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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20140017152: The O/OREOS Mission - Astrobiology in Low Earth Orbit. [Astrobiology in Low Earth Orbit]

ThisarticleappearedinajournalpublishedbyElsevier. Theattached copyisfurnishedtotheauthorforinternalnon-commercialresearch andeducationuse,includingforinstructionattheauthorsinstitution andsharingwithcolleagues. Otheruses,includingreproductionanddistribution,orsellingor licensingcopies,orpostingtopersonal,institutionalorthirdparty websitesareprohibited. Inmostcasesauthorsarepermittedtoposttheirversionofthe article(e.g. inWordorTexform)totheirpersonalwebsiteor institutionalrepository. Authorsrequiringfurtherinformation regardingElsevier’sarchivingandmanuscriptpoliciesare encouragedtovisit: http://www.elsevier.com/authorsrights Author's personal copy ActaAstronautica93(2014)501–508 ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect Acta Astronautica journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/actaastro The O/OREOS mission—Astrobiology in low Earth orbit P. Ehrenfreunda,n, A.J. Riccob, D. Squiresb, C. Kittsc, E. Agasidb, N. Bramallb, K. Brysond, J. Chittendenb, C. Conleye, A. Cookb, R. Mancinellid, A. Mattiodab, W. Nicholsonf, R. Quinng, O. Santosb, G. Tahue, M. Voyteke, C. Beasleyb, L. Bicac, M. Diaz-Aguadob, C. Friedericksb, M. Henschkeb, D. Landish, E. Luzzib, D. Lyb, N. Maib, G. Minellib, M. McIntyreb, M. Neumannc, M. Parrab, M. Piccinib, R. Rasayc, R. Ricksb, A. Schooleyb, E. Stackpoleb, L. Timucinb, B. Yostb, A. Youngc aSpacePolicyInstitute,WashingtonDC,USA bNASAAmesResearchCenter,MoffettField,CA,USA cRoboticSystemsLaboratory,SantaClaraUniversity,SantaClara,CA,USA dBayAreaEnvironmentalResearchInstitute,Sonoma,CA,USA eNASAHeadquarters,WashingtonDC,USA fUniversityofFlorida,Gainesville,FL,USA gSETIInstitute,MountainView,CA,USA hDraperLaboratory,Cambridge,MA,USA a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Articlehistory: TheO/OREOS(Organism/OrganicExposuretoOrbitalStresses)nanosatelliteisthefirst Received19December2011 science demonstration spacecraft and flight mission of the NASA Astrobiology Small- Receivedinrevisedform PayloadsProgram(ASP).O/OREOSwaslaunchedsuccessfullyonNovember19,2010,to 22June2012 ahigh-inclination(721),650-kmEarthorbitaboardaUSAirForceMinotaurIVrocket Accepted18September2012 from Kodiak, Alaska. O/OREOS consists of 3 conjoined cubesat (each 1000cm3) Availableonline18October2012 modules:(i)acontrolbus;(ii)theSpaceEnvironmentSurvivabilityofLivingOrganisms Keywords: (SESLO) experiment; and (iii) the Space Environment Viability of Organics (SEVO) Astrobiology experiment. Among the innovative aspects of the O/OREOS mission are a real-time Cubesats analysisofthephotostabilityoforganicsandbiomarkersandthecollectionofdataon Lowcostmission thesurvivalandmetabolicactivityformicroorganismsat3timesduringthe6-month Spectroscopy mission.Wereportonthespacecraftcharacteristics,payloadcapabilities,andpresent Spacebiology O/OREOS operational phase and flight data from the O/OREOS mission. The science and SEVO technology rationale of O/OREOS supports NASA0s scientific exploration program by SESLO investigatingthelocalspaceenvironmentaswellasspacebiologyrelevanttoMoonand Mars missions. It also serves as a precursor for experiments on small satellites, the InternationalSpaceStation(ISS),futurefree-flyersandlunarsurfaceexposurefacilities. &2012IAA.PublishedbyElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. 1. Introduction payloads that can be accommodated on small satellites andfree-flyersinlowEarthorbit(LEO)andbeyond.Akey TheNASAAstrobiologySmallPayloadsProgram(ASP), goal of the ASP program is testing and optimizing pay- foundedin2008,enablesthedevelopmentofastrobiology loads that address fundamental astrobiology science and technologyobjectives. The program envisages delivery to a variety of orbital nCorrespondingauthor.Tel.:þ12029945124. destinations(e.g.,LEO,L1,lunarorbit)andaimsultimatelyto E-mailaddress:[email protected](P.Ehrenfreund). supplyminiaturizedpayloadsforsurfacemissions(platforms, 