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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20120013204: The Origin of the EUV Late Phase: A Case Study of the C8.8 Flare on 2010 May 5

Draft version February 20, 2012 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 THE ORIGIN OF THE EUV LATE PHASE: A CASE STUDY OF THE C8.8 FLARE ON 2010 MAY 5 R. A. Hock, T. N. Woods LaboratoryforAtmosphericandSpacePhysics,UniversityofColorado,Boulder,CO80303,USA J. A. Klimchuk NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenter,SolarPhysicsLaboratory,Greenbelt,MD20771,USA F. G. Eparvier, and A. R. Jones LaboratoryforAtmosphericandSpacePhysics,UniversityofColorado,Boulder,CO80303,USA Draft version February 20, 2012 ABSTRACT SincethelaunchofNASA’sSolarDynamicsObservatoryon2010February11,theExtremeultravi- oletVariabilityExperiment(EVE)hasobservednumerousflares. Oneinterestingfeatureobservedby EVEisthatasubsetofflaresexhibitanadditionalenhancementofthe2-3millionKemissionseveral hoursaftertheflaressoftX-rayemission. FromtheAtmosphericImagingAssembly(AIA)images,we observe that this secondary emission, dubbed the EUV late phase, occurs in the same active region as the flare but not in the same coronal loops. Here, we examine the C8.8 flare that occurred on 2010 May 5 as a case study of EUV late phase flares. In addition to presenting detailed observations from both AIA and EVE, we develop a physical model of this flare and test it using the Enthalpy Based Thermal Evolution of Loops (EBTEL) model. Subject headings: Sun: activity — Sun: flares — Sun: UV radiation 1. INTRODUCTION the same active region as the flare but not in the same coronal loops as the gradual phase. Woods et al. (2011) X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission from introduces some of the EVE flare observations and the the solar corona has long been used to provide insight EUV late phase, and here, we examine the C8.8 EUV intothedynamicsandevolutionofflares. Satellitessuch late phase flare that occurred on 2010 May 5 as a de- as Hinode and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory tailed case study of an EUV late phase flare. Our goal (SOHO) include imaging spectrographs with high spec- is to present detailed observations from both EVE and tral resolution but limited spatial and wavelength cover- AIA as well as model the radiative output of the flare age, as well as broadband X-ray and EUV imagers. The using the Enthalpy Based Thermal Evolution of Loops EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) onboard NASA’s (EBTEL) model developed by Klimchuk et al. (2008). Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) adds another tool In order to aid in the understanding of this complicated forflarestudies. EVEmeasuresthesolarspectralirradi- event, we start with physical picture of the flare in Sec- ance(disk-integratedradiance)intheEUVandoverlaps tion 2. In Section 3 we present the detailed observations spectrallyandtemporallywiththeAtmosphericImaging fromSDO,andfinallyinSection 4concludewithresults Assembly (AIA), which takes high-resolution, full-disk of the EBTEL modeling. solar images at seven EUV bands with a twelve-second cadence. Even though EVE measures the full-disk ra- 2. PHYSICAL MODEL diative output of the Sun, the low levels of solar activity To provide a context for the observations and model- at the beginning of the SDO mission allow for the study ing presented in the following sections, we begin with an of individual flares with little or no contamination from overview of the flare. The C8.8 flare on 2010 May 5 oc- other events. The wavelength range (6-105 nm), spec- curredinNOAAActiveRegion11069nearthenorthwest tral resolution (0.1 nm) and continuous time coverage of limb (Figure 1). From 2010 May 1 to 2010 May 8, this EVE provides observations at a wide range of tempera- active region produced eight flares larger than C1.0, six tures (7,000 K to 10 MK), capturing the full flare and of which had an EUV late phase. post-flare evolution of the transition region and corona. The EUV late phase is a secondary peak in EUV ir- Several of the first flares observed by SDO in May radiance lightcurves for 2-3 MK coronal emissions with 2010 had an unexpected irradiance signature: EVE ob- no corresponding emission in the GOES soft X-ray flux serves two distinct peaks in EUV emission at about 2 (SXR)orhotteremissionlinessuchasFexx/xxiii. From MK (Woods et al. 2011). The first enhancement peaks Woods et al. (2011), there are four criteria for the EUV minutes after the flare’s soft X-ray emission peaks and late phase: (1) a second peak in the lightcurves of the is part of the gradual phase of the flare while the sec- Fe xv and Fe xvi emissions after the GOES X-ray peak ond, dubbedthe“EUVlatephase,” occursseveralhours is observed by EVE; (2) there are no corresponding en- after the flare’s soft X-ray emission. From AIA images, hancements in GOES soft X-ray 0.1−0.8 nm (SXR) or wecantellthattheseEUVlatephaseemissionsoccurin hotter emission lines; (3) the flare is associated with an [email protected] eruptionseeninEUVimages;(4)thesecondaryemission 2 Hock et al. overlying the inner and side loops. These flux systems are separated by two separatrices (dashed lines), which intersectatanullpointabovetheinnerloops. Thesepa- ratrices are replacedbyaseparatrix surface and spine in a fully 3D configuration. In the breakout picture, erup- tion is initiated by reconnection at the null point, which convertsredandbluefieldlinesfromtheinnerandouter loopsintogreenfieldlinesofthesideloops. Thisreleases some of the magnetic tension and allows the inner flux system to expand upward. Shortly after the process be- gins, internal reconnection within the inner flux system pinches off a plasmoid (flux rope in 3D) and the erup- tionaccelerates(Figure3bandc). Thisisknownasflare reconnectionandismuchmoreenergeticthanthebreak- outreconnectionthatoccursattherisingnullpoint. The flare reconnection produces an arcade of compact loops, oftenwithacusp-shapedtop. Emissionfromtheseloops is responsible for the gradual phase emission and peaks Fig. 1.