Ruby onRailsApplications Duringmy summerinternshipatKennedy Space Center, Ibuiltwebapplications using Ruby onRails. Ruby on Rails is an opensourcewebapplicationframework forthe Rubyprogramminglanguage. Thefirstapplication I built (illustration 1)wasaweb application to manageandauthenticate otherapplications. One ofthe main requirements forthis applicationwasasinglesign-onservice.Thisallowed authenticationto bebuiltinone locationandbeimplementedin many differentapplications. Forexample, users wouldbeableto loginusing theirexistingcredentials, andbeable to access otherNASAapplications withoutauthenticatingagain.The secondapplication Iworked on (illustration2)was an internal qualificationplanapp. Previously, theviewingof employee qualifications was managed through excel spreadsheets. Ibuilta databasedrivenapplicationto streamlinethe process ofmanagingqualifications. Employeeswouldbeable to login securelytoview, editand update theirpersonalqualifications. Myfirst Internshipat KSC was during thespring2011 semester. Oneofmyclose friends andcolleagues, Katelynn Booth, originallymotivated me to apply. Sheinternedwiththeeducation directorate duringthe summer2008 semester. Katelynn would tell me extraordinary stories ofthe experiences shehadwith NASA which inspiredme to go onlineandapply. Sincethis summerwas notmyfirsttimehereasanintern, Iwas familiarwith the process. Ialso had the same mentorand officeas before. Eventhough this wasa continuation from spring, Ilearneda lotand workedon differentprojects. WorkingatNASAfor closeto 6months has moved mycareerplansand goals drastically. When Ifirst started college, Ienteredasa ComputerEngineer. Justbeforemy experienceshere, Iswitched mymajorto Electrical Engineeringinanattemptto leave programmingbehindmefor good. Little did Iknow, Iwas offered an internship a fewweekslaterprogrammingin Ruby onRails. Once Iarrived, Iwas veryintimidated,butaftera fewweeks ofsuccessfulprogramming, Ibeganto loveit. Itmaybeveryspecificto the language I'm programmingin, but I'm rethinkingwhere Iwantto gowithmycareer. As this internshipfinishes, I'mhoping to presentmyinternal qualifications application to theheadofNASA Engineering, sectionC (NE-C). My mentorand Iare planningto puttogethera presentationforthelastweek of myinternship. Ifsuccessful, this application willbeusedbyNE-C managersto keeptrack ofthe qualifications ofeachemployeein ourdepartment. Ipersonallybelievethrough my experience, it's reallyimportantto dowhat you reallyenjoy. Workingfull-time atajobthat's notenjoyable, even ifyou're getting paidalot, canbe miserable. Find somethingyouhavea passionfor and pursueit. Ifyou choosethejobyou love, you don'thave toworka single dayinyourlife. Logou , NE-C Applications N'.,\SA Welcome Jhochsta@:NDCNASA.GOV mill listingApplications s...... "NewApp ContentDocument Edt Oe5tl'<tl -- Qualifications Illustration 1: NE-CApplications ...... N~SA Qualifications Welcome [email protected] II1II u'S£!t--;:~'-Q~JiII~t1;;~CV~IS- listingQualifications ----- u.., TIt" ~ ..." .,.....,. NCO Qpef/l'..ans.SuppatSCftw';ue("n\OIflCCflnvNldCunputefSl('$I:~sAdmlfl!:i&Ii:l:Jal Eo" Ij lC NCS S1tSleln~lW."eEO\,llneellltgandImcurtibOllamlll.l'Pl'l,;ol1tOlI~<lI~Scr...,lCes tl'~ Ii lC Cl CIl;I'IC":'1119PIUO::l~ If lC t2 IntOlm4lJCIlSCCU,!tl' N",. I! X H' Compl.ltert-/",dwaleCngmcenrlQ N.... I! lC H2 ComputetHi1IdwareEngm«nm.,•Ne(WQfu N",. Ii X H3 CornpuletIlwdware£l1gmecllnu PIaUonns N",. I! X Al AAltlC/ll.Ofl5<tI\,ateEn'il1necnng N.... I} X AZ Simula:ionSd:wlWt:[no,neemg N",. I! X 51 Slt5lemSoftwareCn9'ne:ering N"'e V X 5Z ApplC.honSat....!1SeNtce5 N.... ,! X 53 S¥~emSdTwareInHlQrllIlm N",... IJ X 01 Op&ttdMSE.ngmeering "..~ .I! X OZ SUpponSdl'.u,...Englneemg ""'. Ij X 03 ComI:lJI~9j!lem5Adm,nlstl'"AJlon N",. I! X NCH Compult!ft-lAfd',A/are,"nglneering ""'. I! X Illustration 2: Qualifications Plan