AAS 12-198 DUAL ACCELEROMETER USAGE STRATEGY FOR ONBOARD SPACE NAVIGATION Renato Zanetti∗and Chris D’Souza† This work introduces a dual accelerometer usage strategy for onboard space navigation. In the proposed algorithm the accelerometer is used to propagate the state when its value exceeds a threshold and it is used to estimate its errors otherwise. Numerical examples and comparison to otheraccelerometerusageschemesarepresentedtovalidatetheproposed approach. INTRODUCTION In the presence of significant and consistent non-gravitational accelerations, accelerom- eter measurements are often used in lieu of analytical expressions to propagate the state of aerospace vehicles in model-based estimation algorithms such as the Kalman filter [1, 2]. In space applications, accelerometers are often used to propagate the state of the vehicle throughatranslationalmaneuver,or“burn”. Atallothertimesnon-gravitationalforcesare usually much smaller than the accuracy of most commercially available accelerometers, therefore space vehicles commonly threshold the acceleromter, i.e. they use it only when the measurements are above a predetermined value [3]. The Space Shuttle rendezvous and proximityoperationsprogram(RPOP),forexample,employsthisstrategy[4]. Rarely accelerometers are used as external measurements to update the state of the ve- hicle. One example of this approach is Ref. [5] in which accelerometers are used in con- junction with a filter bank for Mars entry navigation. Under this type of implementation, a model of the non-gravitational forces is required. When on a launch pad a vehicle is sta- tionary with respect to Earth and the predicted accelerometer measurement is very easily obtained. Pre-launchoperationsthereforecommonlyemployaccelerometermeasurements to update the estimate of its repeatable errors, such as biases, misalignments, and scale factors. Accelerometersusuallyhavetwotypesofrepeatablebiases. Aconstantbias(sometimes represented as a first order Markov process [6] with very large time constant of the or- der of 24 hours) and a faster changing Markov process with time constant of around one hour. Velocityrandomwalk(VRW)alsocorruptsthemeasurement,butthissourceoferror is not estimable because it is white acceleration noise. In the standard accelerometer us- age by space vehicles the accelerometer errors are estimated from external measurements ∗SeniorMemberoftheTechnicalStaff,VehicleDynamicsandControls,TheCharlesStarkDraperLaboratory, 17629ElCaminoReal,Suite470,Houston,Texas,77058. [email protected] †GN&CAutonomousFlightSystemsEngineer,AeroscienceandFlightMechanicsDivision,NASAJohnson SpaceCenterEG6,2101NASAParkway,Houston,Texas,77058. [email protected] 1 throughtheircorrelationtootherstates. Thiscorrelationisbuiltduringmaneuversatwhich times the accelerometer measurement is incorporated into the filter dynamics. In between maneuvers the accelerometer measurement is not used at all, therefore the estimate of the one-hourMarkovbiasdegrades,whichresultsinaworstnavigationperformanceduringthe next maneuver. For vehicles with small thrusters and maneuvers far apart, this approach is often not sufficient to meet mission goals. A common practice for these vehicles is to useasimpleaveragingschemetoestimatetheaccelerometerbiaspriortomaneuvers. This average is carried outside the navigation filter, therefore no correlation between the filter error and the accelerometer bias estimation error is taken into account when formulating a navigationsolution. This work introduces a dual accelerometer usage strategy for onboard space navigation. In the proposed algorithm the accelerometer is used to propagate the state when its value exceeds a threshold and it is used to estimate its errors otherwise. The paper is organized as follows: accelerometer thresholding is first introduced, the navigation algorithm is then