dm{fˆH Ó{VdoXZ AnnualReport dm{fˆH Ó{VdoXZ 2012-13 Annual Report 2012-13 amœ¨r™ AO–{dH šQ¨–g Ó~œYZ gœšWmZ 2^maVr™ Hš{f AZwgœYmZ n[afX3 ›mboJmœd6 ~mam›Vr 7 %"$ ""&6 nwUo6 ›hmamœ¨6 ^maV National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Malegaon, Baramati - 413 115, Pune, Maharashtra, India AnnualReport(2012-13).NationalInstituteofAbioticStressManagement,Malegaon, Baramati-413115,Pune,Maharashtra,India,p.80. May2013 ›Bˆ #!"$ Publishedby ÓHmeH Director,NIASM {ZXoeH6 amAÓg EditedandCompiledby gœnmXZ Edœ gœHbZ P.S.Minhas nr8 Eg8 {_Ðhmg OJXre amUo JagadishRane ZdrZ nr8 qgh NaveenP.Singh a¾Zm Hy›ma ngmbm RatnaKumarPasala ~m~mgmho~ ~r8 ‹œS BabasahebB.Fand C_mHmœV _m–`ˆ UmakantMaurya Photography&Art Nm™m{M¿ Edœ aoImœHZ PravinMore Ó{dU ›moao gœVmof ndma SantoshPawar Cover Administrativeblock,developmentandresearchactivities Printedat: FlamingoBusinessSystems 19,LaxminagarCommercialComplexNo.1 ShahuCollegeRoad,Pune411009 020-24214636, Email:[email protected],[email protected] Preface NationalInstituteofAbioticStressManagement(NIASM)hasbeenestablished to develop multidimensional research facilities for combating the escalating adverse impacts of abiotic stresses and is a new hope for tomorrow’s sustainable agriculture dm{fˆH Ó{VdoXZ AnnualReport in the era of climate change. Though in its formative phase, it is getting oriented to 2012-13 exploreadaptationandmitigationoptionsofabioticstressors. During this year, the institute continued to devote on the development of infrastructurefacilitiesandstrengtheninghumanresourcestoaccomplishthetasksof researchandeducation.Theconstructionofadministrativeblockisinfullswingand residentialquartersarenearingcompletion.Theforemostachievementoftheyearhas beenthedevelopmentofamajorpartofthesouthsidefarm(24ha)andinitiationof multidisciplinaryexperimentsspecificallyontraitsandgenesassociatedwithdrought andheattoleranceinwheat,soybeanandgreengram,crop-waterproductionfunctions andtheinteractiveeffectsofbio-regulatorsandsoilfertilityetc.whileexperimentson resource conservation technologies were initiated at the farm of Agricultural Development Trust, Baramati and also on farmers' fields. The north farm (8 ha) has also been terraced and establishment of horticultural plantations have been planned for the coming monsoon season. The first patent has been filed for synthesis of Rohu bactericidal silver nano-particles from tissue extracts of while selected zeolites were characterized for developing nano-particles. The other initiatives were on polymorphism of heat shock protein genes among cattle breeds, development of temperature-basedphenologymodelformealybug,rhizosphericmicrobestoenhance droughttoleranceincropplants,unculturablemicrobialdiversityofsalinesoilsusing metagenomics,useofintermediaryirrigationwaterforhapabasedfishculture,stress