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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20120010224: Field Geologic Observation and Sample Collection Strategies for Planetary Surface Exploration: Insights from the 2010 Desert RATS Geologist Crewmembers

ActaAstronautica](]]]])]]]–]]] ContentslistsavailableatSciVerseScienceDirect Acta Astronautica journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/actaastro Field geologic observation and sample collection strategies for planetary surface exploration: Insights from the 2010 Desert RATS geologist crewmembers Jose´ M. Hurtado Jr.a,n, Kelsey Youngb, Jacob E. Bleacherc, W. Brent Garryd, James W. Rice Jr.e aUniversityofTexasatElPaso,DepartmentofGeologicalSciences,500WestUniversityAvenue,ElPaso,TX79968-05555,UnitedStates bSchoolofEarthandSpaceExploration,ArizonaStateUniversity,BatemanPhysicalSciencesCenter,F-wing,Room686,Tempe,AZ85287-1404,UnitedStates cPlanetaryGeodynamicsLaboratory,Code698,NationalAeronauticsandSpaceAdministration,GoddardSpaceFlightCenter,8800GreenbeltRd.,Greenbelt, MD20771,UnitedStates dPlanetaryScienceInstitute,1700EastFortLowell,Suite106,Tucson,AZ85719,UnitedStates eSolarSystemExplorationDivision,PlanetaryGeodynamicsLaboratory,Code698,NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenter,Greenbelt,MD,UnitedStates a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Articlehistory: Observationistheprimaryroleofallfieldgeologists,andgeologicobservationsputinto Received1July2011 an evolving conceptual context will be the most important data stream that will be Receivedinrevisedform relayed to Earth during a planetary exploration mission. Sample collection is also an 6October2011 important planetary field activity, and its success is closely tied to the quality of Accepted24October2011 contextualobservations.Totestprotocolsfordoingeffectiveplanetarygeologicfield- work, the Desert RATS (Research and Technology Studies) project deployed two Keywords: prototyperoversfortwoweeksofsimulatedexploratorytraversesintheSanFrancisco Fieldgeology volcanic field of northern Arizona. The authors of this paper represent the geologist Planetaryanalog crewmembers who participated in the 2010 field test. We document the procedures Samplecollection adoptedforDesertRATS2010andreportonourexperiencesregardingtheseprotocols. Fieldgeologymethods Carefulconsiderationmustbemadeofvariousissuesthatimpacttheinterplaybetween Extravehicularactivity(EVA) Planetaryfieldgeology fieldgeologicobservationsandsamplecollection,includingtimemanagement;strate- gies related to duplication of samples and observations; logistical constraints on the volume and mass of samples and the volume/transfer of data collected; and paradigms for evaluation of mission success. We find that the 2010 field protocols brought to light important aspects of each of these issues, and we recommend best practices and modifications to training and operational protocols to address them. Underlying our recommendations is the recognition that the capacity of the crew to ‘‘flexiblyexecute’’theiractivitiesisparamount.Carefuldesignofmissionparameters, especiallyfieldgeologicprotocols,iscriticalforenablingthecrewstosuccessfullymeet theirscienceobjectives. &2011ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. Abbreviationsanddefinitions:2/D,twice-per-daycommunications;CC,continuouscommunications;CFN,crewfieldnote;Cuff,arm-mountedcomputer controlforCFNsystem;D&C,divide-and-conquer;DesertRATS,DesertResearchandTechnologyStudies;Drive,movementofSEVbetweenStations; EVA,extravehicularactivities;Flexecution,flexibleexecution;GigaPan,roboticpan-tilt-zoomcameramountforhigh-resolutionpanoramicimaging; GIS,geographicinformationsystem;High-grading,prioritizationforpotentialEarth-return;IVA,intravehicularactivities;KML-format,GoogleEarthfile formatforGISdata;L&F,lead-and-follow;ScienceBackroom,subsetoftheScienceTeamthatsupportsthecrewduringCC;ScienceTeam,missioncontrol personnelthatsupport,guide,anddirectthescienceoperationsdonebythecrew;SEV,spaceexplorationvehicle;Station,locationwhereSEVhas stoppedforscienceoroperationalwork(withorwithoutanEVA);Suitport,rearhatchesontheSEVthatallowquickegress/ingressforEVAsalongwith dustmitigation;Traverse,seriesofStationsanddrives nCorrespondingauthor.Tel.:þ19157475669;fax:þ19157475073. E-mailaddress:[email protected](J.M.HurtadoJr.). 0094-5765/$-seefrontmatter&2011ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2011.10.015 Pleasecitethisarticleas:J.M.HurtadoJr.etal.,Fieldgeologicobservationandsamplecollectionstrategiesforplanetary surfaceexploration:Insightsfromthe2010DesertRATSgeologistcrewmembers,ActaAstronaut.(2011),doi:10.1016/ j.actaastro.2011.10.015 2 J.M.HurtadoJr.etal./ActaAstronautica](]]]])]]]–]]] 1. Introduction samples. The latter is a particularly important, difficult, and multifacetedproblem,and its solutionmustconsider DesertResearchandTechnologyStudies(DesertRATS)is howtraditional,terrestrialmodesoffieldgeologywillneed a multi-year series of hardware and operations tests con- to be adapted to geologic field work in extreme environ- ducted annually since 1997 in the high desert of Arizona ments[8], particularlyduringEVAs. Careful consideration [1, this issue]. Integrated teams of engineers and scientists mustbe madeofvariousissuesthatimpact the interplay have merged exploration technologies with exploration betweenfieldgeologicobservationsandsamplecollection. strategiestosupporttheseambitiousfieldtests,whichallow Theseincludethe time spentmakingobservations versus testing of science operations approaches that advance collectingsamples;strategiesrelatedtothenumber,type, human and robotic planetary surface exploration capabil- and degree of duplication in samples and observations; ities.Thecenterpieceofthesetestsisapairofcrewedrovers logistical constraintson the volumeand mass of samples designedasfirst-generationprototypesofsmall,pressurized thatcanbecollectedandultimatelyreturnedtoEarthand spaceexplorationvehicles(SEVs)[1].TheSEVprovidesthe thevolumeofdatathatcanberecordedandtransmittedto internalvolumenecessaryfortwocrewmemberstoliveand Earth; and paradigms for evaluation of mission success. worknearly-autonomouslyonsimulatedplanetarymissions This contribution reports on the Desert RATS geologist forupto14days[1,2].Investigationscanbeconductedfrom crewexperiencesregardingtheseissues.Wedocumentthe within the pressurized environment of the SEV (i.e. IVAs, procedures adopted for Desert RATS 2010 and the crew or intravehicular activities) using a suite of cameras and perspectives on this aspect of field science operations, other sensors mounted on the SEV [3]. The crew can also describe our lessons learned, and offer recommendations conduct extravehicular activities (EVAs) for geologic field- forfutureanalogtestsandplanetarymissions. work through the use of rear-mounted ‘‘suitport’’ hatches that allow quick egress and ingress, greatly increasing the 2. Fieldgeologyinaplanetaryexplorationcontext flexibilityandefficiencyofEVAswhileenablingthecrewto recoverandprepareforthenextEVAandmakeobservations Among the primary science motivations for planetary intheshirtsleeveenvironmentoftheSEV[2,4]. exploration is to decipher the development of the solar Desert RATS 2010 took place between 31 August and system, a history that is documented in the geologic 13September2010and includedtwopairsofcrews,each records of planetary bodies. The