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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20120013758: Constraints on the Volatile Distribution Within Shackleton Crater at the Lunar South Pole

LETTER dol: lO.1038/natu re 11216 Constraints on the volatile distribution within [IJ Shackleton crater at the lunar south pole Maria T. Zuber\ James W. Head2, David E. Smith}, Gre~ory A. Neumann3, Erwan Mazarico1, Mark H. Torrence4, Oded Aharonsons, Alexander R. Tye', Caleb I. Fassett', M. A. Rosenburg & H. Jay Melosh' Shackleton craler is nearly coincident with the Moon's south pole. to topography. Track segments within the area of interest were geo Hs interior receives almost no direct sunlight and is a perennial metrically corrected at orbit crossover pOintsls. cold trapl.l, making Shackleton a promising candidate location in Figure la shows the topography of Shack1eton crater sampled at which to seek sequestered volatiles). However, previous orbital and 10-m spatial resolution; individual measurements have an accuracy of 9 Earth-based radar mapping~-8 and orbital optical imaging have - 1 m with respect to the Moon's centre of mass. The 40 km X 40 km yielded conflicting interpretations about the existence of volatiles. topographic model of Shackleton is derived from 5.1 million elevation Here we present observations from the Lunar Orbiter Laser measurements with an average of 0.32 altimeter measurements in each Altimeter on board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, revealing lO-m square area; the resolution is comparable to or better than other Shackleton to be an ancient. unusually well~preserved simple crater studies of Shackleton's interior by images9, Earth-based radarC, and whose interior walls are fresher than its floor and rim. Shackleton orbital synthetic aperture radar'~. The topography reveals the near floor deposits are nearly the same age as the rim, suggesting that axisymmetric bowl-shaped nature of the crater. in which the crater rim little floor deposition has occurred since the crater formed more and interior walls are well preserved. The depth/diameter ratio of the than three billion years ago. At a wavelength of 1,064 nanometres, crater is 0.195 ± 0.025 (Table 1), which is consistent with other fresh the floor of Shackleton is brighter than the surrounding terrain simple cratersl7• and the interiors of nearby craters, but not as bright as the interior Figure Ie shows hi-directional surface slopes over to-m baselines walls. The combined observations are explicable primarily by that quantify the uniform, steep inner walls; slopes approach the angle downslope movement of regolith on the walls exposing fresher of repose, Slopes are greatest in the mid-levels of walls, which is in underlying material. The relatively brighter crater floor is most contrast to many crater waUs on Mars, where near-vertically oriented simply eXl'lained by decreased space weathering due to shadowing. cliffs of outwardly dipping coherent cap rock are exposed in the upper but a one~micrometre-thick layer containing about 20 per cent wallsill• surficial ice is an alternative possibility. Surface roughness at a scale of 20-50 m is shown in Fig. 1d . These Detailed study of the topography of Shackleton (Fig. 10) offers the data indicate that crater walls are smoother, within bounds of opportunity to improve understanding of processes that operate in measurement uncertainty, at this spatial scale than the floor or rim, permanently shadowed regions (Fig. lb). Crater geometry, age and especially portions of lower walls aligned with mounds on the crater preservation state are relevant for understanding the accumulation floor. Table 1 lists estimated roughness values of various crater com and preservation of volatiles as well as the processes that modify the ponents. Similarly, the average RMS roughness derived from spread lunar surface over geologic times cales. ing of individual laser footprints (Supplementary Information) is Our analysis uses observations from the Lunar Orbiter Laser lower on the crater walls. Pulses returned from the steep walls of Altimeter (LOLA)'O, an instnunent on NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Shackleton are spread in time by > 10 ns, but after correcting for the Orbiter (LRO) mission. LOLA