responsive genes in fish, reproduction of Shingi under abiotic stress, NDVI based mappingofdroughtstress,etc. Toenhancethewaterresourceoftheinstitute,ameetingwasheldwithexperts for augmenting and taping ground water. In addition, the institute actively participated in regional stakeholders' meetings periodically organized at different institutes.ScientistsincollaborationwithKVK,Baramatisurveyedthenearbytehsils forassessingimpactofdrought.Toensurecomplementarities,theinstitutecontinued toestablishlinkageswithnationalandregionalresearchinstitutes. SincerethanksareduetothemembersofResearchAdvisoryCommittee(RAC) and Institute Management Committee (IMC) for their valuable suggestions. I also thankthemembersofthepublicationcommitteeledbyDr.J.Ranefortheireffortsto compile this report. It is hoped that this report would be useful to different stakeholdersincludingfarmers,scientistsandplanners. Dated:May25,2013 (P.S.Minhas) NIASM,Baramati Director Contents Hm™ˆHmar gmamœe i iii Executive Summary 1 1. Introduction 13 2. Research Highlights 36 3. Tribal Sub-Plan 39 4. Meetings 42 5. Awards and Recognitions 44 6. Linkages and Collaborations 45 7. Publications 49 8. Participation in Conferences / Workshops / Trainings 56 9. Distinguished Visitors 57 10. Celebrations 60 11. New Staff and Superannuation 61 12. Budget 62 13. Research Projects 64 14. Personnel 66 Appendix H m`ˆH mar gmamœe gœšWmZ AnZo ÓmapØ^H MaU _| AO–{dH VZmd Hmo H_ HaZo Am–a AZwHybZ Ho {dHÞn VbmeZo Ho {bE CÐ_wI ahr h–0 AZwgœYmZ VWm {ejm gœ~œYr HVˆß™m| Hmo nyam HaZo Ho {bE ~w{Z`mXr gw{dYmAm| Hm {dHmg dm{fˆH Ó{VdoXZ Am–a _mZd gœgmYZ Hmo _O~yV HaZo Hm ^agH Hm_ gœšWmZ Îmam bJmVma Omar h–0 MmaXrdmar6 Óemg{ZH AnnualReport Öbm¥H Am–a Amdmgr` ¬mQˆam| Hm {Z_mˆU Hm`ˆ ÓJ{Vna h—0 X{jUr jo¿ 2#% ho„Qo`a3 Ho A{YHmœe nWarbo ^mJ 2012-13 Hmo AZwgœYmZ `mo°` ~ZmZm VWm ~hw7{df`H Ó`moJm| Hmo ÓmaØ^ HaZm dfˆ Hs g~go ~…Sr CnbpÖY ahr h–0 ‹gbm| _| gyIo Am–a J_u Hs ghZerbVm Ho {bE AmZwdœ{eH gwYma na Ï`mZ XoZo Ho {bE Joh‡œ Hs #!!6 gmo`m~rZ Hs "($ Edœ _yœJ Hs "!! bmBZm| Hm _yÞ`mœHZ {H`m J`m0 AnZo Hmo RœSm aIZo Hs EH Ódš{Ám Ho {bE šWmZr` Joh‡œ Hs Ó^oXm| O–go #")*6 $!" Am–a $% Hm ^r AÏ``Z {H`m J`m0 HD NIAW NIAW ARmah OrZmoQmBn _o Ó{V ~mbr XmZm| Hm dOZ6 $) _o Ó{V ~mbr XmZm| Hs gœ®`m Edœ $& _o ~mbr Hs bœ~mBˆ šWmZr` Ó^oXmo go A{YH nmBˆ JBˆ0 šWmZr` Ó^oXmo _o gyIo Ho {bE CÁmaXm`r OrZ O–go $ Am–a DREB CBFIVa Hs Cç A{^ß`{− nmBˆ JBˆ0 nwŒn Ho {JaZo go gœ~pÐYV amB~mo{gbgZ ‹o‰Qa 2 3 Ho Amœ{eH OrZ AZwH _ DP RF Hm g‹bVmnydˆH „bmoZ {H`m J`m Am–a BgHo bjU Hm dUˆZ {H`m Om ahm h–0 gmo`m~rZ Hs "($ {d{^Ñ OrZmoQmBn _| go #&!