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AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY Vol. 46: 55–70, 2007 Published January 19 Aquat Microb Ecol Natural bacterioplankton assemblage composition during blooms of Alexandrium spp. (Dinophyceae) in NW Mediterranean coastal waters Esther Garcés1,2,*, Magda Vila1, Albert Reñé1, Laura Alonso-Sáez1, Silvia Anglès1, Antonella Lugliè2, Mercedes Masó1, Josep M. Gasol1 1Departament de Biologia Marina i Oceanografia, Institut de Ciències del Mar—CMIMA, CSIC, Pg. Marítim de la Barceloneta, 37–49, 08003 Barcelona, Spain 2IRTA, Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentaries, Sant Carles de la Ràpita, Spain 3Dipartimento di Botanica ed Ecologia vegetale, University of Sassari, Via Muroni 25, 07100 Sassari, Italy ABSTRACT: We characterised the spatial and temporal variation in the bacterioplankton assemblage composition during bloom events of different Alexandriumspecies (Dinophyceae) in the littoral of the NW Mediterranean Sea by means of catalysed reporter deposition fluorescence in situhybridisation with oligonucleotide probes (CARD-FISH). We studied several Alexandrium blooms through their seasonal development (at La Fosca beach) or in their spatial variability (in Arenys Harbour and Olbia Bay), and we complemented these observations by describing the composition of the bacterial assem- blage associated with cultures of Alexandrium species isolated from the same sites. Our studies on natural bacterioplankton assemblages identified the Bacteroideteslineage and the Alphaproteobac- teria as the dominating components during the studied blooms of Alexandrium. Alphaproteobacteria dominated in the La Fosca and Olbia blooms, while bacteria belonging to the Bacteroidetes were abundant in the development phase of the La Fosca beach bloom and in the winter Arenys bloom. Gammaproteobacteriacontributed in low proportions without significant changes through the differ- ent bloom phases at La Fosca beach and in Olbia Bay, but were more abundant in Arenys Harbour. While the absolute bacterial abundances in the spatial study of Olbia Bay covaried with the Alexan- drium densities, there were no spatial changes in the bacterioplankton assemblage composition. Alteromonas-like organisms were never an important fraction of the assemblage, but Roseobacter dominated Alphaproteobacteriain Arenys Harbour. Furthermore, the bacterioplankton assemblages associated with Alexandrium spp. cultures were very different from the natural bacterial assem- blages during blooms of the same species. We conclude that the presence of a given harmful algal bloom species during a bloom will not always necessarily be accompanied by the same bacterial assemblage structure, and studies done with dinoflagellate cultures may only reflect the bacteria capable of growing under laboratory conditions, with little resemblance to what occurs under natural conditions. KEY WORDS: FISH· Dinoflagellates· HAB· Alexandrium· Roseobacter· Alteromonas Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher INTRODUCTION correlations between abundance and activities of pri- mary producers and bacteria (e.g. Gasol & Duarte Since planktonic algae are the main source of 2000), or might take more specific forms, such as the autochthonous production of organic matter, associa- reported association between growing diatoms and tions between algae and bacteria are thought to be a bacteria belonging to the Flavobacteria family of the characteristic feature of the marine environment. Bacteroidetesphylum (Pinhassi et al. 2004, Grossart et These associations may take the form of large-scale al. 2005), or the Bacteroidetes, which have been asso- *Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2007 · www.int-res.com 56 Aquat Microb Ecol 46: 55–70, 2007 ciated with phytoplankton in some field studies flagellate blooms or in cultures of blooming dinoflagel- (DeLong et al. 1993, González & Moran 1997) and lates have relied upon the plate isolation of bacteria mesocosm experiments (Riemann et al. 2000). These (references in Table 1) or upon techniques based on associations may be considered as a form of symbiosis PCR amplification of bacterial rDNA (e.g. Sala et al. or as a form of specific parasitism (Cole 1982). 2005). It is well known that the first methodology does Driven by the economic and sanitary impacts of not necessarily represent the in situcomposition of the harmful algal blooms (HABs), a large research effort is bacterial assemblage (e.g. Suzuki et al. 1997), and the currently underway to understand the ecology of the al- techniques based on PCR amplification may suffer from gal species involved (Granéli & Turner 2006), as well as poorly constrained biases (Wintzingerode et al. 1997, the effect of the blooming species on other components Castle & Kirchman 2004). Methods based on the detec- of the planktonic food web. Of the many factors said to tion of bacterial 16S rRNA genes with oligonucleotide play a role in HAB dynamics, the interactions between probes represent a useful tool to gain insight into the algae and bacteria are increasingly being