presentedandvalidatedwithnumericalsimulation,finallyconclusionsaredrawn. ACCELEROMETERTHRESHOLDING This section presents a simple example to show the need of accelerometer thresholding in spacecraft navigation. Outside of thrust, drag is usually the biggest non-gravitational acceleration source in low Earth orbit (LEO). The international space station (ISS) is used as an example to quantify the contribution of drag. The ISS is a large structure placed at an altitude of 400 km and is subject to high drag. A 2008 analysis from the Euro- pean Space Agency∗ finds that the ISS coefficient of drag is 2.07, the frontal area between 700 and 2300m2 depending on the configuration, and the yearly average air density 3.98 10−12kg/m3. Assuming a configuration with frontal area 1000m2 the drag acting on the ISS is 0.25N. The mass of ISS was 2.5 105kg in 2008, resulting in a drag acceleration of 10−6m/s2 or0.1µg. A relatively good accelerometer can have a one hour markov with steady-state standard deviationσ = 10 µg. Foreachaccelerometer’saxis,themarkovbiasb evolvesas ss a 1 ˙ b = − b +ν, (1) a a τ where τ = 3600s and ν is a zero-mean white process with spectral density S = σ2 /(2τ). ν ss In order to establish to which accuracy this markov bias can be estimated, we assume a continuousKalmanfilter,wealsoassumenonon-gravitationalforcesactingonthevehicle, thereforetheaccelerometermeasurementis y = b +η (2) a foreachaxis. Thevelocityrandomwalkη isazero-meanwhiteprocess,aspectraldensity √ S = (10 µg s)2 isassumed,whichisarelativelygoodvalue. Theestimateofthemarkov η ∗http://www.esa.int/esaMI/Space_In_Bytes/SEM7FXJ26DF_0.html 2 biasevolvesas ˙ 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ b = − b +K(y −b ), (3) a a a τ whereK = P/S andP istheestimationerrorvarianceevolvingas η 2 2 P˙ = − P + σ2 −P2/S . (4) τ τ ss η After some algebra it follows that the steady-state value of the estimation error standard √ deviation is P = 1.5µg. Even under the optimistic assumptions of this example the ss estimation error of the markov bias is 15 times bigger than drag. When using the com- pensated accelerometer measurement to propagate the state an additional error source is the VRW. During non-thrusting phases it is therefore much more accurate not to use the accelerometertopropagatethestatebuttouseasimpledragmodel. DUALACCELEROMETERUSAGESTRATEGY Inallspacecraftmissionstheauthorsareawareofaccelerometersarethresholdedduring orbital coast flight (sometimes this operation is referred to as accelerometer gating). In the majority of this mission the accelerometer bias is estimated to improve the navigation solution. Theestimationoccursineitheroftwoways. Acommonsolutionistoincludethe accelerometer bias as a state in the filter and to estimate it through external measurements and the correlations built during maneuvers. The issue with this approach is that when maneuvers occur far apart the estimate degrades in-between maneuvers, often resulting in a poor knowledge of the bias when the following maneuver occurs. The usual solution to this problem is to have an external estimator of the accelerometer bias. While this sec- ondsolutionusuallyproducesgoodresults,itcompletelyignorestheinevitablecorrelation between the states in the filter and the accelerometer bias estimate. To optimally account for this correlation we propose an integrated filter that uses the estimate of the bias during maneuversandestimatesitduringcoastflight. Accelerometer measurements fed to the navigation filter are usually integrated accel- erations over the last time step and they are compensated for sculling errors. Sculling compensation means that the effects of the rotation of the vehicle during the time step are compensated and the measurement ∆v˜b is an inertial change in velocity between times k t andt coordinatizedinthebody-fixedframeattimet . Whenthefilteriscalleditfirst k−1 k k propagates the position (r), velocity (v), and