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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20120013198: Complete Subsurface Elemental Composition Measurements With PING PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20120013198: Complete Subsurface Elemental Composition Measurements With PING

COMPLETE SUBSURFACE ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION MEASUREMENTS WITH PING. A. M. Par sons, for the PING Team, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 69 I, Greenbelt, MD 20771, [email protected] Introduction: The Probing In situ with Neutrons and Gamma rays (PING) instruillcnt will meaSUre the AClivalion complete bulk elemental composition of the subsurface Natural radiOaClivity of Mars as well as any other solid planetary body. PING can thus be a highly effective tool for both de tailed local geochemistry science investigations and precision measurements of Mars subsurface reSOurces in preparation for future human exploration. As such, PING is thus fully capable of meeting a majority of both ncar and far term clements in Challenge #1 pre sented for this conference. Measuring the ncar subsur face composition of Mars will enable many of the Figure 1. This color-coded Periodic Table shows the MEPAG science goals and will be key to filling an elements that PING can detect. important Strategic Knowledge Gap with regard to In sitn Resources Utilization (ISRU) needs for human since it must be tuned to operate well with the gamma exploration. [I, 2] PING will thus fill an important ray spectrometer, both during the pulse and between niche in the Mars Exploration Program. pulses. The PING gamma ray data between bursts are Instrument Technology Description: Although affected by the presence of high neutron absorbing there arc many possible variations in the application of materials such as iron, so it is important to be able to PING technology, for simplicity, this discussion will alter the PNG pulse width and pulse period to accom concentrate on in situ measurements of the subsurface modate any changes in material composition it encoun of Mars. Later sections will expand all other possibili ters in different locations. A high neutron cmission rate tics such as remote sensing applications, is also important because it reduces the time needed for PING consists of a pulsed neutron generator each measurement. A long-lived, high rate PNG with (PNG), a gamma ray spectrometer, and neutron detec complete flexibility in pulse width and pulse frequency tors. 14 MeV neutrons emitted isotropically from the is crucial to the effective implementation of this tech PNG penetrate the surface and il1teract with the mate nique. The DAN PNG lifetime is short and its flexibil rial to produce characteristic gamma rays with energy ity in pulse timing and rate is too limited for it to be specific to the isotope involved. Detected lines in the practical for usc with a gamma ray spectrometer. gamma ray spectrum show what elements are present; Operational Advantages and Capabilities: The the line intensities measure the amount of each ele ~ 1 m penetration depth of the neutrons allows an assay ment. The timo it takes for the fast neutrons to slow of subsurface composition without the need for extract down in the material is, among other things, indicative ing regolith samples. Because the fast neutrons are of the amount of hydrogen present in the material. emitted isotropically, the mcasurCITlcnt volume is ap Thus measuring the neutron count rates at the surface proximately a ~l 111 radius hemisphere beneath PING. both during and between fast neutron pulses is very Averaging over this volume reduces the effects of important. small highly localized anomalies. PING thus produces For comparison, the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons the bulk elemental composition of a given location and (DAN) instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory provides chemical context for measurements by other (MSL) uses some of the same principles as PING, but typcs of instruments. since it is missing the crucial gamma ray component, it Since x-rays are much less penetrating than high can only infer the existence of hydrogen, while PING energy gamma rays, familiar X-ray instruments such as can determine the complete quantitative elemental APXS and XRF can only probe a small shallow spot composition, accessing a large part of the Periodic on the surface (-few mm radius, -100 microns deep). Table, as illustrated in Figure 1. Since PING has access to the same elemental composi The technology choices for the three components tion information) x-ray and gamma ray instruments arc and their efficient coordination into a single instrument quite complementary - especia1iy when identifying system determine the ultimate performance of PING. and characterizing surface effects. The choice of neutron generator is especially important PING measurements of elemental composition can cosmic rays with the atmosphere and the planetalY be used to infer mineralogy and can be valuable as a material. Thus, remote-sensing instruments can make check on the mineralogical interpretations of IR spec