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1 November 1996 UAB–FT–403 hep-ph/9611204 FT–UAM 96/43 Naturalness upper bounds on gauge mediated soft terms Paolo Ciafaloni IFAE - Grup de F´ısica Te`orica, Edifici Cn, Universitat Auto`noma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Espan˜a and INFN – Frascati – Italy 8 and Alessandro Strumia 9 Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica, Universidad Aut´onoma de Madrid, 9 1 28049, Madrid, Espan˜a and INFN, Sezione di Pisa, I-56126 Pisa, Italia n a J Abstract 5 1 After a general discussion about the quantitative meaning of the naturalness up- per bounds on the masses of supersymmetric particles, we compute these bounds 3 v in models with gauge-mediated soft terms. We find interesting upper limits on the 4 right-handed slepton masses that, unless the messenger fields are very light, disfa- 0 vor minimal models with large messenger content. Deep unphysical minima, that 2 however turn out to be not dangerous, are usually present in such models. The 1 1 µ-problem can be solved by adding a light singlet only at the price of a large amount 6 of fine tuning that gives also rise to heavy sparticles and large tanβ. 9 / h p - 1 Introduction p e h InsupersymmetrictheoriestheZ-bosonmassisdeterminedasafunctionofthesofttermsintheHiggs v: potential. For this reason it is unnatural that these soft terms be much larger than MZ. In specific i models thattry to understandtheorigin of thesoft terms, specificrelations hold between thesfermion X masses and the Higgs soft terms, allowing to place specific naturalness bounds on sparticle masses. r a The case of supergravity mediated soft terms [1] has been extensively studied under the assumptions of universal boundary conditions [2, 3, 4] or with relations suggested by unification theories [5, 6]. In this paper we will study the case of gauge-mediated soft terms [7]. If soft terms are mediated by ordinary gauge interactions, the combination of Higgs soft mass terms relevant for the determination of M is tipically much larger than the small soft mass terms of the right-handed sleptons, e˜ , that Z R must therefore be particularly light for naturalness reasons. Even though some crucial ingredients of the Higgs potential, the µ and B · µ terms, cannot be mediated by gauge interactions [8], we discuss how, under reasonable assumptions, it is nevertheless possible to compute and quantify the naturalnessbounds. Ourresultisthatinminimalmodels,unlesscancellations betweentheknownand the unknownmissingcontributions of more than one order of magnitudeare present, the right-handed sleptonsarelighter than100GeV. Althoughpossible, suchlarge cancellations have asmallprobability of about 10%. In section 2 we reconsider the general problem of quantifying the naturalness boundsin supersym- metric theories. In section 3 we compute the naturalness bounds in a wide class of minimal gauge mediation scenarios with the MSSM as the low energy theory. We also present in appendix A the exact solutions to the one-loop renormalization group equations (RGEs). In section 4 we focus on the models (‘NMSSM’) where the µ problem is solved by adding a light singlet to the observable MSSM fields. We find that, with gauge-mediated soft terms, the actual minimum of the potential is unphysical unless some parameters are unnaturally fine-tuned in such a way that also results in heavy sparticles and large tanβ. 1 2 Naturalness bounds In supersymmetric models the Z boson mass is obtained, by minimizing the potential, in function of the soft terms that enter in the Higgs potential. For example, in the MSSM at tree level, one has m2 −m2 tan2β M2 =−2|µ|2 +2 hd hu (1) Z tan2β−1 whereµisthe‘µ-term’andm2 (m2 )is thesoftmassoftheHiggs fieldsh (h )thatgives mass toup hu hd u d quarks (down quarks and leptons). Since there are contributions of both signs it is possible, although unnatural, that the sparticles be much heavier than the Z boson due to accidental cancellations between different terms in eq. (1). Naturalness considerations imply upper bounds on the sparticle masses, but it is difficult to give them an unambiguous quantitative meaning. Naturalness bounds had originally been quantified [2] by constraining the sensitivity of M2 with Z respect to variations of a set of parameters {℘} (soft terms, gauge and Yukawa couplings) chosen to bethe ‘fundamental’ ones. More in detail, it was required that the fractional variation of M (or M2) Z Z with respect to fractional variations of the parameters ℘ ℘ ∂M2 ∆[p]≡ Z, ∆ ≡ max∆[℘] (2) M2 ∂℘ ℘ Z be smaller than some maximum allowed value, ∆ < ∆ , originally chosen as 10. Following the lines lim of ref. [3, 4], where this definition has been criticized, let us now show some examples where it turns out to be too restrictive or inadequate. i. Let us first try to apply it to the case in which the supersymmetry breaking scale, and conse- quently the Z-boson mass, are dynamically determined, for example through gaugino condensa- tion in a ‘hidden’ sector. In such a case MZ ≈ MPl·e−c/gH2 , where g is the hidden sector gauge coupling constant renormalized at M and c is a numerical H Pl constant, dependenton the one-loop coefficient of the hidden gauge group β-function and on the mediation scheme. Even though ∆[g ] ∼ lnM /M is quite large, there is nothing unnatural. H Pl Z ii. As a second more practical example, let us consider the sensitivity of the Z-boson mass with respect to the top quark Yukawa coupling, λ . Since the pole top mass and the soft terms of t the fields h , Q˜ and t˜ involved in λ all run towards an infrared fixed point, they are very u R t weak functions of λ (M ). The fine-tuning can thus be significant if we choose M as a free t GUT t parameter, even when the soft terms are of O(M2), but becomes very mild if we choose λ Z t renormalized at an high scale. More generally, definition (2) depends on the parametrization of the parameter space in a possibly significant way. Inref.[4]thesecriticisms have beentaken intoaccount bysubstitutingthesensitivity ∆ofeq.(2)with a differently normalized one, ∆/h∆i obtained dividing ∆ by a suitably defined mean sensitivity h∆i. Somewhat less restrictive boundshave been obtained in this way. Since the numerical difference is not totally irrelevant, we will discuss such issues, choosing a simpler criterion based on solid arguments that, in some relevant case, turns out to be numerically equivalent to the original one [2]. We will now show that there is an unnaturally small probability p ≈ ∆−1 that the single ‘contributions’ to M2 Z in eq. (1) be ∆ times bigger than their sum, M2. Z Of course the difference between the ‘interesting’ case of eq. (1) and the one of example i. is the possibilityofcancellations betweendifferentcontributions. Asaconsequence,whileinexamplei.small variations of the parameters can only render M2 orders of magnitude smaller or larger, in the case of Z interest small variations of the parameters can make M2 negative (or more exactly, erase the SM-like Z minimum when the particular point M2 = 0 is reached), leading to an undesired qualitative change Z in the physics. This simple fact is at the basis of the difference between the two cases: it is only in the actually interesting case, eq. (1), that imposing an upper limit on M forces the parameter space to Z 2 shrink to a small region. In example i. instead, an upper limit on the Z-boson mass, M < Mlim, is Z Z satisfied in a large part of the parameter space g < glim. Only in the first case a too light Z boson is H H unnatural. This difference between the two cases cannot be seen if one only looks at the derivatives of M2, that determine the fine-tuning as in eq. (2). In fact, even though in both cases M2 has a strong Z Z dependenceon ℘, it is only in the ‘actual’ case, where it is possible for M2 to vanish, that a firstorder Z Taylor expansion of M2(℘+δ℘) gives a correct approximation of the real behavior. In this case, a Z Z boson much lighter than the soft terms, as can be obtained for some value ℘ of the parameters, is characteristic of only a small range ℘−δ℘...℘, where δ℘ ≈ ℘/∆[℘]. We now have to quantify the probability that the parameters ℘ lie in a given small range. Inthecase that thevalueof some particular parameter ℘ (for example λ , or g , or g )is known t 3 GUT with some error σ , the probability that ℘ lies in some small range δ℘, compatible with the measured ℘ value, is p ∼ δ℘/σ = ∆[℘]−1 · (℘/σ ). Since M and g are today known with a ∼5% error the ℘ ℘ t 3 corresponding naturalness bounds are not the most interesting ones. Even though, for this reason, we have not presented the obvious precise expression of p in terms of the probability distribution of the measured parameters, it is useful to remark that such definition evades also the criticism discussed in ii. Insimplerterms,thishappensbecausethevariation ofM2 isthesamewhenM takes itsextremely Z t allowed values, or when λ (M ) takes its corresponding ones. t GUT Let us now consider the opposite case of parameters that have not been measured, such as the soft terms. Since we have no reason for asserting that the particular values ℘ − δ℘...