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Natural Brilliance: Move from Feeling Stuck to Achieving Success PDF

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Preview Natural Brilliance: Move from Feeling Stuck to Achieving Success

NATURABLR ILLIANCE Move frFoeme lSitnugct koA chievSiuncgc ess PauRl. Scheele, M.A. A complgeutiedf eoe rx perieynocuiprno gt ential byt haeu thoofTr i ,Peh otoReWahdoiMlliell Sgly ds tem Natural Brilliance "Ih ad a lonhgist oryo fs cC{)nd­ guessiln1gl y�acnldsf e eking 158S CH c:x'temal \'ali£lI1now tionnlJkc, choicmejsn d-fuallnyd a m ScheelPe. aul R. clear that1t1 lare. �m ydecisi om Naturalb rilliance. thaItc ane valuaantd;le t ljust. 282190 Whata relief." Jer"'reyRik , Ph.D. St Clo..,d Stat!;' Umvt>rslty N.mlr.l1 Bn1l1anu.· rem:.p\!a rtlnpaFJI OrderiLnegafrrnoSiramtnt ge Cgoipreosr ation Youm ay placoer deorrse nroilnp lrograms byc alloirnw gr itiunsWg.e accempatjo r credciatr dMse.n titohnib so otko r eceipevreoid ciu pdatoenps r oduacntsds emintaor s helypo ue xperiyeonucpreo tentWihaeln.w ritinpgl,e adseaerl yp riynotu nra me, complteem ailiandgd reasnsdt, e lephnounmebe r.s "Nevemr m y widlesdtr eams Our adresds: didIe xpeacnte xp loratoino f LearniSntgr ateCgoirepso ration stuSckl:..� mv. i Naa turBatli lli:Ulce 900E asWta yzaBtoau lev·aW, r1dyzaMtian,n eso55t3a9 U1S A tor evetahlme a joors cillation 612-476-9• 820000- 735-8• 2F7AX3 612-475-2373 inm y lifNea.t urJjarli lliallce Shipipngi nN ortAhm ericEanc:l o$s4e. 0f0o trh efi rsbto oko rt apaen d$ 1.0f0o era ch madaep parwehntah t: lbCele n additiiotneuampl t oS 7.00A.d da na dditiSo7n.a0fl0 o era cphe rsolneaalrn icnogu rse. tr'dnspafroerdn ecta des.I t Shippionugto fN ortAhm ericEnac:l o$s5e. 0f0o trh firset book ort apaen d$ 2.5f0o r revealde rdationsahmiopnsg eacahd ditioCnalalfl o.r shicphaprgiensfg opre rsolneaalr ncionugr ses. tanglfeede liantg;t,i taundde s, acnomI.' veexp erienced an SalTeasx M:i nnesroetsai daednd6ts. 5f%o salres tax . immcr\iater eductoifmo onu ll­ Book&s P ersoLneaalr ning CTIlol'uP rhsoetosR:l' oWdhionigMi' i nSdy stbeomo k tailIlISIm tolOe ihll.sL ft he ($1 2.9N5a)t;l BlrmiIl lPeirasnceo nuaalm inCgo ur(s$e1 49.P9J5r)o;t oRPernmal'adjln� occsiaonaIl nsii�ghs thao oting uami,Cwo un(e$ 2.4050) staNra,t urBJrIi llsieancESthe e stabfTt:o arm etesohro wer." ParaliminalT apeDesep: RelaxatHioolni,dC alleyer, lrutantanPmrooluUsl MIa gnetMiesmmo,ry SllperchPerftall lgeHre,a lPtmJor,,Ul GIe niSueslf-,E slSeUl'pme rrhll1rgtT,() .MjmSlltIep erchm'get, BarWti ndrum Yozlt/iful(n$t14l.ie9 a5c hA)n;xi ety-Frt'f'P,iA/lBolettl,oiD mif,ra etaiPm(l aGy,e Atw und'JIor , Sotl""aJnredC rgollOIlUC IdeWaeli gPhrtosperi,t y, RelatioSnaslhueiaspp sS,,m