is a five-beam laser altimeter that operates effect of local slope on a longer baseline. the pulse spreading due at a wavelength of 1,064.4 nm with a 28-Hz pulse repetition rate. From to surface roughness is somewhat less than on the crater floor or LRO's mapping orbit at -50 km altitude, the instrument illuminates surrounding terrain. The floor can be divided into two regions, a flat 5-m-diameter spots on the lunar surface, returning up to 140 measure portion and an elevated terrain. The roughness of the mound unit ments of elevation per second; the five profiles enable characterization increases at the largest scales due to its hummocky character, but it of bi-directional slopes over various baselines, and roughness from is smoother than the flat region at smaller scales, due to its paucity of averaging of pulse elevations. In addition, from the spreading of craters. backscattered laser pulses, LOLA obtains the root-mean-square Figure 2 shows a more detailed view of the topography of (RMS) roughness of the surface within laser footprints. Finally, Shackleton's floor, which highlights the irregularly distributed depOsits from the ratio of received to transmitted laser energy, LOLA measures and numerous small craters (see also Fig. Ie). The largest mound of the reflectance of the lunar surface at zero phase angle at the laser material has a relief of -210 m (Table 1) and the highest-local slope of wavelength within laser spots. any of the floor deposits is - 25'\ which is below the angle of repose. As of 1 December 2011, the LOLA instrument has accumulated Two areas of the floor show fan-shaped structures consisting of material more than 5.1 billion elevation measurementsll• Because Shackleton that has been transported downslope from the interior walls in a lies nearly at a pole, where the LOLA coverage is densest, it is possible to manner commonly observed in craters of this size range17• The limited construct a digital elevation model of unprecedented spatial resolution fan material around the margins ofthe crater floor, combined with the and radial accuracy. More than 5,000 LOLA tracks, referenced to the asymmetric distribution and slope properties of deposits, suggest Moon's centre of mass via preciSion orbits determined from radio that the predominant contribution to the ftll is ejecta fallback with a trackingl2 aided by Earth-based laser trackingU.,4, were converted secondary contribution from slumped wall deposits. I Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Scien(.%. Massachusetts Institute of Technolog,. Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA. 2Department of Geological ScienCt:s, Brown Univero;;ity. PrOfidence, Rhode Island 02912, USA. 'Solar System Exploration Division, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbel~ Maryland 20771, USA. 'Stinger Ghatfarian Technologies, Greenbel~ Marytand 20770. USA ~Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences. California Institute 01 Technology, Pasadena, Calilornia 91125, USA 6Departmentof Earth and AtmospheriC Sciences, Purdue University, West Laf .. yelle, Indiana 47907, USA 00 MONTH 2012 VOL 000 .... I\TURE a b c eo 70 10 1.SO ·'0 60 0.75 25 0.00 <} 50 •"U 0 ."g' ;g 20 • -<l.75 40 &l Ol ~ 15 0•: -1.50 !~ -1 30 ~ -10 ~~ -2.25 10 "- 20 -3.00 5 10 -20 -3.75 0 0 -10 0 10 20 -10 0 10 20 -10 0 10 20 e '4.0 35 8.' 05 30 "' c '2.5 ~ ~g S 0.4 2.0 "~' e0 'ii ·,.52,',§ • 0.3 -1.0 •• 0.5 0.2 0.0 I Figure 1 Detailed characteriz,ation of Shackleton crater. a, Topography in wall; D, crater rim crest; ElF, inner rim annulus (- S.5km); E, inner rim km; h, percentage of time illuminated. c, lO-m baseline slopes in degrees: annulus cxc1udingsteep region (F); F,steep rim region within annulus; G, craler d, surface roughness shown as RMS residual in m; c.locations of cratcr counts wall section; I, Shackleton crater deposits north of rim in flat areas; and X, used to determine relative ages; and f. zero-phase, 1.064-nm reflectance shown secondary crater chains and clusters (removed from analysis). In (, ref1ectance as IIF . Topography, slopes and roughness are based on a 1O -m spatial resolution is expressed as a radiance factor (lIF), which is defined as the ralio of the grid of aU available LOLA pronIes. In a-d and f, x and y axes indicate spatial measured radiance I to the radiance F of an ideal diffusive surface in vacuum scale. where (0. 