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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE Land Management Faculty "APPROVED" Dean Land Management Faculty Dr. T. Ievsiukov "_____" 2016 TEACHING MATERIALS Course: „ Soil Science with the principles of agricultural chemistry” Field of study: 6.080101 Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management Qualification: Bachelor Faculty: Land Management Department: Soil Science and Soil Conservation Department Code: 05.09 Instructor: Assoc.Prof., PhD Yuriy Kravchenko Kyiv — 2016 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE Soil Science and Soil Conservation Department "APPROVED" Dean Land Management Faculty Dr. T. Ievsiukov "_____" 2016 REWIEWED AND APPROVED at the Soil Science & Soil Conservation Department, Minutes of Meeting №12 from 28.05.2016 Head of Department Prof. A.Balayev "_____" 2016 WORKING TEACHING PROGRAMME of Soil Science with the principles of agricultural chemistry Field of study: 6.080101 Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management Qualification: Bachelor Faculty: Land Management Instructor: Assoc.Prof., PhD Yuriy Kravchenko Kyiv — 2016 1. SYLLABUS SOIL SCIENCE WITH THE PRINCIPLES OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Field of knowledge, Field of study, Specialty, Educational-qualification level Field of knowledge 0801 Geodesy and land management Field of study 6.080101 Geodesy, cartography and land management Specialty - Educational-qualification level Bachelor of Geodesy, cartography and land management Discipline Characteristics Kind Optional Total amount of hours 105 ECTS hours 3.5 Modules 3 Coursework - Mode of inspection Exam Loading hours for the full and part time students Full time Part time Year of study 1 - Semester 2 - Lectures 30 hours - Practical work 45 hours - Lab work 30 hours - Self-work 22 hours - Individual work 18 - Weekly hours loading for a full time students: contact 5 hours - self-student work 1 hours 2. THE COURSE GOAL AND ASSIGNMENTS The goal of a given course is the formation in the students the world view about soil as component of the Earth biosphere, geographic layer and vital space for existence of biological objects, irreplaceable mean of rural economic production, object and product of human labour, socio-economic potential. The course task is a formation in students critical thinking about soil environment and soil use. Students must know: structure and methodology of soil science in relation with other natural sciences; research methods of soil science, role and functions of soil in nature; soil formation essence under different factors and regimes; SOM composition, properties and ecological value; ecological functions of the soil cover, its influence into atmosphere, hydrosphere and living organisms; role of physical, chemical and biological soil properties in sustainability of natural and rural landscapes; general description of soil forming factors, soil regimes, their interconnection. soil distribution in different areas of Ukraine, their properties, fertility, management and conservation. A student must be able (skills): to take possession of methods and techniques in studding soil morphology, to be able to diagnoses soil profiles and take soil samples from them to laboratory analisis. to describe the landscapes components and evaluate the natural soil forming factors. to analyze soil basic physical, water, chemical properties and describe them in agronomy aspect. to diagnose such soil degradation processes as: acidification, salinityzation, degumification, dezagregation, and evaluate their influence onto ecological environment. to determine soil type, subtype and other taxonomical units on a given polypedon. to perform field tests and laboratory analyses. to compute the soil amelioration inputs. todiagnose the extent of soil degradations. to compute the grade points of different soils The latter skills will be imparted to them by the specialty training courses following this one. 3. THE STRUCTURE OF DISCIPLINE ― SOIL SCIENCE WITH THE PRINCIPLES OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Hours Modules and Subject Full time Part time Titles weeks total including total including l p lab ind self l p lab ind self 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Module1. General soil science The methodology of - soil science. Soil as a 1 - 2 1 - - - - - - medium for plant growth Soil origin, - development and 1 - 2 1 - - - - - - formation Soil mineralogy 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - Soil biology 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - Soil organic matter 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - Total for Module 1 5 - 10 - 5 - - - - - - Module 2. Soil properties and assessment. Soil colloids 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - Soil Colloids and 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - retention capacity. Soil acidity and 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - alkalinity Soil water and water- 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - related properties. Soil aggregates. 