$ Zo gdˆloŠ šWmZr` {Hš_ Hs VwbZm _| ~ohVa n–Xmdma ÓX{eˆV Hs0 CT gyIm ghZerb ´dma Ho #(! ~–„Qr[a`b EœSmo‹mBQ _| go Mma ›| Z¿OZ pšWarHaU6 ‹mš‹moag KwbZerbVm Edœ {gSamo‹moa C¾nmXZ bjU nm`o J`o0 Voah EœSmo‹mBQ AmBgmoboQ§g Hs nhMmZ E8gr8gr8 Cn^mo−m Ho Ýn _| Hs JBˆ0 nrgrAma go Ód{YˆV nyar bœ~mBˆ Egrgr {SA{_ZoO OrZ 2 3 Hmo Xmo [aOmoš‹o™a Õbmoamog|Q acds gySmo_moZmg go „bmoZ {H`m J`m0 EH ~h‡ {df`H g_yh Zo ~mam_Vr Hs Nh Vhgrbm| Ho "" Jmœdm| Hm Xm–am {H`m Am–a ImÍ ‹gbm|6 ~mJdmZr ‹gbm| Am–a newYZ na ß`mÔ gyIo Ho Ó^md na Ómaœ{^H OmZHmar EH¿ Hs0 JÑo Hs no…Sr ‹gb _| Z¿OZ VWm ‹gb Adeof 2Q¨oe3 Ó~œYZ Ho {bE AmO_mE JE {d{^Ñ {dHÞnm| _| go6 Z¿OZ Hmo ~yœX ~yœX qgMmBˆ Vœ¿ Ho gmW Edœ H mo7~ma CnHaU Ho _mÏ`_ go SmbZo na Z¿OZ Cn`moJ XjVm Edœ C¾nmXHVm _o ~…TmoÁmar ÓmÔ h†Bˆ0 Hw¸r {HE h†E AWdm {~Zm Hw¸r {HE JE ‹gb Adeof Hmo gVh na Am³Nm{XV HaZo go JÑo Hs n–Xmdma6 {HgmZ Îmam AnZmBˆ OmZo dmbr gš` {H `mAmo Hs VwbZm _| bJ^J "% Ó{VeV Am{YH ÓmÔ h†Bˆ O~{H ‹m_ˆ `mSˆ šbar `m Q¨mBHmoS_mˆ Ho Cn`moJ HaZo go BgHo Vo©Or go AnKQZ Ho HmaU JÑo Hs C¾nmXHVm _| "'7"*/ VH dš{È ÓmÔ Hs JBˆ0 EH ZBˆ Am¥‹ ~o`[aƒJ gh CdˆaH {S¨b _erZ {dH{gV Hs JBˆ h– VWm {HgmZm| Ho IoVm| na BgHo Ómaœ{^H ÓXeˆZm| Ho n[aUm_ Hm‹s C¾gmhOZH aho h—0 nœ{− _mÏ`_ ‹Ö~maoXa qgMmBˆ ÓUmbr ~ZmBˆ JBˆ Edœ BgHm Cn`moJ Joh‡¦ _o Ob C¾nmXZ Hmo {dH{gV HaZo Edœ ~m`moao°`wboQa Am–a {_¸r CdˆaHVm Ho gmW našn[aH Ó^md Ho {bE Cn`moJ {H`m J`m0 Wm`mo7`y[a`m Hs nhMmZ nmZr Hs H›r Ho Ó^md Hmo H_ HaZo Ho Ýn _| {H`m J`m0 ‹m_ˆ {dHmg Ho Xm–amZ šno½Qdme _o n¾Wa Ho {dKQZ Hs j_Vm XoIr JBˆ Edœ Bg VÂ` Hmo Ï`mZ _o aI Ha HwN Ó`moJ ewÝ {HE JE h— {Og_o Hs šno½Qdme Am–a {d{^Ñ ‹gb ÓUmbr Hm g`wœ− Ó^md _waˆ_ go _šXm {Z_mˆU Hs Ó{H`m Hm AdbmoHZ {H`m Om ahm h–0 Bgr Ho AœVJˆV dm{fˆH Edœ ~h†dm{fˆH ‹gb|6 Omo Hs AnZo Hm~ˆ{ZH ^mJm| Hmo O_rZ Ho Dna VWm AœXa NmoaZo _o {d{^ÑVm aIVo h—6 Hmo bœ~o g_m`md{Y Ho {bE qg{MV VWm ~mamZr XmoZm| n[apšW{V`mo _o AÏ``Z {H`m Om ahm h–0 i dfmˆ gœ^mß`Vm Am–a gyIo Ho {dxbofU go nVm MbVm h– Hs {nNbo #' _o go Nh gmb #&/ `m Cggo A{YH Hs dm{fˆH dfmˆ Hs H_r Hm AZw^d {H`m h– Omo Hs _oQoAmoamobmo{OHb gyIm HhbmVm h–0 O~{H ~mam_Vr jo¿ _| ") gmb Hš{f gyIm Iar‹ FVw Ho Xm–amZ h†Bˆ0 hrQ em¥H ÓmoQrZ 2 3 Hs A{^ß`{− šWmZr` new Zšbm| _o OrZ Vmn_mZ VZmd g{hŒUwVm Ho gmW HSP Ow…So nm`o JE0 Vmn_mZ AmYm[aV ©\sZmobm¥Or _m¥Sb go nVm Mbm h– {H #&7$& {›br~J Ho A{YH ÓOZZ °C j_Vm Am–a NmoQo nr…Tr Ho {bE Cn`w− h–6 Omo Hs Obdm`w n[adVˆZ n[aÄx`m| Ho gœX^ˆ _| HBˆ ÓHma Hs ‹gbm| Ho nm–Ym| Ho {bE EH ~…Sm IVam h–0 hmnmg Hm Cn`moJ Ha ObHš{f VHZrH _m{ZHsHaU ‹m_ˆ Vbm~ _o _Nbr nmbZ Ho {bE {H`m J`m Omo Hs Bg ÓHma qgMmBˆ Ho nmZr Ho {bE _yÞ` gœdYˆZ Hmo gw{ZpxMV HaVm h–0 _Nbr _| Vmn_mZ VZmd Ho Ó^md Hmo H_ HaZo Ho {bE Z–Zmo VHZrHs Hm {dHmg AZwgœYmZ Hs EH Am–a _h¾dnyUˆ AmHfˆU Wm Am–a gœšWmZ Hm nhbm noQ|Q amoh‡ ›Nbr Ho DVH Ho AHˆ go OrdmUwZmeH MmœXr Ho Z–Zmo HUm| Hm gœxbofU na Xm`a {H`m J`m h–0 BgHo Abmdm6 _Nbr _| AmR go A{YH W_ˆb VZmd Ho {bE CÁmaXm`r OrZm| Hs A{^ß`{− Ho {bE amoh‡ _Nbr _| AÏ``Z {H`m Om ahm h–0 g_J ›moSrg7Qoam SoQm Am–a gaHmar EO|{g`m| go ÓmÔ ‹gb gœ~œYr AmœH…Sm| Ho AmYma na AmœY ÓXoe Ho g~go A{YH gyIm Ó^m{dV {Obm AZœVnwa Ho {bE gyIm VZmd Ho {bE EZ8Sr8ßhr8Am™8 AmYm[aV _mZ{M¿U ~ZmZo Ho Ó`mg {H`m Om ahm h–0 Bggo `o nVm Mbm Hs EZ8Sr8ßhr8Am™8 na AmYm[aV _mZ{M¿U gyIm Edœ AÐ` VZmd Hs nhMmZ HaZo Ho {bE BšVo_mb {H`m Om gHVm h– Am–a SoQm Hmo nwZõ gœgm{YV {H`m Om ahm h– {Oggo Hs gyIo Am–a _šXm go gœ~pÐYV VZmd Hm gQrH Z„em V–`ma {H`m Om gHo0 Am{Xdmgr Cn7™moOZm Hm`ˆH _ ZœXwa~ma {Obo Ho nmœM Jmœdm| _| MbmBˆ Om ahr h– Ohmœ OmJÝHVm6 Ó{ejU6 MMmˆ _œM Hm Am`moOZ Edœ Am–©Oma Hmof Îmam ~…Sr gœ®`m _o {HgmZ bm^mpÐdV h†E h—0 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) ii Executive Summary Though in its formative phase, the institute is getting oriented to explore adaptation and mitigation options of abiotic stressors. The institute continued to devote on the development of infrastructure facilities and strengthening human resources to dm{fˆH Ó{VdoXZ AnnualReport accomplish the tasks of research and education. The construction of boundary wall, 2012-13 administrative block and some of the residential quarters are progressing fast. The foremost achievement of the year has been the development of a major part of the south side farm (24 ha) from the rocky terrain and initiation of multidisciplinary experiments. With focus on genetic improvement for drought and heat tolerance in crops, about 200 lines of wheat, 173 of soybean and 100 of green gram were collected and evaluated.Atendencytostaycoolwasmonitoredinlocalcultivarsofwheatsuchas HD2189,NIAW301andNIAW34.Eighteengenotypeshadhighergrainweightper spike, 38 genotypes had more grains per spike, 44 more spikelet’s per spike and 35 genotypes had longer spikes than the local varieties. Latter had high expression of DREB3 CBFIVa droughtstressresponsivegenessuchas and .Apartialgenesequence of an ADP ribosylation factor (ARF), associated with flower abscission, has been successfully cloned and its characterization is being done. Out of 173 diverse genotypesofsoybean,genotypeCAT2503producedbettergrainyieldthanthebest localvariety. Outofthe270bacterialendophytesofdroughttolerantsorghum, four +ve isolates were detected as for all three traits of N-fixation, P-solubilisation and siderophoreproduction.ThirteenendophyticisolateswereidentifiedasACCutilizers. The PCR amplified full length ACC deaminase gene from two of the rhizosphere fluorescentPseudomonadswerecloned.Amultidisciplinaryteamvisited11villages ofsixtehsilsinandaroundBaramatiandcollectedpreliminaryinformationonimpact ofprevailingdroughtonfoodandhorticulturalcropsandlivestock. Among the different options tried for trash management in ratoon sugarcane, the application of N through either fertigation or crowbar tool improved the N-use vis-a-vis efficiency productivity. Surface retention of either chopped or unchopped trashimprovedthecaneyieldsbyabout14percentoverthefarmer’spracticewhile