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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20110014694: Tools for Basic Statistical Analysis

Software planets. The images can be generated 4. Given a pair of vectors specified in Tools for Designing and from sets of multiple-texture image data terms of their Cartesian components, Analyzing Structures in the Visible Scalable Terrain (ViSTa) the Vector Calculator program calcu- Structural Design and Analysis format, which was described in “Format lates their scalar product, their vector Toolset is a collection of approximately for Interchange and Display of 3D Ter- product, the unit vectors, and the 26 Microsoft Excel spreadsheet pro- rain Data” (NPO-30600) NASA Tech Briefs, angle between the vectors. grams, each of which performs calcula- Vol. 28, No. 12 (December 2004), page 5. “Unit Conversions” will convert be- tions within a different subdiscipline of 25. In ThreeDView, terrain data can be tween the English and metric values structural design and analysis. These loaded rapidly, the geometric level of de- of the most commonly used units for programs present input and output data tail and texture resolution can be se- length, volume, velocity, mass, density, in user-friendly, menu-driven formats. lected, false colors can be used to repre- force, pressure, energy, power, tem- Although these programs cannot solve sent scientific data mapped onto terrain, perature, and thermal energy. complex cases like those treated by and the user can select among navigation This program was written by Paul L. Luz larger finite element codes, these pro- modes. ThreeDView consists largely of of Marshall Space Flight Center.For fur- grams do yield quick solutions to nu- modular Java software components that ther information, contact Sammy Nabors, merous common problems more can easily be reused and extended to pro- MSFC Commercialization Assistance Lead, rapidly than the finite element codes, duce new high-performance, application- at [email protected]. Refer to thereby making it possible to quickly specific software systems for displaying MFS-31794. perform multiple preliminary analyses images of three-dimensional real-world — e.g., to establish approximate limits scenes. prior to detailed analyses by the larger This program was written by Marsette finite element codes. These programs Vona, Mark Powell, Paul Backes, Jeffrey Nor- Tools for Basic Statistical perform different types of calculations, ris, and Robert Steinke of Caltech for NASA’s Analysis as follows: Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Further infor- Statistical Analysis Toolset is a collec- 1. determination of geometric proper- mation is contained in a TSP (see page 1). tion of eight Microsoft Excel spread- ties for a variety of standard structural This software is available for commercial sheet programs, each of which performs components; licensing. Please contact Don Hart of the Cal- calculations pertaining to an aspect of 2. analysis of static, vibrational, and ther- ifornia Institute of Technology at (818) 393- statistical analysis. These programs pre- mal-gradient loads and deflections in 3425. Refer to NPO-30675. sent input and output data in user- certain structures (mostly beams and, in friendly, menu-driven formats, with au- the case of thermal-gradients, mirrors); tomatic execution. The following types 3. kinetic energies of fans; of calculations are performed: 4. detailed analysis of stress and buck- Solving Common • Descriptive statistics are computed for ling in beams, plates, columns, and a Mathematical Problems a set of data x(i) (i = 1, 2, 3 . . . ) en- variety of shell structures; and Mathematical Solutions Toolset is a tered by the user. 5. temperature dependent properties of collection of five software programs • “Normal Distribution Estimates” will materials, including figures of merit that rapidly solve some common math- calculate the statistical value that cor- that characterize strength, stiffness, ematical problems. The programs responds to cumulative probability val- and deformation response to thermal consist of a set of Microsoft Excel ues, given a sample mean and standard gradients. worksheets. The programs provide for deviation of the normal distribution. This program was written by Paul L. Luz entry of input data and display of out- • “Normal Distribution from two Data of Marshall Space Flight Center. For fur- put data in a user-friendly, menu-dri- Points” will extend and generate a cu- ther information, contact Sammy Nabors, ven format, and for automatic execu- mulative normal distribution for the MSFC Commercialization Assistance Lead, tion once the input data has been user, given two data points and their as- at [email protected] to MFS- entered. The programs perform the sociated probability values. 