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Natural Variation in Abies of the Southern Appalachians PDF

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UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TTeennnneesssseeee,, KKnnooxxvviillllee TTRRAACCEE:: TTeennnneesssseeee RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd CCrreeaattiivvee EExxcchhaannggee Masters Theses Graduate School 8-1968 NNaattuurraall VVaarriiaattiioonn iinn Abies ooff tthhee SSoouutthheerrnn AAppppaallaacchhiiaannss John F. Robinson University of Tennessee - Knoxville Follow this and additional works at: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes Part of the Forest Sciences Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Robinson, John F., "Natural Variation in Abies of the Southern Appalachians. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1968. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/3250 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a thesis written by John F. Robinson entitled "Natural Variation in Abies of the Southern Appalachians." I have examined the final electronic copy of this thesis for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, with a major in Forestry. E. Thor, Major Professor We have read this thesis and recommend its acceptance: H. R. DeSelem, E. R. Buckner Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.) June2 4, 1968 Tot he GuraatdeC ouncil: I ams ubimttingh erweitha thesiwsr ittenb yJ ohnF .R obinson, entilted" Naturla Variationi nA bise otfh eS ouhtern Applaacihans".' I recommned thta itb e acceptfeodr nineq uartehro urso f crdeiti n paritalf ulfilmlent oft her euqirmeentsf or the degreeo fM aster of Scien,c weitha mjaor in Forsetry. � � Major We haver eadt hist hessi and reocmmnedi tsa cceapntec: a� A?� ;J./2.[lJL ' Acceptfeod rt heC ouncil: ViceC hanclelro for GraudateS tudiesa ndR eserach NATURAL VARITAIONI N ABIESO F THESO UTHERNA PPALACHIANS A Thesis Preesntedt o theG raduaet Councilo f TheU nivesrity ofT ennessee / InP artialFu lfillment of thRee uqirmeentsf ort he Degree Masteorf S cinece by JohnF . Robnisno Augus1t 968 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thew riterwi shest oe xpresssi nceraep preicationt oD r. E.T hor oft heD epartment oFfo restryf orh is counsel anda sssitnacea sh is majorp rofseso.r Apperciationi s alos expresesdt oD r. H. R. DeSelmo f theD epart- mento fB otnaya ndP rofessoEr. R .B ucknero ft heD epartmento fF orestry who haveb oht servedo nh isc ommitteea ndh avem adev aluablec ritciisms of them anucsrpit. He alos wihsest oe xpresasp perciaotnit oD r. AlanH eilmano f theD epratemnt oBfo tanfyor hisa ssistanwcieht micortcehnique, Thanks area los duet ot hem emberso ft heF acultayn dS tafoff theD eparmtento fF orestfroyr theirf ullc ooperaiton anda sssitance whenn eededw,i ths pecialm entino ofM issM aryA ndre',L abotroary Techincina. Paul Barentt'sa ssistanwciteh photgorahpy isa los grate- fully acnkowledged. Thep ersonnel of theU .S .F orets Servcie, U. S.P arkS ervcie, andP ennyslavniaD epartemnt oFfo restasn dW atres, awse lla s otehr inidviudal,s weree speically helpfuiln l ocatnigs uitablfei rs tands for thiss tuyd. Speical thankasr ed ue toD ot,t hew rite'rsw if,e for her excellentt ypingo ft hist hes.i s ii 79.4 r)"illl•. '.k�/k .._ . ABSTRACT Determiantinos: were madeo f seevralf oilaeg,s eed,a ndc onec harcate­r isticsf romm ateriaclo llectedt hroughuot threa ngeosf Abiesf raesrii n high elveationso fT ennesseNeo,r tCha orlina, ands outhrenV irgiian; Abiesb alsameav arp haneropliesi nW estV irgiiana ndn orhtern Virginia; andA biesb alsameaf rom itss outrhnemosdtis tribtuioni nP ennsylvania ands outhenr NewY