geological sciences, consisting of an engineer/commander and an experienced therefore, lay the foundation for fundamental questions field geologist. Three of the engineer/commanders were regarding the chemical, biological, and geodynamic evo- experienced astronauts with at least one Space Shuttle lutionofplanets,and,becauseofthis,expertiseingeology flight, and the four field geologists were drawn from the willbeacriticalskillsetforcrewedplanetaryexploration scientific community (both academia and NASA). Two missions [9]. Previous Desert RATS field tests have crewmembers lived in, drove, and worked from each SEV demonstrated the value of including trained field geolo- forasingleweek,witha‘‘shiftchange’’onday7,resultingin gistsonplanetaryexplorationcrews[2,4,10],aswasalso a total of eight test subjects for the two week period. The thecasewithSchmittonApollo17[9]. field test was designed to execute geologic traverses Observation is the primary role of all field geologists, throughaterrainofcindercones,lavaflowsandunderlying including those on a planetary exploration crew. Geologic sedimentaryunitsintheSanFranciscovolcanicfieldnorth observations reported verbally and supported by imagery, of Flagstaff, Arizona. Prior to the test, a series of traverses andtheevolvingconceptualcontextbuiltaroundthem,are wereplannedinconjunctionwiththeU.S.GeologicSurvey themostimportantdatastreamthatwillberelayedtoEarth. AstrogeologyBranchusingtechniquesthatwerefirstdevel- Itisthroughtheseobservationsandinterpretationsthatthe oped during Apollo [5,6]. The traverses were designed to geologiccontextandhistoryofafieldsitewillbedocumen- simulate a reconnaissance investigation of a planetary tedandinvestigated.Fieldobservationsalsosupportsample surface with a variety of communications and operational collection, a necessary, but usually secondary, task in field constraints. For example, three days of each week were geology. While samples are vital for quantitative chemical, tested with the SEVs in continuous communications (CC) isotopic,andotheranalyses,thequalityofthosesamples,and withmission operationsteam,andthree dayswere tested oftheresultingdatasets,ishighlydependentontheobserva- with communications only for (cid:2)1h in the morning and tionsmadeinthefield.Mostimportantly,thoseobservations (cid:2)1h at the end of the traverse day (2/D). Similarly, the providethevitalcontextrequiredtomeaningfullyinterpret SEVs were tested in two operational modes: lead-and- thesamples,thedataderivedfromthem,andtheirrelation- follow(L&F)anddivide-and-conquer(D&C).See[1]inthis ship to other samples and to geologic processes. Therefore, issueforadetaileddiscussionoftheDesertRATSseriesof it is important to realize that field observations contribute tests,includingthe2010test,andreferto[7]inthisissue information that samples alone would not. For example, a for a discussion of the crew perspectives on the effect of given suite of samples without context cannot inform the these operational and communications modalities on geologist about the fundamental geometric and structural sciencecapabilities. relationships traditionally captured on a geologic map. For Fromascienceoperationsperspective,themainobjec- these reasons, terrestrial field geologists have long appre- tiveofDesertRATShasbeentoexaminethefunctionsofa ciatedthecomplementarybalancebetweenobservationand sciencesupportteam,therolesofgeologistcrewmembers, samplecollectionforunderstandingthegeologichistoryofa and the protocols, tools, and technologies needed for site,aswellastheprocessesbehindit.Therefore,thewayin effective data collection, data transfer, and curation of which observational information is documented, organized, Pleasecitethisarticleas:J.M.HurtadoJr.etal.,Fieldgeologicobservationandsamplecollectionstrategiesforplanetary surfaceexploration:Insightsfromthe2010DesertRATSgeologistcrewmembers,ActaAstronaut.(2011),doi:10.1016/ j.actaastro.2011.10.015 J.M.HurtadoJr.etal./ActaAstronautica](]]]])]]]–]]] 3 transferred,displayed,andintegratedwithallotherdataisof exploration philosophy at the heart of some robotic theutmostimportanceforplanetaryexploration. exploration missions such as the Mars Exploration Rovers To date, planetary exploration by humans has been [15]. Even with their strict timelines, the Apollo astronauts focused heavily on sample collection and with great wereabletoprofitablyimproviseattimes.Forexample,Scott success.Forexample,thesixApollomissionstothemoon andIrwinduringEVA1onApollo15surreptitiouslycollected returned382kgofmaterial[11]fromwhichfundamental the ‘‘seatbelt basalt’’ (sample 15415) at the unplanned scientific discoveries are still being made. To accomplish Station3[11,12].Scott’sgeologictrainingallowedhimto their fieldwork, the Apollo astronauts followed highly realizethepotentialinterestthissampleheld,andonlyan choreographed field protocols during tightly scheduled immediate, on-the-scene decision to stop allowed that EVAs that were generally scheduled to the minute [11]. sampletobecollected,whichwasfortunatebecausethat These activities were necessarily focused on directed, sampleprovedtobeoneofthebestexamplesofvesicular contextual sampling, rather than local- to regional-scale mare basalt collected during Apollo. Science operations observations,asituationdrivenprimarilybytimelimitations protocolsforthefuturemustrecognizetheneedforsuch imposed by EVA consumables and other mission logistical flexibility and therefore reasonably allow for improvisa- considerations. Nevertheless, several of the Apollo crews, tionwithintheconstraintsofthemission. whoalmostentirelycomprisednon-geologists,distinguished Even when done opportunistically, sample collection themselves with the observations they made. For example, is important, but only if done carefully and judiciously. David Scott and Jim Irwin on Apollo 15 insisted on an For example, some samples obtained by Alan Bean at the innovative ‘‘stand-up’’ EVA prior to their three surface end of EVA2 on Apollo 12 were semi-randomly collected traverses [11,12]. The stand-up EVA, conducted by Scott without sample bags or contextual photography [11,16]. whilestandinginsidethelunarmodulewithhisheadoutside This has limited their usefulness because they cannot be the top hatch, established local and regional context using reliablyplacedintospecific,site-levelgeologiccontext.Itis photographyandverbaldescriptionsoftheHadleyApennine alsoimportanttoensurethatcollectingopportunisticsam- landingsite. The voice transcriptsof these descriptions and ples,whichcanbedoneoccasionally,doesnotcomeatthe the accompanying photographs (e.g. Apollo Lunar Surface cost of not collecting ‘‘average’’ samples that are more Journal; [11]) have proved invaluable for interpreting what representativeofthegeologyofasite.Worthwhilesampling wasseenandcollectedattheEVAStationsvisitedlateronin takescarefulconsiderationofvariousotherissues,including themission. well developed, testable hypotheses; proper and complete Future human exploration of planetary surface will characterization of context; a balance between time spent advance beyond what was achieved by Apollo with new sampling versus observing; degree of redundancy; volume approachesthatplaceasmuchemphasisonobservationas and mass limitations; and the capacity of ‘‘high-grading’’ onsampling.Thestrategiesformakingscienceobservations (prioritizing) samples at mission’s end. Most