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DT 594 .N37 1981 NATIONAL ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION IN ANGOLA : THE CHALLENGE AND THE APPROACH အကတိအွုက်ဗရgိှုိင်း*ရှိမြို့ကြီး ုိက DT 594 N32 National Economic Reconstruction in Angola : The Challenge and the Approach LIBRARIESحاانا! BLOOMINGTON UNITA The National UnionfortheTotal IndependenceofAngola مز Africa 1980 S r a n TUNISIA d MOROCCO ALGERIA LIBYA In Dispute EGYPT MAURITANIA MALI NIGER SENEGAL CHAD THE GAMBIA SUDAN UPPERY GUINEA GUINEAT VOLTA DJIBOUTI BISSAU SIERRA NIGERIA LEONE IVORY CENTRALS ETHIOPIA COAST AFRICAN LIBERIAS CAMEROON EMPIRE GHANTAOGO ) BENIN RESPOUMBALLIIC EQUATORIAL GUINEA UGANDA KENYA GABON ZAIRE RWANDA CONGO BURUNDI CABINDA TANZANIA ANGOLA MALAWI MOZAMBIQUE ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE MADAGASCAR NAMIBIABOTSWANA SWAZILAND LESOTHO SOUTHAFRICA 4-2-84 Contents I. History of UNITA ........ 3 Angola's Geography and Economy: An Overview .... II. 7 III. The Economy: Beforeand After 10 IV. What UNITA Believes............ 14 V UNITA's EconomicAgenda 17 VI. Conclusion......... 23 TH ZUNITA st Chapter 1 History of UNITA UNITA,TheNational UnionfortheTotal democratic process for Angola's inde Independence of Angola, was founded pendence: a quadripartite (Portugal, atMwangai(MoxicoProvince),Angolaon FNLA, MPLA, UNITA) Transitional Gov March 13, 1966. ernmentwouldgovernAngolafrom Janu Thepurposeofitsfoundingpatriotswas ary 31 to November 11, 1975, the date to create a national liberation movement established for the proclamation of the against the Portuguese colonial rule, a country's independence; free, general movementwhich couldprovidefora new elections were to be held in October for thrust to the Angolan people's liberation the election of a Constituent Assembly andchoiceofformof Governmentbefore process. proclamation of independence. Colonial Throughoutthestruggle against Portu ismwasover,thecountrywasprosperous guese colonialism , unlike the other two groups (FNLA and MPLA) who operated and free, and thepeople eagertohave a exclusively from foreign bases, UNITA piece ofthe pie. became the only Angolan liberation UNITA was the most gratified by the movement based totally inside Angola prospect of a peaceful and democratic with its entire leadership and armed transition into independence. The Party forces. There UNITA, perfectly and per has fought for self-determination, for the manentlyintermingledwiththemassesin recognitionoftheAngolanpeople'sright the rural areas, consolidated itsbaseand to vote andchoosefreelytheirgoverning scored impressive military victories in its institutions. UNITA has always strongly guerrilla actions. UNITA was ultimately believedintheultimatetriumphofdemoc the main force and the most dedicated racy - tolerance, acceptance andwilling organization that made possible the final nessonthepartofthethreeAngolanpolit victoryoftheAngolanpeopleagainst Por ical parties to coexist,to cooperate with tuguese colonialism . oneanother,toworktogetherforthesake When in January 1975 the historic ofpeaceandnational unity.Armed strug AlvorAgreementwasconcludedbetween gle against the Portuguese was neces the Portuguese government on the one sary only because the Portuguese gov hand and the three Angolan liberation ernment consistently refused to dialogue movementsontheother,therewascause with Angolan nationalists and recognize for jubilation all over Angola. The Alvor theirrighttofreedom . Butassoon asthe Agreement established a harmonious, Portuguesegovernment,intheaftermath 3 oftheApril 1974coupinLisbon,indicated defend and protect our people. Thus itswillingnesstodialogueandde-colonize UNITA'sarmedforces(FALA) enteredthe Angola, UNITA launched and cham civil war in August 1975. pionedthewholereconciliationand nego At this time there were already thou tiation process both among the three lib sands of Cubans in the country servicing eration movementsatmeetingsinAngola every MPLA front. It was in reaction to (Luso), Zambia (Lusaka), Zaire (Kin Cubansthat South Africans intervened in shasa), and Kenya (Mombassa), and for thewar. Following the Organization of Af the Alvor Agreement in Portugal. rican Unity's January 1976 Conference in AddisAbabawhichcondemnedallforeign These courageous steps to promote interventionintheconflict,andhavingbe negotiations, dialogue, peace and na tional unitywere in direct responsetothe comeobviousthattheWestwasnotgoing people's basic wishes and aspirations. to take a stand to counter this Soviet Cuban aggression, the South Africans Consequently, UNITA's popularity in withdrew in February 1976. The Cubans, creased tremendously, as evidenced by however, have remained in the country, pollstaken in March andApril 1975 show ing UNITAwithmorepopularsupportthan and they have increased threefold to nearly40,000men.TheCubanshavebe the othertwo groups combined. come a force of occupation and repres Fearoflosing inthescheduledOctober sion to maintain in power their puppet elections as well as MPLA's attitude to regime, imposing undesirable values on scoff at the democratic notion of sharing Angola. powerwereundoubtedlyattherootofthe Thus the Angolan people have never Soviet decision to send in a Cuban ex peditionary force to put the long time been allowed to exercise their right to be free,tovote,toelectfreelytheirgoverning Soviet protege — the MPLA-in power, in institutions. Peace, freedom and justice total violation of the Alvor Agreement. Cuban instructors were seen in Luanda cancometoAngolaonlywhentheSoviets asearlyas March 1975. Clashesbetween and their surrogate forces of occupation leaveandthesebasicpoliticalandhuman MPLAand FNLAstartedearlyinApril. By rights of the Angolan people are recog Junetherewasshootingeverywhere. But UNITAstill managed a lasteffortto effect nized and respected. This is why the na a cease-fire by convening the Nakuru tional liberation struggle continues for (Kenya) Summit Conference under the UNITAand its FALA. auspices ofthe late PresidentJomo Ken From the outset of the de-colonization yata. The Nakuru cease-fire accord was process in 1974, Angola became a sad duly signed bythe three liberationmove casualty of a newforeign aggression and ments; one week later, MPLA and FNLA cynical indifference. No effort was made were back in their trenches pounding at bytheinternational communitytosupport each otherwith theirmortarand bazooka the triumph of the peaceful, democratic rockets. transitiontonationhood. The Portuguese On August 3rd, the Transitional Gov rulers were then strongly pro-Moscow ernment had totally collapsed amidst ris and responded to their "revolutionary ing anduncontrollableviolenceinthecap duty" to promote the establishment of a ital (Luanda). "revolutionary” (meaning pro-Soviet) re Inthemeantime, MPLAhadsteppedup gime in Angola. At the Alvor Conference, itsverbalandarmedprovocationsagainst for example, the ideas of calling for an UNITA. On August 5, MPLA's men in Bie international peace-keeping force and in firedatanaircraftthatwascarrying Presi ternational observers to look after the dent Jonas Malheiro Savimbi. Earlier in electoral process in Angola were derided Julytheyhadkilled 30schoolchildrenina bythe Portugueseparticipants. President single act of terror at Pica-Pau, a UNITA JonasSavimbi shuttledceaselesslyto Af neighborhood school in Luanda. Appro rican capitals to plead for a more active priate measures had to be taken to role on the part of the international com counter the rising terror campaign, to munity to stave off the tragedy of the ex 4

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