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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20170001233: Planetary Probe Entry Atmosphere Estimation Using Synthetic Air Data System Planetary Probe Entry Atmosphere Estimation Using Synthetic Air Data System PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20170001233: Planetary Probe Entry Atmosphere Estimation Using Synthetic Air Data System Planetary Probe Entry Atmosphere Estimation Using Synthetic Air Data System

Planetary Probe Entry Atmosphere Estimation Using Synthetic Air Data System Christopher D. Karlgaard∗ Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc., Hampton, VA Mark Schoenenberger† NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA This paper develops an atmospheric state estimator based on inertial acceleration and angular rate measurements combined with an assumed vehicle aerodynamic model. The approach utilizes the full navigation state of the vehicle (position, velocity, and attitude) to recast the vehicle aero- dynamic model to be a function solely of the atmospheric state (density, pressure, and winds). Force and moment measurements are based on vehicle sensed accelerations and angular rates. These measurements are combined with an aerodynamic model and a Kalman-Schmidt filter to estimate the atmospheric conditions. The new method is applied to data from the Mars Science Laboratory mission, which landed the Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars in August 2012. The results of the new estimation algorithm are compared with results from a Flush Air Data Sensing algorithm based on onboard pressure measurements on the vehicle forebody. The comparison in- dicates that the new proposed estimation method provides estimates consistent with the air data measurements, without the use of pressure measurements. Implications for future missions such as the Mars 2020 entry capsule are described. Nomenclature C = state-parameter covariance F = aerodynamic force, N F = linearization of f with respect to x f = process model G = linearization of f with respect to u g = gravitational acceleration, m/s2 H = linearization of h with respect to x h = measurement model I = identity matrix I = vehicle inertia, kg-m2 J = linearization of h with respect to u K = filter gain k = integer time index M = aerodynamic moment, N-m M = Mach number P = covariance of x p = static pressure, Pa s Q = process noise spectral density ∗SupervisingEngineer,SeniorMemberAIAA. †AerospaceEngineer,AtmosphericFlightandEntrySystemsBranch,SeniorMemberAIAA. 1of16 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Q˜ = process noise covariance R = measurement error covariance matrix (cid:60) = specific gas constant, J/kg-K r = radius, m T = atmospheric temperature, K v , v , v = vehicle planet-relative north, east, and down velocity components, m/s n e d w , w , w = north, east, and down wind velocity components, m/s n e d x = atmospheric state vector Θ = longitude, rad θ, φ, ψ = vehicle pitch, roll, and yaw attitude angles, rad Λ = declination, rad λ = aerodatabase uncertainty factors µ = gravitational parameter, m3/s2 ν = vehicle inertial state ρ = density, kg/m3 Φ = state transition matrix I. Introduction NASA has developed an Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL) technology development roadmap1 to guide in- vestment strategies for increased EDL capabilities and robustness. One area of emphasis is on the development of precisionlandingcapabilitiesachievedthroughimprovedenvironment/atmospherecharacterizationandEDLinstru- mentation for validation of engineering models and ground testing procedures. One approach that can be used to address these areas is the implementation of a Flush Air Data Sensing (FADS) system, which utilizes an array of pressure ports installed in the vehicle forebody to measure the pressure distribution during entry. These pressure measurementscanbeprocessedtoestimatethefreestreamaerodynamicstate(suchasflowangles,Machnumber,and dynamic pressure), atmospheric conditions (density, pressure, and winds) and vehicle aerodynamics. These sensors can be used for post-flight trajectory reconstruction and model validation, but also have the potential to be used to augment the on-board flight control system by providing estimates of density and winds if the data processing algorithms can be implemented in real-time. Incorporation of pressure measurements into the heatshield of an entry vehicle is not trivial. Implementation of a reliable FADS system typically involves hardware development and qualification, optimization of pressure port