0) is the lunar south pole and colour scales show magnitude of with 100% reflectance under the same illumination. Each dot represents a plotted quantity. Panel e shows locations of craters counted to estimate relative 0.4 X 0.4 km pixel median average of LOLA's spot 3 reaectanee. Circles show age, plotted over lO-m slopes (colour coded as in inset). Craler regions in 21-km diameter of rim, 17-km diameter of the steepest portion of the walls, and e correspond to: A, flat region of crater floor; AlB, entire crater floor; C, crater 7-km dianleter of the floor. @] 11 Table Parameters describing Shackleton crater Shackleton was previously aSSigned an Eratosthenian age19 (middle Par<.lmeter Value lunar history; in the approximate interval 1-3.2 Gyr before present) on Areocentric latitude of centre of rim (degrees) -89.655 the basis of its relatively fresh morphology, its lack of rays, and counts Areocentric longitude of centre of rim (degrees) 129.174 of superposed craters3 using AMIE image data (50 m per pixel) and lunar radius at floor centre (km) 1.734.63 Arecibo radar data (20 m per pixel). Craters were counted within a Mean crater diameter at rim (km) 21 crater diameter ( ...... 20 km) of the rim crest. avoiding obvious secondary Mean depth. rim to floor (km) 4.1 ± 0.05 Mean rim height above datum (km) 1.3 craters. This analysis was subsequently revisited and resulted in an Range of floor topographl, (km) -0.210 older. Imbrian age) (in the approximate interval 3.2-3.8 Gyr before Area of crater at rim (km ) -346 present). Area 01 crater floor (km2) -38 Here we use a LOLA shaded relief map to advance previous work by Estimated Ii!! depth (km) -0.75 Crater volume (km3) 640 ± 10 individually dating different parts of the crater (see Fig. Ie and Fill volume. including mounds (km3) 12 ± 1 Supplementary Information) to investigate the processes that have Maximum wan stope (degrees) 35 operated since crater formation. LOLA observations permit dating Average wall slope (degrees) 305 of shadowed regions in the crater interior and allow spatially unbiased RMS roughness· of crater exterior (m) - 1 RMS roughness· of crater wai1s (m) <1 measurements of crater density due to uniformity in illumination RMS roughness· 01 crater floor (m) - 1 conditions. In addition, illumination can be varied over the topographic RMS roughness· 01 crater rim (m) - 1 model to enhance crater detection. On the basis of comparison of the {IF of crater exterior 0.32 ±0.04 several different areas of the rim of the crater. it is dear that the variable flF of interior walls 0.46±0.03 slopes of the rough crater rim have an influence on crater retention. For flF of interior floor 0.43 ± 0.02 Ratio of average depth/average rim diameter, diD 0.195~0.025 example, two areas of very flat terrain on the Shackleton flank within one crater diameter of the rim crest (I; Fig. Ie) yield modelled crater ages See FiB· 1k eend for definition of flF. • With'" 5·m $pot~ of --3.69 Gyr, whereas areas closer to the rim crest (within ...... 5.5 km) 2 !\'ATURE VOL 000 00 MONTH 2012 Nature nature11216.3d 25/5/12 13:32:41 -1.750 -1.875 -2.000 -2.125 -2.250 ~ !i ,o · -2.375 ", 2- -2.500 -2.625 -2.750 -1 0.0 +---_---_-r-"-""'"~-4--~p;:"O;:C--=~--I- -2.875 5.0 7.5 10.0 Stereographic x axis (km) 21 Figure High-resolution elevation map in stereographic projection of the floor of Shackleton, Elevations are contoured at S-rn intervals with colours indicating elevation with respect to 1,737.4 km. The axes indicate spatial scales. yield ages of - 1.21 Gyr (F, steeper slopes; Fig. Ie) and -2.91 Gyr should be observed in terms of a deficit in the number of small craters. (E, fewer steep slopes; Fig. Ie). The flat areas of the Shackleton crater A rollover in the curve at small crater diameters is observed, but is very deposit (I; Fig. Ie) indicate an age of -3.69 Gyr (Supplementary Table I), similar to that seen outside the crater (I; Fig le and Supplementary older than the originally estimated age of 1.3-3.3 Gyr (ref. 19) but close Fig. 1), and thus is more likely to be due to the typical destruction to the Upper Imbrian age of -3.6 Gyr estimated subsequentlf. effects of superposed craters and other diffusive processes (such as Determination of