Trichoderma its faster decomposition using farm yard slurry or further improved the caneyieldby16-19percent.Anewoffbarring-cumfertilizerdrillmachinehasbeen developed and results of its initial demonstrations at farmer’s fields are very encouraging. Linesourcesprinklerirrigationsystemswerefabricatedandutilisedto developwaterproductionfunctioninwheatandtheirinteractionswithbioregulators andsoilfertility.Thioureahasbeenidentifiedtoholdpotentialtoalleviatetheimpact ofwaterstress. Sincetheimpactofspentwashinfasterdisintegrationwasvisualised during its field application in farm development, studies have been initiated to evaluatetheimpactofspentwashandcroppingsystemsondevelopmentofsoilsfrom murrum where different annual and perennial crops leaving differential above and below ground organics are being tried on long term basis both under irrigated and rainfedsituations. iii Analysisofrainfallprobabilityanddroughtbasedondatarecordedduring1986- 2011revealedthatsixoutof26yearsexperiencedannualrainfalldeficitof25percent ormoreandmetthecriteriaofmeteorologicaldroughtwhileagriculturaldroughtin kharif the occurredduringlast18yearsinBaramatiregion.ExpressionofHeatShock Protein (Hsp) genes associated with thermal stress tolerance was observed in local cattle breeds. A temperature-based phenology model revealed that 25-35°C favours maximum reproductive potential and shorter generation time of mealybug, a polyphaguspest,whichisamajorthreattomanycropplantsinthecontextofclimate changescenarios. Silver ions could be exchanged predominantly with Ca to an extent of 88 per cent in zeolites like in apophyllite, heulandite, stellerite and stilbite. Aquaculture techniques using hapas have been standardized to rear fish in farm ponds and thus ensuring value addition to irrigation water. Development of nano-technological approach to alleviate impact of temperature stress in fish was another important highlightofresearchandthefirstpatenthasbeenfiledfromtheinstituteonsynthesis Rohu of bactericidal silver nano-particles from tissue extracts of . In addition, expressions of more than eight thermal stress responsive genes in fish have been studiedinrohufish. NDVIbasedmappingofdroughtstressonthebasisofcomposite MODIS-Terra data and the crop related data from governmental agencies was attemptedforthemostaffecteddistrictofAnantpurinAndhraPradesh. Theinitiative indicates that NDVI can be used for identifying the drought and other stressors and dataisbeingfurtherprocessedtogenerateprecisedroughtandedaphicstressmapof thegivenregion.TSPprogrammeisbeingimplementedinfivevillagesofNandurbar district where large number of farmers were benefitted from awareness visits and trainingsorganised,creationofdiscussionforumandimplementbanks. (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) iv