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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20130010360: Advanced UVOIR Mirror Technology Development (AMTD) for Very Large Space Telescopes PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20130010360: Advanced UVOIR Mirror Technology Development (AMTD) for Very Large Space Telescopes

Advanced UVOIR Mirror Technology Development (AMTD)  for Very Large Space Telescopes ABSTRACT 1stYEAR ACCOMPLISHMENTS ASTRO2010 Decadal Survey stated that an advanced large- AMTD derived, from Science Requirements, Engineering Segment Edges: AMTD Partner STScI demonstrated an aperture ultraviolet, optical, near-infrared (UVOIR) telescope is Specifications for 4 to 8 m monolithic space mirrors and is achromatic microdot apodization technique to mitigate segment required to enable the next generation of compelling astrophysics workingonsegmentedprimarymirrorspecifications edgediffractioneffectsforhigh-contrastimaging. and exoplanet science; and, that present technology is not mature 5 um microdot test patches On-axis design vsmeasured transmission Large-Aperture, Low Areal Density, High Stiffness Mirror emAafAlnniMMigdoshsuTTmitgoDDmhantibuicstsurooseiintlohdccaneersfipfctoositanct.rnaadtrlabhtbteeeolpcysfthraoanbtpeoumoloioslufdgeldaiteiraytstone(tdaSotrhOTeleaARf2uf)0Lon2dr-ct06ehftDbionayeendcd2yae0vdb1peay8lloooRtspveoen,evtrtdihia3eeal0mwt.yaoUenVvasirtOarsbaIotlReef St‘fkesagutcc/bahemcspnkt2lriiqaanmtutegeeissr;a:rtonomArd.aMmkfuaiTNnsnDgiuenwfgaap’ca4tprcut0ronroreececremassEstrx4‘uc0eocul0ftiftus-ermordasulmetv’aeelotleholfmoipcwaeeknde4trmsamncitrdooresottdefrrreoamsnpduotpibanrsamostnrateardctatheetberadvf6coik0aar Apodizationof segmented mirror for coronagraphy manufacturinglarge-diameterhigh-stiffnesssubstrates. monolithic & segmented ground & space-telescope mirror Patch transmission vs technologytomaturesixkeytechnologies: Microdot attenuation is achromatic & linear with density Segment to Segment Gap Phasing: AMTD is investigating the • Large-Aperture, Low Areal Density, High Stiffness Mirror viabilityofvariouspassiveand activedampeningandpositioning Substrates: Both (4 to 8 m) monolithic and (8 to 16 m) technologies. segmentedprimarymirrorsrequirelarger,thicker,andstiffer Core substrates. Layers Integrated Model Validation: AMTD has developed a powerful designtoolwhichquicklycreatesmonolithicandsegmentedmirror • SupportSystem:Large-aperturemirrorsrequirelargesupport substrate designs and analyze their static & dynamic mechanical systems to ensure that they survive launch and deploy on Post-Fusion SideView Post Slump Side View andthermalperformance. Thesemodelswillbevalidatedbytest. orbitinastress-freeandundistortedshape. 3 CoreLayers and Vent Hole Visible 2.5 meter Radius of Curvature Support System: AMTD has expanded its substrate design tool to • Mid/High Spatial Frequency Figure Error: Very smooth include launch support systems. Pre-Phase-A point designs for Mid/High Spatial Frequency Figure Error: AMTD partner Exelis mirror is critical for producing high-quality point spread candidateprimarymirrorarchitectureshavebeenproduced. polishedthe40cmmirrortoazero-gravityfigureof5.5nmrms. function(PSF)forhighcontrastimaging. NASAMSFCwilltestthismirrorat275Kandgeneratea‘2Chit • SegmentEdges:Thequalityofsegment edgesimpactsPSF map’. ITTwill‘null’thedeepcoremirrorto<6nmrms. for high-contrast imaging applications, contributes to stray lightnoise,andaffectstotalcollectingaperture. • Segment to Segment Gap Phasing: Segment phasing is criticalforproducinghigh-qualitytemporally-stablePSF. Free-Free First Mode: Internal Stress Distribution: • IntegratedModelValidation:On-orbitperformanceisdriven 4 m dia40 cm thick substrate 4 m mirror with 6 support pads by mechanical & thermal stability. Compliance cannot be Science Advisory Team: Systems Engineering Team 100%tested,butreliesonmodeling. Dr. Marc Postman, STScI Dr. H. Philip Stahl, NASA AMTD is pursuing multiple design paths to provide the science Dr. Remi Soummer, STScI Dr. W. Scott Smith, NASA communitywithoptionstoenableeitherlargeaperturemonolithic In FY14, NASAMSFC will test the AMSD ULE glass mirror at Dr. AnnandSivramakrishnan, STScI Dr. Gary Mosier, NASA Dr. Bruce Macintosh, LLNL Charles Kirk, Exelis or segmented mirrors with clear engineering metrics traceable to 2CandITTwill‘null’polishitto<6nmrmsfor275Koperation. Dr. Olivier Guyon, UoA William Arnold, DAI/Jacobs sciencerequirements. Dr. John Krist, JPL This document is not subject to the controls of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations

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