important, andcollectingsamplesinthesemissionsmustalsoembrace though, is the notionthat sample collectionmust be done thenotionof‘‘flexecution’’,orflexibleexecution[9,13,14]. withapurpose,i.e.totestwelldevelopedhypothesesandto Inthisway,hypothesis-drivenscienceobjectivesareclearly serveasareferenceforfuturemeasurementsandcompar- defined,buttheyarealsosubjecttocontinualmodification, isontootherfieldsites.Otherwise,thecollectedsamples asisthetimelineduringwhichthefieldactivitiesdesigned become a very expensive hobby rock collection, rather to meet those objectives are conducted. This is a funda- thanacontributortoagreaterscientificunderstanding.In mentally different approach from Apollo. As described by the following sections we describe how each of these HodgesandSchmitt[8],flexecutionisthestandardconcept issues were approached for Desert RATS 2010 and the ofoperationforterrestrialfieldgeologistsandshouldserve insightsthecrewsgained. as the model for how planetary field geology is done. Flexecutionpowerfullyenablestheexperiencedfieldgeol- 3. DesertRATS2010fieldgeologyprotocols ogist toadapt her conceptualmodelof the science simul- taneously with her operational plan for how to collect ThetraverseplanningprocessforDesertRATS2010is scientific data in real time as new observational data is described in detail by Horz et al. [5] and Skinner and collected. At the least, the result is a traverse specifically Fortezzo [6], both in this issue, and resulted in the pre- andefficientlyfocusedontheproblemathand,and,ideally, selection of EVA Stations as well as definition of science this leads to enhanced scientific understanding and the priorities at these Stations and the drives in between ability to adapt to unanticipated discoveries and other (for definitions of the terms traverse, drive, Station, and scientificandoperationalopportunitiesandchallenges. EVAusedhere,seealso[7]inthisissue).Theseplanswere Recognizingthatmanyfieldsciencediscoveriesarethe theninterpretedandexecutedinrealtimebythecrewsin productofserendipity–oftenbecausetraversesdesigned concert with their Science Backrooms (the subset of the fromremotelysenseddatalacklocalcontextualinformation Science Team that supported the crew during CC, for from the ground, and, as such, cannot be planned – details, see [7,17] in this issue). Since the crewmembers flexecutionallowstheterrestrialfieldgeologisttoeffectively have de-facto final authority for science activities, it is exploit scientific targets of opportunity as they arise. critical that the crews be well briefed on the science Traverse planning and reconnaissance can never capture objectivesandoperationalmodes[7]andwelltrainedin the full spectrum of possibilities, so having the ability theuseoftheprovidedtools[18]andtheexpectedfield to positively react to the unanticipated is crucial for procedures. In this section, we describe the Desert RATS planetary field geology as well. Interestingly, this is an 2010 EVA field procedures as executed by the crews Pleasecitethisarticleas:J.M.HurtadoJr.etal.,Fieldgeologicobservationandsamplecollectionstrategiesforplanetary surfaceexploration:Insightsfromthe2010DesertRATSgeologistcrewmembers,ActaAstronaut.(2011),doi:10.1016/ j.actaastro.2011.10.015 4 J.M.HurtadoJr.etal./ActaAstronautica](]]]])]]]–]]] Fig.1. Flowchartssummarizingthefieldgeologyprotocolsfollowedduringthe2010DesertRATSfieldtest.Sections1and2denoteactivitiescarriedout priortoEVAs.Sections3and4enumeratetheproceduresfollowedforgeologicobservationsandforsamplecollectionduringEVAs,respectively.Sections 5and6showtheactivitiesdoneattheendofanEVA. (Fig. 1). These were designed from the perspective of is done to ensure that high-resolution photography is capturing as much contextual data as possible for the capturedoftheentireareatobevisitedbythecrewsothat proper curation of collected samples. Similar protocols samples and observations canbe putinspatialcontext. In were followed to document generic field observations. thisway,theGigaPanisanalogoustothephotographicbase The entire process of conducting field geology during for an outcrop map. After GigaPan image acquisition has EVAsisheavilytechnology-dependent,includingcommu- beeninitiated,thecrewmakesfinalpreparationstoegress, nications/telemetry and tools. Young et al. [18] in this first ensuring that the GigaPan is successfully acquiring issuegivemoredetailsaboutthecrews’experienceswith (a consideration during 2/D communications when the toolswhileonEVA. Science Backroom could not intervene) and that all SEV camerasare switched to Science Backroomcontrol. In this 3.1. IVAproceduresforgeologicobservationsand way,theScienceBackroomcantrackthecrewastheywork EVAplanning usingthelivevideofeeds.Similarly,theScienceBackroom (during CC) has the ability to capture additional GigaPan EVA operations begin during the drive towards a mosaicsdocumentingtheprogressoftheEVAactivities. Station,duringwhichtimethegeologistreviewsthesite Finally,whilethecrewmembersareonthesuitportsat objectives and develops a preliminary plan for the EVA the rear of the SEV finishing the egress procedures, the basedonwhatcanbeseenfirsthandfromtheSEV.During geologistandastronautdoapre-briefingoftheEVAplan CC operations, this is done over the voice loop in colla- with each other and make further observations of the boration with the Science Backroom, but during 2/D geologiccontextoftheStation.Thisconversationbetween operations the geologists on each SEV work together to crewmembersisnotcaptured inaCFN,butisdoneover develop their plans [7], documenting the process using the voice loop so that the Science Backroom can partici- IVACrewFieldNotes(CFNs;seealso[18,19]inthisissue). pate when CC is available. Pre-positioning of the SEV Whether on CC or 2/D, the geologist also records an IVA before egress is important in this respect as ideally the CFNdocumentingthegeologyoftheStationandtheirEVA suitports are pointed in the direction of the outcrop so planpriortoarrival. thatobservationscanbemadewhilethecrewiswaiting Once on Station, and prior to egress, the geologist forthepre-EVAleakcheckstocomplete. initiatesaGigaPan–ahigh-resolution,upto3601panora- These pre-EVA activities done from within the SEV (or micphotomosaicobtainedusingaroboticcameramounted fromthe suitport)are criticalsteps as they are the oppor- ontheSEV[20]–thatincludestheplannedEVAsite(s).This tunityforthecrewtocharacterizethesiteatalargescale,to Pleasecitethisarticleas:J.M.HurtadoJr.etal.,Fieldgeologicobservationandsamplecollectionstrategiesforplanetary surfaceexploration:Insightsfromthe2010DesertRATSgeologistcrewmembers,ActaAstronaut.(2011),doi:10.1016/ j.actaastro.2011.10.015 J.M.HurtadoJr.etal./ActaAstronautica](]]]])]]]–]]] 5 detail their plan of action, and to establish the context for includes spatial and operational metadata for context. their geologic fieldwork, including samples to be collected Theseallowsimpleplacementofthegeologicinformation andtheirlocations.Makingasmanyobservationsaspossi- within the framework of the EVA timeline and spatial ble before embarking on the EVA saves precious time and extentsothat,forexample,samplescouldbereferencedto consumablesandresultsinaninitialplanfortheEVAthat thecontextimagerytakenfromtheSEV(e.g.theGigaPans) ensuresthefieldworkisfocusedandefficient. andtheCFNscouldbeinterpretedinachronologicorder. 