oke-(F$r2e4e. e9a5c hN)e;w& ltavior ITlOH'HlmCi1n\itc nOgJ 'l<;ulum GeneratNoer;wH istGoernye raNteowOpr t,i oGne nera(t$o3r4 .e9ac5h) . Purchaasneyt hree Nat..ul . B..HTi l.Ulce retkpdatr ticipant Paralitmaipneianslo neo rdetror eciveea fourth,$ 14.9t5a pfeo frr eeI.f your Paralimtianpapeulsr chaesi s oSv6e0r. 0s0e,l eanca tdd tiiona$l2 4.9t5a pfeo frere . PeriaCnealle braSteiroinBeE sI:N GD,O ING,HA VING, GETTING ($29.f9o5sr e ries) EasyuaLrann guaTgaep eSsp:a niFsrhe,n, Gc ehrma(n$ 89.e9a5c h) Pricaersse u bjteocc th angPel.e ainsqeu iraeb ouott hperord uct.s We apprecyioautsreu pport. Natural Alsboy t heA mhoT Brilliance Book: -n,l' PholoR�t'}lOl'laed i.tlHgi lSlyds tem Self-Study: NafllBmrli ffiPae/r1sCfo lLelaamlil lC,l!O l/rse Mofvreo Fme eSltiuncgk P"otoJ{l'uPdeirlsloi.�n. arla miCllOgl lrse ParalilTlalpiensa:i Allxiel),A-uFtormeaeit(, P iloBle,l iD�efe,pR eltlXaDlrieoillPlll,lt ll y, tAoc hiSeuvcicnegs s Gt'Alr oulTlodI tH,o lidCahye eIrd,e Ia#l' -gll/ul,s /mllPaelrlseoonIall5 .\laglletsmi, MemoSriyl perclNwerwg Bedrw,v iaGre ui'TiIlOr, NelHliis /DGrye neraNteowr,O ptioGne uemtPoerrf,e J-a/ <'IlIlh, PersOlGwelt /ills, PRroeslpaetriioty,tS laslheiLspc st,lSl e'>l f-Eslfem Supercllilrger,t oS-mMoilklieltS- ueFp rercehear,gr, e YOIltI!fll/lless PersonCaell ebratTiaopne s: by BEING,D OI1'\lGH,A VING,G EITING PaulS cheele, R. M.A. PublCiocu rsOeff erings: PIIOIOReaj\d'iallllBglr,irl laaill( e/, itlStnTlr(a/iolrC/ oiulrl.':s e, New}'j>aGrosa lS f'ltillH-ogr ksllOp Corporate Training Programs: -10p rofessiollaalv apir/ofa�ob,r(l! lem/ msst omizatiOIl PublisbhyeL de arniSntgr .l.tcCgoircpso ration I) LearniSntgr ateCgoireposr atiWoany,z atMai,n nesota ToL ibbyB,e n,Joahnnd,S cotStc heeYlOe.LIs howm e eacdha yt haGto d LearniSntgr ateCgoirepso ration . 900 EasWta yzaBtoau levard hagsI VeliSn al lN at'uIUdrIi llia;J.son ucrbe i rthright. WayzatMai,n neso5t5a3 91-1836 ToE �anandB etShc heeTlhea.n k(so ern couragmien tgoe xplomrye . 612-476-9• 280000 -735-8• 2F7AX3 612-475-2373 c;J.pa.b ialnidet xlpersem sysp o tenitinlia fle . Copyrig1h9t9 b7y L earnignS trateCgoirepso ration AllR ightRse servWeodr ldwide "NalUralllrill"iPahnocteo,R"c adi"nPga,r"a limi"nEaais,y"L earn," and" PersonCaell ebratiaorner "e gistetrreaeddm :ukasn dlor servicemoafLr ekasrn inSgt rateCgoirepso ratwioornl dwide. DesigbnyM artinRDoesssi gn. Library of CCoantgarlNeousgms b er9:6 -79312 ISBN0 -925480-51-7 Allp hotOl,Tfaipnh sthisb ooka n:b y PhotoRcaanddNe arn lrBarlil liance retrepaatr ticiSpoanniKta. 