ages of these individual regions permits quantitative micrometeorite bombardment or seismic shaking associated with investigation of how the crater has been modified. moonquakes triggered by stresses associated with impacts or tides) A critical question is the age of the permanently shadowed portions at these diameters. On the other hand, if volatiles were cold-trapped of the interior walls and floor of Shackleton. Analysis indicates that the by vapour diffusion into the regolith, as opposed to deposition in lunar spin axis has been at its approximate current orientation for surface layers, then muting of superposed craters may not have been -2 Gyr (ref. 20). If the crater had been accumulating volatiles in the as significant. permanently shadowed areas over a period of this order. it is reasonable Figure If shows profiles of 1, 064-nm reflectance of Shackleton crater to hypothesize that its interior was resurfaced, covering and burying and its surroundings. A previous study9 obtained images of the floor of craters and thus producing a younger relative age. Examination of the Shackleton from the Kaguya Terrain Camera at the time of maximum steep crater wall (C; Fig. Ie) yields a much younger crater retention age scattering illumination at the lunar south pole and observed no evid of - 1.44 Gyr. which could be consistent with either volatile mantling or ence for brightening; results were interpreted to indicate an absence of downslope mass wasting (Fig. lc)21. Examination of the permanently pure ice deposits on the crater floor. In the current study, LOLA pro shadowed parts of the crater floor (A; Fig. Ie). the area where volatiles files assembled from numerous orbital passes at the most favourable plausibly accumulated, reveals a crater retention age of - 3.60Gyr, conditions for obtaining reliable measurements of reflectance show essentially identical to the flat areas of the crater rim. Including the that the crater walls are anomalously bright relative to the surrounding rougher parts of the crater floor (B; Fig. Ie) produces an age of terntin. Similarly to other impact craters in this size range, this bright -3.29Gyr, which almost certainly reflects the influence of downslope ness could be due to downslope movement of material caused by transport, as observed on the inner part of the Shackleton rim. on the micrometeorite and small projectile bombardment on steep slopes, retention of craters. The similar age of the Shackleton crater exterior or by seismic shaking. The cascading of regolith material downslope and floor (-3.69 and 3.60 Gyr) is evidence that if volatiles accumulated exposes optically less mature surfaces than those developed and in this cold trap for -109 years. they were not in sufficient quantity to retained on lower slopes. alter in a statistically Significant sense the size-frequency distribution of At a wavelength of I ,064 nm, the floor of Shackleton crater is darker superposed craters in the size range counted. than its interior walls, but both floors and walls are considerably Knowledge of the crater size-frequency distribution (Supplemen brighter than the surrounding terrain, including the interiors of nearby tary Fig. 1) permits an assessment of the minimum amount of depos craters that are both shadowed and sunlit. The relative brightness of the ition that could occur without disrupting this distribution. The craters floor relative to surroundings requires explanation. Micrometeorite counted on Shackleton's floor ranged from --250 m up to -500 min bombardment and impingement of the solar wind produce 'space diameter, representing a range of fresh crater depths of --50-tOO m weathering' of exposed geologic materials that reddens and darkens (ref. 22). Accumulation of volatiles to thicknesses in excess of20-50 m their surfaces1). The former (bombardment) would be less Significant would significantly alter the crater size-frequency distribution and in the shadowed interior of Shackleton than in the surrounding region 00 MONTH 2012 VOL 000 NIITURE I J because the interior of the crater has not been exposed to the Sun for Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of the paper at wWVI'.nature.com/nature. more than 2 Gyr (ref, 20). whereas the latter (solar wind impingement) might be enhanced in permanently shadowed cratersH. Thus the floor Received 23 December 2011; accepted 4 May 2012. brightness enhancement could be explained by a dearth of space weathering by micrometeorite bombardment. 