layout,sensorcalibration,groundtestingtoensurepressureportandthermalprotectionsystemintegrity,etc.,which can be costly. Additionally, a FADS system is subject to risks of sensor failures and other hardware anomalies. Typically,planetaryentryatmospherereconstructionisperformedusingvehicleaerodynamicmodelswhenFADS instrumentation is not available. The concept of utilizing vehicle aerodynamic models for entry probe atmosphere estimation is not new. In fact, the concept goes back to a 1963 NASA report4 in which a proposal was made to “invert” the entry physics problem by solving for atmospheric density, given acceleration measurements and a model of vehicle drag. The concept was further developed to estimate aerodynamic flow angles in later papers, such as Ref. 5. The methodology was validated using entry vehicle test flights on Earth, with known atmospheric conditions,6 and was subsequently applied to the reconstruction of the atmosphere of Mars based on measurements fromtheVikingentryprobes.7 SinceViking,theapproachhasbeenutilizedonvirtuallyeveryplanetaryatmospheric entry reconstruction to date. A recent thesis8 documents the development and history of the algorithm, from its inception in the early 1960s to the most recent application of the method for the Mars Science Laboratory mission.9 The previous approaches make use of measured accelerations and known aerodynamic models to solve for the freestream conditions by first computing density from the axial force coefficient and axial acceleration. The recon- structed density is then used to integrate the hydrostatic equation to estimate static pressure. The ratio of normal to axial and side to axial forces are then utilized to estimate the angles of attack and sideslip, respectively. The process can be iterated at each instant in time to improve the estimates; for instance, a combined inner and outer loop is implemented in Ref. 9 for solving the aerodynamic flow angles (inner loop) and freestream atmospheric con- ditions (outer loop). Note that the algorithm is completely deterministic in nature, although uncertainties in the reconstructed quantities can be computed using linear covariance analysis techniques.8,9 Estimation of winds from aerodynamics has not been addressed directly; some approaches instead rely on a post-processing method such as that proposed in Ref. 10 for computing winds from flow angles and the navigation state. 2of16 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics A recently proposed alternative to a traditional FADS system is a technique known as a Synthetic Air Data Sensing (SADS) system. The SADS approach makes use of an aerodynamic model of the vehicle, combined with ac- celerationandangularratemeasurementsonanonboardInertialMeasurementUnit(IMU)toestimatethefreestream aerodynamicandatmosphericconditions. ASADSsystemcanbeusedeitherasabackup,orasalow-costalternative to a traditional FADS system. This paper extends the SADS concept to the planetary probe entry vehicle atmosphere estimation problem. The method developed in this paper is most similar to that of Refs. 12 and 13, in which a model of the vehicle dynamics is combined with an inertial navigation system to produce estimates of the atmospheric winds using a Kalman filter method for improved navigation and flight control. One important drawback of these approaches is that the atmosphericdensityandpressurearenotestimatedinthefilter;insteadtheseareassumedtobeknownasafunction ofaltitude. Thisassumptionisnotsuitableforplanetaryprobeentryestimationinwhichtheatmosphericproperties are highly uncertain. In this paper, the concept of atmospheric estimation aided by a vehicle aerodynamics model is extended to estimate freestream density and pressure in addition to winds. This new approach is developed for planetary entry state estimation, but it is anticipated that the method can be applied to other applications such as high speed aircraft. II. Atmospheric State Estimation The new approach for SADS-based state estimation proposed in this paper makes use of the full state from the on-board navigation system (position, velocity, and attitude) combined with the vehicle aerodynamic database to directly estimate the atmospheric conditions. The estimation algorithm is aided by both high-fidelity atmospheric models tabulated vs. altitude and simplified atmospheric models that are propagated along the trajectory within the algorithm. A. Measurement Model Thisworkassumesthatanaerodynamicmodeloftheentrycapsuleisavailable,inwhichforceandmomentcoefficients can be calculated from a given flight condition (angle of attack, sideslip, Mach number, etc.). It is assumed the