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Produced by the NASA Center for Aerospace Information (CASI) Qualifying Environmentally Sustainable Technologies July 2007 Volume 2 Supporting the NASA Mission through Message from the Risk Mitigation Program Manager The mission oftheTEERM Principal Center is: As time passes, things must evolve. To identify and validate environmental technologies through joint activities So it is with NASA and the NASA that enhance mission readiness and reduce risk while Acquisition Pollution Prevention (AP2) minimizing duplication and associated costs. Office. The AP2 Office initially focused on pollution prevention as our primary That purpose gives TEERM a vital role in supporting the NASA Mission "to research, means of supporting the mission, but our develop, verify, and transfer advanced aeronautics and space technologies." experience has given us the opportunity Validation of Technologies to expand beyond that. TEERM focuses its validation efforts on technologies that have shown promise The AP2 Office provides information in laboratory testing, but lack testing under realistic or field environment. Mature management and technology evaluation technologies have advantages over those that are still in the developmental stage such and implementation while assisting with as being more likely to be transitioned into a working environment. regulatory support. We work within One way TEERM begins to evaluate the suitability of technologies is through the Agency and with the Department Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). TRLs are a systematic metric/measurement of Defense, industry and international system that supports assessments of the maturity of a particular technology and the partners to promote more efficient consistent comparison of maturity between systems and processes while ensuring the different types of technology. TEERM health and safety of people, assets, and the environment. generally works on demonstrating/validating To reflect the true nature of the work alternatives that fall within TRLs 5-9. IOpiau0ns — TRLI I — we perform, the AP2 Office has changed In instances where a mature technology L its name to the NASA Technology does not exist for a particular Agency —S..mi&m_i'u1ni - Evaluation for Environmental Risk application, TEERM works with technology I TRL 7 Mitigation Principal Center (TEERM). development groups and programs such as Tsdiñøogy The new name indicates the purpose NASA's Innovative Partnerships Program D.nQn.*tarncn of the office (Environmental Risk (IPP). The IPP's purpose is to identify and Mitigation), not just pollution document available technologies in light of prevention, and how we accomplish that NASA's needs, evaluate and prioritize those goal (Technology Evaluation). technologies, and reach out to find new This is the beginning of a new era for partners. our office; one which I know will benefit All TEERM projects involve multiple the Agency and our partners. Thank you partners. Partnering reduces duplication for your continued support. 9. of effort that otherwise might occur if individuals worked their problems alone. Christina Brown Partnering also helps reduce individual TEERM Principal Center Manager contributors' shares of the total cost NASA Technology Readiness NASA KSC/KT-F of technology validation. Through Levels that TEERMfocuses on collaboration and financial commitment While it may seem that environ- structural steel applications. Approved from project stakeholders and third- mentally driven alternatives only help alternatives will reduce risks associated party sources, it is possible to fully fund with regulatory compliance, many with particulate matter emissions and expensive demonstration/validation actually improve the process and enhance hazardous waste. Field evaluations were efforts. mission readiness as well. For example, conducted at CRC on ground support Enhancing Mission many depainting media alternatives are equipment and on facilities at SSC. Test recyclable thus reducing costs along with panels were also prepared for laboratory Readiness and Reducing Risk waste and may even increase productivity. evaluation. 'While validating environmentally Increased productivity means reduced Based on the testing results, three friendly alternatives, the goal oi TEERM labor costs and time required between abrasive media technologies were is to also improve mission readiness launches. identified as viable alternatives for large and reduce risk to personnel and assets. Both new and legacy programs can area depainting. Mechanical removal TEERM accomplishes this by addressing benefit from implementation of novel with vacuum attachments was determined material obsolescence concerns, materials and processes. History has to be an acceptable alternative for hand environmental liability, and safety issues shown that environmental regulations tooling. while reducing costs associated with are seldom rolled back or become less Depainting PPOA for CCAFS testing, decreasing production time, and restrictive over time, but instead become costs. TEERM conducted an assessment of more stringent and encompassing. For The aerospace industry, and especially the risks and opportunities of the current this reason, the principles by which NASA, comprises only a small portion structures maintenance activities at Cape TEERM abides by are fully applicable to of the worldwide market making Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), current and future NASA programs. NASA particularly susceptive to supply FL. An emphasis was placed on reducing problems. The burden of compliance the risks associated with particulate Coating Removal from environmental regulations causes matter emissions and hazardous waste, some manufacturers to stop producing Projects while improving down-times and affected products resulting in a material increasing mission readiness. The results obsolescence