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NATIONAL SOCIALISM: Vanguard of the Future A\V Selected Writings of Colin Jordan NATIONAL SOCIALISM: Vanguard of the Future Selected Writings of Colin Jordan The Historical Review Press NATIONALSOCIALISM: Vanguard ofthe Future SelectedWritings ofColin Jordan Firstpublishedby NORDLANDFORLAG AALBORG 1993 This edition 2011 by The Historical ReviewPress Box 62, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 IZY, UnitedKingdom. ISBN978-1-105-89209-7 . NATIONAL SOCIALISM: VANGUARD OF THE FUTURE Selected Writings of Colin Jordan INTRODUCTION 1 I. The Past: AdolfHitlerandNational Socialist Germany 6 1. HitlerWas Right! 7 2. AdolfHitler: The Man againstTime 18 3.AdolfHitler: Man ofthe Century 22 4. The EnemyWithin 26 5. BookReview: BloodandSoilbyAnnaBramwell 36 6. Murder at Spandau 42 II: THEPRESENT: NATIONALSOCIALISMTODAY 57 A 1. National Socialism: PhilosophicalAppraisal 58 2. National Socialism: World Creed forthe Future 64 III. INTO THEFUTURE: THENATIONAL SOCIALIST VANGUARD 90 1 Buildingthe Vanguard 91 2. Party Time Has Ended: The Case forPolitics Beyondthe Party 94 3. ATrain ofThought 104 APPENDIX: Letterto GeraldKaufman, M.P 115 BiographicalNote 119 Companionvolumeto this book: TheNational Vanguard: The WayForward by Colin Jordan TheNational Vanguard: The WayForwardisthe complete six-part study firstpublishedbyveteran postwar BritishNational Socialist leader Colin Jordan in his newsletter, GothicRipples. It details the author's development of a number of principles, including his understanding that democracy is a hoax designed to perpetuatepowerby society'sreal controllers, thatparticipation in party politics is pointless, that Christianity is incompatible with National Socialism, andonan alternativemethod ofseizingpower outside ofthe ballotbox. Available from the HistoricalReviewPress http://www.historicalreviewpress.com NationalSocialism: VanguardoftheFutureJL INTRODUCTION Make no mistake about it: this is a dangerous book. The ideas contained in this slim volume are explosive enough to blow the whole power structure ofthe Western world to smithereens. The author is abold and eloquent exponent ofthe mosthated, the most feared, and the mostreviled creed ofmodern times: AdolfHitler's National Socialism. Contained herein in concentrated form are the most- forbiddenthoughts ofthe post-1945 era: praise ofAdolfHitlerand thedefenceofhispolicies;theopenadvocacyofNationalSocialism forthe entireWhite race; and a course ofactionwherebythis goal can be attained, even against the most brutal and determined opposition. The masters ofthe media are fond ofportraying real-life contemporaryNational Socialists asthoughthey are stock comedy villains who have escaped from some Hollywood movie. Colin Jordan puts the lie to the depiction ofthe National Socialist as a megalomaniacal madman, spewing mindless hate and frothing at the mouth. He is what may be described, quite precisely, as "the thinking man's National Socialist." His thoughts are logical and ordered;hehasasweepinggraspofthepast, alucidappreciationof the present, and penetrating insights into the future. At the same time he writes with apassionate intensitythat comes onlyto those whohaveabsoluteconvictionintheirbeliefs.Heiscoollyanalytical orblisteringly critical, depending on* therequirements ofthetopic under discussion. Further, Jordan is no armchair intellectual, and whenhe writes ofbuilding eliteNational Socialisttask forces to NationalSocialismimplementthe"tacticsofOtto Skozeny" in the political sphere, he carries the authority of someone who speaks from first-hand experience. Colin Jordan was born in 1923 and graduated from Cambridge University with an honours degree in history in 1949. He began his political career in the 1940s as a protege ofArnold Leese, one ofthe few pre-warBritishNational Socialists who had thecourageandthe staminatocontinuethe struggleafterthedefeat ColinJordan of 1945. Upon Leese's death, Jordan inherited his