℘ necessary to get the desired cancellation are more probable than, say, any value less than ℘, we must use σ ∼ ℘. The probability p of getting an accidental cancellation more precise than ∆[℘]−1 is thus ℘ p ∼ δ℘/σ = ∆[℘]−1. In other words the choice of a limiting allowed value of the sensitivity ∆[℘] ℘ is nothing more than a choice of a ‘confidence limit’ on unprobable cancellations. To conclude, we choose to normalize the probability so that it is 1 in situations in which we see nothing of unnatural, namely when no accidental cancellation is present. We have thus justified the criterion that we employ. For definiteness we will now briefly exemplifi- cate it, computing the corresponding bounds in the case of the ‘MSSM with universal soft terms at the unification scale’1. In this case we obtain, using the RGE-improved tree-level potential, and for λ values near to its infrared fixed point t 2+O(1)tan2β O(1.5)+O(10)tan2β M2 = −2|µ|2+ m2+ M2. (3) Z tan2β −1 0 tan2β−1 2 The dependence on A is negligible. Imposing ∆ < ∆ we get2, for moderate values of tanβ ∼ 2, 0 lim ∆ ∆ ∆ |µ|<M lim, m2<M2 lim, M <M lim (4) ∼ Zs 2 0∼ Z 2 2∼ Zs 10 Thecorrespondingboundson thesparticle masses can beeasily derived fromtheir expression in terms of µ, m and M [9], and from eq. (3), that connects the various soft parameters. 0 2 We now want to apply these considerations to the more predictive case of soft terms mediated by MSSM gauge interaction. 3 Gauge-mediated soft terms In a large class of minimal models the soft terms are predicted, at the messenger mass M , in terms U of only one scale, here called M : 0 α (M ) M (M ) = i U M , m2(M )= η·ci M2(M ), Aa(M ) =0, (5) i U α 0 R U R i U g U GUT 1A more complicate and realistic example can befound in ref. [6]. 2Wehaveconsidered thevariations of MZ2 at fixed tanβ; other authors prefer tokeep fixedthe‘B-parameter’ of the Higgs potential, obtaining an higher value of ∆. The difference is however not much significative, provided that MZ2 is extracted from theminimization of thefull one-loop potential, as we doin this article. 3 V 5 e 4 G n 3 i1 M 2 er ∆lim = 100 et (p > 99%) m 100 a r a p 7 s 6 mas 5 ∆ = 10 no 34 (pli m> 90%) ali η = 10 utr 2 Gauge-mediated (MU = 100 TeV) η = 1 e e n Supergravity (MGUT = 2·1016 GeV) η = 1/10 h T 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 1000 Right handed slepton mass in GeV Figure 1: Naturalness upper bounds in the plane (M ,m ) with tanβ = 2 in the cases of universal 1 e˜R supergravity-mediated and of gauge-mediated soft terms in models with different values of η, defined in eq. (5). Above (below) the straight line a slepton (a neutralino) is the lightest super-partner. where M are the three gaugino mass parameters, m2 are the soft mass terms for the fields R = i R Q˜,u˜ ,d˜ ,e˜ ,L˜,hu,hd, g is a generation index and a = u,d,e. The various quadratic Casimir coef- R R R ficients ci are listed in table 1. Finally, η parametrizes the different minimal models. For example R η = (n +3n )−1/2 in models with only one supersymmetry breaking singlet, with n copies of mes- 5 10 5 senger fields in the 5⊕¯5 representation of SU(5), and n copies in the 10⊕10 representation [8, 10]. 10 Values of η bigger than one are possible if more than one supersymmetry-breaking singlet is present, since an R-symmetry can suppress the gaugino masses with respect to the scalar masses. Before being able to compute the naturalness bounds we must face the problem that gauge in- teractions alone cannot mediate the (Peccei-Quinn breaking) ‘µ-term’, as well as the corresponding ‘B · µ-term’, so that we control only a part of the contributions to M2 in eq. (1). Even worse, it Z is also possible that the unknown physics required to solve the problem gives rise to non minimal contributions to the other soft terms, more probably only to the ones in the Higgs sector [8]. If, in the worst case, also the sfermions received unknown non-minimal contributions, not only would it be