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Chapter 13 AgMIP ‘Training in Multiple Crop Models and Tools enh Heo’, Cuer Pole? Jo Tagrewe?, Gea Teogenhnoat, ote Tooter, and Carolyn Mtr *einbersin nf Forde, Gale, FT, USA 2 eben of Fora, Gedaceite FE USA agri Pte Flagshg, CSIRO, Biba, Sista iashngton Stine Unive, Prosser WA. DSA ‘agricola Protects Flohip, CIRO, Tam. sombe, Awl ie Univer, New York, NB OSA Introduction ‘The Agrieuttuxl Mode! Intermparison and Imgrosetient Project (AgMIP) bre jhe got of wxing nti crop rac evaluate climate mpeets on ogricakra! prnduclion ned food security in developed aa developing vouatie. Thete we overl mtjr Kraitations Gat must be evervouné tn achieve this goa, inlaing the ood to Hain AGMIP regional resatch team (RR) crop modelers to ove models ‘her that the ones Macy are cureny Faallan with, plus the need Wo harmonize nd inerconyere Uae dispacule input le formets ed fur the varios aodctn. 160 tvtos were folloncd to addres those sbartoomings among AEMIF RKTS «0 fnabie thems to axe muffple model to valuate climate impacts on cop producti hd food wecutity. We designed and coudncicd courses in which paricipant aned on vodiferencseeai crop ods, wilh emphusts va the model least experience Tnaeocond acGvty, the AgMLPTT greup created expres foriopuiting dats. on sil tanageuent- weather anderops into AgMI hurmodized datas, and developed tration tools Lor converting the harmunizod data ino files that ave rey for tuliple erp model (hereafio termed red-modet) solos. Th. statexios for ‘Geathug and omedccing ins a-xuodol eearse and developing entry anc translation tools re seven in thi caper. ps Participunls came to de mulcodel training couse with dale that they bad Ssudy tested and sirutated with thet favored model; aa heratlve proceay teu sony refered to 9 ode “cliraion”, Following lectures on the gene pin les of eropyrvwth and sil-waier balance common to bub models, te pactisipena, = used the T \wolsto commer the Giles nto the ateaatemndel, and worked withthe xpecs of those modela to sep through a calibration pmcass withthe new inode) ‘his provided cach erap todeing tam with a second rinulavion of production essocinted with he some Esmee Bld survey dats, ‘| ‘Thecnurse was leary valued hy ce paricipans, anit was umidepejestachine! | ‘aes allowed them to couple: Zhe srl znodelsnnlatione as pst ofthe inte. grid ansessmtea that they were dog in tod gional sesarch teams (ne Pan 2, Chapuess 1/12 in this value), The designation and use of tainers end Agha # ‘Ssourme portany was very vaosble, ax hey bemore and wed srl working rou, the numberof which execeded the quaker of ustructos available, Parte ‘mote, tho coarse wes a guod testbed forthe IT tao, providing evaluation that ed > ‘improvements ip the conversion tuls tor crating model-caty Aes, ‘ “History of Crup Madsling Contses : ‘Dring ncrap modeling bes followed several uthways A common pathway iver © thet 30-at gents has boon one-on-one waning ding saul 7 pon-oclral Programs, or dung tgs visits wit exp mosellag experts. A socnd pay ‘nu been struceaed using coumseain whlch mnaber of trainees come toa ocatog 7 ‘und follow» five wo eight day course of leotures,hends-on traning, and exctolen, {he tts of thoso types af one-week training cours was conducted in 1881 by the Deparment of Theoretical Priduction Deolegy, Wageningen Agrictlral Univer ‘gg, the Netherlands. The sealor wos wos privileged t aiend that course, That conse wos connected ts the 1982 bouk edited by Peaning de Voie tn vay Lear 1982), Usiveesty of Flcids crop mndlees J. W. Youes, K, J. Boote, and