the 5f band is exceedingly narrow, on the structuresbecomeexceedinglycomplexforametal,exhibiting order of 2 eV. In turn, it was shown that narrow bands tetragonal, orthorhombic, and even monoclinic geometries. This is not entirely a thermodynamically valid phase diagram prefer low-symmetry crystal structures as illustrated by as some phase boundaries are guesses, however, the diagram the density-functional theory results in Fig. 5, where the doesofferinsightintothebehaviorandelectronicstructureof calculated total energy of different crystal structures is themetalsacrosstheseries.FromSmithandKmetko,1983. plottedasafunctionofcalculatedbandwidth(cid:1)Söderlind, Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.81,No.1,January–March2009 KevinT.MooreandGerritvanderLaan: Natureofthe5f statesinactinidemetals 239 Eriksson, Johansson, et al., 1995(cid:2). Four separate metals are shown, each with different electron bonding states: Al (cid:1)2p bonding(cid:2), Fe (cid:1)3d bonding(cid:2), Nb (cid:1)4d bonding(cid:2), and U (cid:1)5f bonding(cid:2). For all four metals, low-symmetry crys- tal structures are observed when the bandwidth is nar- row, such as found in the 5f states of the actinides at ambient pressure. On the other hand, high-symmetry structuresarefoundforwidebands,similarto4dand5d metals. This is even true for the 4f and 5f metals when they are pressurized to the point where the f states be- come broad enough to support high-symmetry cubic or hexagonal structures. The difference in bandwidth be- tweenthes,d,andf statesisschematicallyillustratedin theinsetoftheFepanelofFig.5.Whereasthesbandis on the order of 10 eV wide and the d band is on the order of 6 eV wide, the f band is only about 2 eV wide. Ofcourse,pressurevariesthesebandwidths,whereposi- tive pressure widens the band while negative pressure narrows the bands, reducing the crystal structure sym- metry (cid:1)Söderlind, Eriksson, Johansson, et al., 1995(cid:2). The symmetry reduction due to narrow bands shown by Söderlind, Eriksson, Johansson, et al. (cid:1)1995(cid:2) illus- trates that the crystal structure of a metal distorts through a Peierls-like mechanism. The original Peierls- distortion model was formulated in a one-dimensional lattice, where a row of equidistant atoms can lower its total energy by forming pairs. The lower periodicity causes the degenerate energy levels to split into two bands with lower and higher energies. The electrons oc- cupythelowerlevels,sothatthedistortionincreasesthe bonding and reduces the total energy. In one- dimensionalsystems,thedistortionopensanenergygap attheFermilevelmakingthesystemaninsulator.How- ever, in the higher dimensional systems, the material re- mains a metal after the distortion because other Bloch states fill the gap. This mechanism is effective if there aremanydegeneratelevelsneartheFermilevel,thatis, if the energy bands are narrow with a large density of states. This, of course, is the case for the light actinide metals. At ambient pressure, U, Np, and Pu exhibit a large numberofcrystalstructuresasthetemperatureisraised to melting, due to small energy differences between al- lotropic phases. The small energy differences between crystals is a result of a narrow 5f band with a high den- sity of states at the Fermi energy and a slightly broader d band, each of which are incompletely filled and close in energy. The effect on the actinides can be seen in the rearrangedPeriodicTableshowninFig.6(cid:1)a(cid:2),whichcon- tains the 4f, 5f, 3d, 4d, and 5d metals (cid:1)Smith and FIG.5. (cid:1)Coloronline(cid:2)Plotofthecalculatedenergiesasafunc- Kmetko, 1983(cid:2). At ground state, the metals in the lower tion of the calculated bandwidth for Al, Fe, Nb, and U. Note left exhibit superconductivity and the metals in the up- that for all metals, regardless of bonding states, the crystal per right exhibit a magnetic moment. The white band is structure adopts a low-symmetry geometry when the band- a transition region where metals are on the borderline