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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20160007715: Mechanisms of Active Aerodynamic Load Reduction on a Rotorcraft Fuselage With Rotor Effects

MECHANISMS OF ACTIVE AERODYNAMIC LOAD REDUCTION ON A ROTORCRAFT FUSELAGE WITH ROTOR EFFECTS NormanW.Schaeffler BrianG.Allan LutherN.Jenkins Chung-ShengYao SeniorResearchScientist SeniorResearchScientist SeniorResearchScientist SeniorResearchScientist FlowPhysicsandControlBranch NASALangleyResearchCenter Hampton,Virginia,USA ScottM.Bartram W.DerryMace OpticsSpecialist InstrumentationSpecialist AdvancedSensingandOpticalMeasurementBranch Sierra-Lobo NASALangleyResearchCenter Hampton,Virginia,USA Hampton,Virginia,USA OliverD.Wong PhilipE.Tanner SeniorResearchScientist ResearchScientist U.S.ArmyAviationDevelopmentDirectorate-AFDD(AMRDEC) JointResearchProgramOffice NASALangleyResearchCenter Hampton,Virginia,USA The reduction of the aerodynamic load that acts on a generic rotorcraft fuselage by the application of active flowcontrolwasinvestigatedinawindtunneltestconductedonanapproximately1/3-scalepoweredrotorcraft model simulating forward flight. The aerodynamic mechanisms that make these reductions, in both the drag and the download, possible were examined in detail through the use of the measured surface pressure distri- butiononthefuselage,velocityfieldmeasurementsmadeinthewakedirectlybehindtherampofthefuselage andcomputationalsimulations. ThefuselagetestedwastheROBIN-mod7,whichwasequippedwithaseriesof eightslotslocatedontherampsectionthroughwhichflowcontrolexcitationwasintroduced. Theseslotswere arrangedin aU-shaped patternlocated slightlydownstream ofthe baselineseparation lineand parallelto it. Theflowcontrolexcitationtooktheformofeithersyntheticjets,alsoknownaszero-net-mass-fluxblowing,and steadyblowing. Thesamesetofslotswereusedforbothtypesofexcitation. Thedifferencesbetweenthetwo excitationtypesandbetweenflowcontrolexcitationfromdifferentcombinationsofslotswereexamined. The flowcontrolisshowntoalterthesizeofthewakeanditstrajectoryrelativetotherampandthetailboomand itisthesechangestothewakethatresultinareductionintheaerodynamicload. Nomenclature D Fuselagedragforceinthewindaxis,lbs F+ Reducedfrequency, fW/U ∞ ACS Fuselagecross-sectionalarea(maximum), ft2 f Excitationfrequency,Hz Aj Jetslotexitarea, ft2 H Fuselageheight(maximum),inches CD Fuselagedragcoefficient,D/(q∞ACS) L Fuselageliftforceinthewindaxis,lbs CL Fuselageliftcoefficient,L/(q∞ACS) M Machnumber Cp Pressurecoefficient,(p−ps)/q∞ m˙ Massflowrate,lbm/s CT Rotorthrustcoefficient,T/ρ∞πR2(ΩR)2 q∞ Freestreamdynamicpressure, 21ρ∞U∞2, psi Cµ Momentumcoefficient Re Reynoldsnumber,U∞(2RF)/ν R Rotorradius,inches Presented at the American Helicopter Society Technical R Referencerotorradius,inches Meeting on Aeromechanics Design for Vertical Lift, San F T Rotorthrust,lbs Francisco, CA, January 20-22, 2016. This is a work of the U Freestreamvelocity, ft/s U.S.Governmentandisnotsubjecttocopyrightprotectionin ∞ V Jetexitvelocity,eitherpeakorbulk, ft/s theUnitedStatesofAmerica. j 1 W Fuselagewidth(maximum),inches weightwouldbeunaffectedandremaininbalance. Foraro- X/R Normalizedstreamwisecoordinate torcraft, the picture is slightly more complicated. The thrust F Y/R Normalizedspanwisecoordinate developed by the rotor disk, again in steady level flight, is F Z/R Normalizedverticalcoordinate usedbothtobalancetheweightandanynegativeliftthatthe F α Fuselageangleofattack,degrees fuselage generates and also to balance the drag. This raises ∆C Changeinthedragcoefficientasapercentageof aquestionwhenitcomestojudgingtheeffectivenessofany D thebaseline dragreductionstrategy: Whatistheimpactofthedragreduc- ∆C Change in the lift coefficient as a percentage of L tion on the download experienced by the fuselage under the thebaseline influenceofarotor? Sincetherotorisresponsibleforprovid- µ Rotoradvanceratio ν kinematicviscosity, ft2/s ingboththeliftingforcefortherotorcraftandthepropulsive forceforforwardflight, anybenefitfromareductionindrag Ψ rotorazimuthangle-Blade1,degrees ρ Density,slugs/ft3 couldbeoffsetbyanincreaseindownload,effectivelylimit- inganybenefitfromapplyingtheflowcontrol. Thus,itwould σ Thrust-weightedrotorsolidity be preferred that any flow control strategies identified to re- ducethefuselagedragalsoreducethedownloadactingonthe fuselage. Introduction Thecurrentresearcheffortisthefinalwindtunneltestofa Foralargenumberofrotorcraft,thedesignforthefuselageis studythatwasundertakentoexaminetheapplicationofactive guidedbymaximizingthemissionutilityofthevehiclerather flow control for drag and download reduction on a generic, thanitsaerodynamicefficiency. Thiscanresultinaflowfield nonproprietary, fuselage. The study reported here was con- aroundthefuselagethattendstoresembletheflowfieldaround ducted under the NASA Rotary Wing (RW) Project, now abluff-body,withtheflowaroundtheaftendofthefuselage the NASA Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology (RVLT) being dominated by massive flow separation. This leads not Project. Ithasbeen,sinceitsinception,anintegratedexperi- only to a large amount of pressure drag acting on the fuse- mentalandcomputationalresearcheffortthatstartedwiththe lage,butalsotoahigherlevelofrotor-induceddownload,or creationofanewfuselagegeometryfollowedbysmall-scale negativelift. Ithasbeennotedthatthecruisedragofarotor- wind tunnel investigations of the baseline characteristics of craftistypicallyanorderofmagnitudehigherthanthecruise theisolatedfuselageandcorrespondingsimulations.Theinte- dragofafixed-wingaircraftofthesamegrossweight(Ref.1) gratedexperimentalandcomputationalapproachofthiswork and also that, for rotorcraft operating at high forward speed, allowed the baseline