1. Watson, K., Murray, B. C. & Brown, H. The behavior of volatiles on the lunar surface. J. Gcophys. Res. 66,3033-3045 (1961). Volatile deposition is an alternative possibility, Under the conser 2. Arnold, J. R.lce in the lunar polar regions.J. Geophys. Res. 84, 5659-5668 (1979). vative assumption that water ice has a 1.064-nm reflectance twice that 3. Spudis. P. D., Plescia, J~ Josset. J.-L & Beauvivre, S. Geology of Shackleton Crater of the lunar regolith1S and that both are observed at zero phase. the and the south pole of the Moon. Geophys. Res. Lett 36. L14201. http://dx.doi.orgl 10.1029/2008GL03446B (2008). measured reflectance of the floor can be explained by a micrometre 4. Nozette, S. et al. The Clementine bistatic radar experiment. 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XLII, images from ground-based radar6 show that some areas with high CPR 2350 (2011). lie inside the rim of Shackleton, Mini-RF datal6 reveal that CPR values 12. Mazarico, E. et al. Orbit determination of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. decrease with depth within the crater. and CPR values on the floor of J. Geo<1. 86, 193-207 (2012) Shackleton crater are predominantly < 1. The pixels with CPR values 13. SRuenp.o Xrt. Neto a, lG. SThCe· 1L5as8e8r4 R· a1n (NgiAngS AS uNbeswys Tteemch onno ltohgey L Runeapro Rrte. Wcoansnhaiinssgatonnce D OCr. b2i0te0l.9 ). in excess of unity are distributed heterogeneously throughout the 14. Zuber, M. T. et aI, The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter laser ranging investigation. crater walls. correlate generally with regions of high roughness Space Sci. Rev. 150,63-80 (2010). 15. Neumann, G. A, Rowlands, D. D., Lemoine, F. G~ Smith, D. E. & Zuber, M. T. observed by LOLA (Fig. Id) and include some sunlit areas (Fig. Ib). Crossover analysis of MOLA altimetric data. J. Geophys. Res. 106 (ElO). Although some contribution to high CPR values from volatiles is 23753-23768 (2001). possible. and would imply a process in which volatile deposition 16. Thomson, B. J et al. The interiorof Shackleton crater as revealed by Mini-RF orbital radar. Lunar Planet. Sci. Cont. XLII, 1626 (2011). operates very rapidly in comparison to the rate of removal, the com 17. Pike, R. J. in Impact and Explosion Cratering{eds Roddy, D.J" Pepin, R. O. & Merrill, R. bined data suggest that the higher floor reflectance is due primarily to B.} 489-509 (Pergamon, 1977). the dearth of space weathering in this shadowed environment. 18. Squyres, S. W. et al. Exploration of Victoria crater by the Mars Rover Opportunity. Science 324,1058-1061 (2009). In considering why Shackleton's interior walls have a higher reflec 19. Wilhelms, D. E" Howard, K. A.& Wilshire. H.G. Geologic Map of the South Side of the tance than its floor. it is instructive to note that wall brightening is not Moon (Map 1-1162, US Geological SUrYet, 1979). restricted to areas that are continuously shadowed but extends to the 20. Ward, W. R. Past orientation of the lunar spin axis. Science 189, 377-379 (1975~ 21. Howard, K. A Fresh lunar impact craters - review of variatioos wilh size. In Proc. upper illuminated portions. Consequently. a higher concentration of 5th Lunar Sci. Cont. 61-69 (Pergamon, 1974). surface volatiles on the walls than present on the floor is an unlikely 22. Pike, R. J. Depth/diameter relations of fresh lunar craters: revision from spacecraft explanation. More likely is downslope movement of regolith material data. Geophys. Res. Lett 1,29]-294 (1974). 23. Hapke, B. Space weathering from Mercury to the asteroid belt.J. Geophys. 