cited composition of bacterioplankton assemblages (Glöck- (Kodama et al. 2006). In particular, the presence of spe- ner et al. 1999); these methods are independent of PCR cific bacteria has been proposed as an important modu- biases. This approach has allowed the detection of lator of the processes of algal bloom initiation, mainte- highly specific bacterial assemblages on lake snow nance and decline (Doucette 1995, Adachi et al. 1999, (Schweitzer et al. 2001) and riverine aggregates (Böck- Doucette et al. 1999), but also as a potential modulator elmann et al. 2000), has been used to study the speci- of the bloom toxicogenesis (e.g. Gallacher et al. 1997). ficity of associations in some HABs (Doucette et al. If particular bacteria are responsible for certain 1998), and has also been proven useful for the identifi- bloom characteristics, then one might expect to consis- cation, localisation and quantification of intracellular tently find similar assemblages of bacteria associated and associated bacteria in dinoflagellate cultures (Bie- with blooming dinoflagellates. Indeed, bacteria from 2 gala et al. 2002). For our purpose of determining the main groups, Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria, are composition of the bacterial assemblage accompanying commonly described as associated with dinoflagellate the HAB species, a quantitative, cell-based detection cultures (Table 1 and references therein) or with nat- method such as fluorescent in situhybridisation (FISH) ural populations of blooming dinoflagellates (Table 1 seemed most appropriate. and references therein). The literature presents differ- Several recurrent noxious blooms of the genus ent views about the type of specificity of the association Alexandrium(A. taylori, A. minutumand A. catenella) between bacteria and HABs. For example, while some provided the opportunity to follow bacterial changes authors have identified the Bacteroidetesas associated over a wide range of dinoflagellate cell abundances with Alexandriumdinoflagellates (Biegala et al. 2002), (from 103to 106cells l–1) and different bloom phases (de- other studies have convincingly shown that the velopment, maintenance and decline phase), including Roseobactersubgroup of Alphaproteobacteria and the non-bloom periods. To test the hypothesis that a given Alteromonassubgroup of Gammaproteobacteriaare al- dinoflagellate species would have a constant perma- most always associated with blooming Alexandrium nently associated bacterial assemblage, the CARD-FISH (Brinkmeyer et al. 2000, Sala et al. 2005). Field studies (catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hy- relating HABs and the composition of the associated bridisation; Pernthaler et al. 2002) protocol was used to bacteria have focused primarily on successional assess the variation in abundance and composition of the changes and the possible inhibition or stimulation of dominant groups of bacterioplankton. We focused on de- blooms by the bacteria (Buck & Pierce 1989, Romalde et scribing the seasonal, spatial and specific variability in al. 1990, Fukami et al. 1991, Onji et al. 1995, Ishida et al. bacterial assemblage composition in terms of percent 1997) or their implication in the production and bio- contribution by the major groups, but we also used cul- transformation of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) (Tobe tures of the dinoflagellates that we had studied in situ, et al. 2001). This seems to support the underlying idea and an external non-bloom station, to frame our results that there are specific associations between the HAB and to better understand the meaning of the described species and their bacterial assemblages (e.g. Jasti et al. variability. The specific questions pursued were as fol- 2005). In any case, the in situimpact of these associa- lows: (1) What is the composition found in bacterioplank- tions is not clear (Mayali & Azam 2004), and relatively ton assemblages during HAB events? (2) Are the bacte- little is known about how components of natural bac- rial associations specific during blooms of the same terial assemblages interact with the HAB population. dinoflagellate species? (3) Is bacterioplankton assem- A clear prediction concerning the composition of the blage composition affected by high biomass blooms? (4) bacterial assemblage accompanying HAB development Are the in situbacterial associations similar to those of is not yet possible, in part because most studies describ- the accompanying bacterial communities during clonal ing bacterial assemblage composition in natural dino- culture growth of the dinoflagellate species? Garcés et al.: Bacterioplankton assemblages during harmful algal blooms 57 Table 1 (continued overleaf).Associations between dinoflagellates and bacteria reported in the literature. Dominant bacterial lineages: those qualitatively dominating the samples (according to authors listed). Bacteroidetes often previously reported as Cytophaga/Flavobacteria/Bacteroidetes; Alteromonas, Pseudoalteromonas, Vibrio, Moraxellaand Pseudomonadsare Gamma- proteobacteria; Roseobacter, Ruegeriaand