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Index to Volume 15 1 is the Winter 1995/96 issue 2 is the Spring 1996 issue 3 is the Summer 1996 issue 4 is the Autumn 1996 issue AUTHORS through Partnering: A Federal Allison, Jack Harl, and Byron, Mary Lands Highway Initiative, No. 1, — Ann. Aligning Quality Improve- 41-50 ment with Strategic Goals at ANA Byron, Mary Ann, and Allison, Jack Hotel San Francisco, No. 2, 89— Harl. Aligning Quality Improve- 100 ment with Strategic Goals at ANA Anschutz, Eric E. TQM—The Public Hotel San Francisco, No. 2, 89— Sector Challenge, No. 1, 1-6 100 Bechtell, Michele L. Navigating Orga- Carlberg, Douglas F. The Evolution nizational Waters with Hoshin of a World-Class Factory at Harris Planning, No. 2, 23-42 Farinon, No. 4, 77-84 Benabou, Charles. Assessing the Carroll, Bob. The Power of Empow- Impact of Training Programs on ered Teams, No. 4, 85—92 the Bottom Line, No. 3, 91-100 Crom, Steven E., and Lemons, Susan. Berman, Steven, and Mathis, Kathleen. Reengineering: Starting with a “Winning Together” at Dirty Sheet of Paper, No. 1, 15-26 AlliedSignal, No. 2, 81-88 Cross, William S., and Bushnell, David Bohlander, George W., and McCarthy, S. Government Savings through Kathy. How To Get the Most from Partnering: A Federal Lands High- Team Training, No. 4, 25-35 way Initiative, No. 1, 41-50 Buckles, Richard J. Profiting from Davis, Robert A., Fast, Larry E., and Customer-Driven Quality at Vokurka, Robert T. Improving Amoco Corporation, No. 1, 63-78 Manufacturing Performance Bulger, Stanley L. Performance Man- Through Scrap Reduction at agement: The Foundation for a Belden Wire and Cable Company, High-Performance Organization, No. 4, 47-55 No. 1, 101-110 Fast, Larry E., Vokurka, Robert T., and Burke, W. Warner, and Trahant, Bill. Davis, Robert A. Improving Manu- Creating a Change Reaction: How facturing Performance Through Understanding Organizational Dy- Scrap Reduction at Belden Wire namics Can Ease Reengineering, and Cable Company, No. 4, 47-55 No. 4, 37-46 |F inley, Nancy, and Zueck, Paul. Team- Bushnell, David S., and Cross, Will- work Enhances Customer Satis- iam S. Government Savings faction and Manufacturing Capa- National Productivity Review/Autumn 1996 125 Index to Volume 15 bility at Kent-Moore, No. 2, 101- .., Susan Jones. Do Americans Have 106 Their Minds Set Against TQM?, Fisch, Mark, Marcum, James W., and No. 3, 19-32 Green, Rachel. Books and Ar- Kane, Michael’ E., and Sunderland, ticles in Brief, No. 1, 119-132 Frank O. Measuring Productivity Fite, Darrell, and Lin, Binshan. Man- on a Value Basis, No. 4, 57-76 aging a Sea of Quality Information Kaplan, Craig. Technology To Ease at Ark-La-Tex Aquatics, No. 1, 79— Team-Based Quality Assessments, 86 No. 3, 65-82 Green, Rachael, Shaefer, Thomas E., Kappelman, Leon A., von Dran, Gisela Withen, Patrick W., and Marcum, M., and Prybutok, Victor R. Ari- James W. Books and Articles in zona State University’s Lesson in Brief, No. 4, 115-124 Creating Public-Sector Change Green, Rachael, Withen, Patrick W., Agents, No. 2, 17-22 and Marcum, James W. Books Kidder, Pamela J., and Ryan, Bobbie. and Articles in Brief, No. 2, 113- How the Deming Philosophy 125 Transformed