G. Wilke ‘rs0n) conducted ther frst crop modeling course we the Univsisty af Florida in «2 1985, witha simiarexe-weck forms, Afr hat ntl ctr arger group al crop modelers acociuted withthe Intemational Banchzoack Silex Network fie Agroiech, ology Teasler OBSNAL) project proeecéed tocondvc sa tendayerep salting ‘uae at various ses in the US and around lhe world, beginning with Tyan is 1986 nd the itematioual Center for Reseach inthe Seal Avid Tropes (CRISAT) 1 1087, Coop modating ooarve with tho Decision Support System fee Agrotct ‘ology Transfer WSSAT) software heve vomtimzed since on a neatly annual oF biamamal bosis (Hoogenbnam es al, 2010; Jones et al, 2003). The vnurse was ‘offered 20 rims ja the ISA since 1983, und intentional courses were tht 1b data that hey bad lerative process coine to the general prin cles, he pariipasts ‘and worked with the ‘with the ner mode ulaion of production unld-projeclachiewo- os as part of tite ch teams (see Pare2, uainess and AgMIP sisted small working >ev available, Futber- tg evaluation that Ted andy fies, ooeson pathway over ‘uate or post-doctoral, A second pathwny vescometoaloeation Sang, and exercises. Tusted in 1981 by the ‘Axgculuzal Univer- ‘a hal cowmae. That Vries md van Tar Boule, wd G, WiDk- versity of Florida in Farge group af eng stork for grote cudayeropanoleling ‘ning With Talwan in ITropios ICRISAT) vestem for Agrotce- ‘ neatly sarual or 1), The course wa5 oarien were tang Ate ogi i mp Mab nae 5 {ee toy foto SAT ening ctr se 1985 “Year aniog ue ied me 3,199), 1998 199,194 1908, 1998, LY, 19EH, ps, une "004, 2, 208 20,2040, 2011-2012, 201, 2014 savin 136 tase so 2010, 221,200 Sena (98,2018 Vio 198 Republi uf Sek HED 1290,1995 ineare erg aes oo emt 19% 1059 tage 19598 Tod 2,200, 2007, 20122014 chee nas ‘ssc 2,200) ‘Peal Rep of Cina "ais Keay 2007 Membia aan ayia 0 Sram me piven) am jn Taiwan, Indi, Senegal, Venevicle, Republic of South Attic, Hongery, Cade, ‘Togo, Ghana, Egypt, Tanzania, Aagonina, te People’s Republic of Chins, Ket, Naauibia, Malayia, Hurbedos, Spon, ané Thailand (Table 1). The aumbec vf par~ Tetpants ranged irom 10 60 people, usally 20-20 ata tins. The book odind by ‘Taufl, Beogboos, and Thorztoa (1998) serves asthe textbook for the DSSAT teup aodeting cours. Mar haa OVO sudents have been trxined over ths pecod, “The Dutch czop modelers condacid rill wsiing courses ona ego hss, cepesitly during he Dutch gosermacat-fanded project, Sutation aud Systems ‘Analytis for sive Producllon (SARP) in Asia during the mia-1980s to the mid Tox (lon Berge, 1893). Ia that projet, the Center for Agrobiolugcal Revearch sand Wegeaiagen Apscaltura Unversity inked with re Itzmational Bice Research Tnstate and 16 nakwnal opticutral resarch ceater im Asia, to conduct systems dnalysn and sivollion modeling metiy on dct, by axing the SUUCROS model (Penning de Vis eta, 1989), Tniing onanee were conducted ot Wageningen fod at immcoatonal sles, following the tempts of the Penning do Vries und va [eas (1982) book, along ith taialag n wse of SLCROS and use of the Continuous Systeus Modeling Progen (CSMD? language, (Otksr models and modcting romps sueh as the Agsiullural Production Syne ‘Simuletor (APSIM; Keating et af, 2003), EPIC: (Feaurude of eh 2006; Willisny, sal, 1989), aad Crop (Stickle ef af, 22} old somcthal sherttinchowag ‘rsining sessions for ope to ten poople al time, generally at Usir research sn, “Phe CeopSyatgronp use web-bated tang apmoaches, APSIM conduct two-day ‘ening session evra tines por yer n Anstalis, mol om operon poe 2 of the model sofeware. Many