RhodobacterareAlphaproteobacteria. MPN: most probable number; FISH: fluores- cence in situhybridisation with oligonucleotide probes; DGGE: denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis; TSA: tyramide signal amplification; CARD: catalysed reporter deposition; T-RFLP: terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism; TaqMan qPCR: quantitative PCR with the TaqMan assay Dinoflagellate Dominant bacterial lineages Technique Source (Site/Samples) Alexandrium affine Alphaproteobacteria FISH Groben et al. (2000) (Cultures) (Stappia/Moraxella) Roseobacter, Alteromonas Plate isolation and FISH Gallacher et al. (1997), Brinkmeyer et al. (2000) Roseobacter, Alteromonas Plate Isolation Gallacher et al. (1997) Roseobacter Plate isolation, DGGE, Hold et al. (2001b) TRFLP, clone libraries A. catenella Cytophaga, Plate isolation Amaro et al. (2005) (Cultures) Pseudoalteromonas, Ruegeria Pseudomonas, Moraxella FISH Babinchak et al. (1998) Gammaproteobacteria > Plate isolation Córdova et al. (2002) Bacteroidetes* Roseobacter, Plate isolation Vásquez et al. (2001) Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria A. catenella Roseobacter> Bacteroidetes DGGE Sala et al. (2005) (NW Mediterranean harboursaand Cultures) A. fundyense Alpha-and FISH Babinchak et al. (1998) (Cultures) Gammaproteobacteria Bacteroidetes TSA-FISH Biegala et al. (2002) Roseobacter> Bacteroidetes> DGGE Jasti et al. (2005) Alteromonadaceae A. fundyense Bacteroidetes DGGE Ferrier et al. (2002) (Bay of Fundy) Plate isolation Alteromonas DGGE Ferrier et al. (2002) Plate isolation A. minutum(including Pseudomonas FISH Babinchak et al. (1998) when reported as Roseobacter, Alteromonas Plate isolation, FISH Brinkmeyer et al. (2000) A. lusitanicum) Pseudomonas stutzeri Plate isolation Franca et al. (1995) (Cultures) Roseobacterand Alteromonas Plate isolation Gallacher et al. (1997) Alpha-and Plate isolation, DGGE, Hold et al. (2001a) Gammaproteobacteria TRFLP Clone libraries Pseudomonas Plate isolation Franca et al. (1996) Gamma- and Plate isolation Lu et al. (2000) Alphaproteobacteria (intracellular) and Gamma-, Alphaproteobacteria Bacteriodetes (extracellular) A. minutum Roseobacter>Bacteroidetes DGGE Sala et al. (2005) (NW Mediterranean harboursaand Cultures) Alexandriumspp. Roseobacter, Alteromonas FISH (several Tobe et al. (2001) (Orkney Islands) Alteromonasand Roseobacterprobes) Alexandriumspp. Non- Alphaproteobacteria FISH Babinchak et al. (1998) Toxic and Toxic and Gammaproteobacteria (Cultures) A. tamarense Pseudomonas FISH Babinchak et al. (1998) (Cultures) Bacteroidetes, Alteromonas TSA-FISH Biegala et al. (2002) Roseobacter, Alteromonas Plate isolation Brinkmeyer et al. (2000) FISH 58 Aquat Microb Ecol 46: 55–70, 2007 Table 1 (continued) Dinoflagellate Dominant bacterial lineages Technique Source (Site/Samples) Alteromonas Plate isolation Doucette & Trick (1995) Roseobacterand Alteromonas Plate isolation Gallacher et al. (1997) Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria Plate isolation, DGGE, Hold et al. (2001a) TRFLP Clone libraries Roseobacter> Bacteroidetes> DGGE Jasti et al. (2005) Alteromonadaceae Moraxella Plate isolation Kodama et al. (1990) Gammaproteobacteria Plate isolation Kopp et al. (1997) Dot-blot hybridization with probes Alphaproteobacteria Plate isolation Groben et al. (2000) (Stappia/Moraxella) A. tamarense Alteromonasand Vibrio MPN bioassay for Adachi et al. (2001) (Hiroshima Bay, Japan) inhibitory bacteria Roseobacter, Rhodobacter Plate isolation Adachi et al. (2003) and Pseudomonads A. tamarense Roseobacter, Bacteroidetes DGGE Wichels et al. (2004) (Orkney Islands and Alteromonadaceae Plate isolation and Firth of Forth) Gambierdiscus toxicus Alteromonassp. Plate isolation Sakami et al. (1999) (Cultures) Gammaproteobacteria> Plate isolation Tosteson et al. (1989) Bacteroidetes> Actinobacteria Gymnodinium catenatum Pseudomonas Plate isolation Franca et al. (1996) (Cultures) Alphaproteobacteria Plate isolation Green et al. (2004) (Rhodobacteraceae) and Gammaproteobacteria (Alteromonadaceae) Gymnodinium catenatum Vibrio, Pseudomonas, Plate isolation Romalde et al. (1990) (Rías in Galicia) Moraxellaand other Gammaproteobacteria Gyrodinium instriatum Bacteroidetes(intracellular) FISH Alverca et al. (2002) (Cultures) and Gammaproteobacteria (extracellular) Karenia brevis(= Gammaproteobacteria Plate isolation Buck & Pierce (1989) Ptychodiscus brevis) (Blooms in Florida Gulf coast) K. mikimotoi Gammaproteobacteria Plate isolation Ishida et al. (1997) (=Gymnodiniummikimotoi) Moraxella, vibrio Plate isolation Onji et al. (1995) (Cultures) Lingulodinium polyedrum Bacteroidetes DGGE Fandino et al. (2001) (Scripps Pier) Bacteroidetes TaqMan qPCR Fandino et al. (2005) Ostreopsis lenticularis Gammaproteobacteria> Plate isolation Tosteson et al. (1989) (Cultures) Bacteroidetes >Actinobacteria Pfisteriasp. (Cultures) Alphaproteobacteria Plate isolation Alavi et al. (2001) (Rugiera algicola) Clon libraries Prorocentrum lima Roseobacter Plate isolation Lafay et al. (1995), (Cultures) Prokic et al. (1998) Prorocentrum minimum Roseobacter> Bacteroidetes> DGGE Jasti et