0094-5765/$-seefrontmatter&2012IAA.PublishedbyElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2012.09.009 Author's personal copy 502 P.Ehrenfreundetal./ActaAstronautica93(2014)501–508 benefitedfromotherexperimentsflownpreviouslyinLEO along with exposure facilities on the International Space Station (ISS). The spacecraft bus and mechanical config- uration, as well as the SESLO payload, have heritage derived from GeneSat-1 (4.4kg) and PharmaSat (5.1kg), triplecubesatsthatlaunchedaboardMinotaurIrocketsas secondary payloads in 2006 and 2009, respectively, and weredeployedinLEOat420–450km. GeneSat-1, a technology demonstration, measured diffuse fluorescence and light scattering to monitor gene expression and organism population in two strains of Escherichia coli in culture. PharmaSat, a science experi- ment,utilized3-colorabsorbancemeasurementstochar- Fig.1. AsolidmodeloftheO/OREOStriple-cubesatwiththede-orbit mechanismdeployed. acterize the dose response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to theantifungaldrugvoriconazole.Theexperimentslasted approximately 4 days; results were telemetered to the landersandrovers)thatoperateonthesurfaceoftheMoon, SantaClaraUniversitygroundstation.Bothpayloadsand Marsandnear-Earthobjects(NEOs),includingsample-return their spacecraft included sensors, thermal control, soft- missions[1]. ware, mechanical, power, communications, and other O/OREOS is a triple cubesat developedto undertake a subsystems that were the basis in part for the O/OREOS 6-month technology-demonstration mission in LEO spacecraft,bus,anditsSESLOpayload. ((cid:2)650km). The spacecraft has two independent science The SEVO payload has heritage from the EXPOSE payloads, each hosted in a separate 10cm3 cube; see facilities hosted on the outside of theISS, particularlyits Fig. 1. O/OREOS0 two payloads monitor how exposure to sample cells, which were modeled after the Organic space radiation and microgravity perturb biology and experiment on EXPOSE-R. Each SEVO sample cell is con- organic molecules; see official NASA website: http://ww structed from a stainless steel spacer ring (9mm w.nasa.gov/mission_pages/smallsats/ooreos/main/index. O.D.(cid:3)4.5mm I.D.(cid:3)3mm high), one MgF window, 2 html. and one sapphire window, all cold-welded together at Each payload addresses a key astrobiologically focused room-temperature using indium gaskets [2]. The SEVO goal: (1) Measure the survival, growth and metabolism of UV–visible spectrometer has heritage from the similar twodifferentmicroorganismsusingin-situcolorimetry.The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) biological payload known as SESLO (Space Environment UV–visiblespectrometer. Survival of Living Organisms), tested how microorganisms O/OREOS was launched successfully as one of 8 surviveandadapttothestressesofthespaceenvironment, secondary payloads on November 19, 2010 with a includingmicrogravityandionizingradiation.Theseresults MinotaurIVfromKodiakLaunchComplex,Alaska(USAF can contribute to our understanding of the environmental STP S26); see Fig. 2. The Minotaur IV rocket included a limitsoflifeandaddressmanyaspectsoflifesciencesaswell Hydrazine Auxiliary Propulsion System (HAPS) to take asplanetaryprotection.(2)Measurethechangesinducedin the vehicle to a secondary orbit. Minotaur IV rockets organic molecules and biomarkers using ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy. The organic payload, known as SEVO (Space Environment Viability of Organics), monitors the stability of biomarkers and organic molecules exposed to space radiation. SEVO space data are allowing us to inves- tigate the life cycles of those molecules, which are highly relevant to a better understanding of carbon chemistry in spaceenvironments. O/OREOS follows several research avenues that provide important insights into astrobiology: organic chemistry in space;extraterrestrialdeliveryprocesses;theadaptationof life to the space environment; planetary protection; space exploration; and in-situ monitoring technology. Further, O/OREOS measurements provide, for the first time, a real- timeanalysisofthephotostabilityoforganicmoleculesand biomarkerswhiledemonstratingsomeoftheopportunities availableforsmallsatellitesinastrobiology/chemicalspace researchprograms. 