aerodynamic characteristics to be doc- halfofthepowerdeliveredbythemainrotorisusedtoover- umented and validated simultaneously (Ref. 5). Out of this come the aerodynamic forces, drag and download, acting on effort, and a related collaboration between NASA and ON- thefuselage(Ref.2). Iftheapplicationofactiveflowcontrol ERA, a flow control strategy was identified computationally (AFC) could be used to deliver back aerodynamic efficiency fortheisolatedfuselageat0◦ angleofattack. Thisflowcon- to an otherwise aerodynamically inefficient fuselage design, trolstrategywasthenappliedcomputationallytothemorerel- the range, speed, and/or fuel efficiency of the vehicle could evantenvironmentofafuselageatanegativeangleofattack be increased and its mission utility would not only be pre- androtoroperatingathighadvanceratio(Ref.9). Thesecon- served,butenhanced. TheworkofMartinetal.(Ref.3)and ditionsaretypicalofrotorcraftoperatingathighspeedandare Ben-Hamou et al. (Ref. 4) has demonstrated that active flow theconditionsunderwhichthedraganddownloadreductions control can be applied to achieve a reduction in drag on an are desired. The computational effort allowed for the study isolated fuselage. This directly led to further work in apply- of the effect of the rotor and its wake on the fuselage drag ingAFCtotheproblemofdragreductiononanisolatedfuse- and download. It provided a mechanism for evaluating the lage, specifically the work of Schaeffler et al. (Ref. 5), Woo effectiveness of active flow control in reducing the drag and etal.(Ref.6),ColemanandThomas(Ref.7),andLePapeet download forces and for how different flow control actuator al. (Ref. 8). Once the research transitioned from an isolated parameters,suchasslotsize,frequency,andpeakjetvelocity, fuselagetoafuselageinthepresenceofarotor,attentionalso affectedthelevelofloadreduction. Ultimately,thecombined neededtobepaidtothedownload,ornegativelift,developed knowledge gained from the computations and the earlier ex- bythefuselage, inadditiontothedrag. Thisisbecausecare perimentalworkenabledthedesignoftheslotlayoutandflow mustbetakentoensurethatanyflowcontrolstrategiesthatare controlstrategythatwastestedexperimentallyinthecurrent identifiedtoreducethefuselagedrag,donothaveanadverse research effort. The final wind tunnel entry had three dis- effectonthedownload. tinct phases, each of which utilized a different ramp section One of the key differences between rotary-wing aerody- on the fuselage. The first phase of the entry was devoted to namics and fixed-wing aerodynamics can be illustrated by a theapplicationofpressure-sensitivepaint(PSP)totheupper simpleforcebalance.Forafixed-wingaircraftinsteadyflight, surfaceofoneoftherotorbladesandutilizedaclean,unmod- liftbalancesweightandthrustbalancesdrag. If, throughthe ified, ramp section. Interested readers can find a description applicationofactiveflowcontrol,thedragactingonthefixed- ofthePSPexperimentalworkinWatkinsetal.(Ref.10). The wing aircraft, in steady level flight, was reduced, the thrust second phase of the entry was the one that is reported here, required would be correspondingly reduced and the lift and and also in Schaeffler et al. (Ref. 11), and featured a ramp 2 section equipped with eleven slots through which flow con- agenerichelicopterandalsotobeanalyticallydefined,allow- trol excitation could be delivered. Finally, the third phase of ingittobeeasilyreproducedforcalculations(Ref.17). The theentrywasalsoanactiveflowcontrolexperimentthatuti- original ROBIN fuselage has been utilized in several other lized a ramp equipped with fluidic actuators for load allevi- wind tunnel investigations (Refs. 18,19) and is widely used ation and the results from this phase are reported in Martin intherotorcraftCFDcommunity(Refs.20,21). Toarriveat etal.(Ref.12). Additionally,acomprehensivereportofboth theROBIN-mod7fuselage, thestandardcoefficientsthatde- oftheactiveflowcontrolphasesoftheentrycanbefoundin finetheROBINfuselageweremodifiedtocreateanewfuse- Ballardetal.(Ref.13). lage geometry that has a rectangular, as opposed to square, cross-section, a well-defined ramp section, and a high tail- boom. The fuselage calculation procedure and the modified ExperimentalFacilityandModel coefficientsfortheROBIN-mod7arediscussedfullyinScha- effleretal.(Ref.5). Thisnewfuselageisrepresentativeofa ThecurrentresearcheffortwasconductedintheNASALan- generichelicopterfuselagewithinthe lighttomediumrange gley14-by22-FootSubsonicTunnel(14x22). The14x22is of civil configurations with a large aft loading cargo section, a closed-circuit, single-return, atmospheric wind tunnel with typicalofacommercialrotorcraftthatencountersalargefuse- a reconfigurable test section. The test section can be oper- lage drag at high-speed. Following the ROBIN convention, ated in either an open or closed configuration. For the work the fuselage length is scaled to a reference rotor radius, R , presentedhere, thetunnelwasoperatedintheclosedconfig- F which results in a non-dimensional fuselage length of 2R . uration in which the test section has the dimensions of 14.5 F Since its introduction, the ROBIN-mod7 fuselage has been fthigh,21.75ftwide,and50ftlongandcanachieveamax- adoptedbyotherresearcherswithintherotorcraftcommunity imum speed of 348 ft/s with a dynamic pressure of 144 psf. (Refs.22–24),particularlythoseexploringtheapplicationof The airflow in the test section is produced by a 40 ft diam- activeflowcontrolonrotorcraftfuselages(Refs.6,7,25). For eter, 9-bladed fan driven by a 12,000 hp main drive. Addi- the ROBIN-mod7 fuselage tested in 14x22, the size is based tionalinformationaboutthe14x22canbefoundinGentryet upon a reference rotor radius of 61.9655 inches, with a total al.