1tchoifPa hno tSoh uttJlaep:a0 n1 9<)6 Quotfero m Sl'if·f)(;(eBaeliilllbl/ygvM iiolrtsoR n. .C udneayn dR obert E.H ardyC.o pyrig1h9t7 5b yL ifgivEinntge rpriIsnceC.so ,p yright 1991b yM iltoRn. Cudneayn dR obert HEa.r dyR.e printbeyd permissoifHo anr perColPluibnlsi s,hJn e crso "TheP arabolfet heR. opef"r omT ilWeh irHl'o l;e/ T1i mlb'yP eter R. u.s seClolp.y rig1h9t9 2b yP eteRr. ussell. R.cbpyrp ienrtmeids sion ofHarperCoPlulbilniss hIenrcs., FIRSTE DITION Janua1r9y9 7 Contents AboltlitAl wel /oXlr Preface Xill AcbJOwledglxv llcllfs ParIt:O riettoYl OlH Nra turBarli lliallcc Chapt1e:R.r e claYiomu r NaBtruirlalli ance LookU oht WaysR:u nO vebry a OncTrial- Learning 3 Release GeOnvieurcso Omasenc di lla5t ions Changteh Wea yY OlClh angNeo :M oreS tuSctka t6e s Dsicvoer thFeo ur-NSatteupBr rialilaln cMeo del1 0 Beneffirotm N atuBrnalll iaanndGc ocB t-o-nyd 14 Sununa1r6y Chaptre2 :U ndersYtoaunSrdt ucSkt at1e7s AnalySzteu c$kt J.atnedTs a kteh eF irSstteO pu t 17 DiagnYoosueSr t uSctka t1e9 ConfTonYto uSrt OSPi gn2s1 BalawnicteYh o uCro unterba2l2 ance NotiScreo Sctka WtehesnT heIyl app2e3l l Leranf roOmt heGrest tSitnugc 2k4 RecoglBlelnzeefian tdsD angeartYs o uSrt oSpi gn2 6 BehoOlpdp ornumbieeyso Ynodu Srt oSpi gn 28 Par2i:G aillS k'ihloelf Ns a lllBrraiJl liallce Chapt3e:Exr p lore FivPre in ciplesa tt hHee arotfd lea mrBalr illMioandceel3t PrincIi:Tp ollee Armabtleg ttlloRt eya lYiozueFr u lPlo ten3t1i al Princ2i:Mp alheS mallA djustmSleonwtltsyoA ccomplYiosuhrG oal3 2 Prniciep3 l:A chieavS et aotfBe e ibnyg& ilNlogtD oill3g3 Princ-ti:Mp :ll1el lrnan iOn utcoOmnee nutlaonndI ncreCahsoe ic3e5s Principel 5C:h anigneG eneraWtaiyfvsoe tr hBee sRt.'ts ult'i3 6 TakaeB rillAipapnrotac h toL ifaen dE njtohyBe e nefi3b6 Chapt4e:Rr e lea3s9e DiscvoerT ensio3n9 ReleaFsreoT:me nstiooR ne ia.xa�o oI ll DevelSkoipl 4ls2 Sll1TH113418)' Chapt5e:Nr o tice5 1 SteOpu ro fY ouTru nne5l2 NotiMcoer teo � urvalnvdTe h nvt'� 2 viii ix Takteh eF irSstte tpo\v,ud Balmce5 3 SolvDei Jellalnldll:teso ll�v e P,1rndoxlCaPlr oblem1s3 2 IncreYaosuer Sensory 5A4c uity Wntea N ew Story1 33 Summary6 3 Takteh eE asWya yO llotf Y ouTrr np1 34 Chapt6er:R espond6 5 f"'Ollotwh eC reatPlrvoeb lem-SoPlrvomcge s1s3 5 I-lead111 theR ighDtl .fectlIo'stnN :o tW hatY ouD on'Wta nt 66 ExternatlhiePz reo ble1m3 7 FinBda lanicneO scillaJtuiggloen :6 8 Enhancteh eQ ualtry and EfoffeS cotliuvteino1en3ss9s ConfrontY ourF ears-The Power 6A9p pears T.1kteh eR.i ghtP al1h0 S ucces1s4 0 FirUep theIl eaorf P assioDneastier 7e0 SetG oalfso Sru cc� 141 Respond with BrNialrluiraa7ln1 c e BreaTkh rougihnB usine1ss4 2 Summary7 2 Chapte1r2 G:e neptYeo urP attho P ersoGneanli uTIsI:C Chapt7e:rW i tnes7s5 NewO ptioGne nerat1or4 5 Takae C onsultPaenrts'psc ct7i7v e ])tlu:0 New OptioGne nemor1 48 Shift YourP ercepPtousailt i7o9n Exerc1i:SDt e,fi net heP robleImss u1e4 9 Benefifrto mW itnes8s0 Exerc2i:sIe n tegrtnhteDe e trimenItSSO