al. (2005) (Cultures) Alteromonadaceae Scrippsiellasp. Roseobacter> Bacteroidetes> DGGE Jasti et al. (2005) (Cultures) Alteromonadaceae Scrippsiella trochoidea Bacteroidetes Plate Isolation, DGGE, Hold et al. (2001b) (Cultures) TRFLP Clone libraries aIncluding the Arenys harbour Garcés et al.: Bacterioplankton assemblages during harmful algal blooms 59 MATERIALS AND METHODS long and between 1 and 3 km wide, it has a mean depth of about 5 m and a maximum depth of about 10 m, Surface samples were regularly collected during the along the central channel. Detailed information on development of 3 different dinoflagellate blooms in blooms at this location has been previously published coastal waters of the NW Mediterranean (Fig. 1). The (Sannio et al. 1997, Lugliè et al.2003a,b, 2005). blooms were dominated by the target species Alexan- Field sampling. Between June and September 2003 drium tayloriBalech (at La Fosca beach) and A. minu- surface sampling from the shore of La Fosca beach tum Halim (Arenys Harbour) along the Catalan coast (maximum depth, 1 m; Fig. 1) was conducted once a (NE Spain), and several Alexandrium species, mainly week. Spatial variation of the bacterioplankton assem- A. catenella(Whedon et Kofoid) Balech, A. tamarense blage in Arenys Harbour was intensively monitored (Lebour) Balechand A. minutumin Olbia Bay (NE Sar- during the 2002 bloom. Samples were collected at dif- dinia) in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy). All these sites are ferent locations (6 stations) across the harbour, during confined areas where dinoflagellate blooms regularly the maintenance phase of the dinoflagellate bloom occur, developing at a very wide range of density and (18 February 2002), just after the maximum cell con- biomass values. These results were compared with centration was reached (see Vila et al. 2005 for details). those from a site not affected by Alexandrium blooms: In Olbia Bay, spatial variation of the bacterioplank- the Microbial Observatory of Blanes Bay (MOBB), also ton assemblage was monitored on 11 May 2003, just on the NW Mediterranean Catalan coast, but in an after a PST-positive period (>800 µg kg–1 saxitoxin) open bay (Vaqué et al. 1997, Duarte et al. 1999, that was associated with the presence of Alexandrium. Alonso-Sáez et al. 2007). Seasonal sampling was performed at La Fosca beach, located on the Costa Brava (NW Mediterranean Sea, 41°51’N, 3°8’E; Fig. 1A). This is a semi-enclosed bay (525 × 300 m) that opens towards the SE. Detailed in- formation on Alexandrium taylori blooms at this location has been previ- ously published (Garcés et al. 1998, 1999, 2002, 2005). Spatial studies were carried out in Arenys Harbour and Ol- bia Bay (Fig. 1B,C). Arenys Harbour is located on the NE Spanish coast (NW Mediterranean Sea, 41°34’N, 2°33’E). Depth ranges from 1 to 2.5 m at the dockside to maxima of 5 to 6 m in the central area and at the harbour entrance. The harbour is characterised by strong variations in salinity related to the inflow of terrestrial freshwater. Detailed information on A. minutum blooms at this location has been previ- ously published (Vila et al. 2001, 2005). The Olbia Bay (40°55’N, 9°30’E) is located in the inner part of the Gulf of Olbia. It is a typical estuary with long water renewal time and significant freshwater inflow from 2 municipal sewers and the Padrongianus River. The Olbia Bay hosts one of the most im- portant commercial ports (with urban, tourism and industrial activities), and is Fig. 1. (A) Geographic location of the stations in the western Mediterranean: La Fosca beach, Arenys Harbour and Blanes Bay (Catalonia, Spain), and Olbia Bay the largest shellfish farming (mussels (Sardinia, Italy). Fixed stations were sampled at La Fosca beach (from the shore) and clams) area of Sardinia. The bay and at the Microbial Observatory of Blanes Bay (MOBB). Stations sampled in has an area of 6.5 km2, is about 7 km (B) Olbia Bay and (C) Arenys de Mar Harbour are shown 60 Aquat Microb Ecol 46: 55–70, 2007 Surface samples were collected from 7 stations across Arenys Harbour in 1995, EMBL Accession No. the bay, during the end phase of the toxic event. Sam- AJ312945) and A. catenella (CSIC-4 isolated from ples were collected in 5 l bottles and immediately Barcelona Harbour in 1998, EMBL Accession No. transported to the laboratory for appropriate fixation AJ298900) were used to study the associated bacterial procedures within 1 h. In the case of Arenys, the sam- assemblages. Cultures were established from vegeta- ples were fixed in situ. In the case of La Fosca and tive cells in f/2 media (Guillard 1975) and maintained Arenys, subsamples (50 ml) for nutrient measurements at 20°C in a 12 h light: 12h dark photocycle. Illumina- were frozen upon arrival in the laboratory and concen- tion was provided at a photon irradiance of 100 µmol trations of nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate and m–2s–1. Samples (60 ml) of culture in different growth silicate were determined with an autoanalyser follow- phases (exponential, maintenance) and a 1 yr-old cul- ing Grasshoff et al. (1983). Olbia samples for nutrients