3.2. EVAproceduresforgeologicobservations 3.4. ProceduresforsamplestowageandEVAcloseout Terrestrial geologists have the luxuries of time and At the end of the EVA, a complete inventory is taken mobilitywhiledoingfieldworkthatarenotentirelyshared before stowing the samples on the SEV. With all the by a planetary field geologist/astronaut. Once the EVA has bagged samples arrayed on the aft deck of the SEV, so started,thereisafiniteandrelativelyshortamountoftime that the sample numbers are visible, an EVA CFN listing attheStationforaccomplishingtheobjectives,whichiswhy all the samples is recorded. This was an informal proce- the time spent pre-planning (see Section 3.1) is critical for dure that was initiated by the week 1 crew and soon ensuring efficiency and success. Similarly, the procedures made a standard part of the EVA for all crews. Once the and tools for recording observations and for collecting CFNiscomplete,thebaggedsamplesaregatheredintoa samples(seeSection3.3)aredesignedwiththelimitations daily collection bag, which is then weighed and stowed of planetary fieldwork (e.g. writing in a field notebook is in a storage receptacle on the SEV aft deck [18]. These not possible ina spacesuit) and the constraints of the EVA sampleinventoriesareusefulforlocatingsamplesatthe timelineinmind[18]. endofthemissionandalsoforlocatingsamplesfor‘‘high- Both SEV crewmembers are expected to maintain a grading’’and/orin-situanalysisinthesurfacehabitat[21]. runningcommentaryoftheirobservationsandothernon- They have also proved valuable for reconstructing the sampling activities throughout the EVA during both CC samples collected at Stations for which all other docu- and 2/D scenarios in order to keep both the Science mentationwaslostduetotelemetry,communications,or Backroom and their partner apprised of their progress. otherdatatransferproblems[22]. Sincethecrewmembersshareasinglevoiceloopwhileon Similarly,averbaloverviewofthegeologicobservations EVA,itisimportantthattheycoordinatesothattheydo made by both crewmembers during the EVA and hypoth- notinterferewitheachother’sverbalcommunicationand esesonhowthoseobservationsfitintothelargergeologic commentary.DuringCC,butnotduring2/D,therunning pictureisrecordedattheendoftheEVA.Theexactwaythis commentary done over the voice loop is interpreted and was done varied from geologist-to-geologist during Desert recorded/transcribedinreal-timebytheScienceBackroom. RATS2010.EverycrewmemberrecordedanEVACFNeither This commentary is accompanied by a low-resolution before or after the sample inventory, as time allowed, live video feed captured by one of the two cameras on usually followed by a detailed summary as an IVA CFN the simulated spacesuit backpacks that the crewmembers once the crew had ingressed the SEV. In addition, most of wear[18].DuringbothCCand2/D,thecrewmembersalso thecrewalsorecordedtheseoverviewsintextandspread- have the option of capturing r3-min long EVA CFNs sheetdocumentsontheonboardcomputerintheSEV,often intended for high-priority download and analysis by the during drives between Stations. It should be pointed out, ScienceTeamattheendofthemissionday.TheEVACFNs however,thatthesedatafileswereunderutilizedsincethe are recorded using the second, high-definition, camera on Science Team was not always aware of where they were thecrewbackpacks,alongwithacuff-computer-controlled stored(seeSection4.3;[7,18]inthisissue). voiceannotationsystem[18]. 3.3. EVAproceduresforsamplecollection 3.5. ImprovisedIVAandEVAfieldprocedures While on EVA, each sample is collected in a particular Overthecourseofthe2010fieldtest,otherprocedures manner using a variety of tools, including a rock hammer, related to sample and data collection that differed from shovel,tongs,core-tube,andTeflonsamplebags,althoughit the protocol lists given to the crewfor the mission were isimportanttonotethatthecrewlackedahandlens,oneof improvisedandadopted.Twooftheseadaptedprocedures the most basic tools used by a field geologist (for details aredescribedhere. see [18] in this issue). As with geologic observations, each sampleisdocumentedusingboththereal-timevideo/audio 3.5.1. ‘‘Grab-bag’’sampling telemetry (particularly during CC) as well as with an EVA All of the crewmembers eventually adopted a bag CFN video clip (during both CC and 2/D). The procedural clippedtotheirwaistsforcarryingbaggedsampleswhile checklistforcollectingsamplesisenumeratedinFig.1. on EVA instead of the supplied tool/sample caddy [18]. In the case of both sample documentation and stand- As a consequence, they also had a convenient receptacle alonegeologicobservations,contextualdetailsarecritical in which to put ‘‘grab’’ samples. These were rocks, most andeachcrewdevisedtheirownsemi-formalchecklistof oftenfoundinfloat,that,foronereasonoranotherlooked itemstonote(seeFig.1forexamples).Inadditiontothe visuallyinterestingandwerepickedupopportunistically. requisite geologic data about the stratigraphic and struc- Because they were picked up at odd times during the tural relationships observed in the field, this checklist EVA–e.g.whileonalongwalkingtraverseoratthevery Pleasecitethisarticleas:J.M.HurtadoJr.etal.,Fieldgeologicobservationandsamplecollectionstrategiesforplanetary surfaceexploration:Insightsfromthe2010DesertRATSgeologistcrewmembers,ActaAstronaut.(2011),doi:10.1016/ j.actaastro.2011.10.015 6 J.M.HurtadoJr.etal./ActaAstronautica](]]]])]]]–]]] end of the EVA in the hurry back to the SEV – these acriticalconsideration.Thecrewmustcontinuouslybalance samplesweretypicallynotbaggedordocumentedfollow- thetimeusedtocollectmultiplesamplesversusthetimeto ing the standard protocol (Section 3.3), although the bestcharacterizeanoutcropand,asaresult,perhapscollect crews did make efforts to document them as time fewer, yet higher-quality, samples. In addition, if the crew allowed,whichwastypicallyahastyCFNrecordedwhile chooses to spend more time at a particularly interesting walking.Nospecificandconsistentprocedurewasdevel- site, they must also sacrifice time somewhere else in that opedforthisstyleofsamplecollection,however. day’s traverse. These decisions to focus on observation or sample collection at any given EVA Station are made in 3.5.2. Geologicmapping real-timebasedonthescienceobjectivesandthefirst-hand Many of the SEV systems are dual-purpose [3]. For observations of the crewmembers. These decisions are example,theonboardcamerasareusedforscienceobserva- interdependent onotherconsiderations,includingduplica- tions by both the crew and the Science Team, but also for tionofeffort(Section4.2),theamountandtypesofsamples missionoperationspurposessuchasnavigationandhazard and observations obtained (Section 4.3), and the use of avoidance. Similarly, the Google Earth navigation system is tools/technologies[18]. used for driving the SEV as well as for displaying maps The decision of when to collect a sample and when showing communications coverage and the preplanned not to can also affect the way mission success is mea- traverseroutes. suredfromascienceperspective(Section4.4).Intermsof The week 2 crewmembers made additional use of the mission success, thevalueof geologic observationsmust camera and navigation systems for rudimentary geologic be recognized as (at least) equal and complementary to mapping.Forexample,tosupplementthevoiceandcamera thevalueoftangiblegeologicspecimens.Thisisonlythe imagery included in the end-of-EVA CFNs, the GigaPan case, however, when there is an appropriate balance mosaics were