(Ref.14). fuselagelengthof123.931inches(X/R =2.0). Inreference F The model utilized in this research effort was comprised toamediumcivilrotorcraft, itcanbeconsideredanapprox- oftheGeneralRotorModelSystem(GRMS)andtheROBIN- imately1/3-scalemodel. Thefuselagegeometry anddimen- mod7(ROtorBodyINteraction)fuselage. TheGRMSisaro- sions can be seen in Fig. 1. It is worth noting that the rotor tordrivesystemthatispoweredbytwo,75hp,water-cooled system utilized in the current work is oversized for the fuse- electricmotorsthatdrivea5.47:1transmission.Therotorsys- lage by about 7% and, due to the sting mounting utilized in temdrivenbytheGRMSconsistedofafully-articulatedrotor the current research effort, the tail cap, which closes off the hubandasetoffourrotorblades,whichutilizeGovernment tailboom, isnotused. Thisshortenstheoveralllengthofthe RC-seriesairfoils. Therotorsystemhadadiameterof11.08 fuselageto105inches(X/R =1.694). F feetandthecuffofoneoftherotorbladeswasinstrumented For this research effort, the ROBIN-mod7 fuselage and to measure blade pitch, lead-lag, and flapping angles. De- theGRMSweremountedtoastingadapterandlongcannon, tailedpropertiesfortherotorsystemcanbefoundinWonget which,inturn,wasmountedtothemastofoneofthe14x22 al.(Ref.15). facilitymodelcartsinstalledintheaftbayof14x22. Dueto The GRMS is equipped with two independent six- thelengthofthelongcannon, GRMSandtheROBIN-mod7 component strain gage force and moment balances, one for fuselage end up positioned over a filler cart, which was in- measuring the loads acting on the fuselage and one for mea- stalled in the front bay of 14x22. The mast on the aft cart suringtheloadsactingontherotor. Thereareaccelerometers providesbothpitchandelevationcontrol,enablingthemodel mounted within the GRMS to monitor the operational loads tobepositionedatarangeoffuselageanglesofattackwhile actingonthecompletesystemduringtesting. Thereisalsoa maintaining a constant height of the rotor hub, nominally rotorshaftencoder,whichprovidedboth1/Revand1024/Rev 87 inches, in the test section. The model was only tested at timing signals. These timing signals were used for synchro- 0◦ yaw. Thecompletemodelinstallationinthe14x22canbe nizingthedataacquisitionandthetimingoftheflowcontrol seeninFig.1(e). to the azimuthal position of the rotor. The rotor system was Eightoftheflowcontrolslotswerelaidoutsymmetrically operated at a rotational speed of 1150 RPM, which resulted withrespecttothefuselageverticalcenterlineandascloseto in a hover rotor tip Mach number of 0.58. The rotor system a continuous U-shape, that the constraints of packaging ac- wasdesignedwithanominalshafttiltangleof-3◦ relativeto tuators on the inside of the fuselage shell would allow. This the fuselage. Additional details regarding the GRMS can be arrangementcanbeseenschematicallyinFig.1. Onthefuse- foundinWilson(Ref.16). lage, this U-shaped group of slots is aligned 23◦ from the The ROBIN-mod7 fuselage was developed for the initial vertical,whichisthesameorientationas,andslightlydown- small-scale testing that preceded the current research effort stream of, the flow separation line of the baseline configu- (Ref. 5) and is a variation of the ROBIN fuselage geome- ration. The slot height was 0.020 inches and the slots were try, which was developed at NASA Langley in the 1970s. orientedata25◦ angletothelocalsurface. Eachoftheslots The original ROBIN was developed to be representative of wasassignedanumber. Whenlookingupstreamfrombehind 3 themodel,whichistheviewasshowninFig.1(f),slot1was Forthesteadyblowingportionofthiseffort, themomen- theuppermostslotontheleft,orport,side.Slots2and3were tum coefficient, C , was defined based upon the total mass µ alongtheportsideandslot4wastheslotalongthebottomof flow,asmeasuredbyaninlineflowmeterupstreamofthefour thefuselageandtheslotclosesttothefuselageverticalcenter- valvesthatcontrolwhichoftheslotpairsareactive. Thejet lineontheportside. Thispatterncontinuedonthestarboard velocity was computed based on the mass flow and the slot sideofthefuselagewithslot5beingonthebottomandclosest areaandthus,representsthebulkvelocityofthejet. Thetotal tothecenterline,slots6and7beingonthestarboardside,and andcavitypressuresmeasuredintheplenumofeachslotwere slot 8 being the uppermost slot on the starboard side. Three usedduringtheexperimenttobalancethemassflow.Themo- additional slots were located upstream of the primary eight mentumcoefficientwascomputedasfollows: slots, slots 9, 10, and 11, and these are visible in Fig. 1(f). m˙V Flowcontrolcasesinvolvingtheseslotswillnotbediscussed j C = . (2) here. µ qACS During the course of the experiment, each of the slots Throughout,C canalternativelybepresentedasapurenum- µ wereconnectedtoeitherapressurizedplenumthatdelivered berorapercentage,asinC =0.025orC =2.50%. µ µ asteadyblowingexcitationthroughtheslotortoasynthetic jet actuator that delivered an oscillatory suction-blowing ex- citation through the slot, also known as zero-net-mass-flux StereoLargeField-of-ViewPIVSystem (ZNMF) blowing. Each of the eleven synthetic jet actuators haditsowndrivesignalandamplifiertoallowthephasingand Toinvestigateanddocumenttheeffectofdifferentactiveflow amplitudeoftheexcitationtobeindependentlycontrolledon control configurations on the fuselage wake, off-body mea- a slot-by-slot basis. The 1/Rev and 1024/Rev timing signals surements were made using a Large Field-of-View PIV Sys- from the GRMS were utilized to synchronize the phasing of tem (LFPIV). LFPIV has been used in the 14x22 for several thesyntheticjetactuatorsandthedataacquisitionwithrespect yearsandhasproventobeavalidandefficienttooltodocu- to the rotor. When configured for the synthetic jet actuators, mentwakeflowsforbothfixed-wingandrotary-wingconfig- thetemperatureofeachofthedriversandthecavitypressure urations. of