widthbecomesnarrow.Thisshowsthatthesymmetryofacrys- between localized (cid:1)magnetic(cid:2) to itinerant (cid:1)conductive(cid:2) tal structure depends on the bandwidth of the bonding elec- valence electron behavior. The metals at the transition tron states. Thus, the narrow 5f bands that are actively bonding in the light actinides are directly responsible for the betweenmagneticandsuperconductingbehaviorexhibit low-symmetry crystal structures observed. From Söderlind, numerous crystallographic phases with small energy dif- Eriksson,Johansson,etal.,1995. ference between crystal structures. This increase in the Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.81,No.1,January–March2009 240 KevinT.MooreandGerritvanderLaan: Natureofthe5f statesinactinidemetals FIG. 7. (cid:1)Color online(cid:2) A “Hill plot” for a large number of U compounds. The superconducting (cid:1)T (cid:2) or magnetic ordering S (cid:1)T orT (cid:2)temperatureforeachcompoundplottedasafunc- N C tion of U-U interatomic distance. The transition from super- conductivity to magnetism occurs around 3.5Å, with only a fewexceptions.FromHill,1970. FIG.6. (cid:1)Coloronline(cid:2)Theground-statebehaviorandnumber of solid allotropic phases of all the five metal series. (cid:1)a(cid:2) Rear- near, the transition. Examples where pressure is used to ranged Periodic Table where the five transition-metal series, change the 5f states of actinides from localized to delo- 4f,5f,3d,4d,and5dareshown.Whencooledtogroundstate, calized via a diamond anvil cell are Am (cid:1)Lindbaum et themetalsinthelowerleftexhibitsuperconductivitywhilethe al., 2001(cid:2), Cm (cid:1)Heathman et al., 2005(cid:2), Bk (cid:1)Haire et al., metals in the upper right exhibit a magnetic moment. The 1984(cid:2),Cf(cid:1)Petersonetal.,1983(cid:2),andBk-Cfalloys(cid:1)Itieet whitebandrunningdiagonallyfromupperlefttolowerrightis al., 1985(cid:2). In each case, as the pressure is increased, the whereconductionelectronstransitionfromitinerantandpair- structure changes from a high-symmetry, high-volume ing to localized and magnetic. Slight changes in temperature, cubic or hexagonal structures to low-symmetry, low- pressure, or chemistry will move metals located on the white volume orthorhombic or monoclinic structures that are bandtoeithermoreconductiveormoremagneticbehavior.(cid:1)b(cid:2) Version of (cid:1)a(cid:2) where the number of solid allotropic crystal indicativeofactive5fbonding.ExaminingAm,Cm,and Bk in Fig. 4 clearly illustrates this loss of symmetry as structures for each metal is indicated by gray scale. Lighter pressureisincreased.Inanoppositebutsimilarmanner, shades indicate more phases. Notice that a band of lighter shadesmirrorsthewhitebandin(cid:1)a(cid:2),showingthatmetalsonor Pu metal can be transformed from the low-symmetry nearthetransitionbetweenmagneticandsuperconductivebe- monoclinic(cid:2)phasetothehigh-symmetryface-centered- havior exhibit numerous crystal phases. From Smith and cubic (cid:5)phase by raising the temperature from ambient Kmetko,1983andBoringandSmith,2000. conditions to (cid:3)600 K, as shown in Fig. 2. The high- temperature (cid:5)phase of Pu can also be retained to room temperature by the addition of a few atomic percent of number of phases near the transition is clearly shown in Al,Ce,Ga,orAm(cid:1)HansonandAnderko,1988;Hecker, Fig. 6(cid:1)b(cid:2), where gray scale indicates the number of solid 2000(cid:2). Indeed, the crystal structure of U, Np, Pu, and allotropic phases observed. The diagonal of lighter Am can all be changed by alloying with small amounts shades (cid:1)more phases(cid:2) in Fig. 6(cid:1)b(cid:2) matches the white ofdopantsduetothesensitivityofthe5fstates.Thefact bandinFig.6(cid:1)a(cid:2).Thus,eachofthemetalsthatlieonthe thatthecrystalstructureofmostmiddleactinidescanbe localized-itinerant band has frustrated valence electrons easily altered by pressure, temperature, and chemistry andexhibitsnumeroussolidallotropiccrystalstructures. makes for rather interesting and unique