2. Spacecraftcharacteristics Fig.2. ThesuccessfullaunchofO/OREOSasoneof8secondarypayloads (STPSat2, FASTRAC-A, FASTRAC-B, FalconSat5, FASTSat-HSV01, RAX, O/OREOSwasbuiltonaheritageofsuccessfulprevious O/OREOS,NanoSail-D2)onNovember19,2010withaMinotaurIVHAPS cubesatmissions,suchasGeneSat-1andPharmaSat,and fromtheAirForceBaseKodiak,Alaska. Author's personal copy P.Ehrenfreundetal./ActaAstronautica93(2014)501–508 503 3. O/OREOSdualpayloads The SESLO experiment characterized the growth, activity, health and ability of microorganisms to adapt to the stresses of the space environment; see Fig. 4. The experiment was hermetically sealed in a containment vessel at one atmosphere and contained two types of microbes:B.subtilisandHalorubrumchaoviatoris,eachas wild-type and mutant strains; they were launched in a drystate. The SESLO payload consists of three ‘‘bioblock’’ mod- m ules,eachincludingtwelve75- Lsamplewells;seeFig.4. Groupsof6wellsareconnectedbymicrofluidicchannels and a solenoid-activated valve to one of two reservoirs containing germination/growth medium for one of the microorganisms. In each subset of 6 wells, 3 wells are devotedtothewild-typestrainandthreetothemutant. Absorbancethrougheach2.8mm(diameter) (cid:3)12mm wellwasmonitoredusing3-colorLEDillumination(470, Fig.3. TheO/OREOSspacecraftshowingkeycomponents,thebusand2 payload cubes, and the NanoKite de-orbit mechanism that is helping 525,and615nm)atoneendofthewellandanintensity- O/OREOS0sorbitdecayfrom650kmin(cid:2)22years[3,4]. to-frequencydetectorattheotherend.Priortospacecraft integrationandflight,thecellsweredriedontothewalls of the microwells and the bioblocks were sealed using incorporate a standard 92-in fairing from the Taurus gas-permeablemembranes. boosterandarecapableofboostingpayloadsmorethan The growth medium for B. subtilis included the viabi- 1,750kg into orbit. litydyeAlamarblue,aredox-basedmetabolismindicator The O/OREOS spacecraft is equipped with a passive thatchangescolorfrombluetopinkasaconsequenceof attitude control system that utilizes multiple permanent cellular metabolic activity. SESLO organism growth magnetstoorientits‘‘patch’’antenna(seeFig.3)toward experimentsinspacewereconductedatthreetimepoints ground stations when above the northern hemisphere, relative to the launch date (14 days, 97 days, and 6 along with magnetic hysteresis rods that dampen rota- months) by filling the 12 dry wells in one bioblock with tionalandnutational(‘‘wobbling’’)energy. growth medium. The first data were retrieved 2 weeks The spacecraft utilizes 2 radios, one a UHF transmit- afterlaunch[3]. only ‘‘beacon’’ (437MHz), the other a two-way S-band The SEVO experiment tests the survival and photo- radio.TheUHFradioassistsinlocatingthespacecraftand stability of organics in the outer space environment: enables amateur radio operators around the world to radiation is attenuated only by a 1.5-mm-thick MgF 2 trackanumberofspacecraft,payload,andmissionpara- window upon which the samples are supported in thin- meters as O/OREOS passes overhead. To date nearly filmform.Moleculesfromfourdifferentmolecularclasses 100,000packetsofdatahavebeensubmittedbyamateur (a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, an amino acid, a operators from 22 countries to the mission website, quinoneandametalloporphyrin)wereselectedforflight http://ooreos.engr.scu.edu/dashboard.htm. basedontheirastrobiologicalandexobiologicalrelevance Science data downlink and command and control as well as several pragmatic factors. The SEVO payload uplink utilize the S-band radio, which transmits and consists of a miniaturized UV–visible–NIR spectrometer receives using conventional 2.4-GHz WiFi technology, anda24-samplecarrouselthathostshermeticallysealed viaa5(cid:3)5cmpatchantenna(Fig.3;alsoseeSection4). cells;seeFig.5. O/OREOS is among the few science nanosatellites to Integral optics enables the use of the Sun as the light operate above the thermosphere and the first carrying a source.Afterpassingthroughagivenorganicfilm,lightis biological payload to this altitude; without