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - Physical and physical- 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - mechanical soil properties Air and thermal soil 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - characteristics The soil solution 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - Soil nutrition 1 - 2 - 1 Soil productivity and 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - its evaluation. Total for Module 2 10 - 20 - 10 - - - - - - Module 3. Soil geography Soil forming factors, 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - regimes and processes Soil classification, 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - nomenclature and diagnostics Soil distribution 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - conformities according to geographical zones Soils of the Forest zone 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - of Ukraine Soils of the Forest- 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - Steppe zone Soils of the Steppe 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - zone Soils of the Arid- 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - Steppe zone Saline soils 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - Alluvial and meadow 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - soils Carpathians soils 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - Crimean soils 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - Soil quality and 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - assessment Soil degradation 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - Soil productivity and 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - cadaster Land resources of 1 - - 1 - - - - - - Ukraine and soil monitoring 1 Total for Module 3 15 - 15 - 15 Total 30 - 45 - 30 4. LECTURES NOTES. MODULE 1. GENERAL SOIL SCIENCE 1. Soil science, its structure, research methods, problems, tasks, history and significance. Theoretical concepts and definitions of modern soil science. Structure of soil science, it directions, principles and research methods. Short characteristic of the most important methods in soil science. Connection of soil science with fundamental and natural sciences. Agricultural problems and goals of soil science. Soil science as educational discipline. Structure and basic tasks of main sections of soil science discipline. Soil science history. Fundamental and applied researches in soil science, soil mapping. Significance of soil science and soil mapping for national economy. 2. Soil origin, development and formation. A concept about the soil. Soil as a natural body, medium for plant growth. The soil functions as a component of biogeocenosis, lithosphere. A role of soil properties in ecological stability of landscapes. Soil as a difficult natural structural system. Structural levels of a soil organization. A place, functions and role of soil in nature. Effect of minerals and rocks weathering on soil formation. Primary and secondary minerals. Small biological and big geological cycles. Soil forming factors, regimes and processes. Macro-, meso- and micro processes within a solum. General diagram of soil formation. A concept of the primary, medium and mature phases of soil formation. The energy and particles distribution in a soil profile. A concept about the soil horizons. Types of soil profiles. Soils evolution and degradation. 3. Soil mineralogy. Soil mineral composition is a heterogeneous phase system. Parent materials as source and basis for mineral part of soil. Minerals weathering. The differentiation coefficient of a soil profile. Molecular relations of oxides (SiO : R O ) in alitic and sialitic cores of weathering. A SiO : 2 2 3 2 R O significance for description of soil weathering processes. The role of primary and secondary 2 3 minerals transformations in the formation of soil solid, soil signs, properties and fertility. Soil solid phase and its composition. Mechanical elements as representatives of mineral part of soil, their classification and description. Classification of soil texture, particles and their properties. Mechanical analysis. Texture of Ukrainian soils. Extent of soil profile differentiation by texture, granulometric factor of soil aggregation. Binomial and trinomial, American classifications of soil texture, their principles, differences and characteristic features. General genetic, agronomical and ecological values of soil texture. 4. Soil biology. Soil living matter, its classification, composition and biomass. Soil microorganisms, bacteria and fungus. A role of living organisms in soil forming processes. Rocky (pioneer) plants, algae and mosses. Participation of microorganisms, zoo fauna and the simplest plants in transformation of soil organic matter, development of biochemical processes, circulation of carbon nourishment. Biological and fermentative abilities of soils. Green plants, their grouping and role in soil formation. Significance of green plants as indicators of medium reaction. Interaction of living organisms with the soil layers. Human influence on soil biological environment. Genetic, agronomical and ecological roles of living matter in soil. 5. Soil organic matter. Sources, composition and properties of organic matter in soil. Humic and non-humic soil substances, their composition, properties and biochemical essence. Colloid-chemical nature of humus. A synthesis of humus is in soil. Interactions between humic substances and soil minerals. SOM types, stocks, content. A role of humus in soil formation. Mor, mull, moder. Active and passive humus. SOM influence on aggregation. SOM balance. Agronomical significance of humus. MODULE 2. SOIL PROPERTIES AND ASSESSMENT. 