— Image from AIA on 5 May 2010 showing the location onAR11069nearthenorthwestlimb. at successively cooler temperatures as the loops cool. As the eruption and flare proceed, enough of the inner comes from a set of longer (and higher) loops than the (red) flux system may reconnect to allow internal recon- original flaring loops. nection of the outer (blue) flux system (Figure 3d). The The C8.8 flare on 2010 May 5 (GOES peak at 11:52 process is similar to flare reconnection, but is less ener- UT)isoneoftheclearestexamplesofanEUVlatephase geticduetotheweakermagneticfieldsthatareinvolved. flareobservedbySDOduringthefirstyearofnormalsci- The newly created loops are longer, higher, and cooler enceoperations(2010May1to2011April30). Thefirst than those of the compact flare arcade. They span the two criteria (second peak in Fe xvi and no correspond- active region. It is these loops that produce most of the ing emission in GOES SXR) for the EUV late phase are EUV late phase emission. Because they cool as they re- clearlyseeninFigure2. Figure2ashowstheGOESSXR tract (the reconnection occurs at much greater heights lightcurve for this flare while Figure 2b shows the irra- than shown in the cartoon), the hotter loops tend to diance lightcurves from EVE for a hot coronal line (Fe overlie the cooler ones. The active region is eventually xx/xxiii at 13.3 nm), warm coronal line (Fe xvi at 33.5 returnedtosomethingresemblingitsinitialstate,though nm),coolcoronalline(Feixat17.1nm),andatransition with less stress (shear) and less magnetic energy. region line (He ii at 30.4 nm). Wenoteasecondpossibleoriginforthethelong(blue) Using the lightcurves from these emission lines, we loops in Figure 3e. Breakout reconnection may continue can identify four key features of this flare. First, He above the plasmoid long after the eruption is initiated. ii peaks prior to the GOES SXR. This is the impul- Thisreconnectionisbetweentheoppositelydirectedpur- sive phase of the flare, generally seen in hard X-rays and ple and blue field lines in Figure 3c. It creates new field chromospheric and transition region emission lines. Sec- linesthatnolongerarchovertheplasmoidandarethere- ond, both Fe xx/xxiii and Fe xvi peak shortly after fore free to retract to the active region below. Which the GOES SXR and form the gradual phase of the flare. scenario dominates is unclear at the present time. A Third, Fe ix, a cool coronal emission, actually shows a possible way to distinguish between them would be via slight decrease during the flare. This coronal dimming insitumeasurementsofthepoloidalmagneticfieldofthe is the result of mass loss due to a coronal mass ejection plasmoid (flux rope). The poloidal field should have op- (CME). Evidence for a CME associated with the 2010 posite sign in the inner and outer parts of the plasmoid May 5 C8.8 flare is discussed in Section 3.3. Finally, in the first scenario, but like sign in the second scenario. there is a second peak seen in Fe xvi (2-3 MK) but not Inthefollowingsection,boththeEVEandAIAobser- in GOES SXR or the Fe xx/xxiii line. This enhance- vations are examined in more detail to further support ment, the EUV late phase, starts about thirty minutes this model of this EUV late phase flare. after the peak in GOES SXR and slowly increases over 3. OBSERVATIONS an hour before gradually decaying to the pre-flare levels after two hours. ThestrengthofSDOinstudyingsolarflaresarisesfrom Spatially resolved observations from AIA allow us to coupling broadband EUV images observed by AIA with verify the third and fourth EUV late phase criteria theEUVspectralirradiancemeasuredbyEVE.Thedata (eruption and overlying loops) and to develop a physi- from EVE used in this paper is from the Multiple EUV cal picture for the evolution of this flare. In this purely Grating Spectrographs (MEGS) that provide EUV irra- schematic model (Figure 3), the main phase, which in- diance spectra with a spectral resolution of 0.1 nm from cludes the gradual and impulsive phases, and the EUV 6 to 105 nm, a high time cadence of 10 seconds, and late phase are connected through the breakout model of accuracy better than 20%. Woods et al. (2010) provide CME initiation (Antiochos et al. 1999). an overview of EVEs science plans, instrument design, The active region starts in a classic quadrupolar con- and data products while Hock et al. (2010) provide an figuration(Figure3a). Inaquadrupolarregion,thereare overview of the MEGS instrument and its calibration. four flux systems: inner loops (red) defining the core of For temporally isolated flares like the C8.8 flare on theregion,twosidelobes(green),andouterloops(blue) 2010 May 5, we can determine the time-dependence of The Origin of the EUV Late Phase 3 ass X SXR Cl S M E O G C B 0.005 Gradual Phase Late Phase 0.004 Impuslive Phase Fe XXIII/XX 13.3 nm Fe XVI 33.5 nm 0.003 nce2)m Fe IX 17.1 nm (x2) diaW/ 0.002 He II 30.4 nm (x1/3) am Irr( 0.001 0.000 -0.001 12:00 13:00 14:00 5-May-2010 Fig. 2.