modification, routedviaopticalfibertothespectrometer.Thespectro- themainspacecraft0sphysicalcharacteristicswouldhave meterprovides1–2nmspectralresolution,andcoversthe resulted in a time to orbital decay of about 66 years. To wavelength range 200–1000nm; a single spectrum is meet NASA and UN orbital debris management require- acquiredin100msbytheCCD.Multiplespectralacquisi- ments (decayo25 years after end of mission), O/OREOS tions of full spectra are averaged to improve signal- includes a self deploying ‘‘NanoKite’’ that increases its to-noiseratios. surfaceareabyover50%butaddsonlyafewpercenttoits SEVO requires baffled solar intensity sensors (adjacent mass, resulting in an estimated time to de-orbit in 22 to the sample carrousel) to provide simple Sun-pointing years. When the satellite was stowed inside the PPOD informationduetoO/OREOS0 lackofactiveattitudecontrol. (PolyPicosat OrbitalDeployer) for transport,launch,and When the SEVO instrument rotates through an angle flight,thecollapsedNanoKiteadded o2cmtothelength at which solar intensity is adequate to record a UV–vis of the spacecraft; upon orbital deployment, its interior spectrum, the spectrometer is turned on and returns an coiledspringextendeditto (cid:2)20cmasthesatelliteexited average spectrum from the 16 spectra collected near the thePPOD. peakintensityforthatrotation.RadFETs(radiation-sensitive Author's personal copy 504 P.Ehrenfreundetal./ActaAstronautica93(2014)501–508 Fig.4. Fourdifferentviews(solidmodelatleft,photographsatright)ofoneofthreebioblocksincludedintheSESLOpayload.Thetwovalvesprotrudedown fromtheblock(upperleft);reservoirsaretheellipticalstructuresatbothendsoftheblock;heaterisorangeandRadFETisablackdotnearthecenterofthe bottomleftdepiction.(Forinterpretationofthereferencestocolourinthisfigurelegend,thereaderisreferredtothewebversionofthisarticle.) Fig. 5. The SEVO sample carrousel holds 24 sample cells designed to exposeorganicthinfilmstoboththefullsolarelectromagneticspectrum andtheionizingparticleradiationofspace.Tomeasurethespectrumof asample,thecarrousel,drivenbyasteppermotor,rotatesthesample Fig. 6. The O/OREOS sample-fabrication-and-test facility for the flight celloveranassemblyofcollectionopticsthatfocusesthetransmitted sample cells at NASA Ames. Contained within a glove-box, this high- lightintoanall-silicaopticalfiberwhichterminatesintothecompact vacuumthin-filmdepositionsystemincludesanOceanOpticsHR400CG- UV-visspectrometer. UV–visspectrometer(200–1100nm)forfilmcharacterization. organic film: pure Ar (analogous to space vacuum for field-effecttransistors)measurethetotalionizingradiation chemical reaction purposes); Ar and a thin (a few nm) dose that SEVO receives inside and outside the payload. SiO layer contacting the organic film (a mineral-like 2 Thermal history is monitored by integrated-circuit tem- surface);ArþCO þO with200nmofAl O ontheinside 2 2 2 3 perature transducers and by optical pyrometers focused of the MgF window to block deep UV (a planetary 2 on the back of the sample carrousel to avoid wired gaseousenvironment);orArþ controlledrelativehumidity connections. (also with 200nm of Al O to protect the MgF from 2 3 2 Flightsampleswereassembledinthetest-andmanu- humidity)[2]. facturing facility at NASA Ames Research Center (ARC); Beforeflightintegrationwiththesatellite,bothpayloads see Fig. 6. Films were deposited by vacuum sublimation and the bus were put through a number of environmental onto MgF windows. One of four ‘‘microenvironments’’ tests including shock, vibration, and operation in a space- 2 was hermetically sealed into each cell along with the likethermal-and-vacuumenvironment.Additionally,various Author's personal copy P.Ehrenfreundetal./ActaAstronautica93(2014)501–508 505 mission simulations were conducted to characterize the software, experiment sequence, and payload measurement performance[2–4]. The first set of SEVO spectra from orbit was acquired within hours of deployment on November 19, 2010. During the first 2 weeks of the mission, SEVO spectral sets (from all 24 sample carrousel positions) were acquired daily in order to observe any initial changes in theorganicfilms. Thereafter,acquisitionfrequencydecreasedtoevery2 