the Department of Green, Rachael, Withen, Patrick W., the Navy, No. 3, 55-64 Wilcox, Don C., and Marcum, Koonce, Richard, and Horney, Nicho- James W. Books and Articles in las F. Using Competency Align- Brief, No. 3, 125-136 ment To Shape, Drive, and Sus- Green, Rachel, Fisch, Mark, and tain Change Efforts, No. 3, 41-54 Marcum, James W. Books and Lemons, Susan, and Crom, Steven E. Articles in Brief, No. 1, 119-132 Reengineering: Starting with a Halachmi, Arie. Business Process Dirty Sheet of Paper, No. 1, 15-26 Reengineering in the Public Sec- Lin, Binshan, and Fite, Darrell. Man- tor: Trying To Get Another Frog aging a Sea of Quality Information To Fly?, No. 3, 9-18 at Ark-La-Tex Aquatics, No. 1, 79- Halachmi, Arie. The Pros and Cons of 86 Participating in a Quality Award McCarthy, Kathy, and Bohlander, Program, No. 1, 87-100 George W. How To Get the Most Henning, Kathleen A. Facing Reality from Team Training, No. 4, 25-35 in Virtual Factory, No. 4, 7-14 Mandrish, Elaine M., and Schaffer, Hitchner, Earle. The Downside of Robert H. Putting the Engine into Downsizing, No. 1, 111-118 Reengineering, No. 2, 7-16 Hitchner, Earle. Loyalists, Unite!, No. Marcum, James W., Green, Rachael, 3, 117-124 and Withen, Patrick W. Books and Hitchner, Earle. Putting Process First, Articles in Brief, No. 2, 113-125 No. 4, 107-113 Marcum, James W., Green, Rachael, Hitchner, Earle. What’s in a Name? Shaefer, Thomas E., and Withen, Everything, No. 2, 107-112 Patrick W. Books and Articles in Horney, Nicholas F., and Koonce, Brief, No. 4, 115-124 Richard. Using Competency Align- Marcum, James W., Green, Rachael, ment To Shape, Drive, and Sus- Withen, Patrick W., and Wilcox, tain Change Efforts, No. 3, 41-54 Don C. Books and Articles in Hubiak, William A., and O’Donnell, Brief, No. 3, 125-136 126 National Productivity Review/Autumn 1996 Index to Volume 15 Marcum, James W. Green, Rachel, Riddle, J. Ernie. Reengineering Ryder and Fisch, Mark. Books and Ar- To Meet Rising Customer Expec- ticles in Brief, No. 1, 119-132 tations, No. 1, 51-62 Martin, Stephanie. The Role of Non- Ryan, Bobbie, and Kidder, Pamela J. verbal Communications in Qual- How the Deming Philosophy ity Improvement, No. 1, 27-40 Transformed the Department of Mathis, Kathleen, and Berman, Steven. the Navy, No. 3, 55-64 “Winning Together” at Schaffer, Robert H., and Mandrish, AlliedSignal, No. 2, 81-88 Elaine M. Putting the Engine into Molloy, Kathleen, Pellegrino, James, Reengineering, No. 2, 7-16 and Recardo, Ronald J. How the Shaefer, Thomas E., Withen, Patrick Learning Organization Manages W., Marcum, James W., and Green, Change, No. 1, 7-14 Rachael. Books and Articles in Mooney, Marta. Deming’s Real Legacy: Brief, No. 4, 115-124 An Easier Way To Manage Knowl- Sowder, Jules. The 100% Satisfaction edge, No. 3, 1-8 Guarantee: Ensuring Quality at O’Donnell, Susan Jones, and Hubiak, Hampton Inn, No. 2, 53-66 William A. Do Americans Have Stein, Martin M. Using Adaptive Engi- Their Minds Set Against TQM?, neering To Implement Break- No. 3, 19-32 through Strategies, No. 4, 15-24 O’Leary, Laurie P. Do You Really Stewart, Robert. A Prescription for Need a Team?, No. 4, 1-5 Enhancing Productivity at Bristol- O'Leary, Laurie