IntegrYaotuerW itnesisn M omentosf T ruth8 1 Exerc3is:Ie n tegrtahtBeee nefit1S5 2 Looki nttoh eS hadmv8s 3 Exerc4i:sE en gage DLieraerncitn 1g 54 ManifeYsotu rH igheGsoto d 85 Exerc5i:sSe i mulate aFnudtC uhraen gHei stor[y5 5 Summary8 6 Exercise 6:T akteh eL earniCnhga llen1g5e 5 Chapt8e:rP m amraBlr illitaoWn ocrek f oYro u 89 Exerc7i:sK eee pT rncko fY ourA chieveme1n5ts 6 SUlllma1r5y7 LearnI -lotwoL earn 90 Getan Attitu9d1e Chapte1r3 S:t aoyn T rack1 59 AnalyYzoeu rI �ultasn dS teUpp toN aturBarli llia9n2c e SeeW hatY ouC annoSte eO:v ercome PerBcaerprriuea1r!6s 1 BeR cceptwRee:c eiYvoeu rG enius9 5 Feetlh eF earO:v ercomEem otioBnlaolc k1s 61 BeG cner':e\t:Cl r\eaNteew Choice9s7 Qur.."ItIitoO:nv ercome Culrur:tI1B6a2r riers BeP ersisStteincctko:I ta ndK eepO n KeepiOnng 101 TelTlh emH ow ItI sO:v ercomEeIl\ �ronmenOtbaslta cle1s6 2 FinNaolt es1 03 OvercomIen telleacntdEu xaplr esBsairvrei e1r6s2 Bewarteh eI nVisBiarnbelre 163 Par3i: Apply NaBtrlillrlaila llce Chapter1 4A:cti vateY ourN arurBarli lliDanaciel y1 67 Chapter9 :A ctivtahteeN aturBarlil lianceMo del1 07 Opcnt oG reatPeors sibil1it0i8e s AppellAddilxl(:l YlOilCSlekr i lls-1Triop/tslh lNe awra/ U� theO theTrh-an-ConscMiionudas n dP reconscPirooucse ss1o1r0 BrilliRaeltlrceea1 t7J AcquiIrnef ormaatnidoS nk ilNlosn conscio1us1l1y TakNee w RoutetsoR eleas1e7 1 DiscovNeerw Pathwamytsot hBeo dy-Mil1ld1 2 T.lkNc ew RouteNso titcoe 1 73 Do It!1 14 StrengtrhheBeno dy-MiCnodn nectiGoon i:n tSot at1e7 5 Chapte1r0 u:a p ovePre rformaBnacreri ewrisr Dhi recuta rning1 15 Assume UsPe05ftuulr t"S1 75 Lear!-lno w toP hotRoe ad lIS Breath1e7 7 DiscovDeIrr eLceta rnin1g2 0 AchIeCvoedls withoSuetl f-Sabo1t7a9g e ActivDaItreec Lte armn1g 21 DreamY ourW ay tSou cceAscst:i vYaotuerN aturBarilllian ce 180 KeepI tS unpl1e 25 Review Your1 8D1ay FinEdV IdenocfSe u cces1s2 6 Bibliogr1a8p3h y TrusYotu rI nner Mi1n2d7 Chapt1eI rA: p proaPacrha doxiPcraolb lewmist Chr eativPer oblem-So1l2vi9n g illdex 187 RunH ardt oS tamy Plac1e 31 AbotuhAteu thor PaulR . Scheeslpee ndhsi s" work"d ayisn tohffe iceosf Learning StraCtoergp1oersa toivoenr lookLiankgeM innetonikna WayzatMai,n nesoHteac .o -fountdheecd o mpaniny 1 91:1a1nd searsv es Itsc hairmTahne.r het: w orb[Q \.. .� rd thec ompanvyi'ssi onm nboyv ating leading-heudmgaend evelopmem technolcorgeiaewtsae y tfsh oart peoplteoe xperietnhceepi ort entiaL Paulb'rsek athroudgehv elopmiennctlsu de: • PI/ofj)Re1i1/'1d!