days, the sampling period lengthening gradually to a plateau of 15 days for the final (cid:2)9.5 months of the (extended)mission.Overthecourseofthefirst309days ofthemission,thesampleswereexposedfor (cid:2)2210hto direct solar illumination ((cid:2)1080kJ/cm2 of solar energy overthe124–2600nmrange)[5]. Fig.8. Timevariationofsolarpanelcurrentsmeasuredat1sintervals onJanuary17,2011.Thevariationsareconsistentwitharotationrateof 1.6rpm. 4. O/OREOSoperationsandspacecraftperformance primarymissionusingtheS-bandradio.Activeparticipation Sciencedatawereretrievedonadailybasisearlyinthe byamateurradiooperatorsdeliveredbeaconpackagesfrom mission including nights and weekends by the students allovertheworld. and staff at the Mission Operations Center at the Robotic Preliminaryon-orbitresultsfortheradiationdosetime SystemsLaboratoryofSantaClaraUniversity,usingapairof profile, payload thermal variations, S-band communica- 3-mdishesoncampus;seeFig.7. tions performance, and automated beacon network With an average of one–two contacts per day with (cid:2)5–15minofusabledatadownlinkcapability,6MBtotal anomalydetectionhavebeenrecentlyreported[4].Active thermalcontrolonboardthespacecraftwaslimitedtothe science and health-and-status data from both payloads SESLO payload, the fluidic system of which must not and the bus were downlinked during the 6-month freezeandwhichrequiresprecisethermalcontrolduring microorganismgerminationandgrowth. Performance of the passive magnetic attitude-control system was not directly measured: O/OREOS has no on- board accelerometers or rotation rate sensors. Simula- tionsshowthatthespacecraft0slongaxiswasexpectedto alignwithEarth0smagneticfieldlines(within31)by12h after deployment. In addition, the electrical currents produced by the 4 solar panels (Fig. 3) can be recorded, upon receipt of an uplinked command, at a rate of 1Hz overaseveral-minuteperiod.Timevariationofthepanel currents,asshowninFig.8,enablesinferenceofrotation rate and a qualitative notion of nutation. Solar panel currents recorded at Day 15 of the mission (not shown) are consistent with undissipated angular momentum remaining from deployment sufficient for rotation about thelongaxisat6.7rpm,withsignsofsignificantnutation. Currents measured at 25 and 59 days after deployment indicate rotation rates of 4.6 and 1.6rpm, respectively. This gradual slowing is consistent with damping of angular momentum by the magnetic hystersis rods, whichshouldalsograduallyreducenutation. 5. Flightdatafromthepayloads The first telemetered spaceflight science results from the SESLO experiment have been reported [3]. The SESLO experiment measures the long-term survival, germination, and growth responses, including metabolic activity, of B. subtilissporesexposedtothemicrogravity,ionizingradiation, andheavy-ionbombardmentofitshigh-inclinationorbit.Six Fig.7. O/OREOSOperationCenteratSantaClaraUniversityshowingone microwellscontainingwild-type(168)andsixmorecontain- ofthetwo3-mparabolicdishantennasusedforthismission(top)and theoperationsconsole. ing radiation-sensitive mutant (WN1087) strains of Author's personal copy 506 P.Ehrenfreundetal./ActaAstronautica93(2014)501–508 dried B. subtilis spores were rehydrated with nutrient med- ium after 14 and 97 days in space to allow the spores to germinateandgrow.Thepreliminarydatademonstratedthat spore germinationandgrowthwereachievedafter 14 days andagainafter97daysinspace,showingfurtherthat(i)the cells in microgravity generally grow or metabolize more slowly than those subjected to Earth gravity for both B. subtilis strains; (ii) the germination/growth process appears slower,ineithergravitationalenvironment,forthewild-type strain168comparedtoitsionizingradiation-sensitivecoun- terpart, strain WN1087; and (iii) there is no significant difference in growth parameters for either strain in either environmentbetween14and97days.TheSESLOspaceflight experiment has met or exceeded all its originally specified missionrequirements[3]. TheSEVOpayloadwasdesignedtoacquireUV–visible spectra automaticallywhen onboard sensingdetermined thatitssamplewheelandcollectionopticswerepointed within a few degrees of the direction