impossible to convert the upper bounds on the Higgs soft terms into upper bounds on the sfermion masses but also all the predictive power of gauge-mediation would be lost. For this reason we do not study this possibility. If instead unknown physics mediates new contributions only to the Higgs soft terms, the sfermion masses would be unaffected apart from a RGE correction due to the hypercharge couplings. This correction, that vanishes in the non-minimal models of ref. [8], is non negligible only if the masses of the Higgs fields h and h receive largely different extra contributions. Since such new contributions u d would enter additively in the expression for M2 (at least until the relevant potential is the RGE- Z improved MSSM one), they would not affect the naturalness bounds on M . This bound is, in fact, 0 not evaded if unknown non minimal contributions to M2 partially cancel the minimal ones: we are Z exactly going to compute how unnatural is this possibility. We could, of course, parametrize the unknown contributions to the Higgs masses but the corresponding naturalness bounds would not give rise to interesting upper bounds on the sfermion masses. For these reasons we can limit ourselves to compute the bounds on the minimal gauge-mediated 4 2a 2b 300 5 thick lines: ∆ = 100 250 4 lim V e 200 thick lines: G 3 ∆lim = 100 s in 150 (p > 99%) mas MU = 105 GeV on 2 MU = 1010 GeV η = 0.1 ectr MU = 1015 GeV 100 t∆hin =li n1e0s: ηη == 110 ed sel thin lines: lim nd 100 ∆ = 10 (p > 90%) a lim h 9 - ht 8 g Ri 7 6 50 5 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.1 1 10 tan β η Figure 2: The naturalness upper bound ∆ < 100 (thick lines) and ∆ < 10 (thin lines) on the right- handed selectron mass compared with its present experimental bound (horizontal dot-dashed line) and plotted as function of tanβ for M = 106GeV in figure 2a, and as function of η for tanβ = 2 in U figure 2b. contributions, parametrized by M . We can now begin our analysis observing that, since the right- 0 handed sleptons, e˜ , are the lightest sfermions3 the bounds on their masses are more interesting than R the bounds on the other heavier sfermions. Secondly, this bound is strong, because M2, as given Z in (1), receives contributions proportional to the large squark masses via the soft parameter m2 of hu the Higgs field h coupled to the top quark. u We can elucidate these points comparing this situation with what happens in the other well moti- vated case of supergravity mediated soft-terms. Even making the strong and unmotivated assumption of universal soft terms at the unification scale, m2(M ) = m2, the naturalness bounds are not R GUT 0 very interesting. In fact, in the limit where the sparticle spectrum is dominated by the contributions from m2, all the sparticle masses, and in particular the Higgs mass parameters that enter the MSSM 0 minimization conditions, are of the same order, m2(M ) = O(m2) so that the naturalness bounds, R Z 0 computed in (4), are not very interesting: ∆ m ≈ m <600GeV lim (6) e˜ 0∼ s 100 On the contrary in minimal gauge-mediation models where soft mass terms are generated by gauge interactions, there is a hierarchy between the lighter sleptons, that interact only weakly, and the heavier squarks and higgses, with strong or λ interactions (see eq. (5)). This hierarchy enhances the t naturalness bounds on the slepton masses. This difference between the two cases of supergravity and gauge-mediated soft terms is exemplified in figure 1, where we plot the naturalness upper bounds on the right-handed e˜ mass and on the gaugino mass parameter M . Note that in the unnaturalregions R 1 we are exploring µ is so large that M coincides, approximately, with the lightest neutralino mass. 1 We have chosen a small value of M = 105GeV ≪ M : for this reason the bound on the gaugino U GUT masses are weaker than in the supergravity case, where the running starts from M . Since the GUT dependence on tanβ is similar in the two cases, we have fixed tanβ = 2. 3Formoderatetanβ theright-handedsleptonsaredegenerate. Wewilldiscussinthefollowingthecaseoflargetanβ, where a stau state becomes even lighter. 