ture (for A. taylorionly) were fixed in Lugol’s iodine for were frozen and then analysed according to Strickland phytoplankton counts and processed for bacterial & Parsons (1972). analyses. Subsamples (60 ml) for the quantification of total Bacterial analyses.To study the associated bacterial chlorophyll a(chl a) were filtered onto 25 mm Whatman assemblage, 10 to 50 ml was filtered onto 0.2 µm pore GF/F glass fibre filters. Filters were extracted in 8 ml of size Nuclepore filters (25 mm diameter) with a 90% acetone, and concentrations of chl a were mea- gentlevacuum of 150 mbar at room temperature. Bac- sured with a Turner Designs fluorometer following teria were fixed by addition of 1% formaldehyde– Yentsch & Menzel (1963). At the Olbia stations, chl awas phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (at pH 7.2). Cellulose estimated in situ using a calibrated multiparametric nitrate support filters were employed to favour ho- probe (Idromar). The same instrument was used to mogeneous distribution of cells. The fixative was record temperature and salinity values (data not shown). eliminated 30 min later, and filters were rinsed with Duplicate subsamples (60 ml) for measurements of 2 ml PBS and Milli-Q water. The samples were sub- DOC (dissolved organic carbon) in the La Fosca sam- sequently stored at –80°C until further processing ples were filtered through precombusted glass fibre (within a fewmonths). Total numbers of bacteria were filters (25 mm Whatman GF/F). Filtrates were collected determined by epifluorescence microscopy of 4’- in precombusted glass ampoules, acidified and stored 6’-diamidino-2-phelylindole (DAPI)-stained samples. at 4°C until analysed in a Shimadzu 5000 ASI TOC DAPI-stainable and probe-specific bacteria were instrument following Sugimura & Suzuki (1998). counted in a minimum of 10 randomly selected view Phytoplankton identification and quantification. The fields, at 1000× magnification, until 300 to 500 cells phytoplankton samples (150 ml) were preserved with were counted. In these samples the coefficient of vari- Lugol iodine solution, except those from Olbia (500 ml), ation of the DAPI counts was 16% (mean). The compo- which were fixed with 4% neutralised formaldehyde. sition of the bacterial assemblage was determined by The general procedure for identifying and quantifying in situ hybridisation with horse-radish peroxidase phytoplankton cells from La Fosca and Arenys Harbour (HRP)-labelled probes (Pernthaler et al. 2002) listed involved sedimentation (24 h) of a subsample in a 50 ml in Table 2. Filters were dipped in low-gelling-point settling chamber and subsequent counting of cells in an agarose (0.1% [w/v]), dried upside down at 37°C and appropriate area (Throndsen 1995) using a Leica-Leitz subsequently dehydrated in 96% (v/v) analytical DM-IL inverted microscope. Olbia phytoplankton den- grade ethanol. For cell wall permeabilisation, filters sities were enumerated allowing the original 500 ml were incubated in a lysozyme solution (10 mg ml–1, samples to settle for 3 d, removing the upper 450 ml, 0.05 M EDTA, 0.1 M Tris-HCl; Fluka) at 37°C for collecting the residual 50 ml, of which 10 ml was al- 60 min, followed by a digestion by achromopeptidase lowed to settle for 8 h. Cells were counted in the entire (60 U ml–1) for 30 min. The achromopeptidase incuba- chamber using a Zeiss Axiovert 100 inverted micro- tions were performed at 37°C in a buffer containing scope. Fixed specimens of Alexandrium species were 0.01 M NaCl and 0.01 M Tris-HCl (pH 8). The filters stained with Calcofluor White M2R (Fritz & Triemer were washed with Milli-Q water, dehydrated with 1985) and examined in an epifluorescence microscope 96% ethanol, dried at room temperature and sub- under ultraviolet excitation (Axioplan, filter set Zeiss sequently stored on Petri dishes at –20°C until further 487902, 1000× magnification). Tabular formula and processing. Filters were cut in sections for hybri- morphological features of the thecal plates were stud- disation with oligonucleotide probes. A volume of 3 µl ied following the criteria of Balech (1995). of the HRP probe working solution (50 ng µl–1) was Algal cultures and associated bacterioplankton. added to 900 µl hybridisation buffer (0.9 M NaCl, Clonal strains of Alexandrium taylori (CSIC-AV8 iso- 20 mM Tris-HCl, 10% dextran sulphate [w/v], 0.02% lated from La Fosca beach in 1998, EMBL Accession sodium dodecyl sulphate [SDS] and 1% blocking No. AJ251654), A. minutum (CSIC-1 isolated from reagent) containing 45% formamide (v/v) for the Garcés et al.: Bacterioplankton assemblages during harmful algal blooms 61 ALF968 probe, 20% formamide for the NON338 probe RESULTS and 55% formamide for the other probes. Probe GAM42a was used with a BETA42a competitor Temporal variation: the Alexandrium tayloribloom oligonucleotide (Manz et al. 1992). Hybridisation of fil- at La Fosca beach ter sections was performed at 35°C for 2 h. Thereafter, the sections were transferred to 50 ml of pre-warmed During the 4 mo of sampling (June to September), washing buffer (5 mM EDTA [pH 8], 20 mM Tris-HCl Alexandrium taylori densities