each of the cavities were monitored and recorded. When ThePIVsystemwascomposedoftwo1.5JouleNd-YAG configuredforsteadyblowing,thecavitypressurewithineach lasersandtwo,11Megapixel,camerasequippedwith210mm of the pressurized plenums and the total pressure at the inlet focallengthlenses. Sincethetestsectionwasclosedforthis of each plenum was measured by an Electronically Scanned test(i.e., wallsandceilingdown), opticalaccesswaslimited Pressure (ESP) module mounted within the fuselage. Only to windows in the tunnel sidewalls. On the south side of the four control valves were used in the steady blowing portion tunnel, the laser beam passed through a set of sheet-forming of the test. Each valve supplied air to two plenums enabling optics to create a lightsheet that was then projected through theslotstobeactivatedinpairssymmetricwithrespecttothe oneofthesidewallwindowstothemeasurementplanedown- fuselagecenterline. stream of the fuselage ramp. The lightsheet was inclined 10 Forbothsyntheticjetexcitationandsteadyblowing,differ- degreesrelativetoverticalinordertomakethemeasurement ent configurations of active and non-active slots were tested. plane nearly parallel to the ramp when the model was set at Two of these configurations were given names. For the first negativeanglesofincidenceasdepictedinFig.2,whichalso configuration, referred to as the U-configuration, all eight of shows the relationship between the measurement plane and the slots were active. The second configuration, referred to thewidthofthefuselage.Atthenominaltestangles,themea- asUx45-configuration,modifiestheU-configurationsuchthat surementplaneintersectedthetailboomatX/R =1.31. F thetwocenterslots,slots4and5,werenotactive. For this test, a stereoscopic PIV configuration was used The definition of the momentum coefficient,C , was dif- µ to measure three components of velocity. Cameras were po- ferent for each of the flow control excitations. For the syn- sitioned in window cavities on opposite sides of the tunnel, theticjetportionofthiseffort,themomentumcoefficientwas which placed one camera in back scatter and one camera in definedbaseduponthepeakjetvelocityatthejetexitandwas forward scatter. The working distance for each camera was computedusingEq.1: nearly 4.2 meters (13.78 feet). This distance, coupled with Σ(ρ V 2A ) thecameraangleandsensorsizeresultedinafieldofviewof j j j C = . (1) µ qA approximately 838 mm by 481 mm (width x height). Based CS on the camera sensor size, 4008 pixels by 2680 pixels, the Duetothepackagingoftheactuatorswithinthefuselageshell magnificationwasestimatedtobe0.216mm/pixel. andthegeometryoftherampregion,theslotlengthsforeach of the slots were not exactly the same. However, the slot Theflowwasseededusingamineraloilbasedmixtureand lengths were symmetric with respect to the centerline of the a commercial fog machine, which produced polydispersed fuselage. Theactualslotlengthswereusedincalculatingthe particles ranging in diameter from 0.25 microns to 1.5 mi- jetareas,alongwiththeslotheightof0.020inches. Theden- crons. Theparticleswereinjectedintotheflowattherearof sity,ρ ,wasassumedtobethesameasthedensityoftheair thetestsectionnearthediffuseranddistributeduniformlyby j inthetestsection. thefanbeforeenteringthetestsection. 4 (a) Sideview-non-dimensional (b) Rearview-non-dimensional (c) Sideview-14x22dimensions (d) Rearview-14x22dimensions (e) The ROBIN-mod7 model mounted on the GRMS and (f) Rearviewofthemodelhighlighting thelongcannonsting. theactuatorlayout. Fig.1.TheROBIN-mod7fuselage: Dimensionsandasamodelinstalledinthe14x22SubsonicTunnel. 5 (a) Streamwise (b) Spanwise Fig.2.TheROBIN-mod7modelasaschematicshowingthelocationandorientationofthePIVmeasurementplanein thestreamwiseandthespanwisedirections. Themodelisillustratedatanangleofattackof-6◦. Foreachactiveflowcontrolconfiguration, aminimumof The rotor blades are modeled as nonelastic blades with 100 images were acquired synchronized with a pre-set az- flapping and lead/lag motions. This loose coupling was imuth angle of the rotor. These images were then processed performed every half revolution of the rotor. A complete using an interrogation area of 64 pixels by 64 pixels with an description and analysis of all of the post-test CFD can be overlap of 50%. This corresponds to a spatial resolution of foundinAllanetal.(Ref.31). 13.8mmby13.8mm. Theuncertaintyintheaveragedveloc- A key observation from the computational analysis in- itiesisestimatedtobe1m/s. volvesthetrajectoryofthewakeforboththebaselineandcon- trolcasesandtheoriginoftheadditionalaerodynamicloads ForwardFlightatanAdvanceRatioof0.25 actingonthefuselageinthepresenceoftherotor. Iso-surface contours of vorticity magnitude are presented in Fig. 3 from As stated in the Introduction, the current research effort has theOVERFLOWsimulationsusingtheSAturbulencemodel. beencarriedoutsinceitsinceptionasacombinedexperimen- These iso-surface contours are for a single vorticity magni- talandcomputationaleffort. Inadditiontothecomputational tude value and are shaded by the local pressure coefficient. investigations conducted before the mid-scale testing began, Therotorazimuthangleofthedatapresentedhereis0◦,cor- whicharesummarizedbyAllanetal.