issue; examples include lead TEERM has several projects that of previous studies (including TEERM's in electronics and hexavalent chrome focus on coating removal for various Low Emission Depainting Project) were (Hex Cr). applications including structures, Ground used in recommending viable depainting The European Union and other Support Equipment (GSE), and Shuttle. alternatives. These findings helped the governments have passed laws restricting Alternative materials and processes are AFSPC select depainting technologies the use of lead (and certain other selected with the goal of improving for use in a follow-on depainting hazardous substances) in electronics. corrosion protection, facilitating easier demonstration at CCAFS in early 2007. While such laws seemingly do not affect maintenance activities, extending Portable Laser Depainting the U.S., they will in fact result in most maintenance cycles, eliminating flight Demo parts being manufactured lead-free hardware contamination, and reducing TEERM has been following the worldwide because it makes little sense particulate matter emissions and wastes work of the Joint Group on Pollution for manufacturers to make lead-free that are hazardous to personnel and the Prevention (JG-PP) to demonstrate and components only for the U.S. The risk environment. validate a coating removal system using of receiving contaminated parts is an Low-Emission Depainting a portable laser coating removal system issue because the reliability of lead-free TEERM partnered with Kennedy (PLCRS). PLCRS removes coatings is not known in the harsh environments Space Center (KSC), Stennis Space with minimal environmental and experienced by NASA and the DoD. Center (SSC), Glenn Research Center safety impact, and there are no harmful The Occupational Safety and Health (CRC), and AFSPC to identif chemicals to purchase, store, and dispose Administration recently lowered the evaluate, and approve alternative of. Based on that previous work, a joint Permissible Exposure Limit for Hex Cr surface preparation technologies for study with United Space Alliance (USA), affecting various operations including coating and plating. There are concerns that Hex Cr containing products will no longer be produced or that suppliers will no longer be able or willing to use it due to increased requirements. Hex Cr is a valuable component in Lrrin protection and finding a suitahic alternative is imperative for prorcrin ot valuable assets. C CAFS Launch Loniplex 1 2006 C3P/NASA Workshop This year, the Centro Para Prevençao da Poluicao (Portuguese Center for Pollution Prevention or C3P) and NASA partnered with Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) to host the 4th Annual International Workshop on Pollution Prevention and Sustainable Development in Colorado Springs, CO, on November 1-2, 2006. The Workshop was held in conjunction with the Air Force Foreman's Meeting and Shuttle Environmental Assurance Initiative bi-annual meeting to maximize the value for participants. The workshop began with welcoming comments from James Leatherwood, Director of NASA'S Environmental Management Division and by General (ret.) Pelagio Castelo Branco, C3P Director General. Mr. Jeffrey S. Ashby, NASA Astronaut and NASAIAFSPC Liaison, provided a slide show of his trips to the International Space Station (ISS) and discussed the importance of partnerships and sustainability. Lt. Col. Shawn Jansen, Director of the Commanders Action Group, HQ I AFSPC, also provided a stimulating slide and video overview of AFSPC. The two-day workshop provided an excellent forum for U.S. and international subject matter experts to showcase innovative and emerging technologies, share lessons learned, and identify new joint opportunities. The Workshop offered two separate tracks, one 1 focusing on pollution prevention and the other on sustainable development and renewable : energy More than 40 international scientists, technologists, and engineering experts gave presentations on topics ranging from advanced coatings and coating removal technologies - , ,,I to green design and alternative energy sources. Mr. Ashby talks about his experiences Presentations can be found on the TEERM website. The next Workshop is planned on the ISS at the 2006 C3P/NASA for early November 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal. International Workshop Coatings Projects NASA, and Boeing was conducted to try equipment. Coatings with isocyanates to further understand the capabilities of are completely banned from use at SSC PLCRS. NASA and AFSPC maintain valuable and are strictly controlled at KSC. Several NASA Centers participated assets, from aircraft made of aluminum Phase II testing of alternatives that in an effort to demonstrate the use of and other delicate substrates, to large passed the Phase I (screening) was hand-held lasers to remove coatings and steel structures that withstand the completed in late 2006. All of the rust from GSE and structural steel that immense forces of a launch. Protection alternatives were placed at the KSC proved the system's effectiveness. Most of these assets can be enhanced through Corrosion Test Bed for 18-month Marine notably, it showed excellent potential the careful selection and application of Exposure. Coatings were also applied for implementation for non-destructive coatings. to an engine test stand at SSC for field evaluation and inspection of weld-lines Non-Chrome Coating evaluation and inspected at six and 12 and for small-area depainting/corrosion Systems months. A Joint Test Report is being removal where blast-media is not prepared. Preliminary results were The Non-Chrome Coating Systems permitted. for Aircraft and Aerospace Applications included in follow-on work such as the Low VOC Coatings and Depainting project is a coordinated effort by NASA Field Testing project. and the Air Force to test alternative non- chrome coating systems. The project Low VOC Coatings