accelerometer bias (b) to the current IMU timet as k d ˆri = vˆi (5) dt d vˆi = gˆi +aˆi (6) dt d 1 bˆb = − bb. (7) dt τ a Whentheaccelerometermeasurementisaboveathresholdtheestimatednon-gravitational acceleration aˆi is obtained from the accelerometer measurement aˆi = Ti(t ) (∆v˜b/∆t− b k k 3 bˆb). When the measurement is below the threshold aˆi is either zero or a model of drag, depending on the application. Matrix Ti(t ) is the coordinate transformation from the b k body-fixedframeattimet totheinertialframe. Otherstatessuchasattitudecaneasilybe k incorporatedinthefilter. When the accelerometer is included during propagation the state is only updated with external measurements. When the accelerometer is thresholded an estimate of the mea- surement∆vˆb isformed. Thisestimateisgivenby k (cid:90) t (cid:90) t k (cid:0) (cid:1) k (cid:0) (cid:1) ∆vˆb = (bb +db)dt = τ e∆t/τ −1 b(t )+ dbdt (cid:39) ∆t b(t )+db , (8) k a k k t t k−1 k−1 Themeasurementmappingmatrixfortheaccelerometermeasurement,H isa3×nmatrix, a wherenisthenumberofstatesinthefilter. MatrixH haszeroseverywhereexceptforan a identitymatrixtimes∆tatthe3×3blockcorrespondingtheaccelerometerbiasstate. The Kalmangainiscalculatedasusual K = P−HT(H P−HT +R )−1, (9) k k a a k a where P− is the a priori estimation error covariance matrix and R is the accelerometer k a noisecovariance. Theaccelerometerwhitenoiseisexpressedintermsofavelocityrandom √ walkwithanassociatedspectraldensityS whoseunitsarethesquareofm/s/ sor,more √ a frequently,µg s. ThereforethecovarianceofthenoiseoveranIMUstep∆tisgivenby R = S ∆t. (10) a a Itisnotdesirabletoupdateallthestates,onlytheaccelerometerbiasshouldbeupdated. ThereforeaconsidergainK∗ isformedbyzeroingalltherowsofK correspondingtothe k k other states. Since the new gain is not optimal the Joseph’s formula is used to obtain the aposterioricovariance P+ = (I −K∗H )P−(I −K∗H )T +K∗R (K∗)T. (11) k n×n k a k n×n k a k a k Thestateisupdatedas (cid:0) (cid:1) xˆ+ = xˆ− +K∗ ∆v˜b −∆vˆb . (12) k k k k k Thechoiceofthethresholdvalueisusuallydrivenbythethrustersize,theaccelerometer accuracy,andengineeringjudgement. Agoodruleofthumbsistothresholdtheaccelerom- eterwhenthemeasurementisbelowthe3σ valueofthesumofthebiasandnoise,assumed independent (cid:0) (cid:1) (∆v˜b)T∆v˜b < 9 traceB ∆t2 +traceS ∆t , (13) k k a a where B is the accelerometer bias covariance from the IMU specifications. If ∆v˜b is a k compensated with the estimate of the bias, B is replaced with the accuracy of the bias a estimate. Itisalsopossibletochooseanon-constantthreshold (∆v˜b −bˆb∆t)T(∆v˜b −bˆb∆t) < 9(cid:0)traceP−∆t2 +traceS ∆t(cid:1), (14) k k aa a 4 where P− is the 3 × 3 portion of the covariance corresponding to the accelerometer bias aa state. Spacecrafts usually operate at low angular rates, but in case of high rates the term bˆb∆tinEq.(14)needstobereplacedby (cid:90) t k Tb(tk)bb(τ)dτ, (15) b(τ) t k−1 whereTb(tk) isthe transformationmatrixthat takesthe vehicle’sbodyframe attimeτ into b(τ) thebodyframeattimet . k This section assumes that the entire accelerometer measurement is either applied or thresholded, it is also possible to develop similar algorithms by considering the measure- mentfromeachaxisindependently. NUMERICALRESULTS Anorbitalrendezvousisusedasanexample. Thetargetspacecraftisplacedonacircular 400km orbit. The chaser vehicle is placed in a circular orbit 4km below the target and 14km behind. At a downrange of 13.2km an altitude rase maneuver is commanded. This maneuver is a 135 degree lambert targeting taking the chaser to 1.4km below and 4.3km behind the target. A clean up maneuver is performed half the way during this transfer. A circularization maneuver is performed once the end of the transfer (2030s). A third maneuver is performed that will take the chaser 500m below the target with zero relative velocity. Figure 1 shows the relative trajectory. The origin is the location