of the Sun. The payload was optimized to collect data at a nominal spacecraft rotation rate of 1–2rpm. After orbital deploy- ment, the spacecraft was rotating at nearly 7rpm (see Fseigal.e1d0i.nUaVc-evlilswibilteh-NcIoRnstrpoelcletrdaroeflaatniviesohvuiomlaidnitthyre(n(cid:2)e2(%IVaAt,2C5341HC1o8)rt(cid:2)hi6n7fiPlma; above),resultinginsuboptimalaverageintensitiesofthe balance Ar to 1bar). The spectra were measured using a laboratory spectracollectedinthefirstweekofoperation.Oncethe spectrometer and light source (pre-flight) and in-flight using the SEVO rotation rate stabilized below 2rpm, where it has spectrometerandtheSunaslightsource[5].Notethesignificantdecrease inthe(cid:2)350nmband0sareabetweenNovember29,2010andFebruary19, remained for the remainder of the mission, UV–visible 2011,indicatingIVA0sphoto-destructionormodification. spectraofhigherqualitywereroutinelyacquired. ResultsoftheSEVOexperimentwererecentlyreported [5]. Flight spectra comparable in quality to preflight laboratory spectra were returned from the O/OREOS amplitudes of the two spectra are not directly compar- nanosatellite, demonstrating the capabilities and func- able; however, because the SEVO spectrometer response tionalityofthis10-cm-cubeUV–visible–NIRspectroscopy is not calibrated in units of spectral irradiance (this is system.Inordertopresentspectraasopticalabsorbance unimportant for the organic absorbance spectra, which for the organic films, a recently-acquired solar spectrum areratiosofsampleandreferencespectra). was used as reference for each sample film spectrum. Spectra from a thin film of the polycyclic aromatic Fig. 9 compares a reference AM0 (Airmass zero) solar hydrocarbon isolviolathrene in a water-vapor-containing spectrum to a solar spectrum acquired by the SEVO microenvironment, Fig. 10, indicate measurable change spectrometer. The molecular species absorption lines duetosolarirradiationinorbit[5]. in both the solar and SEVO spectra indicate excellent The SEVO experiment demonstrates the first-ever in- wavelength calibration of the spectrometer. The situ real-time analysis of the photostability of organic compounds and biomarkers in orbit, a primary success criterionoftheO/OREOSmission.SEVOcontinuestorecord spectra at the time of publication and further analysis will include correlation of organic film evolution with temperature variation, solar flares, cosmic ray influence, groundcontrolexperiments,andotherspaceenvironment parameters. 6. O/OREOSmilestonesandcontrols The O/OREOS project kick-off meeting was July 2, 2008—fundingbeganthatSeptember—andthespacecraft was delivered less than 2 years later in August 2010 for launch in November 2010. The Preliminary Design Audit was held on November 21, 2008; the Critical Design Audits,February25andMarch9,2009;theFlightReadi- nessReview,July29,2010;andtheOperationalReadiness Review,November2,2010. Asynchronous ground control experiments are complete for SESLO and in progress for SEVO. SESLO controls were Fig.9. ComparisonofanAirmasszero(AM0)solarspectrumtoasolar spectrumacquiredbytheSEVOspectrometer. executed using the flight backup instrumentation at NASA Author's personal copy P.Ehrenfreundetal./ActaAstronautica93(2014)501–508 507 ARC approximately 6 weeks after each of the spaceflight Sun exposure and eclipse from day to day across the bioblock experiments was run. The SESLO ground control mission. This resulted in the internal SESLO payload system was maintained inside an environmental chamber, temperature exceeding the nominal range for the thetemperatureofwhichwasadjustedperiodicallytomimic SESLO organisms ((cid:2)5 months into the mission). thelargerchangesinthespaceflightSESLOsystemtempera- Ameanstodissipateexcessheatcouldaddressthis. ture on a (cid:2)6-week-delay basis. The SESLO ground control (cid:4) Radiation: Due to the anticipated radiation environ- biologicalsampleswerepreparedfromthesameculturesas ment ((cid:2)15(cid:3) the levels at ISS0s orbit) and longer the spaceflight samples and were loaded into bioblocks missionduration(relativetomostpreviousnanosatel- withinadayortwooftheloadingoftheflightsamples. lite missions), prototypes of the bus and