P. Curing the Monday Myers Squibb, No. 3, 83-90 Blues: A U.S. Navy Guide for Sunderland, Frank O., and Kane, Structuring Cross-Functional Michael E. Measuring Productiv- Teams, No. 2, 43—52 ity on a Value Basis, No. 4, 57-76 Parker, T. Wood. Real-World Reengin- Trahant, Bill, and Burke, W. Warner. eering: Supporting Organizational Creating a Change Reaction: How Change at Premier Bank, No. 2, Understanding Organizational Dy- 67-80 namics Can Ease Reengineering, Pellegrino, James, Recardo, Ronald J., No. 4, 37-46 and Molloy, Kathleen. How the Uretsky, Mike. Making the Best of the Learning Organization Manages New Technology, No. 3, 33-40 Change, No. 1, 7-14 Vokurka, Robert T., Davis, Robert A., Prybutok, Victor R., Kappelman, Leon and Fast, Larry E. Improving A., and von Dran, Gisela M. Ari- Manufacturing Performance zona State University’s Lesson in Through Scrap Reduction at Creating Public-Sector Change Belden Wire and Cable Company, Agents, No. 2, 17—22 No. 4, 47-55 Rayner, Steven R. Team Traps: What von Dran, Gisela M., Prybutok, Victor They Are, How To Avoid Them, R., and Kappelman, Leon A. Ari- No. 3, 101-116 zona State University’s Lesson in Recardo, RonaldJ. ,M olloy, Kathleen, Creating Public-Sector Change and Pellegrino, James. How the Agents, No. 2, 17-22 Learning Organization Manages Wilcox, Don C., Marcum, James W., Change, No. 1, 7-14 Green, Rachael, and Withen, National Productivity Review/Autumn 1996 127 Index to Volume 15 Patrick W. Books and Articles in Hammer, Michael. Beyond Reengin- Brief, No. 3, 125-136 “* eering: How the Process-Centered Willey, Raymond. Self-Assessments Organization Is Changing Our Spur Business Improvement at Work and Our Lives, No. 4, 107— Merix Corporation, No. 4, 93-105 113 Withen, Patrick W., Marcum, James W., Meyer, G.J. Executive Blues: Down and Green, Rachael. Books and and Out in Corporate America, Articles in Brief, No. 2, 113-125 No. 1, 111-118 Withen, Patrick W., Marcum, James Reichheld, Frederick F. The Loyalty W., Green, Rachael, and Shaefer, Effect: The Hidden Force Behind Thomas E. Books and Articles in Growth, Profits, and Lasting Value, Brief, No. 4, 115—124 No. 3, 117-124 Withen, Patrick W., Wilcox, Don C., Marcum, James W., and Green, CASE STUDIES Rachael. Books and Articles in A Prescription for Enhancing Produc- Brief, No. 3, 125-136 tivity at Bristol-Myers Squibb, Rob- ~Womack, Larry. New—and Unim- ert Stewart, No. 3, 83-90 proved?—Corporate Integrity, No. Aligning Quality Improvement with 2, 1-6 Strategic Goals at ANA Hotel San Zueck, Paul, and Finley, Nancy. Team- Francisco, Jack Harl Allison and work Enhances Customer Satis- Mary Ann Byron, No. 2, 89-100 faction and Manufacturing Capa- Arizona State University’s Lesson in bility at Kent-Moore, No. 2, 101- Creating Public-Sector Change 106 Agents, Gisela M. von Dran, Vic- tor R. Prybutok, and Leon A. ARTICLES Kappelman, No. 2, 17-22 ADAPTIVE ENGINEERING Curing the Monday Blues: A USS. Using Adaptive Engineering to Imple- Navy Guide for Structuring Cross- ment Breakthrough Strategies, Functional Teams, Laurie P. Martin M. Stein, No. 4, 15—24 O'Leary, No. 2, 43-52 The Evolution of a World-Class Fac- ASSESSMENT tory at Harris