annotated using the available ‘‘snapshot’’ between sampling and observation, as the quality of the tools [20] to graphically illustrate the route taken on the formerisdirectlydependentonthelatter.Inthiscontext, outcrop(s)andtheexactlocationofcollectedsamples.These there is a distinction to be made between poor-quality rudimentaryoutcropmapswereproducedatmoststations samples and samples collected poorly. A poor-quality duringweek2andwerewellreceivedbytheScienceTeam sampleisonethatis,forexample,lithologicallyunsuita- asatangibleincreaseinproductivityascomparedtoduring ble for the purposes intended or the question to be week 1 (when the crewmembers were not aware of this answered (e.g. it is weathered versus fresh, it is the electroniccapability).AtanotherStation,aneffortwasalso incorrectunit,etc.).Apoorly-collectedsamplemeansthat made,usingGoogleEarthasarudimentaryGIS(geographic time was mismanaged so that more samples were col- information system), to produce a KML-format overlay lectedattheexpenseofnotdocumentingthemcorrectly, showing the geologic contacts and a suspected fault that rushing to collect rocks before fully understanding their wereobserved,essentiallyasimplegeologicmap. context. Both are to be avoided and the way to do so is to include well-trained field geologists on a planetary 4. Crewinsightsandlessonslearned exploration crew and for them to take the time to care- fullydocumentasitebeforesampling.Thereverseisalso Herewediscusssomeinsightsgainedbythecrewmem- true,particularlygiventhetimeandlogisticalconstraints bers into best practices for planetary fieldwork that were imposedonthegeologistduringanEVA.Becauseitisalso the result of performing the geologic observation and important for the mission that samples be collected, the sample collection tasks during the 2010 field-test. It is planetary field geologist must be enabled to be decisive, important to note that these depend strongly on the make concise and cogent observations, and work in a durationandgoalofthemission.DesertRATShassimulated well-informed and purposeful manner. Overall, doing 7–14-day missions on destinations such as the Moon. Our fieldwork without purpose is a problem, which is why lessons learned and the recommendations (Section 5) that analog tests like Desert RATS are important for helping stemfromthemarevalidwithinthatframework.However, traincrewstoseethepurposebehindwhattheydointhe forlongermissiondurationsandforotherdestinations,such field,bothscientificallyandoperationally. asanear-earthasteroid,theresultscouldbedifferent. Mission plans, field protocols, and tools should be designed to properly enable decision-making to support 4.1. TimemanagementonEVA an effective balance between geologic observations made and samples collected. For Desert RATS 2010, one opera- Given the protocols described in Section 3, it takes tional strategy we found that worked was to create a approximately10mintocollecteachrocksample.Thisis sampling plan during the IVA period and prior to the a relatively large time resource commitment, given that boots-on-the-groundEVAwheninthesuitport(seeproto- mostEVAsduringDesertRATS2010werebetween30and colsdescribedinSection3).Havingapreliminarystrategyin 60min in length. Moreover, a significant percentage of placebeforeEVAminimizedsearchingtheoutcropwhileon these10minarecommittedpriortopickinguptherock(i.e. EVA, maximizing the balance between observations and takingcontextimagery,etc.).Thisisparticularlychallenging samples, and it also prepared us for making real time iftherearemultiplegeologicunitsandcontactstodescribe decisions and changes to the plan as the EVA progressed andsampleatagivenEVAStation.Theremayalsobealot (i.e.flexecution).Anotherstrategythecrewsexperimented ofgroundtocoverataspatiallyextensiveortopographically with was to either work together or split up on EVA. For ruggedEVAStation.Therefore,timemanagementonEVAis example,sometimeswe chose tostayclose together,with Pleasecitethisarticleas:J.M.HurtadoJr.etal.,Fieldgeologicobservationandsamplecollectionstrategiesforplanetary surfaceexploration:Insightsfromthe2010DesertRATSgeologistcrewmembers,ActaAstronaut.(2011),doi:10.1016/ j.actaastro.2011.10.015 J.M.HurtadoJr.etal./ActaAstronautica](]]]])]]]–]]] 7 one crewmember taking context imagery while the other significant problem to manage unless the storage con- describedthesamples[19].Atothertimes,wesplitup,with straintsofthespacecraftareaugmentedorproceduressuch bothcrewmemberstravelingrelativelyfarfromtheSEVand assamplecachingorin-situ‘‘high-grading’’[21]areimple- each other (in accordance with flight rules) to cover more mented. In addition, using assets such as the Pressurized ground [19]. Even with these strategies, we found room Excursion Module (PEM)/GeoLab [21] for in-situ analyses for improvement in the sample documentation protocols. and/orroboticfollow-up[23],‘‘excess’’samplesthatcannot In addition, while meticulously recording geologic context bereturnedtoEarthcanstillbeofscientificvalue,particu- andcarefullyisolatingasamplearecritical,theyaretime- larlyifsufficientlydocumentedupontheircollection,sothat consumingprocedures.Weofferrecommendationsregard- theresourcesusedtoobtainthemdidnotgotowaste. ingtheseissuesinSection5. The detrimental effect duplication has on time and sciencereturnremainsanotherimportantissue.Unnecessary andexcessiveduplicationoffieldworkwastesEVAtime,with 4.2. Duplicationofeffort potentiallylittlebenefittoscienceoutcomes.Alternatively,a limiteddegreeofduplicationmayinfactbetolerable,ifnot Formissionswheremultipleroversandcrewmembers beneficial. For example, some duplication may retire the conduct geologic fieldwork on EVA, duplication of effort scientific risk of losing critical samples in the unfortunate mayoccurwithrespecttoobservationsmadeandsamples event of some sort of mission failure or to ensure that collected. This could negatively affect the use of the material remains for vital laboratory work. Although not precious resources of time, bandwidth, data storage, and doneduringDesertRATS2010,contingencysamplesforthis physicalstowagespace(e.g.volumeandmassallowances) purpose were collected by each Apollo mission at their (see Section 4.3). While we do notdeny that minimizing landingsitesasthefirsttaskuponegressingfromthelunar unnecessary duplication is worthwhile, we can identify module[11].Asituationwhereduplicationretiredscientific waysofmitigatingitandevenuseitasanadvantage. riskduringDesertRATS2010stemmedfromtheinter-crew At first, it may seem that duplication of effort could be communicationlimitationexperiencedduring2/D-L&FEVAs. used as a measure of crew effectiveness in analog tests Since, without continual coordination, duplication of effort (seeSection4.4),asitmightsuggestpoortraverseplanning was inevitable, the conservative course of action was to or the need for more coordination among the crews. How- comprehensively sample. The understanding is that it is ever,wearguethatthisisnotnecessarilyagoodmetricto better to have duplication than to have one crew assume use in either a training/simulation or real mission scenario. theotherhassampledaunitwhen,infact,noonedid. Forexample,amoreimportantcauseofpotentialduplication Duplicationofsampleswillcertainlybeofvalue,ifnot ofeffortduringDesertRATS2010wasthecommunications required,forsomescienceobjectives.Forexample,multi- architecture.GiventhecommunicationsstructureforEVAs,it