(Ref.9),aseriesofcom- responding to a rotor blade directly over the tail, or equiva- putationalfluiddynamics(CFD)simulationswereconducted lentlythenose. Forthebaselinecase, Fig.3(a), thevorticity after the completion of the experimental efforts. These were iso-surfaces indicate that as the flow rounds the shoulder of conducted to simulate specific cases as close to the experi- therampitremainsattachedforashortdistanceuptheramp mentalconditionsaspossibleandtoprovideanassessmentof andthenseparates. Whiletheflowisseparated,itstillfollows theperformanceoftwoturbulencemodels. Theresultswere the general shape of the ramp until it is turned by the tail- comparedtotheexperimentaldataandalsousedtoyieldad- boom. This description is reinforced by looking at the mea- ditionalinsightintothemechanismsinvolvedintheobserved sured centerline surface pressure distribution, which is pre- draganddownloadreductions. Allofthesesimulationswere sentedinFig.4. Herethecenterlinepressuresforthebaseline carriedoutatanadvanceratioof0.25,afuselageangleofat- case indicate that the flow remains attached as it rounds the tackof-6◦andathrustconditionofCT/σ =0.075.Thesteady ramp shoulder, separates shortly thereafter, and then follows blowing excitation proved more robust than the synthetic jet thegeneralshapeoftherampratherthanremaininginamore excitationatthisadvanceratio,soonlysteadyblowingcases streamwisedirection. ForFig.4,andtheothermeasuredcen- wereselectedforsimulation. terline surface pressure figures to follow, the symbols on the solid lines corresponds to pressure taps on the fuselage cen- The numerical simulations were conducted using terline. The dashed line is included to give an indication of OVERFLOW solving the compressible Reynolds-averaged thestrengthofthesuctionpeakattherampshoulderandthe Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. The Spalart Allmaras singlesymboloneachoftheselinesisanaveragedvaluefrom (SA) (Ref. 26) and Shear Stress Transport (SST) (Ref. 27) twopressuretapssymmetricallyoffsetfromthecenterlinein turbulence models were used for the numerical simulations thespanwisedirection(Y/R =±0.051). with a Rotational/Curvature Correction (RCC) model, as F implemented in OVERFLOW (Ref. 28). The time-accurate Forbothofthesteadyblowingcontrolcases,Figs.3(b)and rotor/fuselage simulations used a dual-time stepping method 3(c),thevorticityiso-surfacesindicatethatthewakemovesin withtimestepsequivalentto0.125◦rotorrevolutionswith40 more of a streamwise direction then does the baseline case. sub iterations per time step. The rotor dynamics were simu- The wake does not follow the geometry of the ramp and it lated using a loose coupling between OVERFLOW and the stays further away from the tailboom. This is also seen in comprehensive rotorcraft code, CAMRAD-II (Refs. 29,30). centerline surface pressures in Fig. 4. Both of the control 6 -0.5 Baseline 0.4 Ux45 U -0.25 0.2 (a) Baseline CP 0 Z/RF 0 0.25 -0.2 0.5 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 X/R F Fig. 4. Measured surface pressure distribution over the (b) U-configuration centerlineoffuselagerampsection. AFC=SteadyBlow- ingatC =2.07%fortheU-configurationandC =1.67% µ µ fortheUx45-configuration(VR=2.6forboth),µ =0.250, C /σ =0.075,α =−6◦. Theblacklinesarethefuselage T geometry. thepredictedaerodynamicloads,Fig.5(b). Theyaretheori- ginoftheadditionalaerodynamicloadingthatthepresenceof therotorgeneratesonthefuselage. (c) Ux45-configuration Building upon the insight gained from the computational results, consider the velocity field on a plane immediately downstream of the fuselage ramp as measured by the large- field-of-view stereo PIV system. In Fig. 6, a representative Fig.3.Vorticitymagnitudeiso-surfacecontoursshadedby exampleofthecompletemeasuredvelocityfieldispresented Cpforthebaseline,U-,andUx45-configurationsfromthe fromaviewpointlookingupstreamattherampsection. Itis CFDsimulationsusingtheSAturbulencemodel,atarotor presented in horizontal and vertical coordinates as measured azimuth angle of 0◦. AFC = Steady Blowing at VR = 2.6, within the PIV measurement plane and nondimensionalized µ =0.25,CT/σ =0.075,andα =−6◦ bythereferencerotorradiusforthefuselage. ThestereoPIV measurementsresultinavectorfieldwiderthanthewidthof cases have a reduced suction peak indicating an earlier sep- thefuselage, whichis±0.164inthesamecoordinates. The aration than the baseline case with the Ux45-configuration black semi-circle represents the size and location of the tail- showing less of a tendency to follow the shape of the ramp. boom, relative to the measurement plane. The vectors plot- For these control cases, as throughout, when comparing the ted are the in-plane components relative to the measurement U-configurationtotheUx45-configuration,theratioofthejet plane.Thereareamaximumof114vectorshorizontallyanda velocity to the freestream velocity, the velocity ratio VR, is maximumof52vectorsvertically. Inthenondimensionalized heldthesame. Forthecaseshere, theVR=2.6corresponds coordinates,thevectorspacingis0.00877. to aC = 2.07% for the U-configuration andC = 1.67% for µ µ In order to make the vector field easier to visualize, from theUx45-configuration,experimentally. this point forward, a convention will be adopted where ev- InFig.5(a),theexperimentallymeasuredsurfacepressure ery other vector horizontally is skipped and only every third on the upper portion of the nose of the fuselage (X/R = vector vertically is presented. This allows the vectors to be F 0.200,Y/R =0.016,Z/R =0.145)versustherotorazimuth displayed with a longer length, thus allowing the overall in- F F angle is presented. The high values of pressure as the rotor plane pattern of the flow field to be visualized. The out-of- blades pass over the nose are clearly seen and correspond to planecomponentofthevelocitywillberepresentedbycolor the high pressure level seen on the nose in Fig. 3, which is contours. Thecontoursfromthepartoftheplanewheremea- shadedred. Thesehighpressureloadingsasthebladepasses surementswerenottakenaresuppressedbynotshowingcon- over the nose generate forces that push the nose down, in- tours below a value ofU /U =0.07. An additional con- PIV ∞ creasing the download, and push the nose aft, increasing the vention was adopted that the width of the wake will be