6. Soil colloids. A concept about the soil colloids. Structure, composition, origin, classification and properties of soil colloids. Colloidal state, coagulation and peptization. Adsorption, electro kinetics, protective and other properties of soil colloids, their influence on soil formation. A role of soil colloids in the formation of soil fertility. Ecological value of soil colloids. 7. Soil colloids and retention capacity. Soil colloids, their structure, properties, composition. Dispertion, coagulation capacity. Mechanical, physical, exchangeable, chemical, biological retention. A role of calcium, iron, sodium and other cations and dispersion matters in the processes of soil absorption. A role of absorbed cations in soil formation. Saturated and unsaturated soils with bases and its dependence on cations composition. The energy of ions sorption. Cation exchange capacity. Cation composition of Ukrainian soils. Base saturation percent. Influence of mineral fertilizers on the cation adsorbing capacity and properties of soils. Agronomical and ecological essence of soil adsorbtion. 8. Soil acidity and alkalinity. Sorces of soil acidity. pH reaction and its ranges. Active and reserve acidity and methods its determination. Base exchange capacity. Chemical amendment of acid soils, liming rate. Active and potential alkalinity. Extent of soil sodicity. Determination of the extent of soil sodicity and calculation of gypsum rates. Resistance of agricultural crops to soil acidity and sodicity. 9. Soil water and water-related properties. A role of water in plant growing, vital functions of animals and microorganisms. State, forms of connection and category of water in soil. Features of connection of water with the solid phase of soil, chemical matter, molecules and ions. Soil water and water-related properties. States, forms, categories of soil water and its properties. Field, capillary, maximum adsorbing, full, available water capacity of soils. Non-available water. Soil water potential. Soil Productive water content evaluation. Soil water balance, regimes. Soil water management. 10. Soil aggregates. Soil aggregates classification. Agronomically favorable structural aggregates. Aggregates coagulation and disintegration. Aggregates within different soils, soil horizons. Dry and wet aggregate analysis. Physical and mechanical characteristics of soils. 11. Physical and physical-mechanical properties of soils. Particle density, bulk density, determination and analytical procedure. Optimum values of the bulk density. Soil porosity. Total, aeration, capillary porosity determination. Soil’s resistance to tillage. Soil’s physical maturity for tillage. Soil hardness. 12. Air and thermal soil characteristics. Gaseous phase of the soil. Composition of soil air. CO dynamics. Convection, diffusion. Air penetrability. Anaerobiosis. Air regime and its regulation. 2 Energy exchange processes. Radiation, convection, conduction. Heat adsorbing capacity, albedo, heat capacity, specific heat capacity. Heat conductivity, heat regime of soil. Thermal regimes. 13. Soil solution. Salt-affected soils. Soil Extract Analysis. The concentration of soil colloids. Toxic salts. Extent and type of soil salinity. The oxidation and reduction processes in Soil solution. Redox potential, T.Clark index. Salt tolerance of plants. Secondary salinity or sodicity. Management of salt-affected soils. Leaching rate. 14. Soil nutrition. A concept about nutrient regimes of soil. Sources of soil nutrients, its dynamics and circulation. Ashy substances and soil microelements. Circulation, transformation and fixing of nutric elements. Readily hydrplizible nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Biological processes in the soil layers and nutrient regimes of soils. Ways of adjusting and improvement of the nutrient regime of soils. 15. Soil productivity and its evaluation. Essential Criteria. The typical soil grades in points (0- 100). Etalon of grades. The prices of the grades of soil evaluation. Weighted average grade (Bt). Correction coefficients. Soil grade. Soil class. Land Area Evaluation. Bonitation grade of a field. Correction Coefficients for the Technological Properties of Land Areas. Correction Coefficients for the Nonuniformity of Soil Cover. The grade point of land area evaluation. MODULE 3. SOIL GEOGRAPHY 16. Soil forming factors, regimes and processes. Climate, relief, parent material, vegetation and animal organisms, time are natural factors of soil formation. Human activity is factor of soil development, evolution and degradation. Influence of factors and terms of soil formation, development, modes and processes. Bioclimatic and biogeomorphologic cycles of soils development. Stages of soil development. Anthropogenic cycle of soils development. An evolution and degradation of soils is at an anthropogenesis. A variety of soils is in space depending on influencing of factors of soil formation, action of the ground modes and processes. 17. Soil classification, nomenclature and diagnostics. A concept about soil classification, nomenclature and diagnostics. Classification problems in soil science. Principles, goals and values of soils classification. History of soils classification development. Tacsonomy units of genetic classification: type, subtype, genious, spieses, soil texture, lithologic seria. Climatic, hydrological and biological principles of soil diagnostics. Morphologic-genetic, chemical and other indexes of soil diagnostics. 