— The GOES soft X-ray flux and highlighted EVE lines show the three distinct phases of the C8.8 flare on 2010 May 5. The impulsive phase (11:45-11:52 UT) is characterized by the increase in the transition region He ii line; the gradual phase (11:52-12:20 UT) isobservedinbothhotandwarm(2-10MK)coronallineswhiletheEUVlatephase(12:30-14:30UT)isonlyobservedinthewarm(2-3 MK)lines. Theirradianceshownhashadthepre-flarelevelsubtracted. the flare spectra over a wide range of temperatures by tions,suchastheEUVimagesfromAIA,mustbeexam- subtracting a pre-flare spectrum. For this event, the ined. AIA has four telescopes, each with a 4096×4096 pre-flare spectrum is the average of observations from pixel CCD. These provide full-disk solar images in seven 11:30-11:45 UT (90 integrations), corresponding to the EUV bands and three UV/visible bands. AIA images minimum in the GOES SXR flux prior to the flare. Fig- have a spatial resolution of 0.6 arc-seconds and a nomi- ures 2, 4, 7, and 9 show the time evolution of the GOES nal time cadence of twelve seconds (Lemen et al. 2011). SXRfluxandselectEUVlinesmeasuredbyEVEduring By examining the solar EUV images from the A94, the flare. Note that the irradiances shown have had the A335, and A171 channels of AIA (see Table 1 for the pre-flare level subtracted. dominantflarelineineach)wecandeterminethedynam- Table 1 includes the ion, wavelength, and peak for- ics of the C8.8 flare and the physical nature of the EUV mation temperature of all EVE emissions discussed in late phase. A movie made using the AIA images from this paper. Equilibrium ionization is assumed, though this flare is available online. Select images from these see Bradshaw & Klimchuk (2011). The EVE lines cover AIA channels as well as running difference images from a temperature range of 50,000 K (He ii) to 10 MK (Fe A171areshowninFigure4. Theseimagesarecutoutsof xxiii/xx). Whereapplicable,theappropriateAIAchan- of Active Region 11069 and cover the eruption, gradual nel is also identified. Note that the EVE emission is at phase, and EUV late phase of the flare from 11:47 UT 0.1 nm resolution; whereas, the AIA channels are over to14:25UT.TheGOESSXRandEVElightcurvesfrom broader bands and thus have more line blends than the Figure 2 are shown for reference with the time of each EVE measurements. While EVE measures the spectral AIA image marked. irradiance with a 10-second integration, to reduce noise, a three-minute (18 integrations) boxcar smoothing func- 3.1. Preflare Configuration and Flare Onset tion is applied to the data that are used throughout this The C8.8 flare on 2010 May 5 occurred in Active Re- paper. gion 11069, a magnetically complex region located at N42W35. The location of this flare near the western limb of the solar disk, but not over the limb, provides a TABLE 1 Emission lines from EVE viewinganglethatallowsseeustoobserveboththeloop structureinAIAimagesandthemagneticfieldconfigura- tion from line-of-sight magnetograms from HMI. Look- Ion Wavelength(nm) logT(K) AIAChannel ing at a pre-flare AIA 171 image from 10:28 UT (Fig- Fexxiii/Fexx 13.285 6.97 A131 ure 5, left) and a co-temporal HMI line-of-sight magne- Fexviii 9.393 6.81 A94 Fexvi 33.541 6.43 A335 togram (Figure 5, right), the active region conforms to a Fexv 28.415 6.30 quadrupolar with an almost linear alignment of the dif- Feix 17.107 5.81 A171 ferent flux systems. Prior to the C8.8 flare, there was Heii 30.378 4.70 A304 ongoing evolution of the active region and small bright- Hei 58.433 4.16 enings and loop movements. Upward motions are visible as early as 11:16 UT as shown in Figure 6, but rapid expansion does not commence until the flare begins at Lightcurves from EVE are used to identify the EUV 11:49 UT. The events shown in Figure 6 occur prior to late phase but in order to understand the origin and na- andduringtimesmarked1and2inFigure4. Therising ture of the EUV late phase, spatially resolved observa- of the inner loops observed prior to the C8.8 flare are 4 Hock et al. hardX-rayemission(HXR)bysuchsatellitesasRHESSI (Linetal.2002)butcanalsobeseenintransitionregion emission lines, which EVE measures. Although there is no RHESSI data for this flare, the transition region emissions from EVE allow us to explore the relationship between the impulsive phase and the rest of the flare. TheimpulsivephasepeakspriortothepeakintheGOES SXR, which is representative of the gradual phase. This relationshipbetweentheimpulsiveandgradualphasesis known as the Neupert effect (Neupert 1968): the time- integrated hard X-ray emission (F ) is proportional HXR to the soft X-ray emission (F ): SXR (cid:2) t F (t(cid:2))dt(cid:2) ∝F (t) (1) HXR SXR 0 As shown in Figure 7, the time derivative of the GOES SXR also correlates reasonably well with the transition region emissions, such as He ii at 30.4 nm and He i at 58.4nm: thetransitionregionemissionspeakatthesame time as the time derivative of the GOES SXR. Both the EVElinesandtheGOESSXRtimederivativepeakprior to the GOES SXR. Because the AIA images saturated at the onset of the flare, it is impossible to know exactly what part of the coronal loop is brightening during the flare. By looking at the flaring region immediately after the peak of the flare (Figure 8), it is possible to discern that the bright emission in the A94 and A335 channels on AIA is com- ingfromthetopsofasmallarcadeofcusp-shapedloops. Thesecusp-shapedloopsareindicativeofrecentlyrecon- nected coronal loops and that AIA in these channels is observingthegradualphaseoftheflarewithmostofthe emission coming from the bright loop tops. ThehottercoronalemissionsobservedbyEVEfurther confirm that the bright emissions in the AIA A94 and A335channelsarethegradualphaseoftheflare. Forthis flare,thegradualphaseisseenbyEVEinthehotcoronal lines from the Fe xxiii/xx blend at 10 MK down to the Fe xv line at 2 MK (Figure 9). The peak time for each of these lines relative to the GOES SXR peak in shown Fig. 3.