Farinon, Douglas F. Measuring Productivity on a Value Carlberg, No. 4, 77-84 Basis, Frank O. Sunderland and How the Deming Philosophy Trans- Michael E. Kane, No. 4, 57-76 formed the Department of the Self-Assessments Spur Business Im- Navy, PamelaJ .K idder and Bobbie provement at Merix Corporation, Ryan, No. 3, 55-64 Raymond Willey, No. 4, 93-105 Improving Manufacturing Perfor- Technology To Ease Team-Based mance Through Scrap Reduction Quality Assessments, Craig Kaplan, at Belden Wire and Cable Com- No. 3, 65-82 pany, Robert T. Vokurka, Robert A. Davis, and Larry E. Fast, No. 4, BOOKS REVIEWED 47-55 Fombrun, CharlesJ . Reputation: Re- Managing a Sea of Quality Information alizing Value from the Corporate at Ark-La-Tex Aquatics, Binshan Image, No. 2, 107-112 Lin and Darrell Fite, No. 1, 79-86 128 National Productivity Review/Autumn 1996 Index to Volume 15 The 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMS Ensuring Quality at Hampton Inn, Curing the Monday Blues: A US. Jules Sowder, No. 2, 53-66 Navy Guide for Structuring Cross- Profiting from Customer-Driven Qual- Functional Teams, Laurie P. ity at Amoco Corporation, Richard O'Leary, No. 2, 43-52 J. Buckles, No. 1, 63-78 Real-World Reengineering: Support- CUSTOMER-DRIVEN QUALITY ing Organizational Change at Pre- Profiting from Customer-Driven Qual- mier Bank, T. Wood Parker, No. 2, ity at Amoco Corporation, Richard 67-80 J. Buckles, No. 1, 63-78 Reengineering Ryder To Meet Rising Customer Expectations, J. Ernie FEATURES Riddle, No. 1, 51-62 Book Review/The Downside of Self-Assessments Spur Business Im- Downsizing, Earle Hitchner, No. provement at Merix Corporation, 1, 111-118 Raymond Willey, No. 4, 93-105 Book Review/Loyalists, Unite!, Earle Teamwork Enhances Customer Hitchner, No. 3, 117-124 Satisfaction and Manufacturing Book Review/Putting Process First, Capability at Kent-Moore, Paul Earle Hitchner, No. 4, 107-113 Zueck and Nancy Finley, No. 2, Book Review/What’s in a Name? Ev- 101-106 erything, Earle Hitchner, No. 2, “Winning Together” at AlliedSignal, 107-112 Kathleen Mathis and Steven Books and Articles in Brief/James W. Berman, No. 2, 81-88 Marcum, Rachael Green, and Patrick W. Withen, No. 2, 113-125 CHANGE AGENT Books and Articles in Brief/James W. Arizona State University’s Lesson in Marcum, Rachael Green, Patrick Creating Public-Sector Change W. Withen, and Don C. Wilcox, Agents, Gisela M. von Dran, Vic- No. 3, 125-136 tor R. Prybutok, and Leon A. Books and Articles in Brief/James W. Kappelman, No. 2, 17-22 Marcum, Rachael Green, Thomas E. Shaefer, and Patrick W. Withen, CHANGE MANAGEMENT No. 4, 115-124 How the Learning Organization Man- Books and Articles in Brief/James W. ages Change, Ronald J. Recardo, Marcum, Rachel Green, and Mark Kathleen Molloy, and James Fisch, No. 1, 119-132 Pellegrino, No. 1, 7-14 A Point of View/Deming’s Real Legacy: Using Competency Alignment To An Easier Way To Manage Knowl- Shape, Drive, and Sustain Change edge, Marta Mooney, No. 3, 1-8 Efforts, Nicholas F. Horney and A Point of View/Do You Really Need Richard Koonce, No. 3, 41-54 a Team?, Laurie P. O’Leary, No. 4, 1-5 COMMUNICATION A Point of View/New—and Unim- The Role of Nonverbal Communica- proved?