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(NASA/SP-2001-7109/SUPPL08) NASA Video Catalog NASA Langley Research Center 20010401 438p PDF

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Preview (NASA/SP-2001-7109/SUPPL08) NASA Video Catalog NASA Langley Research Center 20010401 438p

This microfiche was produced according to ANSI/AIIM Standards and meets the quality specifications contained therein. A poor blowback image is the result of the characteristics of the Original document. NASA Video Catalog NASA/SP—2001-7109/SUPPLO08 April 2001 Natoma! Aeronautics and ~pace Admevstraton Langley Research Center Scientific and Technical information Program Office The NASA STI Program Office . . . in Profile Simce tts bounding. NASA has been dedicated ¢ CONFERENCE PUBLICATION. Collected to the advancement of acronautics and space papers trom screntific and technical sence. The NASA Sccntific and Technical COmfcrences, symposia. scmumats. oF other Intormathon (ST) Program Office plavs a key mectings sponsared or cosponsamed by NASA part in helping NASA masntain thes importa role © SPECIAL PUBLICATION. Scicmtitic, technical, or histencal miormation trom The NASA STI Program Office ts operated by NASA programs projects. and missions, Langley Research Center, the lead center tor often concerned with subjects having NASA's scientific and technical information substantial public mtcrest The NASA STI Program Office provides access i the NASA STI Database. the largest collection ¢ TECHNICAL TRANSLATION. of aeronautical and space scence ST im the English-language translations of foreign works, The Program Office is also NASA's screntific and techancal material pertinent to mstrutional mechanism for disseminating the NASA missson results of its research and development activities These results are published by NAS A on the Specialized services that complemen! the STI NASA ST Report Senes. which mcludes the Program Office's diverse offerings mechude lollowing report types creating custom thesaur. building custoruzed databases. organ:zing and publishing research © TECHNICAL PUBLICATION, Reports of results... even proweding videos completed research or a major sagnificant phase of research that present the results of For more information about the NASA ST! NASA programs and include extensive data or Program Office. see the following theoretical analysis Includes compilations of sigmifcant screntific and techmecal data and * Access the NASA STI Program Home Page a mformation deemed to he of continuing http://www stimava gov reference value. NASA's counterpart of peer- reviewed formal professional papers but has © E-mail! your gucstion via the Internet to less stringent lamitations on manuscript length help@st i nasa gov and extent of graphic presentations * Fax your questiont o the NASA STI Help ¢ TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Scentitfic Desk at (Q01;62141M amd technical findings that are preliminary of M spectalized mterest, c.g. quick release * Telephone the NASA STI Help Desk at reports, workeng papers. and bibliographies (M1) 62140990 that contain menimal annotation Docs not ¢ Write to coMmtam cvtemsive analysis NASA STI Help Dest * CONTRACTOR REPORT. Scientific and NASA Center tot ActoSpace Information toch al tradings by NASA sponsored 7121 Standard Drive Comtractors and erantoes Hanover MD 21076-1420 Introduction This issue of the VASA Video Catalog cites video productions listed mm the NASA ST] Database The videos listed have been developed by the NAS“ centers, covenng Shuttle mrsson press con- ferences. fly-bys of planets. ancraft design, testmg and performance. environmental pollution lunar and planetary exploration, and many other categories related to manned and unmanned space exploration Each entry in the publication consists of a standard b oi: apinc crtation accom panied by an abstract. The listing of the centres as arranged by STAK categories A complete Table of Contents describes the scope of cach category For users with specific information, a Title Index ts available. A Subject Term Inde,. based on the NASA Thesaurus, ts also included (nindelines for usage of NASA audio/visual material, ordering information. and order forms are also available Tabof lConeten ts Aeronautics (Genera!) 1 Includes general research topics tclated to manned and vamanned amcraft and the problems of flight withim the Earths atmosphere Also meiudes manufactunng. muntenance. and repair of ancraft For snecstic topics m aeronautics see Cale gerics (2 through 09 For mtormatoen related to space vebactes see /2 Astronautics Aerodynamics 2 Includes aerodynamics of fight vehicles. test bodies. airirame components and combinations, wings, and contro! surfaces Also mchodes aerodynamics of rotors, stators, fans and other clements of turbomachmery For related information, sce also 44 flnid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Air Transportation and Safety 3 Includes passenger and Catgo ait transport operations, awcraft prownd operations. fheght safety and hazards, and aircraft accidents. Systems and hardware specific to ground operations of aircraft and to asnport construction are covered in /Y Re earch and Support Facilities (Air), Aw tratt control ts covered in O04 Ainraft Communications and Navigation. For related imiommation see also 16 Space Transportation and Safety. and 8S Technology Util:cation and Surface Transportation Aircraft Communications and Navigation 5 Includes all modes of communication with and between aircraft. am navigation systems (satellite and prownd based). and ai traffic control Fot related mtormatin see also 0% Wwiontes and Aircraft: Instrumentation. 