— Schematic cartoon of the 2010 May 5 C8.8 flare (left) Figure 9. The progressively cooler coronal lines peak andimagesfromAIA171(right)showing(a)thepre-flareconfigu- ration,(b)themainphaseoftheflare,(c)eruptionandformation later. These emissions are coming from plasma that is ofCME(purple),(d)theEUVlatephase,and(e)therecoveryof undergoingconductiveandradiativecoolingasexpected the active region to a state similar to the pre-flare configuration. forflareloops. Theflareloopscoolfrom 10MKto2MK The separatrices marking the boundary between the inner (red) in about 250 seconds which is consistent with previous and outer loops (blue) are denoted by the dashed lines. The side lobes (green) remain unchanged during the flare. The orange re- work by Cargill et al. (1995). gionsshowwhereandwhenweexpectthebrighteremissionbased onwhatloopsareundergoingreconnection. 3.3. Eruption, Formation of a CME, and Evidence of Breakout Reconnection a result of breakout reconnection at the magnetic null Although eruption is initiated by breakout reconnec- point in the schematic model (Figure 3). tion before the flare occurs, the eruption is greatly ac- celerated by the flare reconnection, as shown in Figure 4 3.2. Impulsive and gradual phases (11:47UT–11:59UT).Theinitialbrighteningoftheflare AftertheonsetoftheC8.8flareat11:49UT,themain is localized to the inner loop region of the quadrupole. phaseoftheflareoccurs(correspondingtotimesmarked In the eruption, some loops are pushed aside while oth- 2–4 in Figure 4) . This main phase includes the impul- ers open forming a CME that was observed by SOHO’s sive phase and the gradual phase. The impulsive phase Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO). of flare consists mostly of non-thermal emission while AccordingtotheCDAWLASCOCMEcatalog,theCME the gradual phase consists of thermal emission from the has a narrow angular extent (7◦) and is extremely faint heating and subsequent cooling of recently reconnected (onlydetectedininnerC2channel). ThisCMEisclearly post-flareloopsandisseeninbothGOESSXRandcoro- not geoeffective and it could be argued that it is not nal EUV lines. a “real” CME. The presence of this faint CME in the Theimpulsivephaseisusuallyobservedinnon-thermal LASCO data, however, confirms an eruption in the AIA The Origin of the EUV Late Phase 5 s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 as X Cl SXR S M E O C G B 0.003 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fe XVIII 9.4 nm (x2) 0.002 Fe FIXe 1X7V.1I 3n3m.5 ( nx2m) nce2)m He II 30.4 nm (x1/5) diaW/ 0.001 am Irr( 0.000 -0.001 12:00 13:00 14:00 1 AIA 94 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AIA 335 AIA 171 AIA 171 108-sec. difference 11:47UT 11:53UT 11:56UT 11:59UT 12:25UT 13:05UT 13:45UT 14:25UT Fig. 4.— Images from AIA 94, AIA 335, and AIA 171 channels as well as AIA 171 108-second difference images show the evolution of theactiveregionbefore,during,andaftertheflarewithtimemovingfromlefttoright. Thedifferenceimageshighlightthemovementof loops/massasthecolortransitionsfromblacktowhite. ThetimeofeachimagesequenceisdesignatedbyanumberandshowninGOES SXRandEVElightcurves(top). TheEVElightcurvesincludethemajorlineineachoftheAIAchannelsshownaswellasHeII30.4nm. 6 Hock et al. ss X SXR Flux a Cl S M E GO C B 400 ss) 300 d/dt(SXR flux) a Cl 200 ES 100 O G 0 dt( -100 d/ -200 0.015 He II 30.4 nm 0.010 He I 58.4 nm (x10) Fig. 5.—ConfigurationofActiveRegion11069priortotheC8.8 nce2)m flareon2010May5. TheAIAA171image(left)showsthecoronal diaW/ 0.005 slotbruecst,uarnedoaf tsheet oafctoivveerclyoinnsgisltoinogpso.fTahseetHoMfIinlinneer-olfo-ospigsh,ttwmoagsnidee- Irra(m togram(right)showsanalmostlinearquadrupolarconfiguration. 0.000 -0.005 11:27 UT - 11:23 UT 11:32 UT - 11:28 UT 11:37 UT - 11:33 UT 11:50 12:00 12:10 5-May-2010 Fig. 7.—Impulsivephaseofthe2010May5C8.8flareisseenin transitionregionemissionssuchasHeii30.4nmandHeı58.4nm (bottom panel). These lines peak prior to the GOES soft X-ray (top panel) and follow the Neupert effect, which implies that the impulsivephaseshouldpeakatthemaximumofthetimederivation of the GOES SXR (middle panel). The dashed line shows the timingofthemaximumoftheGOESSXRtimederivative. 11:42 UT - 11:38 UT 11:47 UT - 11:43 UT 11:52 UT - 11:48 UT AIA 94 AIA 335 30" 11:52 UT 11:50 UT 11:55 UT 12:00 UT 12:05 UT Fig. 6.— Running difference images from AIA 171 show rising Fig. 8.