aerodynamicmodelproducesoutputsinsomeknowncoordinateframe, suchasthatshowninFigure1. Dimensional aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the vehicle are then computed using the relations Figure 1: Body Coordinate System 3of16 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics   1  −CA(α,β,M,λ)  F = ma= ρV2S C (α,β,M,λ) (1) 2 Y  −C (α,β,M,λ)  Z   1  Cl(α,β,M,λ)  M = Iω˙ +ω×Iω = ρV2Sb C (α,β,M,λ) (2) 2 m  C (α,β,M,λ)  n whereλisavectorcomprisedoftheaerodatabaseuncertaintyfactors,whichareacollectionofaddersandmultipliers used to perturb the aerodynamics. Given that dynamic pressure is a function of vehicle velocity, winds, and density; Mach number is a function of velocity, winds, density, and pressure; aerodynamic flow angles are functions of velocity, winds, and attitude, the aerodynamic force and moment model can be recast into the form ma = F(x,u) (3) Iω˙ +ω×Iω = M(x,u) (4) (cid:124) (cid:124) where x = [ρ,p ,w ,w ,w ] is the atmospheric state, u = [ν,λ] are model parameters, and the vehicle planet- s n e d (cid:124) relative navigation state is ν =[r,Θ,Λ,v ,v ,v ,φ,θ,ψ] . n e d High-fidelity atmosphere models can also be incorporated into the state estimate as prior information. These atmosphere models are assumed to be computationally intensive such that implementation within the algorithm is infeasible. Instead, the high-fidelity atmosphere model data can be incorporated using table look-ups where the atmospheric conditions and uncertainties are tabulated as a function of altitude along some nominal trajectory. The model of this form produces an estimate of the atmospheric conditions, along with an associated error covariance matrix. Theaerodynamicforceandmomentandhigh-fidelityatmospheremodelscanbecombinedintoasingleexpression, (cid:124) z =h(x,u),whereh=[F(x,u),M(x,u),x] . NotethatthemeasurementerrorcovariancematrixRisafunction of both sensor and mass property uncertainties. B. Process Model Alow-fidelitymodelofthechangeinatmosphericconditionsalongthetrajectorycanbederivedfrombasicidealized relations such as the hydrostatic equation and the perfect gas law. Such simplified relationships are suitable for implementationinthealgorithmforpropagatingtheatmosphericstate estimateforwardbetweenaerodynamicmea- surements, which are assumed to occur at a reasonably high rate (several samples per second) along the trajectory. Since the simplified model involves idealized approximations, uncertainties in the model can be accounted for with process noise. A model for the rate of change in static pressure can be found by rewriting the hydrostatic equation as the time derivative of pressure along a given trajectory, namely p˙ =ρgv (5) s d Similarly, a model for the rate of change in density along the trajectory can be derived from the perfect gas law, withtheassumptionthattheatmosphereislocallyisothermal(T˙ ≈0)betweenmeasurementsamples. Theequation is of the form p˙ p˙ ρ gv ρ2 ρ˙ = s = s = d (6) (cid:60)T p p s s A reasonable simplified model for the rate of change in atmospheric winds is to assume a random walk model where the deterministic portion of the model is simply w˙ = w˙ = w˙ = 0. Thus, the low fidelity model can be n e d written in the form x˙ =f(x,u)+η (7) where η is a process uncertainty term that is assumed to be zero mean with spectral density Q, and   gv ρ2/p  ρdgvd s  f(x,u)= 0 (8)  0  0 4of16 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics The continuous model in Eq. (7) can be transformed to a discrete model of the form, x =x +f(x ,u )∆t (9) k+1 k k k which is suitable for propagation between measurements. C. Data Fusion Algorithm The atmospheric state estimate can be determined from a fusion of the available data sources, including the aero- dynamic force and moment measurements, and information from the low and high fidelity models. The proposed algorithm is in the form of an Iterated Extended Kalman-Schmidt Filter (IEKSF)15 incorporating the process and measurementmodelsdescribedabove. TheIEKSFapproachincorporatesparameteruncertaintiesintheprocessand measurement models, thus producing a realistic state covariance estimate. The algorithm is structured as a predictor-corrector method, in which state estimates are propagated between measurement samples using the relations x¯ = xˆ +f(x¯ ,u¯ )∆t (10) k+1 k k k P¯ = Φ Pˆ Φ(cid:124)+Φ Cˆ G(cid:124)+G C(cid:124)Φ(cid:124)+G Ω G(cid:124)+Q˜ (11) k+1 k k k k k k k k k k k k k C¯ = Φ Cˆ +G Ω (12) k+1 k k k k where Φ is the state transition matrix and Q˜ is the discrete-time process noise covariance. These quantities can k k be jointly calculated from the Van Loan matrix integral,16 given by (cid:32)(cid:34) (cid:35) (cid:33) (cid:34) (cid:35) (cid:34) (cid:35) −F Q X X X Φ−1Q˜ exp k k ∆t = 11 12 = 11 k k (13) (cid:124) 0 F 0 X 0 Φ k 22 k whichleadstotheresultΦ =X(cid:124) andQ˜ =Φ X . Assumingareasonablyfastintegrationstep,thesequantities k 22 k k 12 can be approximated by Φ ≈I+F ∆t and Q˜ ≈Q ∆t. k k k k The measurement update is an iterative process to solve a nonlinear least squares regression problem, involving the measurement and the state prediction as observations. The process is given by the equations S = H P¯ H(cid:124) +H C¯ L(cid:124)+L C¯(cid:124)H(cid:124) +R (14) k,i k,i k,i k,i k,i k k k k k,i k (cid:104) (cid:105) K = P¯ H(cid:124) +C¯ L(cid:124) S−1 (15) k,i k k,i k k k,i xˆ = x¯ +K [z −h(xˆ ,u )−H (x¯ −xˆ )] (16) k,i+1 k k,i k k,i k k,i k k,i Equations(14)–(16)areiterateduntilconvergenceoruntilreachingaprescribediterationlimit. Aftertheiteration is complete, the state covariance and state-parameter covariance matrices can be computed as Pˆ = P¯ −K S K(cid:124) (17) k k k k k Cˆ = C¯ −K (cid:2)H C¯ +L Ω (cid:3) (18) k k k k k k k The Kalman-Schmidt filter approach has the advantage of providing optimal state estimates that account for systematic parameter uncertainties to produce a realistic state covariance estimate. D. Aerodynamic State Transformations The atmospheric state (winds, pressure, and density) are outputs of the proposed SADS data processing algorithm. The atmospheric state can readily be combined with the INS state solution to produce estimates of aerodynamic states, including angle of attack, sideslip, Mach number, and dynamic pressure. Uncertainties can be mapped from theatmosphericandINSstatesintotheaerodynamicstatesthroughlinearcovarianceanalysis. Theequationsofthe transformation from atmospheric and INS states to aerodynamic states are readily available in various sources such as Ref. 18 and are not repeated here. III. Application to Mars Science Laboratory On August 5th 2012, the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) entry vehicle successfully entered the atmosphere of Mars and landed the Curiosity rover safely on the surface of the planet in Gale crater. The MSL entry vehicle 5of16 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics was comprised of a 70-degree sphere-cone heatshield and backshell consisting of a stack of three truncated cones. The forebody was similar to the heatshield geometry developed for the Viking Mars landers. Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) was used for the thermal protection system material. The backshell configuration was also similar to Viking, with a third cone section added to accommodate the parachute volume. The MSL vehicle as-built outer mold line is shown in Fig. 2(a).19 During most of entry, the capsule used a radial center of mass offset to fly at an angle of attack (approximately 16 degrees at hypersonic conditions). This attitude produced lift to fly a guided entry profile, reducing the landing footprint to a much smaller size than any previous Mars mission. To fly the guided entry, the vehicle carried four pairs of Reaction Control System (RCS) jets to perform maneuvers and damp rates. The four pairs of jets could be fired rapidly in different combinations to provide control torque about any axis by modulating the pulses of the jet. Spacecraft Coordinate Frame +y . +x +z 4518.16 1295.39 R12.7 BIP: SC z=0.0 34.43° 119°(543.3) 31° 33.73° R161.8 53.1° 2874.82 1407.3 22.09° BS-HS Sep. Plane R134.88 924.21 20° R126.75 SR1134.11 (a) AsBuiltMSLOuterMoldLine (b) MEDLI/MEADSGeometry(LookingAft) Figure 2: Vehicle Geometry MSL carried with it an instrumentation package designed to measure the aerodynamic and aerothermal environ- ments during atmospheric entry. This instrumentation package was known as the MSL Entry, Descent, and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI),20 which consisted of three major subsystems: the Mars Entry Atmospheric Data System (MEADS), the MEDLI Integrated Sensor Plugs (MISP), and the Sensor Support Electronics (SSE). The MEADS consisted of seven pressure transducers connected to flush orifices in the heat shield to measure pressures across the vehicle forebody. The MISP devices were a system of seven thermocouple and recession sensors that provided aerothermalmeasurementsoftheheatshieldperformance. TheSSEprovidedpowertothesensors,conditionedtheir signals, and transmitted the data to storage on the Curiosity rover. The MEDLI sensors provided measurements that were used for trajectory reconstruction and engineering validation of aerodynamic, atmospheric, and thermal protectionsystemmodelsinadditiontoEarth-basedsystemstestingprocedures. TheMEDLIdataanditsusagefor