\liwi"lll,�dS e Y j/CHIIeId .e velopase yds toefml carning allowitnhgea verapgeer sotnop rocewsrsi ttiennf ormataitro ant es exceed2i5n,g0 w0o0r ds mpienru tPeh.o toReadiistn agu gwhotr ldwide byl icensiends trucatnodtr hsr ougas he lf-sctouudrycs ael lrehde PlrofoReaPdt'wrg5C muLle ami"Cgo ursHee. h as aalustoh orTehde PIW/ORe11'1ildliOllleg JS\Y/SmIdbt o"oW.k • PnralimiuanTihlrpoeusg.h atuadipoeP sa,u olp enedw aay f or individtuoma alksep rofoupnCdf )ocnhaaln gseusc ahs c hangibnegl iefS, eliminastcilnfg- s.1baontdea nghea.n cbienhga vion. ·l\'atulrB an·/IiFneuecleis.nr gu cakd evrsealffye cetsv eryoInIel teresred IIS(I- lf-develoNpamtenuBtr.ra ill lailaloniwcnsde I vidtuoea flfso rtlessly movet hrousgthu cskt atWehse.n c ombinweidt Phh otoReadainndg theP aralimiNnaatlusr,Ba rli lliafnaccei litates elvcevne olhfsi gher personpaelr formanBcees.i dtehsi bso okP,a uhla sa uthortehde Nall/Brrail/ fiP(elt/rcts ounaarlPI iPlCgo urasen do ITearf si ve-dtaoyt.a l­ unmerslOll retreat. Allo fP aulp'rso graamrses teepIeIdIt hrpeoew erfhuulm an developmteencntho logiIelse:u ro-Iinpgruoigsrtaimcn uancgc,e lerative learninagn,dp reconscpirooucse ssPianugel.a rnehdi sB acheloofr Sciendceeg reienb iolowgiyt ha ne mphasiinsp sycholaottg hye UmversoiftM yi nnesoatnad his MoafArtss tedresg rIeeIa Idu lleta rning atS tT.ho maUsm vcrslty. LearniSntgr atCeogrpioersat ion, blyit cheeMn isnende soHtiJ;g her EducatiSoenr viOcffiecse o hheD epartmeonftE ducatalsao p nr ivatc schooplu,b lislhiecse,n asnedsd ,i stribPuatuelws'o sr kT.h ec ompany alssop onstotrasI l\lvIonrg!'l dwAi cdaet.a liosagv ailoanbr leeq uest. xiii Prrface Sincaeg en ineteaesan s econyde asrt udeanttt h eU niversoift y MinnesoIth aa.v iem lllcrm�ycsdeII lI ft echnoloogfileesa rnainndg humand evelopmweimt ahs ingqluee stiIon!n l unIdl:o wc an people learInl lost eftfoeu cstteih vete rleym endrOelsioSu rwcietsh [iQnc reaat e higqhu aliotflyi fMcy? d iscovefrrioeomsw rt wod ecadoefts ' xploring thiqsu estihoanvb ee eCn3 ptun:indt hibSo okd,i stilIlIeUtdOh ef our-slep NarurBarJi llimaondceel . TheN :ltural Brmioldlesilua gngceeas n tast upralr ocewsese ngagIeI I whenw el earne ffectiAvseY lOyl.ri e ad this bowoiklq.lu iycokul y understhaonwdt ou scI tf oyro uorw ns uccess.w ilYllo..eru n a bout NamraBln lliainncP ea nI ,d eveltohpes kiilnlP sa r2t.a ndl earn to appliytt h roughyoouutlr i 1Ilf eP ar3t.I t i sy oucrh oitcoe6 '0as far asyo u wistho g o.T akei ta ltlh ew aya.n dy ouw llo!v ercotmhee b loctkhsa t facyeo uII I litfoea ccompltihsesh u ccyeosusare deternlltnoae cdh u:vc. Ino urf ive-dNaaytu rBarli lliarnectree paatr.t iCiplaenatrtsno rccogmSzUel eskt ;neIIIs t hemselbvyce xsp enenctmhgeo scillatthiaotn s havkee ptth ems tucfko r years. lTihveitnnh gemb oy deplh ysically, emotionaalnlduy H.e llecttuhaeldyli ys,c otvheeer a saen ds impliocfi ty takiann ge xstt etpog amb alanUclel,l setrr engatnhdp, e rsopnoawle r. They ttahpe igre niuwsuh DirecLte arllalnndtg h eN ew Option Generator-impohrUtlallnatl