— Gradual phase of the 2010 May 5 C8.8 flare as seen byAIA A94andA335channels. Thefigureontheleftshowsthe loopsinthecoreoftheactiveregion(greenarrows)priortoonsetof entireactiveregionwithcutoutregioninwhite. Ontherightarea theC8.8flare. TheC8.8flareoccursintheactiveregioncore(red seriesofimagesfromA94(toprow)andAIAA335(bottomrow). arrows). SimultaneoustotheonsetoftheC8.8flare,theoverlying Timemovesfromlefttoright. Whilepartsoftheimagessaturated loopsbegintoexpandoutward. andshowdiffractionduringtheactualflare,itispossibletoobserve thecusp-shapeofthepost-flareloopswhiletheycool. images, which is important for understanding the origin 3.4. EUV Late Phase and Active Region Recovery of the EUV late phase. By 12:25 UT, the inner coronal loops, which were In Figure 3, the CME is shown in 2D as a plasmoid heated during the main phase of the flare, have cooled (purple lines). Given that the plasmoid originates from (see Figure 4). Additional emission from loops overlying the inner loops and the small size of the active region, the active region begins to appear around 13:00 UT. It it is not surprising that the observed CME is small and is seen in the AIA A335 channel by 13:05 UT. By 13:45 faint. UT, loops are visible in the A171 channel. This emis- Although breakout reconnection is considerably less sion above the core of the active region forms the EUV energeticthanflarereconnection,evidenceforenergyre- late phase that is observed by EVE (see Figure 2 and lease can be found. Figure 10 shows brightening at the Figure 4). There are three points to consider when dis- footpoints of the outermost side lobe field loops that are cussing the EUV late phase emission: Where does this shown schematically in green in Figure 3. Recall that emission originate?; What is its evolution in the active theseloopsarecreatedwheninner(red)andouter(blue) region?;HowistheEUVlatephasedifferentfromnormal fieldlinesreconnectatthenullpoint. Asisexpectedfrom active region evolution? reconnecting successive loops, there is a slight apparent TodeterminewheretheEUVlatephaseemissionorig- movement of the bright footpoints outward. inates, we compare the AIA light curves from differ- The Origin of the EUV Late Phase 7 ent parts of the active region with EVE light curves Class X SXR oufret1h1e).doTmheinAanIAt elimghistsciuornvelsinaereincaAlcuIAlatbedanbdypasussmm(Fiingg- S M the count rate (DN/s) for every pixel in each image for E GO C three different regions (red is the whole active region, B greenisthecoreoftheactiveregion,blueistheoverlying 0.004 loopsbelievedtoformtheEUVlatephase)andsubtract- ing a pre-flare value. The pre-flare value is determined 0.003 He II 30.4 nm (x1/3) using the same time range that is used to determine the Fe XXIII/XX 13.3 nm pre-flarespectrumfortheEVEdata. Ascalefactorisap- nce2)m 0.002 Fe XVIII 9.4 nm pliedtoallowcomparisonbetweentheuncalibratedAIA Irradia(mW/ 0.001 FFee X XVVI 3238..54 nnmm cfaocutnotr risatteheanrdatiEoVoEf tihrreapdeiaankceoflitghhetcEuVrvEesl.ighTthciusrvsecatloe 0.000 the peak of the AIA lightcurve for the whole active re- gion(red). Thesamescalefactorisappliedforthethree -0.001 differentextractedregionsbutvariesbetweenAIAchan- 11:50 12:00 12:10 12:20 12:30 nels. 5-May-2010 This comparison of the EVE and AIA lightcurves tells 1•107 us two things. First, comparing the shape of the red K) 8•106 curves, Figure 11 shows that the increase in EUV irra- ure ( 6•106 diances from EVE during this flare can be attributed erat 4•106 wholly to the active region. The first peak in the EVE mp lightcurves, associated with the main phase of the flare, Te 2•106 correspondstothechangesintheinnercoreoftheactive 0 region (Figure 11, green curves). Although the core of -200 -100 0 100 200 300 Delay (s) the active region brightens in the AIA 171 channel, the dimming seen above the core of the active region dom- inates the lightcurve of the whole region. Second, the Fig. 9.—Gradualphaseofthe2010May5C8.8flareasobserved by EVE. The top panel shows the GOES SXR with the peak de- core of the active region does not contribute to the EUV noted by a dashed line. The middle panel shows the lightcurves late phase. The EUV late phase originates solely in the from EVE for four coronal lines and the He ii line at 30.4 nm. outer active region (Figure 11, blue curves). While all The timing of the peak irradiance for each line is denoted by a three channels show this emission, it is best observed in dashed line in the corresponding color. The bottom panel shows delay between the peak of each EVE line and the peak of GOES the AIA A335 channel. The peak in the EUV late phase SXR versus temperature of the line. The He ii line peaks prior isfirstseenintheA94channelat12:22UT.A94isdomi- to GOES as is expected for an impulsive phase emission with the natedbyahot(10MK)coronalline. Itisthenseeninthe progressivelycoolercoronallinespeakinglater. cooler A335 channel (13:27 UT, 2-3 MK) and final seen intheA171channel(13:49UT,1MK).Thisprogression of the EUV late phase from hot to warm to cool coro- nallinesisevidencethatsomethingheatedtheplasmain the outer loops, which then radiatively cooled. Because these loops appear to be newly formed, we believe some 11:48 - 11:55UT formofreconnectionisresponsiblefortheheatingofthe EUV late phase. A94 The behavior of the coronal loops in the outer active regionismoreclearlyseeninFigure12,whichshowsthe time-distanceevolutionofEUVlatephasecoronalloops. A335 By looking at a slice of the AIA images as a function time we can examine how the outer coronal loops evolve throughout the flare. The first thing to notice is the evacuation of the corona just prior to 12:00 UT. This is A171 most evident in the A171 channel and is a result of the eruption and launch of a CME (Section 3.3). Shortly afterwards,westarttoseeenhancedemissionfirstinthe A171 108-second difference A94 channel, followed by brightening in the A335 and A171 channel. This is consistent with radiative cooling Fig. 10.