physics. U,Np,Pu,andAmallexhibitnumerousphaseswithPu Given the small energy differences between multiple showing an unsurpassed six different crystal structures structures in actinide metals near the itinerant-localized that are almost energetically degenerate. transition in Fig. 6(cid:1)a(cid:2), subtle changes can have dramatic Returning our attention to Figs. 3 and 4, we now see effectsonthemagneticbehaviorofU,Np,Pu,andAm. why the crystal structure of the actinide metals near Pu An example of this is shown in Fig. 7, where the super- are so sensitive to temperature and pressure. The close conducting and magnetic transition temperatures for a energylevelsofbondingstatesandsubsequentlargede- number of U metals, alloys, and compounds are plotted gree of hybridization in the actinides near the itinerant- againsttheU-Uinteratomicspacing.Theoriginaltheory localizedtransitionallowthemetal’sbehaviortobeeas- by Hill (cid:1)1970(cid:2) is that the degree of overlap of the ily changed or “tuned” via pressure, temperature, and f-electron wave functions between neighboring actinide chemistry. This again is due to the small energy differ- atoms dictates whether a compound is magnetic or su- ences between crystal structures of the metals on, or perconducting,independentofcrystalstructureorother Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.81,No.1,January–March2009 KevinT.MooreandGerritvanderLaan: Natureofthe5f statesinactinidemetals 241 clearlyshowthatPuisatorneara5f5configurationwith at least one hole in the j=5/2 level (cid:1)Moore et al., 2003; Moore, van der Laan, Haire, et al., 2006, 2007; Moore, van der Laan, Wall, et al., 2007(cid:2). With the hole in the j =5/2 level, there should be an incomplete cancellation ofelectronspinand,accordingly,ameasurablemagnetic moment. How then is there no magnetic moment in the metal? Several explanations have been proposed, in- cluding Kondo shielding (cid:1)Shim et al., 2007(cid:2) and electron pairing correlations (cid:1)Chapline et al., 2007(cid:2). Kondo shielding, which is schematically shown in Fig. 8(cid:1)a(cid:2), oc- curs when s, p, and d conduction electrons cloak the localmagneticmomentthatshouldbepresentinPudue to the 5f5 configuration. Electron pairing correlation is another theory to explain the absence of magnetism in Pu,andisshownschematicallyinFig.8(cid:1)b(cid:2).Whenlattice distortions are present that lead to internal electric fields, spin-orbit effects can cause the spontaneous ap- pearance of spin currents and pairing of itinerant f elec- trons with opposite spin. Simple symmetry consider- ationsimplythatanelectricfieldcanleadtospinpairing only if spin-orbit interactions are important, which is in- deed known to be true for Pu. Recent magnetic suscep- tibility measurements have in fact shown that magnetic moments on the order of 0.05(cid:7)/atom form in Pu as B damage accumulates due to self-irradiation (cid:1)McCall et al., 2006(cid:2). This suggests that small perturbations to the delicate balance of electronic and magnetic structure of FIG.8. (cid:1)Coloronline(cid:2)Schematicdiagramof(cid:1)a(cid:2)Kondoshield- Pu metal may destroy or degrade whatever mechanism ingofthe5fmomentbys,p,anddconductionelectrons(cid:1)Mc- is responsible for the lack of magnetism in Pu. Finally, Calletal.,2007(cid:2)and(cid:1)b(cid:2)electronpairingcorrelations(cid:1)Chapline spin fluctuations have been proposed as the reason for etal.,2007(cid:2).Eithermechanismmayberesponsibleformasking the anomalous low-temperature resistivity behavior of themagneticmomentinPuthatshouldbepresentduetothe Pu that shows no magnetism in the metal (cid:1)Nellis et al., 5f5 configuration (cid:1)Moore et al., 2003; Moore, van der Laan, 1970; Arko et al., 1972; Coqblin et al., 1978(cid:2). Spin fluc- Haire, et al., 2007; Moore, van der Laan, Wall, et al., 2007; tuations can be thought of as spin alignments that have Shimetal.,2007(cid:2). lifetimes less than (cid:3)10−14 s and are therefore too short to see via specific heat, susceptibility, or nuclear mag- atomic species