of the target, while the line represent the relative position in time. The y-axis is the altitude, while the x-axisisdownrange. In−Plane LVLH Trajectory 1000 1500 2000 2500 m] Alt [ 3000 3500 4000 4500 0 −5000 −10000 −15000 DwnRng [m] Figure1. RelativeIn-PlaneLVLHTrajectory 5 The simulated true environment contains a 9 by 9 gravity model and atmospheric drag. The filter is a nine state filter with relative position, velocity, and accelerometer bias. The propagation includes J2 effects and no drag. The chaser vehicle has a 20N thruster and a massof1000kg. TheaccelerometererrorsaregiveninTable1. ErrorType 1σ Error Units TimeConstant 3600 s MarkovBias 100 µg √ VelocityRandomWalk 100 µg s Table1. AccelerometerModelErrorParameters Together with the accelerometer there is a long range radar whose errors are shown in Table2. Theradarprovidesrangetothetargetaswellasazimuthandelevationtoit. ErrorType 1σ Error Units RangeError 5 m AnglesErrors 0.5 deg Table2. RadarModelErrorParameters TheinitialfiltercovarianceisdiagonalwithentriesasshowninTable3,whiletheveloc- ityprocessnoisecovarianceis10−6m2/s3. ErrorType 1σ Error Units RelativePosition 10 m RelativeVelocity 0.1 m/s AccelerometerBias 100 µg Table3. InitialEstimationErrors Figs. 2 and 3 show the filter’s performance without thresholding the accelerometer (i.e. the accelerometer measurement is always used to propagate the vehicle state). The lines show the estimation error standard deviation. Figs. 4 and 5 show the filter’s performance with thresholding the accelerometer. Figs. 6 and 7 show the filter’s performance when the accelerometer bias is estimated from the accelerometer measurements outside maneuvers. Figs. 8 and 9 show a direct comparison of the three methods. It can be seen that the new algorithmoutperformsthesimplethresholdingschemeduringfiringofthethrusters. CONCLUSIONS This papers presents a dual accelerometer usage in an orbital Kalman filter. The ac- celerometerisbothusedtopropagatepositionandvelocityduringmaneuversandtoupdate 6 Spacecraft Position Estimation Error 20 DwnRng 18 CrsRng Alt 16 RSS 14 m) 12 or ( Err 10 n o ositi 8 P 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Time [s] Figure2. PositionEstimationErrorWithoutThresholding RSS Spacecraft Velocity Estimation Error 0.22 DwnRng CrsRng 0.2 Alt RSS 0.18 0.16 s) m/ y (0.14 cit o el V0.12 S S R 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Time [s] Figure3. VelocityEstimationErrorWithoutThresholding 7 Spacecraft Position Estimation Error 18 DwnRng CrsRng 16 Alt RSS 14 12 m) or ( 10 Err n sitio 8 o P 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Time [s] Figure4. PositionEstimationErrorWithThresholding RSS Spacecraft Velocity Estimation Error 0.18 DwnRng CrsRng 0.16 Alt RSS 0.14 0.12 s) m/ y ( 0.1 cit o el V0.08 S S R 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Time [s] Figure5. VelocityEstimationErrorWithThresholding 8 Spacecraft Position Estimation Error 18 DwnRng CrsRng 16 Alt RSS 14 12 m) or ( 10 Err n sitio 8 o P 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 MET [s] Figure6. PositionEstimationErrorNewAlgorithm RSS Spacecraft Velocity Estimation Error 0.18 DwnRng CrsRng 0.16 Alt RSS 0.14 0.12 s) m/ y ( 0.1 cit o el V0.08 S S R 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 MET [s] Figure7. VelocityEstimationErrorNewAlgorithm 9 RSS Spacecraft Position Estimation Error 20 18 16 14 m) 12 or ( Err 10 n o ositi 8 P 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 MET [s] Figure 8 Comparison of Position Estimation Error, green line shows no threshold, blacklinewiththresholdandredlineisthenewalgorithm RSS Spacecraft Velocity Estimation Error 0.25 0.2 s) m/0.15 y ( cit o el V SS 0.1 R 0.05 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Time [s] Figure 9 Comparison of Velocity Estimation Error, green line shows no threshold, blacklinewiththresholdandredlineisthenewalgorithm 10