5 3a 3b 4.0 4.0 V e G 3.5 90 12 3.5 1 0 βan 3.0 80 GeV 80 G 90 GeV 100 GeV 10 GeV GeV βan 3.0 300 GeV275 GeV 275 GeV 300 GeV 350 GeV 400 GeV t 2.5 eV t 2.5 2.0 m < 70 GeV 2.0 e R 1.5 1.5 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 1016 106 108 1010 1012 1014 1016 messenger mass in GeV messenger mass in GeV Figure 3: Contour-plot of the naturalness upper bound ∆ < 10 (fig 3a) and ∆ < 100 (fig 3b) on the right-handed slepton masses as function of (M ,tanβ) in the minimal model with η = 1. U Having shown the interest of the bounds on the e˜ masses, we can now pass to a more detailed R analysis. The Z boson mass can be easily determined as function of the supersymmetric parameters by minimizing the RGE-improved tree-level potential, that takes into account the dominant quantum effects, generated at all the scales from M down to Q ≈ M and thus enhanced by large logarithms. U Z As is well known [11], in this approximation the result has a strong unphysical dependence on the choice of the low-energy scale Q. This dependence can be reduced using the better approximation of minimizingthe one-loop effective potential [11,12], thatwe have employed in producingthenumerical resultsplottedinthefigures. However, sincethetop/stopsectorgivesthedominantcontributiontothe one-loop effective potential, a good approximation is obtained making the stop corrections negligible via an appropriate choice of the scale Q ∼ m and including only the top correction [12] to M2 in t˜ Z eq. (1) 1 sin2β 8λ4 m2 M2 → (1+δ )M2, with δ = t ln t˜ (7) Z top Z top (4π)2 1−cot2βg2 +g2 m2 Y 2 t where λ is the top quark Yukawa coupling in the MSSM. Using now the solutions (12) to the RGE t given in appendix A we get (0.5+5η)+(0.1+2η)cot2β (1+δ )M2 ≈ −2µ2+1.2 M2+··· (8) top Z 1−cot2β 0 wherewe have fixed M = 105GeV. We remark that, in our approximation, the possiblenon minimal U additional contributions to the Higgs soft terms, represented by the dots in eq. (8), enter additively even after RGE rescaling. This does not happen in the one-loop quantum potential. For this reason the full one-loop result has also a (negligible) dependence on the remaining free parameters: the sign of µ and the possible non-minimal contributions to the Higgs soft masses. In our plots we have set them to zero and chosen µ > 0. For a typical value of δ ≈ 0.6, the naturalness bound on the right-handed slepton masses is, top taking also into account the D-term contribution to the them (η+0.025)(1−cot2β) 1/2 M <M −sin2θ cos2β +∆ . (9) e˜R ∼ Z W lim(14η+1.5)+(5.5η+0.3)cot2β! 6 We now discuss the dependence of this bound on the various parameters. Expression (9) says that, as usual, the bound becomes stronger for small tanβ. In the limit tanβ → 1 the tree level Higgs potential has no quartic couplings, so that the one loop corrections become important and the full numerical result must be used. We show this dependence in figure 2a for M = 106GeV and for U different minimal models. The horizontal dot-dashed line represents the present lower experimental bound on the e˜ mass. R The dependence on the parameter η is plotted in figure 2b. We see that the bounds are stronger for smaller values of η, obtained with a large messenger field content. This is mainly a reflection of the fact that in such cases the selectron is so light that it usually is the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle (apart for the gravitino) [10]. Unless the messenger mass is either near to the unification scale or so small that the LSP decays within the detector, and unless there are cancellations of more than one order of magnitude, a large messenger field content is disfavored by the experimental lower bound on the e˜ mass. R In figure 3 we finally show, in the minimal model with η = 1, the dependence of the naturalness bounds ∆ < 10 and ∆ < 100 on the messenger mass as a contour-plot in the plane (M ,tanβ). lim lim U We see that one-loop effects become more important in the case of a more unnaturally splitted spec- trum. Duetothecompensationofdifferenteffects (higherM meansalongerrunningbutalsosmaller U squark masses at M ) the bounds are not much dependent on M . For the lowest possible values U U of M the running is so short that the λ -induced negative contributions to m2 are just sufficient U t hu to cancel the gauge-mediated contribution, giving rise to much weaker naturalness bounds on the sfermion masses. At the light of our naturalness considerations, a fully natural acceptable spectrum is possible in this case. In the same way we could obtain the corresponding upper bounds on the masses of the other supersymmetric