present in the compound or alloy. Super- netic resonance (cid:1)Brodsky, 1978(cid:2). conducting compounds tend to have short distances be- The next logical question is what exactly is the under- tween actinide atoms, while magnetic compounds tend lying physics that causes the large volume change at the to have large distances between actinide atoms. Most localized-delocalizedtransitionintheactinideseries?To materials follow this behavior and for U the address this, we first look toward a metal with similar superconducting-magnetic transition is found to be near issues that also falls on the localized-itinerant transition 3.5 Å. Exceptions to this are U PtC , UGe , UPt , inFig.6,the4fmetalCe.Atambientpressure,Cemetal 2 2 3 3 UB ,andUN.UGe hasaU-Udistanceof0.42 nm,yet exhibits four allotropic crystal structures between abso- isno13nmagnetic.Follo3wingtheHillcriteria,thefstatesin lutezeroanditsmeltingtemperatureat1071 K:(cid:2),(cid:3),(cid:4), UGe should be localized with an atomic magnetic mo- and (cid:5). There are large hystereses between the transfor- 3 ment. The lack of magnetism is due the 5f electrons hy- mations of (cid:2), (cid:3), and (cid:4), causing phase boundaries to be bridizing into bands with the Ge p states, in turn break- kinetic approximations and mixtures of two or even ingdowntheHillcriteria.Thus,whilethistypeofplotis threephasestometastablypersistinthethermodynami- useful, being able to successfully predict the transition cally single-phase fields (cid:1)McHargue and Yakel, 1960; between magnetism and superconductivity in Ce, Np, Rashid and Altstetter, 1966(cid:2). When fcc (cid:4)-Ce transforms and Pu (cid:1)Smith, 1980(cid:2), it fails for some cases. to fcc (cid:2)-Ce upon cooling, it undergoes an isostructural While magnetism in actinide compounds is widely volume collapse of 17%. Several interpretations as to studied and accepted (cid:1)Santini et al., 1999(cid:2), magnetism in why this collapse occurs are available, such as the pro- pure Pu is often debated, even though there is no con- motion of the single 4f electron from localized and non- vincingexperimentalevidenceofmomentsinanyofthe bonding to delocalized and bonding (cid:1)Lawson and Tang, six allotropic phases of the metal (cid:1)Lashley et al., 2005; 1949(cid:2), a metal-to-insulator Mott transition (cid:1)Johansson, Heffner et al., 2006(cid:2). EELS and x-ray absorption (cid:1)XAS(cid:2) 1974(cid:2), and a Kondo volume collapse (cid:1)Allen and Martin, Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.81,No.1,January–March2009 242 KevinT.MooreandGerritvanderLaan: Natureofthe5f statesinactinidemetals atomiclike behavior. This frustrated behavior is exactly what is shown for Ce and Pu in Fig. 6. The DMFT ap- proach can discern between a metal-to-insulator Mott transitionandaKondocollapsescenario.MuchlikeCe, the exact physics driving the volume anomaly near Pu remains unanswered. Since Pu metal has necessitated the greatest advances in computational techniques for the actinide metals due to its difficult and interesting physics,adetailedandhistoricalperspectiveofDFTand DMFT will be presented in the Pu section. FIG.9. (cid:1)Coloronline(cid:2)Schematicdiagramoftheproductionof If the complex physics of the 5f states and the toxic a U and He atom through a decay of Pu. This self-induced natureofthematerialsarenotenough,addthefactthat irradiation slowly damages the crystal structure over time, most actinide metals accumulate damage over time due making understanding the physics of the metal even more toself-inducedradiation.Thiscomesintheformof(cid:2),(cid:3), challenging. and(cid:4)decaythatoccursindifferentamounts,depending on element and isotope (cid:1)Poenaru et al., 1996(cid:2). For ex- ample, (cid:2)decay occurs in Pu, as shown in Fig. 9. In this 1982(cid:2). The promotional model was challenged when Gustafson et al. (cid:1)1969(cid:2) showed that there was no signifi- process,aHeatomisejectedwithanenergyof(cid:3)5 MeV and a uranium atom recoils with an energy of (cid:3)86 keV