reconstructingtheaerodynamicandaerothermalperformanceoftheMSLentryvehiclearedescribedinRefs.21–29. The aerodynamic forces and moments were sensed by the on-board IMU in the form of acceleration and angular rate measurements at a frequency of 200 Hz. The dimensional aerodynamic forces and moments were calculated from these measurements, combined with mass and inertia models of the vehicle. Forces and moments due to the RCS firing were subtracted from the total force and moment measurements. The results were found to be sensitive to vibration and noise associated with RCS firings, so a low-pass optimal Fourier filter with a cut-off frequency of 2 Hz was applied to smooth the data.26 The raw and filtered aerodynamics are shown in Figure 3. Note the increase in noise around the time of bank reversals, which correlate with the times of RCS thruster commands shown in Figure 4. The filtered side/normal and pitch/yaw moments are shown in Figure 5. The SADS estimator was initialized at 580 s in the MSL EDL timeline, corresponding to an altitude of approxi- mately 66.15 km. The initial atmospheric state was based on pre-flight mesoscale models.32 The air data filter was implemented to run at a rate of 64 Hz to match the rate of the on-board navigation state. The filter was terminated at a time of 800 s, at an altitude of 7.10 km. Given the sensitivity of moments to the RCS noise, the filter was set to ignore moment measurements while the RCS was active and rely solely on force measurements. The estimator made use of the post-flight reconstructed aerodynamic model described in Ref. 26. 6of16 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics (a) AxialForce (b) RollingMoment (c) SideForce (d) PitchingMoment (e) NormalForce (f) YawingMoment Figure 3: Measured Aerodynamic Forces and Moments 7of16 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Figure 4: RCS Firing (a) SideForce (b) PitchingMoment (c) NormalForce (d) YawingMoment Figure 5: Filtered Aerodynamic Forces and Moments 8of16 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Results of the SADS estimator are shown in the following figures. The results are compared to true air data estimation results from the MEADS pressure measurement data, described in Reference 29. In the following figures, the pressure transducer-based estimation is labeled FADS, and the new synthetic air data solution developed in this paper is labeled as SADS. (a) Density (b) Pressure Figure 6: Atmosphere The atmosphericdensityand pressureestimatesare shown inFigure 6. Thetwosolutions give consistent results. Some differences are apparent in the low supersonic flight regime, below 850 Pa dynamic pressure. These differences areconsistentwiththosebetweenthepost-flightreconstructedaxialforcecoefficientandthereconciledaerodynamics, as described in Ref. 26. These differences are most likely attributable to transducer instrumentation errors in low pressure ranges that are outside their design requirements. Differences in density and pressure estimates are within 0.5% over the range in which the transducers were calibrated (above 850 Pa dynamic pressure). The estimated winds along the trajectory are shown in Figure 7. The two methods produce consistent estimates, although the SADS exhibits more noise in the estimate. The noise is likely a combination of higher data rate (64 Hz compared to the 8 Hz FADS solution) and errors due to vibrations in the accelerometer. The mean profile and general trends follow the FADS solution. This result is important as it indicates the ability of the SADS approach to mimic a true FADS without the use of pressure sensors. The reconstructed winds from these two methods are consistent with observed vehicle dynamics and guidance response.34,35 ThedynamicpressureandMachestimatesofareshowninFigure8. Themethodsareinagreementovertheentry trajectory. Differences in the dynamic pressure and Mach estimates are on the order of 0.5% and 0.05, respectively, in region where the pressure measurements were calibrated. The aerodynamic flow angle estimates are shown in Figure 9. The FADS and SADS solutions are in agreement, with differences on the order of 0.25 deg, thus indicating the SADS method is able to provide an estimate of the vehicle state that is consistent with a true air data system. 9of16 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics (a) NorthWind (b) EastWind (c) DownWind Figure 7: Winds (a) DynamicPressure (b) MachNumber Figure 8: Dynamic Pressure and Mach Number 10of16 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics

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