—Evidenceofbreakoutreconnection. Theimageonthe of coronal loops from hot emission in the A94 bandpass leftshowstheentireactiveregionandhighlightsthecutoutregion. to warm emission in A335 and cool emission in A171, Ontheright,thereisaseriesofcutoutsofthefootpointregionfor AIA A94, A335, and A171 channels as well as running difference which was also observed in Figure 11. imagesfromA171(oneimageeveryminutewithtimemovesfrom The EUV late phase is the result of organized, suc- lefttoright). Lookingat thefootpointsof theouter loopsduring cessive reconnection and is different than typical active theeruption,wecanseeintensebrighteningofthefootpointsinall three AIA channels. The running difference images show a slight region evolution. The upward trend of the bright emis- movementofthebrighteningsoutward. sion in Figure 12 tells us that the emission is coming from higher loops later in the EUV late phase. This is expected based on Figure 3d. As field lines reconnect 8 Hock et al. 11:52 UT 13:55 UT 0.0020 2m) 0.0015 Fe XVIII Fig. 12.— Time-distance analysis of the EUV late phase. By W/ A94: Whole AR looking at a slice (identified on the left) of the overlying coronal m 0.0010 A94: Inner AR loops as a function of time (right panels) for three AIA channels e ( A94: Outer AR (A94,A335,andA171),weunderstandboththespatial,temporal, nc 0.0005 and thermal evolution of the coronal loops EUV late phase. The a di loops first appear in the hottest channel (A94) and last in the Irra 0.0000 EVE Fe XVIII 9.4 nm vs. AIA A94 coolest channel (A171). The loops also first appear at a lower -0.0005 heightandthensuccessivelyhigher. 0.0020 2m) 0.0015 EVE Fe XVI radiative cooling time of individual coronal loops (which W/ A335: Whole AR m 0.0010 A335: Inner AR is on the order of a few hundred seconds). It is the e ( A335: Outer AR aggregatedeffectofmanyloopsbeingheatedatdifferent anc 0.0005 times. di Irra -00..00000050 EVE Fe XVI 33.5 nm vs. AIA A335 4. MODELING THE RADIATIVE OUTPUT USING 0.0005 EBTEL 2m) TounderstandwhytheEUVlatephaseisobservedby mW/ 0.0000 EVE in the Fe xvi line without no corresponding emis- nce ( EVE Fe IX sion in hotter lines, we use the Enthalpy-Based Ther- adia -0.0005 AA117711: :W Inhnoeler AARR malEvolutionofLoops(EBTEL)model(Klimchuketal. Irr EVE Fe IX 17.1 nm vs. AIA A171 A171: Outer AR 2008)toestimatethepeaktemperaturesanddensitiesfor -0.0010 thegradualphaseandtheEUVlatephase. TheEBTEL 12:00 13:00 14:00 5-May-2010 code was developed as a “highly efficient model ... to describe the evolution of the average temperature, pres- sure, and density along a [single] coronal strand” (Klim- Fig. 11.—ComparisonofAIAandEVElightcurves. Threesets chuk et al. 2008). Combined with the CHIANTI atomic of lighcurves were made from AIA images by summing the count database (Dere et al. 1997, 2009), EBTEL can be used rate (DN/s) for every pixel in a particular region. The regions topredictlightcurvesforspecificemissionlines. EBTEL used are shown at the top. The red region outlines the entire is considered to be a “0D” model as it calculates field- activeregion;thegreenthecoreoftheactiveregion;thebluethe overlying loops. The bottom of the figure compares these AIA aligned averages instead of solving the hydrodynamical lightcuveswithEVElightcurvesforthedominantlineineachAIA equations for multiple points along the coronal strand. bandpass. Theemissionsduringthemainphaseoftheflarecome Whilethissimplifiesthephysics,theEBTELcodeisnot solelyfromthecoreoftheactiveregionwhiletheEUVlatephase computationally expensive. This enables us to develop a originates in the overlying loops. While both the main and EUV latephasearevisibleinindividualAIAA171images,thelightcurve multiple-strand model of the flare based on the EBTEL oftheentireactiveregionisdominatedbycoronaldimming. codeanddeterminethebest-fitparameterstomatchthe EVE data. high in the corona and retract, they accumulate on top 4.1. EBTEL-based Flare Model and Model ofpreviouslyreconnectedfieldlinesandthereforedonot Parameterization retract as far. The final thing to consider is how the EUV late phase For a given heating rate profile and loop length, the differs from the main phase of the flare. As discussed EBTEL code returns the average coronal temperature, above,theEUVlatephaseoriginatesintheouterpartof pressure, and electron density as a function of time as theactiveregionwhilethemainphaseoftheflareoccurs well as a time-dependent differential emission measure inthecoreoftheactiveregion. Asaresult,theEUVlate (DEM) for a single coronal loop or loop strand. The phaseisassociatedwithlongerandhigherloopsthanthe DEMcanthenbecombinedwithatomicdatafromCHI- main phase. ANTI to calculate the radiance for any coronal emission Furthermore, when looking at the irradiance line as a function of time. We developed an EBTEL- lightcurves from EVE, the EUV late phase lasts based flare model that uses multiple EBTEL loops with longer and there is a greater delay in the peaks of the variable loop lengths and heating rate profiles to calcu- irradiance between Fe xvii 9.4 nm to Fe xvi 33.5 