17 Space Communications, Spacecraft ( ommuniations, ( onmmand and Iraciing. and 42 Communication: and Radar Aircraft Design. Testing and Pertormance 5 Inchudes all stages of design of ancraft and arrcraft structures and systems Also inchades avcralt testy. performance. and evaluation, and awcraft and fligit somulation technology. For related miormation, see also 18 Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance ad 29 Structural Mechanws For land transportation vehicles, see 4° lechnoloey Uilication and Surface lranspertation 07 Aircraft Propulsion and Power 19 Includes prime propulwon systems and .vstems Components. e.g. gas turtwne engines and compress's , and oohowrd auuhary pow: plants for anrctaft, For related mformation see also 2) Spacecratt Propulsion and Power, 28 Propellants and baels, and 44 bnengs Produ tion and ( onversen Aircraft Stability and Control 11 Includes fight dynamecs amcraft handling qualities. prlotmmg. tieht controls. and automiots For related miormatim, ve also 5 Arrorati Dewen, Jesune and Performan: amd 0% Avaeorucs and Accraft lavirwnentaiion Research and Support Facilities (Air) 12 Includes cenports. runways. hangars. and amceah repar and overhaul facies. wend tunnels, water tuancls. and shock tubes. felt sasulaters. and acrett engine test stands Also includes ainport ground equipment and systems For arpert ground operations scc O38 Aw Transportation and Safety For astronautical tactimes see [4 (prownd Support Sustoms and facilities (Space) 12 Astronautics (General) 14 Imcbudes general research topics rclated to space fight and manned and unmanned space vebacles, platforms or otyects launched into. of assembled m. outer space. and rel. tod components and equipment Also includes manufacturing and mamterane of such vehicles of platforms. For specific topics in astronautics see categories 13 through 20) For extraterrestrial exploration, see 9) Lunar and Planctary Scaence and Laploration 13 Astrodynamics 24 Includes powered and free-flght traectories. and orbital and lauaching Gynamics. Ground Support Systems and Facilites (Space) 25 Inciades launch complexes. research and production facilmes. ground support equipment¢. ¢ . mobile transporters, and tet chambers and simulators Also includes extraterrestrial bases and supporting equipment. Tor related mformation see also (9 Research and Support Facilities (Air) Includes all classes of launch vehicles, launch/space vehicle systems. and boosters. and launch operations. For related information see also 18 Spacecraft Design Testing, and Performance, and 20 Spacecraft Propulsion and Power Space Transportation and Safety a7 Includes passenger and cargo space transportation, ¢ g.. shuttle operations, and space rescue techniques For related information. see also 04 Air Transportation and Safety and 1* Launch Vehicles and Launch Vehicles, and 18 Spacecraft Design. Testing and Performance. For space suits, see $4 ManSystem Technology and | ite Support 18 Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance 277 Inc hades satellites. space mlatforms, space statrons. spacecraft systems and components such as thermal and environmental controls, and spacecraft control and stability characteristics. For fife support systems, see 84 Man/Syvstem Technology and Life Support For related information. see also 0S Aircrat Design, Testing and Perf wmance. *Y Structural Mechanics, and 16 Space Transportation and Satets Spacecraft instrumentation and Astrionics 295 Includes the design. manufacture, or use of devices for the purpose of measuring, detecting, controlling, computing. recording, of prow ossing data related to the operation of space vehicies or platiorms For related information. see also ® Aircraft Insirwmentation and Avionics, For spaceborne struments not integral to the vehicle iteelf see *5 Intreemenation and humography, For spaceborne telescopes and other aMronommica l testruments soc 8Y Axtronorn dnotrmentatiion and Photograpi. For spaceborne telescopes and other astronomical restraments see SS Antroncms Spacecraft Propulsion and Power 295 lactades mann propulwon syetems and components, ¢ ¢.. rocket engines. and spacecraft autiliary power sources. For related intommateen, se abso 07 Avrrait Proputuon and Power, 28 Propellant and Fuels, 18 Lawach Vehicles and Lavnch Operations: and 44 Energy Prodaction and (Conversion 24 Composite Materials 298 Includes physical. chermcal. and mechamcal properves of Lawenates and other Composite matcnals. For ceramic materials see 27 Normetallic Materials inorganic, Organic, and Physical Chemistry 298 Inchudes the analysts. synthesis. and use morgann and organic Compounds. combustion. theory. electrochemistry. and photochemistry For related imformation see also 44 Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, For astrochemistry see category 9) Astrophys: s Metats and Metallic Materials 299 Includes physical. chemical. and mechanical properties of metals. ¢ ¢. corrosion, and metallurgy 27 Nonmetailic Materiats 299 includes physscal, chemical, and mechamecal properties of plastics. elastomers, lubn cants, polymers, textiles, adhesives. and ceram.c "aterials. bor composite materials vee 24 ompostte Material, Space Processing 299 Includes space based developmen of mate: tals. compounds. and processes for