large-scale whole-planet composition maps while in troscopy results. Moreover, the interpretation of neu situ instl1lmcnts like PING with its powerful PNG, take tron-only measurements is highly composition depend a much shorter time to produce complete composition ent. The addition of gamma ray data quantifies the information over a smaller area. composition and allows quantitative l-l concentrations There are a number of options for gamma ray spec as well. trometers that can be used with PING. Scintillators When placed on a rover, PING can be sent out as have a tremendous heritage but often are lacking in part of a robotic reconnaissance mission to quickly good energy resolution. Newer materials such as the map an area, searching for the best locations to find lanthanum haJides and maybe SrIz offer better energy material for either ISRU or sample selection for sam resolution and may be an excellent choice. When the ple return missions. Quick-look PING analysis would best resolution is required, solid state detectors such as provide near-real time results, informing rover opera high purity germanium and now cadmium zinc tellu tional decisions. ride (CZT) can be used. Unfortunately, mass limita Cu .... ent Development and Feasibility: PNGs tions of landed payloads can often make the complex with great flexibility and long lifc have bcen uscd for HPGe detectors impractical. Arrays of room tempera dccadcs on Earth and can easily be made flight ture semiconductors such as CZT now display energy qualified since the conditions of their use in areas such resolution comparable to EPGe and are a promising as oil well logging are comparably harsh to the rigors choice for the PING gamma ray spectrometer of the of space use. Relatively light PNGs can be made avail future. Position sensing CZT arrays currently in exist able for flight; indced, MSL is already flying a PNG ence could allow background suppression by identify instrument with DAN. The added PNG capabilities ing gamma rays that do not come from the direction of needed for PING \\,111 not affect the mass or durability the planet. PING capability docs not depend on the ofthc PNG. particular neutron detectors available in the future. GSFC has been working for years studying PING Conclusions: PING, a combination of PNG and at a unique test site (3). This outdoor test site (4J con gamma and neutron spectrometers, is a promising in tains large (1.8 m x 1.8 m x 0.9 m) Concord Grcy strument for measuring the full bulk elemental compo Granite and Columbia River Basalt formations that sition of the ncar subsurface of Mars. The emphasis of havc each been independently assaycd so that thc elc this summary has been on PING for in situ measure mental composition of each material is known to the ments aided by bringing a PNG to the Mars surface, ppm level. We test PING using these standards to get but similar techniques using neutron and gamma ray an absolute calibration. Being outdoors eliminates instnullents in combination have been flown with su backgrounds from neutron or gamma ray interactions perb results such as with Mars Odyssey's elemental in nearby walls or shiclding insidc a laboratory. This maps. Neutron/gamma instruments such as PING and facility thus provides singularly realistic planetary ana its many variants are highly adaptable to a large variety logues for rcliable development ofthc tcchnique. of mission roles and arc a valuable complement to We construct layered structures of cm-scale high commonly used instrument technologies. Mineralogy density polyethylene, basalt and granite plates on top instruments such as infrared spectrometers benefit of these formations to simulate subsurface layering from PING's elemental content information to elimi configurations where the polyethylene is used as an nate some of their interpretation ambiguities. X-ray analog for water. PING has successfully identified instruments, which only measure surface composition, subsurface hydrogen as well as show sensitivity to benefit fro111 subsurface measurements from PING so different layering configurations. These experiments that surface and bulk effects on Mars soil can be sepa demonstratc PING's ability to meet Challengc Ill. rated. A final benefit is that PING can make its meas Implementation Variations: Future Possibilities: urements without needing to drill or even contact thc The above description illustrated only the ill situ surface. Thus, a rover-mounted PING can quickly map applications of neutron/gamma ray techniques. Re the full elemental composition of large areas. mote sensing neutron and gamma ray instruments have been very successful in the past. For example, the GRS References: [I] 2010 MEPAG Goals Report; [2] and HEND instruments on Mars Odyssey f0l111ed an Rcport of the MEPAG Precursor Strategic Analysis excellent map of Mars' elemental composition. Re Group (2012) in preparation; [3J A. Parsons et aI., mote sensing instruments depend on the weaker neu (2011) NIM-A, 652, 674-679. J. Bodnarik, et ai, tron flux that comes from the interaction of galactic (20 I 0), LUllar alld Planetmy Sci. Con[ #2581.

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