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Nationalities Papers Contents of Volume 32, 2004 EDITOR-IN-CHIEI Steven Sabol, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA ASSISTANT EDITOR BOOK REVIEW EDITOR Elise Miller Mayse, University of North Carolina, Betty Morgan, Charlotte, USA Elon University WEST EUROPEAN EDITOR ASSOCIATE BOOK REVIEW EDITOR FOR EASTERN EUROPE Frank Golezewski, Universitdt Hamburg, Nicolae Harsanyi, Germany University of North Carolina, Chapel Hil, USA CANADIAN EDITOR ASSOCIATE BOOK REVIEW EDITOR FOR Orest Subtelny, York University, FORMER SOVIE? UNION Canada Sue Davis, Denison College, USA ASSOCIATE EDITORS Daniel Miller, University of West Florida, USA Theodore Weeks, Southern Illinois University, USA PAST EDITORS Stephen Horak, Eastern Illinois University, USA (1972-1984) Orest Subtelny, York University, Canada (1985-1986) Henry Huttenbach, The City College of the City University of New York, USA (1987-1988) Nancy Wingfield, Northern illinois University, USA (1999-2002) EDITORIAL BOARD Jasna Adler, University of Geneva, Switzerland; Edward Allworth, Columbia University, USA; Audrey L. Altstadt, University of Massachusetts, USA; Seymour Becker, Rutgers University, USA; Margaret Beissinger, University of Wisconsin, USA; Stefano Bianchini, University of Bologna, Italy; Melissa Bokovy, University of New Mexico, USA; Maria Bucur, Indiana University, USA; Daniele Conversi, University of Lincolnshire, UK; David Crowe, Elon University, USA; Robert J. Donia, University of Michigan, USA; William Fierman, /ndiana University, USA; Tibor Frank, Eétvis Lordnd University, Hungary; Alice Freifeld, University of Florida, USA; Gregory Gleason, University of New Mexico; Geoffrey Hosking, University of London, UK; Mark Katz, George Mason University, USA; Mills Kelly, George Mason University, USA; Jeremy King, Mt Holyoke College, USA; Nona Klimova-Alexander, Cambridge University, UK; Edward Lazzerini, University of New Orleans, USA; Andrew Ludanyi, Ohio Northern University, USA; Allen Lynch, University of Virginia, USA; David Marples, University of Alberta, Canada; Steve Marks, Clemson University, USA; Peter Mentzel, Utah State University, USA; Nick Miller, Boise State University, USA; Marcia Morris, Georgetown University, USA; Aviel Roshwald, Georgetown University, USA; Michael Rywkin, The City College of the City University of New York, USA; Edward Schatz, Southern Illinois University, USA; Naney Wingfield, Northern Illinois University, USA; Christine Worobec, Northern Illinois University, USA; Edward Wynot, Florida State University, USA Editorial correspondence, including submissions to the journal, should be sent to Steven Sabol, Nationalities Papers, Department of History, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223, USA. The editors accept no responsibility for the statements of fact or opinion made by the contributors. Nationalities Papers receives support from the College of Arts and Sciences of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the College of Arts and Sciences of Baylor University, and from the Shevchenko Scientific Society in America. R correspondence, including orders and remittances relating to subscriptions, back numbers and sample copies, should be addressed to the publisher: Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Customer Services Department, Rankine Road, Basingstoke, Hants RG24 8PR, UK. Tel: + 44 (0)1256 813002; Fax: + 44 (0)1256 330245. Back issues Taylor & Francis retains a three-year back issue stock of journals. Older volumes are held by our official stockists: Periodicals Service Company http://www. periodicals.com/tandf.html, | 1 Main Street, Germantown, NY 12526, USA, to whom all orders and enquiries should be addressed. Telephone: + 1 518 537 4700; Fax: + 1 518 537 5899; Email: psc @periodicals.com Abstracting and