in- drag. Thesebladepassageeventscorrespondtothepeaksin dicated by only presenting contours of the out-of-plane ve- thedragandthemaximumnegativevaluesfortheliftseenin locity, which are less than 0.9 times the freestream velocity 7 (U /U ≤0.90). changing.ForeachoftheC valuesplotted,anadditionalpair PIV ∞ µ of slots is activated. This is being done in sequence starting Following these conventions, the velocity fields for the withtheupperpair,slots1and8,andcontinuinguntilallthe baseline,U-andUx45-configurationsarepresentedinFig.7. slotpairsareactive. Pair1(P1)wouldbeslots1and8,pair2 TheacquisitionofthePIVdatawassynchronizedwiththero- (P2)wouldbeslots2and7,pair3wouldbeslots3and6,and tor through the use of the 1/Rev pulse generated by GRMS pair4wouldbeslots4and5. ThesecondtothelastC value when the leading edge of blade 1 passes over the tail and µ this position is a rotor azimuth angle of 0◦. The PIV data plotted would correspond to the Ux45-configuration and the presented here is for two different rotor azimuth angles, 23◦, finalvalueplottedwouldcorrespondtotheU-configuration. whichwillbethestandardangleunlessotherwisenoted,and The performance levels for drag and download reduc- 60◦. Thebaseline,Figs.7(a)and7(c),doesshowsomeslight tion that are achieved by just the P1-configuration is quite changesastheblade1movesfurtherawayfromthemeasure- impressive. The first quarter of the Cµ invested in the ment plane, however the general features are the same. The load reductions achieved half of the overall reduction, a widthofthewakeisroughlythewidthofthefuselage. There ∆CD of -12.6% for just the P1-configuration versus -25.2% are two regions of low out-of-plane velocity on either side for the U-configuration and a ∆CL of -27.0% for just the of the tailboom. In between them, there is a region of large P1-configuration versus -53.8% for the Ux45-configuration, vertical velocity that is roughly as wide as the tailboom. As the configuration which produces the maximum download was seen in Fig. 3(a), since the flow behind the ramp in the change. Adding the second set of slots, so that P1 and P2 baselineconfigurationisfollowingtheshapeoftherampeven areactive,bringstheperformanceveryclosetothemaximum thoughtheflowisseparated,theflowwillexhibitalargever- valuesachieved. Anadditional5%dragreductioncanbehad ticalvelocitycomponentwhenitencountersthePIVmeasure- if the last two sets of slots are activated, resulting in the U- mentplane. IthasbeennotedbyMartinetal.(Ref.12),that configuration, but it comes at a cost of increasing theCµ re- cases where a region of large vertical component of velocity quiredforthefirst20%reductionby53%. Additionally,very existdirectlyunderthetailboomarealsocasesthatexhibita little change in download reduction is achieved by adding in largeamountofdownloadactingonthefuselage. Hereitcan the third pair of slots, which is the Ux45-configuration, and beseenthatitisthetrajectoryofthewakethatcausesboththe thereisthesamepenaltyforthedownloadreductionwiththe regionoflargeverticalcomponentofvelocityandthesurface U-configurationthatwehaveseenbefore. Thecenterlinesur- pressuredistributionthatgeneratesthedownload. facepressuredistributionontherampsectionforeachofthese casesispresentedinFig.9. FortheU-configuration,Fig.7(b),thelowout-of-planeve- locityregionontheportsidehasbeeneliminatedandtheone In Fig. 10, the baseline, P1-configuration, P1+P2- on the starboard side has been moved a significant distance configuration,andtheU-configurationvelocityfieldsarepre- away from the tailboom. Also, the vertical velocity in the sented. The rotor azimuth angle for the acquisition of all of area directly under the tailboom has been reduced. As was thesewas23◦. Forthebaselinecase,Fig.10(a),therearetwo seen in Figs. 3(b) and 3(c), when the flow over the ramp is regionsoflowout-of-planevelocitybelowandoneitherside being controlled in either the U-configuration, or the Ux45- ofthetailboomwithanareaofhighupwash,orhighvertical configuration, the result is the wake is moving in more of a velocity,betweenthemdirectedtowardsthelowersurfaceof streamwise direction and as it encounters the PIV measure- the tailboom. As noted earlier, this indicates that, while the mentplane,theobservedverticalvelocitycomponentwillbe flowinthebaselinecaseisseparated,theflowisstillfollow- small. In fact for the Ux45-configuration, Fig. 7(d), that re- ingthegeneralshapeoftherampsuchthattheflowhasahigh gionoflargeverticalvelocityhasbeenreplacedbyalargere- verticalvelocitycomponentwhenitencountersthePIVmea- gionoflowout-of-planevelocitydirectlyunderthetailboom. surementplane. Evidenceofthisflowpatterncanbeseenin It is this region that generates the characteristic shape of the theCFDsimulationresultspresentedinFig.3forthebaseline surfacepressuredistributionfortheUx45-configurationseen case. Thewidthofthewakeisapproximatelythewidthofthe inFig.4andacorrespondingreductionindownload. Forthe fuselage,thefuselagewidthis±Y/RF = 0.164. Ux45-configuration, the experimental aerodynamic load re- In Fig. 10(b), the effect on the velocity field in the wake duction was a 53.8% download reduction with a 24.4% drag from steady blowing in the P1-configuration can be seen. reduction. FortheU-configuration,theexperimentalaerody- There is still a region of large vertical velocity, but its mag- namicloadreductionwasa39.2%downloadreductionwitha nitudeclosetothetailboomisgreatlyreduced. Itcanalsobe 25.2%dragreduction. seenthatthewakeiscontractedbyasmallamount. Thereisa muchlargerlow-speedregiontotherighthandsideofthetail- “BuildingTheU” boomcenterline.Whenthesecondslotpairisbroughton-line, this low-speed area grows in size, as seen in Fig. 10(c), and InFig.8,thechangeindragandliftcoefficientsasafunction the area of high vertical velocity component directly under ofthemomentumcoefficient,C ,ispresented.Typically,data the tailboom has been removed. This indicates that the flow µ presentedlikethiswouldbeusedtoindicateanincreaseinthe over the ramp and into the wake is no longer following the levelofexcitation,e.g.,increasingthejetvelocityoutofasin- generalshapeoftheramp, butisinsteadseparatingfromthe gleslot. Here,however,thejetvelocityisremainingapprox- rampandmovinginamorestreamwisefashion,aswesawin imately constant and it is the number of active slots that are theCFDiso-surfacespresentedinFig.3forthecontrolcases. 