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Character and spatial distribution of OH/H20 on the surface of LOLA, an instrument on board the LRO spacecrclft, outputs five beams per laser the Moon seen by M3 on Chandrayaan-l. Science 326,568-572 (2009). pulse that are backscattered from the lunar surface and detected in the instru 27. Gladstone, G. R. et al. Far-ultraviolet reflectance properties of the Moon's permanently shadowed regions. J. Geophys. Res. 117, EOOHD4, http://dx.doi.org/ ment's receiver. The relevant measurement is the time of flight of each individual 10.10291201lJEOO3913 (2012). laser pulse, which can be converted to a range of the spacecraft to the lunar surface given knowledge of the position of the spacecraft with respect tothe Moon's centre Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at www.nature.com/nature. of mass. Radial range errors were minimized by geometric adjustment of altimetric tracks within the study area. In practice, profUes of one-way range from the LOLA Acknowledgements The LOLA investigation is supported by the Lunar Reconnaissance instrument to the lunar surface along the spacecraft ground tr-clck were converted Orbiter Mission under the auspices of NASA's Exploration Systems Mission Directorate and Science Mission Directorate. We thank T. Perron for discussions. to lunar ndius at each bounce point using the reconstructed orbit of LRO. Topography was determined by subtracting a sphere of 1.737.4 km from each Author Contributions M.T.Z.led and participated in all aspects of the analysis and wrote radius measurement. the paper. J,W.H. oversaw the relative age dating analysis and partiCipated in geologic Slopes were calculated from a two-laser-spot fit at 20-50-m length scales, and interpretation of topography, slopes and roughness. D.E.S. led the acquiSition and correction of the LOLA observations. GAN. led the slope and roughness analysiS and RMS roughness represents a standard deviation about a plane fttted by least contributed to the development of the topographic grid. E.M. performed refined orbit squares to two laser shots along-track, from which at least four valid spots are adjustments and led the analysis of illumination. A.RT, and C'!.F. performed the crater returned out of a possible total of ten. The plane has dimensions of90-J 00 m in the counts used In the relative age date analysis. OA and MAR. contributed to the analysis longest axis and 1O-40 m in the shortest axis, depending on the positions of the and interpretation of slopes and roughness.. HJ.M. contributed to the interpretation of the crater morphology in the context of Shackleton's geological history and volatile spots returned. sequestration. The ratio of returned to transmitted pulse energy is a measure of surface reflec tance at the laser \vavelength. The transmitted and returned pulse energies were Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.comlreprints.Theauthorsdeciarenocompeting financial interests. measured by integrating the area under the pulses. Observations of 1,064-nm Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at reflectance were derived from LOLA tracks crossing Shackleton for days 130- www.nature.com/nature.Correspondenceandrequests for materials should be t49 in 2010. addressed to M.T.Z. (zuber@miledu). 4 NATURE I VOL 000 00 MO:olTH 2012 Nature nature11216.3d 25/5/12 13:32:51 METHODS The LOLA digital elevation model (OEM) used in this anal)'sis was combined with a lunar ephemerisJI to characterize the solar illumination conditions of The Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA), an instrument ~board the Lunar Shackleton and surroundings (Fig. I b). A polar gnomonic projection on which Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft, outputs five beams per );\ser pulse thaI great circle paths plot as straight lines was applied to the OEM to calculate lighting are backscattered from the lunar surface and detected in the instrument's receiver. conditions that are accurate over geological timescales. The relevant measurement is the limeofflightof each individual laser pulse, which The confluence of orbit ground tracks in the vicinity of the lunar poles. com can be convened to a range of the spacecraft to the lunar surface given knowledge of the poSition of the spacecraft with respect to the Moon's centre of mass. bined with LOLA's multi-beam profiling capability, pennitted slopes over a range of baselines and directions to be determined. In this study, slopes (Fig. lc) were The timing of LOlA instrument events was derived from the LRO ultrastable calculated from a two-laser-spot fit at 20-50-m length scales. In similar fashion, oscillator, which is monitored by ground tracking stations. Time systems on board RMS roughness (Fig. ld) was calculated as a standard deviation about a plane LRO used