and aims to qualify a complete coating Depainting system that has no Hex Cr in any of the constituent coating layers. The project This project is a continuation of is looking at various aluminum alloys previous TEERM and AFSPC work on used on both legacy and future space low emission depainting and coating hardware. The first phase of testing alternatives. Its purpose is to field will analyze the corrosion protection demonstrate and qualify alternative properties of chrome-free systems to surface preparation/depainting processes l'o11IOIe hOe) (Icpainring at A.SL determine whether they should undergo and low/no VOC, non-hazardous in Fall 2006 further, more rigorous testing. coatings for maintenance operations at The demonstration also proved CCAFS, FL. Isocyanate-Free Coating that PLCRS can reduce critical GSE Field demonstrations will occur in down-time thus increasing mission Systems early 2007. Depainting alternatives readiness while reducing the risk of TEERM partnered with KSC, SSC, will be tested for their efficiency while contamination that can arise when using and AFSPC to demonstrate and validate controlling labor costs and waste. some conventional methods of removing alternatives to isocyanate polyurethanes Coating alternatives will be applied to the coatings. for protecting infrastructure and support structure and left exposed to the elements Information Parts with pure tin finishes present laboratories. TEERM will begin testing the most problem for high-reliability the membrane technology at U.S. sites in Exchange users. Electroplated tin is prone to 2007, and is looking at the possibility of electrical shorting via tin whiskering. demonstrations overseas. Along with its own testing projects, The whiskering potential is compounded TEERM also provides information Renewable Energy by the fact that as both lead and lead-free to partners to help them identify TEERM is working a collaborative parts enter the market, the risk of cross products that are more environmentally effort in renewable energies with White contamination and mix-ups increases. A friendly yet meet performance Sands Test Facility (WSTF) and C3P. few high reliability electronics users and a requirements. One such example is The effort began with a driving need high profile testing program have already a coating system that was previously for more electrical energy at WSTF received parts with pure tin finishes even tested during the JG-PP's Low/No- for a groundwater remediation system. though their procurement contracts VOC and Nonchromate Coating Residing in an area with high continuous prohibited lead-free. System for Support Equipment project. winds and excellent solar energy When SSC contacted TEERM asking Lead-free Solder Reliability potential, WSTF could employ these for a recommendation of a coating Testing renewable energy sources to offset utility system to be used on the inside of the TEERM recently published a report costs. TEERM's C3P partners are very flame bucket of an engine test stand, of the findings from a study by NASA, adept at wind energy and currently have TEERM was able to identify a coating DoD, and their contractors on the effects many systems already in operation. system that showed excellent results of lead-free soldering on the reliability Corrosion Working Group in corrosion testing and was made for of interconnects in high reliability The NASA Corrosion Technology high temperature applications that was applications. The results will be used Laboratory at KSC has created the NASA ultimately approved and used. by original equipment manufacturers, Corrosion Working Group (NCWG), suppliers, and system managers as a forum for Agency-wide cooperation for 18 months to test for corrosion they consider transitioning to lead-free to address corrosion control issues and protection. Some of the coatings will also materials in electronic assemblies. The optimize the use of resources to reduce be applied to areas that come in direct collaborative project was awarded the the impact of corrosion within NASA. contact with the corrosive gases and 2005 Soldertec Global Consortium The mission of the NCWG is to support intense heat from a launch. Award that recognizes significant i?uT NASA'S mission of human exploration contributions to the development and and scientific discovery by pursuing implementation of lead-free electronics initiatives and collaborative efforts soldering. focusing on the corrosion control needs Lead-Free Electronics of all the NASA Centers and facilities. Testing - Project 2 NCWG is a resource to TEERM for information on corrosion prevention, TEERM launched a second lead- control and mitigation methods, and free electronics project in 2006 to study products. the effects of tin-lead, lead-free, and mixed lead/lead-free rework on solder- joint reliability. Data generated from the project will help in gaining a better This is a publication of understanding of what happens when potentially incompatible solder alloys are NASA's Technology Evaluation iheriiial 5piay (o/tn1a - ippii iiioi inadvertently mixed. for Environmental at CCAF Risk Mitigation Principal Center Other Work Green Electronics (TEERM) located at Kennedy Space Center, FL. Projects Membrane Removal of VOCs For more information, please TEERM is identifying processes visit our website at International directives and marketing at NASA and DoD facilities for forces against lead in electronics are demonstration of the membrane filter helping drive component and board to capture VOCs from contaminated suppliers to provide lead-free products. process air streams. Examples include a If you have questions, please Legislative exemptions for high reliability groundwater remediation site, a painting! send us an email at aerospace electronics will not protect coating facility, a fuel tank farm, several [email protected] these assemblies from the introduction of precision cleaning facilities, and some lead-free.