house on PrincedaleRoadinLondon,whichquicklybecametheheadquarters oftheWhiteDefenceLeague. Thiswasthefirstorganisationwhich Jordanformed, andin 1960hemergeditwithotherBritishracialist groups into the British National Party. Subsequently there was a falling out in the BNP (which is no relationto the currentparty of the samename)betweenthosewho favouredahard-core advocacy ofNationalSocialismandthosewhodesiredtotakeamoremoderate, softer approach. Jordan, of course, led the hard-core group, and fromthis split cametheNational SocialistMovement. As is only fitting for aNational Socialist organisation, the NSM was born in struggle. Itwas founded onApril 20, 1962, and on July 2nd ofthat year it held its first mass meeting in London's Trafalgar Square, underneath a forty-foot banner reading "Free BritainfromJewishControl!"Some5,000peopleattendedthisopen- airgathering,includingamobofJewswhoquicklybecamehysterical atthecontentsofJordan'sspeech.TheensuingriotendedinJordan's arrest—and not, significantly, in the arrest ofhis attackers. More NSM importantthanhisonemonth'sjailtimewastheresultthatthe was henceforth not allowedto hold suchpublic meetings.Another consequence ofthe battle was the decision to form a self-defence — arm oftheNSM whichresultedinJordan's secondimprisonment oftheyear. He gotthemessage: allpretence ofdemocracyandfree speechaside,thepowers-that-beinBritainwereabsolutelynotgoing to allow National Socialists the same rights to organise as other political parties. A lesser man would have been discouraged and given up the fight after such a disheartening initial nine months. Instead, Jordan adjusted his strategy and began a 12-year campaign of politicalguerrillawarfarebywayofpropagandaagainsttheBritish NSM establishment. Perhaps the most striking example ofthese activities was those which contributed to the defeat of Labour candidate Gordon Walker in 1965. Walker was an outspoken advocateofnon-WhiteimmigrationintoBritain.Throughcountless publicitystunts,throughdemonstrations, andthroughdisruptinghis meetings, Jordan kept the race-threatening nature of Walker's — NationalSocialism: VanguardoftheFutureeJ> candidacy in the public eye. So effective were these efforts that a squadofthugsfromtheJewish"62Group"wasbroughtintosilence Jordan. At Walker's final election meeting in Leyton Baths on January 20, 1965, they attacked Jordan, with shouts of"Kill him! Killhim!"Jordanwasbrutallybeatenandrequiredhospitalisation butWalker lostthe election. In 1967 Jordan was againjailed, this time for distributing twopamphlets. OneofthesecriticisedJewishdominationofBritish society, and the other, The ColouredInvasion, warned Britons of theperilsofthefloodofnon-Whiteimmigrationwhichwassweeping across their shores. Sadly, the age-old rights ofnative Britons had so deteriorated by this time that even the written criticism ofthe baleful effects ofnon-Britons was deemed illegal. Following his release from jail, Jordan reorganised the NSM as the "British Movement," and it continued as such until his retirement from politics in 1975. It would take a separate volume to chronicle a complete history of British National Socialism, but there are other NSM achievementsofJordanandthe thatmustbementioned.During August ofthe eventful year 1962, Jordan hosted an international meeting ofNational Socialist leaders in the Cotswolds, England. AmongthoseinattendancewereLincolnRockwell,BrunoLudtke, andSavitriDevi. OutofthisgatheringtheWorldUnionofNational Socialistswas born, the firstattemptto give international structure to the post-war movement. It should also be noted that the NSM published an occasional newspaper, The National Socialist, throughoutits history, aswell as amanifesto calling foraNational Socialist state, Britain Reborn. TodayColinJordanisayouthful 68, andisamemberofno organisation. His currentactivities consistofwriting, book-selling, andpublishing a newsletter, GothicRipples. Evenhis enemiesaccordhim agrudgingrecognitionofhis stature and abilities. Recently the Crown Prosecution Service describedhimas"thegrandfatherofBritishNational Socialism."A spokesman for the Jewish Board of Deputies called Jordan "the guru of British Nazism," and the venomous "anti-Fascist" rag I^ cColinJordan Searchlight denounced him as 'a real Jew-baiter," which simply meansthattheyfindhimaneffectiveopponentofJewishhegemony overBritain.