nm. latethetheoreticallightcurvesfortheFexx/xxiiiblend For the main phase, this delay is about 2 minutes. For at 13.3 nm (one of the hottest and brightest flare lines the EUV late phase, it is 65 minutes. This is not the observed by EVE) and the Fe xvi line at 33.5 nm (to The Origin of the EUV Late Phase 9 capture the EUV late phase). Using MPFIT (Mark- TABLE 2 wardt 2009), a non-linear least square fitting routine in Parameters for the EBTEL-based Flare Model IDL,wecanoptimizetheseinputparameterssothatthe model lightcurves match the EVE lightcurves for those Globalparameters: two lines. N NumberofEBTELloops There are several steps to calculate the model loops C Normalizationfactor(srm−2) lightcurves from the output of the EBTEL code. First, h Backgroundheatingrate(ergcm−3 s−1) running the EBTEL code returns a differential emis- bkgd ForeachEBTELloop: sion measure as a function of time and temperature, l Loophalf-length(cm) DEM(t,T), for a given heating rate profile, h(t), and t0 Timeofpeakimpulsiveheating(s) loop half-length, l. In the EBTEL-based flare model, dt Durationofheating(s) we heat each looponce usingatriangularheatingprofile h0 Strengthofheating(ergcm−3 s−1) that can be parameterized as: A Loopcross-section(cm2) (cid:3) ForeachEVEline: h(t)= hbkgd+ 2dht0 (t−t0) if t0− d2t <t<t0, (2) Epre−flare Preflareirradiance(Wm−2) h − 2h0 (t−t ) if t ≤t<t + dt. bkgd dt 0 0 0 2 The background level of heating, h , is fixed at 10−6 bkgd be longer. erg cm−3 s −1 as is the duration of heating (300 s). The To convert the output of EBTEL to irradiance so that time of the heating, t0, and strength of heating, h0, are it can be compared with EVE observations, the EBTEL free parameters. output is multiplied by a normalization factor, C, which The DEM output of EBTEL can then be turned into is the solid angle subtended by 1 m2 at 1 AU. line radiance, Iloop(t), via: Some of the parameters are coupled: the number of (cid:2) EBTEL loops and loop cross-section. The loop cross- I (t)= DEM(t,T)G(T)dT (3) section is related to the number of strands. If we model loop T more strands, each strand will have a smaller cross- whereG(T)isthecontributionfunctioncalculatedfrom section. We have chosen the number of loops to be the fewest that gives us reasonable results. The loop length CHIANTI. is constrained to be realistic based on the AIA obser- Finally, the radiance contributions from individual vations while the timing and strength of the heating is EBTEL loops is summed and converted in irradiance: allowed to vary freely. N(cid:4)loops Emodel(t)=Epre−flare+C AiIloop,i(t) (4) 4.2. Results and Discussion i=1 Using the EBTEL-based flare model described above where C is a normalization factor, N is the number with Nloops = 22, we are able to determine the best-fit of EBTEL loops, and A is the looplcoroopsss-section. This parameters to describe the 13.3 nm (Fe xx/xxiii, 10-14 model irradiance, E i (t), can then be compared to MK)andthe33.5nm(Fexvi, 2.7MK)lightcurvesfrom model EVE.Theresultingtheoreticalandmeasuredlightcurves theEVElightcurvesandisthequantitythatisoptimized are shown in Figure 13. There is good agreement be- using MPFIT. tweenthelightcurvesmeasuredbyEVEandthetheoret- A summary of the parameters in the EBTEL-based ical lightcurves calculated from the EBTEL-based flare flare model is shown in Table 2. The first parameter model. BoththegradualphaseandEUVlatephasemust in our EBTEL-based flare model is the total number of EBTELloops(N ). Everytimetheflaremodelruns, be modeled with many loops. The EUV late phase, in it calls EBTEL Nloops times. As a result, this number particular,resultsfromheatingmanyloopsconsecutively loops through the duration of the EUV late phase. needs to be large enough to capture the evolution of the The best-fit model parameters are shown in Figure 14 flare but small enough that optimizing the model inputs alongwiththepeaktemperatureandelectrondensityfor is feasible. For the results presented in this paper, we each EBTEL loop. The heating profile from this model choose to model twenty-two loops. The loop cross-section, A, is a multiplicative factor clearlyshowsthattherearetwoseparatephasesofheat- ing. The first heating event involves the gradual phase. that includes both the physical cross-section of the coro- A large of amount of heating occurs within a short time. nal loop and number of coronal loops. Each EBTEL As the loops cool, emissions are seen in progressively strand we model could represent one large coronal loop cooler lines from 10 to 1 million K. The second phase or may represent many smaller coronal loops. By allow- is very different. A large number of coronal loops are ing the cross-section to be larger than physically reason- heatedonlyslightly. Theplasmaineachloop, insteadof able, we can model hundreds of loops with only a few reaching 10 million K, reaches 5 million K. The heating EBTEL runs. Theloophalf-length,l,isafreeparameterthatiscon- is also spread out over an hour generating the long sec- ondary flare emission profile. This model is consistent strainedusingtheAIAobservations. FromAIAobserva- with AIA observations that the secondary flare emission tions, we are able to determine that the coronal loops in comes from the active region restructuring itself after a the gradual phase of the flare are about 30 arc-seconds (≈20 Mm) long while the loops in the late phase are flare. about 100 arc-seconds (≈70 Mm) long. These are the 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS lengths in the plane of the sky so the actual loops could 10 Hock et al. (cid:7) (cid:8)(cid:9)(cid:2)(cid:10)(cid:10)(cid:11)(cid:11)(cid:11)(cid:2)(cid:12)(cid:2)(cid:8)(cid:9)(cid:2)(cid:10)(cid:10)(cid:13)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2) m) 100 μ(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:29)(cid:30)(cid:20)(cid:29)(cid:31)!