31797. following calculations: • Two programs perform two-way analy- 1. “Definite Integral Evaluator 1.0” cal- sis of variance (ANOVA) with no culates the definite integral of a user- replication or generalized ANOVA for specified function y = f(x) between two factors with four levels and three Interactive Display of Scenes user-specified limits for the lower and repetitions. WithAnnotations upper bands. The program will also • “Linear Regression-ANOVA” will curve- ThreeDView is a computer program plot the function. fit data to the linear equation y=f(x) that enables high-performance interac- 2. Solve for Xin the matrix equation AX and will do an ANOVA to check its tive display of real-world scenes with an- =B, where Ais a 2 ×2, 3 ×3, or 6 ×6 ma- significance. notations. ThreeDView was developed trix of constant coefficients, Xis the ma- • Two multiple regression programs will primarily as a component of the Science trix of unknown independent values, do statistical analysis on test data that Activity Planner (SAP) software, wherein and Bis the matrix of dependant values. includes more than one predictor and it is to be used to display annotated im- 3. “Cubic Equation Solver” calculates the will perform curve-fitting of the data to ages of terrain acquired by exploratory real and imaginary roots, x, of the cubic either the equation robots on Mars and possibly other remote equation x3+ ax2+ bx+ c = 0. y= f(x1, x2) or y= f(x1, x2, x3, x4). NASA Tech Briefs, January 2005 15 This program was written by Paul L. Luz shear forces in the individual bolts. The • Automate repetitive processes in test- of Marshall Space Flight Center. For fur- program identifies which bolts bear the ing and analysis; ther information, contact Sammy Nabors, greatest axial and/or shear loads. The • Accelerate pre-test analysis; MSFC Commercialization Assistance Lead, program also performs a “fail-safe” analy- • Accelerate reporting of tests; at [email protected]. Refer to sis in which the foregoing calculations are • Facilitate planning of tests; MFS-31796. repeated for a sequence of cases in which • Improve execution of tests; each fastener, in turn, is assumed not to • Create a vibration, acoustics, and transmit an axial force. shock test database; and This program was written by Daniel A. • Integrate analysis and test data. Program Calculates Forces Buder of The Boeing Company for Johnson The software package includes mod- in Bolted Structural Joints Space Center. ules pertaining to sinusoidal and ran- A FORTRAN 77 computer program cal- Title to this invention, covered by U.S. dom vibration, shock and time replica- culates forces in bolts in the joints of struc- Patent No. 5,884,232 has been waived tion, acoustics, base-driven modal tures. This program is used in conjunc- under the provisions of the National Aero- survey, and mass properties and tion with the NASTRAN finite-element nautics and Space Act {42 U.S.C. 2457 (f)}. static/dynamic balance. The program is structural-analysis program. A mathemati- Inquiries concerning licenses for its commer- commanded by use of ActiveX controls. cal model of a structure is first created by cial development should be addressed to: There is minimal need to generate com- approximating its load-bearing members The Boeing Company mand lines. Analysis or test files are se- with representative finite elements, then Rocketdyne Propulsion & Power lected by opening a Windows Explorer NASTRAN calculates the forces and mo- 6633 Canoga Avenue display. After selecting the desired input ments that each finite element con- P.O. Box 7922 file, the program goes to a so-called tributes to grid points located throughout Canoga Park, CA 91309-7922 analysis data process or test data process, the structure. The user selects the finite Phone: (818) 586-1367 depending on the type of input data. elements that correspond to structural Fax: (818) 586-2833 The status of the process is given by a members that contribute loads to the E-mail: [email protected] Windows status bar, and when process- joints of interest, and identifies the grid Refer to MSC-23121, volume and number ing is complete, the data are reported in point nearest to each such joint. This pro- of this NASA Tech Briefs issue, and the graphical, tubular, and matrix form. gram reads the pertinent NASTRAN out- page number. This work was done by Daniel Kaufman of put, combines the forces and moments Goddard Space Flight Center. Further in- from the contributing elements to deter- formation is contained in a TSP (see page 1). mine the resultant force and moment act- This invention is owned by NASA, and a ing at each proximate grid point, then Integrated Structural Analy- patent application has been filed. Inquiries con- transforms the forces and moments from sis and Test Program cerning nonexclusive or exclusive license for its these grid points to the centroids of the An integrated structural-analysis and commercial development should be addressed to affected joints. Then the program uses structure-testing computer program is the Patent Counsel, Goddard Space Flight Cen- these joint loads to obtain the axial and being developed in order to: ter, (301) 286-7351. Refer to GSC-14775-1. 16 NASA Tech Briefs, January 2005

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