(Allquotestakenfromthearticle"Policeraidthehome ofleadingneo-Naziveteran,"JewishChronicle, p.l,June28, 1991.) Such are Colin Jordan's impressive political credentials. ThereadermustjudgetheimpressivenessofJordan'sideas for himself. A word must be said about Colin Jordan's writing style, which some readers may occasionally find difficult, especially in partstwo andthree ofthis collection. These essays—especially those dealing with a course of action for the Movement—were not written for the casual amusementofarmchairracialists orforthose"National Socialists" whotreatthebattleforAryansurvivalasahobby,whichtheypursue at their leisure, ifand when the mood strikes them. Nor are they writtenforthosewhoseintellectuallevelcanbeplottedonthelower halfoftheIQ bell curve.No, thesewordswerewrittenforthe elite ofourrace: forthosewhohavethestrengthofintellecttounderstand the full depth oftheNational Socialist creed, andwho atthe same time have the strength of character to actively participate in the National Socialist struggle. Those few Aryans who fall into this category are the readers to whom Jordan is writing. Nor does he desire that his words be taken lightly. These writingsarenotintendedtobegraspedintheirentiretyuponasingle cursoryperusal. Rather,theauthorwantshisideas studiedcarefully and thoroughly, in both depth and detail. Jordan desires that his targetaudiencereadthesethoughtsnotjustonce ortwicebutagain and yet again. He wants the reader to ponder over them, and to determinebyhimselftheirfullramifications.Mostimportantly, after the readerhas fully absorbedthese words andhas consideredtheir fullimplications,hewantstheseessaystoserveasabasisforaction. Allthisisnottosaythattheauthorisincapabletoexpressing himselfin a concise and direct manner. Quite the contrary! These essays arepackedwitheloquentandmemorablephrases: "thinking withtheblood;""fragmentsofthefuture,""arevolutioninthought;" and "applying the principles ofOtto Skozeny to political warfare" NationalSocialism: VanguardoftheFutureeJ> are just a few examples of Jordan's facility with striking and evocative language. Whenhe feelstheneedhe canexpresshimself inacrisp andauthoritativemannerthatslamshomekey ideas inno uncertain terms: "What fulfils Nature; what benefits the race as a servantofNature; whatbenefitsNational Socialism as a servantof the race; is good: whatdoes not is bad. Thatwhichtruly seeks and secures this good is right. Thatwhich does notiswrong. No other, commandto the contrary canbe accepted byNational Socialists." Whateverdifficultiesareadermighthavewiththeauthor's style are more than amply compensated for by the richness and brilliance of his ideas. These essays require time and effort and thought, buttheyrepaythe energy expendedmanytimes over. The thoughts expressed here are not going to please everyone. They are not intended to. The ruling powers in Britain will not be happy to see a collection ofthe writings ofthis most persistent and troublesome enemy oftheirs. Perhaps they will ban the distributionofthis bookwithintheUnitedKingdom. Likewise, — therearethosewithintheracialistmovement andmaybeevensome — whoconsiderthemselvesasNational Socialists whowilldisagree withpart ofwhat Jordanhas to say. So be it. InSchopenhauerasEducator, FriedrichNietzscheexplains, "I considereverwordasuselessbehindwhichdoesnotstandacall to action." Such is the attitude ofColin Jordan. If enough ofthe rightpeoplereadthisbookanddeterminetoputtheideas itcontains into ef—fect, the entire structure ofthe OldOrderwillcome crashing down and aNewWorldforAryanhumanitywillbebuiltamid its ruins.

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