(cid:9)(cid:2)(cid:22)&(cid:2)(cid:21)(cid:24) (cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:6) Half-Length (M 468000 (cid:9)$%(cid:29)(cid:28)(cid:9)(cid:2)(cid:11)(cid:28)(cid:28) (cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:8)(cid:9)(cid:2)(cid:10)(cid:25)(cid:11)(cid:13)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:26)(cid:27)(cid:2)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2) Loop 200 (cid:29)(cid:31)!(cid:9)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)#(cid:28) (cid:4)(cid:6) -1-3s cm) 1.000 (cid:11)(cid:28)(cid:28)(cid:29)(cid:30)(cid:20) (cid:5) e (erg 0.100 (cid:3)(cid:4) Rat 0.010 (cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:17)(cid:5)(cid:5) (cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:17)(cid:5)(cid:5) (cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:17)(cid:5)(cid:5) (cid:4)(cid:14)(cid:17)(cid:5)(cid:5) (cid:4)(cid:18)(cid:17)(cid:5)(cid:5) g (cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:9)(cid:2)(cid:22)(cid:23)(cid:19)(cid:24) n ati He 0.001 tThheFeiFgpel.ux1s3exs./—xarxeiRitihesbeulEeltnVsdEeodfobltihsneeervE(atBtoipTo)nEsaLwn-dbitahtshetedheFflpearrxee-vflimalroiendebeal(cbfkoogrtrtoboumont)dh. 2n (cm) 11001178 o irradiance subtracted off. The solid black line is the output from cti 1016 the model and agrees with the EVE lightcurves. The individual se coloredlinesarethecontributionfromeachindividualcoronalloop ss- 1015 o strand. p Cr 1014 o Here,wehaveexaminedoneEUVlatephaseflarefrom Lo 1013 5May2010indetailtounderstandtheoriginandnature K) 12 of the EUV late phase. The EUV late phase is a second e (M 10 increaseintheirradianceofwarmcoronallines(2-3MK) ur 8 at such as the Fe XVI 33.5 nm line after the gradual phase er 6 p ofaflarewithoutacorrespondingincreaseinhotteremis- em 4 T sionlinessuchatFeXVIII9.4nm. FromexaminingAIA ak 2 images,theEUVlatephaseisclearlyassociatedwiththe Pe 0 C8.8 flare but is both temporally and spatially separate. -3m) 1011 The EUV late phase originates in the reforming of over- y (c lying loops that are opened when a small CME erupts nsit 1010 e during the flare. D n Using EBTEL to model the EVE irradiance o ctr 109 lightcurves, we have shown that the enhancement e El in Fe XVI 33.5 nm but not Fe XVIII 9.4 nm during the k EUV late phase is possible by heating the coronal loops Pea 11018:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 less that during the main phase of the C8.8 flare. The Time (UT) lower heating rate results in a lower peak temperature of the loop and a lower peak electron density, reducing Fig. 14.—Best-fitparametersofEBTEL-basedflaremodel. The the emission at the hotter emission lines. colored diamonds are the parameter for each individual coronal The model we propose here is similar to CME initi- loopstrandandcorrespondtothelightcurvesintheperviousim- ation model in Lynch et al. (2008), based breakout re- age. Eachparameterisplottedasafunctionoftimeorwheneach connection. While the CME model focuses on how the loop was heated in the model. AIA images give loop half-length estimates of 5-15 Mm for the main phase and 35-50 Mm for the CMEerupts,ourmodellooksathowthecoronareconfig- EUV late phase. These are plane-of-the-sky estimates, giving the uresitselfpost-eruption. Classicalpost-flareloops,which lowerboundaryfortheloophalf-length. form the gradual phase of the flare, are a result of in- ternal reconnection within an inner magnetic flux sys- higher spatial resolution, and higher temporal cadence tem (red in Figure 3) and are associated with the early of AIA in addition to the irradiance measurements from rapid acceleration of the CME. The late phase involves EVE, however, make it possible to study these types of a completely different set of loops that result from in- events in detail for the first time. ternal reconnection within a topologically different flux system (blue in Figure 3). As this much later reconnec- ThisresearchwassupportedbyNASAcontractNAS5- tioninvolvesweakerfieldsandproduceslongerloops,the 02140 to the University of Colorado. The work of JAK heating rate per unit length is lower, and the EUV late was supported by the NASA Supporting Research and phase is therefore best observed in warm coronal lines. Technologyprogram. SDOdatacourtesyofNASA/SDO Notethatthelatephasecanonlyoccurifalloftheinner and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams. This CME (red) flux reconnects first and moves out of the way, so catalog is generated and maintained at the CDAW Data not all breakout eruptions are expected to have a late Center by NASA and The Catholic University of Amer- phase. A possible different scenario is described at the ica in cooperation with the Naval Research Laboratory. end of Section 2. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between It is unlikely that EUV late phase flares are newly ob- ESA and NASA. servedphenomenon. Theextendedwavelengthcoverage,

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