plespecimensofthesamegeologicmaterialatanumber wasimpossibleforthetwoSEVcrewsonEVAtoknowwhat of scales may be needed to determine lateral or vertical theotheronewasdoingoncetheywereoutoftheirvehicles: variabilitynotvisiblyapparentinthefield(e.g.isotopicor one crew could not talk to their counterparts on the other geochemical trends). Similarly, some analytical methods crew over the voice loop (only face-to-face communication (e.g. geochronology/thermochronology) often benefit from was possible and only when the crews were in very close multiple,independentsamples,eitherfromthesameplace proximity). Since on 2/D-L&F days the SEVs worked in the or from different places. Others may require replicate samegeneralarea,itwaslikelythatthesameunitswouldbe analysesforstatisticalpurposes. sampledandsimilarobservationswouldbemade. With respect to duplication of observational data In the context of the 2010 field test, the available data collected, field geology has always enjoyed the benefit storage and bandwidth on the SEV proved sufficient to of multiple perspectives on problems. Having observa- handle the volume of observations and associated digital tionaldataaboutthesamefeatureorunitfrommorethan data. We point out, though, that the only instruments we one crewmember can provide important insights into used were cameras, so this assessment does not consider processes [7]. In fact, this mode of making complemen- theeffectsoffutureincorporationofhigh-bandwidthtools tary observations, and thereby feeding the collaborative suchasLiDAR(lightdetectionandranging),visible-infrared process of developing multiple working hypotheses, is a spectrometers,orgeochemicalinstruments.However,given cornerstoneofgeologicfieldwork. theinfrastructureconceptsthatweretested,wefoundthat duplicationofobservationaldatadidnotposeaseriousdata management problem, although telemetering of that data 4.3. Storageconsiderations wasfraughtwithotherdifficulties(seeSection4.3;[7,18]in this issue). In contrast, storage of samples was somewhat Each crewmember sampled approximately the same logistically problematic in terms of the mass and volume number/massofsamples,andnoneofthecrewmembers constraints of the SEV (see Section 4.3). Part way through took an excessive number of samples compared to what bothweek1andweek2,additionalsamplebagshadtobe would be collected during terrestrial fieldwork [24]. suppliedtothecrewandsampleshadtobeoffloadedfrom However it is important to note that potential stowage theSEVtomakeroomforadditionalones,operationsthat constraintsdoexistastheyrelatetoduplicationofeffort wereconductedoutsideofthesimulation.Forarealmission (seeSection4.2),andtheywillalsobelimitingfactorson thatmayoperateonstricterandtighterlogisticalmargins, theindividualsizes of samplescollected(i.e. sample bag this suggests that any duplication of samples may be a volume) and the total number of samples collected per Pleasecitethisarticleas:J.M.HurtadoJr.etal.,Fieldgeologicobservationandsamplecollectionstrategiesforplanetary surfaceexploration:Insightsfromthe2010DesertRATSgeologistcrewmembers,ActaAstronaut.(2011),doi:10.1016/ j.actaastro.2011.10.015 8 J.M.HurtadoJr.etal./ActaAstronautica](]]]])]]]–]]] EVA or per mission (i.e. volume of sample stowage nonexistent[21,22].Nevertheless,thefactthatsomesamples containersontherover)[18]. willalwayslikelybeobtainedoutsidetheestablishedproto- Theseconstraintshaveimplicationsforgeologicfield- cols (e.g. the Apollo 15 ‘‘seatbelt basalt’’; Section 2; [12]) work protocols and the selection and collection of sam- requires that flexibility be built-in to the documentation ples.Forexample,withthe17.78(cid:3)22.86cm2(7-inchby procedures. This has implications for technology, as the 9-inch)bagsusedduringDesertRATS2010,thecrewhad infrastructure for rapidly and reliably documenting and to ensure that the pieces of rock they collected fit in a taggingsamplesmustbethere[18]. singlebagsincethecuratorialinfrastructuredidnoteasily With regard to non-sample science products, e.g. supportkeepingtrackofsamplesstoredinmultiplebags. observations, the crew experience with data volume In addition, the sampling strategy in one field area may (bandwidth, etc.) during fieldwork showed that there focus onthecollection of rockand soil sampleswhereas was ample capacity for handing the data files, although other field sites, on simulated or real missions, may the inclusion of scientific instruments in the future will require different handling of other types of materials undoubtedlytestthelimitsofthetelemetry.Onmultiple (e.g. liquids, biological, etc.). For example, Desert RATS occasions, procedural oversights hampered the optimal incorporated some aspect of this in the form of the core useofsomeofthesedatafilessincetheScienceTeamwas tubesamples[18]collectedonatleastoneEVAperweek, not always cognizant of the fact that these files, such as and several varieties of specialized sample containers end-of-day Excel spreadsheets, were produced or where (e.g. the Special Environmental Sample Container) were theywerestored.Thishighlightsthecriticalneedfordata fielded on the Apollo missions [11]. Hence the sample collection procedures to specify not only what data is to bag/receptacle design directly puts limitations on the berecordedbutalsowhereitistobestoredandhowitis typesandamountsofsamplescollectedandtheeventual tobeaccessed,sothatnothingislostorleftout.Theother use ofthosesamples.This in,turn,hasa directeffecton principal technological bottlenecks during Desert RATS the procedures used to collect the materials. In the case 2010 arose from communications difficulties with the of rock samples, the bag size also affects EVA time as ScienceBackroomduringCCandfromdesignandperfor- breaking a sample of an appropriate size takes time, manceissueswiththetools(e.g.suitcameras,cuffinter- particularly if it is a piece liberated directly from solid face, etc.) as described by Young et al. [18]. As with the outcrop. This, in turn, affects the bag design itself as the design of sample bags and other tools, improvements to sharp edges on freshly broken surfaces can abrade or cut thesetechnologieswillrequireadjustmentstothegeolo- opensamplebags,potentiallyleadingtocross-contamination gicdatacollectionprocedures. orlossofvaluablematerial[18]. Future field tests and actual missions may include 4.4. Metricsformissionevaluation larger sample bags that allowfor larger and morescien- tifically versatile samples [18], decisions that will be The crewmembers have the responsibility to conduct driven by the science community’s minimum and max- investigations that achieve the science objectives while imum sample size requirements. Such (larger) samples operatingwithintheframeworkofthetraverse/EVAplans may be used to illustrate particular, scale-dependent (i.e. timeline) and the field protocols. The question then structures or textural features (e.g. ripple marks on becomes: how is their science productivity defined and sandstone) or to provide enough material for particular measured?Severalmetricsandnumericalapproachesare kindsofanalyses,althoughitisimportanttokeepinmind possible(e.g.