—Corporate Integrity, tions in Quality Improvement, Larry Womack, No. 2, 1-6 Stephanie Martin, No. 1, 27-40 A Point of View/TQM—tThe Public National Productivity Review/Autumn 1996 129 Index to Volume 15 Sector Challenge, Eric E. Anschutz, The Role of Nonverbal Communica- No. 1, 1-6 ~~ tions in Quality Improvement, Stephanie Martin, No. 1, 27-40 HOSHIN MANAGEMENT Navigating Organizational Waters with REENGINEERING Hoshin Planning, Michele L. Business Process Reengineering in Bechtell, No. 2, 23—42 the Public Sector: Trying To Get Another Frog To Fly?, Arie INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Halachmi, No. 3, 9-18 Managing a Sea of Quality Informa- Creating a Change Reaction: How tion at Ark-La-Tex Aquatics, Understanding Organizational Dy- Binshan Lin and Darrell Fite, No. namics Can Ease Reengineering, 1, 79-86 Bill Trahant and W. Warner Burke, No. 4, 37-46 MEASUREMENT Putting the Engine into Reengineering, Measuring Productivity on a Value Elaine M. Mandrish and Robert H. Basis, Frank O. Sunderland and Schaffer, No. 2, 7-16 Michael E. Kane, No. 4, 57-76 Real-World Reengineering: Support- ing Organizational Change at Pre- PARTNERING mier Bank, T. Wood Parker, No. 2, Government Savings through 67-80 Partnering: A Federal Lands High- Reengineering: Starting with a Dirty way Initiative, David S. Bushnell Sheet of Paper, Susan Lemons and and William S. Cross, No. 1, 41-50 Steven E. Crom, No. 1, 15-26 Reengineering Ryder To Meet Rising PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Customer Expectations, J. Ernie Performance Management: The Foun- Riddle, No. 1, 51-62 dation for a High-Performance Organization, Stanley L. Bulger, TEAMS No. 1, 101-110 How To Get the Most from Team Training, George W. Bohlander QUALITY ASSURANCE and Kathy McCarthy, No. 4, 25-35 The 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: The Power of Empowered Teams, Ensuring Quality at Hampton Inn, Bob Carroll, No. 4, 85-92 Jules Sowder, No. 2, 53-66 Team Traps: What They Are, How To Avoid Them, Steven R. Rayner, QUALITY AWARD PROGRAM No. 3, 101-116 The Pros and Cons of Participating in a Quality Award Program, Arie TEAMWORK Halachmi, No. 1, 87—100 Teamwork Enhances Customer Satis- faction and Manufacturing Capa- QUALITY IMPROVEMENT bility at Kent-Moore, Paul Zueck Aligning Quality Improvement with and Nancy Finley, No. 2, 101-106 Strategic Goals at ANA Hotel San Francisco, Jack Harl Allison and TECHNOLOGY Mary Ann Byron, No. 2, 89-100 Facing Reality in Virtual Factory, 130 National Productivity Review/Autumn 1996 Index to Volume 15 Kathleen A. Henning, No. 4, 7-14 and Susan Jones O’Donnell, No. Making the Best of the New Technol- ogy, Mike Uretsky, No. 3, 33-40 Technology To Ease Team-Based TRAINING Quality Assessments, Craig Kaplan, Assessing the Impact of Training Pro- No. 3, 65-82 grams on the Bottom Line, Charles Benabou, No. 3, 91—100 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT How To Get the Most from Team Do Americans Have Their Minds Set Training, George W. Bohlander Against TQM?, William A. Hubiak and Kathy McCarthy, No. 4, 25-35 National Productivity Review/Autumn 1996 131

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