cantchangeinthenumberoffelectronsbetween(cid:2)-and (cid:1)Wolfer,2000(cid:2).TheHeatomcreateslittledamagetothe (cid:4)-Ce via positron lifetime and angular correlation mea- lattice;however,theUatomdislodgesthousandsofplu- surements. The promotion model was further ques- tonium atoms from their normal positions in the crystal tioned by Compton scattering data (cid:1)Kornstädt et al., lattice, producing vacancies and interstitials known as 1980(cid:2)andx-rayabsorptionmeasurementsoftheLedges Frenkelpairs.Within(cid:3)200 ns,mostoftheFrenkelpairs (cid:1)Lengeler et al., 1983(cid:2) that showed no substantial va- annihilate, leaving a small amount of damage in the lat- lence change between (cid:2)- and (cid:4)-Ce. In disagreement tice. Over time, this damage accumulates in the form of withametal-to-insulatorMotttransition,photoemission defects, such as vacancies, interstitials, dislocations, and experiments (cid:1)Allen et al., 1981(cid:2) showed the f level is He bubbles (cid:1)Hecker, 2004; Schwartz et al., 2005(cid:2). What located between 2 and 3 eV below the Fermi energy in this means is that not only are actinide metals intrinsi- both phases, never crossing the Fermi level. Magnetic cally complicated, but lattice damage accumulates over formfactor(cid:1)Muranietal.,2005(cid:2)andphonondensitiesof time due to self-irradiation, further complicating the states(cid:1)Manley,McQueeney,Fultz,etal.,2003(cid:2)measure- physics of the materials. ments also disagree with a metal-to-insulator Mott tran- The discussion here is meant to serve as a general sition by showing that the magnetic moments remain overviewoftheactinideseries,wherethephysicsispre- localized in both phases. To date, the Kondo volume sentedinamannerthatisapproachableformembersof collapse, where the 4f level is always below the Fermi numerous scientific and engineering communities. More energy and results in a localized 4f magnetic moment, precise and detailed discussion of the electronic and seems the most plausible scenario. Indeed, DMFT cal- magnetic structure of each elemental 5f metal, where culationsoftheopticalpropertiesof(cid:2)-and(cid:4)-Ce(cid:1)Haule various experimental and theoretical data are discussed, etal.,2005(cid:2)areinagreementwiththeopticaldataofvan will be given later. Before this, we compile all the O 4,5 der Eb et al. (cid:1)2001(cid:2), supporting the Kondo picture. and N EELS edges, derivate and summarize the mul- 4,5 Nonetheless, the Ce issue is still not yet resolved and tielectron atomic spectral calculations used to analyze there is theoretical evidence supporting a combination the EELS data, and assemble the published inverse, of all three effects (cid:1)Held et al., 2001(cid:2). valence-band, and 4f photoemission data. While there Similar arguments are made for Pu, which also sits are several books on actinide physics and chemistry, directly on the localized-delocalized transition, but has such as Freeman and Darby (cid:1)1974(cid:2), Freeman and five 5f electrons rather than one 4f electron as in the Lander (cid:1)1985(cid:2), and Morss et al. (cid:1)2006(cid:2), we strive caseofCe.Themixed-levelmodel(cid:1)Erikssonetal.,1999; throughout to reference the original publications when Joyceetal.,2003;Willsetal.,2004(cid:2)postulatesthatwhile possible. Lastly, unpublished research that is in progress allfive5felectronsareactivelybondingin(cid:2)-Pu,thereis is discussed and referenced at points, since presenting only one actively bonding in (cid:5)-Pu with the other four suchdataandideas,albeitpreliminary,benefitsthecom- electrons effectively localized. This argument has some munity. similarity to the promotion model for Ce. DMFT pro- videsadescriptionoftheelectronicstructureofstrongly correlatedmaterialsbytreatingboththeHubbardbands II.ELECTRONENERGY-LOSSSPECTROSCOPY and quasiparticle bands on an equal footing (cid:1)Kotliar et al., 2006(cid:2). In strongly correlated materials, there is a Before progressing to the EELS spectra, the question competitionbetweenthetendencytowarddelocalization