research or commerctal appl aiton Also includes the development of matenals and compounds m simulated reduced-gravety emisunments For legal aspects of space commercial ation see 8d Jaw, Political Science and Space Polics Enyineering (General) 302 Includes general research topics to engineering and apphed physics. and particula: areas of vacuum technology, mdustral engineenng. cryogenics, and fire prevention For specific topics mm engineering see categories 42 through #9 Communications and Radar 303 Includes radar. tad. wire, and optical communications. land and global communications, communcations theery. Por related information sce alwo (4 Arenal! Communications and Navigation; and 17 Space Commun ations, Spacecrafi (ommuncatiions, Command and trating: tor search and teswe we ff Av fransportation and Safety, aad 16 Space Transportanen and Safes 33 Electronics ano Electrical Engineering 33 Incthades development. performance. and mamtamatulty of electncaletectromec devices and Commpuecets. related tew oquapmest. and macreclectromcs and mtcgrated CHcurtry For related wdormaton sce aho ©!) Compater Operations and Hardware, and ™% Sela. State Pheocs For commumecatons equipment and devices we 4) Commrmencenom and Radar Fluid Mechanad Tnherimodcynasmic s 33 Inctudes flan dvnanucs and kinematics and al! forms of heat transter. bowndary laver flow. yydrodynamics, hydraulics, fuidics, mass transter and ablation cooling For related mformation see alwo (2 Acrodwnamucs instrumentation and Photography ws Inc budes remote semeors. measunng imetruments and gauges. detectors. cameras and pho tographec supphes. and holography For aerial photography see 4? harth Resources and Remote Sensing. For related information see hse 0% Aircrall Instrwmentation and 19 Spacecrait Insinumentation Mechanical Enginecring we Inc hudes mechamecal devices and equipment, machine clements and processes For case where the apphcation of a device of the host vehicle & emphasees aliso zthee spdecif ic category where the application or wehecle is treated. For robotics sce 64 ( whermmetics. Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics. and §4 Man/Svstem Technology and Lite Support Quality Assurance and Reliability 310 Includes approaches to. aad methods for reliatubty analysts and control, mepect.on. marntamatilty. and \tandardization Structural Mechanics 311 Includes structural element dewgn, analysis and testing. dynamic responses of structures. weight analysis. fatigue and other structural properties. and mechanical and thermal st esses in structure For applications see 0° Aireraft Deen Testing and Performance and 78 Spacecraft Design. Tesing and Performance Earth Resources and Remote Sensing 311 Inchudes remote senang of carth features, phenomena and resources by aircraft, Dartoon, rocket. and spacecraft, analysis of remote sensing data and imagery. development of remuamte sensing products. photogrammetry, and aenal photographs For instrumentation see § 5 Jastrmmentation and Chotography Energy Production and Conversion 314 Im tudes specific energy conversion systems, ¢ g. fuel cell. and solar, geothermal, windpawer, and Waterw ave ConVeTsION systems. energy Morage. and tradihonal power pererators For technologies related to auctear energy prodection see 74 Nuclear Pryses hor related information see alo 07 Ancraft Propulsion and Cower, 20 Spacecraft Propet scon and Power, and 28 Propetlant: and twel: Environment Poliuton 34 Include: atmosphen. water. scowl mote, and thermal pellet Geophysics 317 Inc hades carth strecturc and dynam. acronomy. upper and lower atmowphere studies. ronenpherk amd magnetowphen ptiwwcs. and peomagnetrem For related mfonmanan se 47 Metcoroleg, and Climatology. and 94 Space Radiation 47 Meteorology and Climatology 320 Toc tudes weather observ aiom forecasting and modification Oceanography 321 Includes the physical. chemical and iological aspects of oceans and sea. ocean dveamns. and mare resources For related mftormation wee also 44 Darth Resources and Remote Sensine Life Sciences (General) 321 Includes general researca topics related te plant and anunal ology (non-human). ecology. morotrology. and also the ongun. development. structure. and mautenanve. of animals and plants m space and related environmental conditions For specific topics mm life scremoes see Calegorics *2 thromgh SS Aerospace Medicine 323 Includes the biological and physiological effects of atmosphere and space fight (weightlessness, space catiateon, acceleration. and altitude stress) on the human herny. and the prevention of adverse effects on those cavironments For psychological and behavieral effects of aerospace environments see 54 Behavioral Scronce. For the effects of space on animals ad plants see 5) J ife Science Behavioral Sciences 326 Includes psychological factors. mdividual and group behavion crew tratning and evalva- then. and psychiatry research Man/System Technology and Life Support 326 Inc tudes human factors enginecting. honcs. man—machine. life support. space surts and protective clothing bor related information see also /6 Space Transportation and 52 Aerospace Medtcim 55 Exobiology 334 Includes astrobiology. planetary biology. and extraterrestrial Ife For the biological ettects of aerospace cavirunments on humans see 82 Acrespar: medicine. on anomals and plants swe 5/ Life Screens, For psychological and behavioral cftects of aerospace environments see 84 Behavioral Science

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