particles. Since the typical correlations between different sparticle masses have been carefullystudied[10]wedonotneedtoreportherethelessinterestingboundsontheheaviersfermions, even if they could be more stable with respect to non minimal corrections. We also avoid discussing the boundson the Higgs masses because, since they contribute directly to M2 in eq. (1), these bounds Z are not characteristic of the specific model of soft terms we are considering. Beforeconcluding, weobservethatinthecaseoflargetanβ ∼ m /m , astaubecomessignificantly t b lighter than the other sleptons. This is due both to the renormalization corrections induced by λ , τ and to the left/right mixing term in the stau mass matrix. Since, especially for ∆ < 100, the stau masses depend in an important way also on the unknown µ term, we limit ourselves to observe that the naturalness bound on the lightest τ˜ mass is typically two times stronger than the ones we have so far presented on the e˜ mass. As usual [13], additional cancellations may be necessary to satisfy the R other minimization condition that should give a large value of tanβ. Finally, asanasideremark,wepointoutthat—againbecausetheHiggssofttermm2 islargeand hu negative — unless there are large non-minimal corrections to the soft terms, when M >10TeV/λ U ∼ b,τ the combination m2 ≡ m2 + m2 turns out to be negative. In this case the SM-like minimum is 2 hu L˜ not the unique vacuum state: the MSSM potential develops other deeper unphysical minima with hh i ≈ hL˜i [14]. The value of the fields at the minimum is given by the scale Q at which m2(Q ) = 0, u 0 2 0 and is typically one or two orders of magnitude below the mediation scale M . Alternatively, if Q is U 0 sufficiently large, non renormalizable operators (for example those responsible of the neutrino masses) can stabilize the potential along the direction L˜h at scales smaller than Q . u 0 However this kind of unphysical minimum is not a problem, since, as we will now discuss, the evolution of the universe will likely prefer the SM-like minimum. First of all, the only minimum present during the high-temperature phase is the symmetric one, φ= 0. If the relevant fields φ= {h ,L˜,Q˜,...} are not displaced from it when the universe cools down u below the Fermi scale, the electroweak phase transition [15] results in the usual SM-like vacuum. If, on the contrary, the relevant fields have a large vacuum expectation value φ at the end of inflation R (as would happen if the unphysical minimum were present also during inflation4), they will rapidly oscillate around the symmetric minimum with amplitude decreasing as φ(T) = φ ×(T/T ) where R R 4A non zero φR after inflation can be pushed to the origin φ = 0 during the pre-heating stage in models where the inflation field decays resonantly to a field coupled tothe flat direction L˜hu [16]. 7 T is the reheating temperature5. If T > φ thermal effects are therefore sufficient to solve the R R R cosmological problem posed by the unphysical minimum. Fortunately, the quantum corrections that give rise to the unphysical minima are not present during inflation [17]. For this reason we expect that φ = 0 so that the SM-like minimum is preferred R by cosmological history. To conclude that the situation is absolutely safe, we must ensure that the the tunneling rate towards the unphysical minimum is small enough. The rate, computed in [17], is in fact suppressed by a semi-classical factor expO(−1/λ2 ) and turns out to be small enough even if b,τ tanβ is large, unless the µ-term is very small. 4 The NMSSM with gauge-mediated soft terms An elegant attempt to overcome the difficulty of generating the µ-term consists in modifying the field content of the MSSM in such a way that the µ-term arises through the vacuum expectation value of a singlet S with superpotential obtained replacing [18] κ µhuhd → λShuhd− S3 (10) 3 so that λhSi = µ. The ‘B ·µ’ term is also naturally generated. This model (‘NMSSM’) has been extensively studied in the case of supergravity-mediated soft terms [19] finding that there are often inequivalent physically acceptable minima with different values of hSi, sometimes together with unphysicalminima where, for example hSi = 0. We point out that, in such cases, considering the thermal corrections to the potential and discussing the electroweak phase transition, for example along the