8 Withinthelowspeedregion,theflowisreversed,asshownin on either side of the tailboom and between them, there is a Fig.11,butthemagnitudeoftheout-of-planevelocityisvery regionoflargeverticalvelocitythatisroughlyaswideasthe small,withthemeasurementsindicatingamaximumreversed tailboom. Atthishigheradvanceratio,thewidthofthewake flow velocity of 0.7% U . If the last two pairs of slots are isslightlysmallerthanataµ =0.25andslightlysmallerthan ∞ brought on-line, resulting in the U-configuration, and shown thewidthofthefuselage. FortheU-configuration,Fig.13(b), inFig.10(d),someofthelargeverticalvelocitydirectlyunder thelowout-of-planevelocityregionontheportsidehasbeen the tailboom returns and the low-speed region is greatly re- eliminatedandtheoneonthestarboardsidehasbeenmoved ducedinsizeandmovesfurtherawayfromthetailboomthan away from the tailboom. Again, the vertical velocity in the inthepreviouscases. TheU-configurationpresentedherehas area directly under the tailboom has been reduced compared the largestdrag reductionof thisset andthe smallestarea of tothebaseline. TheUx45-configuration, Fig.13(c), alsoex- reversedflow,butproduceslessdownloadreductionthanthe hibitsalargeregionoflowout-of-planevelocitydirectlyun- Ux45-configuration. This is due to the wake having less of der the tailboom. In Fig. 13(d), it can be seen that this is a astreamwiseorientationfortheU-configuration,asindicated region of slightly reversed flow with the recirculation reach- by the larger vertical velocities directly underneath the tail- ingamaximumspeedof18%ofthefreestream. Thewidthof boom. thewakeintheUx45-configurationcloselymatchesthewidth ofthewakeinthebaseline,withthewakeexpandingslightly ontheretreatingsidefortheU-configuration. ForwardFlightatanAdvanceRatioof0.35 ForwardFlightatanAdvanceRatioof0.225 For the current research effort, the ultimate goal was to achieve drag and download reductions in a range of angles The highest freestream velocity at which the synthetic jets ofattackandadvanceratiosthatarerepresentativeofarotor- were able to demonstrate sufficient authority for drag and craftinforwardflight. Theseweredeterminedtobefuselage downloadreductioncorrespondstoanadvanceratioof0.225. anglesofattackintherangefrom-3◦ to-6◦ atanadvancera- The performance of the synthetic jet actuation over a range tioof0.35witharotorthrustcoefficient,C /σ ,of0.075. At T of angles of attacks for primarily the Ux45-configuration is the advance ratio of 0.350, only the steady blowing had the presented in Fig. 14. For this data, the frequency was the required control authority to reduce the aerodynamic loads same for both configurations, 6/Rev, which corresponds to a acting on the fuselage. Fig. 12 presents the effect of steady F+=1.28,andtheexcitationonaper-slotbasiswasthesame blowing on the fuselage drag and lift as a function of angle resulting in a C = 1.03% for the Ux45-configuration and a of attack at a constant level of excitation on a per-slot basis µ C = 1.33% for the U-configuration. The synthetic jets were throughout, whichresultsinaC =1.84%fortheUx45con- µ µ operatedsothateachjetwas180◦outofphasewithitsneigh- figurationandaC =2.28%fortheUconfiguration. Thedata µ bor. presentedindicatesthatsteadyblowingintheU-configuration reduces the drag uniformly across the angle of attack range The application of control in the Ux45-configuration at tested providing about a 30% reduction for all angles of at- zero degrees angle of attack results in an increase in drag. tack. For steady blowing in the Ux45-configuration, there is Themaximumdragreductionwasobservedatafuselagean- an increasing level of drag reduction as the angle of attack gle of attack of -6◦, with the data obtained -3◦ also showing becomes more negative. At 0◦ angle of attack, the Ux45- a decrease in drag. If the trend of the data holds, the Ux45- configurationactuallyresultsinaslightincreaseindrag, but configurationreducesthedragwithintheangleofattackrange at -6◦ angle of attack, there is a 25% reduction in drag. The of -1.2◦ to -6◦. There is a download reduction produced by Ux45-configuration does prove more capable of producing a theUx45-configurationacrosstheentireangleofattackrange downloadreduction. AsshowninFig.12(b),steadyblowing withthemaximumreductionalsoatafuselageangleofattack in the Ux45-configuration delivered download reductions on of -6.