Coordinated Universal Time (UTq to correlate spacecraft Mission Elapsed Time (MET) to ground time. The analysis of LOLA data used fitted byleasl-squares 10 two laser shots along-track, from which at least four valid spots were returned out of a possible lotal of ten. The plane had dimensions of Barycentric Dynamical Time as its primary time system. Spacecraft states relative to the Solar System Barycelltre (SSB) at the laser transmit and detector receive 90-100 In in the longest axis and 10-40 m in the shortest axis, depending on the positions of the spots returned. An independent measure of surface roughness, times were projected along the instrument boresight and return path vectors to discussed in Supplementary Information and shown in Supplementary Fig. 2, used match the observed time of flight. correcting for the aberration of light and the sprending in time of backscattered pulses. The spreading of LOLA's general-relativistic time delays. SSB states were determined in the Earth Mean backscattered pulses provides a measure of the RMS roughness of the surface at Equator of2000 (2000) inertial reference frame using lunar spacecraft trajectories and the DE421 planetary ephemerisu a smaller scale-the 5-m diameter of the laser footprints on the lunar surface. As with plane-deviation roughness shown in Fig. rd, the pulse-spread·derived During its lunar mapping mission, the LRO spacecraft is tracked usingS-band roughness featured a correction for local slopes. Doppler and range data by the Universal Space Network, Deep Space Network and White Sands Missile Range .. The precise reconstruction of iRO orbits used The ratio of returned to transmitted pulse energy is a measure of surface Doppler tracking observations from these stations as well as laser ranging to reflectance at the laser wavelength of 1.064 nm. The transmitted and returned LROI1 from the Goddard Space Flight Center and participating members of the pulse energies were measured by integrating the area under the pulses. LOLA's International Laser Ranging Service. Precision orbit determination was measurement of reflectance is calibrated only in a relative sense, with respect to accomplished using the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center's GEODYN system pre-launch testing, as the instrument lacks a source with known brightness in of programs:' using the GLGM-3 gravity model)/) as a reference. GEODYN fljght. Observations of reflectance were derived from LOLA tracks crossing numerically integrates the spacecraft Cartesian state and force-model partial Shacideton and environs from day of year 130-1492010. which represented the derivatives by employing a high-order Cowell predictor-corrector model. In addi- most favourable time period for stable reflectance measurements due 10 the 15'1 tion to a model ofthe lunar gravity field, the force modelling included point mass geometry of spacecraft terminator crOSSings. l.!:U representations for the Sun and planets. Solar radiation pressure, measurement 28. Falkner, W. M., Williams, J. G. & Boggs, D. H. The Planetary and Lunar Ephemeris and timing biases, and tracking station coordinates were also estimated. DE421 (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 2008). Radial range errors were minimized by geometric adjustment of altimetric 29. Pavlis, D. E., Poulouse, S. G. & McCarthy, J. J. GEODYN Operations Manuals (SGT, tracks within the study area. In practice, profiles of one-way range from the Inc., Greenbelt, 2009). l.OLA instrument to the lunar surface along the spacecraft ground track were 30. Maz~rico, E., Lemoine. F. G., Han, S.-C. & Smith, D. E. GLGM-3, a degree-ISO lunar gravity model from the historical tracking data of NASA Moon orbiters. converted to lunar radius at each bounce point using the reconstructed orbit of J. Geophys. Res. 115, E05001, http://dx.doi.orgllO.1029/2009JEOO3472 LRO. Topography (Fig. la) was determined by subtracting a sphere of 1,737.4 kIn (2010). from each T'.!dius measurement. Topographic measurements were binned and 31. Williams, J. G., Boggs, D. H. & Falkner, W. M. Lunar Orbit Physical Librations and interpolated within a 40km X 40km area at 10-m spatial resolution. Surface Coordinates (Jet Propulsion laboratory, Pasadena, 2008).

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.