payload For the SEVO ground controls, a total of 3 sample componentsdeemedmostradiationsensitive(includ- carrouselsinadditiontotheflightcarrouselwereloaded ing, among others, electronics, optics, organisms and with organic-film-containing sample cells prepared from chemical reagents) were tested in advance of the thesamevacuumdepositionrunsastheflightsamples. mission to (cid:2)5(cid:3) the anticipated 6-month ionizing One of these is maintained in the dark at all times radiation dose. No failures were noted, facilitating except for periodic ((cid:2)monthly) acquisition of a UV– theuseofcommercial,off-the-shelfelectronics. (cid:4) visiblespectrumofeachfilmtocomparewiththespectra Software failsafes: A pair of ‘‘watchdog timers’’ was returnedfromspace;asecondcarrouselfullofsamplesis implementedtogivethebus‘‘autoreset’’capabilityin being exposed to a simulated solar spectrum (to the case of latch-up, which could be caused by cosmic extentpossibleusingaxenonarcsourceandappropriate rays,solarevents,orlockupofindividualcomponents filtering) supplemented by exposure to the 121.6-nm or subsystems within the bus or payloads. This tech- Lyman alpha line from a hydrogen lamp. Spectra will be nologyfunctionedsuccessfullyonmultipleoccasions. (cid:4) acquired from these irradiated samples at comparable SEVO spectrometer:‘‘Hot pixels’’(those withcurrents exposuretimestothoseofthespaceflightspectra. significantly higher than the rest of the array) were Full success (TRL¼8) of the O/OREOS mission, which frequently observed in the CCD detector. Their devia- includes launch, successful operation of the O/OREOS-Sat tion from baseline and wavelength location varied as payload, and delivery of collected mission data to program radiation exposure continued and as some pixels management, was achieved in May 2011. The last of the annealed back to near-normal baseline values. The successcriteriatobeachievedwastheSESLOdemonstration effectsonspectraarelargelycorrectablewhenproces- ofitsthirdorganismgrowthtest,successfullyexecutedafter singthedata,butitisbesttohavedarkspectraclosein 6 months on orbit. From an engineering perspective, con- timetotheorganicfilmspectraforcorrection. (cid:4) forming to the platform paradigm proven successfully by SEVO UV response: Solar intensity falls dramatically GeneSat-1, PharmaSat, and now O/OREOS greatly reduces below 375nm (Fig. 9), limiting usable UV spectral theriskassociatedwiththedevelopmentofnewhardware. data. Enhanced detector UV sensitivity or an artificial Future flight opportunities can leverage this tested and lightsourcecouldcompensateforthiseffect. (cid:4) proven triple-cubesat configuration heritage both in terms Data volumes: Data storage and downlink limits, of flight engineering (power, communications, control, and together with the desire for good signal-to-noise data handling), payload environmental control systems ratios, limited spectral storage and downlinking to (temperature,pressureandhumidity),anddataacquisition. averages of 16 sequential UV–vis SEVO spectra for Manypostdocsandyoungengineerswereinvolvedinthe each film measurement [2]. Often, at least one of the developmentandoperationsoftheO/OREOSsatelliteallow- 16 individual spectra appears to have been saturated ing them to contribute to important phases of a space in the higher intensity ranges of the solar spectrum, missionfromdesigntolaunch,includingin-orbitoperations, resulting in a distorted average spectrum in that groundcontroltestsandflightdataanalysis.Frequentpress region. Iterative adjustment of integration times and releasesandpublicinvolvementofamateurradiooperators acquisition intensity thresholds by command uplink worldwidehaveprovidedsignificantoublicoutreachforthe hasnowlargelyaddressedthisproblem. O/OREOSmissionduringitsoperationphase. O/OREOS was built by an experienced engineering team in the NASA Ames Small Spacecraft Division. Its scientific development was achieved by an experienced 8. O/OREOSmanagement science working group, with the help of Ames-based supportingpostdoctoralscientists.Allthesefactorsmade The O/OREOS development activity and spaceflight O/OREOSasuccessfulandrewardinglow-costmission. mission were managed using a minimalist, conforming implementation of NASA procedural requirements (NPRs); the project drew heavily upon the proven low- 7. Lessonslearned costmanagementapproachutilizedbyARCforGeneSat-1 and PharmaSat, both low-budget, high-success activities. 