l develtoopomlyeson uwt i llle arinn thibso okT.h eisrt oroifes su ccearsrese porttehdr oughtohuitbs o ok. Wilylo urbsen ext? Thes tonIIeIs t hibso oka ndt hee venstusr roundtlhlemla gr te rue. IlowevIeIrll.l locsatsI eh sa vceh angtehden ame[sQ p roviadneo nYlluty. LetlIS knowh owy oue nJOuYs intgh eN aturBarli llimaondceesl o w e canp asyso uerx perieonnct eoos t hewrhso f ollyoowu . Enjocyr eartmhseh igqhu aloiftlyi yfoeu d esire. PauRl. S cheeMl.eA,. xv Acknowledgements Witmha ntyh aInr kesc ogtmhnzeae t ubrrailllcylo inatnrtiw bhmoo rs havien fluetnhcNeea dt uBrrailU imaondceel : ODvremuriccemr y, PsychoolfLoegayr mpnrgo feasttsh Uoenr i veorfMs iintyn ewshoot a, serovnem dyb oaorfad d viasnohdra csso usisatcltt:eopnd rt oimymo yt e explorDartJ.io ohnGnsr :i ndceor-,d eveolfoNpceurr o-LingUlstic Progralwlhlolspleel rlsleolxgnc.ae ll alnedn ceen couhraavgee ment alwaiynss pmIer;e dND orr.m F.a Dni xofnr,i aenncddo lleiang ue Englawnhdow. a wsi lltmopg u tth mee ssOaugteo tthote hrtasht e preconpsrcoicoeuissrss e oaDrlr F;.r ank tShmiet hpl,si yncghuoi st. whosneo n-tndlvtiieowofr n eaald alnlidle ga rnhlalsslu gp ported dveelopmIePnnh tost oReDardJ.le lrWlrcgyl; lp irko.f ecsoslolre.a gue. anedd ucartaibobnl e-wrhoouswsede lr-.p laceda lhwikanyetsps t have meg rowIlJlllllwlgoy r Ckh;a rPlaerser xyp,e rileenatrnmiiaanslgta enrd, LinSdhar adterra,i lslplelcliwgah loissbetr ,i lliinasniitgn h ts collabwonrhamt eci roena tthfeeod u r-msotdeeIhp la vceh ristened NatuBrraill lPieatKnelcrme [e;m, e gratlveex pLaeenraldtri nfien-gl ong learwnheoer n,c ouragdeedv eJtlIhoPlephe o loRepardoiganrngad m to has saesart vreudsc toeldl absoirntaehteeoP nra; t rDiaclilal ceoi­soll, develoofPphoelro Rlelalfdgoh,re cro mmitmtoea nctc elerative iearalnUhdni ggq hu altietayc ChhmgnS;se dcionNl eewZ ealwahnod reminmdete hdDa itr Leecatr nw;JSi pnogs siblKei;nMnaoirrckih g,i nal co-fouonfLd eearr nSirnrg. nCcogripeosr wahtoib Uolnwl,it t ht hmee earmloyd eflosr repsaorlavdmohgxf iec aIMlsa srucWeuyssn; n weh,o sharIllSeO dO DAl oop mweian tdph O lloluttteh ndea tupraarla llel betwoeuewrno rMkasr;Ok r twhh,o intrmoetd NouL cPea dn hda s seravasew di llcionngs utlomt eaf,nr tes ehlayrh iibnsrg i lloinma anncye occasRiexoS ntse;vS einkt ehsbe,r ilMlmida nDte asniNLdgP n m aster traiwnheoer x.p loanredex sp repsosweesr fhuolwtl omy a kdee ep changRe.si:cB haanrddl ceor-,d eveolfto hpNee LrtP e chongoyl. devleopoefDr cs iHgunm aEnn ginewChro1cs1oe1n gt,r ibtuom tyi ons liafrete o nou mertoocu ast aalnofdgo h rIb Sr illiinta hnfeci eeo lfd hUl1duenv elowphmiecnhti mwmiolrlt haulanios zn eoe ft h cer eative genioufosu earsg e.

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