indexing services Nationalities Papers is currently noted in Geographical Abstracts: Human Geography, Geobase, Historical Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Zeller Verlag (IBZ/IBR) and America: History and Life. ISSN 0090-5992 © 2004 Association for the Study of Nationalities VOLUME 32 NUMBER 1 MARCH 2004 CONTENTS ARTICLES An Examination of Russian Imperialism: Russian Military and Intellectual Descriptions of the Caucasians during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 Keziban Acar Modernist Nationalism: Statism and National Identity in Turkey Ayhan Akman One Ukraine or Many? Regionalism in Ukraine and Its Political Consequences Lowell W. Barrington and Erik S. Herron The “Pugachev Rebellion” in the Context of Post-Soviet Kazakh Nationaliza- tion Michele E. Commercio The Two Faces of Contemporary Eurasianism: An Imperial Version of Russian Nationalism Marlene Laruelle Azerbaijan after Heydar Aliev Alec Rasizade The Siberian Frontier between “White Mission” and “Yellow Peril,” 1890s— 1920s Eva-Maria Stolberg Institutional Power and the Rise of MiloSevi¢ Nebojsa Vladisavljevic Cross-Border Cooperation and Transformation of Regional Identities in the Ukrainian—Russian Borderlands: Towards a Euroregion “Slobozhan- shchyna’’? Part 1 Tatiana Zhurzhenko REVIEW ESSAY A New Kazakstan: Four Books Reconceptualize the History of the Kazak Steppe Michael Rouland BOOK REVIEWS Krystyna Iglicka, Poland’s Post-war Dynamic of Migration (Roland Spickermann) Karen Knop, Diversity and Self-Determination in International Law (Daniel C. Turack) Peter Toma and DuSan Kova, Slovakia: From Samo to Dzurinda (Steven Scherer) Markus Krzoska, Fiir ein Polen an Oder und Ostsee: Zygmunt Wojciechowski (1900-1955) als Historiker und Publizist (David M. Crowe) Miklés Molnar, A Concise History of Hungary (Tibor Frank) Sébastien Peyrouse, Des chrétiens entre athéisme et islam. Regards sur la question religieuse en Asie centrale soviétique et post-soviétique (Michael Rywkin) Bozena Shallcross, Framing the Polish Home. Postwar Cultural Constructions of Hearth, Nation, and Self (Theodosia Robertson) Timothy Snyder, The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 (David R. Marples) Dzemal Sokolovic and Florian Bieber, Reconstructing Multiethnic Societies: The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina (Dovile Budryte) VOLUME 32 NUMBER 2_ JUNE 2004 CONTENTS ARTICLES U.S.—Uzbek Partnership and Democratic Reforms Shahram Akbarzadeh The Bosnian Muslims and Albanians: Islam and Nationalism Aydin Babuna National Identity, Political Interest and Human Rights in Europe: The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union Victor D. Bojkov Transborder Ethnic Minorities and Their Impact on the Security of Southeastern Europe Ivanka Nedeva Atanasova The Political Significance of Cultural Nationalism: The Slavophiles and Their Notion of a Russian Enlightenment Susanna Rabow-Edling Rag Doll Nations and the Politics of Differentiation on Arbitrary Borders: Karelia and Moldova Mark Lawrence Schrad Cross-Border Cooperation and Transformation of Regional Identities in the Ukrainian—Russian Borderlands: Towards a_ Euroregion “Slobozhanshchyna’”? Part 2 Tatiana Zhurzhenko BOOK REVIEWS Dejan Djoki¢, Yugoslavism: Histories of a Failed Idea 1918-1992 (Mieczystaw P. Boduszyriski) James Gow, The Serbian Project and Its Adversaries: A Strategy of War Crimes (Kevin L. Brennan) E. Lohr, Nationalizing the Russian Empire: The Campaign against Enemy Aliens during World War I (Irene Butenko) Eric D. Weitz, A Century of Genocide: Utopias of Race and Nation (Robert Lee Edwards) Marco Buttino, La rivoluzione capovolta. L’Asia centrale tra il crollo dell’impero zarista e la formazione dell’urss (Matteo Fumagalli) Henry F. Carey, National Reconciliation in Eastern Europe (Anastasia Gnezditskaya) Peter D. Stachura, The