[22,25,26],inthisissue),including(butnot that such samples are often made superfluous if the limited to) the degree to which the daily objectives are appropriate geologic relationships are documented at met, the incremental increase in science understanding, thelargerscale.Tobestusewhateverstoragecapabilities or a more quantitative measure such as the number of areavailable,though,samplingprocedureswillneedtobe samples collected. The former two may more effectively developed to guide the crew in choice of sample size capture the importance of geologic fieldwork, including given the intended use of the material. This will require observation, but are difficult to quantify and are subjec- thatthecrewbefamiliarwithwhateverPI-drivenscience tive. The number of samples, while easily quantifiable, requirementshaveshapedtheEVAandtraverseplans[7] does not fully capture the science value of any or all andwillrequirespecializedtraininginthepropercollec- samples and neglects the aspects of geologic fieldwork tion of samples intended for specialized purposes (e.g. thatarenotconcernedwithsamples. oriented samples, environmentally-sensitive samples, Whileitistemptingtouseasimple,quantitativemetric etc.)orforsamplingotherwiseunexpectedfinds. likethenumberandweightofsamplescollected,ourprior As described by Young et al. [18], stowage and trans- geologicalexperienceshowsthatitisverysiteandmission portoftoolswerealsoproblematicandimpactedgeologic dependent.Moreover,ourexperiencewithDesertRATShas fieldwork protocols. A particular innovation to the sam- suggestedtousthatanoveremphasisonsamplingversus plingprotocolsthatwasfacilitatedbytheresultingadoption fundamentalobservation,letalonethenumberofsamples ofclipped-onbagswasthe‘‘grabsample’’(seeSection3.5.1). collected,canleadtoartificialpressuresthatresultinthe While the number of samples collected in this manner is selection of poorly chosen samples and inadequate doc- small and had a negligible effect on timeline or space umentation given the strict time constraints of an EVA. considerations, it remains to be seen what the scientific Mostimportantly,itignoresthe overridingimportance of value of such materials is, especially when documenta- context and the value of a single ‘‘perfect’’ sampleversus tion and contextual information at times were sparse to several‘‘imperfect’’ones(Section4.1). Pleasecitethisarticleas:J.M.HurtadoJr.etal.,Fieldgeologicobservationandsamplecollectionstrategiesforplanetary surfaceexploration:Insightsfromthe2010DesertRATSgeologistcrewmembers,ActaAstronaut.(2011),doi:10.1016/ j.actaastro.2011.10.015 J.M.HurtadoJr.etal./ActaAstronautica](]]]])]]]–]]] 9 Mission planners and evaluators must understand a foronecrewtobeupdatedonexactlywhattheotherends necessary interplay between careful observations and updoinguntilitistoolate. judicious sampling and that time spent observing, as opposed to sampling, is not time wasted. Time spent 5.2. Fieldprotocols making the important geologic observations and charac- terizing context is valuable if it results in a properly Some modifications to the field geology protocols documented sample that meets the requirements of the mayhelptofacilitatetimemanagementwhilepromoting ScienceTeam,evenif fewersamplesarecollected.There the collection of better-quality observations and better- must not be bias towardsthe notion that thenumber of documented samples. Principal among these is to adjust samples and the degree of geologic duplication are the theprotocols(andEVAtimeline)toincludetimetoensure most useful metrics for crew performance and science thatanoutcropisthoroughlyevaluatedpriortocommit- return. tingtoasample.Thegeologistcanusethistimetobetter examineand‘‘pre-sample’’anoutcrop(e.g.chipoffsome 5. Recommendations pieces,takeacloselookatthemineralogyandstructure, traceanylateralorverticalheterogeneities,etc.).Because Based on the experiences of the 2010 Desert RATS the pre-sampling activities need not be formally docu- geologists,thefollowingrecommendationsareoffered. mented (although the running commentary should be preserved), the geologist would have the opportunity to 5.1. Timeandtaskmanagement focus on the outcrop and to make a reliable first assess- ment before initiating the documentation process and Toallowcrewstooptimallymanagetheirtimeinthe committing the time to take a sample. In the adjusted field, they must have as much information as possible protocol, the sample documentary process would only abouttheentiretraverseandeachEVAStationinadvance. begin after a good sample has been identified, even This should include detailed traverse plans before even potentially extracted. This may require the necessity for arrivingatthelandingsiteandthemaximumamountof imagery of pristine, in-situ samples prior to sampling to data while in the SEV. The Apollo crews, for example, berelaxed.Ifnecessary,suchimagerycould,inprinciple, wereimmersedintheplans,images,maps,andotherdata beeasilyreconstructedfromthevideoarchiveoftheEVA, for their landing sites to the point they were intimately provided that the crew captures a few seconds of sta- familiar with every detail before the mission launched. tionaryandstablevideoofanysitethattheyhitwiththe For them, this was necessary since the EVAs were so hammer. The benefit would be improved and increased stringently designed and all but one of the astronauts science situational awareness of the geologic materials were non-geologists. Armed with a similar amount of collected. While such an assessment is natural for the information about what is known and how the nominal terrestrial field geologist, the time constraints on EVA missionshouldtranspire,futureplanetarygeologistswill may pressurize even an experienced geologist into pre- bewellpreparedtoassimilatenewobservationsobtained maturelyselectingasitefordetailedwork.Codifyingthis in the field and re-plan accordingly to maximize the practiceintotheprotocolsmayalleviatethispressure. sciencereturnoftheirtraversesandEVAs. An increased emphasis on geologic observation will Ifduplicationofeffortistobeavoided,itisimportant require appropriate procedures and EVA timelines. The thatthecrewisalwayscognizantofthescienceobjectives establishedprotocolsareausefulstartingpoint,although sothatpropercoordinationinactivitiesismaintained.In one elaboration already adopted by the 2010 crews was DesertRATSandinrealmissions,thiscanoccurthrough- anadditionalmentalchecklistofwhatgeologicinforma- outtheprocessofmissionplanningandexecutionthrough tionisvitaltoincludeinCFNsforsampledocumentation participationinthedesignoftraversesandEVAs,aswell to ensure concise and complete notes (Fig. 1). This was as through Science Team briefings/debriefings and inter- necessitated by the relatively short (ca. 3min) length of crewconferences.Anotherpossibilityistopre-designatea the CFN. To go beyond this, additional enabling technol- fieldsciencelead,ageologistcrewmemberwithoversight ogies are needed in order to capture the same level of authority over all the field geologic activities [7]. What- observations that terrestrial geologists do, for example everorganizationalstructureisadopted,itshouldensure geologicmapdata[18]. that adequate inter-crew communication occurs during Finally, in order to facilitate flexecution, the field the mission. To this end, crews should thoroughly sum- protocols should incorporate flexibility with the under- marize their activities to each other, not just the Science standingthatthecrewhasbeentrainedtorecognizestops Team,butasthedayprogresses.Similarly,theend-of-day that require improvisation and that mission success briefings should include time for the crews to talk mayhingeoncrucialcontextualobservationsratherthan amongst themselves in preparation for the next day of on samples alone. By placing the final decision making work. These communications should be in the form of authorityforfieldactivitiesonthecrew,inefficienciesin verbal communications as well as all of that day’s col- fieldwork(e.g.unnecessaryEVAsorsamples,etc.)canbe lecteddata,includingwrittenlogs,annotatedimagery,and eliminatedandthecrewcandecidewhatitwilltaketodo CFNs.Mostimportantlyinthiscontext,somemechanism thebestscienceandmeetmissionobjectivessuccessfully. forthecrewstocommunicatetoeachotherduringEVAsis At the same time, this will increase the expectations neededbecause,withoutit,itisnotpossibleforcrewsto placed upon the crew for them to pursue the correct collaborateintheflexecutionprocessanditisnotpossible course of action, a strong argument for the inclusion of Pleasecitethisarticleas:J.M.HurtadoJr.etal.,Fieldgeologicobservationandsamplecollectionstrategiesforplanetary surfaceexploration:Insightsfromthe2010DesertRATSgeologistcrewmembers,ActaAstronaut.