7.1. MultiplelessonswerelearnedfromtheO/OREOS In the O/OREOS mission, the project scientist (PS) was missionincluding responsible for science integrity and unified goals and vision. Led by the PS, an investigator working group (cid:4) Thermal/orbit interdependence: The O/OREOS orbit developed the science concepts for both payloads and includes significant variability in relative durations of provided expertise and assistance with the adaptation Author's personal copy 508 P.Ehrenfreundetal./ActaAstronautica93(2014)501–508 of the science experiments to the constraints of the AstrobiologySmallPayloadsProgramanticipatesfuturesoli- spaceflightpayloadsystems. citationsformissionconceptsandnewmissions. Theprojectmanager(PM)wasresponsiblefortheoverall technical success, supervision of engineering development and test activities, and personnel management, along with Acknowledgments budget and schedule commitments. The PM also ensured that launch vehicle interfaces, any dependencies on the TheauthorswouldliketothanktheNASAAstrobiology Primary Payload, and interfaces with the Launch Services Institute.Wegratefullyacknowledgethecontributionsof Providerallutilizedwell-definedinterfaceintegration. theadditionalO/OREOSteammemberswhoworkedwith Reviews and documentation were tailored to the theauthorsofthisarticletomakethemissionasuccess, limitedbudgetandschedule.Systemsengineering,safety includingR.Aros,R.Burney,R.Burton,S.Choi,G.Defouw, and mission assurance, risk management, and milestone D. Dittman, M. Fonda, S. Ghassemieh, J.W. Hines, reviewswereconductedperappropriateNASANPRs. L. Hofland, B. Jaroux, M. Lera, J. Lin, D. Marshall, I. Mas, C.Mayberry,R.Morrison,A.Nazzal,andK.Ronzano. 9. Conclusion References The success of the O/OREOS mission demonstrates convincingly that cubesats are cost-effective platforms for performing science research and conducting technol- [1] Astrobiology Small Payloads Workshop Report, NASA/CP-2007- 214565,2007/http://nai.nasa.gov/asp/asp_report.pdfS. ogydemonstrations. [2] N. Bramall, et al., The Development of the Space Environment The O/OREOS-Sat Project achieved its overall goal to Viability of Organics (SEVO) Experiment aboard the Organism/ utilize autonomous instrumentation and sensors for in- Organics Exposure to Orbital Stresses (O/OREOS) Satellite, Planet situ organism and organic specimen exposure and mea- SpaceSci.60(2012)121–130. [3] W.Nicholson,etal.,TheO/OREOSMission:FirstScienceDatafrom surements using a free-flying nanosatellite in support of the Space Environment Survivability of Living Organisms (SESLO) theASPobjectives. Payload,Astrobiology11/10(2011)951–958. Theutilityofcubesatsasscienceresearchandtechnology [4] Kitts,C.etal.,InitialOn-OrbitEngineeringResultsfromtheO/OREOS Nanosatellite,25thAnnualAIAA/USUConferenceonSmallSatellites, development platforms is now increasingly recognized [6] SSC11-III-3,2011. and, enabled by recent advances in miniature, micro-, [5] A.Mattioda,etal.,TheO/OREOSMission:FirstScienceDatafromthe and integrated technologies, developers are responding by SpaceEnvironmentViabilityofOrganics(SEVO)Payload,Astrobiol- ogy9(2012)841–853. offeringaffordableinstrumentationnormallydevelopedonly [6] K. Woellert, P. Ehrenfreund, T. Ricco, H. Hertzfeld, CubeSats: Cost- forlargersatellites.Cubesatsnowcancapitalizeonthelatest EffectiveScienceandTechnologyPlatformsforEmergingandDevelop- technologies to fly instruments that truly are ‘‘state of the ingNations,Adv.SpaceRes.47(2010)663–684. art.’’ The United Nations have formally recognized the [7] W.Balogh,L.Canturk,S.Chernikov,T.Doi,S.Gadimova,H.Haubold, V. Kotelnikov, The United Nations Programme on Space benefitssmallsatellitesprovidetodevelopingandemerging Applications:StatusandDirectionfor2010,SpacePolicy26(2010) nations[7].WiththesuccessfulcompletionofO/OREOS,the 185–188.

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