◦ The maximum drag and download reduction for the the order of 50-60% across the entire range of angles of at- Ux45-configurationwas22%and43%, respectively. Forthe tacktestedwithamaximumreductionof59%occurringatan U-configuration,maximumdraganddownloadreductionalso angleofattackof-2◦. SteadyblowingintheU-configuration occur at a fuselage angle of attack of -6◦ and were 16% and produced a 30% increase in the download at 0◦ angle of at- 14%,respectively. Forthesyntheticjetexcitation,theUx45- tack. However,oncethefuselagereaches-2◦ angleofattack, configurationperformsfarbetterthantheU-configuration. the U-configuration is producing download reductions lead- ThepointforthezerodegreeangleofattackinFig14(b) ing to a reduction of 25% at -6◦ angle of attack. Since the isincludedforcompleteness. Theuncertaintyassociatedwith rotorprovidesboththeliftingforcefortherotorcraftandthe thatpointisveryhighduetotheaccuracyofthebalanceand propulsiveforceforforwardflight,determiningwhichreduc- thefactthatthemagnitudeoftheliftforceforthebaselineis tionismoredesirablewoulddependonotherrequirements. veryclosetozeroandtheeffectofthecontrolistoreducethe magnitudeoftheliftforceevenclosertozero(Refs.11,13). Using the same conventions established in the previous section,thePIVresultsforanadvanceratioof0.350arecon- For the PIV acquisition, the synthetic jets introduce the sidered and presented in Fig. 13. Overall, the features are need to look at several different rotor azimuth angles. The similartothefeaturesatanadvanceratioof0.25. Thebase- drivesignalsforthesyntheticjetactuatorsweresynchronized line velocity field has two low out-of-plane velocity regions tothe1/RevpulsegeneratedbyGRMSwhentheleadingedge 9 ofblade1passesoverthetail. Thesyntheticjetswereoper- control is directly related to the maximum peak jet velocity ated at a frequency of 6/Rev, which means that as blade 1 thatcanbedevelopedbythesyntheticjets. Forthesynthetic sweepsfrom0◦to60◦,theactuatorgoesthroughonecomplete jetexcitationtobeappliedathigheradvanceratios,thedevel- cycle. PIVimagepairswereacquiredatthreedifferentrotor opmentofactuatorswithhigherpeakexitvelocitieswouldbe azimuthangles,23◦,38◦,and53◦andarepresentedinFig.15. required. The effect of the rotor blade passage on the baseline can be seen in Figs 15(a)-15(c). The unsteadiness of the wake can Acknowledgments be seen in the strength and direction of the in-plane velocity ThisworkwassupportedbytheNASARotaryWingProject, directly under the tailboom. The U-configuration reveals it- now the Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology Project, and selflesscapableherewithunsteadyexcitationthanitdidwith the support of Susan A. Gorton, Project Manager, is grate- steadyexcitation. Thereisonlyaslightreductioninthemag- fully acknowledged. The synthetic jet actuators used in this nitudeoftheverticalvelocitydirectlyunderthetailboomand research effort were designed, fabricated, and installed by the regions of low out-of-plane velocity are only slightly al- Dave Domzalski of Domzalski Machine. This work would tered. TheUx45-configuration,Figs15(g)-15(i),issuccessful not have been possible without the hard work and dedica- inmaintainingthelargeregionofreversedflowthatwasseen tion of the Army/NASA rotorcraft team, past and present, in the steady cases. Given the performance of the synthetic particularlyAustinOvermeyer,BryanMann,AndyHarrison, jetexcitationatthisadvanceratioandthefindingspresented Stephen “Fred” Mason, Brendon Malovrh, Preston Martin, previouslyabout“buildingtheU,”thesyntheticjetconceptis Jim Hallisy, Kevin Noonan, and Wayne Mantay. This work stillattractiveforthisapplication.Itwillrequire,however,the wouldnothavebeenpossiblewithoutthehardworkandded- developmentofsyntheticjetactuatorswithhigherjetveloci- icationoftheentire14x22staff,particularlytheleadtesten- tiesthanthoseutilizedhere. gineerJoshBallard,JimByrd,BenTrower,AndyBoneyand JoeBurtonJr. ClosingThoughts References The mechanisms through which the drag and download that act upon a rotorcraft fuselage under the influence of a ro- 1Leishman, J. G., Principles of Helicopter Aerodynamics, torweresuccessfullyreducedbyutilizingactiveflowcontrol CambridgeUniversityPress,2nded.,2006. havebeenexamined.Itwasshownthattheapplicationofflow control,inboththeU-andtheUx45-configurations,changes 2Gatard,J.,Costes,M.,Kroll,N.,Renzoni,P.,Kokkalis,A., the trajectory of the wake behind the ramp of the ROBIN- Rocchetto, A., Serr, C., Larrey, E., Filippone, A., and Wehr, mod7 fuselage. 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In between these low-speed regions, there is a region 61stAnnualForum,Paper61,Grapevine,TX,2005. of large vertical velocity that is roughly as wide as the tail- 4Ben-Hamou,E.,Arad,E.,andSeifert,A.,“GenericTrans- boomaswouldbeexpectediftheflowisprimarilyfollowing port Aft-Body Drag Reduction using Active Flow Control,” the contour of the ramp. When control is applied, in either AIAAPaper2004-2509,2004,doi:10.2514/6.2004-2509. theU-configurationortheUx45-configuration,theresultisa wakemorealignedwiththestreamwisedirection. TheUx45- 5Schaeffler, N.W., Allan, B.G., Lienard, C., andLePape, configuration produces a large area of reversed flow directly A., “Progress Towards Fuselage Drag Reduction via Active underthetailboomthatseemstobedirectlyrelatedtoitssu- Flow Control: A Combined CFD and Experimental Effort,” periordownloadreduction. 36thEuropeanRotorcraftForum,Paper63,Paris,France,7-9 Thesteadyblowingcontrolperformedthesemodifications September2010,NTRSDocumentID:20100033120. very well, particularly in the range of angles of attack of in- 6Woo,G.T.K.,Glezer,A.,andCrittenden,T.M.,“Transi- terestandatadvanceratiosthatarerepresentativeofarotor- tory Control of Aerodynamic Forces on a ROBIN Fuselage craftinforwardflight. Successfulapplicationofflowcontrol using Pulsed Actuation,” 37th European Rotorcraft Forum, with the synthetic jet excitation required operating at an ad- Paper161,TicinoPark,Italy,2011. vanceratioof0.225orless. Theobservedflowfieldchanges for the synthetic jets operated in the Ux45-configuration are 7Coleman, D. and Thomas, F. O., “Rotorcraft Fuselage very similar to the steady blowing modifications, with the Flow Control Using Plasma Streamwise Vortex Generators,” U-configurationexhibitingmoredifferencesbetweenthetwo 65thAnnualMeetingoftheAPSDivisionofFluidDynamics, controltechniques. Therequirementtooperateatanadvance Volume57,Number17,AmericanPhysicalSociety,Novem- ratioof0.225orlessinordertohavesuccessfulsyntheticjet ber2012. 10

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