lines of ref. [15], it is possible to compute which one of the various minima — not necessarily the deepest one — is selected by cosmological evolution. For example, if m2 ,m2 > 0 and m2 < 0 the chosen minimum will be the one that at zero temperature is not hd S hu separated by a potential barrier from the symmetric state where S = h = h = 0. This property u d makes simple to find it numerically. If deeper minima are present, it is also necessary to check if the tunneling rate is small enough. If instead m2 is negative there are two different such minima and S identifying the selected one becomes a very cumbersome numerical problem. These considerations are superfluous in the case of gauge-mediated soft terms, where the only minimum of the NMSSM potential is the unphysical one 2|mhu| hh i = , hh i = hSi = 0. u (g2 +g2)1/2 d Y 2 The reason is that the soft parameters of the singlet field, m2, A and A , zero at tree level, remain S κ λ too small with respect to mhu [20, 8]. The only possibility of avoiding this unfortunate situation consists in having a light and fine-tuned messenger spectrum such that m2 (Q) ∼ m2. In this case hu S M2 = O(m2) so that this fine-tuning also guarantee heavy sfermions and gauginos. Note also that in Z S such a case tanβ, as obtained from the NMSSM minimization condition, 2κλS2−A λS m2 sin2β = λ ∼ S , m2 +m2 +λ2(2S2+v2) m2 (tanβ) hu hd hd is large, tanβ ∼ 50. When m2 is not much smaller than 1/50 of the ‘natural’ value of the Higgs S soft terms, ∼ m2 (M ), the necessary fine tuning is not much worse than the minimal one, ∆>50, hu U ∼ anyway necessary to obtain a large tanβ [13]. A Renormalization of gauge-mediated soft terms Neglecting all couplings except the gauge and the top Yukawa ones, the solutions to the one loop RGEs between the messenger mass M and M may be written in terms of analytic functions and U Z 5We are interested in the case where φ>∼T, so that the fermions coupled to φ receive large masses that prevent its decay. 8 b cQ cuR cdR cL ceR cu cd ce i,g bu bd be i i i i i i i i i g g g 33 1 8 2 3 6 13 7 9 1 3 0 0 5 30 15 15 10 5 15 15 5 1 3 0 0 3 0 3 3 3 2 3 0 0 2 2 −3 8 8 8 0 0 16 16 0 3 6 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 Table 1: Values of the RGE coefficients in the MSSM. The coefficients chu and chd are equal to cL. i i i only one function, λmax(E), calculable only numerically [9]. We abbreviate the various functions of t E, ϕ(E), as ϕ and define t ≡ (4π)−2lnM2 /E2. E E GUT For simplicity we assume, consistently with their measured values, that the gauge couplings satisfy unification relations so that we can parametrize α (i = 1,2,3) and λ in terms of α and λ in i t GUT tGUT the usual way α (E) = α /[1+b g2 t(E)], (11a) i GUT i GUT λ2(E) ρ ≡ t = [1+λ2max(E)/λ2 E (E)]−1, (11b) E λ2max(E) t tGUT u t where we have defined E (E) ≡ αGUT cαi/bi, λmax(E) = 2bu lnMGUTEu(E′)dlnE′ −1/2. α i (cid:20)αi(E)(cid:21) t " 3ZlnE Eu(E) # Y The β-function coefficients b , listed in table 1, include only the contribution from the MSSM fields. i Consequently α ≈ 1/24 and λ are then just parameters in terms of which it is convenient GUT tGUT to express the solutions of the RGE below M for the gaugino masses M , for the trilinear terms Aa U i g (where a = u,d,e and g = 1,2,3 is a generation index) and for the soft masses m2 of the fields R. R The values of these parameters at the Fermi scale corresponding to the boundary conditions (5) are M = M ·α /α (12a) i 0 i GUT Aa = (xa+ 1baI′)M (12b) g 1 6 g 0 m2 = m2(M )+xRM2. (12c) R R U 2 0 The soft masses of the fields involved in the top quark Yukawa coupling get the additional corrections 1 m2 = m2 (M )+xhuM2− I (12d) hu hu U 2 0 2 1 m2 = m2 (M )+xQM2− I (12e) Q˜3 Q˜3 U 2 0 6 1 m2 = m2 (M )+xuRM2− I (12f) t˜R t˜R U 2 0 3 where we have defined 3 cR αn(M ) xR ≡ i [1− i U ], φ ≡ ρ −6λ2 t , nU b αn E E tE E i=1 i GUT X 3 cR αn(M ) αn(M ) xR ≡ i [ i U − i Z ], Φ ≡ φ2 −6λ2 t2(cug2) , n b αn αn E E tE E i i E i=1 i GUT GUT X and ρ −ρ (1−ρ )(ρ −ρ ) I ≡ [m2 (M )+m2 (M )+m2 (M )]· Z U +M2· Z Z U (φ +xu )2+ hu U Q˜3 U t˜R U 1−ρ 0 (1−ρ )2 U 1U U (cid:20) U 1−ρ ρ −ρ +2 Z(φ −φ )(φ +xu )−(Φ −Φ )− Z U(Φ +xu ) 1−ρ Z U U 1U Z U 1−ρ U 2U U U (cid:21) ρ −ρ I′ ≡ (φ −φ )+ Z U(xu +φ ) Z U 1−ρ 1U U U 9 All the coefficients are listed in table 1. References [1] R. Barbieri, S. Ferrara and C.A. 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