ork. Naturavla riaitonw asi nevstigatetdo d etemriner elatinsohips amongt hees tax,a especialyl wiht refeerncet op ossiblhey birdity of A.b alsameav arp haenroplies inW estV irgniiaa ndn otrhern Virginia. Muchv ariatoinw asf onuda mogn speciesg roupsa nda mongs tnads within group.s Variaitonp atternss uggseteds ampilng frmo an otrh-sohu ctlnie. Standv alueso fm anyc hartaecirsticso verlapped,i nm any caseso bcsuring taxonomicb oudnareis. Hihg corrleaitonw ithn orht-south geogrhaipc locatiowna ss hownf or manyc hartaecirstic.s Variaiton wasn og reaterw ihtint hei ntermeidaet fir stands( �. balsameav arp hanreolpeis)t ha·hwi thiFnr aser fir stands £ot'1 2o·f t he 13 characitsetircs· anaylzed,a ndd istributino ofh ybrdi indevxa lueso f thei ntemrediatef irw asn ormal. Thet heoyr ofh ybrido rigino fi nter­ mediatef ir inW estV irginiaan dV irgiinaw asn otg enrealyl uphel.d Only onec haracitseitrc," leasfc arw idth"s howewdi devra riation withint he inetremdiates tnadst hanw ithin Frasbearl asmof r ir. iii iv "Totalhy podemralc ell"s discriminatedw ellb ewteenF raesrf ir andt heo tehrf irs, butn otb etween balsam fir andi ntremeidaet fi.r The traditoinalc one abcrtl ength-csalel engthr atiwoa st heo nlyc haratcer­ isitc whidcisht inuigshead boslutealmyo gn the thrteaex aw ithn oo ver­ lappingo f lvaues. Thisr atioi sc alcuelda ftrom "batctl egnth"a nd "scalel engthw"h icvhe rym oreo r less invreselyt o eaocthh erf rmo norht tos outh. Ther atieox agegrtaedd iffeerncse duet ov ariatni oof eihterc haracteristic. Differnecesa monAgb iesf raseri�, ·b alsamea, andA .b aslameav arp haenropliesm ayb e less distinctth anh erteoofre believe.d TABLEO F CONTENTS SETCION PAGE I. INRTODUTCION. l II. LITERATURREE VEIW 4 Taxoonmic . . . 4 IntemrediateP ouplatniso. 6 Origino fA bies Fraseri 9 Origionf W estV irginia da nVirginia Abie.s ll Testso fH ybridity. 12 III. PROCEDU.RE . . 13 SapmleD esigna ndP lto Locaitons. 13 Collectino,P reparaiton, andO bsevartino. 19 IV. RESULTASN D ANALYSSE. . . 27 Foliaeg Charcateristcis 27 Cone and SeedC haratceirstcis 49 DicsontniuouDsa t.a . • 66 GeogrpahicC orrelatni.o 66 V. DICSUSSIONAN DC ONCLSUION.S 70 Origni oIf ntremeidateF ir. 70 SmallP ouplations 7l Taxoonmy. 74 Variatoin Patterns. 75 v vi SETCION PAGE VI. SUMMARY 77 LITERTAUREC IETD. 79 VIT.A • . • • • • 84 LISTO F TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. NestedAn alysiosf V ariancew ithE sitmatedV ariacneC omponetns atF our MeanS quaer Leevls . . 14 2. Location and Elevatino ofF oliaeg SapmleP ltos 17 3. Foilaeg Charactiesrtcis. . . . 21 4. Conea nd SeedC haracetrisctsi. 25 5. Analyseosf V ariancef or Vegteatvie Charatceristcis. 28 6. Componentosf V ariancei nP ercenfto r Leaf Chaerraicsitcts 31 7. Seevn Foliaeg CharacitsetricWesi ghteAdc cordingt ot he CombinePder cento fV arianceD uet oG ropu andS tnad Levels 34 8. Analyseosf V ariancfeo rC one andS eedC haarctreistisc Amogn the TwIo netremdiateS tadns,F raserF irS tnadsl and2 , andB alsam FirS tadns2 and4 . . . . 52 9. Analyseso fV ariancfeo r Cone andS eedC hartaecristcisA mogn the TIwone trmediateS tadns,F raserF irS tnads 3a nd4 , andB alsam FirS tands 3a nd4 . . . .. . 54 10. Componetnso fV ariancien P ercenftor Cone andS eed CharaecrtistiAcmso ngTw o Intemerdiate Stnads,F raserF ir Stands la nd2 ,a ndB alsamF irS tands2 and4 . 56 ll. Componentso f rVaiancei nP ercenfto rC onea ndS eed CharcaterisctsiA mongTw o Interemdiaet Stnads,F raserF ir Stansd 3a nd4 ,a ndB alsamF irS tands 3a nd4 . 57 vii

Dixie L. Thompson. Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate Observat ions at 12 5 magnificat ions were made of the number of hypodermal cel l s
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