(2011),doi:10.1016/ j.actaastro.2011.10.015 10 J.M.HurtadoJr.etal./ActaAstronautica](]]]])]]]–]]] field geologists on planetary exploration crews. This is the drastically different logistical and operational con- alsoastrongargumentforincludingamaximumamount straints geologist–astronauts will experience on the sur- of geologic training for all crewmembers on a planetary faceoftheMoonoranotherplanetarybody.Forexample missionandforcontinualengagementinmissionsimula- traditionalpencil-and-papermapsandthenewestdigital tionssuchasDesertRATS. mapsmadeusingGISsoftware(e.g.[28])relyontheuser drawingandwritingonamapusingapencilorstylus,so 6. Fieldgeologicconceptsforfuturemissionscenarios they are poorly-suited for work with gloved hands in a spacesuit.Improvementstocurrentdigitalmappingmeth- Forfutureanalogtestsandrealmissionscenarios,two odsthatallowforalternativemodesofcapturinggeospa- field geologic concepts will need to be explored in more tialdata(e.g.voicecommands,speech-to-text,andhaptic detail:theroleofworkdonewhileIVAandusingarobotic interfaces)andfordisplayingit(e.g.heads-upaugmented arm; and strategies for geologic mapping on the moon reality displays) can overcome these challenges (e.g. (orotherplanetarysurfaces).Whileneitherofthesewasa [28,29]), but the technology needs to be developed and specificfocusofDesertRATS2010–becauseofalackof testedinfutureanalogsimulations. aroboticarmontheSEVintheformercaseandbecause Technological challenges aside, geologic mapping was the data collection infrastructure to support mapping operationallytestedtosomeextentinthecontextofDesert during EVA is not yet present in the latter case – the RATS2010.Forexample,the2010DesertRATScrewmem- 2010crewmembershaveinsightsandsuggestionsregard- bersexperimentedwithrudimentaryapproachestoplane- ingtheseissuesstemmingfromourexperiences. tarygeologicmappingbyadaptingsomeofthevarioustools availabletous(seeSection3.5.2).Amoreextensivedemon- 6.1. IVAoperations stration of the role of geologic mapping was also done as partofthetraverse-planningprocess[5,6].Itreliedheavily DuringDesertRATS2010,andinallpreviousfieldtests on remotely-sensed data (i.e. GeoEye imagery in Google withtheSEVs,observationsofthesurroundingsmadeby Earth) of the test area in an effort to replicate the type of IV crewmembers have been essential. As part of the photogeologic mapping that would be done in support of nominal procedure when arriving at an outcrop, context a lunar mission using image datasets such as those now observations are done throughout the approach to and being acquired by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO; finalselectionofanEVAStation(seeSection3.1).Yet,even http://lunar.gsfc.nasa.gov/).Thesetofdetailedtraverseand outside the context of an EVA Station, observations from EVA plans that formed the basis of the resulting mission withinthevehicleareimportant.TheSEVisdesignedwith plan for Desert RATS 2010 included preliminary geologic largeforwardwindows,includinga‘‘bubble’’window,all mapsofthearea.Thesewerestyledafterthetypesofmaps of which afford excellent visibility. The maneuvering a crew would have on an actual planetary exploration capabilitiesoftheSEValsoallowthepilottopositionthe mission.BoththeScienceTeamandthe2010crewmembers vehicle very close to outcrops, and, using bubble to take found these documents, maps, and images invaluable for photographsandmakemeso-tomicro-scaleobservations, understanding the context of the planned science opera- many observational tasks that can be performed during tions, for executing the planned activities in the field, and EVA can also be done while inside [2]. This can prove for making decisions regarding real-time modifications to particularly valuable for saving mission time, by either the planned activities in response to the operational and omittingEVAs at Stations whereIVA observationssuffice scientific circumstances encountered during the mission tofulfillscienceobjectives,orbyallowingthecollectionof (i.e. flexecution). It is certain that this sort of pre-mission scienceobservationsatunplannedStationswhereadding mapping will be a necessary part of future missions and anEVAwouldbetime-prohibitive. analogsimulations,playingacentralroleintheirsuccess. Although the SEV architecture tested in 2010 did not Traditional geologic mapping, both in the context of includearoboticarmthatwouldallowanIVcrewmemberto pre-mission reconnaissance and field operations by the collect samples or manipulate tools outside the vehicle, astronaut–geologists themselves, will also need to be future versions are likely to include such devices. These adjustedformorefundamentalreasonsthantechnological capabilitiescouldbetransformativeintheflexibilityafforded andlogisticalconsiderations.Geologicmappingisascience toexplorationcrews.Forexample,havinganarmcouldallow andartdevelopedonEarthandisinsomewaysspecifically samples to be collected without necessarily going EVA, adapted to the type of geology seen on Earth. Hence allowingEVAtimetobesaved[27]and/orallowinganIVA conceptssuchasoutcrop,stratigraphy,andstructuremay crewmember to assist EVA crewmembers with their sam- need to be adjusted somewhat for them to be better plingandobservationtasks.Useofaroboticarmwillneedto applicabletothegeologiccircumstanceslikelyonanother be evaluated in an operational sense during future Desert planetary body. For example, mostof the lunarsurface is RATStests,particularlyhowitsusewouldinterfacewiththe coveredinalayerofregolithuptokilometersinthickness otheractivitiesandproceduresdoneonEVA. [30]. Regolith is essentially broken-up and fragmented lunar crust affected by impacts and intermixed with 6.2. Mapping impactejectafromcountlessimpactsatallscales[30].As aresult,theregolithisverycomplex,asarethegeometric One of the most important aspects of terrestrial field andsuperpositionalrelationshipsonewouldusetounder- geology is geologic mapping. Traditional methods will standtherelativeagesofandgeneticprocessesresponsible needtobeadaptedforplanetaryfieldgeologybecauseof for its components. Hypotheses about the structure and Pleasecitethisarticleas:J.M.HurtadoJr.etal.,Fieldgeologicobservationandsamplecollectionstrategiesforplanetary surfaceexploration:Insightsfromthe2010DesertRATSgeologistcrewmembers,ActaAstronaut.(2011),doi:10.1016/ j.actaastro.2011.10.015

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