Austaloninisonatonslagricltual recess proces, Josie five day APSIM wots n-countr for 15-20 personas regurd, The | contes eo talored for the eplus Ce, Ate and Aa in which he pret ins 2 ‘ers operas, and usually consist of hres days of hunds-0a esiviten with sence © ‘theory and wodetsunding of tie dynamics ofthe process petucing the riualatiog © ‘sul followed by tn days of amal-groupsctitis ining simtlations to explore 2 Jucal iesars and strengthen slnulstion skills. bal-day of ieuetisn om sil sama. ing ieee condaetedOthor APSTM intomatona ining atts ade peripsory vp modeling ning dal urge! esearch od $n tho are of APSLMGor adling value to u-ferm research and extension foeuthngon 2 ‘timate change sdaptaion and cp production. The fistiniematioaal APSTMuonne © ‘sod in 1997 at he ICRISAT couter ax part of a joint project enttlod “Collabo. ‘ation on Azsicolaral Resource Modeling and Applications in Semi- Ari Tropes Approaches Followed in Crop Miodsting Comrses “The approaches in the DSSAT and Duteh-SARP orep mock! training courte foe ‘ovied a templar thal included some lectures interpre d with handovon une of he softwae und model Inlerfuos, slong with exencses. The lectures covered prince Pk of erp phonology crop eatbon (dry matt) buluncs, cup sot wate bilance, Soil-plan.N helance, model calibration, model sensitivity atalyses, et. ‘The band ‘om talaing with the software included excicses lo demonstrate dta ears, proper creation of wor, soils, ad managermcut Ole, mel calibration, mode st~ Jatin, and data analyses, Trainees were encouraged to come vith thee own deca and to devsiop a special topic or exercise With ei data. I they did not have dae, sSludents wore given topes in which they wete to rvale model waly ies o.com, dura mut-yoae simulations of vaions ueatments or otop sequcuces. Remit were (hen analyzed te evloste how various eatments afleted crop yields, imigaton ‘equlrements, sewonal evapotranspvaion, wil C dynamios, filer N response [Nleashing, economic eburas, and optnal exavomie decisions, et be Datch govenuneat-funded SARP project, panicclaly in ite later phuses discovered Ut stained flow-through was very important, Project uganizers ‘atlished wu! fondod a program for old-riented aciutisls ftom Asia far one ent of fermul maining at involved abot half-time on field dete coleeion snd balt-time om erop modeling (ton Rerye, 1983), The African Netwnrk for Sel iatogy Ag gi i ny sno m ‘wal Frodustion Systems and Ferny (AIN) Project (Bationa ofa, 2072) established iar program leecat, 2006; Wilms Jr Afica i bis wald-yeartnned pooact Aficun slendete peiped i a0 otha shone iastinte Jourodocunry crop modeling workthop, Fllawed y Held Gx colcstion ca a opie Jat hee research ten iat utd be urbe analyze By crop del sltins, followed by workshop PsIbteondacts tw day ‘ith hemes and heir dats, and ber athinl woke to preseo eek il els ¥ ow operational sapects thet coded yp #2 written papers being pabliaheil in a book (Butione ef a, 2012). tollurul research projects ‘A similar approach is followed by Auswalisn projects that make use of the APSIM_ ‘Sons asrequired. These stems naodcling a ua uals 0 whieh the project mem 'APSIM wockshops are conducted in Austealian projects in which sicanlation iy 1 ects with iene sequted wan asl tox for compomeais of he poet (Resting, 2003). Most ‘reducing the sinmuleuisn | ‘expericaces are pahtished in project reports by the penjectsponsars (e.g, Australian |g simnladions to explore ‘Center for facernationsl Agricoltral Research, Austrulian Agoncy for Ltemnational instveGun on sol