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ISSN 2177-0271 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK  2011 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK  2011 Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Statistical Yearbook 2011 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK  2011 President of Brazil Dilma Vana Rousseff Minister of Mines and Energy Edison Lobão National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels General Director Haroldo Borges Rodrigues Lima Directors Allan Kardec Duailibe Barros Filho Florival Rodrigues de Carvalho Helder Queiroz Pinto Junior Magda Maria de Regina Chambriard OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK  2011 Ministry of Mines and Energy National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Oil, Natural Gas And Biofuels Statistical Yearbook 2011 OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK  2011 National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Main Offi ce Av. Rio Branco, no. 65 – 12th to 22th fl oors Centro – CEP 20090-004 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil Website: www.anp.gov.br Phone.: (55-21) 2112-8100 Fax: (55-21) 2112-8129 (55-21) 2212-8139 (55-21) 2212-8149 B R A Z I L I A N G O V E R N M E N T Copyright © 2010 Source cataloging: Centro de Documentação e Informação da ANP National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (Brasil) Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Statistical Yearbook / Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels – ANP. -- Rio de Janeiro : ANP, 2010- v. : Il. Anual. ISSN 2177-0271. 1. Indústria do petróleo – Brasil. 2. Petróleo – Estatísticas. 3. Gás Natural – Estatísticas. 4. Biocombustíveis – Estatísticas. 5. Álcool – Estatísticas. I. Título. CDD – 338.27282 The contents of this Yearbook may be reproduced provided the source is compulsorily mentioned. Reproductions for commercial utilization are strictly forbidden. Coordination Elias Ramos de Souza – General Manager of Planning and Research Executive Coordination Ney Mauricio Carneiro da Cunha José Lopes de Souza Technical Team Alice Kinue Jomori de Pinho Antônio Adolfo Freitas Valle Fabiana da Silva Dutra Felipe Accioly Vieira José Carlos Soares Tigre Julia Draghi Krongnon Wailamer de Souza Regueira Maria Mendes da Fonseca Roberta Salomão Moraes da Silva Editorial Coordination Durval Carvalho de Barros Editorial Team Luiz Henrique Vidal Ferraz Renata Moraes Execution National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels – ANP Superintendence of Planning and Research Superintendence of Institutional Communication and Institutional Relations OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK  2011 Presentation The present Yearbook highlights the 2010 fi gures of O&G industry. Four major events should strongly impact the 2011 features. First of all, the pre-salt regulatory framework was approved. That was a basic condition to boost exploration and production in the 72% of pre-salt area that has not been granted yet. The production sharing contracts will allow better control of the production pace, in order to avoid the occurrence of “Dutch disease”. Second, the promulgation of the Natural Gas Law will allow the expansion of natural gas in Brazilian energy matrix as an energy source or raw material. The new law sets out the competences of the National Council for Energy Policy, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Energy Research Company and also of the ANP, which is supposed to regulate free access, to establish transportation tariff s and to oversee the transportation activity. The third feature is related to Law No. 12,351, whose Article 65 provides that the Executive will establish the policy as well as specifi c measures to increase the participation of small and medium companies in O&G exploration, development and production. That will provide an array of opportunities regarding O&G onshore basins’ activities, in places where the small and medium-sized national enterprises have a better chance of development. Finally, Petrobras market capitalization, which consisted of oil-for-shares swap with the Brazilian Government, using oil reserves certifi ed by ANP, will provide major investments in Brazil. In 2010, the world economy was still facing diffi culties to exit the crisis started in 2008. The economic recovery occurred unevenly: while the developed countries grew slowly, emerging countries showed signifi cant growth. Following the trend of emerging countries, Brazil recorded a GDP growth of 7.5%, with per capita increase of 6.5%. The economic heat was refl ected in 8.4% growth of main fuel sales. The increase in diesel consumption was driven by increased production of the industrial sector and major infrastructure works related to the Growth Acceleration Plan (PAC) of the Federal Government. The good performance of the economy has also created a “boom” in the airline industry and, as a result, there was an increase of 15.1% in jet fuel consumption. Due to the rising prices of hydrated ethanol in Brazil, gasoline C sales grew 17.4%. In that context, “fl ex-fuel” vehicles owners could choose between gasoline and ethanol, an exclusive advantage of Brazilian consumers. As a result, sales of hydrated ethanol fell 8.5% compared to 2009. Continuing the policy of biodiesel inclusion in the transportation energy matrix, started in 2005, the biodiesel content in diesel- biodiesel mixture has risen from 4% to 5% in 2010. The biodiesel bidding, which is conducted by ANP, and the quality regulation enforced by ANP, were decisive for achieving that goal. Also, the biodiesel producers strongly supported Governments policy, which has entailed a 33% growth of installed capacity of plants and a 49% increase in biofuel production. This Yearbook also shows the solid evolution in exploration and production activities, with the increase in national reserves: the oil reserves rose 10.7% and the natural gas reserves, 15.3%. For the fi rst time volumes of hydrocarbons located in the pre-salt were added to the national reserves statistics. In the refi ning sector, after nearly 30 years without news, three large refi neries are under construction and scheduled to begin operations in the coming years. The local content policy and investments in research and development (R&D) by the concessionaires – which now exceed half a billion dollars a year – has put the industry of capital goods and oil supplies installed in Brazil in a unique technological level. Investments in R&D are, in fact, contributing to the rebirth of Brazilian engineering, something remarkable on college campi throughout Brazil. For all these reasons, 2010 can be regarded as very successful, for it inaugurated a decade of great changes not only in O&G sector as well as in Brazil. Haroldo Borges Rodrigues Lima ANP Director-general OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK  2011

OIL, NATURAL GAS AND BIOFUELS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK  2011 certified by ANP, will provide major investments in Brazil. In 2010, the world economy
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