18. Soil distribution conformities according to geographical zones. Spatial heterogeneity of soils distribution. The law of soil distribution in a nature by V.V. Dokuchaev and М.М. Sibirtsev. Horizontal and vertical heterogeneities of soils. Soil distribution conformities. Latitudinal and mountain conformities. Azonal and intrazonal soils. Soil placing in topographical rows, provinces and micro areas. Correlations between the factors of soil formation A concept about micro soil localities: inversion, interference and migration. Structure and complexity of the soil covering. Complication and contrasting of structure of the ground covering. A value of structure of the ground covering is for drawing a map and organization of the using of land. 19. Soils of the Forest zone of Ukraine. Soddy-Podzolic, Sod, Swampy soils. Classification, genesis, properties, management. 20. Soils of the Forest-Steppe zone. Grey forest soils, Podzolized, Leached, Typical Chernozems. Classification, genesis, properties, management. 21. Soils of the Steppe zone. Ordinary, Southern, Chestnat soil. Classification, genesis, properties, management. 22. Saline soils. Solonchak, solonetz, solod. Classification, genesis, properties, management. 23. Flooding plain soils. Meadow-chernozems, meadow, soddy, swampy, alluvial soils. Classification, genesis, properties, management. 24. Carpathians soils. Burozems. Classification, genesis, properties, management. 25. Crimean soils. Drown soils. Classification, genesis, properties, management. 26. Soil quality and assessment. A concept about soil quality. Theoretical principles, criteria and indexes of the soil quality systems. Essential Criteria. The typical soil grades in points (0-100). Etalon of grades. The prices of the grades of soil evaluation. Weighted average grade (Bt). Correction coefficients. Soil grade. Soil class. Land Area Evaluation. Bonitation grade of a field. Correction Coefficients for the Technological Properties of Land Areas. Correction Coefficients for the Nonuniformity of Soil Cover. The grade point of land area evaluation. 26. Soil degradation and processes of soil erosion. Features of soil degradation. Podzolization as process of destruction, dissolution, washing and washing of products of soil forming. Degradation of soil at anaerobiosis. Lixiviating at aerobiosis and anaerobiosis. Geological and speed-up erosion of soils. Types, kinds and consequences of erosion of soils. Contamination of soils. 27. Soil productivity and cadaster. General concepts about the soil and land cadaster. Agro- producting grouping of soils and his principles. Agroproducting indexes of soils. General concepts are about typology of agricultural lands. Cartographic materials of agricultural typology. A concept is about the land cadastre, his indexes and applications. 28. Land resources of Ukraine and soil monitoring. Structure of the land resources, its territorial description. Composition and description of the land fund. Measures of the rational use, improvement and guard of the landed resources. 5. THE LAB CLASSES STRUCTURE Classes’ Classes’s Theme Hours number Module I 1. Soil sample preparation for analyses. Hygroscopic moisture determination. 4 Field methods of soil texture determination. 2. Soil particle size analysis: pipet-method with sodium pyrophosphate. 6 3. Fraction Probe Drawing. 2 4. Soil organic carbon and organic matter (humus) determination by I.V. Tyurin’s 4 method. 5. Soil organic Matter Balance and Its Computation for a given Crop Rotation 2 Module II 6. Determination of Base Exchange Capacity and the Forms of soil Acidity 6 7. Neutralization of Excessive Acidity 4 8. Soil extract analysis. Determination of soil salinity. Gypsum rate calculation. 6 Module III 9. Forest zone (Polissya) soils. 3 10. Forest-Steppe and Chernozemic Steppe Zones. 3 11. Soils of the Arid Steppe Zone and Mountain Regions. 2 12. Qualitative Methods of Soil and Land Productivity Evaluation 3 Total 45 6. ASSIGNMENTS FOR SELF-ORGANIZED ACTIVITY WITH THE INSTRUCTOR Theme Hours Introduction 2 Soil origin, forming and development. General scheme of Soil Formation. 2 Mineral parts of soils. 2 Soil organic Matter. 2 Soil Colloids and Adsorbing Capacity. Soil Acidity, Alkalinity and Chemical Amendments. 2 Soil structure, physical, water, air and physico-mechanical properties of soils 2 Soil forming factors and regimes. 2 General Outline of Soil Classification and Taxonomy. Soil classification. Soil type, subtype, 2 genus, species, variety and lithological series. Principles of soil cover zoning in Ukraine. Soil zones, sub zones, provinces and districts. 2 Soils in zones, sub zones, provinces of Ukraine. 2 Vertical changes in climate, vegetation, parent materials and topography in Crimea and 2 Carpathian mountain regions. Soil degradation. Land resources in Ukraine and soil monitoring. 2 Structure and Organization of work of soil monitoring services. Documents of soil monitoring 2 and land cadastre. Total 30 6. STUDENTS KNOWLEDGE CONTROL 6.1. EXAM TEST CONTROLE

Full time. Part time. Year of study. 1. -. Semester. 2. -. Lectures. 30 hours role of physical, chemical and biological soil properties in sustainability of natural .. about the land cadastre, his indexes and applications. 28. Introduction.
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