Poles in Britain 1940-2000: From Betrayal to Assimilation (Petr Kafka) Florian Bieber and Zidas Daskalovski, Understanding the War in Kosovo (Maria Koinova) Keith Brown, The Past in Question. Modern Macedonia and the Uncertainties of Nation (Lucian N. Leustean) Robert Shannan Peckham, Rethinking Heritage: Cultures and Politics in Europe (Leon C. Lowder, III) Timothy Snyder, The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 (Inna Ramasheuskaya and Pawel Zajac) Richard E. Matland and Kathleen A. Montogomery, Women’s Access to Political Power in Post-Communist Europe (Laura Roselle) Rafiz Abazov, Historical Dictionary of Kyrgyzstan (Michael Rywkin) VOLUME 32 NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 2004 CONTENTS ARTICLES Local Elections in Independent Ukraine: The Case Study of Nikolayev Olena Yatsunska Fertility, Families and Ethnic Conflict: Macedonians and Albanians in the Republic of Macedonia, 1944-2002 UIf Brunnbauer Development and Institutionalisation of Romani Representation and Adminis- tration. Part | Ilona Klimova-Alexander Astana’s Privatised Independence: Private and National Interests in the Foreign Policy of Nursultan Nazarbayev Tor Bukkvoll Christianity and Nationality in Soviet and Post-Soviet Central Asia: Mutual Intrusions and Instrumentalizations Sebastien Peyrouse Evacuation to a Cold Country: Child Refugees from the Greek Civil War in the German Democratic Republic, 1949-1989 Stefan Troebst BOOK REVIEWS Domenico M. Nuti and Milica Uvalic, Post-Communist Transition to a Market Economy. Lessons and Challenges (Francesca Arato) John Hagan, Justice in the Balkans: Prosecuting War Crimes in the Hague Tribunal (Fotini Christia) Lech Mr6z, Dzieje Cygan6dw—Romow w Rzeczypospolitej XV-XVIII (David M. Crowe) Edward P. Walker, Dissolution: Sovereignty and the Breakup of the Soviet Union (Irina Del Genio-Ruchinskaya) Thomas de Waal, Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan through Peace and War (Ruzan Hakobyan) Andrea Peto, Women in Hungarian Politics, 1945-1951 (Nameeta Mathur) Pal Nyiri and Igor Saveliev, Globalizing Chinese Migration: Trends in Europe and Asia (Olga V. Smirnova) Martin Ewans, The Great Game: Britain and Russia in Central Asia (Michael Rouland) Douglas T. Northrop, Veiled Empire: Gender and Power in Stalinist Central Asia (Reinhard Eisener) Aldo Ferrari, La Foresta e la Steppa. Il Mito dell’Eurasia nella cultura russ (Matteo Fumagalli) Marco Dogo and Guido Franzinetti, Disrupting and Reshaping. Early Stages of Nation-Building in the Balkans (Andrew Gilbert) Norbert Gétz and Jérg Hackmann, Civil Society in the Baltic Sea Region (Vassia Gueorguieva) VOLUME 32 NUMBER 4 DECEMBER 2004 CONTENTS Introduction Resolving the Yugoslav Controversies: A Scholars’ Initiative Thomas Emmert and Charles Ingrao ARTICLES Explaining the Yugoslav meltdown, |: “For a Charm of Pow’ rful Trouble, Like a Hell-broth Boil and Bubble”: Theories about the Roots of the Yugoslav Troubles Sabrina P. Ramet Explaining the Yugoslav meltdown, 2: A Theory about the Causes of the Yugoslav Meltdown: The Serbian National Awakening as a “Revitalization Movement” Sabrina P. Ramet Grassroots Groups, MiloSevi¢ or Dissident Intellectuals? A Controversy over the Origins and Dynamics of the Mobilisation of Kosovo Serbs in the 1980s Nebojsa Vladisavljevié The Emergence of the Kosovar Parallel State, 1988-1992 Besnik Pula The “Mortar Massacres”: A Controversy Revisited Benjamin Rusek and Charles Ingrao The Effects of the Dissolution of Yugoslavia on the Minority Rights of Hungar- ian and Italian Minorities in the Post-Yugoslav States Matjaz Klemencié and Jernej Zupancié The MiloSevi¢ Trial: Purpose and Performance James Gow and Ivan Zverzhanovski Facing the Violent Past: Discussions with Serbia’s Youth Maryanne Yerkes CONTENTS, VOLUME 32

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