increased from 104 to [pH 7.6], 0.01% [w/v] SDS) containing 16 mM NaCl for 106 cells l–1 during the development phase from June ALF968, 135 mM for NON338 and 3 mM for the other to July. The maintenance phase occurred in July. The probes employed. Washing was performed for 5 min at decline phase of the bloom was marked by a sharp 37°C. Sections were then placed in PBS solution at decrease in cell numbers detected during August room temperature for 15 min. After removal of excess (Fig. 2A). Concentrations of chl a varied between 0.5 buffer, the filter sections were immediately transferred and 41 µg l–1 during the bloom (Fig. 2B), with a chl a to 1.5 ml reaction vials containing 1 ml amplification maximum that coincided with maximum DOC concen- buffer (1× PBS [pH 7.6], 10% [w/v] dextran sulphate, trations (Fig.2C). High values of DOC (>200 µM) were 2M NaCl, 0.1% [w/v] blocking reagent and 0.0015% also measured during the decline phase of the bloom. H O in PBS) and 4 µl of tyramide-Alexa488 (1 mg Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) ranged between 2 2 ml–1) and incubated in the dark at 46°C (15 min). The 0.5 and 3 µM N during the bloom (Fig. 2C) and P-PO 4 H O solution was freshly prepared before being between 0.1 and 4.6 µM (details not shown). 2 2 employed. P-iodophenylboronic acid (20mg mg–1tyra- Unfortunately, the bacterioplankton samples for July mide) was added to the tyramide-Alexa488 probe to were lost, and the remaining samples for analyses of enhance the CARD-FISH signal. After amplification, the bacterioplankton assemblage covered 2 of the filters were washed in PBS (room temperature, bloom phases (development and decline), as well as a 15 min), Milli-Q water and 96% ethanol, and subse- non-bloom situation (Fig. 2). Detection of bacteria by quently air dried. Finally, filter sections were mounted Probe EUB338 ranged from 70 to 90% of the total in a mixture that contained 4 parts Citifluor (Citifluor) DAPI-stainable cells present. Bacteria scoring positive and 1 part Vecta Shield (Vector Laboratories) contain- with the negative control probe were <1% of the DAPI ing DAPI (final concentration: 1 µg ml–1). The count. The bacterial assemblage changed during the hybridised samples were visualised with a Nikon epi- different bloom stages. Bacteroidetes and Alphapro- fluorescence microscope equipped with a 100 W Hg teobacteria dominated in the early stage of the devel- lamp and the appropriate filter sets for DAPI and opment phase, with maximum densities of 106 cells Alexa488; >300 to 500 DAPI-stained cells were ml–1, and showed a decreasing tendency during the counted per sample. following weeks (down to 105cells ml–1; Fig. 2A). The 2 Statistical analyses. To identify potentially important groups were dominant again in the decline phase. variables controlling the temporal and spatial dynam- Alphaproteobacteria always remained >105cells ml–1, ics of phytoplankton and bacterial abundance, a corre- and the Bacteroidetes showed a decline from 105 to lation analysis was performed with the STATISTICA 104 cells ml–1. Gammaproteobacteria densities were (StatSoft) software package. Biological data employed always lower than those of the Bacteroidetes and were log-transformed prior to analysis to fit a log- Alphaproteobacteria; they ranged from a maximum of normal distribution, and the probabilities reported are 105 cells ml–1 at the beginning of the development Bonferroni corrected. phase to a minimum of 8 × 103 cells ml–1 in the non- Table 2. Sequences, target groups, and origin of the probes used in this study Probe Target group Sequence (5’—3’) Source EUB338 Bacteria GCT GCC TCC CGT AGG AGT Amann et al. (1990) EUB338 II Bacteria GCA GCC ACC CGT AGG TGT Daims et al. (1999) EUB338 III Bacteria GCT GCC ACC CGT AGG TGT Daims et al. (1999) NON338 Negative control ACT CCT ACG GGA GGC AGC Manz et al. (1992) ALFA968 Alpha subclass of Proteobacteria GGT AAG GTT CTG CGC GTT Glöckner et al. (1999) BET42a Beta subclass of Proteobacteria GCC TTC CCA CTT CGT TT Manz et al. (1992) GAM42a Gamma subclass of Proteobacteria GCC TTC CCA CAT CGT TT Manz et al. (1992) CF319a Bacteroidetes TGG TCC GTG TCT CAG TAC Manz et al. (1996) ROS538 Roseobacterclade of Alphaproteobacteria CAA CGC TAA CCC CCT CC Eilers et al. (2001) ALT 1413 Alteromonas clade of Gammaproteobacteria TTT GCA TCC CAC TCC CAT Eilers et al. (2000) 62 Aquat Microb Ecol 46: 55–70, 2007 Development phase Decline phase No bloom of 4 × 104 cells ml–1, declining down to 107 106 9 × 103 cells ml–1 in the non-bloom –1s l) 106 A –1ml) priear, iotdh.e W Aithltienr othmeo Gnaasmmcealplsr o(tie.eo.b accetlels- ell s scoring positive with Probe ALT1413) ri (c 105 105cell were not very abundant during any m taylo 104 nkton ( ptieersi oodf, 1re a×ch1i0n4g cmelalsx immul–m1 dcuerlli ndge nthsie- u a decline phase. dri 103 104opl Bacteroidetes together with the Al- an eri phaproteobacteria always amounted to Alex 102 ABlapchtaeproroidteetoebsa cteria Bact >gr5o0u%ps ofs DhoAwPeI dc ouinnvtse r(sFei g.t r3eAn)d. sT: heA l2- Gammaproteobacteria phaproteobacteria percent contribution 101 103 increased from 31% of the