stm- Cevelopmeat, ICRISAX, and Rockefele Fonntatia). siting tives nla Ureseutchos pruicient ——_engopa fur Mtuld-model Couroe Taught by AMP Scteatits dextenviontonsingen ‘national APSIMcouns. © tbe AgMTP project as u stroag focus on muti-roudel simnlations wo evaluste ject entitled “Colo. | spats of ciate aconarios ut agricultural production, similar the use of mule dt Semi Atid Teogice” tiple global climate models fur prodicdon of forure climate (Rosenases et al, 12013). The concept of ruld-mode] vs in thal Ine ensemble of several models may ti eheter prodiciot than any given single mode, 28 sleady leaenvd by the AgMIP rhea sans (Assen ot at, 2013), che AgNIP onze tearm Basso etal, 2014, traning courte foe The AGMIP tie tans, and AgMIProgcoane uwlers Asa ret project sig ith handaon we ot [gM prtcolsvoqie ho aplication of a as ce crop mune, Thin al a setores covered printi- bbe achieved by hringing together scientists with expertise iu different models t0 ‘psi snte alee, Ghalyee daira from herein of iatro. However fn ray elon eres slyses, ete. Tachands- ‘in developlag cours, there are fer scientists proticicat in <top modeling and ate dae entry, oper [RET may have seieatsa proficien! wih unt one ntode, “hs, there i 2 necd to ‘atom, mode sim ‘courage thet crap deters era tus ore tha ae erp modal el ve with heron dae Tpcellarate wi bert ruta ative. fy dnote da, Sousa, pudipering sions in he region tows fended by abs UK del ready fas 1 cone Degartwont of Foroign Intemational Development (DFID) wished w use avis uae. Rasils ore pe ciop ml (DSSAT apd AISI t mia) to szelst ils elaive ‘otup yields, erigation ‘fumn survey data colleoted by sucio-camomists as 4 way (0 evaluate climate impact ‘eros Srespensa ‘ofan fom vasa in provatin, sad sbsequeny to coma iaaret Tl ‘production-somorti¢ assensment. Therelore, AgMIP leaders develuped training Ay in fs ber pass, ura for i eon paige x which lode aogier 7m Project organizers ‘coophusived. Ia the AgMTP Handbook protacel (ace Part t, Appeadix 1 in this vol: Tetiom Asia for oe. iuand Rezenzwoig dh, 2014 of the DFO regina iteteted we 4 dato clecton ant Inept veges se the ible eof vray ag shad ‘Work or SoilBiology ‘dnote change rato (2, te yield under 30-yeut fim climale divided by yield der er oar inal or sth fn), The whe # pid by ohn frm rarey sek npr en neal wort te ead sam he farsa fect nace an echanlogied wgtens nk ‘ae offra gea flim era ple Yr seeeg eae Olu te pln et nat vhag on cp vce thereon fra el ous tet pepe want ak ay crop dsl techn sel hey sure te Parla oe nce sein om er mol ake sea apps wer al pcos ean sumagomen and ulin, The eepusdelers cantante cs ecto ‘oa madal to the next, because the conzepex are often similar even if dhe cncfficicars * and model structure may be differem. Althomgh Ibe crop modcts sun the: soltware interes omy elieramng ten! wotsing ropa tobusepariveren eee, lel woscof weer is tad managezet data Likewan ce porary yeidnetsveers atesimlerineanpupuednlediPesot anise meson sift rpc nd ext eatrarsos sinlnal ets ohare re lyn sad all noise ocala dh <rmeat i ingrve ber sian of tops eld content Loca eg= hw kat moc smulte nape fo be ea avsonenn ects ‘ich stimulus for considering how \o further innprove moda! processes themuctys, Diieendy parantrnd relly yie derent esi ene np Sata cpg wy Ms hgpom ia petal eanng epee ee ks who mw be able ase and nee one ah of che oe nation (or Thnitations) a8 10 how models simalate agricultural systems, and why 7 ‘they sometimes “fail”, « ‘Aiport eas rhe ARP lr oreo nse toch te ero mods low oa he vey devepe tol ne is Ro hater in is volume) fr