of why TEM is used for spectral acquisition should be of the bonding states, which leads to band formation, addressed. This has several answers. First, TEM utilizes and the tendency toward localization, which leads to small samples, allowing one to avoid handling appre- Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.81,No.1,January–March2009 KevinT.MooreandGerritvanderLaan: Natureofthe5f statesinactinidemetals 243 amination of only the phase(cid:1)s(cid:2) of interest. An example of this is shown in Fig. 10, where (cid:1)a(cid:2) is a bright-field TEM image of an fcc CmO particle in a dhcp (cid:2)-Cm 2 metal matrix, (cid:1)b(cid:2) is an (cid:5)0001(cid:6) diffraction pattern of the metal,and(cid:1)c(cid:2)isan(cid:5)001(cid:6)diffractionpatternofCmO .A 2 field-emission-gun TEM, such as the one used in these experiments, can produce an electron probe of (cid:3)5 Å, meaning recording spectra from a single phase when performing experiments is easily achieved. Quantita- tively measuring the reflections in the electron diffrac- tion pattern in Figs. 10(cid:1)b(cid:2) and 10(cid:1)c(cid:2), as well as other crystallographic orientations, proves that the correct phaseisexamined(cid:1)ZuoandSpence,1992;Moore,Wall, and Schwartz, 2002(cid:2). EELS spectra collected in the TEM can be compared to XAS spectra and many-electron atomic spectral cal- culationswithcompleteconfidence.Atfirstthismaynot seem a reasonable comparison, since transitions in XAS are purely electric dipole whereas in EELS there is also an electric-quadrupole transition due to momentum transfer (cid:1)Reimer, 1995; Egerton, 1996(cid:2). However, Moser and Wendin (cid:1)1988, 1991(cid:2) showed on the O (cid:1)5d→5f(cid:2) 4,5 and N (cid:1)4d→5f(cid:2) edge of Th that as the energy of the 4,5 incident electron is increased, the EELS spectral shape FIG.10. Anillustrationoftheabilityoftransmissionelectron becamemoresimilartoXAS,andataround2 keVthey microscopy to image and identify materials at the nanometer scale. (cid:1)a(cid:2) Bright-field TEM image of a CmO particle con- are close to identical. The incident energy of the TEM 2 tained in a dhcp (cid:2)-Cm metal matrix. (cid:1)b(cid:2) An (cid:5)0001(cid:6) electron- electron source used in these studies is 297 keV, ensur- diffraction pattern of (cid:2)-Cm metal and (cid:1)c(cid:2) an (cid:5)001(cid:6) pattern of ing the electron transitions are close to the electric- CmO . Examining the scale bar in (cid:1)a(cid:2) attests to the fact that dipole limit. The use of apertures that remove high- 2 recordingEELSspectraanddiffractionpatternsfromasingle angle Bragg and plural scattering (cid:1)Moore, Howe, and phase is straightforward given the ability to form an (cid:3)5Å Elbert, 1999; Moore, Howe, Veblen, et al., 1999; Moore, electron probe in the TEM. Thus, spectral investigations can Stach, Howe, et al., 2002(cid:2) further refines the quality of beperformedonhighlysite-specificregions,suchasinterfaces, EELS, providing spectra that are practically identical to dislocations,andgrainboundaries. XAS for transition metals (cid:1)Blanche et al., 1993(cid:2), rare earths (cid:1)Moore, Chung, Morton, et al., 2004(cid:2), and ac- tinides(cid:1)Moore,vanderLaan,Tobin,etal.,2006(cid:2).Look- ciable amounts of toxic and radioactive materials. The ingspecificallyatactinides,directcomparisonofThand alternativeisXASperformedatamultiusersynchrotron U O edge can be made between EELS (cid:1)Moore et al., radiation facility, which is less well adapted for the deli- 4,5 2003; Moore, Wall, Schwartz, et al., 2004(cid:2) and XAS (cid:1)for cate and secure handling of radioactive materials. Sec- Th:Cukieretal.,1978;Aonoetal.,1981;forU:Cukieret ond, the technique is bulk sensitive due to the fact that 297-keV electrons traverse (cid:3)40 nm of metal, this being al., 1978; Iwan et al., 1981(cid:2). Similar comparisons can be made for the N edge of U for EELS (cid:1)van der Laan et the appropriate thickness for quality EELS spectra of 4,5 al., 2004(cid:2) and XAS (cid:1)Kalkowski et al., 1987(cid:2). In all cases, actinide materials. A few nanometers of oxide do form the EELS and XAS spectra are identical within error. onthesurfacesoftheTEMsamples,butthisisinsignifi- This equivalence between EELS and XAS is becom- cant in comparison to the amount of metal sampled ing stronger now that monochromated TEMs are avail- through transmission of the electron beam. Third, met- able that have an energy resolution comparable to als at or near the localized-itinerant transition in Fig. 6(cid:1)a(cid:2) exhibit numerous crystal structures that can coexist monochromatized synchrotron radiation (cid:1)Lazar et al., in metastable equilibrium due to close energy level be- 2006;WaltherandStegmann,2006(cid:2).Infact,someTEMs tweenphases.Therefore,acquiringsingle-phasesamples can even resolve better than 50 meV (cid:1)Bink et al., 2003(cid:2), of metals at or near this transition, such as Mn (cid:1)four which is close to the energy of phonon excitations. An phases(cid:2), Ce (cid:1)four phases(cid:2), and Pu (cid:1)six phases(cid:2), is uncer- example of monochromated EELS with 100 meV en- tain, making spectroscopic techniques with low spatial ergy resolution as compared to synchrotron XAS is resolution questionable. Finally, actinide metals readily shown in Fig. 11. The N (cid:1)4d→4f(cid:2) and M (cid:1)3d→4f(cid:2) 4,5 4,5 react with hydrogen and oxygen, producing many un- transitionsof(cid:4)-CeareshownforEELSspectraacquired wanted phases in the material during storage or prepa- in a monochromated TEM, XAS from the Advanced ration for experiments. TEM has the spatial resolution Light Source at the Lawrence Berkeley National Labo- to image and identify secondary phases (cid:1)Hirsch et al., ratory, and many-electron atomic spectral calculations 1977;Reimer,1997;FultzandHowe,2001(cid:2),ensuringex- (cid:1)Moore,Chung,Morton,etal.,2004(cid:2).Notethesimilarity Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.81,No.1,January–March2009 244 KevinT.MooreandGerritvanderLaan: Natureofthe5f statesinactinidemetals FIG. 11. The N (cid:1)4d→4f(cid:2) and M (cid:1)3d→4f(cid:2) transitions for 4,5 4,5 (cid:4)-Ce metal as acquired by EELS, XAS, and many-electron atomic spectral calculations. Of particular importance is the factthattheXASandEELSfromamonochromatedTEMare essentiallyidenticalinbothresolutionandspectralshape.This means that comparison between the techniques, as well as to multielectronicatomiccalculations,isentirelyjustified. betweenspectra,particularlythetwoexperimentalspec- FIG.12. TheexperimentalO (cid:1)5d→5f(cid:2) EELSedgesforTh, 4,5 tra, which illustrates that EELS in a TEM is practically U,Np,Pu,Am,andCmmetal.Ineachcase,theground-state identical to synchrotron-radiation-based XAS. Ironi- (cid:2)phasewasexamined.Electrondiffractionandimagingofthe cally, a monochromated source is not needed for EELS Am sample in the TEM showed that it contained heavy amounts of stacking faults, which can be argued produces a measurements on actinides, since the intrinsic core-hole combination of (cid:2)and (cid:3)phases as it is simply a change in the lifetime broadening for the actinide d→f transitions is 111 plane stacking. However, spectra taken from areas with (cid:3)2 eV (cid:1)Kalkowski et al., 1987(cid:2). Nonetheless, the com- varying amounts of stacking faults showed no detectable dif- parison of EELS in a monochromated TEM and ference in branching ratio. Thus, (cid:2)- and (cid:3)-Am should have synchrotron-radiation-based XAS in Fig. 11 firmly dem- verysimilarN spectraand,inturn,branchingratios. 4,5 Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.81,No.1,January–March2009

such as density-functional theory and dynamical mean-field theory. DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.81.235. PACS number(s): B. Theory in a nutshell. 264. 1. Screening of the photoinduced hole. 264 . J, and hence are diagonal in these quantum numbers. For heavier elements with larger nuclear charge,
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