total DAPI- B 1) stainable cells in the developing phase – ml to 36% in the decline phase and to 40% –1g l) 10 105cells iBna cthteer oniodne-tebsloomv aprieerdio, d, rwehspereecatisv ethlye, a (µ on ( from 34 to 20 and to 13%. Gammapro- yll 104nkt teobacteria never contributed >8% of h a the bacterioplankton assemblage and rop 1 opl decreased in the non-bloom period hlo 103eri (4%). The unidentified fraction of the C Roseobacter act cells (not accounted for by the 3 probes) B Alteromonas was largest (44% of the total DAPI- stainable cells) during the non-bloom 0.1 102 C period. Roseobacter were 19% of the Alphaproteobacteria group during the 8 development phase, 24% during the 300 decline phase and ≤8% during the M) non-bloom period (Fig. 3B). Altero- C (µ 6 µM) monas bacteria were, on average, 1% DO 200 N ( of the Gammaproteobacteria during 4 DI both the development phase and the non-bloom period, whereas they 100 reached up to 16% during the decline 2 phase (details not shown). 0 0 Jun 8 Jun 22 Jul 6 Jul 20 Aug 3 Aug 17 Aug 31 Sep 14 Sep 28 mSpinautitaulm vabrlioaotimon i:nt hAer eAnlyesx aHnadrrbiuomur Fig. 2. (A) Temporal fluctuations of Alexandrium taylori cell density (cells l–1) in High abundances of Alexandrium La Fosca beach surface waters in 2003 and co-occurring bacterioplankton groups: Alphaproteobacteria (Probe ALF968), Bacteroidetes (Probe CF319a) minutum (from 4 × 105 to 1 × 107 cells and Gammaproteobacteria (Probe GAM42a) enumerated by CARD-FISH. (B) l–1) were found in the entire harbour, Chlorophyll aconcentration (µg l–1) and co-occurring abundances of Roseobac- with maximum values at Stn 1 (Fig. 4). ter (Probe ROS538) and Alteromonas (Probe ALT1413). (C) Dissolved organic The values decreased towards the har- carbon (DOC) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) during the study period bour entrance. Distribution patterns of chlaconcurred with those of A. minu- bloom period, and showed a trend similar to that of the tum cell abundance, with values varying between 1.9 other bacterial groups. and 6 µg chlal–1. Average concentrations of phosphate Within the Alphaproteobacteria, members of the (P-PO ) and ammonia (N-NH ) were 0.40 and 0.62 µM, 4 3 Roseobactergroup showed a temporal trend similar to respectively. N-NO concentrations were <2 µM (de- 3 that of the general group, with maximum cell densities tails not shown). Garcés et al.: Bacterioplankton assemblages during harmful algal blooms 63 Alphaproteobacteria Bacteroidetes Gammaproteobacteria Unidentified where the maximum was observed at Summer Winter Spring the beginning of the development La Fosca Blanes Arenys Blanes Olbia Blanes phase (4 ×104cells ml–1; Fig. 2B). 100 A The bacterioplankton assemblage PI 80 in Arenys Harbour appeared quite A constant, showing only a relatively D o lower presence of Alphaproteo- n t 60 bacteria at the harbour entrance o uti (Fig. 3A). Correspondingly, the per- b 40 ntri cent contribution of Gammaproteo- o bacteria increased (from 25% of the c % 20 total DAPI-stainable cells in the inner part to 30% at the outer station). Ro- 0 seobacter was the main group within Roseobacter Other Alpha the Alphaproteobacteria (from 84 to 100% of the Alphaproteobacteria B a cells), in contrast to the other coastal h p 80 stations (Fig. 3B). Alteromonas never Al o contributed >16% of the Gamma- n t 60 proteobacteria, showing higher per- o uti cent contributions at Stns 4 and 5 b 40 (Fig.4B). ri nt o c 20 % Spatial variation: theAlexandrium 0 spp. bloom in Olbia Bay evelopment Decline No-bloom MOBB Inner stns Outer stn MOBB Inner stns Outer stns MOBB r(2e Tl×aht1iivs0 e4elycv eeslnplsta rlw–s1ea) .s d Ticnhhoeaf lrmaagcatexelilrmaistueemd b lbdoyeo nma- D sity of Alexandrium spp. was detected Fig. 3. (A) Percentage contribution to DAPI of Alphaproteobacteria (Probe ALFA968), Bacteroidetes (Probe CF319a) and Gammaproteobacteria (Probe in the inner area (4.4 × 103 cells l–1 at GAM42a) detected by CARD-FISH in La Fosca beach surface waters in 2003 and, Stn 1; Fig. 5A) and was 1 order of for the spatial studies, in Arenys Harbour in 2002 and Olbia Bay in 2003. Uniden- magnitude lower than the values tified: cells not accounted for by the 3 probes. (B) Contribution of Roseobacter achieved just a week before (22 ×103 (Probe ROS538) to total Alphaproteobacteria(Alpha). Bloom stages are indicated cells l–1 at the same station, 3 May). in La Fosca sampling. Inner stations for Olbia Bay correspond to Stns 1 to 5, and outer stations are Stns 6 and 7. Inner stations forArenys Harbour correspond to Moreover, the Alexandriumspp. den- Stns 1 to 5, and the outer station is Stn 6. For comparison, percentages of the sities gradually decreased towards groups in samples from the Microbial Observatory of Blanes Bay (MOBB) during the bay entrance. The bloom was the different seasons of 2003 are plotted formed by 3 species: A. catenella, A. minutum andA. tamarense. Together We found similar detectability of bacteria with Probe they comprised up to 36% (at Stn 6) of the total dinofla- EUB338 (81 to 91% of the total DAPI-stainable cells) gellate density (maximum of 17.4 × 103 cells