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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20140002361: Cross Support Transfer Service (CSTS) Framework Library PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20140002361: Cross Support Transfer Service (CSTS) Framework Library

Software wrapper that adapts the library to any and are affected by flows of fluids and Spacecraft Trajectory particular environment. heat. Sculptor® makes it possible to per- Analysis and Mission The main purpose of this implemen- form, in real time, a design change that Planning Simulation tation was to support the inter-oper- would manually take hours or days if (STAMPS) Software ability testing required by CCSDS. In remeshing were needed. STAMPS simulates either three- or six- addition, it is likely that the implemen- This program was written by Mark Lan- degree-of-freedom cases for all space- tation will be useful within the God- don and Ernest Perry of Optimal Solutions craft flight phases using translated HAL dard mission community (for use in Software, LLC for Stennis Space Center. For flight software or generic GN&C models. control centers). more information, contact Optimal Solutions Single or multiple trajectories can be This work was done by Timothy Ray of God- at 208-521-4660. Refer to SSC-00290. simulated for use in optimization and dard Space Flight Center. Further information dispersion analysis. It includes math is contained in a TSP (see page 1). GSC- models for the vehicle and environment, 16068-I Range Safety Flight and currently features a “C” version of Elevation Limit shuttle onboard flight software. The Calculation Software STAMPS software is used for mission Arbitrary Shape This program was developed to fill a planning and analysis within ascent/de- Deformation in CFD Design need within the Wallops Flight Facility scent, rendezvous, proximity operations, Sculptor® is a commercially available workflow for automation of the develop- and navigation flight design areas. software tool, based on an Arbitrary ment of vertical plan limit lines used by This work was done by Nancy Puckett, Kris Shape Design (ASD), which allows the flight safety officers during the conduct Pettinger, John Hallstrom, Dana Brownfield, user to perform shape optimization for of expendable launch vehicle missions. Eric Blinn, Frank Williams, Kelli Wiuff, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Vertical plane present-position-based Steve McCarty, Daniel Ramirez, Nicole Lam- design. The developed software tool destruct lines have been used by range otte, and Tuan Vu of United Space Alliance provides important advances in the safety organizations at numerous launch for Johnson Space Center. For further informa- state-of-the-art of automatic CFD shape ranges to mitigate launch vehicle risks tion, contact the JSC Innovation Partnerships deformations and optimization soft- during the early phase of flight. Various Office at (281) 483-3809. MSC-24958-1 ware. CFD is an analysis tool that is used ranges have implemented data submittal by engineering designers to help gain a and processing workflows to develop greater understanding of the fluid flow these destruct lines. As such, there is sig- Cross Support Transfer phenomena involved in the compo- nificant prior art in this field. The El- Service (CSTS) Framework nents being designed. The next step in Limits program was developed at Library the engineering design process is to NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility to auto- Within the Consultative Committee then modify, the design to improve the mate the process for developing vertical for Space Data Systems (CCSDS), there components’ performance. This step plane limit lines using current comput- is an effort to standardize data transfer has traditionally been performed man- ing technologies. between ground stations and control ually via trial and error. Two major The ElLimits program is used to con- centers. CCSDS plans to publish a col- problems that have, in the past, hin- figure launch-phase range safety flight lection of transfer services that will each dered the development of an auto- control lines for guided missiles. The address the transfer of a particular type mated CFD shape optimization are (1) name of the program derives itself from of data (e.g., tracking data). These serv- inadequate shape parameterization al- the fundamental quantity that is com- ices will be called Cross Support Trans- gorithms, and (2) inadequate algo- puted — flight elevation limits. The user fer Services (CSTSs). All of these serv- rithms for CFD grid modification. specifies the extent and resolution of a ices will make use of a common The ASD that has been developed as grid in the vertical plane oriented along foundation that is called the CSTS part of the Sculptor® software tool is a the launch azimuth. At each grid point, Framework. This library implements the major advancement in solving these two the program computes the maximum User side of the CSTS Framework. “User issues. First, the ASD allows the CFD de- velocity vector flight elevation that can side” means that the library performs signer to freely create his own shape pa- be permitted without endangering a the role that is typically expected of the rameters, thereby eliminating the restric- specified back-range location. Vertical control center. tion of only being able to use the CAD plane x–y limit lines that can be utilized This library was developed in support model parameters. Then, the software on a present position display are derived of the Goddard Data Standards pro- performs a smooth volumetric deforma- from the flight elevation limit data by gram. This technology could be applica- tion, which eliminates the extremely numerically propagating ‘streamlines’ ble for control centers, and possibly for costly process of having to remesh the through the grid. use in control center simulators needed grid for every shape change (which is The failure turn and debris propaga- to test ground station capabilities. The how this process had previously been tion simulation technique used by the main advantages of this implementation achieved). Sculptor®can be used to opti- application is common to all of its analy- are its flexibility and simplicity. It pro- mize shapes for aerodynamic and struc- sis options. A simulation is initialized at vides the framework capabilities, while tural design of spacecraft, aircraft, water- a vertical plane grid point chosen by the allowing the library user to provide a craft, ducts, and other objects that affect program. A powered flight failure turn NASA Tech Briefs, January 2014 19

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