dameny a consoles aes ocelot ee reais eum oldie DSSAT ex ASTM peice Rrtuseiegeny sminogencat in te rndels base on the in es aba od eno sxomplicd te oes of hare tbe ented ned sree eh egphen ‘nthe ApMP-sarvoniel fran and hing unaiablcuoite Neceantees far hoth reel rth eso, te IT ols were asorag faa at eee Oe isso teasing cout Aphis mad ole nl tat arco th se of mu del pera by easing teat nse song rot oct tatu ne nlsration wth te stall Secope dese te ‘ho Fal | Charney ‘Planning and Prepurstlons for the Multimode Training Course Potential participants wore surveyed (ole of thet prior experionce im emp mock ‘ing with ice curren useu mndel aad te designate which mevlel they ranted 10 ‘is mulipicd by he tof wiers and ose logic adepaton.The useepessting re 00 crop peaicton ats want oar abo ipa ae iatererte 5 i ponenses cp (sic experiences fem veal coef alls und he sear sieprncplesare dims vise crop growth Texea variable naming ‘us observed wakes. nai wd devel ‘tous. Laaming abe crviroament provides processes themselves sts fete same gat gexperiense for mad. of shih yc} ator vl stems, aud why ‘was lo introdnge and loots (ee also Pat 1, Idemntive wood ave lwolsSordefining erp this wootd aot have ‘eee wid tempts "te los ready to ran 2eus fora leant moe ool thal emuinage ve among roadele, 7 2persthenselies (98 erence in exup mod nodal they wanted to ght Tahn bie Case nem ie co Jeam ue cboat. At tnportant requirement war thal participants have rior exper- cae wilh atleast one yp akedel, a this course wus act.designed tobe u begimer" ‘Prive 1 dhe taining cous, an email was sont to pericipants roqacating thet they: (1) eonne with thei own portable lulup cornater, (2) identity und some vith sentie! aie experimental Gta following AgMIP sentinel sle date staddards (Gerebaum etal, 2014)ehalbnd aminimom anouutand quality of weasuremcotsoF ‘roplile-cycle phenology, nal biomass, ral yields, modest growth analyses long ‘wih se-spocfic weal, ils and crep masnageatent inputs in der smal crep owt, forwhich toy wore ald romning their entrent meta for which thoy would caltbotecullvar enefviens with anew model; (9) come with te Ear survey yleld data (es well 88 anrociuled menagesnent and sols data), which they ‘pould enter during the courses and (8) cou With 30 yeas of historical “baseline” ‘peather daa forthe fm survey region, including wealhes forthe acoal fra survey yer. "The 30-year aurontbuseline wealbe dan see tobe ified by their otimate scicnrn, colleagnes to prodnoe a given define climate scenario hy using the della Insthed. Duiog the coure they followe-op sth exop slnlations of the fade ‘dua farm sles in order to calcules the climate change atios to provide to ie economist callbortior, by Sullewing rouxols ofthe AgMIP Tianabooe (sos Fut 1, ‘Appendix 1 inthis valume and Rosemreweig et ut, 2044), Tasteuctors and Teato-the-Tiainers ‘an poeta goal of AgMTP i capacity -ildiag and development of wegionl crop ‘modeling capability, toiuclads Ga ditting individuals wih the potential o bocome nure inscuctors dnd texiner of ofher crop modes, Prior t> te caut-meset training euurse, he instructors J, Boots, C. H, Pore, J. Hargreaves, and ongeabooun) and P. Thutbora cngaged AgMIP exadntion tnx process of cane dss solectin, with seleciews demansraing good érup modeling sil, oud leas ‘rahip, and good teaching and renting pototil, vith appropriicregioaal and TFeudet repesentaton (live developing vouumies and lve swomien), "The selctees avluded D. S. MacCunhy (Ghana), D. ML Kadiyelu adi. D. #itondyi (Nie), IN. Suboch (lin), G, Baigueia (US), P Masitati (nababwi, B, ‘Singh {Indah ima A, Wajid (Pakistan), Daziag the ruining course, these individuals wok an active fue lo sneator und sie thee eallgagucy om geticulsr mouels andlor cop exper: Se at eacy had. Tho instructors provided additional guidance aud aGvice tm hese evigosted individuals, wih the expectation thac bey weal ruta to theit region ‘or emiveesty and help ober cv atodeleria dlr eueet team university, oF gion. Fi non wut-acsriagewe mise hs ingests tale CRIA, $ ‘ria Rah ii 7 (Conducting she Course and the Course Syllabi ‘he ooume was conducted two Iosation esng the same cuit and ove lon: During March 18 22,2013 atotel Ausaparae, Kathmaaada, Nepel(abontten ‘denis tended), und during March 25-29, 2013 tthe 'CRISAT cent. Anko ‘rade din (abom 40 studemisauende, se Part 2, Appondix in is votome or ‘e TCRISAT Workshop report, To the exten posse rane in-iuing ated och events, Thin alld for cle nterationwod adanccaeat of thes oon cope bilan th ft miler evene — end provided immediate oppastunity ty le ‘aie sills a enews in the ascond, Igor event, The photo (Tig. (shown the int ation ofthe second couse, held a the Learning Sysiems Uail st TCRISA. Come scivites fe the AGMIP Meltple Crop Madel Training Program are dcecibed in (he ayllbs (Annex | at the ead of this hope). tn aden, patcipans wee Provide Witt Gide for Regional Imagraced Ausetsment: Handbook of Red ads and Provedies, Version 4.0, specifically Appendix 2, Crp Moret Stratton Jor tntegrated Asscounents: User's Gd, wailale inthe AgMIP Handbook (soe Past 3, Appendix 1 in this volume and Resenzweig et al, 2J14). The later cow fain the AgMIP protoots for using the FF tls for easing Cam survey yield lata in template les, cveting ube dau ovceay fs 1o prose anseaptony tor ‘formation melas from sorry tuauageracat and sol, an condeting the ett ‘mod! unultons ts produce ests topes ut the economist fot fmt Diophysiew and socio-cconmie assent psec ital RSA © curiculs aud overa) sand, Nepal (about en RISA cence, Andhra iin Jin his volume for snein-raining amended tent of tele own capa = opportuni to vilize Fig: Datovethe inte ‘ites CRISAT. Course vgcam ate Uesribed Lo joo, paicipan's were ‘8: Handbook of Meth- ‘op Modet Simulations AgMIP Handbook (2 2014). "The lller com ing farm survey viol vide assvargions Zoe A onneacting the crap nts for ae tages At Ting ap Cop Moat ec, a ‘Dusing the fest day of the corse, we introduosd Un falegeated asienereat geal, and then gave aD everview of DSSAT und APSIM stop models, speci aly how phenologieal develope, crow and yisld soil—water dynamics, ant eactccoelisints are formula in each model Prlacplo of genetic coaticicat Znittion wore intodiced, Initials, al pordeipanls were together in the sam {oom Jeaming abou Poth mode, Late {nthe aternoun of the frst day. purtiolpanis Jjtalled their newly chosen odes, and lesmed the procedures for inputiag uw up. Sol, meageinont und weachsr dite for the purpose of extimasing genetic coelisents fren he sootinel ste experiment dat, ‘On day 2of the cours, alley one plenary Ietute on sls and top management saepects, we separated ina two paralcl seasions, wih one, group learning DSSAT “andthe odie arsiag APSIML Dusing the res. of thin da. stents worked with Ice new ctop mde), ad spured soll, Weather, asinegement, und crop observu- tion data which they used to eainate the model-spesfic genetic coefticent for their eabivar fom thsi seatine ste experiment deta. Ax necessary, suul-group tnodelaperiic hotues wert conducted te addreee model-spectfic issues rested up _eetic coeffiient calibration, ‘Oa day 3.thoctudenis completed thei calibration of genetic ovefients forthcir no erop mode], erste visuals, and prescatcd thei oss por team a plenary fasion near mid-day. Aller esch prefegtation, we discuseed what bul beta dons tu gave roveramendations for improveaet. 