l–1 at Stn and low proportions of negative control probepositive 1). Distribution patterns of chla(maximum of 25 µg chl cells as in the previous area. High densities of bacteri- a l–1 at Stn 1) showed a drastic decrease towards the oplankton were detected for the Bacteroidetes bay entrance (0.12 µg l–1 at Stn 7). Concentrations of (>105cells ml–1at each station; Fig. 4A). Maxima of the phosphate (P-PO ) were not >0.04 µM (Stn 1) and 4 3 main groups were similar and were observed at Stn 4 ammonia (N-NH ) ranged from 0.13 to 4.60 µM, 4 (3.3 × 105 cells ml–1 for Alphaproteobacteria, 4 × respectively, at Stns 4 and 1. The N-NO maximum 3 105cells ml–1for Bacteroidetesand 3.7 ×105cells ml–1 was 1.08 µM at Stn 1 (details not shown). for Gammaproteobacteria). Detection of bacteria with Probe EUB338 was more The maximum densities of Roseobacter detected in varied than at the other sites (63 to 90% of the total Arenys Harbour (2.5 × 105 cells ml–1) were similar to DAPI-stainable cells). Maximum densities of Alpha- those observed in Olbia Bay (2.2 ×105cells ml–1; Fig.5B) proteobacteria in Olbia Bay were up to ca. 106 cells and exceeded the values measured at La Fosca beach, ml–1 (Stn 2; Fig. 5A) and exceeded those observed in 64 Aquat Microb Ecol 46: 55–70, 2007 1) 108 106 104 106 – ells l A –1ml) –1)s l A –1ml) minutum (c 110067 105 kton (cells m spp. (cell 103 105kton (cells Alexandrium 110045 GABalapmchtmaepraorpoidrtoeettoeebosabcatcetreiaria 104 Bacterioplan Alexandriu 102 ABGlaapcmhtaempraoropidtreeototeebsoabcatecrtiearia 104Bacterioplan 10 106 30 106 B –1) B –1ml) –1phyll a (µg l) 468 105 nkton (cells ml –1phyll a (µg l) 20 105ankton (cells o 104 a o 10 104pl Chlor 2 Roseobacter eriopl Chlor Roseobacter cterio Alteromonas act Alteromonas Ba 0 103 B 0 103 Stn 1 Stn 2 Stn 3 Stn 4 Stn 5 Stn 6 Stn 1 Stn 2 Stn 3 Stn 4 Stn 5 Stn 6 Stn 7 Harbour entrance Bay entrance Fig. 4. (A) Alexandrium minutum cell density (cells l–1) Fig. 5. (A) Alexandrium spp. cell density (cells l–1) and co- andco-occurring abundances of Alphaproteobacteria (Probe occurring abundance of Alphaproteobacteria (Probe ALF968), Bacteroidetes (Probe CF319a) and Gammapro- ALF968), Bacteroidetes (Probe CF319a) and Gammapro- teobacteria (Probe GAM42a) detected by CARD-FISH in the teobacteria (Probe GAM42a) detected by CARD-FISH in Ol- Arenys Harbour during the bloom period of 2002. (B) Chloro- bia Bay during the dinoflagellate bloom period of 2002. (B) phyll a concentration (µg l–1) and co-occuring abundances Chlorophyll a concentration (µg l–1) and co-occuring abun- of Roseobacter (Probe ROS538) and Alteromonas (Probe dances of Roseobacter (Probe ROS538) and Alteromonas ALT1413). Note the different y-axis scales (Probe ALT1413) Arenys Harbour and at La Fosca beach. The Bac- bution of the 3 main groups of bacterioplankton dur- teroideteswere also abundant in Olbia Bay (maximum ing summer (June, August and September) corre- of 6 × 105 cells ml–1 at Stn 2), whereas Gammapro- sponded to Alphaproteobacteria (38% of the total teobacteriacounts at this location were similar to those DAPI-stainable cells), followed by Bacteroidetes in other sampled areas, with a maximum of 3 ×105cells (12%). During winter (December, January and Feb- ml–1 at Stn 2. The values were similar at all inner sta- ruary), Alphaproteobacteria contributed, on average, tions (Stns 1 to 5), but lower towards the outer sta- 20% of the total DAPI-stainable cells, followed by tions (Stns 6 and 7). Bacterioplankton assemblages the Bacteroidetes (14%). During spring, the percent appeared quite stable on a rather large spatial scale contribution of Alphaproteobacteria was higher (24% (10 km), showing little change in percentage composi- of the total DAPI-stainable cells), while Bacteroidetes tion from the inner to the outer stations (Fig. 3A), in (12%) remained roughly at the same level (Fig. 3A). spite of the large change in bacterial abundance. How- Roseobacter contributed from 3 to 30% to the Alpha- ever, Roseobacter contributed from 14 (outer stations) proteobacteria from summer to winter, and Altero- to 43% (inner stations) to the Alphaproteobacteria monas were from 0 to 50% of the Gammaproteo- group (Fig. 3B), whereas Alteromonas were <9% of bacteria (data not shown). Bacterial assemblage the Gammaproteobacteria group, being more impor- structure, in terms of contribution of the main groups tant in the inner part of the bay. to total DAPI abundance in samples from this coastal For comparison, we followed a 1 yr annual cycle at station (MOBB), was rather similar to that found the MOBB, a relatively open station not known to be at La Fosca beach during non-bloom conditions affected by dinoflagellate blooms. There, detection of (Fig. 3A), but strongly differed from that attained in bacteria by Probe EUB338 ranged from 63 to 85% of the enclosed ecosystems of Arenys de Mar Harbour the total DAPI-stainable cells. The maximum contri- and Olbia Bay.

2000), or might take more specific forms, such as the . and to better understand the meaning of the described . Bacteroidetes > Actinobacteria.
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