1 de aflernoon of day 3, the ARMIP IT tools — sarvey data template, da cexetlay Hes, ni Quad (Oke deaktep aplication for doa naaslaion) — Gor enter ng farm survey dite were iatzodoood and explained (oe alvo Part 1, Chaptce {a this wilame}. The parcipeats then began to enter thei farm survey pled md ‘management infrintion ino Une AgMIP lenpate mreadsheets, ‘Onda tse sas apenary locereonile gone Ag MIPiategretodassessmet for malyzing farm prodimotion as wel aemetbodsforanulyzing feu sorvey data and mulled production, We diacusted proper use of AgMIP wols to complete ats ff field survey uta us well as czestion of Dota Overlay for Bfultismodel Txport (OME) lic fe iepu of rising iatiabizatvo ant mamagement information. Wie sexist he partojpenls In vse of the AgMIP tool to conven Led survey as ino sondel-eeady flo. We advised on the cdo verify thet inputs (aadagement, sil, {nial eondiions, and culver and salsted fm getting the crop andes ro ran st thie da ‘Wo anid in analyzing simul sess and in vonppting the mean and ple ting dhe onmalative probsbiity of esevedance for the observed farm survey yickts ated yields on the wane graph. Figure 2 Dhustrates the probability and ote! of excevdance of u given yield lel fx frmar sary yields, compared with the fields slated by DSSA und APSIM for peanut Delis near Niorn, Seoeyal in Plvatiy ot ercmense g Yeon ig. 2 Probably of exes sen il lama fume srr el, DRA na eins, so APIS ros ea ei a is, Snel 207 Gono CIV ‘san in Par 2, Chaya 2 a Yl). 2007 (eounesy of AgMIP's Wesiem Affi eam, CTWARA; sce ssw Pat 2, Chaps ‘er inthis volume). The fener survey fads wenerlybave gretce yield variation, powibly because dines frou peat, disease, and weed problems i Laer fis smeun thatthe medels da not simula, a5 Vell aa inulcient yatlation of sole § (naerfproductivty) ansigned to the mode] simulations. We discuss the need a ‘value the simulated and observed diatrdbuions and (understand te causes for * sone! flee to prediot evunlely the msn ut well as he high or low tal ofthe 2 ‘umulative probability of exveedance, [some cates, these were caused by shale 2 ‘ror in seling ap of thc models und cae were resalved, invome casa, iii condition assumptions relat ogo water und aa organic carton pools had majoe fica oa ln distribtions busine. ag Alipough the econcustsadroquested ato exueral hias adjustments ic mae * (hocause they only needed te value of climate change rio (R) lo be predisted (0 5 ‘raneform the obsrvsd yield in cach fam), ero Wore often serious bis-nfuenciag pt issues rlativo wo initial sit water initial sol mineral NY, soll xganic C poo and resides assumyctions that wort mud (borause auch inforinaon was mises fom the firm wovvey dfs). Consistent rales fo biuadjwsting correcions wets * ‘suggested > taille reais pie levels aud datbations fnr the tex thal ‘Would be heloved by skehoWers. At the name (ime stadenls ers caus thal ontetions necded to be Timed ro broxs classes of prddlems for anuldgle ams, and in no case Were adjanments allowed tu be mad on “Turo-by-Gern” bans sin absenee of data. ‘The reason for this euulion was that wt least oa group had presfously miero-aliested inpats for every single ficld (without te evideuce ‘nut variation) to ensety mimic the chseeve yield fo each una every macy tld

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